INC 253 Digital and electronics laboratory I Laboratory 10 Counter Circuit Design and 7-Segment LED Author: …………………………… ID ………………… Co-Authors: 1. …………………………… ID ………………… 2. …………………………… ID ………………… 3. …………………………… ID ………………… Experiment Date: ………………… Report received Date: ………………… For Instructor Comments …………………………………… Pre lab Full 10 …………………………………… Results 15 …………………………………… Discussion Questions Conclusion 25 10 5 Total 65 …………………………………… …………………………………… Marks …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Department of Control System and Instrumentation Engineering Faculty of Engineering King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Objectives 1. To understand the principle and functions of “common anode type” and “common cathode type” 7-segment LED. 2. To understand how to design the counter circuits together with the display section. Equipments Required 1. Training board Devices Required 1. Common anode 7-segment LED 2. Common cathode 7-segment LED 3. IC no.: 7490, 7447, 7408 4. Resistance : 330 Pre-Lab Preparation 1. Design counter circuits in the experiment item 2, 4 and 6 and write the circuits down to the Fig.2, 3 and 4 respectively. Procedure 1. First step, find the position (a, b, c, d, e, f, g and dp) of each legs of the given 7-segment LED, as shown in Fig.1. Then, check that the given 7-segment LED is “common anode” or “common cathode” by using multi-meter. (Do not use range 1, since it can damage the LED). After that record the result in Table 1. 10 f e 1 6 a g b d c dp 5 Fig.1 7-segment LED display 2 INC, KMUTT Lab. 10: Counter Circuit Design and 7-Segment LED Table 1: 7-segment LED display Pin No. Segment Pin No. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 Type of LED #1 : ___________________ Segment Type of LED #2 : ___________________ 2. From the datasheet of IC 7490 and 7447, design the 1 digit decade counter circuit. The input signal is TTL clock pulse. Then, display the counting value to the 7-segment LED. Write the complete designed circuit down to the Fig.2. Hint: 1) Before design the circuit, please study the datasheet of IC 7447 and check that the output of the IC can connect to the given type of 7-segment LED or not. If not, you need to design the additional section until IC 7447 can interface to given type of 7-segments. 2) Resistance 330 should be connected between the IC 7447 output and the 7segments LED input. 3 INC, KMUTT Lab. 10: Counter Circuit Design and 7-Segment LED Fig.2 Decade counter 3. Make an actual circuit as designed in Fig.2 to check the actual result. After complete this step, please call the instructor to check and verify the result. 4. From the circuit in Fig.2, modify the circuit to be “Mod-6 counter”. Then, write the designed circuit down to Fig.3. 4 INC, KMUTT Lab. 10: Counter Circuit Design and 7-Segment LED Fig.3 Mod-6 counter 5. Make an actual circuit as designed in Fig.3 to check the actual result. After complete this step, please call the instructor to check and verify the result. 5 INC, KMUTT Lab. 10: Counter Circuit Design and 7-Segment LED 6. From the datasheet of IC 7490 and 7447, design the counter circuit, which can count from 00 to 99, and display the counting value to 7-segment LED. Write the complete designed circuit down to the Fig.4. Fig.4 00 to 99 counter 6 INC, KMUTT Lab. 10: Counter Circuit Design and 7-Segment LED 7. Make an actual circuit as designed in Fig.4 to check the actual result. After complete this step, please call the instructor to check and verify the result. Questions 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the “common anode” and “common cathode” type 7-segments LED? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. From the given datasheet of IC 7447 and 7448, describe the difference functions between these 2 ICs. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Design the count-down counter, which will count from 5 – 0 5 – 0, by using IC 7490 and display the counting value to common anode type 7-segment LED. 7 INC, KMUTT Lab. 10: Counter Circuit Design and 7-Segment LED