r se /'2 1: --u,+ 1 iL / :u{ t-r.rn r\s Z a"4+ lnduction Motor 1267 Example 34,14 (a). A 3-phase,lQQlffiW Y-Y connected wound-rotor induction motor has ffiand0,3dlstandstillreactanceperphase,Findtheadditionalresistance required in the rotor ci.rcuit to make the starting torqae equal to the maximum torque oJ'the-motor. (Electrical Technology, Bombay Univ. f990) Solution. a2+ | = 2q e2 -La+ , fi.r? (a -t)Cq-,).=- -t r= l= #; Since 7,,,=T^u lf; or @Now, external resista nce per phase 0,06 + r r = 0.3 03 - 0.06 = 0.24 S) Example 344&L3-phase, 50-Hz, 8-pole, inductionmotor hasfull-load slip of 2Vo. The rotorstill rotor-reactance per phase are 0.001 ohm and 0.005 ohm respectively. Find the ratio of the maximum to full-load torque and the speed at which the maximum torque (Amravati University, 1999) occurs. resiitffiifstand Solution. Synchronous speed. Slip at maximunr Thlrs, torque. .en,t. letO\CoVS.) Corresponding speed t -'.l Maximum torque x 50/8 = 750 rpm = = r.r/,\., = (l-0.2)x750=600rpm r, _0.001 _,,, = .r. 0.(X)5 - "'- rqtl-!gg9-!stgl' T- 120 N., ?)yt'.t- ". --o ,1,,, + ,'rr L+,--?]!4eg Lo* o ,1gg o.zo2 + 0.022 Example 34.L4 (c). A I2-pole,3-phase,600-V 50-H2., star-connected, induction motor has rotor-resistance and stand-still reactance of 0,03 and 0.5 ohm per phase respectively. Calculate: (a) Speed of maximum torque. (b) ratio of full-load torque to maximum torque, if rhe.full-load (Nagpur University, April 1999) speed is 495 rpm. Solution. For a l2-pole, 50 Hz motor, Synchronous speed = l20x 50 / I 2 = 500 rpm For r = 0.03 and .r = 0.5 ohm. the slip fur maximum torque is related as S,rr= u = rl.r= 0,03/0,-5 = 0.06 (a) Corresponding speed (b) Full-load speed Full-load M^^*rr torque = = 500 ( | -- .r,,,7.) 495 rpnr, slip : = 470 rTrnt .s = 0,0 | , at tull load. 2 a.s _ 2 x 0,06 x 0.01 t\ ,4 !*q* = i * r, = o.ootig.gli = u'524 Zz= ftz +j l+ a 15. A 746-kw 3-phase, 50-Hz, I6-pole induction motor has a rc!2!@gof 0.02 + j 0.15)lfrIat standstill. Full-loadtorque is obtainedat 360 rpm. Calculate (i) the ratio of maximum to full-load torque (ii) the speed of mqximum torque and (iii) the rotor resistance to be (Elect, Machines, Nagpur Univ. 1993) added to get maximum starting torque. Solution. Let us first find out the value of full-load slip.r, N, = 120x50/16=375rprn,; F.L,Speed=360rpm, .. sr = (315 -360)1375= 0.04; a= RJXr=0.0210,15 =2115 1,,2.68 ElectricalTechnology rt (r) ]:y_ =?t_e!)2l.991 r.o* o' + tj Qtts)'+ =0.55 * (0.04)2 += #= r.8r8 TJ (rr) Atmaximumtorque, a = s, = R/Xr=0,02/0.15 =2115 N = N,(l -s) =375 (l -2115) =325 r.p.m. (ttt) For maximum starting torque, Rz== Xz. Hence, total rotor resistance per phase = 0.15O external resistance required/phase = 0.l5 - 0.02 = 0.f 3 A -2., 16. The of a 4-pole, 5 3-phase r are simpLifiing 0. at maxt (ii) I Starting. D rotor give three-. t of a single- s=Rr/Xr=0 i) At maximum t N., (tr) It is gi r phase requ res'i the equivalent c = 7,, t2oxjn6=l5oo .= rpm ll88 rpm 7n,o^ Nory .75 C',^ 81 3a2-8a+3= t 36 = 0.45 tional rotor et, a= Rr+ r R2 0.45 = induction rnotor has EL.:sli;p of 4Vo. The rotor,reststqnce/phdse hase = 0. I ohm. Find the ratio of maximum to full-load torque matcimum torque occurs, Solution. Now, rl 4; lT:tr a= Tt = h;; N" = RzlXz=Q.Q1/0, 2 x.0: l o.l? l20x r 0 .qj l=0. l,{/=0.04 ..-g..q,q.q- = +0.042 o'oll6 = 0.6e 50/8 = 750 rpm, s,,= T | I =1.45 =0,69 0,I N = (l-0,1)x750=675rpm e3:phaa? :.''.;'' Cuo iduction mdb.r; thi m is 2-S (Elect Mrcldn$, A,M,[E, Sec- tines E 1 8,,1992) Solution. Given,Zn.o*= 2.5fr 4,= 1 .5Tl.;Tr/T^o = 1.512.5=315. 2-( 1o 3 S,.2-{oSn+3=6 Srr - ( -'l o ) = S,", + ,--lo - lo f 2x3 V -) '-Yx3 x3 2al t / to 1- toL e ,o a bR T. 2a ? T;.Jt Now, lnduction \ _ - - 8 Motor l 269 n2 or )a -lja+3=0 or a=ll3 l+u" --= F*@ ,33 FrC) S rra (Elect. Machines-I, Punjab Univ. l99f ) Solution. lt should be noted that stalling speed corresponds to maximum torque (also called stalling torque) and to maximum slip under running conditions. N, = 120 x 50/8 = 750 r,p.m,t stalling speed is = 650 r,p.m, sb sh Now. = (750 - 650)/750 =2115 = 0, | 333 or l3.33Vo = R.,lXz X: = 0.08 x l5l2 = 0.6 Q T'' - 2o-.. T,=7.I'nu* r"= t* -= ;;i ' Since 29 l- |+ , orct=l o' -" Let r be the external resistance per phase added to the rotor circuit. Then R"+r or .7- N, = ;,N1x5014 rng to rna r500- 1365 = '= 1500 0.08+r: --tU r.p.mf= .'. r=0.52Slperphase. 1365 r.p.m. um torque ls = 0.09 But R,lx., ).09 oE.') =2.22 ...Art34.20 K 2 ' be the external x 2.22 stance introduced Starting torque Solving the quadratic ation for 'r circuit, then K (0,2 + r) r get r = 0.4 3/'t o 127:0 ElectricalTechnology 34.21. A 4-pole, 50-Hz 7.46.kW motor has, at rated voltage andfrequency, a starting torque of 160 per cent and a maximum torque of 200 per cent of full-load torque. Determine (i) fuU(Electrical Technology-I, Osmania Univ. 1990) load speed (ii) speed at maximum torque, T. Solution. Now, or 1,6 and 'r')^ a i.\, Inr* a= or - .! Tr, =l^6=0.g "'4r'n* 2 2o - =o,g l+a2 2as., Also, ... Tl lra = 2a ^ T,no* l+a2 0.8a'-2a+08 =Q a=0.04 T (i) L-,*=2 Tl RzlXz= 0.04 2 x 0.04 s, 0,001 6 + ^r, --ut full-load speed occurs at a slip of 0.01 or' I per ccnt. Now. N, = '20x5014 = l-5(X) r,p,m.;N= or j = 1500 orRr= 0.04X2 I sl= 0.01 - l5 = 1485 r.p,m. (ii) Maximum torque occurs at a slip given Otl;OrrXr, As seen from above slip corresponding totllttum torqueis0'04' N = r500- r500x0,04= 1440r.p.m. Y.22, A 3-phase induction motor having a 6-pole, star-connected stator winding rans on 240-U SO--Hz supply. The rotor resistance and standstill reactance ere 0.12 ohm and 0,85 ohm per phase. The ratio of stator to rotor turns is /.8. Full load slip is 4Vo. Calculate the developed torque at full load, maximum torque and speed at maximum torque. Solution. Here, tr u2 Nr= + . 0,04 x 17- x0.12 2ntstitlj g t2i; to.l+xo,ssl, = 52.4 N-nr .t = R,,X"=0,12l0,85=0.14 For maximum torque, / rt&t 0.14x77?x0.l2 3 = li fi,ot3) O. tzt r i+ * o sjii tg. = 99.9 N-m Alternatively, as seen from Art 34.20. T 'max 4,* = Speed corresponding 'pecti 3E: 2nN ,' 2 X., a-- , ee. e N-m :i,. ,s = to maximum torque, N = 1000( | - 0, l4) = 860 rpm zn rior 3) 2 rotorl4sistance and standstill reactance2f a 3-phase luduction motor are 0.01Wand 0.0/Q per phas{ At no,r6al volrage,lrt.fult-toad sltf, is 3vo. /srimate t tion iny'ator voltgg4 ro dey'lop full-loqd4orque ar lilfy yutt-lofispeed. .,{lso, (Adv. f= 100 r.p, I\'I aclifes, A,N[,W, I 989) f Example 34.31. The power input to the rotor o,f a 400 \ nduction Motor 1287 50.H2, 6-pole, 3-phase induction motor 3vo,Calcutate(i)thefrequencyofrotorcurrents(ii)rotorspeed(iii)rotor' / copper losses and (iv) rotor resistance per phase if rotor current is 60 A. (Blect. Engg.Pur\iab Univ. 1991) Solution. (i) Frequency of rotor current = ,s./= 0.03 x -50 = I .5 Hz. (rt) N, = 120 x 50/6 = 1000 rpm; N= 1000(l - 0.03) = 700 rpm (iii) rotor Cu loss = s x rotor input = 0.03 x 20 =0.6kW = 600 W (iv) rotor Cu loss/phase = 200 W; .'. 602Rr= 200; Rz = 0.055 ft tor devel .73 kW at 960 rpm. raj Univ powe, in rotor = 3O/rotor l0!0/r.p.rn, 3 96ry1( i t + stator I s=3885+2 Example34.33. Thepowerinputtotherotorofa400U50-H2,6-pole,3-QinductionmotorisT5 kW. The rotor electromotive force is observed to make 100 complete alteration per minute. Calculate: (i) slip (ii) rotor speed (iii) rotor copper losses per phase (iv) mechanical power developed. (Elect. Engg.I, Nagpur Univ. 1993) Solution. Frequency of rotor emf ,.t''' = I 00/60 = 513 Hz. (t) Now,,f'' -,f or 5/3 = s x 50; s = l/30 = 0.033 or 3.33Vo (tt) N,= 120x5016= 1000rpm;N=N. (l -s)= 1000 (l - l/30)=966.7 (iii) P2=15 kW; total rotor Cu loss = sP2 = (1/30) x75 = 2.5 kW rpm rotor Cu loss/phase = 2.513 = 0.833 kW (iv) P,,,= (l - s)Pz - (l - l/30) x75 =72.5 kW Example 34.34, The power input to a 500 V 50-H2., 6-pole, 3-phase induction motor running at 975 rpm is 40 kW. The stator losses are I kW and the friction and windage losses total 2 kW. Calculate : (i) the slip (ii) the rotor copper loss (iii) shaft power and (iv) the efficiencv. (Elect. Engg.- II, Pune Univ. 1989) Solution. (i) N" - 20 x 50/6 = I 000 rpm ;,s = ( | 00 - 91 5)l I 000 = 0,025 or 2.5Vo ; stator loss = I kW; rotor input P.,= 40 - I = 39 kW rotor Cu loss = .r x rotor input = 0,025 x 39 = 0.975 kW | (tt) Motor input Pr=40 kW (iii) P,,- Pz- rotor Cu loss = 39 -0.975 Pour= P,,, - = 38.025 kW friction and windage loss = 38.025 -2=36.025 kW (iv) rt = Pu,/P t=36.025140 = 0,9 or90Vo Example 34.35. A 100-kW (output), 3300-V 50-H2,, 3-phase, star-connected induction motor np.m. The futl-load slip is L\Vo and EL. power factor 0.85. Stator copper loss = 2440 W, Iron loss = 3500 W. Rotational losses = I200 W. Calculate (i) the rotor copper (Elect. Machines, Nagpur Univ. 1993) loss (ii) the line curcent (iii) the full-load efficiency. hqs a synchronous speed of 500 1288 ElectricalTechnology Solution. P,=output+rotationalloss= (t) rotorCuloss (tt) rotor input, Stator ( p,; =fi Vuf L C-fl ,A-lr \ The entire power 100 + 1,2= 101.2 kW = *"p,,=J'ffi'xl0l'2=1.855kW P, = P n, + rotor Cu loss = l0l .2 + 1.855 = 103.055 kW Cu and iron losses input = P, + stator = t03,0ss + 2,44 + 3,5 = r'8.ees kw 109,995 =u5x3300x/,x0,85; lt=22.4A flow in the motor is given below. Rotor Stator Motor output Mechanical Rotational lron losses Cu & losses Cu loss 1855W 1200w 5940W (iii) F,L, efficiency (v) speed of stator field = 100,000/108,995 =0,91'7 or9l.7 Vo power input to the rotor of a 440 V, 50-Hz, 6-pole, 3-phase induction motor romotive force is observed to make 120 cycles per minute, Calculate (i) the (iii) mechanical power developed (iv) the rotor copper loss per phase and (Elect. Engg.AMIETE Sec. A June 1991) with respect to roton Solution. (i)f '= q/or (120160) = s x 50; s = 0.0{r qclQ f, 2l-F* l2Ox5Ol6=1000rpm;N=1000(l-0.09JbrV lv = l?-o = l- s)Pr= (l- 0.0O x 100 =96kW 6OS€c P.. L (iv) total rotorCuloss=.sP,=0,0t[.x 100 'tftW;Culoss/phase=tll3 * l'33jk\rl (ii) lV,= (iii) P,7( (v) N.= 1000 rpm; N = )(Orpm. Hence, speed of stator field with respect to rotor = f 000 -gfp=Q4 rpm. S= is +=+$o = Exg_!rnp!g_3437. An induction motor h.a.s an efficiency of 0.9 w,hen delivering on output of kW. At this load, the stator Cu loss and rotor Cu loss each equals the stator iron loss. The mechanical losses are one-third of the no-load loss. Calculate the slip. (Adv. Elect. Machines, A.M.I.E. Sec. B Winter f 993) Solution.Motorrnlu!=37,000/0,9=4l,lllW z € totalloss =4l,ll I -37,000=4,11lw -t r; ,L t_eeac - rl t-r ' - l-ar'[ laSS€S = This includes (i) stator Cu and iron losses (ii) rotor Cu loss (its iron loss being negligibly small) and (fii) rotor mechanical losses. Now, no-load loss of an induction notor consists of (i) stator iron loss and (ii) mechanical losses provided we neglect the small amount of stator Cu loss under no-load condition. Moreover, these two losses are independent of the load on the motor. no-load loss Wn = W,+W,,,=3Wn, NotoJ = Wilz l.w -= P+, 3 where W, is the stator iron loss andW,,, is the rotor mechanical losses. Let, stator iron loss =.r; then stator Cu loss =.x, rotor Cu loss = x; nrechanical loss =.r/2 = ?r'^, l ?^D =x P *;+?6*r + 3Pr"{V'"; t ?g''r ) f;Jr.= 2 ^gt YCvl= '-'/ t\r" = o .ot't Motor Induction Now, rotor input - gross output + mechanical losses + rotor Cu loss ?lZ - shaft to rotor + l 175 = 38,752 W 37,000 + (||1512) = . PD7: 1289 inPut 38,152 0 V 50-Hz. and runs resistance rotor Cu I n motor consunxes 45 kW is 1200 :W, windage and 12 {2, calculate (i) power Pou, Qv) fficiency and (v) rque developed. Solution. Cos (r = -:lLt{L- J3x400x75 = 0 u66 lag vJ i.e. 43.3 arnp A Iine current bt'75 amp nreans a phasc-currcnt of' 75 Next, winding resistance has to be worked Refer to Fig, out N.. ... 34,40. . .. a r and}rin parallel have an equivalent resistance measured at and b in delta connected motor as r x 2rl3r = 2rl3 A c I ohms o -42 JL From the data given +rb = 0.12, r = 0,18 | t" Total statorcopperloss = 3 x43.32 x0.lti= l0l2 Watts Total input to stator Stator copper loss = 45,000 = lx r ' iri Fig. 34.40 Watts 1012 Watts, stator core loss = 1200 Watts A . (?o *","111;::H = ffilfi5ffiJ,'j'iT i,r?=",,;;:( ?*) Shafi output Efficicncy Shatt output torque, - = = 4l'504 Watts Mech, oLttput ot'rotor - Mech losses = 41504 -'900 = 40604 Watts Rotor mech, output power= 42,'788 1284 x 100% =92.23o/o = +g 4s000 r = q91::o 2nx970 = 400 Nw'm 34.39(a),.A 3-phase induction motor has a 4-pole, star-connected stator winding and runs on a 220-V 50-Hz supply. The rotor resistance per phase is 0.1 d2 and reactance 0.9 Q. The ratio of stator to rotor turns is 1.75. The full-load slip is 5Vo. Calculate for this Load: (a) the load torque I h o1l< cL mech 4nicrl [.AS€S ' (b) speed at mqximum torque (Electrical Machines-I, South GujaratUniv. 1985) (c) rotor e.m.f. at maximum torque. Solution. (c) rotor turns/stator turns = 111.15 statorvoltage/phase, Et = ZZOIJlV standstill rotor e.m.f,/phase, E, tE + I ) (rX;) = 4"+ J: t '7s + (0.0-s x 0,9) = 72.6V 1 ' =0.11() F-V r-l- t ) (?, Ue P. ' fs (L \-P* rr9s5 ,rlr; N = {, (l -,r) = 1500 (t _ 0,05) = 1425 rpm TE 9,55x621311425 = 4t,6N-m (b) For maximum torque, sr, = Rz lXr= 0. l/0,g | = I/9 ) Calculate(i)sltpandrotorspeed,(x+end(iii)shaft-torque, [Nagpur University, April 1998] Solution. Pr=P,'*- = .f Input to motor x a00 x l0 x 0,86 = 5958 Watrs = = star.r outpLrt = -595u - 2gg = 5660 watts RotorCopper-loss = 4 % of -5660 = 226.4 Warts <?a = S P_t' Mechanical losses = 3o/a t'tt' 5660 = 169.g Watts Shaftoutput = 5660 - 226,4 - 169.g = 5264 Wans (,) slip, s = Rotor-copper-loss / rotor-inpu t= 4 vo,as grven Synchronousspeed, N = l20xflp=1500 rpm Rotor speed, N = N,(l-s)=1500 (l-0.04)=1440rpm Plg (- Total stator losses 5%, of 5958 = 29g Watts Rotor input (;t olr,Angttlar speea Aec U) oss _ (. (iii) Z-crl,. =. 54?i f"Crl, = rotor i"nttt;n Shaft-torque Exam = = se,44 res$tance ') 6, glving I,:- =<1r3,8 / r50,?2 _ 3b,05 I.{v, output at ip of Shafr ourrput in Watts /co 5264 V, I t50,l2 = 34,93 N nA 50-Hz, 4Q-pctle, Y-conneg*ed indut.rton s'tcttor tct 5Vo orque m tion. Phase ng slip, age rns andstill e. , per rotor p L) OO of gro. n_ is E., - KE, t; I 35 2.6 Y tor has rotor = t$o.a24 5rc L r= rit ? U) N Induction Motor = 3.63 V =0.1096 1l)2 330 x 0.95 gross outp output (b) For mum R.,i N',X, R1 lX., = Q. .9 = I/9; + (0.919. P"rJt 1291 E, x o.l 7,250 W ll9) x72,6 = 8. 414=57,1 A I rotor Q6 loss rotor Cu loss t ,9 &"4 p s ,/ / 978 ll9 Example 34.41. An 18165-kW 4-pole, 50-H2., 3-phase induction motor ha.s.friction and windage (Elect" Machines-Il, lndore Univ 1987) Solution. Motor output 'p ttltl r8,650 W Friction and windage loss 'p !t' Rotor gross output P= -n| (c) Rotor input T,n=9.55 Pu,,,l N g- PXn t5> P2 19. I l6 W 0'91 . rotor Cu loss = ,. , -L l -.r (l - 0.04) = I rotor Cu loss .s = 7?S 0.u*+ x l9,l 16 = 796.6 W = 19,912.5 \\, 19,913 W) = 120x5014= 1500 r.p,m, N - (l-0,04)x 1500= 1440r.p,m N., \ . >.J) T,n :='9'55x 18,650/ll440= l o,oJU/ t ++U = 123.7N-m l4J.l N-t 'T T" = \i&&Wl':c..ll =-f-ou* 't Pgul ?otd + 466 = (orrotorinput= l9,ll6 +j96,6= ( xample 34.42. of | 8,650 = 466 W 18,650 rotor Cu loss rotor gross output (a) (b\ 2.5%, n <cn ^ t^r r\F. 9.55 P,,,lN =9.55 x (or = Pzl2 fiN., = l* f l9,l 16ll440= 126.8 N-m l9,9l3l2nx25 = l2l N-m) An 3-phase, 50 Hz, induction motor is running at a speed of 7 t 0 rpm Losses at this operating condirion are known to be 1200 W y:t,t:,:!, yt-ationlllolse,s are 600 W. Find (i).the roror ('opper los.s, (ii) the gross rorque developed, (iii) the Sross mechanical power oyed, (iv) the net torque and (v) rhe mechanical power orrrrr,. (Elect. Engg.AMrE'r'E Sec, A l99l ET.ajiv--hi ith an input power of 35-8-pole, kW. The stator Solution. 750 = 0.0533 (i)Pz=35- 1.2=33.8kW;N, =120x50/g=750rpm;N=7l0rpm;,r=(750 _il0)l Rotor Cu loss (iii) (iv) = sP" = 1.8 kW P,, = Pz- rotor Cu loss = 33,8 - L8 = 32 kW Tr = 9,5-5 P,,,lN = 9,55 x 3200011l0 = 430.42 N_m t;;l .. Pu,,, = P,,__ rotational l<,rsses = 32000 _ 600 = 31400 W 1 292,ElectricalTechnology (v) Trn = 9,5-5 P,u/ /N = 9,55 x3l400ll l0 = 422,35 N-m 3-phase, rim 1,620 W. Calcul -load with 4Vo slip 50-H2., at its pulley are 200 W and the Cu los.c and(c) the fficiency atfull-load. Solution. Now, (Elect. Technology, Mysore Univ. 1989) N. = 120 x 50/6 = 1,000 r,p,m; N= (l - 0.04) x 1,000 = 960 r.p.m. Out put poWer = T,nx2 IrN = 2 n x (960160) x I 49,3 = l5 kW output = 15,000 w Friction and windage losses = Pr, P2 (b) rotor Cu : \ stator N = | = 15,200 W rotor input Pz= 15,200 fi loss = ( I rotor Cu loss is given by (c) 200 W ; Rotor gross output 5,833 - x l ,000/960= 15,833 W I5.200 = 633 W IgALq!1g[ - .\ ) rotor oLrtpLrt r-i j output = rotor input = l-5.833 W w + 1,620 = 17,453 W I 5,000 x 100/17,453 = 86Vo StatorCu and iron losses = r,620 tlD .'. Stator input f n= overall efficiency, 5,833 An I 8.65-kW, 6-pole, 50-Hz, 3-Q slip-ring induction motor runs al 960 r.p.m. on full-load with a rotor current per phase of 35 A. Allowing I kW for mechanical losses, find the resistance per phase of 3-phase rotor winding, (Elect Engg-I, Nagpur Univ. lgg?) Solution. Motor output = 18,65 .'. Mechanical power developed by rotor, N, = Now, rotor Cu loss = P n,= 18.65 + I = | 9.65 kW 120x5016= 1000r,p.m.; *"t, 31.,2R., = 819 ,/ kw; Mechanicar losses = I kw = s - ( I 000 - 960y I 000 = 0.04 x 19'65=0.819kw=819w ffi or 3x35'xR,-819 R: = 0.023 {-Vphase @+4??\4-pold,3-phase,50-Hz,inductionmotorhasarotorresistanceand reactance per phase 0.01 of dl and 0.1 A respectiveb). Determine (a) marimum torque in N-m and the corresponding slip (b) the.futl-load slip and power output in watt5, if maximum torque is nvice the full-load torque. The rario of stator to rotor turns is 4. Sofution, Applied voltage/phase E, = 400frE = 23 I V Standstille,m.f. induced in rotor, Ez= KEt=23114=51.15y (a) Slip fbr maximum torque, s,, = R2 lX.,=1'1.9110, | = 0. I or l\Vo T ' t1ta.r N, = T I n,,,.r' = (b) " 3_* Ei .,, ZnN,,, 2 X., Art. 34.20 120x5014=1500 r.p.m. = 25 r.p,s. 3 .,57.15- _", ,""r5" ffi = 320 N-m +t = 2= l; n-*.s- /. N,rw , (t= R., - tx"-0.01/0,1 = 0,1 2:€ o .1 Sr. ca Sf = o'3?3 f svrr,4 \re s e\ecp sp = o. o2], T1' ' 72olz : \'y\ JA4 opr.^hor rqi.: ,i*^.;J >to(e(l-o'oz))= l9sg.s tso Vrn -+P""t = 2TNT+/go n rpv,a =2_+;;;;@,