Second International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE 2002, 26-28 December 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh In-Situ Determination of Transformer Winding Temperature Rise Using Genetic Algorithm Based Parameter Estimation S. Hosimin Thilagar and G. Sridhara Rao Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai – 600 036, India Abstract - This paper presents a novel method for the determination of average winding temperature rise of transformers under its field operating conditions. Rise in the winding temperature is determined from the estimated values of winding resistance during the heat run test. The method uses genetic algorithm as a parameter estimation tool to estimate the winding resistance in an in-situ basis using the easily measurable signals viz., supply voltage, current, input power and load resistance of the transformer. This method finds its application in overload management and monitoring of health of transformers. Results of the method are validated experimentally from the measured value of hot resistance. condition of transformers in an in-situ basis. The estimated results are experimentally validated through the direct measurement of resistance. The method has used the search optimization tool the Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a parameter estimation tool to estimate the resistances from the measured signals during the heat run test. Principles of GA can be obtained from [6]. This method would be useful to suggest the overload capability of the transformer, which essentially depends on the average winding temperature rise but not the load current. Temperature rise in the primary and secondary windings can be separately determined apart from the computation of the losses in the windings using the estimated parameters. The method also finds its application to monitor the health of the transformers. Section 2 of this paper presents the nature of the problem and the proposed method to solve it. Section3 deals with the experiments, implementation of the method, results and discussions. Section 4 presents the conclusions of this paper. Keywords: Transformers, Average temperature rise, Parameter estimation, Genetic algorithm. 1. INTRODUCTION Transformers can be overloaded to the extent of allowable limits of average winding temperature rise. Moreover the rise in average winding temperature beyond a limit is an index of the deteriorating health of the transformers. Therefore the knowledge of average temperature rise of transformers under its operating condition is imperative. The average temperature rise of transformers is measured by determining the change in winding resistance in accordance with the IEEE/ANSI standards [1] for dry type power transformers. Various techniques are suggested for the measurement of average and hot spot temperature rise in regard to ventilated dry type transformers and oil immersed transformers [2,3]. On the other hand direct temperature measurement at hot spots and average temperature rise in windings are done [4] using optic fiber sensors. The overload capability of transformers and its management are dealt in [5]. The present paper suggests a method for the in-situ determination of average winding temperature rise in transformers. The estimation of hot-resistance in the course of a heat-run test is presented in the paper followed by the computation of winding temperature rise. The estimation could be done using the readily measurable signals of supply voltage, primary current and input power of the transformer. A practical case of normal load test is also considered to demonstrate that the method could be applied in the field operating ISBN 984-32-0328-3 GLOSSARY V1,est, V1,mea, I1,mea, I1,est P1,mea, P1,est – Measured and estimated values of supply voltage phasor, Volts, primary current phasor, Amps and input power, Watts I' 2,mea, Icore – Measured secondary current phasor and c ore loss current phasor, Amps Rè1, Rè2 – Resistance of windings at ambient temperature è1 and at changed temperature è 2 respectively, Ohms r1, r'2, x1, x'2 – Resistances and leakage reactances of primary and secondary winding, referred to primary side, Ohms RM, XM – Core loss equivalent resistance and magnetising winding reactance, Ohms R'L – Load resistance referred to primary side, Ohms Z 1, Z'2, Z M , Z'1,est – Impedances of primary, secondary and tertiary windings and equivalent impedance of transformer referred to primary side, Ohms k – a scalar constant 2. THE PARAMETER ESTIMATION METHOD 2.1. Problem Formulation Monitoring of rise in average winding temperature is important to ascertain the overload capability and the protection of power transformers. The temperature measurement methods would have to take into account of the factors viz., variations in ambient temperature, thermal time constant of the windings, etc. Moreover 91 in-situ measurement of temperature rise of the windings is necessary to achieve on-line variation of the operating load margin of power transformer so that the transformer can be overloaded beyond its nameplate for a short or long time. Indeed the on-line method of temperature measurement using fiber-optic technique is quite costlier. Temperature measurement based on thermal models requires solution of nonlinear expressions and the knowledge of transformer geometrical and thermal parameters. Methods involving measurement of average rise in oil temperature are influenced by the secondary effects like deterioration of oil property, in case of oil immersed transformers. In this background achievement of simplicity of temperature measurement method seems to be difficult. magnetizing circuit parameters are ignored in the equivalent circuit. According to the GA based method suggested by the paper the equivalent circuit parameters are estimated by maximizing the fitness function (FF) given by (1). By applying the measured value of supply voltage, load current and input power in (1) the equivalent resistance and reactance components could be determined. From the estimated value of resistance the temperature at various instants of time is computed using (7). k max ( FF ) = (1) 2 f1 + f 2 2 where, f1 = f2 = 2.2 Proposed Solution The average temperature rise of transformers – both air-cooled and oil immersed types – due to constant and variable losses, variation in ambient temperature and change in the thermal time constant of transformer are reflected through the change in the winding resistance. Therefore it is proposed to estimate the resistance of the windings based on the equivalent circuit structure of the transformer, using which the rise in average winding temperature is to be determined. The estimation of resistance along with other equivalent circuit parameters is formulated as a search problem and the search-optimization tool GA is applied for the parameter estimation. V1,mea ×100 ( 2) × 100 (3) V1,mea P1,mea − P1,est P1,mea V1,est = Z '1,est × I 1,mea ( 4) 2 P1,est = I 1,mea × ( r1 + r ' 2 ) ( Z '1,est = sqrt (r1 + r ' 2 )2 + ( x1 + x' 2 ) 2 (5 ) ) ( 6) 234 .5 + θ1 Rθ1 = Rθ2 × (7 ) 234 .5 + θ2 To apply the method in a generalized case, where the transformer is in its loaded condition, the GA based method is modified accordingly using the exact equivalent circuit model, shown in fig. 2, as follows. 2.3 Proposed Method The average winding temperature rise of transformer is obtained using the equivalent loading method, as suggested by the IEEE standards [1]. According to this method a constant circulating current is passed through the short -circuited windings for one hour. This current is equivalent to the full load current plus the equivalent current supplying the constant and variable losses of the transformer. Parameter estimation is to be done based on the equivalent circuit of the transformer under shortcircuited condition, as shown in fig. 1, using the readily measurable signals of voltage, current and input power. r1+r'2 V1,mea − V1,est r1 + x1 x'2 I1, mea RM V1, mea – r'2 Icore XM R'L I'2,mea Fig.32: Exact equivalent circuit of a single -phase transformer under loaded condition Expression (1) would be applied for the parameter estimation in which (5) and (6) are modified into (8) and (9) based on fig. 2. Using the estimated resistance parameters of the exact equivalent circuit in fig. 2 the rise in average winding temperature could be determined in an in-situ basis. This also provides the advantage of computing the variable and constant losses separately and their specific contribution to the rise in heat in the respective windings and core. x1+x'2 I1,mea Fig. 1: Equivalent circuit of a single -phase transformer under short -circuited condition P1,est = I 1, mea 2 × r1 + I ' 2 , mea 2 × (r ' 2 + R ' L ) + ... Parameters in fig. 1 represent the equivalent resistance and reactance value of the primary and secondary windings referred to primary side of the transformer under short-circuited condition. The I core 2 × R M 92 (8) Z' ×ZM Z '1,est = Z 1 + 2 Z '2 + Z M ( Z ' 2 = sqrt (r ' 2 + R ' L )2 + (x ' 2 )2 1 ZM = YM (9 ) ) (10 ) (11) Table II: Estimated and measure d resistance 1 j YM = − RM XM (12 ) E1 = V1,mea − Z 1 × I 1,mea (13 ) I ' 2 ,mea = I core = resistance of primary and secondary windings is measured directly using the Wheatstone bridge method [19] at the same intervals of time to validate the estimated results. The estimated and the measured values of the equivalent resistance referred to primary side are provided in Table II. E1 Z '2 E1 RM Time (Min) Estimated Measured Resistance Resistance (Ohms) (Ohms) 0 4.0004 4.0112 5 4.3203 4.3260 10 4.4781 4.5020 15 4.6350 4.6430 20 4.6722 4.6857 25 4.7250 4.7434 30 4.7580 4.7736 35 4.7580 4.7956 40 4.7979 4.8192 45 4.7979 4.8324 50 4.8373 4.8498 55 4.8373 4.8587 60 4.8373 4.8615 The rise in winding temperature is estimated from the estimated values of winding resistance, using (7). The estimated and measured temperature is plotted in fig. 3. From the results it could be found that the estimated value based on short circuit test results (Estimated 1) possess less than three-percentage error with respect to measured value of winding temperature determined from the measured resistance. To demonstrate the applicability of the method in a practical situation, the parameter estimation is also done based on the load test data of supply voltage, primary current, input power and the load resistance obtained from output power and secondary current. The load test data is recorded at the same time intervals as in the previous case and given in Table III. (14 ) (15 ) 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A 230 / 50V, 1 kVA, 50 Hz single-phase transformer is considered for the experimental studies. The transformer is a naturally cooled and dry type. A heat run test is performed in the transformer as per the specifications of IEEE test standards [1]. That is a constant current of 5A – equivalent to the full load current and the current supplying for the losses in the transformer – is circulated in the short-circuited windings of transformer for one hour. The voltage, current and equivalent losses in the primary side of the transformer is recorded during the heat run test at equal intervals of time using analog measuring instruments of 0.5 class accuracy. The observed values are provided in Table I. Table I: Equiv alent loading test data Time (Min) Primary Primary Power Voltage Current Dissipated (Volts) (Amps) (Watts) 0 21.0 5.0 100.0 5 22.5 5.0 108.0 10 23.0 5.0 112.0 15 23.4 5.0 116.0 20 23.6 5.0 117.0 25 23.8 5.0 118.0 30 23.9 5.0 119.0 35 23.9 5.0 119.0 40 24.0 5.0 120.0 45 24.0 5.0 120.0 50 24.1 5.0 121.0 55 24.1 5.0 121.0 60 24.1 5.0 121.0 These values are used to estimate the equivalent resistance and the reactance value of the transformer at the corresponding operating points by applying them in (1). Though a closed form solution is straightforward for the determination of equivalent resistance, the in-situ parameter estimation method using GA is also demonstrated. The winding Table III: Load test data of single -phase transformer at 230 Volts, 5 Amps supply Time (Min) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Power Input (Watts) 1104 1108 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1114 1115 1115 1116 1116 1116 Secondary Voltage (Volts) 47.5 47.0 46.6 46.3 46.1 45.9 45.8 45.8 45.7 45.7 45.6 45.6 45.6 Secondary Current (Amps) 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 Power Output (W atts) 1029.5 1011.0 1004.0 1001.0 997.5 995.0 994.0 994.0 993.5 993.5 993.0 993.0 993.0 Parameter estimation is done using (1) – based on the exact equivalent circuit model – and the rise in 93 on the change in winding temperature as it is reflected through the winding resistance. Therefore special attention on these factors need not be exercised to determine the maximum overload capability. The method does not address the issue of determination of hot spot temperature, which finds its application in the detection of incipient faults and also the overload limit of transformer. Nonetheless from the knowledge of winding resistance and the equivalent reactance values this method could also suggest the general health of the transformer by comparing against the database of the estimated parameters under healthier condition. Therefore using this method the general health of the transformer could also be monitored under its field operating conditions. Fig. 3: Average temperature rise in the windings of transformer temperature are computed using (7). Results are plotted in fig. 3. The average winding temperature rise after one hour in all the three cases is approximately 60 C, which is above the ambient temperature of 40 C, as found in fig. 3. The rise in temperature determined from the load test results (Estimated 2) at initial time periods shows a slight deviation from the measured value, which is due to the fact that the transformer is slightly overloaded above the rated value. The final steady state rise in temperature after one hour is found to be closer to the measured value. The results demonstrate that the suggested method could be used for the estimation of rise in average winding temperature of the transformer in an in-situ basis by applying the easily measurable signals of the primary side and load side of the transformer periodically. From the estimated parameters the rise in winding temperature in the primary and secondary windings can be also separately determined as shown in fig. 4. 4. CONCLUSIONS The paper has demonstrated an in-situ estimation of the rise in average winding temperature of the transformer using the easily measurable signals. The applicability of the method has been experimentally demonstrated with the heat run test, by both the short circuit and actual load tests. Apart from the determination of average temperature rise of transformers the method could also estimate the constant and variable losses and their specific contribution towards the temperature rise. This method could be directly applied for the overload management of power transformer operating under varying load conditions, changing ambient temperature and thermal time constant of transformer. The health of the transformer also can be monitored using the database of the estimated parameters under healthier operating conditions. References: [1] “IEEE Standard Test Code for Dry -Type Distribution and Power Transfo rmers” , ANSI / IEEE C57.12.91, 1992. [2] P. W. Linden , “Thermal Considerations in Specifying Dry Type Transformers”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 30, no. 4 July -Aug 1994, pp. 1090 - 1098. [3] B.C Lesieutre, W. H. Hagman, and J. L. Jr. Kirtley, “Improved Transformer Top Oil Temperature Model for use in an On -Line Monitoring And Diagnostic System”. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 12, no. 1, Jan 1997, pp. 249-256. [4] M. P. Saravolac, “Use of Optic Fibers for Temperature Monitoring in Power Transformers”. IEE Colloquium (Digest), no. 75, Mar 22 1994. [5] P. K Sen, “Transformer Overloading”. International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, vol. 19, no. 1, 1999, pp. 52-56. [6] K. F. Man, K. S. Tang and S Kwong, “Genetic algorithms: Concepts and Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 43, no. 5, 1996, pp. 519-534. [7] Sawhney A K., “Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation”, 1997 Edition. Fig. 4: Estimated temperature rise in primary and secondary windings Here, the secondary winding has a higher rise in temperature, as it lies inside the primary winding. It was found that the current density of both the windings is the same, that is 0.7074 A/mm2 . Therefore the heating of the secondary winding is faster and higher. By monitoring the rise in average winding temperature the overload capability could be determined directly. This means that the need for costlier fiber-optic temperature sensors could be avoided. Moreover the suggested method inherently accounts the effect of various factors like variation in ambient temperature, winding thermal time constant 94