Course Syllabus - Qatar University

College of Arts & Sciences
Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics
Physics Program
Physics(II) For Engineers (PHYS 193) , (L 51- CRN 11734)
Course Syllabus
Fall 2011
Instructor :Hemyan Ahmed Zayed AL-Kuwari
We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up to now,
that will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future. (Max Planck)
(1) Instructor Information
(2) Basic Course Information: (Course Number & title , Course credit and contact hours, Course schedule, Pre-
Requisites and Assumed Knowledge, Resources, Exam Schedule)
(3) Rationale
(4) Aim& Learning Objectives
(4.1) Course Aims
(4.2) Course Objectives And the Corresponding Learning outcomes
(5) Course Topics , Matrix & Tentative Course Calendar
(5.1) Course Topics & Matrix
(5.2) Tentative Course Calendar
(6) Course Format and Activity
(6.1) General Course Format and Activity
(6.2) Homework Assignments
(6.3) Quizzes
(6.4) Blackboard
(6.5) Mastering Physics
(6.6) Term paper
(6.7) Workshops
(6.8) Student Portfolio
(6.9) Exam Rules
(7) Marking Scheme
(8) General Course Regulations
(9) Student Learning Strategies
APPENDIX A. Rubric to Assess Student Course Portfolio
APPENDIX B. Rubric to Assess Student Term Paper
APPENDIX C. Rubric to assess Term Paper Presentation
(1) Instructor Information
Hemyan Ahmed Zayed AL-Kuwari, PhD, Quantum Field Theory, Sussex University, U.K.
Office Hours
Name/ E-mail /Office/Tel
Science building/ section B / No 214 SB
+974 4403-4637
Maha AL-Dafa , Tel: +974 4403-4605
 To be announced.
 At any time my door is open.
 Questions submitted via email and blackboards are welcome at any time.
Muneera Al-Subeai
/ / Science building/ section B /
No 216 SB/ Tel: +974 4403-4640
(2) Basic Course Information
Course Title
General Physics For Engineering II
Course Code
PHYS 193
Credit Hours
3.0 Credit Hours
Weekly Hours
3.0 Lecture Hours , 1.0 Recitation/Discussion Hour , 3.0 Office Hours
Course title
General Physics(I) For Engineers
Experimental General Physics(I) For Engineers
Course Code
PHYS 191
This is the second semester, calculus-based introductory physics course that follows PHYS191. It is a
Continuation of the survey of principles of classical physics presented in PHYS 191. Topics studied
include Electrostatics, Electric charge and electric field , Coulomb's law, electric potentials,
Capacitance and dielectric , currents, , Resistance Ohm's law, Electromotive force , Direct current
circuits, magnetism, Magnetic field and magnetic forces, Sources of magnetic field , Biot-Savart Law,
and Ampere’s law , induction, Faraday’s Law ,Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic radiation, wave
motion, and physical and geometrical optics.
Assumed Knowledge
This course is designed primarily for undergraduate students majoring in physics or engineering. A
major objective of this course is to develop the mathematical formalism necessary for solving the
fundamental one and two dimensional problems of electromagnetic theory. Consequently a good
foundation in calculus prior to have this or any physics course is highly recommended. Mainly, the
course needs some knowledge of vectors and one dimensional differential/integral calculus, and
therefore calculus (1) is required. For the better, It is preferable that calculus (2) be taken prior to or
concurrently with this course in electricity and magnetism. Also the course assumes familiarity with
physics at the level of physics (1). However, during class if I base my explanation on any physical
concept or use any mathematical technique you have not seen before, tell me immediately, and I will go
over it.
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
Delivery Methods
Assessment Schemes
Lectures, Lecture Notes, Recitations.
Homework assignments, Two Midterm exams, Final Exam , Quizzes, Project (short essay, Presentation, Poster,…).
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics and Mastering Physics, Douglas C.
Giancoli , 4th Edition ,2008, Prentice Hall , ISBN-10: 0136139221, ISBN-13: 978-0136139225
Cover may not depict edition offered for sale
Physics Student Book Companion Sites
 Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Serway, & Jewett, 6thedition, Brookscole. (2006).
 Physics, Cutnell & Johnson, 8th Edition, Wiley (2009).
 Fundamental of Physics, 7th Edition, Halliday & Resnick, Wiley (2005).
 Physics, Walker, 3rs Edition, Prentice Hall (2007).
If you find an interesting physics link let me know and I will add it to the list.
Course Schedule
Exam Schedule
Midterm Exam1
Midterm Exam2
Final Exam
Lecture Room SD215
Lecture Room SD215
Lecture Room SD215
Saturday, November 19, 2011, Covering Ch23, Ch24, and Ch25.
Saturday, December 17, 2011, Covering Ch26, Ch27, Ch28.
As in the schedule, Comprehensive
(3) Rationale
Physics 193 is three credits, four lectures, one- semester course on introduction to Electricity & Magnetism for engineering
students. The course studies, on a rigorous calculus-level, the basic laws describing electric and magnetic phenomena. The
course is intended to get a good understanding of electric and magnetic phenomena. More precisely, we will learn to
describe how electric and magnetic fields are produced by charged particles, and we will understand how electric and
magnetic fields affect matter. The electric and magnetic forces are responsible for the majority of forces we commonly
experience: friction, elastic force, tension, normal force, etc. Further the electric and magnetic forces are fundamental in the
formation of liquids and solids. The principles of Electricity & Magnetism lie beneath almost all of modern technology
(computers, radio and TV, electric motors, high-energy accelerators, etc), all of biology, and all of chemistry. Thus knowledge
of Electricity & Magnetism is vital in understanding the world around us. Furthermore ,the sophisticated mathematical
techniques developed for solving problems in Electricity & Magnetism are employed as crucial tools to tackle problems in
many other areas of physics such as relativistic and quantum mechanics. As a consequence, the course is strongly
recommended as groundwork for a number of second and third year courses, e.g., quantum mechanics and thermal physics,
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
as well as the fourth year course in advanced electromagnetism. However a comprehensive understanding of electric and
magnetic phenomena is beyond the scope of this one semester course. We will center our attention on introducing the one
dimensional laws of Electricity & Magnetism and show how they play a central role in some features of our lives.Topics to be
covered include: Electric charge, forces, and fields, flux and Gauss’s law, electric potential, capacitors and dielectrics, electric
current and circuits, magnetic forces and fields, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations, alternating current, and
electromagnetic waves.
(4) Aim& Learning Objectives
(4.1) Course Aims
The aim of this course is to
 Introduce the basic principles and fundamental laws of electricity & magnetism;
 Convey the significance of electromagnetic effects in life and modern technology;
 Develop mathematical techniques used to tackle , analyze, and solve simple electromagnetic problems in terms of the
electric & magnetic fields;
 Master the technical and mathematical skills required in electricity & magnetism;
 Apply these concepts and laws in solving real world problems;
 Increasing student motivation and improving student problem-solving and higher order thinking by introducing new learning
methods e.g., participatory learning.
 Providing students with generic skills which will be of great use in his/her field of study e.g. critical thinking, and quantitative
and symbolic reasoning.
(4.2) Course Objectives And the Corresponding Learning outcomes
learning objectives
The course objectives are
to :
Observable/Measurable Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the course students would be able to:
A. Demonstrate knowledge A.1. Explain the origin of electrostatics phenomena in view of modern atomic theory.
and understanding of the A.2. State and sometimes heuristically prove the fundamental laws and theorems of electrostatics in
fundamental laws and
their integral and differential forms, namely: Coulomb’s law, and Gauss’s law.
theorems of electrostatics
A.3. Introduce and physically interpret the concepts of electric Flux.
A.4. Define and calculate the basic physical quantities of electrostatics (electrostatic force, electrostatic
field, electrostatic potential , voltage , and capacitance) for the case of simple discrete and
continuous static charge distribution.
A.5. Represent the electric field graphically and draw the equipotential lines of electric potential for
various static, simple discrete and continuous charge configurations.
A.6. State and prove the basic properties of conductors in electrostatic equilibrium.
A.7. Apply the knowledge of the fundamental laws and theorems of electrostatics in solving problems
involving simple static charge configurations.
B. Develop a basic
B.1. Define and determine the basic quantities of 1D steady electrodynamics; specifically: current,
knowledge of the
current density voltage, Resistance, resistivity, conductivity, emf, and power.
fundamental of 1D steady B.2. State the fundamental laws of 1D steady electrodynamics; specifically : Ohm’s Law, Laws of series
and Parallel networks of Resistors, Laws of series and Parallel networks of Capacitors, Laws of
series and Parallel networks of EMF, Kirchhoff’s Rules and Multi-loop circuits.
B.3. Analyze simple DC circuits.
B.4. Apply the knowledge of the fundamental laws of steady electrodynamics in solving problems
involving simple DC circuits.
C. Strengthen the
C.1. Explain the origin of magnetostatics phenomena in view of modern atomic theory.
considerate of the basic
C.2. State and sometimes heuristically prove the fundamental laws and theorems of magnetostatics in
principles and laws of
their integral and differential forms, namely: Lorentz law, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s circuital
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
D. Demonstrate an
understanding of the
fundamental of
C.3. Define and calculate the basic physical quantities of magnetostatics (magnetic force, magnetic
field, and magnetic dipole moment) for the case of simple steady current distribution.
C.1. List the major sources of the magnetostatics field.
C.2. Represent the magnetic field graphically for various steady current configurations.
C.3. Classify matter according to its response to external magnetic field: Ferromagnetism,
Paramagnetism, and Diamagnetism.
C.4. Apply the knowledge of the fundamental laws and theorems of magnetostatics in solving
problems involving simple steady current configurations.
D.1. Illustrate how emf can be induced by a time varying magnetic field.
D.2. State and sometimes heuristically prove the fundamental laws and theorems of
electromagnetism in their integral and differential forms, namely: Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, and
Maxwell’s equations.
D.3. Define and calculate self and mutual inductance and energy stored in an inductor.
D.4. Explain the formation of Eddy’s current in a conducting materials.
D.5. Analyze simple AC circuits: R circuit, L circuit, C circuit, RL circuit, RC circuit, LC circuit and RLC
circuit and resonance phenomenon.
D.6. State the basic properties of electromagnetic waves.
(5) Syllabus Items Course Matrix & Tentative Course Calendar
(5.1) Syllabus Items Course Matrix
Topics To Be Covered
Text Reference
Chapters 21-24
6-8 Weeks
A.1 A.7.
Exam 1,3
Chapters 25&26
1-2 Weeks
B.1 B.4.
Tutorial; Exam 2,3
Chapters 27&28
1-2 Weeks
C.1.  C.4.
Exam 2,3
Chapters 29 & 30
1 Week
D.1 D.4.
Tutorial; Exam 3
Chapter 31
1 Week
Tutorial ;Exam 3
Part(I) Electrostatics:
Electric charge; Coulomb’s law; superposition of forces; electric
field, electric fields of simple geometric; electric field lines;
electric flux and Gauss’s law. Electric dipole field; dipole
moment and torque on a dipole. Electric potential energy;
electric potential; electric potential difference; equipotential
lines; energy stored in simple charge configurations. Electric
field around conductors. Capacitors and their capacitance;
energy stored in a capacitor.
Part(II) Electrodynamics:
Current; resistance, Ohm’s law; resistivity; electromotive
force; Kirchhoff’s laws; RC circuits
Part(III) Magnetism:
Lorentz’s force law; force on a current-carrying wire; force
between current-carrying wires; torque on a current loop;
magnetic field; magnetic field due to steady current;
magnetic dipoles; Ampere’s law; Biot-Savart Law; magnetic
flux; magnetic materials: Dia-,Para-,and Ferro-magnetism
Part(IV) Electromagnetic Induction:
Induced e.m.f; Faraday's law; Lenz's law; energy stored in a
magnetic field. Inductors; mutual and self inductance;
energy stored in an inductor; transformers.
Part(V)Alternating Current:
AC voltage and current; simple Ac circuits and applications;
impedance and phases. LR, LC, and LRC circuits.
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
Part(VI)Electromagnetic Waves:
Ampere's law and displacement current; Gauss’s law in
magnetism; Maxwell's equations; electromagnetic waves.
Chapter 32
1 Week
Tutorial ;Exam 3
N.B.: Some sections may be shortened or skipped .Any material skipped will be announced in class.
(5.2) Tentative Course Calendar
Week of
Sep. 25
Oct. 2
Oct. 9
Oct. 16
Oct. 23
Oct. 30
Nov. 6
Nov. 13
Nov. 17
Saturday Nov. 19
Nov. 20
Nov. 27
Dec. 15
Saturday Dec.17
Jan. 5
Jan. 5
Final Exam day
As Scheduled
Topics to be Covered
Toward Understanding Electrostatic Phenomena: Developing Charge Model : Ch (21)
Coulomb’s Law : Ch (21)
Coulomb’s Law : Ch (21)
Electric Field : Ch (21)
Electric Field : Ch (21)
Gauss’s Law and its applications: Ch (22)
Gauss’s Law and its applications: Ch (22)
Conductors In Electrostatics Equilibrium : Ch (22)
The Potential Theory In Electrostatics : Ch (23)
The Potential Theory In Electrostatics : Ch (23)
Capacitors And Dielectrics : Ch (24)
Eid AL-Adha Holiday
Capacitors And Dielectrics : Ch (24)
Review for Exam (1)
Midterm Exam (1): Covering Ch 23, Ch 24, and Ch 25.
Introduction: Concept of Steady Electrodynamics
Basic Quantities of 1D Steady Electrodynamics: current, current density voltage, Resistance,
resistivity, conductivity, emf, and power
Fundamental Laws of 1D Steady Electrodynamics: Ohm’s Law, Laws of series and Parallel
networks of Resistors, Laws of series and Parallel networks of Capacitors, Laws of series and
Parallel networks of EMF, Kirchhoff’s Rules and Multi-loop circuits: Ch (25) & Ch (26)
Applications on Steady Electrodynamics: Ch (25) & Ch (26)
simple DC circuits: R circuit, C circuit, RC circuit: Ch (26)
More applications on Steady Electrodynamics: Ch (25) & Ch (26)
Simple Model for Magnetism : Magnetic Field: Ch (27)
The Magnetic Force On a Moving Charge: Defining the Magnetic Field: Ch (27)
Review for Exam (2)
Midterm Exam (2): Covering Ch26, Ch27, Ch28.
National Day Holiday
Magnetic field due to steady current(magnetic dipoles, Ampere’s law, Biot-Savart Law) :Ch (28)
Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's law and Lenz's law : Ch (29)
Alternating Current and Its Circuits : Ch (30)
Alternating Current and Its Circuits : Ch (30)
Electromagnetic Waves : Ch (31)
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Review for Final Exam
Last day to submit the Term Paper
Last day to submit the Student portfolio
Final Exam: Comprehensive
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
(6) Course Format and Activity
(6.1) General Course Format and Activity
Physics is very challenging demanding accumulating science .thus, en route for learning physics, at any level, various teaching
strategies and learning activities should be invoked and interspersed throughout the sessions. For teaching this course I integrate the
following learning activities:
 Regular class meeting. Generally the class will cover one chapter a week with the exception of the first and second chapters.
During the week there will be three contact hours of lectures followed by one contact hour of problem discussion session.
 Providing lecture notes with blank to fill in during classes.
 In and out- whole class discussions opportunities.
 If students time permit workshops grounded on brainstorming methodology will be assigned each 2-3 weeks.
 Assigning reading material before and after we take it up in class.
 Writing down the most significant physical concepts learned for the day.
 There will be semiweekly quizzes.
 There will be two closed book and closed notes in-class midterm exams and a comprehensive final exam.
 Engaging students in solving problems via homework.
 Encouraging small-group discussions on homework problems.
 Engaging students in preparing the course portfolios.
 Engrossing students in preparing and writing technical papers or projects.
(6.2) Homework Assignments
You will have four types of frequent homework assignments with regard to the course material; specifically, skimming each chapter
before we take it up in class, reading your text book and reviewing your notes after every class, and performing your homework.
The first three tasks will serve to keep your attention and interest up whilst the last task will help you to powerfully comprehend the
material and build up your problem solving techniques.
In fact working through problems is crucial to your understanding of a physics course and corresponding passing grade. It is the only
way to learn most of physics, so please take the homework very seriously. You will be present with a sheet on the topic “How to do
physics problems?”
Performance of homework problems is subjected to the following guidelines and rules:
 Students will encounter two types of homework; namely team problems and non-team problems.
 Team problems, must be worked as team .In this case only one written copy of the solution is required per team but put all the team
member’s names on the sheet.
 For the non-team problems, I expect you to write up your solutions individually. I encourage you to meet together in-groups to study,
discuss and argue on the homework. However your write-up should show your insights of the problems.
 For team and non-team problems, these are not acceptable:
 handing your homework to your friends;
 copying your friend’s homework;
 Copying previous year homework.
 For non-team problems, before involving in group discussions I suggest that you initially attempt to solve the problems by
yourselves, as this will help you to explore honestly your weaknesses.
 Selected problem will be graded and included in the final grade determination.
 If you can not solve a problem try to write down why you are having difficulties.
 Just writing down a numerical answer for a problem will give you a zero point for that problem.
 You will receive written solutions when problem sets are collected.
 Homework will be due in class next week of issue.
 Any question concerning the homework can be directed to me in the office hours.
 Late problem sets of course will not be accepted without a valid reason.
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
(6.4) Quizzes
It is critical to constantly measure the follow-up of the students regarding the class material. Thus I use quiz strategy. Besides it will
help students to do not fall behind, quizzes will help the instructor to recognize early the student’s weakness points. Approximately 6-7
sudden quizzes shall be given during the semester. Generally speaking you will have one quiz every two weeks. The following points,
display the guidelines for taking and grading quizzes:
 Quizzes are composed of 1-6 conceptual problems.
 Quizzes will count towards your final grade.
 Quizzes are open text book and open notes.
 We will utilize peer-to-peer learning methodology in solving the quizzes. The method is based on brainstorming with your next
 The setup for each step must be shown on quizzes. Answer with no effort to show how you get it constitutes a zero.
(6.4) Blackboard
Blackboard (Bb) is the on-line course support software (courseware) used to support teaching and learning in Qatar University. Bb
software, now used by over 10 million students.
Using Bb can enhance the essential components of the strategies of teaching and learning. The course has a course shell set up built
into Bb that can be at a minimum used to:
Present the course calendar.
Post announcements containing reminders and other important course information and updates.
Post documents such as: course syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, Solution for assignments, exams, and quizzes.
Keep an online grade book.
Provide discussion board through which students can communicate asynchronously about the course contents and issues.
(6.5) Mastering Physics(MP)
To enrich the educational learning environment of the course the MP system is utilized. MP can be used as an effective
education tool to enhance student’s learning process. It is a web-based tutoring and homework assignment system. In the MP
homework system hints are available and multiple chances to arrive at the correct answer are given. Several building-skills
tutorial exercises with hints are associated with each chapter. Further, MP uses research-based simulations of physical
phenomena from the PhET project at University of Colorado - Boulder.
(6.6) Term paper
Preparing and presenting a term paper is aimed to improve the students communication skills, introduce students to the realistic
application of class material, motivate students to learn more about multimedia facilities. Organization of your term paper must be
subjected to the following rules:
 The term paper must be on a topic relevant to the material we cover; it should explain the applications of the studied theoretical
physical concepts to a particular technologist issue or natural phenomenon.
 Term papers must be composed of contents, introduction, main body (theory, application …), conclusion, and references. During
lectures, I will elaborate further on the topic “How to write a scientific report?”
 No more than two students should be shared in the same project.
 Some suggestions pertaining to the topics of the term papers will be passed to you.
 We will set up the two-person groups in the first weeks of classes.
 In preparing his/her term paper students should make use of multi sources of references e.g. text books, published Journal paper,
and web resources. A single, one type –reference term paper will not be accepted.
 An extra credit will be given to the student/group who will suggest or will find a new problem or give an illustration of the
application of a particular theoretical principle in other sciences, e.g. chemistry, biology, or every-day life employing the presented
,in class, physical concepts
 An extra credit will be given to the student/group that will besides the hard and electronic copy of his/her/their term paper will
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
translate it into an effective and powerful poster.
 All term papers will be a minimum of five pages long plus a bibliography, typed, double-spaced, 12-pitch, with 1-inch margins all
 Presenting your work to the class will be included in the final grade for the term paper.
 Term papers will be due on the last week of classes.
Last day to submit the term paper is : Thursday , January, 5, 2011
(6.7) Workshops (if time permits)
Student’s problem solving skill can be enhanced through the organization of brainstorming discussion sessions. In such workshops the
class will be broken up into small working groups whose goal will be to solve challenging very real-life problems. Attendance of
workshops is optional; however extra 2 points shall be given for regular attendance and participation.
(6.8) Student Portfolio
The student portfolio is a collection of student notes, ideas, questions, and perspectives of the course material. The main purpose of the
portfolio is to allow students to demonstrate what they have learned in class and to identify and assess his/her personal scientific
growth in the subject. Further, preparation of the portfolio will help students to gain experiences in keeping record of the material
covered in class in an organized manner. Encouraging students to reproduce and organize the class material can be served as an
instrument to improve dramatically their study procedure and consequently complete their preparation for quizzes and exams. Finally, I
believe that the major objective of having the portfolio is to document that all of the above learning outcomes have been met.
Each student is required to design and keep a student portfolio in a two-ring binder. The portfolio should be neatly organized and kept
up to date. The portfolio should include the following entries:
 Table of contents.
 All in-class handouts.
 Class notes.
 Homework assignments.
 Quizzes.
 Exams.
 General media articles relevant to the course topics
 Term paper.
 Description of each chapter .Each description should contain :
1. Summary of the main concepts.
2.Illustration of the main concepts using videos and pictures out of hard or media articles.
3.Application of those concepts in real life situations.
4. Student reflections regarding the chapter content, class activities, and the obstacles that he/she has faced in studying the
 Challenging problems pertaining to the material we have covered.
 All in-class conceptual problems.
 Self-assessment statement.
 All laboratory reports.(optional)
Students are welcome at any time to talk about progress on their portfolios and to address any questions regarding the portfolio items.
Portfolios shall be checked for completeness periodically during the semester and at the end of the semester. Student will be graded on
the accessibility, readability, and intelligibility of his/her portfolio as well as the comprehension of the contents .The portfolios will be
returned to students during the final week of class.
(6.9) Exam Rules
Last day to submit the Portfolio is : Final Exam Day
Exam is a vital evenhanded learning instrument to gauge students, qualitatively and quantitatively, on the course foremost theoretical
concepts. The regulations regarding arrangements, attendance, and conduct, of examinations are summarized in the following points:
 There will be three two-hour exams during the semester. All exams are closed book closed notes. The final exam is comprehensive
but will emphasize the material covered after the second exam.
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
 Prior to each exam, special review sessions will be arranged.
 A single equation sheet may be brought to the exam. However a sheet of useful equations will be provided at the time of the exam.
Bring to mind, having equations available does not guarantee success-understanding is the key.
 There will be no makeup exams and no grade will be dropped,
 If an exam is missed verifiable circumstances will be considered.
 Two exams on one day is not a sensible reason to postpone an exam; if you have three or more exams on the same day you must
notify the instructor prior to the exam.
 Date changes of a midsmester exam is possible provided that:
 No date-change discussion inside the class.
 The new date must be within one week of the assigned date.
 A paper with the new date must be signed by all students and submitted to me.
 During the exams no outside material is allowed. Anyone caught cheating during an exam will be given failing grade for the entire
course. Students turned in exam papers with obvious traces of cheating will be given zero point for the exam. In all cheating cases
the names of the involved students will be forward to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs of College of Arts &Sciences. For
further information regarding academic honesty on conduct of examination see the Deanship Of student Affairs website at
 Exam grading policy will have flexibility allowing for the lower grade midterm exam to be weighted less than what another one is.
(7) Marking Scheme
The grading policy for the course will have pliability; many alternatives are permissible within the following bounds:
Learning Activity
Midterm Exams 1 and 2
Student Portfolio
Term Paper
Final Exam
Extraordinary effort such as :
 Effective participation in class meetings
 Presenting solutions to some noticeable challenging problems
 Demonstrating experiment to study a particular educational
learning outcome of the course
 Translating term paper it into an effective and powerful poster
Bounded Grade Weight
35% to 40%
10% to 15%
7% to 10%
3% to 10%
5% to 10%
35% to 40%
2 %-5% Extra
The final grade weight for the first and second exams for each student will be computed by adding up the best
grade of each exam all possible ways and taking the finest final result.
QU dress code will be put in action and Violators will be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures including grade reduction.
Refer to
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
(8) General Course Regulations
I. Academic Integrity
QU Standards for Academic Integrity are described in QU Student Handbook. Violation of code items relating to the
particular requirements of this course will result in disciplinary actions. Examples of violations include but are not limited to
the following:
 Intentional and non-intentional plagiarism. Some form of plagiarism is copying /semi copying the ideas/concepts of
others without proper citation.
 Getting improper assistance on homework, quizzes, and/or exams.
 Cheating
 Using Cell phones, Blackberries, iPods, PDAs, Laptops or any other electronic devices during classes.
 Using Calculators on other electronic devices. Make sure to bring a standard calculator with you to class.
II. QU Dress Code
QU dress code will be put in action and violators are not allowed to enter to my lectures and their names will be reported to
QU disciplinary committee. Refer to Student Handbook at:
III. Attendance to lecture and Class Activities:
Students are expected to attend all classes, and any class activity designated for this course. According to QU Class
attendance protocol, it is compulsory to attend at least 75% of the scheduled classes .A student Who will not maintain the
required attendance percentage, will be deemed not to have met the requirements of the course and will receive a final not
pass grade (F). Excused documented absences (scheduled absences, emergency absences,...) will be accepted provided that
the number of excused absences will not exceed the number of absences permitted in the course. When excused absences
are accepted, a procedure will be invoked for making up missed assignments, quizzes and midterm exams.
IV. Assignments
As it has mentioned above, two types of homework will be given; namely team problems and non-team problems. Team
problems, must be worked as team , but only one written copy of the solution is required per team with all the team member’s
names on the sheet. The task to write up the final draft of a team problem set must be distributed, throughout the course,
evenly among all team members. For the non-team problems, we expect you to write up your solutions individually. Selected
problems will be graded and included in the final grade determination. Late assignments will be penalized by 5% deduction of
the earned score for each working day beyond the deadline. However valid and verifiable excuse will be considered.
V. Grading System
You should take the responsibility for your grade by completing all the required course work in time. Further, you must be
informed that no scores will be dropped. Any questions, grievance or complaints on grades must be brought to the instructor
attention within one day of the grade submission.
VI. Students with Disabilities
If you have a Psychological and/or Physical disability or disabling medical conditions that could affect your performance in
this course, Please see me privately at my office for a discussion of your disability-related academic needs and accordingly I
can make the appropriate arrangements and actions. Also those students that have medical conditions (asthma, diabetes ...)
are welcome if they wish to share with me any emergency medical information.
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
(9) Student Learning Strategies
Teaching and learning are mutual, integrated, simultaneous, action. To raise students learning abilities of physics, we
teachers strive to infuse the basic concepts and fundamental laws of physics in the minds of the potential scientist, and
engineers. The occurrence of learning is not solely a teaching-dependent action. A great effort must be done by students to
improve their conceptual and analytical understanding of physics. Physics is very fascinating science but due to the
sophisticated mathematics behind every physics concept and law, physics emerges as a very challenging and demanding
subject. Moreover, because of its accumulative nature, as always new ideas will be building upon the older ones, physics
seems a bit overwhelming.
Students play a cardinal role in the teaching-learning process. Students feedback through students evaluation can improve
and effective teaching methodology, while the effort exerted by students to utilizing and improving the accessible learning
strategies would lead to a complete comprehension of a physics course.
In the following I will draw the best “in my view” students learning strategies for studying physics. Mentoring students toward
adopting a broad spectrum of learning strategies will make huge difference to the performance of students. The student
learning strategies drawn below are sort of suggestions on how to dramatically students are able to improve their
understanding of and therefore their grade in a physics course. The proposed studying guidelines are relevant only for
physics courses taken by students majoring in physics, or any science disciplines and engineering.
 It is important that students come to class prepared, so they should skim the new material before take it up in class.
 During lectures students must record the main concepts, arguments, and results.
 Making a neat copy of the lecture notes.
 Students must spend time after the class to read through his/her notes and text book.
 Asking questions when something is not clear.
 Effort must be made to understand the new concepts and to apply them to problems.
 It is vital that students sit down and work out the course problems.
 It is useful for each student to prepare a concise summary of the material presented in lecture.
 It is critical to have a good foundation in mathematics at the level of calculus (1) prior to taking any physics course.
 A conscientious student who does not have a strong background in physics and/or math should plan to spend at least 12
hours a week reading the text book, reviewing the notes, and working homework problems.
 A student who does have a good background in physics and/or math should plan to spend at least 6-8 hours a week
reading the text book, reviewing the notes, and working homework problems.
 Group discussions must be motivated on all course components e.g. introduced concepts, student portfolio, project,
solved examples, homework, etc.
 Physics is a highly visual subject and many physics concepts are best conveyed by taking the advantages of the web
Finally Remember that
The syllabus is not a contract, but plan of action .It may be subjected to alteration during
the semester by the instructor as the learning environment requires
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
To objectively and subjectively assess the course Portfolio, term paper, and term paper presentation three
rubrics (rating scales) for the evaluation procedures are designed. The rubrics contain a set of assessment
criteria that specifies the required characteristics for each quality level of the items of the graded activities.
The rubrics would serve as a systematic guide for providing learners with the necessary feedback on the
components of the graded course activities.
APPENDIX A. Rubric to Assess Course Portfolio
Grading Scale/Indicators
 All required materials are included.
 Contains a remarkable number of
additional related materials.
6Lass than 8
 All required materials are
 Some required materials are
not included.
 Contains a number of additional
 All issues raised in class are addressed,
discussed, and outlined.
4Less than 6
related materials.
 Some of the issues raised in class
are addressed, discussed, and
Sections are well organized and clearly
Sections are creatively and logically
Content& Organization
ordered, with clear transition sentences.
clearly presented.
Resources for extra items are clearly and
correctly listed and cited.
Sections are organized and
Sections are logically ordered.
Sections are poorly organized
Sections are illogically ordered.
Presentation of the portfolio
Some of the used resources for
demonstrates that student has
extra items are listed and cited.
gained the minimum expected
Presentation of the portfolio
learning outcomes.
Presentation of the portfolio elements
shows an understanding of the
shows an accurate and through
presented in class physics
familiarity with using
understanding of the presented in class
concept and its applications, and
Technology in preparing
physics concept and its applications, and
therefore the achievement of the
written document.
therefore illustrate the achievement of all
most of the expected student
expected student learning outcomes.
learning outcomes.
Reveals the student ability to powerfully
Provides no evidence for
Reveals the student ability to use
use Technology in preparing written
Technology in preparing written
 Demonstrates the student skill in deeply
 Demonstrates the student skill in
analyzing and critiquing scientific work.
analyzing and critiquing scientific
skill in analyzing scientific
 Indicates student ability to effectively
propose and come up with new ideas to
Demonstrates the student
 Indicates the student ability to
improve course contents and teaching
propose and come up with new
ideas to improve course contents
and teaching strategies.
 Gives clear evidence of the excellent effort
put in preparing the portfolio.
 Has attractive visual appeal.
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
 Gives evidence of the effort put in
preparing the portfolio.
 Has reasonable visual appeal.
 Shows no evidence for the
effort put in preparing the
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
APPENDIX B. Rubric to Assess Term Paper
Grading Scale/Indicators
Aim &
Covers a significant contemporary
topic that is much related to the course
Employs an original approach to study
6Lass than 8
 Covers a topic that is much related
to the course outcomes.
 Employs a logical approach to study
4Less than 6
 Purpose of term paper is not clear.
 A poor approach is used to study
the selected topic.
the selected topic.
the selected topic.
All required elements and components
All required elements and
of term paper (Abstract, Introduction,
components of term paper
Main Body, Conclusions, and
(Abstract, Introduction, Main
Resources) are evidently addressed
Body, Conclusions, and
and included.
All issues related to the topic are
Sections are well organized and clearly
Content & Organization
Sections are organized and
clearly presented.
Sections and sequenced concepts are
Not all issues related to the
topic are discussed.
Sections are logically ordered.
Sections are poorly organized
Sections are illogically ordered.
Presentation of the elements of
Presentation of the elements of
term paper shows that student
clear transition sentences.
term paper shows an
has gained the minimum
Presentation of the term paper
understanding of all aspects of
understanding of the basic
elements shows an accurate and
the chosen topic.
through understanding of all aspects of
creatively and logically ordered, with
All issues related to the topic are
Some required elements are
Resources) are included.
noticeably addressed, and outlined.
Reveals the student ability to
aspects of the selected topic
Provides no evidence for
the chosen topic.
use Technology in preparing
familiarity with using
Reveals the student ability to powerfully
written document.
Technology in preparing
use Technology in preparing written
written document.
Almost entirely free of spelling,
punctuation, and grammatical errors.
Sections are well written with strong
sentence structure.
Ideas and concepts are presented in a
coherent and clear manner.
 Good quality significant recourses are
A few spelling, punctuation, and
 Several spelling, punctuation,
grammatical errors are detected.
and grammatical errors are
Sections are clearly written with
good sentence structure.
 Ideas and concepts are presented
 Sections are unclearly written
with weak sentence structure.
in a clear manner.
 Some of the recourses utilized in
 Most of the recourses utilized in
effectively utilized in writing the Term
writing the Term Paper are
writing the Term Paper are
 Resources are clearly and correctly
listed and cited.
Overall Layout
 Gives clear evidence of the excellent
effort put in preparing the Term Paper.
 Reveals the writer ability to powerfully
 Resources are clearly and correctly
listed and cited.
 Gives evidence of the effort put in
preparing the Term Paper.
 Reveals the writer ability to use
 Resources are incorrectly listed
and cited.
 Shows no evidence for the effort
put in preparing the Term Paper.
 Provides no evidence for
use Technology in preparing written
Technology in preparing written
familiarity with using
Technology in preparing written
 Has attractive visual appeal.
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari
APPENDIX C. Rubric to Assess Term Paper Presentation
Grading Scale/Indicators
Maintains eye-contact with audience all
6Lass than 8
OR most of the presentation time.
Keeps irregular eye-contact with
4Less than 6
Keeps very limited eye-contact
audience, and frequently goes
with audience, and reads
back to notes.
mostly from notes OR makes
no eye-contact with audience
and only reads from notes.
Delivery & Quality
All OR most of the time speaks using
Employs variation of voice tones, and
Speech is almost entirely free of spelling,
very clearly understood language.
 Speaks using semi-clearly
Sometimes uses different voice
 Speech has some spelling,
punctuation, and grammatical errors.
punctuation, and grammatical
Often mumbles and cannot be
Projected voice mostly is not
easily to be heard
Has low rate tone.
Speech has many spelling,
punctuation, and grammatical
 Makes use of attractive and effective
 Makes use of visual aids to explain
visual aids to emphasize the major points
Integrates superficial visual
some of the important points of the
aids OR no visual aids are
presentation topic.
used during the presentation.
and maintain audience’s interest.
 Are well organized and creatively and
logically ordered.
 Contains appropriate information.
Are semi-organized and logically
Contains adequate information.
 Are poorly organized and
illogically ordered.
 Contains insufficient minimal
 Shows a good and accurate grasp of the
presented material.
 Answers all /most of audiences questions
accurately and perfectly.
Content &
All required elements and components
Shows a good grasp of the
presented material.
Answers correctly some
 All required elements and
components of the presentation
Body, Conclusions, and Resources) are
(Introduction, Main Body,
evidently addressed and included.
Conclusions, and Resources) are
noticeably addressed, and outlined.
The presenter is able to complete the
presentation in the assigned time
 Most of issues related to the topic
are addressed.
 Presentation is ended slightly
Does not have the required
questions of audience.
of the presentation (Introduction, Main
All of issues related to the topic are
Is unable to answer correctly
audiences’ questions.
Some required elements are
Not all issues related to the
topic are discussed.
Presentation is completed
much before OR very beyond
its scheduled time
before OR after its assigned end
Team Work
 Harmonic transition between speakers.
 Speakers participate equally in the
 Speakers do not interrupt each other
 Speakers participate almost equally
in the presentation.
 Some Interruptions occurs during
 Speakers participate unequally
in the presentation.
 Speakers frequently interrupt
each other during presentation.
during presentation.
Course Syllabus For PHYS 193 – Fall 2011
Hemyan A. AL-Kuwari