Optimization Study on Oil Flow and Temperature Distribution in Power Transformer Windings MARIA HJALMARS Master of Science Thesis Stockholm, Sweden 2012 Optimization Study on Oil Flow and Temperature Distribution in Power Transformer Windings MARIA HJALMARS 2D1020, Master’s Thesis in Numerical Analysis (30 ECTS credits) Degree Progr. in Engineering Physics 270 credits Royal Institute of Technology year 2012 Supervisor at CSC was Jesper Oppelstrup Examiner was Michael Hanke TRITA-CSC-E 2012:023 ISRN-KTH/CSC/E--12/023--SE ISSN-1653-5715 Royal Institute of Technology School of Computer Science and Communication KTH CSC SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden URL: www.kth.se/csc Abstract Optimization study on oil flow and temperature distribution in power transformer windings. The thermal design of a power transformer has to keep the temperature within limits according to international agreement standards. Two of the limits are a maximum mean winding temperature and a maximum Hotspot temperature. The purpose of this study was to investigate methods to improve the winding thermal design/ properties to lower the Hotspot temperature without increasing the mean winding temperature. Two methods have been used to investigate the discrete and continuous parameters affecting the oil flow through the transformer. The first approach focused on heuristics derived from knowledge of the physics and experience with cooling designs. The second approach was to handle the problem as a global optimization problem solved by a genetic algorithm. The optimization was done using predictions from a program used for cooling calculation. The optimization has to cope with failures of the predictions and so the objective function needed to be well defined to not end up optimizing on the programs bugs instead. The first approach, heuristics derived, was inefficient. Finding improved theories without previous or deeper knowledge of the oil flow in a transformer was difficult. Only one theory was found and examined: to balance energy losses due to conductor resistance over all winding discs. The genetic algorithm was successful; on all the designs tested it gave a lower Hotspot value without increasing the mean winding temperature significantly. The challenge was to formulate the objective function and to define what an optimal solution is. The study has shown that a global optimization approach provided for better design solutions in reasonable time and therefore has shown its potential for practical use. Both the methods could be combined and used for further investigation. Key words: transformer thermal design, oil flow, genetic algorithm Sammanfattning Optimeringsstudie över distributionen av oljeflöde och temperaturer i en krafttransformatorslindning. Den termiska designen av en krafttransformator måste hålla vissa gränser fastsatta av internationell standard överenskommelser. Två av gränserna är en maxtemperatur på medellindningen och en max Hotspot temperatur. Syftet med studien var att hitta metoder som kan förbättra den termiska lindningsdesignen för att minska Hotspot temperaturen utan att öka medellindningstemperaturen. Två metoder har använts för att undersöka de diskreta och kontinuerliga parametrarna som påverkar oljeflödet genom en transformator. Den första metoden var att hitta nya heuristiska antagande utifrån kunskap och erfarenhet om fysiken bakom transformatorkylning. Den andra metoden var att se problemet som ett globaltoptimeringsproblem, vilket kan lösas med hjälp av en genetisk algoritm. Optimeringen är gjord på beräkningar från ett kylningsprogram uträkningar. Optimeringen ska kunna hantera fel i antaganden gjorda av kylningsprogrammet, så objektsfunktion måste vara väl definierad så att optimeringen inte blir på buggarna i programmet isstället. Den första metoden, heuristiska, var ineffektiv. Att hitta nya förbättrande teorier utan tidigare kunskap om oljeflödet i en transformator var svårt. Bara en teori hittades och undersöktes; att balansera energiförlusterna i skivorna från motstånd i lindningsledarna. Den andra metoden, genetisk algoritm, var lyckad; på alla designer testade gav den en lägre Hotspot temperatur utan att öka medellindningstemperaturen märkbart. Utmaningen var att formulera en objektfunktion och definiera vad en optimal lösning är. Studien har visat att se problemet som ett globalt optimeringsproblem har gett bättre designlösningar inom rimlig tid och har därför visat potential för praktisk användning. Båda metoderna kan kombineras och användas för vidare undersökning. Nyckelord: termisktransformatordesign, oljeflöde, genetiskalgoritm Acknowledgement I would like to thank my supervisor at KTH, Jesper Oppelstrup and Michael Hanke, for the help with finishing the report and your knowledge. Also I would like to thank my supervisors at ABB, Jurjen Kranenborg and Andreas Gustafsson for quick respond and your experience. Östersund, April 2012 Maria Hjalmars Table of Contents 1 Background...................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Inside a transformer ........................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Cooling systems ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 ONAN/ONAF ........................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 OFAF/OFWF ............................................................................................................ 4 2.1.3 ODAF/ODWF ........................................................................................................... 4 2.2 The Hotspot ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.3 Physics ..................................................................................................................................... 6 3 Thermal design ................................................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................... 7 4 Methods .......................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1 How the problem is solved today............................................................................................ 8 4.2 Methods to approach the problem ......................................................................................... 8 4.2.1 Network model ....................................................................................................... 9 4.2.2 Empirical search...................................................................................................... 9 4.2.3 Meta-heuristic / Global search methods................................................................ 9 Tabu search ............................................................................................. 9 Variable Neighborhood Search ............................................................. 10 Simulated Annealing.............................................................................. 10 4.2.4 Genetic Algorithms ............................................................................................... 10 Fitness value .......................................................................................... 12 Selection type ........................................................................................ 12 5 Application of the methods ........................................................................................................... 14 5.1 Network model ...................................................................................................................... 14 5.2 Empirical search .................................................................................................................... 14 5.2.1 Other hypotheses ................................................................................................. 15 5.3 Genetic algorithm .................................................................................................................. 16 5.3.1 Matlab GA ToolBox ............................................................................................... 16 5.3.2 Formulation of the problem for MATLAB GaTool ............................................... 16 Objective function ................................................................................. 17 Interface Matlab / Cooling program...................................................... 17 5.3.3 Parameter studies ................................................................................................ 18 5.4 What is an optimal solution?................................................................................................. 18 5.5 Bad solutions ......................................................................................................................... 19 6 Results ........................................................................................................................................... 20 6.1 Result Heuristic method ........................................................................................................ 20 6.2 Hypothesis 1 .......................................................................................................................... 20 6.3 Result Global optimization method ...................................................................................... 20 7 6.3.1 Case 1, ONAN/ONAF............................................................................................. 21 6.3.2 Case 2, OFAF ......................................................................................................... 22 6.3.3 Case 3, ONAF with extra losses ............................................................................ 22 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................... 23 7.1 Heuristic................................................................................................................................. 23 7.2 Genetic algorithm .................................................................................................................. 23 7.2.1 External program as objective function ............................................................... 25 7.2.2 Two load cases with one optimal set of thermal parameters .............................. 25 7.2.3 Local or global optima .......................................................................................... 26 7.3 Comparison of the two methods .......................................................................................... 26 8 Recommendations......................................................................................................................... 27 8.1 Application areas ................................................................................................................... 27 8.2 Improvements ....................................................................................................................... 27 Word list ................................................................................................................................................ 29 References ............................................................................................................................................. 30 1 Background A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another. It can change high voltage to low voltage and the other way around. Higher voltage means a smaller current for the same power and a smaller current has less energy loss due to the resistance in the conductors. When transporting energy long distance the losses should be kept low. The first transformer was installed 1883 in London, by Gaulard and Gibbs. ASEA manufactured their first transformer 1893, a three phase transformer [ref.5]. Figure 1 shows a three phase power transformer. When higher voltage started to be transformed there was a need for a better insulation material than air. Mineral-oil was then used as insulation material in the transformers. A side effect of this was that the heat produced in the transformer was better transported away and the transformer cooled down. An interest for cooling equipment began. Winding Figure 1, Picture over a three phase transformer. 1 2 Inside a transformer The transformer can have different looks depending on the voltage and power that will be transformed. This project is for medium and large power transformer, but the techniques investigated can be applied on fluid-cooled small transformers and reactors too. High Voltage Low Voltage The current is carried by copper conductors wound in a primary and secondary winding around a core, figure 2; normally both the primary and secondary winding is placed around the same core. Usually there is a third winding, for correction if extra turns need to be added to either the low or high voltage winding. The conductors are heated by the resistive voltage drop suffered by Figure 2, A schematic picture over the current and the transformer will lose some of its performance. the windings in a transformer. Also in the top and bottom of the windings there will be more losses due to eddy currents induced by stray magnetic field from the core. Such heating represents losses which should be minimized. The conductors wound on the same height form the discs. In figure 3, the Duct height duct height is the Discs channel height between (Cooper threads) two neighboring discs. Figure 2, The first picture is over a winding and the discs and spacers. The second Other geometric picture is a schematic picture of how the discs a represented in the report. parameters such as the vertical channel widths and placement of spacers can be adapted to influence the oil flow and the temperature field. Spacer The conductor turns are isolated from each other by paper to avoid electrostatic discharge. The paper ages faster at elevated temperatures which is another reason to control the winding temperature. To guarantee that the insulation paper, figure 4, will last the life of the transformer at all places in the winding, its temperature must be kept below 98 Winding C. There are different oils used for Isolation cooling, such as mineral, biochemical paper etc. Which oil that is used depends on the design of the transformer or clients request. Mineral oil has a relatively low viscosity even at low temperatures and the best thermal conductivity of the oils in consideration. The drawback is that it is not environmentally friendly. Collar system Figure 4. The top and bottom of a winding. 2 Figure 5, below is different cross sections for one winding. The flow of the oil inside one winding can be directed or non-directed. Figure 5. Schematic pictures over the oil flow in a winding. The first picture is over an axial oil flow. The second is over an axial flow with an intermediate axial duct. The third is over a zig-zag oil flow. Figure 5 to the left is an axial winding flow, figure 5 in the middle is an axial flow with an intermediate axial duct and figure 5 to the right shows the effect of constrictions, indicated by the green squares, on the flow path to make a zig-zag pattern. Such a pattern seems beneficial since it tends to avoid locally stagnant oil channels. There are different types of windings, high, low voltage, disc type, helical, and more. When calculated on one winding the paper in between is seen as a thermal insulation and each winding is calculated as a closed system. 2.1 Cooling systems The load on a transformer can vary when in use, from going on full load case to half. Depending on the load case the heat/losses that needs to get transported away can increase or decrease, also different types of cooling system are used. The fans can either be on or off. Described below are three common types of cooling system for a transformer ONAN/ONAF, OFAN/OFAF and ODAN/ODAF. Depending on what type of cooling system the flow and pressure drop through the channels will look differently. The N and F in the end stands for natural cooled (no fans) and fan cooled. 2.1.1 ONAN/ONAF In an ONAN/ONAF cooling system the flow is produced by natural convection, the density differences of the oil is the driving force. The oil in the radiator can either be cooled by the air or by fans. If no fans are used, radiation from the tank has a big impact on the cooling of the tank [ref. 9 chapter 4 ]. 3 ONAN = Oil Natural Air Natural ONAF = Oil Natural Air Forced Tank Radiator Winding Figure 3, A schematic picture over a ONAN/ONAF cooled transformer 2.1.2 OFAF/OFWF Pump In this cooling system it is still natural convection in the tank and windings that is the driving force. The difference is a pump that will enforce the cool bottom oil to be along the height of the winding. It can be air forced (AF) or water forced (WF) [ref.9 chapter 4]. Tank Radiato r Winding Windin g OFAF = Oil Forced Air Forced OFWF = Oil Forced Water Forced Figure 4, A schematic picture over an OFAF/OFWF cooled transformer. 2.1.3 ODAF/ODWF Pump In this cooling system the convection is forced into the tank. OD stands for oil directed, and AF for air forced or WF for water forced [ref.9 chapter 4]. Tank Radiator ODAF = Oil Direct Air Forced ODWF = Oil Direct Water Forced Winding Figure 5, A schematic picture over a ODAF/ODWF cooled system. 4 2.2 The Hotspot The hottest spot in the winding is called the Hotspot. It isn’t possible to measure where the Hotspot will be, but it can be estimated by calculation. What can be measured are the temperatures at one specific spot, in the top tank, and the mean winding temperature. The mean winding temperature is indirectly given by measuring the resistance in the windings. The spot is measured by fiber optic cables and the top tank oil by taking the temperature. Usually the fiber optics is positioned at the estimated Hotspot. The “Hotspot factor” H is defined to predict the highest temperature TP from the measurable quantities, see Figure 11, TP TA Hg r , g r TQ (TA TD ) / 2 The Hotspot factor is usually in the range 0.9-2 with 1.3 a common value. It can be calculated in a couple of ways depending on standard used, losses are often used for the calculation. Figure 9 and the text is taken from IEC [ref. 9, Appendix B, p.26]. TA = the top oil temperature, defined as the average of the tank outlet oil and the tank oil pocket temperatures. TB = the oil temperature in the tank at the top of the winding (assumed = TA). TC = the temperature of the average oil in the tank. TD = the oil temperature at the bottom of the winding. E = represents the bottom of the tank. Relative positions in the tank H x gr A B gr P C Q Calculated points Measured points D Temperature in the tank E Figure 6,Picture over the temperature that can be measured and calculated in a winding. gr = the average winding to the average oil (in tank) temperature difference at rated current. TP = the hot-spot temperature TQ = the average winding temperature determined by resistance measurement. The Hotspot factor allows monitoring by measurable quantities of the aging of the isolation material which affects the life cycle of the transformer. It is therefore very important to the transformer user and is a key quantity in the evaluation of a transformer investment. 5 2.3 Physics The interplay of two forces, the pressure head and the pressure drop, makes the oil flow through the windings. The pressure head Figure 10, the driving force for oil movement, is created by the buoyancy effect. The oil is heated up by the hot windings and therefore expands to a lower density. Outside the windings the oil is cooled by a cooling system, and Tank Tank obtains higher density. Cold oil Warm oil Warm oil It follows that the hydrostatic pressure difference over the cold oil Cold oil column is higher than that over the warm column, and this pressure difference must be balanced by the friction created by the flow: the Figure 7, A schematic picture over the pressured head pressure drop. The wall friction when the oil is forced between the discs in the windings slows down the flow, and when the resulting pressure drop matches the pressure head the flow will reach equilibrium and stabilize. Constrictions of the flow paths, such as decreased duct heights and channel widths and presence of spacers increase the pressure drop. 6 3 Thermal design The purpose of the thermal design is to keep the temperature within limits according to the international agreement standards. For the cooling there are certain requirements guaranteed for each designed transformer. Two of the requirements are a maximum mean winding temperature and a maximum Hotspot temperature. If the Hotspot temperature is the limiting issue, then decreasing it by even such a small amount as 1 or 2 degrees could save cooling equipment. A reduction in cooling equipment could also decrease the size of the transformer which has its advantages. But the decrease of the Hotspot value should not come at the expense of exceeding temperature constraints in the surrounding windings. It is not optimal to improve one winding at the cost of worsening another; the goal is to have the best overall transformer. The aging of the insulation paper limits the temperature below 98 degrees for keeping its qualities throughout the lifetime of the transformer. 3.1 Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate methods to improve the winding thermal properties. The thermal properties depend upon a large number of discrete parameters, like channel geometries, duct heights, and constrictions from spacers and other structural details. The study is also done to give deeper understanding of the role the winding design plays in cooling performance and winding Hotspot prediction. We investigate optimization of the available geometric degrees of freedom of the winding and the flow paths to minimize the Hotspot temperature and, if possible, decrease the average winding temperature. Two methods have been investigated. The first focuses on heuristics derived from knowledge of the physics and experience with cooling designs. The second method is to handle the problem as a global optimization problem, where the Hotspot temperature is the objective function and the geometric parameters (see above) are the variables to choose. This study is applied to ABB’s type of transformer, and to respect ABB proprietary rights, the examples presented in this report are somewhat generic and differ in some respects from the production geometry. The requirements on the methods are that they should be applicable to all types of cooled transformer as described above and to all winding types. It was decided to consider only one winding at a time. The simplification is applied by prescribing the values of bottom and top oil temperature in the tank in the optimization. The individual winding theoretically sufficiently separated and that this approach is justified. 7 4 Methods 4.1 How the problem is solved today Transformers are designed following the standards (ANSI, IEEE or IEC) and on the basis of customer requirements. The winding design is done by a proprietary ABB design system based on a physicsbased model of the thermal behavior of a transformer. This model is proprietary and uses an inhouse cooling program that calculates the flow and temperature rise in a winding for a given geometry. The cooling program was used in the study to predict the effects of parameter variation. The program itself suggests an optimized set of the available geometrical degrees of freedom. 4.2 Methods to approach the problem The heat flux from the windings to the tank depends upon many things. This problem can be approached from different angles with previous knowledge, physical knowledge or by optimization methods. The full problem can be attacked in several ways and methods. First the problem has to be broken down to small pieces. Then we should figure out which parameters that could have an influence on the oil flow in the windings. The parameters that have been looked into are: Geometry of the discs Duct spacers Losses Channel width, outer and inner Type of oil flow The three methods initially chosen to analyze the problem were: Development of simple network flow model for variable duct height Methodical trial and error of new geometries for a single transformer case Global optimization method First a study was conducted to assess the influence of the different parameters on the heat flux by analyzing one at a time. For this the small network model in Matlab was developed, to see how the flows are affected by different duct heights and how they are placed in relation to each other. The second method was an empirical study which took a standard design of a transformer and changed parameters one a time to see the effect. These methods were useful and provided more knowledge in the field and for testing hypotheses. The third, most successful, approach was a global optimization method for combinatorial problems requiring no pre-knowledge. This method sees the problem as a black box. This is a good start when not to be locked in old thinking and find new heuristic rules and laws. 8 4.2.1 Network model The Network model is a simple model over a small part of one winding. Only the pressure drop is modeled. No load losses from transformer are considered. The unknowns are the pressures at a number of nodes connected by flow conduits. The pressures are calculated so the mass flows satisfy the continuity equations. All the calculation was done in Matlab. Figure 11 is a cut over a part of a winding of 4 discs, the dots represents calculation points. The oil flow and heat flux is only counted at the corners to not have a complex calculation. 4.2.2 Figure 8, A representation of the nodes and discs for calculation Empirical search Empirical search on one case by methodically changing one of the parameters at a time and seeing how it affects the heat and oil flow in the winding. 4.2.3 Meta-heuristic / Global search methods The problem with optimizing on the winding parameters can be seen as a combinatorial problem with discrete values. The search space is huge, and some of the parameters can be continuous, such as the geometry of the windings and other discrete such as presence of spacers. The continuous parameters can be quantized to give a finite number of combinations. All in all, there is a finite but huge number of feasible solutions, so is not possible to try them all. To solve this kind of problems, local search methods aren't a good option compared to more global methods. A local search method starts with a feasible solution and then makes small moves until it is unable to obtain further improvement. Because small moves stay in the neighborhood of the starting point it is unlikely that the solution found will be the global solution or even near a global solution to the problem. Three different types of “Meta-heuristic” methods will be discussed briefly, tabu search, variable neighborhood search, and simulated annealing. A genetic algorithm is described next and was chosen for application since it seemed the most suitable. It does not use a local search method for moving and is therefore not bounded to the neighborhoods of one solution and a Matlab implementation is available. It will be discussed in detail in sec. 4.2 4. Tabu search The principle is to keep track of bad solutions so they will be tried again with small probability. The method has the same structure as for local search methods, but to avoid cycling backwards and try to find new optima it uses memory. One short time memory, tabu lists, for not cycling backwards when a local optimum has been reached, and a long term memory with attractive components to use 9 when searching for new optima. The short time memory is limited in quantity and only keeps track of the last moves, not the whole solution. When moved forward in a neighborhood, the tabu list contains the last steps that where taken in that neighborhood. After some iteration former forbidden moves could be accepted. There can be several tabu-lists kept at the same time, with varying lengths. There are modifications to this method and it can be performed in many different ways, see e.g. Chapter 2, ref. 4. Variable Neighborhood Search The basic concept is to search in different neighborhood structures, and the global optimum should be the best solution found in all types of neighborhoods. There are three facts used [ref.4, Chapter 3.2, p.63]: A local minimum w.r.t. one neighborhood structure is not necessarily so for another. A global minimum is a local minimum w.r.t. all possible neighborhood structures. For many problems, local minima w.r.t. one or several neighborhood structures are relatively close to each other. A neighborhood in this problem could be the change of duct height; another neighborhood could be the change of channel width. Simulated Annealing This is a local search based method whose name is taken from the process of physical annealing when creating a defect free crystal by slow cooling. The method avoids getting stuck in local optima by allowing moves which worsen the objective function with a certain probability. Improved solutions are always accepted, while only a fraction of non-improving solutions are accepted. The probability for a solution with a worse objective function value is depending on a temperature parameter (same as in physical annealing). Normally the temperature is decreased in each iteration so, with time, solutions stay close with higher probability, [ref. 4, chapter 1]. 4.2.4 Genetic Algorithms The method was first used by John Holland 75 [ref 4, chapter 5, page 109], but is known that the method has been discussed in the sixties. Genetic algorithm is also known as evolutionary computing or evolutionary algorithms. It has been shown that it could be useful for NP-hard problems like the traveling salesman problem [ref. 3, page 20]. It is also widely used in different areas and also in artificial intelligence [ref. 3, page 1]. The task is to find the decision variables x in the discrete search space A that minimize the objective function [ref. 4, chapter 5.2, page 111]. In this case the decision variables are the winding 10 parameters and the objective function is the Hotspot temperature as predicted by the ABB cooling program. The discrete search space is the set of all possible combinations of the available winding geometry parameters. The fitness function is sometimes only another name for the objective function, but it could also withhold more information than the objective function. For example the fitness function could also take in to account how well the solution works for the problem, it could mean not only counting the Hotspot value but also how well the solution works for the whole transformer. The basic concept behind Genetic Algorithm is the same principle as the evolution of nature, the survival of the fittest. The Genetic algorithm is a controlled evolution. It decides who will breed, have “clones” of good individuals and a controlled mutation which make it more deterministic and goal orientated. Genetic algorithm is a copy of the nature’s way to breed, but adapted to mathematical optimization problems. In this problem, an individual represents a specific setting of thermal winding parameters. A “gene” carries a part of the total set of design parameter. The reproduction of new individuals can be made in three ways, see figure 12. Elite count, no changes of the individual for the next generation (This is done for not losing the fittest genes). Cross-over, as normal reproduction in nature. Two individuals create a new individual/child by crossing their genes. Mutation, as the name suggests one gene that is changed in some way. Elite Cross-over Mutation Figure 9, the three types for reproduction. The algorithm begins with a start population – generation 1 - at a fixed size, let’s say 20 individuals which reproduce to make generation 2, etc. Stopping criteria terminate the algorithm when (hopefully) the global optimum is reached. Stopping criteria could include the number of generations, or a specific time limit, when the fittest individual has been the same for a certain number of generations etc. 11 Regarding population size there are questions about the efficiency of the algorithm depending on the size Handbook of Metaheuristics [ref. 4, chapter 5.2 ] discusses this problem with the conclusion that there is a minimum size of population. For a problem with 50 variables (in this case the number of different thermal parameters) the minimum population size would be 17 individuals. Then there is the fitness scaling and fitness selection which will decide who of the parents from one generation will get to reproduce to the next generation. Fitness value Fitness scaling is different methods to change the fitness value1 from badly distributed values to a better range of the values. Fitness scaling is done to get a better result out of the genetic algorithm, and to be able to use the selection methods. The fitness scaling can change the spread in the raw score, objective value. If the raw score has a big spread, it could be better to make it smaller and the opposite if there is no spread to increase the difference in the fitness values. This is done because of the selection will decide the proportion of each solution corresponding to one fitness value that will be parent for the next generation. If the spread is small, the best solutions will all have the same probability to be parent and opposite, if the spread is big, one solution will be parent to all individuals for the next generation. The Matlab gatool has five fitness scaling functions included, Rank Proportional Top scales Shift linear Custom For this problem there is no need to make an own fitness scaling any of them above can be used. There was no test which of the fitness scaling that worked best because a satisfy result was given with the one chosen, rank. Descriptions of the methods are explained at Mathworks homepage reference 10. Selection type This method selects the individuals that will reproduce for the next generation. The selection methods are more or less stochastic. The Matlab gatool has seven different types of selection, Stochastic uniform Remainder Uniform 1 Fitness value is the value of the objective function or the how fit a solution is. 12 Roulette Shift linear Tournament Custom Same as for fitness in this problem there is no need to formulate an own selection method. Descriptions of the methods are explained at Mathworks homepage 10. 13 5 Application of the methods 5.1 Network model The Network model is a simple model of the flow between a certain numbers of discs. This study focused on one geometrical parameter the duct height and the changes of it. What could be learned from this model were only assumptions. Figure 13 is a schematic picture over the nodes used for calculations, same figure as 11. 5.2 Empirical search Step 1 Figure 10, same as figure 11, a representation of the nodes and discs for calculation An empirical search was done to find new heuristic rules that can be used for the thermal winding design. The suggested distribution was used as a starting point for the empirical search. To keep the same pressure head in the tank in order not to worsen another winding the same number of “constrictions” was used. Step 2 Step 3 The method used is sequential trial-and-error, by moving one constriction one step at the time (see figure 14), starting with the top constriction and moving it one step upwards until it worsens the solution. Then back off one step and start moving the second constriction, etc. When the third was at is optimal placement the rest of the constrictions were evenly distributed over the remaining discs. This method can even be seen as a brute force algorithm, which could be looked into further. It was conjectured before that the flow should be more zig-zag at the top of the winding to decrease the Hotspot value. The result of the empirical studies confirmed the conjecture about Hotspot temperature and flow pattern. The next question is if it is possible to infer heuristic rules from these results. Which of the parameters could be used for making that rule? The only thing that separates the middle discs from the top is the extra loss in the top discs. Hypothesis one, below, is to aim for the same amount of losses between each pair of constrictions. It was noticed during the empirical study that reasonable solutions must have certain properties, such as a minimum velocity. Also some difference in the oil flow of inner and outer vertical channels could be noticed. The value of the minimum velocity probably depends on the design and loss for the transformer. Figure 11, A picture over the discs an each step taken for one iteration. Hypothesis 1: A zig-zag flow distribution with equal amount of losses in each “leg” is beneficial for Hotspot temperature. 14 There is a total loss for the whole winding and then there are some extra losses in the top discs. The hypothesis could be summarized in that same mass flow should carry away the same amount of heat. 20 19 18 Example: 17 Figure 15 is over a winding with 20 discs. The winding has a loss of 5,8 kW, which gives each disc a loss of 0.29 kW. The top four discs number 17-20 have extra losses 0.08, 0.11, 0.11 and 0.14 for a total of 6.24 kW. There are 4 sections. Each section should have the same amount of losses, which gives each section a total loss of (6.24-0.29)/4 = 1,4875 kW since disc number one isn’t counted for in any section. Total loss of: Loss per section: Loss per disc: Top discs: Section 1, disc 2 – 6: Section 2, disc 7 – 11: Section 1, disc 12 – 16: Section 2, disc 17 – 20: 6.24 kW 1.4875 kW 0.29 kW 0.37 kW, 0.40 kW, 0.40 kW, 0.43 kW 1.45 kW 1.45 kW 1.45 kW 1.6 kW 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 The result from this thesis is discussed at Conclusions, heuristic 7.1. 3 2 1 5.2.1 Other hypotheses Figure 12, Section representation for one winding. There are other heuristic approaches that could be tried. Suggestion for parameters, rules that can be taken in account is the same parameters as mentioned in the Methods 4.2. What we want to accomplish with the geometry variation is to keep the same disc temperature for the whole winding. A non- increasing temperature in the whole winding is not possible, but maybe in the topmost discs? Figure 16, the graph, shows how a temperature profile with no rise in the last 10 % of the winding could look for lowering the Hotspot value. Temperature Winding temperature Oil temperature Disc bottom-top 10 % of the winding Figure 13, A representation over the winding and the temperature rise for the oil and the winding, and no rise in the last top 10% of the winding. 15 5.3 Genetic algorithm 5.3.1 Matlab GA ToolBox The Matlab global optimization toolbox (figure 14) has a tool called gatool for genetic algorithm problems. The toolbox contains functionalities for population creation, fitness value, selection types, mutation, crossover and stop criteria and much more. The toolbox is simple to use and has a description to all the functions on the sidebar. For this specific problem I choose to write my own function, for the simple reason that handling the constraints would be easier. The objective function is called the fitness function in the toolbox. The settings can be changed during the run of the algorithm, even the functions in use. The changes will be applied on the next generation. Figure 14, A picture over Matlabs gatool window. A more detailed guideline for gatool is found in the Mathworks homepage [ref.11]. 5.3.2 Formulation of the problem for MATLAB GaTool To use the gatool in Matlab the thermal winding problem had to be adjusted to the genetic algorithm. The interaction of the different modules is shown in the figure below. The first generation is randomly chosen from the search space of feasible settings of the thermal winding parameters. The start population creates the individuals for the first generation. The mutation and cross over functions replace the default procedures to comply with the constraints set to the problem. The set of thermal parameters is screened by the feasible module before being sent to the cooling program for verification that the parameters follow the constraints. The objective function and the API are the connection between Matlab and the cooling program. The output from the cooling program is evaluated in the objective function by inspection of its Hotspot value and how well the cooling is for the entire transformer. 16 Start population Mutation Matlab API Feasible Elite Cooling Program Cross-over Objective function 2nd –last generation 1st generation Figure 15, A representation of how the different modules/codes in genetic algorithm is connected. Green represent Malab codes, Pink codes written for the specific problem, blue the existing cooling program used for calculation. Objective function In genetic algorithm the word fitness function is used for objective function. How well a function works depends on other circumstances than only measuring the objective value, like if it is feasible or is it worsens something else. For this specific problem a worsen solution would give a decrease in Hotspot temperature of 1 degree, but increase the mean winding temperature with 1 degree. This wouldn’t be a great solution, the objective function would give a lower value but how well, fit, the solution is wouldn’t improve, but rather worsen. For the thermal winding problem the fitness function will be how well a certain geometry variation works for the whole transformer. Many geometry variations are infeasible, for several reasons. A number of constraints should be fulfilled: In a zig-zag pattern each leg should contain at least 4 discs. Other constraints are specific for the different transformer types. In some designs there are extra spacers at fixed placement due to isolation constrictions. Interface Matlab / Cooling program The cooling program is a stand-alone program with an input file and an output file which can be executed by Matlab system commands to compute fitness values. The tricky question is to choose the fitness function - what to search for and what characterizes a good solution are questions that must be answered. This will be discussed further in section 5.4. 17 5.3.3 Parameter studies Before running the genetic algorithm on the thermal winding problem, there was a test case to investigate what settings to be used while running the genetic algorithm. The parameter settings tried were the population size, elite count, fitness value and selection type. The test case was a simplification of the real thermal winding problem, the objective function was continuous and smooth. Because the test case was good-natured compared to the real problem, the only thing said about the settings was not to use Uniform settings [ref. 10] (this is also written in the Matlab guidelines). In the test case the other settings performed equally well and couldn’t therefore be separated. While running on the real case some settings worked better than others, but no study was made of which gave the best result. This because the result was satisfying and other more important questions arose. 5.4 What is an optimal solution? This problem arose after running the genetic algorithm on the winding configuration problem. The need for definition of an optimal solution becomes obvious when you have to formulate the constraints for the algorithm. There may be difficulties in implementing exactly the geometry suggested, and the predictions are inaccurate. Therefore the solution should also be stable, in the sense that small changes to parameters should not change the result too much – the mathematician would say that the prediction of temperatures from geometry must be a well-posed problem. If we would only optimize on the Hotspot value the result could Red line = Temperature end up in a solution with a big Predicted temperature peak in the Max Hotspot temperature temperature rise bottom (figure 16), several of Dotted line = Real small peaks or other temperature rise undesirable features. As shown in figure 20 a small peak in the bottom could correspond to a big peak in be Oil discs bottom-top very sensitive. Figure 16, A picture over a badly distributed temperature rise in a winding and Therefore some solutions should be avoided like: what the effect of a temperature peak in the bottom (red line) could be in reality (dotted line). Solutions sensitive to small changes in the thermal design. Example an extra spacer is taken away. Peaks of temperatures in the bottom, cause they are a sign of high losses in the bottom and low velocities that could be sensitive to numerical miscalculation or small changes in the design. 18 Velocities and temperatures with great variance next to each other, because this could be a sign that the solution will be sensitive to a small change in the design. Note that we are optimizing on a prediction made by a physics-based computer program. The program is very accurate for conventional designs with well-behaved flow solutions. But the genetic algorithm will try also unconventional designs for which the flow solver may not be able to produce a solution or gives unphysical “solutions”. So the optimizer must cope with unreasonable and missing predictions. Imposition of a priori constraints and filtering of the predictions are necessary, and what the constraints must be is usually discovered only in the process of trying to run the optimization. Also the result of the optimization will not be better than the accuracy of the calculations done in the cooling program. Some precautions are taken to guarantee the optimal solution. To avoid optimization on numerical artifacts there are some constraints the solution needs to fulfill: The Hotspot value must be above the oil temperature in the winding. Velocities must be in a good range. No negative velocity must appear. These are the conditions used for the cases tried, there could be other constraints set that might be more efficient to rule out bad solutions. An optimal solution should have a linear rise of the temperatures from bottom to top. The change in bottom and top oil should be as similar to the solution already calculated for keeping the hydrostatic pressure in the transformer. 5.5 Bad solutions How to handle bad solutions another question that might need to be answered before running the genetic algorithm. What is a bad solution? That might be the first question to ask. Is it the opposite of a good solution or something else? Is it even of big importance for the result or could it be left unhandled. In this problem bad solutions are defined by the constraints set up in the fitness function and given a fixed fitness value. If the prediction program fails to produce a solution, it was counted as a very bad solution. But if the velocities are close to acceptable minimum speed the solution seems close to ok and it wasn’t given ranked so bad. The constraints set could be bad assumptions, for example the distribution that causes the program to crash could be excellent except for one place which is the black sheep. Is it possible to decide how bad a solution is or should the solutions be sorted by their failure to the constraints. In this case the bad solutions should be handled, because they will give a lower fitness value than the feasible solutions. 19 6 Results 6.1 Result Heuristic method The first result relates to the suggested geometry from the cooling program, in particular, the number of extra flow constrictions. The hypothesis was tried on standard medium power transformer, with an ONAN cooling and some extra losses in the top discs. The number of guide rings suggested was 9 rings. The result is compared with different number of guide rings, but they are all equally distributed over the winding. The pressure drop over the winding should stay intact for all other solutions. If the gradient of the bottom and oil temperature are bigger than for 9 oil guide rings the pressure drop in this winding will be higher and that will implicate on the overall pressure drop in the tank. Therefore the difference in pressure shouldn’t be changed causing the transformer to be better at one place worse at another. The number of guide rings tried was 7, 9, 11 and 13, using less or more won’t be feasible. Nine guide rings had the lowest Hotspot and also the best pressure drop (as it was the reference design), this case shows the suitability of the logic in the cooling program. The hypothesis that the cooling program uses the right amount of guide rings was tried on a couple of cases, with same result or some more guide rings could have been used. 6.2 Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis: A temperature distribution with equal losses in each section (between two constraints) is beneficial for hotspot temperature. The whole hypothesis is built on the assumption that there is a sizeable difference in losses for the discs. In reality there will seldom be a difference great enough to make this hypothesis work, though combined with other hypothesis it could be used. The hypothesis was tried on a standard design, but with changes in losses and number of constraints. The first design tried on was a standard 30MVA design with no or little extra losses in the top disc. The result from this design was exactly the same as the already existing. The second case was the same as the first only this time there were more extra losses in the top discs. The top discs had from 1.2 - 2.1 times the loss of other discs. In this case the hypothesis worked well, the Hotspot temperature was significantly reduced. 6.3 Result Global optimization method The genetic algorithm was tried on three cases and with a better result for all of them. It took approximately 15 minutes runtime to reach within 0.5 C of the optimal solution but 2 hours to finish 20 the run. The time to finish could be decreased by either changing the stopping criteria to a higher function tolerance2 or smaller stall generation3 or by improving the algorithm. The settings in Matlab for the genetic algorithm were the same at all cases Settings: Population size: 60 Elite count: 6 Cross factor: 0.7 Fitness scaling: Rank [ref. 10 ] Selection type: Stochastic uniform [ref. 10] The rest on default The file functions settings were: Mutation file: this had the probability of add/subtract with 25 % and to move one oil guide ring 75 %. There was only one move of oil guide ring at the time, not double or more. The weighting of the “wrong” messages was relative the marginal value for the transformer design. Figure 17, Result window for each generation , a black dot for best individual and blue mean individual. Figure 17 shows the genetic algorithm after one run. The black dots on the bottom represent the fittest individual in each generation the blue above the mean fitness of a generation 6.3.1 Case 1, ONAN/ONAF The first case was an ONAN/ ONAF cooling system, the ONAF has a higher load on it and therefore more losses than in the ONAN case. They are both the same design only driven on full load or half load. When the transformer is driven on half load there is no need for fans to cool the transformer in 2 3 Function tolerance specifies the minimum tolerance for the objective function. Stall generation is maximum number of generations with no change in the objective function. 21 comparison on full load when fans are used. The problem is to find a configuration which fits both cooling systems, even though the optimal configuration could be distinctive from each other. This because the oil flow through the windings will not be the same with or without fans. The optimization was done on the cooling system that had the worst Hotspot value, as long none of them was over the guaranteed values for the transformer. After running the algorithm the Hotspot value of the worst cooling case that the algorithm was optimizing on decreased some, but the other cooling systems Hotspot value increased a bit. Though in total it was a small decrease, there wasn’t a big difference between the original solution and the new one, but the result was still better for the genetic algorithm than the existing. To be added is also that the case was already optimal, before running the algorithm on it. Below are two graphs over the temperature rise in the winding from the bottom disc to the top disc. 6.3.2 Case 2, OFAF In this case it is an oil distribution for a transformer cooled by an OFAF system. This case with neither extra loss in the top nor any extra spacers is a simplified case of a pumped cooling system. In this case the Hotspot had a significant decrease. As for the ONAN/ONAF case this also placed the constraints closer in the top, otherwise evenly distributed over the winding. 6.3.3 Case 3, ONAF with extra losses In this case it is a transformer cooled by an OFAF system, it is the same as the other OFAF case only this is with extra losses and spacers. The spacers are placed in two groups of a couple of discs with higher distance. This case had the same winding type and had a fixed top and bottom configuration. The Hotspot decreased with satisfaction for this case too. As for the others it was a closer placement in the top discs, and some precaution taken to the extra spacers. The same number of constraints was used for both the cooling program and the genetic algorithm. 22 7 Conclusions From the perspective of finishing the study the genetic algorithm should have been the starting point and continued by looking at the result to create new heuristics rules. Though there are some positive inputs to first familiarize with the problem, it was to help for formulating the functions and constraints used in the genetic algorithm. What could be learned from the three methods used ? The network model wasn’t as useful as hoped, but it gave pointers like, it is not always the best way to put extra spacers where the velocities are the lowest. Not said that it should always be avoided, but there are cases they are better placed somewhere else. This could be something to take a closer look at, when not to put spacers where the velocity is low. For the heuristic and genetic algorithm the results were more satisfactory. The heuristic didn’t solve the problem, but it helped analyze the results and confirmed assumptions made. The genetic algorithm did solve the problem with satisfaction, and then there is always the question of how well it solved it. Another question, what are the criteria if a method has worked or was a waste of time? If it didn’t solve the problem is it still a waste of time or has it given answer to other question, show faults in the model. For example, should the three constraints used in today’s model be extended with more constraints? This will decrease the search space but also avoid distributions that will cause the winding to collapse. 7.1 Heuristic This is more a verification method of heuristics rules taken from assumptions based on knowledge or guesses. To try to find new heuristic rules, there have to be knowledge and creativity behind or wild guesses. Sometimes wild guesses can rule out hypothesis or give ideas on new ones, but still it can be time consuming without any result. The heuristic rule with equal losses in each section makes no improvement, if not the extra losses are much greater than the load losses which they rarely are in reality. The positive with the equal losses is, it is easy to apply and could with the use of other heuristic rules give a new algorithm to implement instead of the existing algorithm. A modification of this hypothesis could be taking the worst case scenario, the disc with the highest loss in one section represent the whole sections losses. 7.2 Genetic algorithm The genetic algorithm has worked and in reasonable time given a better solution to the problems tried than the existing solution. It is a good tool when optimizing on problems with several local optima, not a clear neighborhood and a non-continuous objective function. It could be applied to many different types of problem, but is not good for all problems. Obviously more accurate results could be found for smooth optimization problems by local search methods. 23 The formulation and running of the algorithm produced interesting questions, like what are we looking for? Better definition of what constitutes a good solution is required for more consistent results. The results found will never be better than the program used for the prediction of effects of variations. For example, if there are bugs or other problems causing the fitness function to give a good value to a bad solution, it is not easy to optimize on the problem. The prediction should be feasible and useful. It could also be the other way around, that the program throws away feasible solutions. Details of the numerical solution procedure could cause feasible solutions to be out of range for what is possible to calculate. In this specified problem there isn’t a clear line what is a feasible solution which makes it more difficult. To deal with this problem and to set up good constraints the algorithm was tried out with small population sizes repeatedly until the right criteria were found. When the trials appear to be working, the algorithm was assumed to be correctly formulated and used. There will always be the question if good solutions are thrown away. Starting with lax constraints and gradually making them harder (or by reformulating the constraints so they fit the problem better) should give well defined constraints. Seeing to the time-run of the algorithm the solution doesn’t change more than 0.5 degrees in fitness value the last 1.5 hour of the run. What is causing the fitness value to not improve that much in the end of the run and can it be fixed? One reason that finding the last 0.5 degrees to the optimal solution takes long time could be the search space. It is wide and no strong gradient in one direction, which makes it difficult to know in what direction it should continue. A single feature of a configuration is ”good” if it cooperates well with the rest of the configuration. So the position of a constraint improves or worsens the Hotspot value depending on the configuration as a whole. When there is a large number of almost equally fit configurations the optimization tends to stagnate. One thing that can be done is to speed up the mutation, expose the distributions to more radical changes and hope to get closer the optimum in that way. In this case it could be to let the mutation file treat larger units of the configuration at the time. In the OFAF case the top 200 individuals have a Hotspot value within 0.110 C. What does it tell us about the solution? Firstly the optimal solution is flat and stable, the search space is huge. The good news is that the optimal solution is stable, between these solutions the patterns were very similar. What can be learned about the configurations, some new heuristic rules? First in all three cases the distance between constraints in the top are smaller than in the rest of the winding. That was conjectured before, and the optimization study strengthens the conjecture. A new observation was a tendency to have a smaller distance between the inner channels than the outer. The smaller distance in the inner channels can be a result of the pressure being higher and causing the oil to only pass through fewer channels and for keeping the flow at a good rate through each vertical channel. Using the genetic algorithm created more questions than it answered. In one of the cases the suggestion given by genetic algorithm had two more constraints than what is used today. Is it only because the difference in the method use to find the optimal solution, for the existing cooling 24 program tries to use the minimum number of oil guide rings while the genetic algorithm only look at the Hotspot value. The other thing is to focus on the bad solutions and investigate what causes the cooling program to malfunction. This information can be useful to create new constraints. 7.2.1 External program as objective function The genetic algorithm and gatool works really well for optimization problems on external programs, but the genetic algorithm will not give a better answer than what the external program is able to calculate. For example you want to optimize on the Hotspot value, but you might end up optimizing on the faults of the program, because some bugs in the code will give a better solution than the feasible solutions. Also a given problem could be more complex than seen at first sight; the optimization might cause side effects not thought of. So there is a need to review the result. The most difficult problem is not the optimization, but to formulate a good problem by an objective function, to set the constraints and define what a good solution is. If possible, one should analyze the suggested problem formulation for existence of feasible solutions and convergence. 7.2.2 Two load cases with one optimal set of thermal parameters In some cases there will be a question of finding one optimal solution for two cooling system as in Case 1, due to different cooling system and load cases on the same design. A transformer are sometimes driven on half the load case it is dimensioned for and therefore the fans used for cooling can be turned off causing a distinct pressure drop and oil flow in the winding. The geometric parameters have to be the same for the both cooling systems even though the optimal solution for them could be different due to the pressure drop. The question is which cooling system to optimize on? Or should the optimization be on both of them combined? The goal with the optimization is to keep the property of the insulation and the constraints set on the design. So this means that as long the Hotspots for the both load cases are kept under the constraints, the highest Hotspot value should be the value to optimize on. Case nr 1 is a transformer that has two optima’s, one when half load and no fans ONAN are in use and the second when the transformer is going on full power ONAF. In Case 1 the cooling system ONAF with the highest Hotspot value was the limiting value and the cooling system optimized on. This gave a result were the Hotspot value for the ONAF system decreased some and for the ONAN case increased. Though this isn’t always true, there could be a decrease for both systems. 25 7.2.3 Local or global optima If the algorithm is run with larger populations, reaching a global optimum is more likely, though for the genetic algorithm there is a span where the algorithm works best. Doing a statistic search on the genetic algorithm by running it on the same problem several times and see if it reaches the same optimal solution each time could also show if the optimal solutions is a global optimum. Though there can’t be any certainty, but the probability of having the global optimum increase. The cases have been tried with 10 times the population size, and have in these cases reached the same optimal solution. They have also been tried a couple of times with the same settings, the result wasn’t perfect. In some cases it is exactly the same solution, but in less than half of them there is a difference within 0.05 degrees of the Hotspot. Why the genetic algorithm doesn’t produce identical solutions for every run could be bugs in the code that prevents the algorithm to reach the whole search space or other misses. 7.3 Comparison of the two methods The two methods aren’t a contradiction of each other, heuristic rules can be used when formulating the constraints for the genetic algorithm and observation done while running the genetic algorithm could be formulated to heuristic rules and verified. To do an empirical search before using an optimization method was good for getting an understanding of the problem and its complexity. In this problem it helped me understand how the search spaced looked and how to formulate the mutation and cross function, it also gave a better understanding what is a good solution. The heuristic method is more a verification of design rules and is often used to see if new heuristics rules will work. Heuristics rules are used when formulating an algorithm to create a transformer design, they are built on knowledge of what will work. The problem with heuristics rules are that they are often general and will not look at new details which sometimes can oversee small variances that need special handling. In these cases there is better to use methods that aren’t bound to assumptions taken on a general model. The genetic algorithm can be used as a new method for finding optimal solution; it isn’t bound to a specific design and will therefore find the optimal solution for every new type of transformer. It has its advantages when new or special design transformers are going to be designed and optimized. It would have been good to have more time to explore the solutions generated by the genetic algorithm and see if any new heuristic rules could be found and tried. 26 8 Recommendations The recommendations are for using genetic algorithm, to find new heuristic rules will be left for the persons continuing with the problem. The method genetic algorithm can be used on a wide range of optimization problems. Before using genetic algorithm I would suggest to: Have a well-defined fitness function A clear description what a feasible solution is See that the mutation function and crossover function covers the whole search space 8.1 Application areas The genetic algorithm can be used on different optimization problems, though some problems are faster solved with simpler methods or other approaches than the genetic algorithm. For the thermal winding configuration problem the result and genetic algorithm could be very useful in areas as: First as an alternative to the already existing algorithm To find new heuristics rules To find new constraints/no-no’s To learn more about the cooling program To be used on difficult designs As it was meant for in the beginning, it could be added as an extra tool to the design program for optimization. To find new heuristic rules, a good start could be to let the algorithm run on some cases and see if there are any similarities between the solutions suggested by the genetic algorithm. The use of running multi geometric winding setup on an external program can also indicate if there are bugs in the code not thought of that need to be fixed. Also the bad solution could be interesting, if there is combination of geometric parameters that should be avoided. For example not to have a all extra spacers in the bottom discs. All this suggestions are good to combine with the knowledge and design rules already existing. 8.2 Improvements There are many things that could be improved to the code written for the genetic algorithm, below I have listed some improvements area: Mutation file Flexibility of the code Cluster The mutation file could be improved or more drastically. Today it only changes one geometrical parameter at time, it could be changes so there are several of changes for each mutation. Flexibility to the code should be added. Today it is only for one type of design, all parameters have to be changes inside the code. The parameters for each new design should be taken in as an input, not changed in the code. 27 The genetic and similar search algorithms are easily parallelizable, indeed “embarrassingly parallel”. Most of the time is spent in running the prediction code for different parameter sets and these computations are independent. 28 Word list High-voltage winding: the winding having the highest rated voltage [ref.8, chapter 3.3.4, p.10]. Hotspot factor: a dimensionless factor to estimate the local increase of the winding gradients due to the increase of additional loss and variation in the liquid flow stream [ref.9, chapter 3.15, p.8]. Hotspot winding temperature: the hottest temperature of the winding conductors in contact with solid insulation or insulating liquid [ref.8, chapter 3.13, p.8]. Load loss: the absorbed active power at a rated frequency and reference temperature, associated with a pair of windings when rated current (tapping current) is flowing through the line terminals of one of the windings, and the terminals of the other winding are short-circuited. Further windings, if existing are open-circuited [ref.8, chapter 3.6.3, p.15]. Low-voltage winding: the winding having the lowest rated voltage [ref.8, chapter 3.3.5, p.10]. No-load loss: the active power absorbed when a rated voltage (tapping voltage) at a rated frequency is applied to the terminals of one of the windings, the other winding or windings being open-circuited [ref.8, chapter 3.6.1, p.15]. Phase winding: the assembly of turns forming one phase of a three phase winding [ref.8, chapter 3.3.3, p. 10]. Power Transformer: a static piece of apparatus with two or more windings which, by electromagnetic induction, transforms a system of alternating voltage and current into another system of voltage and current usually of different values and at the same frequency for the purpose of transmitting electric power [ref.8 ,chapter 3.1.1,p.8]. Temperature rise: the difference between the temperature of the part under consideration and the temperature of the external cooling medium [ref.9, chapter 3.3, p.6]. Total losses: the sum of the no-load loss and the load loss [ref.8, chapter 3.6.4, p.16]. Winding: the assembly of turns forming an electrical circuit associated with one of the voltages assigned to the transformer [ref.8, chapter 3.3.1, p.8]. 29 References 1. Carlson, Åke (95-08-09) Power Transformer Design Fundamentals, ABB Transformers, Ludvika. 2. Del Vecchio Robert M., Poulin Betrand, Feghali Pierre T., Shah Dilipkumar M., Ahuja Rajendra (2002) With Applications to Core-Form Power Transformers , Taylor &Francis 3. Engberg, Peter, Genetiska algoritmer, Luleå tekniska Universitet, systemvetenskap D-nivå, URL: http://pure.ltu.se/ws/30977852/LTU-SHU-EX-053233-SE.pdf 4. Genderau, Michel; Potvin, Jean-Yves, Handbook of Metaheuristics (2010) 2nd edition, ISBN 978-1-4419-1663-1, Chapter 2-5 5. Heathcote, J. Martin, Ceng, FIEE, The J & P Transformer Book, a practical technology of the power transformer, Edition 12th, p. 13-17 6. Holland, John H (92-07) "Genetic Algorithms," Scientific American, URL: http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/holland.GAIntro.htm 7. Kokkoras F., Paraskevopoulos K., International Hellenic University http://rad.ihu.edu.gr/fileadmin/labsfiles/decision_support_systems/lessons/genetic_algorith ms/GAs.pdf 8. International Standard IEC 60076-1 Edition 3.0 IEC 9. International Standard IEC 60076-2 Edition 3.0 IEC 10. http://www.mathworks.se/help/toolbox/gads/f6010dfi3.html Titel: Using the genetic algorithm Date: 2011/12-2012/03 Content: The mathworks homepage on global optimizations tools 11. http://www.edc.ncl.ac.uk/highlight/rhjanuary2007g02.php/ Title: Roulette wheel selection Date: 2012-01-07 15.13 Content: Newcastle university site about the selection method roulette wheel for genetic algorithm. 30 TRITA-CSC-E 2012:023 ISRN-KTH/CSC/E--12/023-SE ISSN-1653-5715 www.kth.se