
/ T ^ new sletter
Operational Research Society of New Zealand (Inc.)
Registered at C.F.O., Wellington, as a magazine
Jonathan Lermit
Electricorp, P.O. Box 930, Wellington
® (0 4 ) 723-550
D c c c tilb c r 1 9 9 0
Cljm tm as Kssw
A new decade o f opportunity for Operational Research.
Being the numerate people that we are, we will all no doubt be celebrating
the start of the new decade this January rather than last. Is is therefore
salutary to look forward to what OR will be able to achieve in the decade
ahead. In this season of goodwill we should also think of the problems
facing the nation and the significant role OR can play in alleviating some of
them. It is not hard to think of areas w here the introdu ction of OR
techniques would be of advantage. Let us all do our part in bringing this
about in the remaining decade of the millenium.
Prince & Princess of Waies Science Awards.
This schem e, run by the Royal Society of N ew Zealand, is to encourage
young scientists by providing funds to assist attendance at conferences, etc.
ORSNZ has donated $150 to this worthy cause. Our younger members are
encouraged to apply for grants. Details can be obtained from the Royal
Society, Box 598, Wellington.
Merry Christmas and a happy nezu year.
International Events
Plan now to widen your Horizons
N .B. The editor has some extra details on these events if you are in a hurry
to get fu rth er information.
First IFORS specialised conference
Bruges, Belgium
27 - 29 March 1991
C on tact:
(Tutorial - 26 March)
Prof J.P.Brans, IFORS SPC 1
VUB CSOO, Pleinlaan 2,
B-1050 Brussels
IFAC 9th Sym posium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation
Budapest, Hungary
1-6 July 1991
C on tact:
Dr M argit Zierm an
Levay u. 9/A
H-1022 Budapest
Joint International meeting
The Institute of Managem ent Sciences/Brazilian Society of OR
Rio do Janeiro
15-17 July 1991
C on tact:
Julie Eldridge
290 W estm inster St.
Providence RI 02903 USA
14th International Symposium on M athem atical Program ming
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
5-9 August 1991
Deadline for abstracts: 1 June 1991
Contact address:
Paulus Potterstraat 40
1071 DB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
The European Congress on Operational Research
Aachen, Germany
16-19 July 1991
"O perational Research m ethods for supporting high technologies in the
emerging Europe"
C ontact:
Prof. Dr H.J. Zimmermann
O perations Research
Templegraben 64, RWTH Aachen
5100 Aachen, Germany
14th International Symposium on M athem atical Programming
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
5-9 August 1991
C ontact:
14th International Symposium on M athem atical Programming
Paulus Potterstraat 40
1071 DB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2nd Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific O R Societies
Beijing, China
27-30 A ugust 1991
C o n ta ct:
Prof W eiw u FANG
APORS ’91 Secretariat
c / - Institute of Applied M athem atics
Chinese A cadem y of Sciences
P.O. Box 2734
Beijing 100080, China
P erform an ce M easu rem ent for M anufacturing E xcellence
2nd In ternation al C onferen ce of the Belgian P ro d u ctio n and Inventory
C ontrol Society (PIC S-B elgium )
Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, Antwerp, Belgium
29 & 30 August 1991
C on tact Vicky Mabin, AMG, DSIR, Box 1355, W ellington ^ (04) 727-855, for
farth er details.
15th IFIP Conference on System M odelling and O ptim isation
Zurich, Switzerland
2-6 Septem ber 1991
Deadline for abstracts:
10 January 1991
C o n ta ct: Dr. K. Frauendorfer
Institute for O perations Research
U niversity of Zurich
M ousson strasse 15
C H -8044, Zurich, Sw itzerland
The ed ito r is alw ays pleased to receive new s of event both in N Z and
overseas, but rem em ber the publication deadlines, and get your copy ready
in plenty of time.
IFIP CAPE '91. Com puter Application in Production and Engineering
Bordeaux, France
10-12 Septem ber 1991
C o n ta ct:
C A P E '91 C onference Secretariat
U niversite de Bordeaux I
Laboratorie GRAI
351 C ours de la Liberation
33405 Talance C edex, France
IFAC W orkshop on Support System s for D ecision and N egotiation Processes
Warsaw, Poland
24-26 June 1992
C o n ta ct:
Dr. Zbigniew N ahorski
DNS '92
System s R esearch Institute
Polish A cadem y of Sciences
N ew elska 6
01-447 W arsaw , Poland
A Plea from the Treasurer
Please return those form s!
Subscription notices will be sent out shortly. Several m em bers p ay through
their em ployer, which is fine, but I also need the subscription form back. Too
m an y tim es I h ave received a cheque from an organ isation , but w ith no
record of w ho or w hat it is for. SO P L E A S E , w hen arran g in g for y ou r
em ployer to pay the subscriptions etc, make sure that the appropriate form is
also forw arded to me.
Rona N. Bailey
Hon T reasurer
Deadline for copy for the March Issue - 15th March 1991
Victoria University of Wellington
Position N o. 050
L im it e d
I n s t it u t e
S t a t is t ic s
L e c t u r e s h ip
O p e r a t io n s R e s e a r c h
A p p lication s are invited for a three year appointm ent in the Institute of
S tatistics and O p eratio n s R esearch from 1 Ju ly 1991. The successful
app licant will be exp ected to have research interests and qualifications in
O perations R esearch, Statistics or Financial M athem atics, and to play a full
p a rt in the In stitu te's teach in g , research and co n su ltin g p ro gram m es.
P referen ce will be given to applicants with research exp erience in som e
asp ect of O perations Research.
The Institute offers u n d ergrad u ate and postgraduate courses in O perations
Research, Statistics and Financial M athem atics. C urrently there are over 20
students in the Institute's p ostgraduate program m es. The Institute also has
re sp o n sib ility for m ain tain in g active internal and e x tern al co n su ltin g
p ro g ram m es. C u rren t research interests of ISOR staff include stochastic
m od ellin g and sim ulation, optim ization and genetic algorith m s, decision
an alysis, n etw ork and com m u n ication s th eory, queueing and reliability
theory, tim e series and forecasting, m ultivariate and cluster analysis, design
and analysis of sam ple surveys, statistical com puting and data analysis, and
financial m athem atics.
The Institute enjoys excellent com puting facilities centred around the ISOR
R esearch Facility and the ISOR Statistical G rap hics L a b o rato ry . These
facilities co m p rise thirteen linked Sun S PA R C station s to g eth er w ith a
n u m ber of M acintosh and IBM com patible PC 's. In addition staff have
access to the central U n iversity com puting facilities. A s a consequence a
w id e sp ectrum of OR and statistical packages are available. The Institute
has good contacts w ith other University departm ents, the N Z D epartm ent of
Statistics, DSIR Applied M athem atics, other G overnm ent departm ents and
p rivate sector organisations.
Enquiries con cern in g acad em ic aspects of this position m ay be m ad e to
P ro fe ss o r D. V ere-Jo n es (C h airp erso n ) or P ro fe sso r G. A. V ign au x
(O perations Research), Institute of Statistics and O perations Research.
The salary scale for Lectu rers is $N Z 37,440 - $N Z 45,448 per annum , w here
there is a bar: then $N Z 46/800 - $N Z 49,088 per annum . A pplications should
be forw arded to the A ppointm ents A dm inistrator, Personnel Office, Victoria
University of W ellington, PO Box 600, W ellington, N ew Zealand, w ith w hom
applications close on 1 M arch 1991.
Distinguished speakers in Operations Research
at the 2 7 th Applied Mathematics Conference
The A p p lied M ath em atics C on feren ces w ere b egu n by the A u stralian
M athem atical Society, and the p ractice h as ev olved to h old them each
February outside the m ain cities. N ew Z ealan d applied m ath em atician s
atten d these con feren ces also, leadin g to a co n feren ce in the series at
W airaki, N ew Zealand in 1987, and now an oth er at H an m er Springs on
3 - 7 February, 1991.
Recent conferences have included speakers and participants in O perations
Research. The three invited speakers in O perations R esearch this February
and T erry R ockafellar (U n iversity of W ash in gton , Seattle) in 'E xten d ed
L in ear-Q u adratic M odelling in O ptim isation ', R oger W ets (U n iv ersity of
C alifornia, D avis) on 'Stochastic P ro g ram m in g - an o v e rv ie w ', and Rob
W o rm e rs le y (U n iv e rs ity of N e w S o u th W a le s) on 'N o n -s m o o th
Optimization'. A num ber of contributed papers in the subject will be given by
participants from A ustralia and N ew Zealand. The relaxed atm osp here at
these conferences allows plenty of opportunity for inform al discussions with
all the invited speakers and other participants.
Because of the lateness of this notice, registrations will be accep ted w ithout
paym ent of the late fee provided im m ediate action is taken. R egistration
form s can be obtained from the con feren ce d ire cto r, D r P e te r B ryan t
(® (0 3 ) 6 4 2 - 6 9 5 ), o r th e c o n fe re n c e s e c r e t a r y , D r D a v id W a ll
(® (03) 667 - 001 ext 7677), both at the M athem atics D epartm ent, U niversity
of Canterbury, C hristchurch.
This conference has been sponsored in part by O RSN Z, so let's have a good
attendance form the OR com m unity!
The 1990 Annual General Meeting
Your new council:
The following w ere elected to serve on council for 1991:
Vice President
S e cretary
T re a su rer
C om m ittee
Vicky Mabin
G rant R ead
G ary Eng
Rona Bailey
H ugh Barr
H ans D aellenbach
C hris D arkey
Jonathan Lerm it
Cheryl M cD onald
Tapas Sarkar
Victoria Willis
A fter the m eeting Prof Bob O liver gave a fascinating talk on the allocation of
D iscount Fares and Passenger Seats.
M any thanks to E lectricorp for the use of their b oard roo m , and to the
Sham iana R estaurant for providing a good feed afterw ards.
NZ Institute of Management Courses
NZIM has kindly provided som e $50 vouchers, good for credit tow ards any
of their W ellington Division courses. Telephone NZIM for details of courses
(04) 846-015. Rona Bailey ® (04) 727-855, has the actual vouchers.
NZ Production and Inventory Control Society
Annual Study Award
This aw ard is open to any p erson in N ew Zealand w ho is able to make a
contribution to the extension of know ledge in the area of production and
inven tory m anagem ent. This aw ard is m ade each and is currently w orth
$3500. C ontact the society for further details - Box 26-012, Auckland 3.
Advertise your products or services in the NZORS newsletter!
L ocal entrepreneu rs are rem ind ed that they m ay advertise their products
and services at no cost in the N e w s le t t e r . R em em ber that the O R S N Z
Newsletter reaches all the decision m akers and other im portant OR people
in N ew Zealand.