Learning Outcomes by Academic Program

1 Africana Studies
1) Students will demonstrate an understanding of the African origins of people of African descent and the specific historical
processes that have shaped that community in the Diaspora
2) Students will demonstrate an understanding of Africana responses to New World challenges and struggles
3) Students will demonstrate an understanding of critical and analytical frameworks necessary for examining the history and culture
of people of African descent
4) Students will demonstrate an understanding of interdisciplinary theories and paradigms in the body of knowledge that comprises
Africana Studies
5) Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the Africana experience and the wider human
2 Behavior Analysis
1) Students will be able to operationally define and measure ongoing behavior in educational, business, and institutional settings.
2)Students will be able to analyze and solve behavior problems in various settings using behavioral techniques and technology.
3) Students will be able to apply behavioral principles to manage one’s own behavior.
4) Students will be able to acknowledge the importance of interdisciplinary research and education
3 Biology
1) Biology students will be able to describe, compare/contrast the general anatomy and physiology of major taxa.
2) Biology students will be able to discuss basic chemistry and biochemistry including structures of the major macromolecules
(proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids) and their role in homeostasis and metabolism.
3) Biology students will be able to compare/contrast eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell structure and function, including membranes,
organelles, and major metabolic pathways.
4) Biology students will be able to explain classical and molecular genetics. Students should be able to analyze and evaluate
Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance patterns, gene structure and function, gene expression, control of gene expression,
mutation, etc.
5) Biology students will be able to recognize and analyze major mechanisms and patterns in evolution. Students should also be able
to list the eras and period in the history of the earth.
4 Business (BBA)
1. Accounting
2. Information Systems
3. Management
4. Marketing
1) COMMUNICATION: Students will be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
2) MASTERY OF CONTENT: Students will acquire knowledge of the functional areas of business and demonstrate the ability to apply
disciplinary knowledge to problem solving situations.
3) TEAMWORK: Students will demonstrate the ability to work effectively in group settings
4) ETHICAL AWARENESS :Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize ethical issues confronting them and the ability to use
ethics-based reasoning.
5) CRITICAL & ANALYTICAL THINKING: Students will be able to think critically and to use analytical skills in making decisions.
6) CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Students will demonstrate an understanding of diversity and multiculturalism in a business context.
5 Business (MBA)
1) COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Students can produce a coherent written statement and oral presentation of the analysis of a complex
business issue
2) ETHICAL AWARENESS: Students will recognize and analyze ethical problems within applied business situations, choose a
resolution, and justify that ethical choice.
3) PROFESSIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: Students will acquire the broad-based knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill their
professional goals. These skills include, but are not limited to: financial theories, analysis, reporting and markets; the creation of
value through production and distribution; statistical analysis and management sciences as they support decision-making; and
information technology as it facilitates change in organizational structure, management practice work processes, and the roles of
4) CRITICAL & ANALYTICAL THINKING: Students will be able to use analytical and decision-making skills in problem solving. These
skills may be demonstrated by the ability of students to (a) identify, define, and analyze a business problem, (b) identify relevant
facts and determine causes, (c) apply knowledge in new and unfamiliar circumstances through a conceptual understanding of the
relevant disciplines, (d) creatively formulate alternative courses of action and/or solutions, (e) explain the basis of the choice, and (f)
plan and communicate the implementation of that choice to others.
5) DIVERSITY PERSPECTIVE: Students will incorporate the cultural diversity dimensions into the analysis of a business problem, and
demonstrate the impact of these dimensions on organizational and societal outcomes
6) CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Students will demonstrate an understanding of diversity and multiculturalism in a business context.
6 Chemistry
1)Students will develop in-depth knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical principles and experimental methods in chemistry
2) Students will be able to use modern instrumentations and classical techniques to design experiments and to interpret the results
of the experiments
3) Students will be able to demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills necessary to transmit complex technical
information clearly and in a concise manner
4) Students will demonstrate awareness and understanding of academic integrity and the ethical standards of the chemistry
5) Students will develop in-depth knowledge of procedures and regulations for the safe handling and use of chemicals
7 Civil Engineering Technology
1) Students will be able to perform economic analyses and cost estimates related to design, construction, operations and
maintenance of systems in the civil technical specialties.
2) Students will be able to apply basic technical concepts to the solution of civil problems involving hydraulics, hydrology,
geotechnics, structures, material behavior, transportations systems, and water and waste water systems.
5) Students will be able to perform standard analysis and design in at least three of the recognized technical specialties within civil
engineering technology.
6) Students will demonstrate engineering competences and ability to identify and analyze engineering problems, and to apply
knowledge, techniques and skills in creatively designing and maintaining systems for solving those problems
7) Students will demonstrate in-dept knowledge of mathematics, science, technology, engineering, and computational methods;
and an aptitude for life-long learning form continuous improvement, and to solve current and future problems at the regional and
global levels
8) Students will demonstrate skills in conducting experiments, data analysis for engineering applications, and quality control
9) Students will demonstrate the ability to function in multidisciplinary teams, assume societal and ethical responsibilities,
communicate effectively, and contribute to the advancement of the art and science of engineering technology
8 Computer Science Technology
1) Students will demonstrate in-dept knowledge of computer systems, and the way humans and computers interact from a
scientific perspective.
2) Students will demonstrate adeptness in ability to focus on the design and development of software systems with an emphasis on
the creation of new technology.
3) Students will be able to build a framework of conceptual knowledge and practical skills through core computer science
technology courses.
4) Students will be able to theorize, develop, and maintain exciting cutting edge computer based technologies.
5) Students will be able to use theoretical understanding to explore and troubleshoot issues around new computer technologies and
9 Criminal Justice
1) Students will demonstration knowledge of the basic components of criminal justice
2)Students will develop knowledge of the interconnecting nature of components in the criminal justice system
3) Students will be able to analyze the inner workings of the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems in America
4) Students will be able to analyze the relationship between the informal and formal criminal justice systems
5) Students will be able to analyze and understand theories associated with crime causation, prevention and control
6) Students will be able to conduct research in all areas of criminal justice to include the identification of ‘hot” topics for research
7) Students will be able to demonstrate full understanding of the laws and ethics of the criminal justice system
8) Students will be able to demonstrate full understanding of the effects of crime on local, state, national, global levels
9) Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the criminal justice system and community
10) Students will understand the role of societal stereotypes, discrimination in and disparate impact of the creation and
implementation of laws and the criminal justice system
10 Electronics Engineering
1)Students will be able to analyze, design, and implement control systems, instrumentation systems, communications systems,
computer systems, or power systems.
2) Students will be able to apply project management techniques to electrical / electronic systems.
3) Students will be able to utilize probability and statistics, transform methods, discrete mathematics, or applied differential
equations in support of electrical / electronic systems.
4) Students will demonstrate engineering competence with the ability to identify and analyze engineering problems and to apply
knowledge, techniques and skills in creatively designing and maintaining systems for solving those problems
5) Students will demonstrate strong understanding of mathematics, science, technology, engineering, and computational methods
and an aptitude for life-long learning for continuous improvement and to solve current and future problems at the regional and
global level
6) Students will be able to conduct experiments, analyze the data for engineering applications, and ensure quality control
7) Students will demonstrate the ability to function in multidisciplinary teams, assume societal and ethical responsibilities,
communicate effectively, and contribute to the advancement of the art and science of engineering technology
11 English Language and Literature 1) Read, analyze and interpret texts using a variety of academic approaches
2) Develop and implement a successful writing process that results in effective communication choices
3) Conduct academic research using appropriate sources and documentation
4)Apply reading, writing and research in creative production and /or professional settings
5) Demonstrate familiarity with the evolution of literature including key genres, movements and figures (a) In the area of American
literature, (b) In the area of British literature, (c) In the area of Africana literature, (d) In the area of world literature
12 Environmental Science
1) Students will be able to discuss current environmental issues.
2) Students will be able to explain modern ecological concepts.
3)Students will be able to discuss principles involved in environmental ethics.
4) Student will be able to explain environmental toxins and ecotoxicology.
5) Students will be able to discuss pros and cons of radiation and environmental laws.
13 History
1) Students will discover and analyze basic facts about world history
2) Students will be able to work with, and draw conclusions from primary sources
3) Students will gain knowledge about, and be able to write an essay on form an historical perspective
4) Students will gain knowledge of, and use critical analytic skills in an historical perspective
5) Students will be able to conduct historical research
6) Students will be able to apply historical understandings to personal and community activities, as well as career
7) Students will demonstrate knowledge of the historical development of the discipline
14 Homeland Security and
Emergency Management
1) Students will demonstrate basic skills in homeland security and emergency management, including ability to discuss and explain:
hazard and risk analysis; prevention and hazard mitigation; weather-related and other natural disasters; chemical, biological,
radiological, nuclear, explosive, or public health emergencies; acts of terrorism; planning and incident management fundamentals,
and public policy.
2) Students will examine the workings and functions of various levels of American government as well as the governments,
institutions and cultures of other countries; the behavior of nation states and sub-national actors; and international political, social,
military, and economic trends.
3) Students will analyze and explain natural and human-caused threats to people and property, including potential impacts,
challenges, and approaches related to socioeconomic and cultural factors.
4) Students will apply oral and written English language communication skills, including the ability to think critically and to develop,
organize and present concepts, factual information/data, and analysis.
5) Students will demonstrate basic competency in at least one language other than English
6) Students will analyze policy and synthesize information across key subject areas including: critical infrastructure protection,
planning and incident management, interagency coordination, intelligence analysis and sharing, and legal, constitutional, policy,
and ethical issues.
7) Students will conduct research and present in a scholarly form, applying information literacy, including identification and
organization of relevant materials using library research and information search technologies.
1) Ocean Literacy: Students will demonstrate literacy in the essential principles and fundamental concepts of the ocean
2) Knowledge: Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge in the sciences, oceanography and marine biology
3) Analytical and Communication Skills: Students will demonstrate the ability to identify marine science questions and problems;
use critical thinking, research, and analytical skills to solve them; and effectively communicate the results using research report and
oral presentation formats.
4) Quantitative and Analytical Tools: Students will acquire strong quantitative and analytical skills and tools for use in marine
15 Marine Sciences (B.S)
16 Marine Sciences (M.S.)
1) Ocean Literacy: Students will demonstrate literacy in the essential principles and fundamental concepts of the ocean
2) Knowledge: Students will demonstrate mastery of designated knowledge in the sciences, oceanography, and marine ecology
3) Analytical and Communication Skills: Students will demonstrate the ability to identify marine science questions and problems;
use critical thinking, research, and analytical skills to solve them; and effectively communicate the results using research report and
oral presentation formats.
4) Quantitative and Analytical Tools: Students will acquire strong quantitative and analytical skills and tools for use in marine
sciences work.
5) Resource Policy and Management: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the need for science-driven environmental and
resource management decisions and the role of governments and stakeholders in ocean, coastal and environmental policy making.
6) Original Research: Students will formulate, develop, and defend original research as a thesis in both written and oral format
17 Mass Communications
1) Students will understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press, including the right to dissent, to
monitor and criticize power and to assemble and petition for redress of grievances.
2) Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions in shaping communications
3) Students will understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information
4) Students will demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy,
fairness and diversity
5) Students will conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the communications professions in which
they work
6) Students will demonstrate the ability to write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications
professions, audiences and purposes they serve
7) Students will apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work
18 Mathematics
1) Students will be able to demonstrate in-dept knowledge of mathematics, its history, application and applicability to real world
2) Students will be able to solve mathematical problems using different (inductive, deductive, and symbolic) modes of reasoning,
and logic-based methodologies.
3) Students will demonstrate the ability to express and manipulate mathematical information, concepts, and thoughts in verbal,
numeric, graphical, and symbolic forms.
4) Students will be able to demonstrate traditional mathematical methods in Calculus, Linear algebra, differential equations,
probability and statistics, real and complex analysis, and abstract algebra.
5) Students will be able to communicate their results in a well organized manner primarily in written form but orally as well.
6) Students will be able to use technology programming skills as an effective tool in the application of mathematics to problem
19 Political Science
1) RESEARCH METHODS IN POLITICAL SCIENCES: Students will develop in-depth knowledge in research procedures consistent with
political Science
2) PROBLEM SOLVING: Students will understand the various processes and methods of decision making involved in problem solving.
3) UNDERSTANDING GLOBAL ISSUES: Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the challenges of a rapidly
changing world community; be able to appreciate other people's cultures.
4) UNDERSTANDING AMERICAN POLITICAL ISSUES: Students be able to identify prominent political ideologies in U.S. politics and
describe their respective beliefs, values and goals; discuss how advertising and the mass media influence political behavior in the
U.S.; compare and contrast the powers of the U.S. Congress, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court.
5) EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: Students will demonstrate effective communication in written essays to the instructor, and
written communication to other members of the class.
20 Public Administration (M.S.)
1) Students will be able to apply Public Administration decision-making techniques to practical problems using construct and
theories pertinent to Public Administration.
2) Students will be able to employ appropriate writing techniques to enhance the structure, flow, organization, and development of
a major paper and oral defense.
3) Students will be able to apply theories to organizational setting through the use of standards.
4) Students will use their knowledge of standards in Public Administration to assess the extent to which organizations are in
5) Students will be able to formulate appropriate recommendations to address identified shortcomings in organizational practices.
6) Students will demonstrate proficiency in, and conduct scientific inquiry in public administration.
7) Students will augment learning by fusing theoretical concepts in Public Administration with practical real-world situations.
21 Reserve Officer Training Core
(ROTC) - Navigation
1) Students will demonstrate fully understand of the terrestrial coordinate system, and use it to describe and find particular points
on a nautical chart.
2) Students will be able to construct a complete and useful anchoring plot.
3) Students will know and apply the navigation rules for collision avoidance to include recognition of lights, day shapes, and sound
4) Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of a maneuvering board to solve for a contact's course, speed, and CPA.
22 Reserve Officer Training Core
(ROTC)- Sailing
1) Students will know and use basic sailing/sailboat terminology
2) Students will demonstrate how to rig and de-rig a 420 and Laser type sailboat
3) Students will be able to sail at all points of sail information, concepts, and thoughts in verbal, numeric, graphical, and symbolic
4)Students will know and practice basic racing rules and strategies
23 Social Work (B.S.)
1) Problem Solving Process: Students will utilize the problem solving process as a tool for generalist social work practice at the
micro, mezzo and macro level
2) Oral and Written Communications: Students will demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication.
3) Client Assessments : Students will be able to conduct assessment, use critical thinking and analyze information to help the client
4) Professional Development: Students will assess their professional development through the use of instruction, consultation, and
24 Social Work (M.S.)
1) Students will be able to practice without discrimination and with respect, knowledge, and skills related to clients’ age, class, color,
culture, disability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, and sexual orientation
2) Student will be able to Use supervision and consultation to enhance social work practice
3) Students will be able to evaluate empirical studies, apply findings to practice, and evaluate one’s own practice interventions.
4) Students will demonstrate skills for influencing organizational and community change to in order to promote social and economic
25 Sociology
26 Urban Studies and Planning
27 Visual and Performing Arts
1)Students will be able to explain the racial and social class dynamics in the United States and interpret sociological issues that stem
from an individual’s or group’s location in the social structure. Students will be able to examine their own practices, beliefs, and
values and evaluate those of others. Student will be able to identify, articulate, and analyze the causes and outcomes of social
inequality. Students will have an appreciation for diversity in American society.
2) Students will be able to compare and contrast sociological theories and apply them to a range of sociological issues. Students will
be able to recognize the role of theory in social research and be able to formulate an argument for using a particular theory to
address particular social issues.
3) Students will be able to differentiate between fact and opinion and formulate opinions based on credible research. Students will
be able to utilize their knowledge of research methods and social statistics to evaluate and assess information from academic
sources as well as from popular media to come to their own conclusions about social issues and how they should be addressed.
Students will be able to construct a research project, evaluate the possible methods of formulating that project, and make sound
decisions as to how to measure concepts and interpret results. Students will be able to appraise whether research is ethical.
4)Students will be able to think critically and constructively, write clearly, communicate effectively, solve problems creatively, and
work together cooperatively. Students will be able to locate academic sources, utilize the library, evaluate online sources, and
analyze sociological information. Students will ask questions about the world around them and see the world from a sociological
1) Students will be able to evaluate major themes and developmental processes of American cities
2) Students will be able to examine principle planning theories and best practices
3) Students will be able to outline and develop urban research methods
4) Students be able to prepare a master’s thesis or capstone project
5) Students will apply practical planning and/or community development tools
6) Students will analyze urban policy practices, the role of capital markets, and social intervention strategies
7) Students will be able to examine urban theory and policy/planning practices s they relate to real world situations
1) Students will be able to demonstrate technical competence in one or more areas of the visual and performing arts
2) Students will be able to understand and exercise aesthetic judgment of the Arts
3) Students will be able to demonstrate competence in communication including critical thinking, writing, and
speaking/presentation skills
4) Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of influential persons, history, and movements in one or more areas of the visual
and performing arts
5)Students will be able to adopt and apply discipline-specific professional practices, habits and procedures
6) Students will be able to promote and exhibit creative work for an audience