J ) I I SERvrcE MANuAL I LIST & PARTS trligital Horn DH-5[j0 MAY 1989 GASilO. ,] ff- (w,hprce) CONTENTS SCHEMANC DIAGRAM (1r2) 1. PCB il15331-MA1 rJ It-*.i_--l 'C ' Osttt-5'atl0tl gttl i,,.'r..'i I L--J L_] rh JJ TS ?3i?o2rr T I i II I l. 5lo 9i 3 "l y16 !rt!59-Or (t7l nr? I t:r5 I s.ut+ L(. .rrd I I 1,., t- tI t : : / r- \.---' \O. rn" rcll: 1 L--S*j, ta4 c|.u {Fd]t art[ i' l', l:. lt t -+-a{/ , r t. '-.', Oti-, tlt; lo .t,r | r<_{l l'. ".o ltl .7Gr il: LJ-=*-J,' t | L I ra CLARII'IET rLU Itr -l- *l I I 0 tl It3 I !ct: l,a|.ala rtfa)r2 t0 ffil ffi1. EY- ffi EH _J! w ffi ito k i lrs g+9 rc,. i ! ;: 8!ts I tc:.r{arr, u-r r.^)-{-"*-1-.s - I --ffi ]i l**r i?> t t2 J-J r/N ) r\ J\" ' 9? 3 t' Il u rrl| Lh d ui LA -ofl I !r tit-- -J 1 ri i i I I l i l'i I t t ctat r-rF-t F-\ l-l s+ris$f ^ rG^ z 1 I rfl t f II 2 t t I =i '+'Fn rG?rF I F Ftr'd I l'. Elr il. 'rrrrY iiuI L: I # rtl tCt ,c T! -6 Gttt TI ;l I II I ;{ l!|t tar !- c^!a E EEaisEs€{$iE!!ii; u I tn F .Je ng $r tt0' :E o. ot B IC3 _'i, RAM t',1866il31 { T O P V I E | ^I/ F #ol ll cry l' l* s {-11-; crot r--r l +c? FO DSP lm tvrl rrt TE rva lr't D6 rt? rt 16MHzOscillator crT d r{H or l.'ol rfn tc! ttro.ctar lc3 49o: nl rh 6 (c i, (t't'-,'\3I - /l* j H J ra rn) r^rrrr-orI 3i'F r=j,.,ll | ,*,.- | ul | fn t< v i Ottoa.tatntl | |---1---rttl ' ,l .F\ i.Crrtl-r3t fn j' tl oiEI (A, o lI ai -. l3 I Ir I l' t I l I' i I tI sf a I I D I l" I h -,i; --rl;*;i-tgJ.: Itt i.t rrr .r.rlf€r lfrlt tI. l! fi J J Ifi i t/' tf. I ir ft g! t ( r r l r t t r t - 6 i lltrl I Filter o 1o ql (l o I / ?A I rl -2- vrJJrz ?l f ,. Tsr =t E 25C?{r?Xn I R?ALR] As A0 A0 grgalh S€nsorOscltalor FXC-€nTr03c €F5l ,'----r {\ (,tr\ \'\---'l o-{*frtu r{i'g+ ,h , l{ AO Eg+H o Y o .\. 3r' s G T Refonrre Voirgo Clsnontof sENsOf,-BLOCK r(- 4. PCB M5SI1.MA2M A POr€n 5gtlct{ sso-zltP OFF cr016 -1l'-.' I fil ,-= ii:i: PC PowerCircuit g c o I o n atf 6 l l80n { (rl aO ( fi,, tgt>' It Ll ' EL€-Vr0ot(R-l L2 EF 05t30t-56FZt03I F8 ' q-02Ri?-R6? { It lo' )t !' l3 FC i: : |" -t- F bi QA 1t'l 5t ffiE=-f oae I 3 a1 aa rF i I I I tL, I I : punosFulopo It nt fyioe purfos pelqoo n8 {}latt snJ l-?++ tIItl <r, a l5l5l I a t9t9t I t a a t l a l v v v v v ' a v tLtttt-l a H r l c-taB l> l l iatufst-ltt t^ tgAlll v,t';,:V ut - (E E s Lrl fl5' l i I rxf I l-l.l.l.l.rl.l m i !( ; :. , i, tz^) r qDssrr.rr f {5 tatS-raol lft, Ifi, .\ ./' /'El I Jl \.---l t, Pc& llt$ll€t{lil, cilz I r-t EjlEri' l.'l tr-l l t l lHl I lFl ' I o:l tol 13 PC8-r,ts33r-CNz PC8-t1533t-CNtH /l tl ' .-.\\. \ .,,/ 6. PCB M5331-CN3M, CN4 AE} PC2 .. ---Pcl <) __-_-._lql o PB? ^ pnn " - _. _:.:5_o i I i i I i I I t ( ' 1 1 L-J:J i -- -..-. -f,1'1't!??sHer I I f -.;ll I II i I I I I II II l II It_ P C B- r f i 3 : r - $ l 3 H c I '.! ( Ln ) ntrg-HTF:TT-mr-l | rfii61>tJETl3iii:l I t-Itr1;>fF:t-1-crtr-l I tjEfrcE:nft[iJ I nF{rl<rF5-T-TFil>_JJ llF:T:KjF:i-l-ttfl I EE:I]@Gil | frF-j-1{TF-:TTtEl I uF:i-l.lEtr.r-T.Ei_1, | I I I ; I I i Dri'-KfF:g-lEFt tfF.T--rfr:6-reEr-l i | i I f vrgnrro I BE EI I rt Ef,l -':nlJ-rfi i.T"r1l{f:r'r'rir1'1."1;9.: 5'.i;al r.lr-?;:.:;.; l-o'r-l 11^xrrsq mcsal Frnrtr.n€€ol f-!ejs-l f-orl-_l fca^Ru€i-l fTur-.] PCB VIEW & MAJOR CHECKPOINTS tl il 1-l : t. I tftff lf ilF' i'{d'\llllrfh= lrn-- . l ' t ' : it. i'l; ,:. l'.:'- i.d ,:r= \'Itl-:' '1L' ,.ri: i,. ,i c' s iI 1.,, !\ si a-. srF . xr; ! 1 tl I nr! @ I l-l cHl .2v trL @ PitchsQnatPC6 lC13pin17 Tone:Saxophone, Nokeypress A il L*..ir"rrc/ |A,**fl"|cr* V r"I ,,",4 n,.**,,**l F*,n'\r @ t tt\ r ti U I .t I '"d Clt|eO.9 $ ffitln :'L',:!'. Tnfiar Oboe;'No key press ort cxl20rv tJl v o{220-v SamplingClrcuitInput lC7 pin 1 Tone: Saxoptibne, No key press SamplingClrcuitoutput lC7 pin 7 Tone: Saxophone,No keypress ciibuitoiiipil' @ p^lf"ol.e/To6 lC9 pin t ,, , @ olcz output ICB pin 1 Tone: Saxophone,Ncikey piuss i MAJOR WAVEFORM 2ro A IAG 5pa rAC o @ I t cHt . ?? Resets'tgnal o lCl4 pln 6 0rt cxr . aV @ Al PowerON tu o ; orl RpverbMute sQnaf lC 13 pln 15 AT PowerON lrr @ l^-, I|* lL" I i cxri I I I : It I cxr . aV PilchslgnalPC6 o 1c13, pint7 8t- Clll ZOIY @ vcF ouqrr l0l1 pin I Tone: Saxophone, No key press Tone:Obo€,Nokeyprsss i L -, I cHl cl€ orr . a? cH? . ev (D 8A I BLOCK DIAGRAM PF4,PF6,PF7 Orlginalsound CPU pPD78C1lG Main Volume Sample/ Hold Circuit o BSHH DlgilalS[nal Processor M8661131 o BreathSensorblockoutputsvoltagewhlchconespondsto the strengthof breath. i @ I theCPUdigitizes Uslnga built-lnADC(Analoglo DigitalConverter), thevoltagelevellromBreathSensor andoutputsthe digitizeddata P0-P7lo DAC(Digitalto AnalogConverter)1. o Onthe otherhand,CPUdetectspressedkeysandprovidesconespondingsoundslgnalPC6. '. . t ' ' I I @ DAC1convertsthe digitlzeddataP0-P7intoa voltagelevelwhichbecomescontrol.vg$ggflfVCAand o VCF. accoi&n-cewith the Thus,the goundouput PC-6'svolumeand cutotffrequeLcJt_g19_-vadeilln slrengthof the breath. . . I .: The soundsignalis amplifiedand lilteredin VCA (VoltageControlledAmplifier)and VCF (Voltage ControlledFllter)whoseanplitudeandcutofffrequencydependuponcontrolvoltagefromDAC1. @ andstoredin the HAM. VCFoutprt ls digitizedin DSP(D(;italSignalProcessor) @ ard mixedwiththe Changingthe readingspeedol RAMdala,thesounddatais delayed,DAC'd,llllered, orlginalsoundin Mlxer. DISASSEMBLY& CHECKINGN'ETHOD a o a a c, a e \ b b b O Rernovesevenscrewsfrombottomcase- @ Removethe mouthpieth andopenthe top case |t @ fnserta silbonrubbertube(codeNo. 69147972)in mouthplece and setthe mouthpiece on bottomcover. @ waveformscan be observedwithoscilloscope by btowiqgthe lube. 1 t nir See th6 7+ F ag- AususTf'rfNT f tT ,*'f -t0t, ,-,*'-,-*...., { v Qr ) \_. @1 ,%3 @ @ @o o e @ P b { cPU (pPD78C11G) CPU detectsths pressedkeys and breathstrenglh. The followingis pin functionof the LSl. Pin No. Terminal 3-10 PBO- PB7 lrVOut ln PinFunction Inputslromkeysandswitches PC0 Out MlDl signaloutput PC1- PC3 Out Scansignalsfor keysandswitches 15 PC4 Out The terminaloutputsa High level pulseat Power ON to preventreverbnoise. 16 PC5 17 PC6 11 12 14 18-21 Out PC7- MODE1 22 RESET 23 MODEO _ 24,25 Nolused x2,x1 Soundpitchsignaloutput Notused ln Poweron resetterminal. Whenpowersryitchis turnedon,theterminalreceivesa Highlevel in which signalfor approximalely I milll-seconds the internalciranitsof the LSIareinitialized. Notused lr/Out 12MHzclockpulseinputandoutput 26 VSS ln Groundsourcefor intemaldigitalcircuits 27 AVSS ln Groundsourcefor built-inADC's(Analogto DigitalConverters) ANO - AN7 In Inputterminals of eightbuilt-inADC'swhich convertthe voltageinputsfrom Breath SensorTuningpot,and Breathpot into 28-35 digitaldata. ANO,ANl InputfromBreathSensorblock r i . "^ . , AN2 InputfromTuningpot AN3 InputfromBreathpot 36 VREF ln Reference voltagefor built-inADC 37 AVDD ln +5 V sourcslor built-inADC 38-44 R0-PF3 Notused '.; : ' 45-48 PF4 - PF7 Out PF4,PF6,PF7- Tonecontrolsignalin VCA (VoltageControlled filter.'ln Amplifier) voltage levelof with tone, set the accordance changethe cutofffrequency theseterminals of thesound. PF5- Resonance controlsignalin VCF (Voltage Controlled Filter).Whentheterminal is Low,resonance effectis givento the sound. Tone PF4 PF5 PF6 PF7 Saxophone Low Low Hish High Trumpet High Low High Low Synth.Reed Low High High Low Oboe Low Low Low Low Clarinet Low H i gh Low Low Flute Low High Low Low PDO- PD6 Out LED drivesignals 56 PD7 Out APO (Auto PowerOff) signal. When the horn is not playedfor six minutes,the voltageof the terminaldropsto Low levelcausingthe voltage VCC (+9 V) to shut off. 57 STOP 58 VDD 49-55 59-2 PAO- PA7 Notused. Connected to VDD ln Out +5 V source Digitizedbreathstrengthdata [;sa 4 2{ 6 BREATH SENSOR BLOCK LC Oscillator VAD(+5V) r------1 c P U . . ,, pPD78c11 ANO VAD(+5V) ,1Q5t ''le5 Reference Voltage Generator o ii ji" ffr; . . An oscillatorwhichis composedof a coilandcapacltors. As the corein the coilmovesby the breath,inductance of the coilvariesby the blowingstrength. Weakbreath Variationof the induclance changesthefrequencyandpeakto peakvoltage of the oscillation signal. Namety,whenthe breathis weak,osoillation trcque.hcy is highandpeakto peakvoltageis low. ,,',i Onthe contrary,strongblowlowersthefrequenrydndheightenthe voitage. ff Strongbreath ff - -;,-. f =low .., I = lll9ll ; v; nbfr, v=low @ Rectifier Attertheoscillation signalintoa DCvoltage.*Strongerthe breath,higherthe outputvoltage. : ,.' .. Vottage 8),'Relerence i Generator A."i- @ comparator iiil:i 'ri'.,ji . . . Comparesthe Rectifierand RbftlienceVoltageGeneratoroutputs. i Whenthb instrumentis notblown,the outputvbltrage-olOlixparatorls,zAro withthe breathstrength. volt. Theoutputvoltageriscsin accordance ,4 "*t- -'13 - I_ ,r-,.- @ Refernce Vohage Generator x; ll lr,/ lr./ lt yr ,' / DAC 1 CPU digitizesthe inputvoltagelevelfrom the Comparator. Sincethe variationrangeof BreathSensorBlock is too small,the CPU amplifiesthe breat strengthdata digitafly. .r1., No Soft Breath Strong Digitalbreathstrength in a voltagelevelby DAClwhichis madeup byresistive dataPAO- PA7is conveded laddernetwork. Theoutputvoltageof DAC1is provided to VCAandVCF. PC6 DACl BreathStrength Strong PA2 i sorc ; VCA (Voltage Controlled Ampllfler) the soundvolume. the VCAchanges withbreathstrength, In accordance VAD(+5V) PA7-PAO To VCF HighPass Filter To VCF Ip-:- - t"t TL Pitchsignal Low Pas :.:,: i,:,.r,'. i;l;i;i: l: ;|.. . Asthecollector pitchsignalPC6whichenters transistorT6. keys,CPUgenerates withpressed Inaccordance outputvoltage DAC1 of T6 dependson T5 basevoltage.Thus, to T5 emitter,amplitude of T6 is connected the volumeof pitchsignal. determines (i.e.breathstrength) signalPF4,PF6, tothesettone,CPUprovides VCAatsoconsistsof highpassandtowpassfilters.According the fitters'cutofffrequency. or PF7whichSEtect blockdiagramof VCACircuit. Thefollowingshowsan equivalent Circuit Equivalent +5V 52, S3 - 15- l:i:i': i t:-t !.'. il;c' iiii, :,"-. l:';';. { i . 'l'., i; VCF(VoltageControlleorllfffl The left figureis one-stagelow passfilter whosecutofffrequencyfc dependson lhe capacitance C andthe resitanceR. Outffiln {cR h lc= Flg. A 1 2rCR using a variableresistorchangesthe cutolf frequencyfc randomely. out*rn iR Flg. B Vg T Gate Source T-JT-- Drain Rsd FETs(FieldEffectTransistor)havea characteristics thatthe resistance belweensourceanddrainvariesin accordance with gatevoltage. Vg=high.... Rsd=small Vg=|ow..... Rsd=large Flg.G putlinga FETinstead Therefore, ol avariable resistormakes the samecircuitas figureB. T Ftg. R Sincethe FETs gatevoltageis providedlrom DAC1,the cutofffrequencyvariesby the strengthol breath. Namely,strongerthe breath,higherthe cutofffrequency. Weakbreath T Strongbreath The actualVCF Circuitis a four-stagelow pass filterwhich makessharpdrop of cutofffrequencyresponse. T5 25C24r2t(R from DAC1 - I ft6 sE AC x (\t G' r!l oiO+ AC vAo (Jl I tA4558F{'x n/2, I 8A4558F-OX l , t t IAG lt/21 Out T3 2SKL2S IL 2SKL25 ID c! (J B gis ! ,0",n RLL cr0tJ c30 ct0aF --{F J3l I l i*E H{ i :{ts 5+E IF rt CE I rm'mAcvAo l\| Ao ^c \---------- Minimumresonance I t0r R6? -+ ln from VCA lF I R(9 I "! lct2L l f) - > -N ---J \ I feed back 8U40668F ll/al PFSfrom CPU TheswitchS tumsonorotfby.signalPF5fromCPUandcontrolstheresonance effectwhich isgivenbyleeding the ouput sounds4fnatof \tbF backt6ine iriput. WhgnsignalPF5lqm CFU is Low,th-bswifchS turnsoff causingthe VCFouput fed-backto the input. lf PFsis High;the swilchfurnson sendi.ng theVCFoutputsoundto tne laststageof thefilterwhichminimize the resonance'effect. $iii;:*a$;*"qir# REVERB EFFECT CIRCUIT \ n kHz V \-n-31'25 Sample ruLflftfln_ Mi x e r : M \ - -J/ t , Delayed y' sound PC4tromCPU | n n ,t vv\ [r-|/ tMuteCircuit AddressBus Sarnple/HoldCircuit VCFoutputsoundsignalis digitizedin built-inADCin the DSPwithsampling lrequencyof 31.25KHz. Thedigitalsounddatalrombuilt-inADCis temporary storedin the RAM. Thestoreddata"inRAMis readby DSP(DigitalSignalProcesso0 andre-formed in a waveform in DAC2. At thislime,DSRchangesthe reidingsieed by viring addresssignals'frequency in orderto delaythe soundsignal. SinceDAC2outputis'stepped waveformcontaining glitchnoise,Sample/Hold Circuitremovestheglitch and Filtersmoothesthe steppedwaveform. '.'' Whenthe hornis notblown,CPUturnsthe FEToff by signalPC4to cut the soundoff. '.:.. Reverbeffectis givenby addingVCFoutputanddelayedsound. '11,,'.:.-; t, :' I ,"" DIGITIZATION SAMPLftE CIRCUIT Soundwaveform lromVCFenterstheDSPwith31.25KHzsampling frequency. DSP(M8661131) 32trs coMPr y' @ i' S Sampling Circuit = jcc -,:.o To DAC2 i,.F i DO-D7 RV15- RV4 .,ffi. DSP (DlgltalSlgnal Processor:M8661131)PIN FUNCTION Pin No. Terminal lr/Out Function '1,2,4-9 DT7 - DTO lrVOut DatabusbetweenexlernalRAMM865256 3 VDD ln +5Vsource 10 MMOD ln ExtemalRAMselection terminal. High.... StaticRAM Low.....DynamicRAM to Highlevel Connecled lrVOut 16 MHz clock pulse inpuVoutput 1 1 .1 2 CLKO, CLK1 13 RESET ln PowerON resetsignalinput.Lowaction 28 VDD ln +5Vsource 40 VSS ln Ground(0V)source 48-52 54-60 RV4- RV8 RVg - RV15 Out Digitalsounddataoutput.Soundwaveform frompin66 is digitized in the built-inADCand outputlromtheseterminals. 65 VSS ln Ground(0V)source 66 C M PI In Soundwavelorminput 67 BSHH Out KHz pulsefor Sample/HoldCircuit 68 BINH Out KHzsamplingpulseforbuilt-inADC 70 CLKP Out I MHz(16MHZJ2) clockpulseoutput. probeon As directtouchof oscilloscope maystoptheoscillation, oscillator thisterminal is usedfor clockpulsechecking. RVTO- RVT3 In Reverbtimedetermination terminals. Reverbtimeis determined by the vollagelevels of theseterminals. VDD2 ln +5Vsource 72-75 78 91, 82 85-89 "91'-94 96-98 100 A D 1 4A, D 1 2 AD7- ADs : ADgr^r ADg ADz- AD1 ADO Out Addressbusforthe extemalRAM. Storeddatain RAMare readin variousdelay ' ti&tiefio7''":'' tirhe'byvditng'H6l6fe$s signals" Out ExtemalRAM chip:selectsignals : j' ' ,.ii: The RAM is selectbdwhen both,ot'lhesesignals .r:1{.1 ,..,.:' arg LOw-19V91..,,a..,. .'1;,-;,1:ri.;'1,,.,,: - l ,,83r,r89 MRAS,MMCS -.:., 84 WRIT 90 VSS 95 EOUT Out wrraai{{ur ;' {,r/hdif f bffi,'Bifiii€id'so ii sidi'%i und dataarewrittenin RAM. ln Out I Ground(0Vsource) Outputenablesignal. When Low,the RAM outbutsstoreddata. R4q:'l=rr'-j: SAMPLE/HOLD CIRCUIT ?AC output waveform is a stepped waveform and contains a thin noise called "glitch" in each step. Sample/Holdcircuiteliminateslhe glitchnoise. BSHH tromDSP 'i /' Enlarged VADl (+3V) DSPoutputsa sampling signalBSHHineachstepoftheDAC2 output. whilesignalBSHHis Highrevel,theswitchs lurnson causing the signalto passthrough.At the sametime,voltageof the signalis chargedin the capacitor C, '_-.t- @dl At theendof onestepwherethegtirchappears, signalBSHH fallsto Lowlevel.Theswitchs turnsotf shuttingtd glitchout. sotnattneoutput ryryFswilchturnsotf, capacitorc discharges of-lheswitchkeepsthe samevoltagetevet. I t Thus,theglitchnoiseis eliminated fromthe DAC2output. FILTER,,POWER ON MUTE, MTXERCIRCUITS Thesteppedwaveformis smoothedby,theFilter. At PowerON,cPU ri99sthe signalMUTEturningFETT7 off. Thepoweron reverb noiseis etiminated. Delayed,sound:sighal from DAC2is thenmixediitn tf,e VCFoutpuiby Mixer. :.: Mutefbm CPU ], ?,xr t Delayedsound FromSample/Hold Circuit iJ3 ,^arr*-or avlt '! u Fifter itr ? I U Serg5att.gt trrrl -21 - DAC2 DAC2consistsof invertersand resistiveladdernetworkand reformsthe digitizeddatalrom DSPin sound waveform. method thedigitaltoanalogconversion explain Thefollowings In the left figure,if the currentI from the batteryis 1.5 [Al, it =0.8IAl, i2 =0.4[A],R =0.2[Al,andi4=0.1[Alastheypassthrough lK, 2K, 4K, and 8K ohm resistorsrespectively. Whenall the switchesare OFF,the output cunent/o is 0 [A] but,if switches51 and53 areON,the outputcurrentwillbe; lo=iI+ig=1[Al 8Ko ga 6-oN lf allthe switchesareON; = 1.5[Al lo=il +i2+i3+i4=0.1+0.2+0.4+0.8 Thus, digital action of switch ON/OFFis intoanalogamountof thecurrent. converted 't/L EXK-F1922064 +5 l-----l | *ir RV15 t/ DSP RV14 M 8661131 r/ RV12 L/ x RVl1 t/ | 2R I 2R lzR l2R I $\/ l-lI nl I nl I Rl I Sincethe DSPoutputcurrentis too smallto drive the DAC, lhe invertersamplifythe current. R-2Rnetworkedresistorshalvethe cunent Forexample, ineachjurrction. current suppose '7is 10 [mAl, i2 is 5 [mAI,i3 is 2.5 [mAJ. Therefore,each bit of DSP oulput has significance. Namelysincelhecircuitis 12 bitDAC,cunent ffow from terminal RV15 is 2048 times largerthanthe currentfromRV4. R. .i I nl :..j l':i Actually, the DACin DH-500is madeup by invertersand R-2Rladdernetwork. Insteadof switches,being High or Low of DSP'sdigitalsoundsignaldetermines curwhensignalRV15is rentflow.Forinstance, HighcausLow,theinverleroutput becomes lf RV15isHigh, ingthecurrent il tobeflowed. thecurrentdoesnotflow. *l J R Fl =25Ktl Fl zR=soKe -22- The outputcunent/o from laddernetwork is transformedin voltage level by the op amplC8. ,/ ; KEY AND SWITCHMATRIX PBO PB1 PB2 P83 P84 PC1 G H 1# J OBOE PC2 F Eb D# C SAXG. TRUMPETSYNTH. PHONE REED OCTAVE UP OCTAVE DOWN A B VIBRAT THAMS. ON UP PC3 PORTAMENT PORTAMENTO A c D$ Eb F G H J 'ii' -23 - P86 P87 CI.ARINETFLUTE K (Octaveup) _=_L B PB5 (Octavedown) TRAMS. DOWN ADJUSTMENTS 1. Inserta siliconrubbertube(codeNo.69147972',into the mouthpiece as shownon page10. 2. TumVR51on PCBMA3Mas shownon thefigurebelow. t+: _ i N . ' r:r vR51 l_-/\ | 45" :.. 3. Connecta digilalvollmeterbetweentestpinsTP1andTPZ. 4. Blowingair stronglyfromthe tube,adjustVR52so thatmelerreadingis 2.6Vt 0.05V. 5. Whileit is notblown,adjustVR-51forthe meterreading;1.00V+ 0.05V. 6. Repeatthe aboveprocedures 4 and5. -24- TROUBLESHOOTINGTABLE Trouble No PowrON (TUNINGlampdoesnot lightat all) FaultyBlock Checkpoint PowerCircuit T1 collectorvoltage(+9V) T4 emittervoltage (+5V) T5 emittervottage (+5V) Power switch Switchcontact Power jack No sound at all 1G-18) CPU (pPD78C1 Pin 56 (Shouldbe High) ResetCircuit Referto wavelormO 12 MHzOscillator c P U( r c 1 3 ) Pins59-2 shouldoutputpulses whenthe hornis blown. Pin17shouldoutputpulsesWhenrtA (4)and(5)) blown(Referto waveforms VCACircuit VCFCircuit Waveforms @ano @ . DACl T5 emittervoltageshouldrisewhen the horn is blown. PowerAmp (LA4182) Pins2 and11 shouldoutputwaveforms whenthe hornis blown. Speaker No reverbetfect SamplingCircuit Waveform@ DSP(rC3) Databus,Addressbus Pins48 - 60 shouldoutputpulseswhen played. Sampling signalsBltltanO BftlH (referto waveforms(Q)and Qf ) Sample/Hold Circuit Waveform@ FilterBlock PowerON MuteCircuit c P U( r c 1 3 ) R A M( r C 1 ) REVERB VR Certainkey(s)do(es)not work Keycontact Opencircuiton PBO- PB4 or PC1- PC3lines -25 - Pin15 shouldoutputwaveform Ot, PowerON. f \ F (_t nbl zI hrssrNl ) I t em o* o' o* o' o' o' o' o' o* o' oa Code N o . Parts Name o S pec. N o. FOB Japar R I PCB M5331.MAlM/MA3M ASS'Y 20102s34 L S I 20107840 L S t 20107847 L S I 25900203 Ceramicoscillator 2s900693 Crystal oscillator 28450098 Three polaritycapacitor 30202147 Ferritebeads 306060{9 Resistiveladder network 37192191 Ribboncable 21050952 GMOS tC 2105 1113 GMOS tC 2114 0511 MonolithiclC 21140686 MonolithiclC 22520595 Chip transistor 22540154 chip FET 23900749 Chipd'ode 27300s30 Chip resistor 27920209 Chip resistor 27920462 Chip resistor 27920470 Chip resistor 2792081s Chip resistor 27920831 Chip resistor 2792084s Chip resistor 27920861 Chip resistor 27920926 Chip resistor 27920942 Chip resistor 27920977 Chip resistor 27921043 Chip resistor 27921051 Chip resistor 27921116 Chip resistor 27921140 Chip resistor 279s0266 Chip resistor 27950532 Chip resistor 279s0861 Chip resistor 279s0973 Chip resistor 27952261 Chip resistor 279s 2268 Chip resistor 27970406 Chip semi-fixedresistor 28076238 Chip electrolyticcapacitor 280762s2 Chip electrolyticcapacitor 28076259 Chip electrolyticcapacitor 28450308 Chip capacitor 284s0763 Ghip capacitor 28450812 Chip capacitor 28450966 Chip capacitor 284s1050 Chip capacitor 284s1057 Chip capacitor 2s4s 1246 Chip capacitor 23601225 Ghipzenerdiode 27750350 Chip semi-lixedresistor 27920250 Chip resislor 27920470Chip resistor 27970406 Chio semi-lixedresistor Notes: O' - New parts Quantityused per unit Minimumorderand supplyquantily Qtv a N. R . Yen N Unit Price K HM65256BLP-10,12 uPDTSC1 1G-s3s-18 M8661131 csA16.00MX040 AT-s1-12.000MH2 DS306€6F1032 BLO2RN2-R62 EXK-F1922064 DF0H04290-30003000 BU4O66BF.T1 TCT4HCO4AF-T1 BA4558F.DX.T1 NJM311M.T1 25C2412KT-146R,S 25K42s-T1 B-X1s.16 DA116T-146 MCR1OEZHJ272 MCR1OEZHJ104 MCR1OEZHJ473 MCR1oEZ Fl.J102 MCR10EZ!U221 MCR1 OEZFU1 03 MCR1 OEZ FU153 MCR10EZ\1,J474 MCR1 OEZFU1 OO MCRlOEZFU332 MCR1OEZFU154 MCR1OEZHJ223 MCRI0EZ!+J222 MCR10EZ!1J224 MCF1OEZFU682 MCR1 OEZHJl 81 MCRI0EZl-11105 MCRIOEZFU3g3 MCR1OEZHJ561 MCR1OEZHG253 MCR1OEZHGsO3 EVM.oPSWOOB14 sORVJ1.T 16VJ10-T 6.3RVJ33S-T T1-21NlEF1osZ-T T1.21N1ER1O3K-T T1.21NlER682K.7 T1.21N1ER332K-T T'1.2'IN1HSL101J.T T1-21N1EF1A4Z-T T1.21N1 ER1O2K,T RD4.7M-T1B(83) EVM.6PSWOOB24 MCBI0EZ|-U390 MCRI0EZI{.J102 EVM-6PSWOOB14 1 1 1 1 1 3 10 2 10 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 8 1 2 15 1 2 2 4 1 'l 20 10 800 A 880 A 1 , 3 2 0A 100 B 110B 22 c 15 c 50 A 27 X 42 A 30 A 40 A 9s A 20 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20) 20 101 20 20 10 20 20 10 201 10 201 20 10 201 201 lql 201 I A 32 A 11 c 3 c 3 c a c 3 c 3 c 3 c 3 c 4 c 3 c 3 c I c 3 c 3 c 9 c 3 c I c 3 c 3 c 9 c 21 c 3 C 34 B 28 c 28 c 1 1 1 7 2 1 2 7 I 1 5 3 201 3 201 ?8 c :$ 201 6 c r 5 201 8 c 3 201 7 c 2 201 6 c 3 20i 6 c 1 201 7 c 1 201 5 c 1 20 18 B 1 10 26 B 1 20 4 c 1 20 3 c .1 to 34 B Rank A: B : Slock recommended G: Olhers X : No stock recommended Item o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o* o' P a rts N a m e S pec. N o. 2807 62s9 Chip electrolyticcapacilor 2845 0308 Chip capacitor 2 1 0 51 1 1 3G[/OS rC 2 1 0 51 1 2 0L.MOS IC 2254 0154 Chip FET 22s9 09s9 Chip digitaltransistor 2390 0749 Chip diode 2730 0s30 Chip resistor 2792 0209 Chip resistor 22s o 0 1 4 0 Transistor 22s2 0567 Transistor 22s3 0217 Transistor 22s3 0364 Transistor 2301 0275 Diode 2310 7 7 3 2 Zener diode 2310 7 7 7 s Zener diode 2310 7 9 7 0 Zener diode 2360 1232 Zener diode 2390 0378 Diode 2606 0 0 0 7 Carbonfilm resistor 2606 0 3 1 5 Carbonfilm resistor 2617 0028 Carbonfilm resistor 26',170036 Carbonfilm resistor 2617 0079 Carbonlilm resistor 2617 0079 Carbonlilm resistor 2617 0087 Carbonfilm resistor 2617 0095 Carbonfilm resislor 2617 0 1 0 9 Carbonlilm resistor 2 6 1 7 0 1 9 2 Carbonfilm resistor 2617 0214 Carbonlilm resistor 2617 0222 Carbontilm resistor 2617 0231 Carbonfilm resistor 2617 0246 Carbonfilm resistor 2617 0289 Carbonfilm resistor 2617 0297 Carbonlilm resistor 2 6 1 7 0 3 0 1 Carbonlilm resistor 2617 0378 Carbonlilm resistor 2617 0416 Carbonfilm resistor 2617 0467 Carbonfilm resistor 2801 7546 Electrolyticcapacitor 2801 7 9 9 4 Electrolytic capacitor 2901 9604 Electrolgiccapacitor 2B O 19 6 11 Electrolyticcapacitor 2 8 0 1 9 6 1 8 Electrolyticcapacitor 2804 6002 Electrolyticcapacilor 2805 3029 Electrolyticcapacitor 280s 3037 Electrolyticcapacitor 2805 304s Eleptrolytic capacitor 2818 0448,Ceramiccapacitor 2818 2082 Csramiccapac(or 2830 6211 Myfarcapacitor 3841 0539 Fixed induclor 6.3RVJ33S-T T1-21N lE F103Z-T TC74HC04AF-T1 TC7SO8F.TE85R 23K 425-T'Bt -X 15,1 6 DTC'I14YKT-146 D A 11 6 T - 1 4 6 MCR1OEZHJ272 MC R lOE ZH Jl04 2SA1286-T 2SC4266QR-T 25D 1246T,U .A A .T 25D545E,F.AA.T 1SS176-TPA7.T R D 5.6E S B 2-T1.7 R D s.6E S 83-T1.7 R D s.6JS B 2-T1-T RD7.5ESB1-T1.7 1 S R 1 3 9 -010 T - 3 2 - T R-20-180-J-T24-T R-20-3.3J-T24-r R-20-100-J-T24-T R-20-220-J-T24-T R-20-3.3K-J-T24-T R-20-3.3K-J-r24-T R-20-4.7K-J-T24-T R-20-10K-J-T24-T R-20-33K-J-T24-T R-20-1.8K-J,T24-T R-20-2.7K-J-T24-T Ft-20-820-J-T24-T R-20-270-J-T24-T R-20-12K-J-r24-T R-20-1sK-J-T24-T R-20-22K-J-T24-T R-20-56K-J-T24-T Fl-20-3.9K-J-T24-T R-20-18K-J-T24-T R-20-68-J-r24-T 10R C 2-100-T2-T 16R 83-470-T14-T 16RC2-33-T2-T 6.3RC2-100-T2-T 6.3RC2-220-T2-T 6.3R E 2-470-T14-T Code N o . s0Rc2-1-r2,7 16RCz-10,T2-T 6.3RC2-47-T2-r RT.HE4OTKYBlOl K.T RT.HETOTKYFl O3Z-T AMZV-1s4Kso-T ELE-V1OOKR.T P C B M 5 3 3 1 - C N 1 / C NA2S S ' Y 2301 02751 D iode 1SS176-rP A7-T Oty - Quantityusedper unil ' - Minimumorderand supplyquantily -28- . o 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 11 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 .l 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 1 1 2 5 2 't 3 1 2 3 FOB Japan R N . R - Yen N U ni t P rlce K 20 28 C 6 c 20 30 A 10 27 A 10 32 A 20 12 A 11 c 20 20 3 c 20 10 20 10 20 20 20 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2A 20 10 20 20 2A 20 ?0 10 20 12 20|/ J c 35 A I A 29 A 25 A 5 c 12 B 12 B 12 B a B 11 B 3 3 3 c c c c c c c J C 3 3 3 J c c 3 c 3 c 3 c 3 c 3 c 3 c e c 3 c 3 c 3 c 19 c 27 c 17 c 17 c 20 c 27 c 18 c 18 c 20 c 3 c 6 c 3 c 26, c 3 a sl c A: B: Stock recommended C Others X: No stockrecommended I t em o o o o' o' o' o' o' o* o' o.: o' o' o' o' o' o' o' Code N o . P a rts N a me S pec. N o. a FOB Japar R N . R . Yen N Unlt Prlce K 20 15 c 58 C 100 X 20 27 X 3719 2184 Ribboncable DF5H03120-80008000 1 3725 1246 PC joinerM124F JSF00-8-130M 1 43170840 PCB-M5331-CNl M M210650-2 1 4317 0850 PCB-M5331-CN2 M210650-2 1 PCB M5331.CN3 ASS'Y 23010275 Diode 1SS176-TPA7.T 5 zo 5 c 23700462 LED LN2TSRPX-OA3) 7 21 20 B 27750s74 Semifixedresistor EVN-D4MOOB14 2 20 16 B 37251988 PCB iriner M331C JSF00-18-8sM 1 10 40 c 43170880 PCB-M5331-CN3M M210651-1 1 10 37 X P CB M5 3 3 1 -C N 4 A SS ' Y 372s 1995 PC joinerM331F JSF00-9-90 1 20 28 C 43170860 PCB-M5331-CN4 M3108s0-1 1 220 X 27920217 Chip resistor MCR1OEZFUlOl 10 20 3 c 2792 0462 Chip resistor MCRI0EZ!+J473 2 20 3 C 2792 0470 Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJ102 1 20 3 c 2792 0799 Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJ472 1 20 3 c 27920831 Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJl03 1 20 3 c 27920861 Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJ474 4 c 1 20 2792 0888 Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJ334 3 20 3 c 2792 0942 Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJ332 1 2A 3 c 27921019 Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJ564 2 10 I c 2792 1043 Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJ223 1 20 J c 279s 0273 Chip resistor MCR10g,l+J823. 1 20 3 c 2795 0532 Chip resistor MCRI0EZ!-U105 1 20 3 c 2795 0728 Chip resistor MCRI0EZI-U560 1 20 3 c 2795 074? Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJ683 1 20 3 c 2795 2478 Chip resistor MCR1OEZHK1 06 1 20 2 c 2795 2905 Chip resistor MCR10EZHF5002 3 20 5 c 2795 2912 Chip resistor MCR10EZHF2502 2 20 5 c 2845 0308 Chip capacitor T1-21N1EFl032-T I 4 20 6 c 284s 0763 Chip capacitor T1.21N 1E R l O3K -T 3 20 I c 28450812 Chip capacitor T1.21N1ER682K.7 1 2A 7 c 2845 0896 Chip capacitor T1-21N1HCG47CJ-T 4 c 2 20 2845 10s0 Chip capacitor T1.21N 1H S Ll 01J.T 8 20 6 c 2945 1057 Chip capacitor T1-21N1EF 14 - 7 04 4 20 7 c z8/.s1246Chip capacitor T1-21NE 1 R l O2K .T 1 20 5 c 28451729 Chlp capacitor T1-21N1 HCG20qJ-T 2 20 4 c 4317o89o PCB.M5531.MA1M M110560-1 1 590 X 21141274 MonolirhiclC l-46358M-TP-T1 1 10 4l A 22520595 Chip transistor 2SC2412KT-146R;S 1 2A I A 2360 1036 Chipzenerdiode RD3.3M-TlB(82) 18 B 1 20 23900994 Chip diode DA204K-T146 1 20 14 c 27300530 Chip resislor MCR10EZIU272 1 2A 3 c 27920470Chip resistor MCR1OEZHJ1 02 1 20 3 c 27920831 Chip resistor MCRIoEZ!-U103 2 20 3 c 27921043 Chip resistor MCR10FJ,lil223 1 20 3 c 279210s1 Chip resistor MCR10Ealil222 1 20 3 c MCRI0EZI+J682 2792114AChip resistor 2 20 3 c 27950s32 Chip resistor MCRI0EZ|-U10s 1 20 3 c T1.21N1EFlO3Z-T z8/,sog08 Chip capacitor 1 20 6 c T1.21N1 z8/5 0763 Chip capacitor ERl O3K.T 1 20 I c T1-21N1HCGH471J:| 28451071 Chip capacitor 2 20 9 c 284s 1246 Chlo caoacitor T1.21N1ER1O2K.T 1 20 5 c anl - New parts Rank A: B : Stock recommended Qtv Quantityused per unit C: Olhers Minirnumorderand supplyquantity X : No stock recommended a -?s - *==-*:;"-.1,-.",,... -^:;;=; r..:.0.--.r--;:;;.,,],,;.,-,=-nr7r,,'.;i.ffflj:r"?i+;{..:,,i-^ifti:;i;1ar;r. l':; !;':' i,i: ,:-i' Item o' o' o' o' 1O' 2 30' 40' 50' 60' 7 I I 10 1.1 12 13 14 15 0' 16 0' 170' 19o' 19 o' 20 0' 21 o'. ?2 Q' 23 0' 24 o'25 0' 26 0' 27o^ 29 o' 29 o' 30 0' 31 0' 32 0' t 33 0' 34 0' 35 0' Code N o . M110560-2 EXC.EMTIO3DC IL.G.2P-S3T2.E IPS-1136 1 1 1 2 FOB Japan R N . R - Yen N Unit Price K 100 X 10 23 c 5 X 20 3 X L44182 NJM4558DD EVL-EsA-T12814 BLOzRN2.R62 DST306-56F2103z: SSD-220P TCS5350-01-1211 HEC2305 01-230 YKB21-s101 M110s61-1 M310558A-1 M410817-1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 130 A 78 A 100 B 15 c 28 c 68 B 79 B 28 B 90 B 130 X 24 c 5 X 00-35353535 DF5H021 EAS-gD1OA M31087A-1 M310874-1 M4105684-1 M210679' 1 M4103974-1 M4103984-1 M410399A-1 M410400A-1 M4106988-1 M4106998-1 M4107028-1 M4107048-1 M410837-1 M410837-3 M410837-4 M4't0989-1 M410990-1 M410991-1 M410992-1 M410993-1 M410837-5 M410837-6 M410670-1 M411032-1 M411033-1 M411020-1 M410703B -1 M310477F'3 M4103s7-1 M411012-1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 20 M411019'1 M 4 110 18 ' 1 M310877-1 1 1 1 A: B: C: X: 1 270 A 1 100 c 1 84 c Essential Stockrecommended Others No stockrecommended P a rts N a me S pec. N o. 43170900 PCB-M5331-MA3M 3025 0217 EMI filter 3500 3371 Conneclor2P 3665 0070 Test oin P C B M 5 3 3 1 - M A 2 MA S S ' Y 2114 1253 MonolithiclC 2 1 2 10 0 1 3 OP amp 27650812 Volume 30202147 Ferritebeads 3025 0063 EMI filter 3412 0238 Slide switch 3s 010 1 9 6 DtN jack 35013 7 1 7 DC jack 3612 0711 Miniaturejack 4317 0870 PCB-M5331.MA2M 6 9 1 55 18 1 VR knob 264 6916 0360 Screw 264 UPPER CASE BLOCK cableMzs0tsti 3 7 1 91 9 1 1 Hrbbon 3831 0252 Speaker 6917 0381 Contaarubber 331A rubber3318 69170 3 9 1 Contact 6 9 1 51 9 1 8 Keyring 6917 0420 Uppercasesubassy 6 9 1 48 1 4 1 KeysuppodA 6 9 1 48 1 5 1 KeysupportB 6914 8 16 1 KeysupportC 6 9 1 48 1 7 1 KeysupportD 69156 2 8 2 Keytop 263P8 6s1s 6292 Keytop263PC 6915 6322 Keytop 263PF 69156342 Keytop263PH 6 9 1 61 2 6 0 KeyspacerD 6 9 1 61 2 8 0 KeyspacerD 6916 1 2 9 0 KeyspacerD 6917 0550 Keytop331A 6917 0560 Keytop3318 69170570 Keytop331C 6917 0580 Keytop331D 6917 0590 Keytop331E 6917 0620 KeyspacerD 6917 0630 KeyspacerD 6917 0680 Keytop263PD 6917 2221 Keyshaft331C 6917 2231 Keyshatt331D 6917 2320 Felt(lower) 691s6332 Keytop 263PG grill 69127246 Speaker 69148000 Speakerring 6917 0540 Stoooer(uooer) S E N S O RB L O C K 6917 0430 Sensorsubassy331 69170440 Sensorhousesubassy Tube331 6s17dtrfr ';- New Parts .,.$ l\l - Quantityusedper unit ' - Minimumorderand supplyquantity -30- o I 10 10 5 5 20 20 10 10 20 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 20 20 20 15 X 310 B 42 B 34 B 13 c 1,'l70 c 12 X 12 X 12 X 12 X 10 10 c 10 c 10 c 43 X 43 X 43 X 79 c 79 c 79 c 79 c 79 c € X 43 X 77 c 120 X 120 X 7 X 10 c 290 c 220 c 24 X Item Code N o . 36 O' 37 0' 38 0' 6917 0480 Sensorcover331 6917 0490 Sensorring331 35014396 2P connectorM331 LOWER CASE BLOCK 69095880 SL contact125 69115530 Sponge 6917 0500 Lower case sub assy 6 9 1 70 s 1 0 Slideknob331 6917 0521 Rubberbutton 6907 9200 Batteryspring 938 6912 8881 Batteryspring331 69147920 Battervsorino 263 O T HE H S 6917 3630 Strap 69147781 Decoratingscrew263 691s8 7 2 0 MouthpieceA 6917 0220 Batterycover sub assy 6917 0360 Button331 6917 0371 Contactrubber331C 372s 2002 PC piner M3318 69053840 Spacer5.5 39 40 41 0* 42 o', 43 0* 50 0' 51 0' 52 0' o' 44 4s 46 0' 47 o', 48 0' o' 49 o' Parls Name Spec- No. M 4 11 0 0 0 - 1 M411025-1 fL-2P-9-M331 FOB Japar R N. R. Yen N Unlt Price K 1 1 63 X 1 20 17 X 'l o C S B .125 M42106-1 M210682' 1 M310868-1 M310870A-1 M42629-1 M 4 11 0 2 1 A - 1 M410375-1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 STR M4104054-1 M310667-1 M 4 11 0 1 7 ' 1 M310869-1 M4109944-1 J S F 0 0 -1 - 1 0 0 M4948-9 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 I 10 JO 10 3s B 20 10 20 20 10 I 860 14 38 7 15 21 X c c c X X X 210 c 2 c 45 A 370 c 50 7s c 27 B 27 C 15 X 5 20 10 20 ':': -.1 :li rj-r .;i :-" ':.' !!: , t ': ;":q tij:'i :i.,, li,; lj:i Notes: O' - New Pads Oly - Quantityusedper unit - Minimumorderandsupplyquantity 'lll il i!ri ;,'l - 3't- en B: Stockrecqnmendad C: Oth€rs : Nostockre@mm€nd€d