ISSUED TO ____________________________________________________ DATE __________________________________________________________ SEWERAGE and WATER BOARD of NEW ORLEANS SPECIFICATIONS FOR HURRICANE KATRINA RELATED 404 HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM REPLACEMENT OF BURKE SEWAGE PUMPING STATION CONTRACT 3788 Proposals To Be Opened 11:00 O'Clock A.M., Local Time on Friday, November 15, 2013 FINAL PLANS RELEASED FOR BID KHAFRA ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEER: VALENTINO BATES LICENSE # 30768 DATE: September, 2013 SEWERAGE AND WATER BOARD OF NEW ORLEANS ADVERTISEMENT AND DESCRIPTION CONTRACT 3788 New Orleans, Louisiana, October 16, 2013 Sealed proposals will be received by the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, at the office of its Purchasing Agent, Room 133, 625 St. Joseph Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70165, up to 11:00 o’clock A.M., Local Time on Friday, November 15, 2013, and publicly opened immediately thereafter, for: CONTRACT 3788 HURRICANE KATRINA RELATED 404 HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM REPLACEMENT OF BURKE SEWAGE PUMPING STATION in the City of New Orleans, according to the accompanying plans and these specifications. Contract drawings, specifications and proposal forms will be issued only to Contractors and/or Subcontractors who are licensed by Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors, under Louisiana Revised Statutes 37:2150 through 37:2163 as amended. Bids will be accepted from only those Contractors who possess a Municipal and Public Works license. Contract drawings, specifications and proposal forms are available gratis from Sewerage & Water Board Web site: (Click on Bids and Business, then Bids Ads & Spec). Contract specifications and proposal forms may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent of the Board for $120.00. Bids must be submitted on forms provided by the Owner. Envelopes containing bids and bid guarantee must be sealed, marked with the project name and with the Contract name, the Contractor’s name as it appears on the license and the Louisiana Contractor’s License number. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or proposals for just cause and to waive informalities. MARCIA ST. MARTIN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JOSEPH BECKER GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT The Drawings governing the work of this Contract are as follows: Drawing Nos. 12089-W-32 Sheets 1 through 34B and Drawing Nos. 5056–P1 through P13 The amount of the Deposit or Bid Bond for this Contract 3788 shall be not less than five per cent (5%) of the total amount of the proposal. A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 1, 2013 at the Sewerage and Water Board Engineering Building Auditorium, 8800 South Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70118. Any Bidder failing to attend this Pre-Bid Conference will be considered a Non-Responsive Bidder. * * * END OF ADVERTISEMENT AND DESCRIPTION * * * AD - 1 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION A INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS PARAGRAPH NUMBERS Form of Proposals ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Proposals ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-6 Deposits of Bid Bonds ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Bond .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Signing of Contract and Bond.............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Quantities in Proposal ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Bidder to Examine Location................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Interpretation of Specifications ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 Labor Regulations ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3-15 Insurance............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Liens.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Patent Rights ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Contractor not an Agent ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 GENERAL PROVISIONS Authority of General Superintendent .................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Increase or Diminution of quantities..................................................................................................................................................... 21-2 Changes in Location, etc ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Assignment or Subletting of Contract .................................................................................................................................................. 24 Transferring Interest in Contract .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 Failure to Start, Failure to Complete.................................................................................................................................................... 26 Failure to Make Progress, Board's Right to Take Over ....................................................................................................................... 27-28 Extension of Time................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 Bondsmen Waive Right of Special Notice ........................................................................................................................................... 30 Extra Work........................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Laboratory Inspection .......................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Drawings and Specifications................................................................................................................................................................ 33-34 Inspection by Engineer ........................................................................................................................................................................ 35 Defective Work .................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Quality of Work .................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Rejected Materials............................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Patented Articles and Alternates ......................................................................................................................................................... 39 Responsibility of Contractor................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Office and Residence of Contractor .................................................................................................................................................... 41 Supervision by Contractor ................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Responsibility for Damage................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Contractor's Neglect ............................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Cooperation with Other Contractors .................................................................................................................................................... 45 Lines, Grades, etc. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Competent, Orderly Workmen Required ............................................................................................................................................. 47 Night or Sunday Work ......................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Police and Health Regulations ............................................................................................................................................................ 49 Signs, Lights, Watchmen..................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Clearing Site ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 51 Work Structures................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 Sanitary Arrangements........................................................................................................................................................................ 53 Cleaning Up......................................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Monthly Payments to Contractor ......................................................................................................................................................... 55-57 Advances for Materials Delivered ........................................................................................................................................................ 58 Completion of Contract and Final Payment ......................................................................................................................................... 59 Final Payment and Lien Period ........................................................................................................................................................... 60 Maintenance Period ............................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Unsatisfactory Work ............................................................................................................................................................................ 62 Right to Modify Previous Estimates .................................................................................................................................................... 63 Contract to be in Acceptable Condition at Time of Final Payment.......................................................................................................64 Waiver of Jurisdiction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 65 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS FORM OF PROPOSALS (1) All proposals must be made upon the Form of Proposal embodied in the Special Specifications for each contract. A cashier's check, a certified check, U. S. currency or a bid bond acceptable to the Sewerage and Water Board must be enclosed with each proposal and no proposal will be considered which does not comply with this requirement. Said bid bond shall be written in the same name of the party, firm or corporation offering the proposal. The amount of this deposit or bid bond shall be five per cent (5%) of the total amount of the proposal. (2) Each proposal shall contain the full name and address of each person interested therein if made by an individual, a firm or a co-partnership; if made by a corporation it must be signed in the name of the corporation by some duly authorized officer or agent thereof who shall also subscribe his own name and office. If possible, the seal of the corporation shall be affixed. All prices must be written in full in words and also in figures; if there is a difference between the words and the figures in any price bid, the price written in words will be considered to be the true bid. No proposal will be considered unless prices are given for all items for which prices are asked, except when specifically provided otherwise in the special specifications. PROPOSALS (3) Proposal from any person, firm or corporation in default upon any contract with the Sewerage and Water Board will neither be received nor considered. Any proposal which does not fully comply with all of the provisions of the "Information for Bidders" and of the specifications will be considered informal and may be rejected. (4) Permission will not be given to withdraw, alter or add to any proposal after the final time set for the receipt of sealed proposals. (5) If two or more proposals are received, equal in amount and lower than any other proposal, the Board reserves the right to evaluate these proposals, item by item, and to decide which proposal will be accepted. Unless otherwise specified, the contract will be let as a whole to one bidder. Preference will be given to home contractors, all conditions being equal. DEPOSITS OR BID BONDS (7) The deposits or bid bonds called for in paragraph No. 1, above, will be retained by the Sewerage and Water Board as the property of the bidders until the contract is awarded or all proposals are rejected. Upon the award of the contract, the deposits or bid bonds of all bidders, other than the lowest two (2) formal bidders will be returned. The return of the deposit or bid bond of the bidder to whom the contract is awarded is conditioned upon the successful bidder furnishing the insurance required in the specifications and his appearing before the Notary for the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after notice by the Executive Director or the director of Administrative Services of the award of the contract and executing a contract and furnishing bond for the faithful fulfillment thereof according to the attached specifications. The deposit or bid bond of the next lowest bidder will be returned as soon as the successful bidder has executed his contract and furnished Bond. If all proposals are rejected, all deposits and bid bonds will be returned immediately. BOND (8) The said Bond for faithful fulfillment of the contract shall be for the full amount of the contract; it shall be executed by a surety company legally authorized to do business in the State of Louisiana, satisfactory to the Sewerage and Water Board. Should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to appear within the specified period and execute the aforesaid Contract and Bond as herein set forth, his deposit or bid bond shall be forfeited and shall become the property of the Sewerage and Water Board as liquidated damages, and the said bidder shall cease to have any further rights to or in the contract. The Sewerage and Water Board may then proceed to advertise for new bids or to award the contract to the next-lowest bidder. A-2 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 SIGNING OF CONTRACT AND BOND (9) The Contract and Bond shall be signed in the City of New Orleans, before the Notary for the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, by the Contractor in person or by a duly authorized representative. The notarial fee for the execution of the contract shall be paid by the Contractor in accordance with the Notarial Fee Schedule attached to these specifications. Contractor shall also be responsible for payment of all recordation costs. QUANTITIES IN PROPOSAL (10) Where the quantities given in the Form of Proposal, though determined with as much accuracy as deemed necessary, are approximate only, these quantities, however, at the price bid for each item, shall determine the relative value of each proposal. The quantity of each individual item is not a binding feature of the bid or of the contract, however, the Sewerage and Water Board does not, either expressly or by implication, agree that the actual amount of work to be done will correspond to the quantities given in the Form of Proposal. Bidders must bear this in mind and should check the quantities by examination of the drawings, the contract requirements and the actual conditions at the site of the work. Unbalanced bids may be rejected. BIDDER TO EXAMINE LOCATION (11) Each bidder must thoroughly examine the location of the contract work and satisfy himself as to the surrounding conditions, the nature of the soil and the obstructions therein and all other difficulties to be overcome and must judge for himself the character of the work to be performed; the Sewerage and Water Board will in no way be responsible for any errors, oversights or misjudgment of the bidder, nor will the Board make any allowance therefore. The Sewerage and Water Board is not to be held responsible for any oral information by any officer or employee of the Board concerning the nature of the soil strata or the obstacles to be encountered. INTERPRETATIONS OF SPECIFICATIONS (12) If any person contemplating submitting a proposal for a contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of plans, specifications or other proposed contract documents, he may submit to the Purchasing Agent of the Sewerage and Water Board a written request for an interpretation thereof; the said request must be delivered at the office of the Purchasing Agent of the Board not less than seven (7) working days before the time set for the opening of the proposals, and the person submitting the request shall be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation of the proposed documents will be made only by Addendum, duly issued, and a copy of such Addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person receiving a set of such documents. The Sewerage and Water Board will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretation of the proposed documents. LABOR REGULATIONS (13) All work carried out under this contract shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, etc., of the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans, relative to licenses, permits, approvals, etc., required by law or ordinarily secured under recognized good practice, which said licenses, permits, approvals, etc., shall be secured by the Contractor at his own expense. (14) Not Used (15) Not Used INSURANCE (16) The Contractor shall maintain, at his own cost and expense, such insurance as will protect him from all claims for damages to public or private property or for personal injury, including death, to employees or to the public, which may arise from any operations under this contract or any of its subcontracts. The following are the types of insurance policies and the minimum limits of insurance coverage which shall be maintained by the Contractor during the entire term of the contract: A-3 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 (a) WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE, as will protect him from claims under Workmen's Compensation Acts. The limit of liability under the Employers' Liability Section of the policy shall be in the amount of $100,000. Whenever any vessel or floating equipment is involved, the insurance shall afford coverage under Federal Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Act, and shall also include protection for injuries and/or death to Masters and Members of the crews of vessels (Jones Act), with limits of $100,000 each person and $500,000 each accident. (b) COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE, with limits of liability for bodily injury and/or death of not less than $500,000 for all injuries and/or deaths arising out of any one occurrence. The limits of liability for property damage shall not be less than $100,000 for each occurrence and not less than $500,000 aggregate, including Explosion, Collapse, and Underground Property Damage Hazards. (c) OWNER'S PROTECTIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE, in the name of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans and the City of New Orleans, as Named Insureds. The limits of liability shall be the same as specified in Paragraph (b) above, and shall include Explosion, Collapse and Underground Property Damage Hazards. Subcontractors need not provide the insurance required by this Paragraph (c). (d) COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE, which shall include Hired Cars and Non-Ownership Coverage. The limits of liability for bodily injury and/or death shall not be less than $100,000 for any one person and not less than $500,000 for all injuries and/or death resulting from any one occurrence. The limit of liability for property damage shall not be less than $100,000 for each occurrence. (e) PROPERTY INSURANCE, required on all work except sewer and water drainage pipelines, reinforced concrete canals, work completely underground, and similar work (however Contractor is not relieved of responsibility therefore). 1. BUILDERS RISK INSURANCE (covering Fire, Extended Coverage, Vandalism and Malicious Mischief) will be carried on a completed value or reporting form, for not less than 100% of the value of the work, including foundations. 2. In addition, INSTALLATION FLOATER INSURANCE (on an "All Risks" form) will be carried on all machinery and equipment to be installed, whether furnished by the Sewerage and Water Board or by Contractor, for not less than 100% of the installed value of the machinery and equipment. This insurance shall be written in the same Insurance Company carrying the Builder's Risk Insurance (where possible), shall include testing, and shall terminate only when installation has been accepted by the Sewerage and Water Board. (NOTE: "ALL RISKS" Builder's Risk Insurance will be acceptable in lieu of Builder's Risk and Installation Floater Insurance, and must meet the requirements of the Property Insurance above). The Builder's Risk and Installation Floater Policies required above shall include the names of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, and the City of New Orleans, and will cover the interests of all sub-contractors without specifically naming them. If the insurance is written subject to a deductible clause, Contractor assumes responsibility for the amount of the deductible. The furnishing of insurance as provided above shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for losses not covered by insurance. Prior to the signing of the contract, evidence of all such applicable insurance satisfactory to the Board shall be filed with the Executive Director of the Sewerage and Water Board. All polices shall be in insurance companies authorized to do business in Louisiana and shall remain in full force and effect until the final completion of the work and acceptance thereof by the authority of the Board. The Contractor and/or his insurer shall notify the Executive Director of the Sewerage and Water Board at least thirty (30) days in advance of any insurance coverage to be cancelled or of any insurance coverage that will expire. The Contractor shall then simultaneously furnish the Board evidence of new coverage to be effective the same day and hour of the expired or cancelled coverage. In the event the Contractor fails to submit this evidence of new coverage five (5) days prior to cancellation date or expiration date of any policy or policies, the Sewerage and Water Board will obtain the required coverage to become effective on date of cancellation or expiration of said polices. The cost of such new coverage shall be at the expense of the Contractor and any expenditures incurred by the Board for A-4 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 this coverage will be deducted from any balance due to the Contractor. Should the Board be unable to secure new coverage to take the place of the expired or cancelled policy or policies, a "stop work" order will be issued and all work on the contract shall cease on the same date and hour as the coverage ceases. Should the Contractor fail or refuse to secure coverage within five (5) days after the date of the "stop work" order, then in such case the Contractor shall be declared to be in default, and the contract between the parties shall be considered cancelled and of not force or effect between the parties reserving all rights of the Board against the Contractor and his surety. LIENS (17) The Contractor shall furnish the Sewerage and Water Board with satisfactory evidence that all persons who have done work or furnished materials under this Contract and are entitled to a lien therefore under any law of the State of Louisiana, have been fully paid or are no longer entitled to such a lien, and in case such evidence is not furnished, as aforesaid, such amounts as the Sewerage and Water Board may consider necessary to meet the lawful claims of the persons aforesaid, shall be retained from the money due the Contractor under this Contract, until the aforesaid liabilities have been fully discharged and the evidence thereof furnished to said Sewerage and Water Board. In lieu thereof, the Board may accept a Lien Bond. PATENT RIGHTS (18) The Contractor shall be liable for any and all royalties for any patented article or appliance furnished or used by him in the execution of this contract, and whenever the Sewerage and Water Board is formally notified or has reason to believe that a claim exists for royalty, damage, or loss of profits growing out of the use of any patents in the prosecution of such work, it shall have a right to retain out of any balance due to the said Contractor, an amount necessary, in its judgment, to satisfy such claim. The Contractor obligates himself to defend all claims or suits brought against the Sewerage and Water Board for infringement of patents, and in case he should neglect to do so, and his surety should fail to do so for him, the Sewerage and Water Board shall have the right to take all necessary proceedings at his expense. CONTRACTOR NOT AN AGENT (19) It is well understood, that the right of supervision by the General Superintendent and other employees of the Board, does not make the Contractor an agent of the Board, and that the liability of the Contractor for all damages to persons or public or private property arising from the Contractor's execution of the work, is not lessened because of such right of supervision. This also applies when the Contractor's employees are employed on extra work or force account. Such right of supervision is retained in order to ensure to the Board the completion of the work, according to specifications, and to insure the public, in general, from all unnecessary inconvenience during the construction of the work. A-5 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 GENERAL PROVISIONS AUTHORITY OF GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT (20) The Sewerage and Water Board (herein frequently called "The Board") will, in general, exercise its authority through its General Superintendent (herein frequently called "The Engineer"). The Engineer will assign to the work such assistants in the way of engineers, inspectors and other employees as are necessary to the proper conduct of the work and the inspection of materials and workmanship. All explanations or directions necessary for carrying out and completing satisfactorily the different descriptions of work contemplated and provided for under the plans and specifications, will be given by the said engineers, and the General Superintendent will finally decide all matters of dispute between the engineers and the Contractor, involving the character of the work, its quantity, and the compensation therefore. All work under this contract, shall be done to satisfaction of the General Superintendent, who shall in all cases determine the amount, quality, acceptability and fitness of the several kinds of work and materials which are to be paid for hereunder and shall decide all questions which may arise as to the fulfillment of this contract on the part of the Contractors. INCREASE OR DIMINUTION OF QUANTITIES (21) At any time or times, prior to the Engineer's making recommendation to the Board that the contract be accepted as competed, (see paragraph No. 59, below) he shall have the right to increase or diminish the quantities of the items of work to be done or materials, etc., to be furnished under this contract; the increase or diminution may be applied to any one item, or to any number of items, in the Form of Proposal; some items may be increased while others are diminished; new items of the same general character may be added, or any item or items may be eliminated entirely. The total net dollar value of increase of diminution allowable in any contract under the terms of this paragraph, shall not exceed ten per cent (10%) of the total amount of the contract, as bid on in the Form of Proposal, unless otherwise stated in the Special Specifications; it shall in no case exceed twenty per cent (20%) of the said total amount of the contract, except with the written consent of the Contractor. (22) It may be the intent of the Board to expend a certain fixed sum, within close limits, on any contract. The right is reserved, therefore, to increase the extent of the work, if bids be lower than was anticipated or to decrease the extent of work if bids be high. Any increase of work, under this clause, will be of the same nature as that bid on. The increase or diminution mentioned in paragraph No. 21, is at the option of the Board and is to be made for the best interests of the Board; the increase or diminution mentioned just above in this paragraph, on account of low or high bids, may be made in addition to the other, and independent of it. If the Board shall decide to exercise the rights reserved in this paragraph No. 22, it must so notify the Contractor within five (5) consecutive calendar days after the date of the signing of the contract, and must at that same time, inform him as to the amount of the certain fixed sum which the Board intends to expend on this contract. CHANGES IN LOCATION, ETC. (23) The Sewerage and Water Board reserves the right to change the locations of the structures to be built under this contract if for any reason the Engineer deems satisfactory, whether to avoid obstructions, either on the surface or underground, to avoid cutting expensive pavements (whether intrinsically expensive or expensive because of an excessive price bid), to make better connection with other structures, or for any other reason tending toward greater economy or better construction. Should such changes in the location, alignment, grade, form or dimensions of any part of the work under the contract, be made by the Engineer, either before or after the commencement of the work, the Contractor shall have no claim against the Sewerage and Water Board on account of such changes, but shall accept as full compensation the price bid for each unit of work which he is required to do regardless of whether or not the location of said unit of work shall be as shown in the plans upon which proposals are invited and compared, provided that such changes of location shall not involve any additional burden or hazard to the Contractor. The Contractor will be compensated for any such additional unavoidable burden or hazards in an amount to be fixed by the Engineer. A-6 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLETTING OF CONTRACT (24) The contractor shall not sublet, sell, transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of the contract or contracts, or any portion thereof, or of his right title, or interest therein, without written consent of the Engineer. In case such consent is given, the Contractor will be permitted to sublet a portion thereof, but shall perform with his own organization, work amounting to not less than fifty per cent (50%) of the total contract cost, except that any items designated in the contract as "specialty items" may be performed by subcontract and the cost of any such "specialty items" so performed by subcontract may be deducted from the total cost before computing the amount of work required to be performed by the contractor with his own organization. No subcontracts, or transfer of contract, shall in any case release the contractor of his liability under the contract and bonds. TRANSFERRING INTEREST IN CONTRACT (25) No interest in this contract shall be transferred by the party or parties to whom the contract is awarded, and no assignment of the same, shall be made without the consent of the Sewerage and Water Board. Any transfer or assignment not approved by the Board, in writing, shall be null and void, and the Board can thereupon call upon the Contractor to complete his contract, call upon the bondsmen to take over, and complete the contract or cause the work to be given to other parties for completion, whichever may seem best to the Board. FAILURE TO START, FAILURE TO COMPLETE (26) The date of starting, the rate of progress and the time for completion of the work to be done under this contract, are understood and agreed to be essential conditions of the contract. If the Contractor shall fail to start work with an adequate force and adequate equipment and materials at the time required in the work order and at the place ordered by the Engineer, or if he shall fail to deliver materials in the required quantities and at the required time, he shall, for such failure, pay to the Sewerage and Water Board liquidated damages in the sum named in the Special Specifications, for each consecutive calendar day of delay in starting, beginning with the day named in the work order as the required day for starting work or for delivering materials and ending with the last day on which he shall not have complied with the order. If the Contractor shall not have completed his work or completed delivery of his materials, as the case may be, within the time set in the Specials Specifications, he shall, for such failure to complete his contract at the required time, pay to the Sewerage and Water Board liquidated damages in the sum named in the Special Specifications, for each consecutive calendar day that the work of the contract shall remain uncompleted beyond the time specified in the contract. The Board shall retain liquidated damages for failure to start or failure to complete (and for failure to maintain proper progress, if the Special Specifications shall so provide) from any money due or to become due the Contractor under the operations of this contract and shall have the right to withhold the said money without being required formally to put the Contractor or his Surety, either or both, in default; if the money due the Contractor and available in the hands of the Board is not enough to cover the liquidated damages, the deficiency shall be supplied by his Surety. Is specifically understood and agreed that the said liquidated damages constitute compensation to the Board for actual damage suffered and not an arbitrary penalty. However, the Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost for delay in starting or completing work or in making deliveries of material when the said delay is due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control of the Contractor and without fault or negligence on his part, such unforeseeable causes including (but not restricted to) inability to obtain supplies and materials, Acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts of the Sewerage and Water Board, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes or delays of subcontractors caused by such conditions. The relief of the Contractor from the charge of liquidated damages for delays due to the said causes is contingent, however, on his notifying the Sewerage and Water Board, in writing, of the causes of the delay within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after the beginning of such delay; the Board will then ascertain the facts and the probable extent of the delay and will, within a reasonable time, inform the Contractor of its decision in the matter. A-7 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 FAILURE TO MAKE PROGRESS, BOARD'S RIGHT TO TAKE OVER (27) If the work to be done under this contract shall be abandoned by the Contractor, or if at any time the Engineer shall be of the opinion that the performance of the contractor is being unnecessarily delayed, or that the Contractor is willfully violating any of the conditions of these specifications, or of this contract, or that he is executing the said conditions in bad faith, the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing, to that effect. Within the five (5) consecutive calendar days following the delivery of such notice to the Contractor, no tools, material or machinery shall be removed from the site of the work or from their accustomed storage place. If the Contractor does not, within the said five (5) days, take such measures as will, in the judgment of the Engineer, ensure the satisfactory continuation and completion of the work, the Engineer may then, by and with the consent of the Board, notify the Contractor to discontinue work on this contract, or either the whole contract or on some specified part or parts thereof, at the discretion of the Engineer. The Contractor shall immediately respect such notice and shall stop work and shall cease to have any right to possession of the ground, of the tools, machinery or materials upon the ground. The Engineer shall then have the power, under the direction of the Board, to place such and so many persons as he may deem advisable, by contract or otherwise, to work at and complete the work above referred to, and to use such tools, machinery and materials as he may find on the site of the said work or to procure other tools, machinery and materials as he may deem necessary to the proper carrying-on of the work, and to charge the expense of said labor, tools, machinery and materials to the Contractor. The expenses so charged shall be paid by the Sewerage and Water Board out of any money then due, or that may later become due the Contractor under the terms of this contract, and in case the said expenses are greater than the sum that would have been payable to the Contractor under the terms of this contract, if the said work had been completed by the Contractor, then the Contractor or this surety, shall promptly reimburse the Board for the excess expense. (28) The Contractor shall be prompt in issuing orders for the purchase of any machinery, equipment, or other articles, which he is obligated to furnish under this contract and he shall notify the Engineer as soon as these orders have been issued. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, there is undue delay on the part of the Contractor in issuing the said purchase orders, the Engineer will notify the Contractor to that effect. If within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after the date of the Engineer's notice to the Contractor, the Engineer has not received satisfactory evidence of compliance therewith, the Engineer shall have the right to purchase for the Contractor's account, the said machinery, equipment or other articles and to have such work done in connection therewith, in his opinion, may be necessary for the prompt and proper performance of this part of the Contractor's obligations under this contract; he shall pay for the said machinery, etc., and for the work done in connection therewith, out of any monies due or to become due the Contractor under this Contract, and the Board shall not be held liable for any loss or damage claimed by the Contractor for materials purchased or work done under the provisions of this paragraph. EXTENSION OF TIME (29) The Sewerage and Water Board may, at its discretion, and for any cause which it may deem sufficient, extend the times set for starting and for completing this contract, either or both. BONDSMEN WAIVE RIGHT TO SPECIAL NOTICE (30) It is distinctly understood and agreed that the bondsmen have familiarized themselves with the wording of this contract and that they waive the right of special notification of changes in the plan contemplated in this contract, of extensions of time, of decreased or increased work, of the cancellation of the contract, or of any other act or acts by the Sewerage and Water Board or its authorized agents under the terms of this contract; failure to notify bondsmen of changes shall in no way relieve the bondsmen from their obligation under the contract. EXTRA WORK (31) When, for the proper prosecution of a contract, work becomes necessary which has not been provided for in any clause of the contract, the Engineer will issue an order, and the Contractor shall perform the A-8 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 work stated in the order. Such work, frequently called "Extra Work" may be paid for in any or all of the following ways as determined by the Engineer in each case: (a) On A Unit Price Basis: Such items of Extra Work, as are covered by unit prices bid or fixed in the Contractor's proposal, will be paid for at the said prices; for such items of Extra Work as are not covered by unit prices bid or fixed in the proposal payment, will be made at unit prices agreed on by the Engineer and the Contractor before the order is issued. These unit prices shall be written into the contract as unit prices for added items and these prices shall apply to similar items in any subsequent Extra Work. Payments will be made and retainers withheld on these added items the same as on the items bid on in the original proposal. (b) On A Lump Sum Basis: A lump sum price for the whole proposed piece of Extra Work will be agreed on by the Engineer and the Contractor before the order is issued. This lump sum price shall be written into the contract as a price for an added item. Payments will be made and retainers withheld on such added items the same as on the items bid on in the original proposal. (c) On A Force Account: This method of payment is to be used only where it is impracticable to use either method (a) or method (b). The Contractor will be paid for all general foremen, foremen, labor, teams and trucks actually engaged on such specific work for the time actually so employed at the rates actually paid, but not exceeding the rates paid similar workmen, etc., on similar work on the remainder of the contract and for all materials and insurance involved in the Extra Work at the actual cost thereof. For the use of power equipment and machinery he will be paid a reasonable rental, calculated either on the rent-per-day rates, or the rent-per-month rates, whichever is the lesser, which shall include the cost of fuel, lubricants, etc., to be determined in advance by agreement between the Engineer and the Contractor. In addition to the above stated payment for labor, materials, insurance and equipment rental, the Contractor will be paid a fee for his superintendence, general expense and profit. This fee paid to the Contractor shall be understood also to reimburse him for any sub-contractor's general expense and profit which the Contractor may allow to one or more sub-contractors, if any such "force account" extra work is done under sub-contract. This fee shall be twenty (20) per cent of the cost of the labor, materials, insurance, and equipment rental incurred in doing the Extra Work. Payment for Extra Work done on this basis will be made month by month as the bills are rendered by the Contractor for the work done during each calendar month; the payment will be complete, no retainer will be withheld. Where Extra Work is to be done by force account the Engineer shall have the right to appoint a timekeeper to represent the Board and the Contractor shall furnish this timekeeper all facilities for obtaining a correct record of the time and the rates of the men and the equipment employed. LABORATORY INSPECTION (32) If the Engineer shall require laboratory inspection and testing, either or both, of any of the materials entering into the work being done under this contract, the Board will designate a laboratory of recognized standing for this purpose. The laboratory so designated will render bills for the inspection and the testing direct to the Sewerage and Water Board, the Contractor will not bear any part of the cost of the inspection and testing service, except that he must furnish, free of charge, the samples of materials required by the laboratory for the tests. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS (33) The Contractor will be furnished with a set of drawings showing the details and dimensions necessary to carry out the work; dimensions given in figures shall have preference over the scale, and the Contractor shall verify these figures. The plans of the work and a copy of these specifications shall be kept constantly at the work by the Contractor or his authorized foreman. No deviation from the drawings will be allowed without the written direction of the Engineer. The drawings and specifications are intended to be explanatory of each other but should any discrepancy appear, or dispute arise as to the true meanings of the drawings and specifications in any point, the decision of the Engineer shall be final and conclusive. The plans and drawings furnished prospective bidders are intended to give a closely approximated idea of the proposed works, but are subject to such revision as the Engineer may deem necessary, or to the working out of fuller A-9 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 details where such may be needed to obtain the results desired as each particular point is reached in the progress of the work. (34) The plans and specifications are intended to show the materials and methods to be used to complete the contract thoroughly and well but it is not intended that every detail of construction shall be shown. The Board cannot be held responsible for the lack of any detail the Contractor may require, nor for failure to provide in advance for any special construction which may be found necessary as the work progresses; plans showing such details or special construction, will be made and furnished the Contractor as occasion arises. No extra compensation above that for the additional quantity of the items involved, will be allowed the Contractor, unless it can be clearly shown that such special construction is beyond the scope and intent of the original plans and specifications. The Engineer shall have full power to decide as to the proper compensation for such work. The Engineer shall have the right to correct any clerical, mathematical or minor errors or omission in the contract, specifications or drawings, when such correction is necessary for the proper fulfillment of the contract. The Contractor does not warrant the plans and specifications to be in compliance with applicable laws, ordinances, regulations or building requirements or to be sufficient to perform the work required under this contract. INSPECTION BY ENGINEER (35) The Engineer shall have the right of access, at all times, to all work being constructed for this contract and to measure, inspect and test all work or material, either at the shops where it is made, or on the ground, and the Contractor shall provide safe and reasonable facilities therefore and prepare such customary samples as may be required. DEFECTIVE WORK (36) The inspection of the work at any time shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations to fulfill his contract as herein described, and any defective work shall be made good, and any unsuitable materials may be rejected, notwithstanding that such work and material have been previously overlooked by the Engineer and accepted or estimated for payment. QUALITY OF WORK (37) All material and work, whether the quantity, dimensions and quality, are shown on the plans or fully specified in the specifications or not, are to be furnished in sufficient quantity and of sufficient dimensions for the proper execution of the work, and the quality and workmanship are to be the best throughout. REJECTED MATERIAL (38) The Engineer shall have the power to condemn any material or work which he considers is not in accordance with the plans or specifications, and the Contractor shall remove such rejected material from the site of the work immediately and not offer it again for inspection. PATENTED ARTICLES AND ALTERNATES (39) In any case, under these specifications where articles are specified as of a stated manufacture, or equal, or where in describing any stated item a patented process or device is included, the General Superintendent shall have the right to accept other devices processes which will, in his judgment, accomplish the same objects with equally good results and which are of equal durability and value. If articles, products or processes are to be offered as "equal" to those specifically mentioned, they shall be presented for consideration and approval by the Engineer within two (2) weeks after the award of the contract and the decision of the Engineer shall be final. RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR (40) The Contractor shall furnish all transportation, scaffolding, bracing, apparatus, ways, works, machinery, paint and appliances requisite for the proper construction of his work under this contract. He shall cover or otherwise protect his work from loss or damage until the final acceptance of the contract, and shall repair promptly any injury done to it. All such loss or damage or injury is entirely his responsibility, whether the said A-10 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 work be completed or uncompleted, including any loss or damage to property of the Contractor or to materials in his possession, whether furnished by himself or by the Board. He is responsible to the Board for damage caused by settlement of the ground due to his work caused by improper, illegal or negligent conduct of himself, his employees or his sub-contractors or by the improper use of any scaffolding, bracing, or apparatus, whether such damage is done to persons or to property including buildings in or near which his work is being done--whether the property be privately or publicly owned. He shall save harmless the Board from all claims relating to labor and material furnished for the work, or to inventions, patents and patent rights for articles and methods used in the work or in doing the work. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE OF CONTRACTOR (41) Any Contractor whose contract involves the furnishing and installing of materials in place in New Orleans, shall maintain an office in New Orleans, during the full terms of his responsibility under this contract, where mail can be received and notices served and received by the Contractor or his authorized agent. Communications forwarded by the United States mail are to be considered as having been delivered and received. The Contractor, or his authorized agent, shall also keep the Board advised of his place of residence and mail, addressed to the said residence, or notice delivered at the same said residence, shall have the same effect and force as if delivered at the aforesaid office of the Contractor. SUPERVISION BY CONTRACTOR (42) The Contractor shall give his personal supervision to the faithful prosecution of the work and shall keep it under his personal control. In his absence, he shall have a competent representative or foreman on the work, who shall follow, without delay, all instructions of the Engineer or his assistants in connection with this contract, and shall have full authority to supply equipment, material and labor immediately. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES (43) The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or loss of material during the progress of the work, until its final acceptance; he shall also be responsible for any damage by fire or the elements up to the time of the acceptance of the contract. CONTRACTOR'S NEGLECT (44) When the Contractor has been notified in writing by the Engineer of any requirements or precautions neglected or omitted or any work improperly constructed, he shall attend to them at such times as directed; if he fails to do so, the Engineer may perform such work at the Contractor's expense and deduct the cost thereof from any amounts due, or to become due, the Contractor. COOPERATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS (45) The Engineer will require the Contractor to cooperate with other Contractors having contracts adjoining his own, and to give them necessary facilities in building and completing the work at the junctions of the contracts, to such an extent as to avoid any undue burden on either Contractor. LINES, GRADES, ETC. (46) The Engineer will give all the necessary lines, levels, grades, etc., for the guidance of the Contractor, and the Contractor shall be responsible for the conformity of the work thereto. The Contractor shall provide suitable stakes and forms and shall render such assistance to the Engineer, at his own expense, as may be necessary to establish lines and grades for the guidance of his work, and shall carefully preserve the points so established at all times. Work done without lines, levels, and instructions having been given by the Engineer, or done during the absence of an inspector, will not be estimated nor paid for. A-11 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 COMPETENT, ORDERLY WORKMEN REQUIRED (47) Only competent men shall be employed on the work; if the Engineer shall notify the Contractor that any man on the work is incompetent, unfaithful or disorderly, or that he is abusive or threatening to inspectors, engineers, etc., such man shall be removed from the work at once. NIGHT OR SUNDAY WORK (48) No night or Sunday work requiring the presence of an engineer or inspector, will be permitted except in cases of emergency, and then only to such an extent as is absolutely necessary, and with the written permission of the Engineer; however, this clause does not operate in case of a gang, organized with the approval of the Engineer, for regular and continuous night work. POLICE AND HEALTH REGULATIONS (49) The Contractor shall comply with all police and health regulations of the City and State. SIGNS, LIGHTS, WATCHMEN (50) Wherever the Contractor's excavations are open, he shall keep conspicuously posted a sign bearing the words "Sewerage and Water Board Work" and the name of the Contractor, together with his office address, all in plain letters legible 100 feet away. The Contractor shall place sufficient lights on or near the work, and keep them burning from twilight to sunrise, shall erect a suitable railing or protection about all open trenches and other dangerous places, and provide on the work, day or night, all watchmen and flagmen, when necessary for the safety of the public. CLEARING SITE (51) The Contractor shall, at his own expense, clear away brush, weeds or other surface obstructions along the line of work, sufficiently for its proper prosecution, and so as to afford facilities for staking out the work and inspecting it. WORK STRUCTURES (52) The Contractor may build such sheds, storehouses, shops, etc., as may be necessary, provided such structures do not interfere with the reasonable public use of the streets or sidewalks. The location and construction of these are subject to the approval of the Engineer. SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS (53) Necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of the laborers on the work, shall be constructed by the Contractor wherever needed, secluded from public observation and maintained in a proper sanitary condition and in accordance with the regulations of the Sewerage and Water Board and the directions of the Engineer. CLEANING UP (54) On or before completion of the work, the Contractor shall, without charge therefore, carefully clean up all work executed by him, shall tear down and remove all temporary structures built by him and shall remove all rubbish of all kinds from any of the ground which he has occupied and leave them in first class condition. Before final acceptance each part shall be in condition and order at the expense of the Contractor. MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR (55) Neither the Sewerage and Water Board nor any member or agent thereof, shall be liable for, or be held to pay any money to the Contractor, except as provided in these specifications, and on making the last payment therein, provided the Sewerage and Water Board and every agent thereof, shall be released from all claims or liability to the Contractor, for anything done or unfinished relating to the work of this contractor or for any act or neglect of the Sewerage and Water Board, relating to or affecting the work of the contract, except the claim against the Sewerage and Water Board for any remainder of the amounts retained as provided in these specifications. A-12 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 (56) The Contractor shall accept payment for the quantities of work actually performed, at the prices bid in his proposal, plus whatever payments for extra work may be approved and less any deductions provided for in the contract, as full compensation for furnishing all the labor, materials, tools, equipment, etc., needed to complete the whole work of the contract, well and faithfully done, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, and meeting the requirements of the Engineer; also as full compensation for all loss, damages or risks of every description, connected with or resulting from the nature of the work, or from any obstructions or difficulties encountered, of any sort or nature whatsoever, or from the action of the elements; also for all expenses in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of the work as provided for in the contract. (57) On or about the last day of each calendar month during construction, the Board's Engineer will estimate the total amount to date of the work done and acceptable according to the specifications, and the value of the said work at the prices bid or fixed in the contract, including such extra work as may have been approved and completed according to the provisions of sections (a) and (b) of paragraph No. 31, above. In the Special Specifications for each contract, there will be designated a percentage of the said value of the work done which will be retained by the Board as is specified below in paragraph No. 60. The said percentage will be deducted from the amount earned, and the remainder of the amount earned, less all legal deductions and all previous payments, will be paid to the Contractor. ADVANCES FOR MATERIALS DELIVERED (58) If it is so provided in the Special Specifications for any contract, the Board will make allowances for materials delivered but not yet used as is set forth below: On or about the last day of each calendar month, during construction, the Board's Engineer will estimate the quantities of the several materials actually delivered to the site of the work, and as yet unused. The Sewerage and Water Board will advance to the Contractor in the monthly estimate, an amount equal to Ninety (90) per cent of their value, as represented by invoices verified by the Engineer. Each monthly advance on materials delivered, will in the next monthly estimate, be treated as a part of the amount already paid, and will be deducted from the amount then due on the contract. COMPLETION OF CONTRACT AND FINAL PAYMENT (59) When the contract has been completed and tendered for acceptance, the Engineer will have it carefully inspected for defects and re-measured to verify the quantities. If no defects are discovered, or when any defects found to exist have been repaired by the Contractor at his own expense, so that all the structures built by him, under this contract, and all the paved or unpaved surfaces disturbed by the work of this contract, are in acceptable conditions, as may be more fully set forth in that Section of the General Specifications covering the class of work done under this contract, or in the Special Specifications for this contract, either or both, the Engineer will recommend that the contract be accepted by the Board. FINAL PAYMENT AND LIEN PERIOD (60) The percentage of the value of the work done, as stated in Paragraph 57 above and particularly specified in the special specifications, will be withheld by the Board for a period of not less than forty-five (45) consecutive calendar days after the contract has been accepted by the Board, and such acceptance has been recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of Orleans. At the end of the forty-five (45) day period, the percentage withheld by the Board, will be paid to the Contractor, less any sums that may be legally deducted under any provisions of this contract, upon the Contract or furnishing the Board with a certificate from the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of Orleans, certifying that the contract is clear of all liens and privileges. MAINTENANCE PERIOD (61) The maintenance period under this contract, except as otherwise specifically provided for herein, shall be for a period of forty-five (45) consecutive calendar days beginning from the day after the contract has been accepted by the Board, and such acceptance has been recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of Orleans. During the maintenance period the Contractor will repair, at his own expense, all A-13 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 defects in the work that may arise, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall restore all surfaces for which he is responsible under the specifications, whether unimproved, partially improved, or paved surfaces (See Section B of the General Specifications), and maintain them in good condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor should fail or refuse to repair, at his own expense, any defects in structures or surfaces developing before the expiration of the aforesaid forty-five (45) days or to adjust satisfactorily any claims for damages to public or private property, the Board shall have the right to continue to hold the retainer and to make the necessary repairs and to satisfy the claims for damages, by such means as the Board shall elect, and to reimburse itself for the cost of these repairs and satisfied claims, out of the said retainer. Any surplus of this retainer will then be paid the Contractor, under the conditions above stated, any deficiency shall be made good by the surety. UNSATISFACTORY WORK (62) The Contractor shall re-execute any work that fails to conform to the requirements of the contract, and any defective work that appears during the progress of the work, and shall remedy any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship, which appear, within a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the contract is recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of Orleans. The provisions of this paragraph apply to work done by direct employees of the Contractor and by subcontractors as well. RIGHT TO MODIFY PREVIOUS ESTIMATES (63) It is expressly understood and agreed, that until the final payment on this contract has been made, the Sewerage and Water Board shall not be precluded or stopped by any estimate, return of certificate, previously made or given by any engineer, inspector or other officer, agent or appointee of said Sewerage and Water Board, from ascertaining and showing the true and correct amount and character of the work which shall have been done, and the materials which shall have been furnished by the Contractor under this contract, nor from correcting any errors or omissions in any previous estimates, returns or certificates. Any money due or to become due the Contractor under this contract, may be retained by the Board to make correction of such errors or omissions, and if the said money shall be insufficient the Surety shall make the amount good. CONTRACT TO BE IN ACCEPTABLE CONDITION AT TIME OF FINAL PAYMENT (64) It is the intent of these specifications, and of the essence of this contract, that the Contractor shall deliver to the Board, at the end of the aforesaid maintenance period of forty-five (45) calendar days, all the work done under this contract free from defects and acceptable in all respects, conforming to the Special Specifications for this contract and to the General Specifications covering the class of work done under this contract. WAIVER OF JURISDICTION (65) The Contractor and his Surety will consent and yield to the jurisdiction of the Civil District Court of the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana and will formally waive any plea of lack of jurisdiction on account of their residence or domicile elsewhere, in the event of suit under the Contract or Bond. A-14 Revised 1/20/2011, 2/10/2011, 6/3/2011, 3/26/2012, 6/10/2013 NOTARY FEE SCHEDULE Notarial work for all Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans construction contracts, requiring to be notarized: Contract Value Fee Under $1,000.00 $162.00 $1,000.00 to $49,999.99 $297.00 $50,000.00 to $499,999.99 $756.00 $500,000.00 to $999,999.99 $1,623.00 $1,000,000.00 or over $3,247.00 In addition to the above fees, the contractor shall pay the actual costs of recording all acts. A-15 SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTRACT 3788 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIAL CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2: SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS ATTACHMENTS TO SECTION 2: #1 S&WB Drug-Free Workplace Policy - Contractor Requirements #2 S&WB Safety Orientation Notice #3 Wage Rate Decision #LA130008, Building SECTION 3: SITE WORK AND DEMOLITION SECTION 3A DEWATERING SECTION 4: PILING SECTION 5: CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE SECTION 6: MASONRY SECTION 7: METALS SECTION 8: CARPENTRY SECTION 9: THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 10: DOORS SECTION 11: FINISHES SECTION 12: MECHANICAL SECTION 13: BY-PASS PUMPING REQUIREMENTS SECTION 14: REHABILITATION OF WET WELL SECTION 15: ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION SECTION 16: CATHODIC PROTECTION – DEEP GROUND BED INSTALLATION SECTION 17: DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM SECTION 18: VOLUNTARY EXTENSIONS OF THE AWARD OF CONTRACT SECTION 19: PROPOSAL Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation Summary Sheet * * * END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS * * * SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTRACT 3788 HURRICANE KATRINA RELATED 404 HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM REPLACEMENT OF BURKE SEWAGE PUMPING STATION SECTION 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIAL CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS 1-01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents governing this Contract 3788, consist of the following papers, which are bound together under the one cover, namely: * * * * 1-02 Advertisement and Description of Contract 3788; Contract and Bond; Section A of the General Specifications, including Information for Bidders and General Provisions; Section B of the General Specifications, covering general matters pertaining to construction; Section C of the General Specifications, covering materials; Section D of the General Specifications, covering construction of sewers; These Special Specifications for Contract 3788 including the Form of Proposal, also The Drawings listed in the Advertisement and Description and Paragraph 1-02; These drawings are not bound with the other contract documents. The Sewerage and Water Board has discontinued the policy of issuing the "applicable sections" of the General Specifications with each contract specification. In implementing this system, each prospective bidder is given a complete set of the "General Specifications", without charge, with the first set of contractual drawings and bid data he receives. If he has previously received his complimentary set, he will not be entitled to additional sets without cost. This set of specifications is for his use on this Contract, and future Board Contracts. Additional copies are available to all at the office of the Purchasing Agent at a cost of $120.00 per copy. Holders of the "General Specifications" will be kept informed of any changes that may occur. CONTRACT DRAWINGS The Drawings listed below are included in the Contract Documents and shall govern the work performed under this contract: Drawing Nos. 12089-W-32 Sheet 1 through Sheet 34B and Drawing Nos. 5056-P1 through P13 Rev 9/15/2010, 10/17/12 1-1 1-03 SCOPE AND EXTENT OF CONTRACT A. The work to be performed under this contract consists of furnishing and delivering all labor, materials, supervision, construction equipment, mechanical and electrical equipment not furnished by the Board, travel utilities, transportation, supplies, tools and services necessary for performing all work as specified in the Contract Documents, plus whatever work may be added as extra work under the provisions stated in Paragraphs No. 21 and No. 22 of Section “A” of the General Specifications. The intent of the work is to erect and put online a new sewage pumping station. B. This contract shall also include the excavation, demolition, backfilling, replacement, and repair to existing conditions prior to disturbance by the Contractor, of all ditches, drains, culverts, curbs, fences, sidewalks, pavements or other structures or obstacles the removal of which is necessary for the execution of this contract. C. Provide all items, articles, materials, equipment, etc., mentioned herein or scheduled or shown on the drawings, and all labor, workmanship, tools, appliances, etc., required for the proper installation thereof, to accomplish the intention. In general, this Contract shall provide any item of labor or material which is obviously necessary for a completed system to accomplish the intention, whether specifically mentioned or not. D. This contract includes, but is not limited to the following items of work: 1. Temporarily relocate existing electrical equipment platform, antenna tower with antenna, cathodic protection rectifier and shunt box. 2. Maintain continuous operation of the existing wet well and pumping station during construction. 3. Rehabilitate existing wet well as specified in Section 14 of the Special Specifications. 4. Provide bypass pumping of the existing wet well and pumping station mainly during the relocation of the existing electrical equipment platform and when the new pumping station is tied in to the sewer system, or as deemed necessary, 5. Miscellaneous site work including drive sheet pile retaining structure, vibration site pre-drill closest to the adjacent neighbors, fill lot to grade, concrete pavement repair to site, pavement repair to street, fence installation and fence repair. 6. Remove existing machinery and piping from existing underground dry well, except a portion of the existing suction piping in the wet well. 7. Partially remove existing dry well structure, including steel operating floor and beams, and fill with structural fill. 8. Construct discharge line to tie in with existing 16” diameter force main. 9. Construct a new deep well ground bed for cathodic protection of the existing 42” diameter sewer force main at the location shown on the drawings. Rev 9/15/2010, 10/17/12 1-2 10. Construct new building to house the new pump station. 11. Construct new pump suction and discharge piping. 12. Furnish and install all equipment, fixtures, piping, and fittings for a complete, working sewage pumping station. 13. Remove existing relocated antenna tower with antenna, electrical equipment platform and electrical equipment. 14. Perform all electrical work (See Section 15). 15. Provide dewatering as necessary. 16. All other work required to properly complete this project. 17. Site cleanup at completion of construction... E. The work for this project will be paid for under the following bid items: 1. BU-BB-01 – Mobilization. 2. BU-BB-02 – Civil Site Work This bid item includes: a. Site preparation and general above grade demolitions which includes existing fencing and gates, portions of existing paving, and miscellaneous items b. Temporary relocation of existing electrical equipment platform c. Demolition of portions of the existing dry well d. Excavation for the new pump station building including dewatering e. Installation of yard piping which includes the discharge force main, water main, sump discharge pipes, pump air release lines, and pneumatic line for the bubbler panel f. Repair of site paving as necessary g. Installation of fencing and gates h. Repair of driveways and sidewalks as necessary i. Wet well rehabilitation j. General site clean up Rev 9/15/2010, 10/17/12 1-3 3. BU-BB-03 – Structural Work This bid item includes: a. Installation of sheet piling b. Installation of building foundation support piles c. Construction of the new pump building which includes the building foundation slab and walls, building superstructure and standing seam metal roofing d. Installation of exterior stairs and platform including steel handrails e. Installation of interior grating and supports, monorails, and access ladder with safety cage 4. BU-BB-04 – Mechanical Work This bid item includes: a. Demolition of mechanical equipment in the existing dry well b. Modification of the suction pipes in the existing dry well c. Process mechanical work which includes installation of suction lift sewage pumps, interior suction and discharge pipe, fittings and valves d. Building mechanical work which includes installation of sump pumps, sump pump discharge pipe and valves, exhaust fan and blower, louvers, and water supply pipe, fixture and valves e. Provision of bypass pumping as necessary 5. BU-BB-05 – Electrical Work This bid item includes: a. Temporary relocation of electrical equipment on the existing electrical equipment platform, the existing antenna tower and antenna, and the existing cathodic protection rectifier and shunt box b. Demolition of electrical equipment in the existing dry well c. Demolition of electrical equipment on the existing temporarily relocated electrical platform after the completion of the new pump building d. Provision of temporary power feed to the relocated electrical equipment platform in coordination with Entergy e. Provision of permanent overhead power feed to the new pump station in coordination with Entergy Rev 9/15/2010, 10/17/12 1-4 f. Installation of all interior exterior and electrical equipment and fixtures which include motor starters, main switches (fused and non-fused), transfer switches, light switches, transformer, lighting panel, relocated automation control panel, relocated SCADA panel, light fixtures, monitoring and control field devices g. Installation of all interior and exterior cables, conduits, wireways, outlet boxes, pull boxes, junction boxes, and ductbanks h. Construction of a new deep ground bed well and connection of the new anode with the existing relocated shunt box for cathodic protection. 1-04 LOCATION OF CONTRACT WORK The location of the work site is 9001 Morrison Road. The Contractor shall perform the work in a way that minimizes interferences with both the public and Water Board personnel. All schedules and methods of work are subject to approval by the Engineer. 1-05 COMPLETION TIME A. The Total Base Bid portion of the work of this contract shall be completed in all respects and tendered to the Board for acceptance within 365 calendar days from the date of the “Work Order”. B. The work performed within the time frame stated above shall also include repair of damages to public or private property, complete cleanup of the premises, and completion of all punch list items generated by the Engineer's final inspection. 1-06 CITY AND STATE SALES TAXES Applicable state and local sales and use taxes for purchase of materials and supplies furnished under this contract shall be paid by the Contractor. Such taxes shall be included in the total base bid for the work of this contract. The board shall be relieved of any obligation to pay these taxes. 1-07 PROPOSAL FORM A. All blank spaces in the Proposal Section shall be filled. A bid price shall be indicated for each bid item. Bids received without all such items completed will be considered non-responsive. The bid shall contain an acknowledgment of receipt of all Addenda. 1-08 BID PRICE A. The Total Base Bid amount shall include and cover the performance of all labor and the furnishing of all materials requisite and proper for the work named herein and in the manner set forth, including mobilization, all as described in the Contract Documents. B. There is no Alternate Bid associated with this contract. Rev 9/15/2010, 10/17/12 1-5 1-09 Louisiana Revised Statute 9:2716 Any contract between the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans and a person or entity entered into as a result of fraud, bribery, corruption, or other criminal acts, for which a final conviction has been obtained, shall be absolutely null and shall be void and unenforceable as contrary to public policy. Any person whose conviction causes the nullity of the contract as provided shall be responsible for payment of all costs, attorneys’ fees, and damages incurred in the re-bidding of the contract. 1-10 BID EVALUATION A. All bids received will be evaluated on the basis of the Total Base Bid in the Proposal Section. B. Bidders shall provide prices, where required in the Proposal Section, for all work. Any bids received without prices submitted for all required items will be rejected and will not be considered. C. If two or more proposals are received equal in amount and lower than any other proposal, the Sewerage and Water Board reserves the right to evaluate these proposals and to decide which proposal will be accepted. Preference will be given to home contractors, all conditions being equal. 1-11 ACT 318 OF 1958 A. Under the terms of Act 318 of 1958, of the Regular Session of the Legislature of the State of Louisiana, all things being equal, preference must be given to either (1) firms doing business in the State of Louisiana or (2) to products produced (or) grown (or) manufactured in the state. B. Before any bill for supplies used shall be paid to any non-resident firm, a statement in writing shall be submitted by the seller to the effect that his firm has paid all taxes duly assessed by the State of Louisiana and its political subdivisions, including franchise taxes, to the state and its political subdivisions. 1-12 BID DISPUTES Staff recommended awards based on bid results will be posted on a bulletin board located outside the office of the Sewerage and Water Board Purchasing Department within 72 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays) after the Bid opening. Bidders may also telephone the Purchasing Department to determine the bid results. Objection by a bidder to any recommended award must be made in writing to the Purchasing Agent or Assistant Purchasing Agent within 72 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays) after the recommended bid award has been posted. 1-13 BID CONFLICTS A. Prices bid in the proposal must be written in full in words also in figures. If there is a difference between the words and the figures in any price bid, the price written in words shall be considered to be the true bid. Rev 9/15/2010, 10/17/12 1-6 B. Erasures or other changes in the Bid Prices must be initialed by the Bidder. NOTE: ONLY BIDS WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPEWRITTEN AND PROPERLY SIGNED BY A MEMBER OF THE FIRM OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE ACCEPTED. PENCIL FIGURES OR PENCIL SIGNATURES WILL DISQUALIFY BIDDER. C. BIDS MUST BE ENTERED ON PROPOSAL FORMS EMBODIED IN THESE SPECIFICATIONS. 1-14 ESCALATION Firm Proposals Are Desired and no proposal containing an escalation clause will be considered unless the limits of escalation are clearly defined. 1-15 INFORMALITIES Paragraph (6) of Section “A” – General Specifications is hereby amended to read, “The Sewerage and Water Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids or proposals for just cause. The Board may waive informalities in the lowest bid or proposal and accept that bid or proposal, if this should appear to be in the best interest of the Board." 1-16 DEPOSIT OR BID BOND The amount of the deposit or bid bond for this contract as required in Paragraph No. 1, in Section "A" of the General Specifications shall be five per cent (5%) of the total base bid amount of the proposal made payable to the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans and subject to forfeiture upon failure to sign contract and execute bond within ten (10) days after official award of the contract. 1-17 PERFORMANCE BOND Bidders attention is called to Paragraph 8 of Section “A” of the General Specifications, relating to the furnishing of 100% performance bond, which shall be amended by adding to it the following statements: (R.S. 38: 2219) "Any surety bond written for a public works project shall be written by a surety or insurance company currently on the U. S. Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service List of Approved Bonding Companies which is published annually and in the Federal Register, or by a Louisiana Domiciled Insurance Company with at least A minus (A-) rating in the latest printing of the A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide to write individual bonds up to ten percent of policyholder's surplus as shown in the A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide, or by an insurance company that is either domiciled in Louisiana or owned by Louisiana residents and is licensed to write surety bonds. In addition, any surety bond written for a public works project shall be written by a surety or insurance company that is currently licensed to do business in the State of Louisiana." 1-18 PRE-BID CONFERENCE A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 1, 2013 at the Sewerage and Water Board Engineering Building Conference Room, 8800 South Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana. Any Bidder failing to attend this PreBid Conference will be considered a Non-Responsive Bidder. Rev 9/15/2010, 10/17/12 1-7 1-19 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE A. All equipment to be furnished and components of all items specified herein shall be of domestic produce, manufacture and assembly, i.e., manufactured and assembled within the limits of the United States. Parts must be available from suppliers that manufacture components in the USA. The Board reserves the right to waive this requirement if, in the opinion of the Engineer, it appears to be in the best interests of the Board. B. Sewerage and Water Board staff will determine the ability of the lowest bidder to design and build the equipment and machinery specified hereon. Should the lowest bidder be found “non-responsive”, then an informal hearing will be held to provide the lowest bidder the opportunity to refute the reasons for disqualification. C. The name of a certain brand, make, model, catalog number, manufacturer or definite specifications indicated on the contract plans and/or included in specifications is used only to establish the standard for quality and/or function desired, and that the bidder is not restricted to a specific brand, make, manufacturer or specification named but that the brand, make manufacturer or definite specifications is used only to set forth and convey to prospective bidders the general style, type, character, and quality of product desired and that equivalent products will be acceptable as judged by the Board Engineer. (See Paragraph 2-21). * * * END OF SECTION 1 * * * Rev 9/15/2010, 10/17/12 1-8 SECTION 2 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS 2-01 BIDDERS TO EXAMINE LOCATION AND PLANS A. Each Bidder shall make a personal examination of the location of the proposed work and of the surrounding area. He shall thoroughly acquaint themselves with the details of the work to be done and all the conditions and obstacles likely to be encountered, including soil conditions, in the performance and completion of work. Bidders shall inform themselves as to the facilities for the transportation, handling, and storage of equipment and materials. B. Each bidder shall carefully study the plans, specifications and other contract documents and thoroughly satisfy themselves as to the conditions under which the work is to be done, and as to the character, qualities and quantities of work to be performed, and materials to be furnished, and be prepared to execute a finished job in every particular. C. No extra charge will be accepted except as may be specifically provided for elsewhere in these Contract Documents. 2-02 BIDDERS QUALIFICATIONS Bidders shall be known to be skilled and reputable Contractors qualified to do the type of work described by the Contract Documents. Proposals from others will not be considered. These qualifications shall be in addition to those required by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors under LA-R.S. 37:2150 through 37:2163, as amended. 2-03 PROPOSALS FROM LICENSED CONTRACTORS ONLY Proposals will be received from only those Contractors who are licensed by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors under Louisiana Revised Statutes 37:2150 through 37:2163 as amended and are qualified under the provisions of the said act to perform the work called for in these specifications. On any bid submitted in the amount of $50,000.00 or more, the Contractor shall certify that he possesses a Municipal and Public Works license under the provisions of Louisiana Revises Statutes 37:2150 through 37:2163. Any bid in the amount of $50,000.00 or more that does NOT show the Contractor's license number on the bid envelope will be automatically rejected, and will be returned to the bidder stamped "REJECTED" and will NOT be read aloud at the public bid opening. 2-04 EXECUTION, CORRELATION AND INTENT OF DOCUMENTS It is understood that except as otherwise specially stated in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, light, power, transportation, superintendence, temporary construction of every nature, and all other services and facilities of every nature whatsoever necessary to execute, complete, and deliver within the specified time. 2-05 ORGANIZATION OF SPECIFICATIONS The Specifications are separated into sections for convenience of reference. These separations do not establish limits to the Contract between the Contractor and Subcontractors or between Subcontractors. Last Revised 2/27/12 2-1 2-06 INFORMATION AND CLARIFICATION FOR PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS Prospective bidders may obtain clarification regarding questions arising from the interpretation of the Contract Documents by contacting the Sewerage and Water Board Purchasing Agent, Room 133, 625 St. Joseph Street, New Orleans, LA, 70165, (504) 5852124. 2-07 AWARD AND SIGNING OF CONTRACT A. The proposal submitted by the lowest bidder will be tentatively selected by the Sewerage and Water Board at its next scheduled Finance Committee meeting of the Board after the date of opening bids provided that the lowest proposal is acceptable to the Sewerage and Water Board. The final award of the contract will be made at the subsequent Board meeting. All prices bid must be held firm for 120 days or until final award of contract by the Board. The Board reserves the right to reject any one or all bids for just cause and to waive informalities in Bidding. B. After submittal of required Insurance and Bonds, in form acceptable to the Sewerage and Water Board, the selected Bidder will be authorized by the Executive Director of the Board to appear before the Notary for the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans to sign the contract within ten (10) consecutive calendar days from the date of the notice. 2-08 ORDER TO START WORK AND COMPLETION OF WORK A. Sometime after the contract has been signed, the Engineer will issue a "Work Order" directing the Contractor to start work at a point or points designated within 25 calendar days after the date of the "Work Order". The "Work Order" shall be the Contractor's authority to purchase materials for use on this contract; materials ordered by the Contractor before the "Work Order" has been issued are ordered at his own risk and the Board has no obligation concerning them. B. The Contract shall be completed in every respect, including the repair of all damaged public or private property resulting from the work of this contract, within the specified number of calendar days. 2-09 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO START OR COMPLETE ON TIME A. The Contractor shall pay to the Board the sum of $500.00 liquidated damages for each calendar day beyond the times specified should the Contractor fail to commence or start the work within the time allotted or fail to complete individual phases of the work within the times allotted for said individual phases. B. The Board shall retain the amount of such damages from any money due or to become due the Contractor under this contract without the necessity of the Board putting the Contractor or his Surety, either or both, in default. C. Special notice is hereby given to all Contractors that the terms stipulated in Paragraph 26 of Section A of the General Specifications, titled "FAILURE TO START, FAILURE TO COMPLETE" as well as the liquidated damages specified in the above subparagraphs will be strictly interpreted and rigidly enforced. Last Revised 2/27/12 2-2 2-10 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION A. Before undertaking each part of the work, the Contractor shall carefully study and compare the contract documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon including all pertinent field measurements. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy that the Contractor may discover. Prior to commencement of work under this Contract or the continuance of any work hereunder or under any modification to the Contract Documents, Contractor shall provide written notice to the Engineer of any defects in the plans and specifications and the specific engineering reasons thereof, and of any prospective damages to persons or property that could be or would be caused by the work and/or duties to be performed under this contract. B. Prior to beginning the work, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer an estimated progress schedule indicating the starting and completion dates of the various stages of the work, a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing submissions and a preliminary schedule of values of the work. 2-11 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. After the time specified in the Notice to Proceed, or as agreed by the parties, but before Contractor starts any portion of the work at the site, a conference will be held for review and acceptance of the schedules referred to in Section 2-10, to establish procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals, securing of Permits, and for processing applications for payment, and to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the work, protection of existing facilities, conflicts with other utilities or owners, and other pertinent items associated with the Contract. B. Conference shall be attended by the Board Engineer, the Contractor and his jobsite Superintendent, principal Subcontractors, representatives of principal suppliers as deemed necessary and appropriate, the Design Engineer and his Project Manager and others as deemed advisable by the Contractor, the Board or the Design Engineer. 2-12 PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES A. Before commencing work, the Contractor shall obtain at his own expense any permits from the State of Louisiana, Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Office of State Fire Marshal Code Enforcement and Building Safety and the City of New Orleans, Building Inspection Division that are necessary. The Contractor shall also secure at his own expense any necessary inspection certificates required after the work is done. B. Evidence of compliance shall be furnished to the Board prior to starting work in the case of permits or within 10 calendar days after completion of that work requiring inspection certificates. 2-13 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR APPLICATION The fact that certain paragraphs of the General Specifications have been specified as applying to this contract does not in any way imply that paragraphs not quoted do not apply; in all cases where the General Specifications are not directly contradicted by these Special Specifications, the General Specifications shall have full force and effect; nor shall the fact that certain clauses of the General Specifications refer to operations not constituting a part of the work of this contract be construed as in any way weakening the Last Revised 2/27/12 2-3 binding force of the General Specifications in the remaining clauses. 2-14 CONFLICT BETWEEN THE GENERAL AND SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS In case of any conflict between the "General Specifications" herein, and these "Special Specifications", the latter shall govern. 2-15 CONFLICT BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS A. In case of the conflict between the bid documents (drawings and the specifications), the Engineer shall be the sole authority in determining which of the two shall take precedence in the Contract Documents. Such conflict shall not be a basis for an extra expense to the Board. B. The Contractor is hereby cautioned to base his price and work upon the more costly item in event of conflicts, which may exist within either the specifications or the contract drawings, and no claim for extra expense will be entertained on this basis. 2-16 CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FROM THE BOARD A. The Engineer will furnish to the Contractor free of charge, one (1) set of specifications and one (1) set of reproducible drawings for the Contractor's use. Reproduction costs shall be borne by the contractor. The Engineer will also furnish ten (10) copies of any revised drawings. B. The work shall be executed in strict conformity with the contract specifications, and the Contractor shall do no work without proper instructions. C. Contract drawings are descriptive of the work to be performed and are to be used for General Guidance only. Contractor shall take and verify all measurements and dimensions in the field. Do not scale. Contractor shall assume all responsibility for failure to take proper and accurate measurements. D. These plans and specifications shall be considered to be complimentary, one to the other, and work indicated in/on one shall be as binding as if indicated in both. Discrepancies between drawings and specifications or any clarifications deemed necessary shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer prior to the submission of a bonafide bid. Submission of a bonafide bid indicates that the Contractor has been adequately informed on all phases of the work and that he can and will perform in accordance with these plans and specifications. E. All equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation and any conflicting data shall be verified before bids. F. After award of contract, the Engineer's interpretation of these documents shall be final. 2-17 CHANGES A. Minor changes or additions to the contract (defined as those changes or additions which do not change the total cost of the contract or those which do not increase or decrease the total cost of the contract by an amount exceeding 5% of the base bid of the original contract) may be made by the Engineer upon written notice to the Contractor. Last Revised 2/27/12 2-4 B. Changes of greater extent or value may be made only by resolution of the Board, when such changes are deemed necessary or desirable to improve the quality or efficiency of the work, or to make these specifications operative, or to facilitate the Contractor without injury to the interests of the Board. Any work done by the Contractor without such resolution is done at his own risk, and the Board assumes no responsibility therefore. C. No notice of such change shall be required to be made to the Contractor's Surety and neither the Contractor nor his Surety shall be, in any manner, relieved of any obligation which they have assumed under this contract by or through such change or changes as may be made. D. Increase or Diminution of Quantities The Board reserves the right to alter the quantities of work included in this Contract as may be found to be necessary or desirable. Such increases, decreases and/or other alterations shall not invalidate the Contract nor release the Surety and the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to accept the work as altered, the same as if it had been part of the original Contract. No claims shall be made by the Contractor for any loss of anticipated profits because of any such alteration, nor shall such alteration be considered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract. 2-18 PAYMENTS A. Payments for work to be done under this contract will be made by the Board in accordance with Paragraphs (55) through (58) of Section A of the General Specifications. B. Initial payment to the Contractor will be predicated upon his compliance with Paragraph 2-10 of these specifications relative to securing of all necessary permits. C. Credits to be allowed the Board by the Contractor for work abandoned or not to be done shall be calculated on the same basis as "Extra work". D. Payments for extra work, whether unit price work, lump sum work, or force account work will be made and retainers will be withheld on items of extra work in the same manner as on the items bid on the original proposal. E. Retainer: "The percentage of the value of the work done..." which will be retained by the Board as referred to Paragraph (60) of Section "A" of the General Specifications is defined as follows: 1. On contracts that are priced $500,000.00 or more, the Board shall withhold 5% of the total amount earned, as billed, until the contract is finally accepted and a clear Lien and Privilege Certificate is submitted. Payment for material stored shall be made at 90% of the paid invoice value and 5% retainage will be withheld from this amount. 2. On contracts priced less than $500,000.00, the Board shall withhold 10% retainage. Last Revised 2/27/12 2-5 2-19 PAYMENT FOR MATERIAL DELIVERED TO JOB SITE The Board may make allowance for material delivered to the job site but not yet used in construction, in accordance with Paragraph 58 of Section A of the General Specifications, provided that conditions of security and areas for storage on the jobsite are judged suitable by the Engineer to adequately protect the interest of the Board. The allowance will be in the form of advanced payment for the material, as defined in Paragraph 58. Ninety (90%) percent of the value of the materials as delivered, as represented by invoices, will be included in the estimate. The amount of the retainer will then be subtracted from the total estimate (composed of the work done plus 90% of the invoice price of the material). 2-20 CONTRACTOR'S PLANS, SAMPLES, AND DATA A. The Contractor shall submit for approval, with such promptness as to cause no delay in this work or that of the Board, six (6) copies each of all shop, assembly, or erection drawings and lists of material and equipment for erection, together with other information in such detail as to permit the Engineer to judge whether the proposed material, equipment, or arrangement will meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications. The Engineer will return two (2) annotated copies of each drawing to the Contractor. When the drawings have received final approval, the Contractor shall forward two (2) copies of each to the Engineer for his files. B. All submittals, regardless of origin, shall be stamped and signed with the approval of the Contractor and identified with the name and number of the contract, Contractor's name, and references to applicable specifications paragraphs and contract drawings. Each submittal shall indicate the intended use of the item in the work. When catalog pages are submitted, applicable items shall be clearly identified. The current revision, issue number, and date shall be indicated on all drawings and other descriptive data. C. The Contractor shall accept full responsibility for the completeness of each submission and shall verify that all exceptions previously noted by the Engineer have been taken into account. D. The Engineer shall be allowed 28 working days to process the above listed drawings, lists, and diagrams. The Engineer's approval shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for correctness of his submittals. The Contractor shall bear any costs or expense incurred to revise or replace material or equipment, furnished in accordance with his submittals, so as to bring the work into conformance with the drawings and specifications. E. Any need for more than one resubmission, or any other delay in obtaining the Engineer's review of submittals, will not entitle the Contractor to extension of contract time unless delay of the work is directly caused by a change in the work authorized by a Change Order or by failure of the Engineer to return any submittal within 28 working days after its receipt in the Engineer's office. NOTE: The fact that the Contractor furnishes on the job items that are listed in the specifications and not a substitution does not relieve the Contractor from furnishing submittals to the Engineer as stated in the preceding paragraphs. F. The contract documents are prepared to establish the intent of the required construction. Approval of the contractor’s submittals, which may be based upon items different from that specified and/or shown on the plans and specification, shall NOT relieve the contractor of all costs necessary and proper to make the items fit and Last Revised 2/27/12 2-6 function in accordance with the evident intend, all as judged by the Engineer. 2-21 SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT All materials and/or equipment indicated on contract plans and/or included in specifications by Manufacturer's Name, Catalog or Model Number has been selected to establish a standard for quality and/or function. If the Contractor wishes to substitute Material and/or Equipment of another Manufacturer because of availability or as "an equal" he shall, after signing of contract, comply with the following: A. Such Materials and/or Equipment must be submitted for Engineer's approval within forty-five (45) consecutive days after signing of contract and thereafter approved as "Equal" by the Engineer. B. If Contractor fails to submit the Materials and/or Equipment substitutions within fortyfive (45) days limit or if any one of the Materials and/or Equipment submitted within specified period is not approved by the Engineer, then only Materials and/or Equipment specified in the Contract Documents will be accepted. C. The term "Equal" used herein is defined as meaning "Equal", in the opinion of the Board Engineer, with regard to quality, fit, finish, and utility. D. No more than one submittal of a Material and/or Equipment substitute for each item of Material and/or Equipment indicated on drawings and/or included in specifications will be reviewed for approval by the Board Engineer. 2-22 PRIOR APPROVAL All bids must be based upon the specified items. If the Contractor wishes to substitute "or equal" prior to the bid opening, he shall be responsible for the substitution's equality to the item(s) specified. The Board will entertain prior approval of substitutions up to 14 working days before bid opening. The Board reserves the right to evaluate the equality of the substitute item(s) and its decision regarding the acceptability of the item(s) will be final. 2-23 CODES AND STANDARDS Wherever in the Contract Documents references are made to NEC, NESC, AWWA, ASTM, ANSI, NEMA or any other standards or requirements, it shall be understood that the most current issues of the standards or requirements of the National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code, American Water Works Association, American Society for Testing and Materials, American National Standards Institute, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, etc., are intended and shall apply, except where specific dates are specified and except to the extent that the standards or requirements may be in conflict with applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, etc., of the State of Louisiana or the City of New Orleans. 2-24 LINES AND GRADES Paragraph 46 of Section “A” of the General Specifications is amended to read as follows: "The Engineer will establish permanent control points for the centerline of the construction and a control benchmark for elevations. From these established control points and the benchmark, the Contractor shall establish all locations and grade of the work and shall be solely responsible for the exact position of all parts of the work with reference to the established line and the benchmark. The Contractor shall maintain Last Revised 2/27/12 2-7 his own field engineering force, for this purpose, that of the Engineer being for checking the Contractor's locations only. The Contractor shall furnish, free of charge, all stakes, permanent bench construction, templates, instrument platforms, and other materials necessary for marking and maintaining points and lines given, and shall furnish the Engineer such assistance as he may require in checking the layout of the work. The Contractor will be held responsible for the protection of all stakes and marks and if, in the opinion of the Engineer, benches or lines established by the Engineer have been destroyed or disturbed, they shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense." 2-25 SURVEY AND LAYOUT DATA A. All field books, notes and other data developed by the Contractor in performing surveys required as part of the Work shall be available to the Engineer for examination throughout the construction period. All such data shall be submitted to the Engineer with the other documentation required for final acceptance of the work. B. Contractor shall keep neat and legible notes of measures and calculations made by him in connection with the layout of the Work. Copies of such data shall be furnished to the Engineer or Resident Project Representative for use in checking Contractor’s layout as provided under Lines and Grades. All such data considered of value to the Board will be transmitted to the Board by the Engineer with other records upon completion of the Work. 2-26 MATERIALS BY CONTRACTOR AND MATERIALS BY OTHERS The Contractor shall furnish all materials required for the various items of work except where specifically shown otherwise in the Contract Documents. 2-27 OPERATIONS AND MATERIAL STORAGE AREA A. Any area of the Board's property can be used by the Contractor for storage, work operations, etc., contingent upon the Engineer's approval. At the time approval is granted, the Engineer will outline the particular qualifications to be imposed in the use of that area. If materials are stored anywhere within the area without this approval, the Engineer, at his discretion, can order them moved to a more suitable location. B. All operations of the Contractor including storage of material on Sewerage and Water Board's premises shall be confined to areas authorized or approved by the Engineer. No storage shall be permitted within the drip line of existing trees. The Contractor shall hold and save the Sewerage and Water Board harmless from liability of any nature occasioned by his operations. C. Temporary buildings (storage sheds, shops, offices, etc.,) may be erected by the Contractor only with the approval of the Engineer, and shall be built at no cost to the Sewerage and Water Board. Such temporary buildings and utilities shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be removed by him at his expense upon completion of the work. D. No equipment or material shall be placed where access to any station by truck will be obstructed in the event of a breakdown. E. No materials or equipment may be placed over underground structures whenever such storage or use may impair effectiveness or limit maintenance, or impose excessive Last Revised 2/27/12 2-8 loadings. F. The Engineer may order moving of materials of equipment at no cost to the Board even from places where approval has been granted if it becomes necessary to the operation of the Board's facilities because of things unforeseen at the time of approval, such as breakdowns, failures, etc. G. Any area occupied by the Contractor shall be cleaned up in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph No. 54, in Section A of the General Specifications. H. The Sewerage and Water Board assumes no responsibility for any loss of or damage to the Contractor's material, tools, or supplies. I. 2-28 Trees and shrubs shall not be cut or damaged without the permission of the Engineer and Parkway & Park Commission. WATER AND OTHER UTILITIES A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to make all necessary arrangements for the provision of water, electricity, drainage, sanitary sewage disposal, gas, compressed air, and any other utility service required to prosecute the work of this contract. B. Water used by the Contractor at the jobsite will be furnished by the Board at no cost to the Contractor, if conditions permit. C. Costs of all other services shall be borne by the Contractor. D. Connections to fire hydrants shall only be made with meters obtained from the Sewerage and Water Board Customer Service Department, 585-2097, which shall record water usage for record purposes and which shall be returned to the Board as a condition of acceptance of the Contract. Application for the meter requires a $1,500.00 deposit that is refundable upon return of the meter in undamaged and operable condition. 2-29 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE The Contractor shall, before contract work begins, furnish to the Engineer Telephone Numbers at which company officers or responsible persons can be contacted at night, weekends and holidays in case of emergencies. 2-30 PROJECT WORK SCHEDULE A. Upon receipt of the "Work Order" and prior to commencement of any work on the contract, the Contractor shall be required to furnish a combined cost breakdown and progress schedule and Critical Path Method (CPM) progress schedule no later than fourteen calendar days from the notice-to-proceed. The costs shall be allocated to activities such that the sub-totals equal the bid tab items in the proposal. This document will be used in the preparation of progress payments to the Contractor. B. The form of the combined schedule, although subject to change upon order of the Engineer, shall consist of: Last Revised 2/27/12 2-9 1. Separation of the entire construction project into its stages, as well as any specific related stages such as bond, insurance, material or equipment shipment, etc., in terms of actual dollar value. 2. The activities included in the Progress Schedule shall be defined in work days (Monday – Friday). Durations shall be based on the labor (crafts), equipment, and materials required performing each activity on a normal workday basis. The Contractor shall incorporate the Owner’s holidays into the schedule as non-work days. Likewise should it be necessary to perform work on nonstandard workdays notice shall be provided to the Owner a minimum of 72- hours prior to the event. 3. A listing of these construction stages with the proposed starting and completion date shown in Gantt chart form alongside each construction stage. The "proposed progress" bar graph shall be divided into monthly increments beginning from the date of the "Work Order" and extending to the contract completion date. At the end of each monthly increment, the Contractor shall indicate by a percentage figure directly on the bar graph space the percent completion he expects to attain for that interval. 4. Shown directly below the actual progress bar and forecasted activities shall be a bar depicting the original planned activities with a percentage completion indicated at monthly intervals intended to represent the actual progress toward completion for that interval. 5. The data date which serves as the end of the reporting period for schedule calculation for progressing the schedule shall be set as the date of the Notice-toProceed for the baseline submittal and as the last calendar day in the month for progress schedule unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. 6. Any specific scheduling work-break-down structure or coding for organizational purposes will be provided to the Contractor by the Engineer at the pre-construction meeting. C. The actual monthly progress percentage multiplied by the construction stage dollar value will result in a figure which when added to the other monthly construction stage dollar values and their respective percentage multipliers will give a total to be used for a progress payment to be made to the Contractor. D. Monthly Schedule Progress Updates shall be submitted for the duration of the Contract on a date agreed by the Owner, Engineer, and Contractor. If monthly Progress Schedule updates are not submitted by the due date, progress payments will be withheld until the required information is submitted. 1. Since the combined cost-progress schedule to be submitted monthly is to be used in the preparation of the progress payment, it is imperative that the Contractor exercise careful consideration in assigning the percent complete expected on his proposed graph and it is expected that the actual percent complete shall rarely exceed the proposed percent. The Contractor shall re-examine his proposed schedule monthly and alter it accordingly to insure this does not occur. 2. Should it appear to the Board's Engineer that the cost breakdown on progress schedule is in error or proves inadequate; the Engineer will direct the Contractor to alter his form to make it comply with the requirements of the Board. Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 10 3. Electronic Progress Schedule Format and Reporting shall be created in Microsoft Project or Primavera scheduling software. Electronic schedule files shall be saved with .MPP, .XML, OR .XER file extensions and included in the formal submittal to the Engineer. E. Change Orders, Delays and Extensions of Time. When change orders or delays are experienced by Contractor and Contractor requests and extension of time, Contractor shall submit a written time impact analysis to the Engineer illustrating the influence of each change or delay to the current Contract Schedule completion date. Each time impact analysis shall include a fragnet incorporating the change order or delay into the Progress Schedule to demonstrate how Contractor was delayed. 1. The change order activities used in the analysis shall be those included in the latest update of the Progress Schedule or as adjusted for the events of impact. 2. Delays in activities which are not on the critical path and do not affect Contract completion dates, will not be considered for an extension of time. F. Causes for Extensions of Time. Additional positive total float in the Progress Schedule generated by efficiencies of Owner or Contractor is a shared commodity to be reasonably used by either party, and belongs exclusively to the Project. The Contractor is not entitled to any additional compensation of the project prior to expiration of the Contract Times. G. Review Process. Engineer will review Contractor’s preliminary Progress Schedule and full Progress Schedule within 14 calendar Days after receipt of all required information. 2-31 1. Schedules shall show contract completion of the Work on the Contract completion date and with zero positive total float even if the Contractor plans to finish early. In no event shall acceptance of the schedule be a basis for a claim for delay against Owner or Engineer by Contractor for an early finish. A Progress Schedule containing activities with negative float or that extend beyond the Contract completion date will not be acceptable. 2. Acceptance of the Progress Schedule by Engineer does not relieve Contractor or responsibility for accomplishing the Work by the Contract completion date. Omission and errors in the accepted Progress Schedule shall not relieve the Contractor of obligations under the Contract. Acceptance by Engineer in no way makes Engineer or Owner an insurer of the Schedules’s success or liable for time or cost overruns. Engineer and Owner hereby disclaim any obligation or liability by reason of acceptance of the Progress Schedule by the Engineer. JOB SITE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. A complete and current set of contract drawings and specifications, including any addenda, shall be maintained on the job site by the Contractor. B. One copy of all approved shop drawings, equipment or material drawings, etc. shall be maintained on the job site by the Contractor. Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 11 2-32 CONTRACTOR'S WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish, deliver, and unload all materials, tools, appliances and rigging necessary for the completion of this Contract as covered by these specifications. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, skilled and unskilled. 2-33 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK A. The Contractor shall give personal attention to and supervise the work to the end so that it shall be prosecuted faithfully; and, when the Contractor is not personally present on the work, the Contractor shall be at all time represented by a competent superintendent or foreman who shall be present at the work and who shall receive and obey all instructions or orders given under this contract, and who shall have full authority to execute the same, and to supply materials, tools and labor without delay, and who shall be the legal representative of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be liable for the faithful observance of any instructions delivered to the Contractor or to the Contractor’s authorized representative. B. Until final written acceptance of the project by the Board, the Contractor shall have the charge and care thereof and shall take every precaution against damage to any part thereof by the action of the elements or from any other cause, whether arising from the execution or non-execution of the work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore and make good all damages to any portion of the work, before final acceptance, including damage to the work due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor; acts of God, of the public enemy or of governmental authorities and shall bear the expenses thereof. C. In case of suspension of work from any cause, the Contractor shall be responsible for the project and shall take such precautions as necessary to prevent damage to the project, provide for normal drainage and erect any necessary temporary structures, signs or other facilities at his expense. 2-34 CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees and shall not employ on the work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the task assigned to him. 2-35 OTHER CONTRACTS The Sewerage and Water Board has, or may undertake, or award, other contracts for other, or additional work and this Contractor must fully co-operate with such other Contractors and Sewerage and Water Board employees and carefully fit his own work to such other, or additional work, as may be directed by the Engineer. This Contractor must not commit or permit any act that will interfere with the performance of work by any other Contractor or Sewerage and Water Board employees. 2-36 PARKING FACILITIES Contractor personnel will not be permitted to park personal vehicles on S&WB property due to limited and restricted area available for this purpose. The Contractor will be allowed Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 12 to bring construction equipment and construction vehicles only into the site as necessary in the execution of this contract but may be required to remove them if their presence interferes with the operation of the Board, at the discretion of the Engineer. 2-37 BOARD’S RIGHT TO OCCUPANCY A. The Board will have full access to and full use of all existing utilities during the entire period of construction for the conduct of its normal operations. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer and the Board in all construction operations to minimize conflict, and to facilitate Board usage. B. The Contractor shall at all times provide proper facilities for access and inspection of the work by representatives of the Board, the Engineer, inspectors, and any such official Governmental Agencies as may be designated by the Board as having jurisdictional rights to inspect the work. 2-38 SITE SECURITY A. All Contract Employees who enter Sewerage and Water Board Facilities shall have current and legible picture ID Badges issued by the Contractor. No one will be allowed to enter the Facilities without displaying this badge, which shall also be worn, and visible at all times. B. The Contractor shall insure that the site is properly secured at the end of each workday. Fences shall be intact and the gates locked. The Contractor shall also provide and maintain all necessary flagmen, watchmen, barricades, devices as required for the protection and safety of the work and the public against personal injury and property damages. The Contractor will be responsible for any and all damages, injury or loss resulting from his failure to provide such necessary protective precautions. 2-39 INJURIES AND DAMAGES TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY A. The Contractor shall be held alone responsible for all injuries to persons, and for all damage to the property of the Sewerage and Water Board or others, caused by or resulting from the negligence of himself, his employees, or his agents, during the progress of, or connected with the prosecution of the work, whether within the limits of the work or elsewhere, and whether under the contract proper or as extra work. B. The Contractor must protect and support all water, sewer and gas pipes or other conduits and buildings, walls, fences or other properties that are liable to be damaged during the execution of his work. He shall take all reasonable and proper precautions to protect persons, animals and vehicles of the public from injury, and shall erect and maintain a fence or railing around all excavation and place a sufficient number of warning lights about the work and keep them illuminated from twilight until sunrise, and shall employ one or more watchmen, if required, as an additional security. He must, as far as practicable and consistent with good construction, permit access to private and public property and leave fire hydrants and catch basins and canals free from encumbrances. He must restore, at his own expense, all damaged property caused by any act of omission or commission on his part, or on the part of his agent, including sidewalks, curbing, sodding, pipes, conduits, sewers and other public or private property, to a condition as good as it was when he entered upon the work. Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 13 C. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to restore such property or make good such damage, the General Superintendent may upon forty-eight (48) hours notice proceed to repair, rebuild or otherwise restore such property as may be deemed necessary, and the cost thereof, will be deducted from any monies due, or which may become due, under this contract. D. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Sewerage and Water Board from all suits and actions that may be brought against it by reasons or any injury, or alleged injury, to the person or property of another, resulting from negligence or carelessness in the execution of the work, or because of failure to properly light and guard the same, or on account of any act of commission or omission on the part of the Contractor, his representative or employees. E. There will be no direct payment for erection and maintaining a fence or railing around excavation, placing warning lights and providing watchmen and supporting and protecting utilities as prescribed in (B) above. 2-40 NIGHT, WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY WORK Night, weekend or holiday work requiring the presence of an Engineer or inspector will be permitted only in cases of emergency, and then only to such an extent as is absolutely necessary and with the written permission of the Engineer. In the event such work becomes necessary, no extra payment will be made. 2-41 SUSPENSION OF WORK A. The Engineer may order the Contractor in writing to suspend, delay or interrupt all or any part of the work for such period of time as he may determine to be appropriate. The Engineer may also suspend, delay or interrupt the work wholly or in part due to the failure of the Contractor to correct conditions unsafe for the workmen or the general public; for failure to carry out provisions of the contract; for such period of time as may deem necessary due to unsuitable weather; or for any other condition or reason deemed to be in the public interest. B. No adjustment to the time of completion for the project will be made if the suspension, delay or interruption to the work is ordered due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor; however, if such suspension, delay or interruption if ordered for reasons other than the Contractor's negligence, the period of such suspension, to be determined by the Engineer, shall be added to the time specified for the completion of the work under this contract. C. If the work is suspended for any reason, all materials delivered at the work but not yet placed therein shall be neatly stored so as not to constitute an obstruction. 2-42 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE A. All work shall be subject to inspection and test by the Board at all reasonable times and at all places prior to acceptance. Any such inspection and test is for the sole benefit of the Board and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of providing quality control measures to assure that the work strictly complies with the contract requirements. Inspection or test shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for damage to or loss of the material prior to acceptance. Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 14 B. The Contractor must promptly replace rejected material or correct any workmanship found by the Board not to conform to the contract requirements. The Contractor shall promptly remove rejected material from the premises. C. If the Contractor does not promptly replace rejected material or correct rejected workmanship, the Board (1) may, by contract or otherwise, replace such material or correct such workmanship and charge the cost thereof to the Contractor; or, (2) may terminate the Contractor's rights to proceed in accordance with the Paragraph 27 of the Section “A” of the General Specifications. D. The Contractor shall furnish promptly, without additional charge, all facilities, labor, and material reasonably needed for performing such safe and convenient inspection and test as may be required by the Engineer. All inspection and tests by the Board shall be performed in such manner as to not unnecessarily delay the work. Special, full size, and performance tests, shall be performed as described in this contract. The Board reserves the right to charge to the Contractor any additional cost of inspection or test when material or workmanship is not ready at the time specified by the Contractor for inspection or test or when re-inspection or retest is necessitated by prior rejection. E. Should it be considered necessary or advisable by the Board at any time before acceptance of the entire work to make an examination of work already completed, by removing or tearing out same, the Contractor shall, on request, promptly furnish all necessary facilities, labor and material. If such work is found to be defective or nonconforming in any material respect, due to the fault of the Contractor or his subcontractors, he shall defray all the expenses of such examination and of satisfactory reconstruction. If, however, such work is found to meet the requirements of the contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price to compensate the Contractor for the additional services involved in such examination and reconstruction and if completion of the work has been delayed thereby, he shall, in addition, be granted a suitable extension of time. F. Unless otherwise provided in this contract, acceptance by the Board shall be made as promptly as practicable after completion and inspection of all work required by this contract. Acceptance shall be final, and conclusive except as regards latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as may amount to fraud or as regards to the Board's rights under any warranty or guarantee. 2-43 PROJECT CLOSE-OUT A. Satisfactory project close-out is a condition of final acceptance of the Work and will be performed after the following is completed. 1. Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer all construction records, certifications, and other documents in accordance with these Contract Documents. All damaged or deteriorated surfaces shall be touched up or repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All incomplete or defective work shall be remedied as required by the provisions stated herein for Inspection and Acceptance. 2. Contractor shall remove from the site all of his temporary structures, trailers, tools equipment, supplies, and unused or waste materials. Roads, fences, and other facilities damaged or deteriorated because of Contractor’s operations shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All ground surfaces affected by Contractor’s operations shall be restored by grading, raking, smoothing, and other Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 15 necessary operations. The site shall be thoroughly cleaned and all rubbish, trash and debris removed. 3. Board issued hydrant meters shall be returned to the Sewerage and Water Board Meter Shop, 8800 South Claiborne Avenue, for final reading after completion of the Contract. Return of the meter is a condition of acceptance of the contract. B. After all work is complete, any necessary changes in the Contract amount will be determined by the Engineer and the necessary adjustment, if any, will be incorporated into a final Change Order. C. Upon satisfactory completion of closeout activities and delivery of Record Drawings to the Engineer, Contractor shall submit applications for Final Payment as provided in the General Specifications. 2-44 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS A. The Contractor shall furnish one (1) neat and legibly marked with red pencil set of contract drawings to depict actual "as-built" conditions. B. The "as-built" drawings shall show all construction, elevation, equipment, mechanical and electrical systems and connections as installed or built. C. The work under this contract will not be considered "complete" until "as-built" drawings, prepared to the satisfaction of the Engineer, are received. D. There will be no direct payment for furnishing the "as-built" drawings specified above. E. Provide copies of operation and maintenance manuals for all equipment, as specified in Section 2-18. Manuals shall include spare parts lists recommended by the manufacturer. 2-45 SAFETY A. The Contractor shall take proper precautions to safeguard his work force and the Board's facility during his work. Only Engineer approved methods of construction shall be used. B. The completed installation and operations during installation shall comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and all changes in effect at the time proposals are submitted. Particular attention shall be directed to safety regulations for excavations and confined space entry. C. At all times during the course of this contract, the contractor will be in compliance with all federal, state, and local health and safety requirements, will allow inspection of the worksite by the Sewerage and Water Board's Safety Unit, and will provide copies of his written safety program and written safety procedures to the Board's Safety unit within one calendar week if required by the Board's Safety Unit. A senior employee of the contractor and/or any subcontractor will review the Sewerage and Water Board Safety Orientation Notice (Notice), and will explain the information in this Notice to every employee who will enter Board facilities or jobsites. This notice is included at the end of this section as an attachment to the specifications for this contract. Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 16 2.46 INSURANCE CERTIFICATE - AMENDED INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Insurance requirements as outlined in Paragraph 16 of Section “A” of the General Specifications are hereby amended as shown below in the following sub-paragraph "C". B. The Contractor shall submit the required insurance certificates no later than 10 days after Notification of Award of the contract. C. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (AMENDED): The Contractor shall maintain, at his own expense, and in good standing, such insurance as will protect the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (the Board), the City of New Orleans (the City), their officers, officials, employees, boards, commissions, and volunteers, as well as the Contractor himself, and any subcontractors, from and against any and all claims for damages to public or private property or personal injury, including death, to employees or the public, which may arise from any operations under this contract or any of its subcontracts. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the Board or the City. Both the Board and the City shall appear as "Additional Insureds" on all Commercial General Liability and Business Automobile Insurance. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to the Board and the City, their officers, officials, employees, boards and commissions, and volunteers. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. The Contractor, Subcontractor(s), and their insurers shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the Board, the City, and their officers, officials, employees, boards and commissions, and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the Contractor for the Board and the City. Each insurance policy required by this contract shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, or reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the Risk Manager of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans. In general, insurance is to be placed with insurers with an A.M. Best's rating of A-:V, although this requirement may be reviewed and modified by the Risk Manager of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans in the best interest of the Board. The Risk Manager may also consider performing such review upon written request from the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans with certificates of insurance affecting coverage required by this contract. The certificates for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates of insurance are to be received and approved by the Risk Manager of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans before work commences. The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time. The following are the types of insurance policies and the minimum limits of insurance coverage that shall be maintained by the Contractor during the entire term of the Contract: Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 17 a) WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE, as will protect him from claims under Workers' Compensation Laws. The Workers' Compensation section of the policy shall afford Statutory Limits and be in accordance with all Louisiana Workers' Compensation Statutes. The Employers Liability limit shall not be less than $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident and $1,000,000 each employee/policy limit for bodily injury by disease. Whenever any vessel or floating equipment is involved, the insurance shall afford coverage under the Federal Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Act, and shall also include protection for injuries and/or death to Masters and Members of the crews of vessels with statutory limits in accordance with the Jones Act. b) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE, as will protect from claims for personal injury, occupational disease and sickness or death, property damage and environmental damage with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate, including Explosion, Collapse, and Underground Property Damage Hazards. The Products-Completed Operations aggregate limit shall not be less than $1,000,000 each occurrence. The general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project. c) BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, which shall cover liability arising out of any auto (including Owned, Hired, and Non-Owned autos). The limit of liability shall not be less than $1,000,000 each accident for all injuries, property damage, and/or death resulting from any one occurrence. d) OWNER'S AND CONTRACTOR'S PROTECTIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE, in the name of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, and the City of New Orleans as Named Insureds. The limits of liability shall be the same as specified in Paragraph (b) above, and shall include Explosion, Collapse and Underground Hazards. e) PROPERTY INSURANCE, required on all work except sewer and water drainage pipelines, reinforced concrete canals, work completely underground, and similar work (however Contractor is not relieved of responsibility therefore). 1. BUILDERS RISK INSURANCE (covering Fire, Extended Coverage, Vandalism and Malicious Mischief) will be carried on a completed value or reporting form, for not less than 100% of the value of the work, including foundations. 2. In addition, INSTALLATION FLOATER INSURANCE (on an "All Risks" form) will be carried on all machinery and equipment to be installed, whether furnished by the Sewerage and Water Board or by Contractor, for not less than 100% of the installed value of the machinery and equipment. This insurance shall be written in the same Insurance Company carrying the Builder's Risk Insurance (where possible), shall include testing, and shall terminate only when installation has been accepted by the Sewerage and Water Board. (NOTE: "ALL RISKS" Builder's Risk Insurance will be acceptable in lieu of Builder's Risk and installation Floater Insurance, and must meet the requirements of the Property Insurance above). The Builder's Risk and Installation Floater Policies required above shall include the names of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, and the City of New Orleans, and will cover the interests of all sub-contractors without specifically naming them. If the insurance is written subject to a deductible clause, Contractor assumes Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 18 responsibility for the amount of the deductible. f) Commercial Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance, which shall provide $2,000,000 in excess of the Commercial General Liability, Employer’s Liability, and Business Automobile Liability insurance limits. In addition, the Contractor shall be required to furnish to the Risk Manager of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans all copies of investigative reports with regard to any and all claims filed with the Contractor and his insurance carriers relative to the contract, with the exception of claims filed against his Workers' Compensation Insurance. Such reports shall include date, location, and description of loss as well as amounts of settlements or judgments in order that annual aggregate limits may be monitored by the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans for the Contractor's compliance with these specifications. The furnishing of insurance as provided above shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for losses not covered by insurance. Prior to the signing of the contract, evidence of all such applicable insurance satisfactory to the Board shall be filed with the Risk Manager of the Sewerage and Water Board. All policies shall be in insurance companies authorized to do business in Louisiana and shall remain in full force and effect until the final completion of the work and acceptance thereof by the authority of the Board. The Contractor and/or his insurer shall notify the Risk Manager of the Sewerage and Water Board at least thirty (30) days in advance of any insurance coverage to be canceled or of any insurance coverage that will expire. The Contractor shall simultaneously furnish the Board evidence of new coverage to be effective the same day and hour of the expired or canceled coverage. In the event the Contractor fails to submit this evidence of new coverage five (5) days prior to cancellation date or expiration date of any policy or policies, the Sewerage and Water Board will obtain the required coverage to become effective on date of cancellation or expiration of said policies. The cost of such new coverage shall be the expense of the Contractor and any expenditure incurred by the Board for this coverage will be deducted from any balance due to the Contractor. Should the Board be unable to secure new coverage to take the place of the expired or canceled policy or policies, a "stop work" order will be issued and all work on the contract shall cease on the same date and hour as the coverage ceases. Should the Contractor fail or refuse to secure coverage within five (5) days after the date of the "stop work" order, then in such case the Contractor shall be declared to be in default, and the contract between the parties shall be considered canceled and of no force or effect between the parties reserving all rights of the Board against the Contractor and his surety. If this transaction requires the Contractor or Sub-Contractor employees to enter Sewerage and Water Board facilities or jobsites, a senior employee of the contractor will review the Sewerage and Water Board Safety Orientation Notice (Notice), and will explain this Notice to every employee who will enter Board facilities. This Notice is included as a part of the specifications for this contract. If this contract involves the handling or delivery of hazardous materials, the contractor shall ensure that he or any deliverer is at all times in compliance with the OSHA and Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 19 EPA Standards that are most applicable to management of the potentially damaging substance. The contractor shall also ensure that manufacturer of the materials maintains product liability insurance for any commodity involved in this transaction which, if defective, could cause bodily injury and property damage. The vendor, any and all sub-contractors, and all insurers shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation in favor of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans as a condition of the required insurance. 2-47 INDEMNIFICATION A. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify, hold forever harmless and defend the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, its officers, agents, employees, representatives, and insurers from any and all claims, demands, suits, money judgments, costs and expenses, arising out of any accident, injury or damage to loss of property or personal injury during the performance of this contract, growing out of, resulting from or by reason of any act of omission by the Contractor, his agents, or employees. B. Contractor shall further indemnify and hold the Board harmless from any and all claims and liens for labor, services or materials furnished to the Contractor in connection with the performance of this contract. C. Limitations by statute as to worker's compensation or any other benefits, payable by or on behalf of the Contractor, to any injured party shall not limit the Contractor's indemnification of the Board under this agreement. 2-48 WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND UNEMPLOYMENT COVERAGE A. WORKERS' COMPENSATION: The Contractor expressly agrees and acknowledges that it is an “independent contractor” as defined in LSA-R.S.23:1021(6). That its employees shall not be considered employees of the Board for workers' compensation coverage, and that the Board shall not be liable to the contractor or its employees for any workers' compensation benefits or coverage. B. EXCLUSION OF UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION COVERAGE: Contractor herein expressly agrees and acknowledges that it is an “independent Contractor” as defined in LSA-R.S.23:1472(E), that neither the contractor nor any one employed by the Contractor shall be considered an employee of the Board for the purpose of employment compensation coverage. 2-49 S&WB RIGHT TO AUDIT PROVISION The Board shall have the right to audit by its personnel or its authorized representative, at all reasonable times, any and all records pertaining to the administration of this contract by the contractor, including its records of any subcontractor (s) employed on the contract. Such records shall be made and kept by the contractor in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices. Records shall include, but are not limited to, accounting records, daily reports, correspondence and subcontract files (hard copies as well as computer readable data, if it can be made available). Records subject to audit shall also include, but not be limited to, those records necessary to evaluate and verify direct and indirect costs (including overhead allocations) as they may apply to cost and/or Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 20 change order requests associated with this contract. The Board also reserves the right to interview employees, make photocopies, and inspect any and all records at a reasonable time for a minimum of three (3) years after completion of the project or formal acceptance by the Board of the contract. Contractors shall be required to retain such files of the project as described herein for a minimum of three (3) years after completion of the project or formal acceptance of the contract by the Board. 2-50 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY A. In all hiring, employment, or other activity made possible or resulting from this agreement, there shall not be any discrimination against any employee, or applicant for employment because of age, race, color, religion, handicaps, sex, or national origins, and where applicable, affirmative action will be taken to ensure that employees are treated during employment without regard to their age, race, color, religion, handicaps, sex and national origin. This requirement shall apply to, but not be limited to, the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment and advertising, layoff or terminations, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including internship and apprenticeship. B. All solicitations or advertisements for employees shall state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, handicaps, sex or national origin. 2-51 LABOR STANDARDS A. The minimum wages to be paid laborers and mechanics shall be the prevailing wages for corresponding classes of laborers and mechanics employed on projects of a character similar to the contract work; said prevailing wages to be determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor (See the following tables) B. The successful bidder is to make available to the Board, complete records in connection with payment of employees during the term of the job in order to permit the Internal Audit Division to check as to adherence to the wage scale presently in effect in accordance with U.S. Government standards. 2-52 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE POLICY A. It is the policy of the Sewerage and Water Board that all workplaces and facilities be kept drug and alcohol free at all times. B. In order to ensure compliance with this policy, the Board has approved and implemented the "Drug Free Workplace Policy" which is attached hereto at the end of this section and which shall be implemented and rigidly enforced on this contract. 2-53 BI-WEEKLY JOB SITE MEETINGS A. Once every two (2) weeks, or as determined necessary by the Engineer, on a date and location mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the Engineer, a meeting shall be held for review of the Project, including, but not limited to, the construction and inspection schedule, progress of the construction, traffic control, submittals and any other issues that may arise. The meeting may be used to review the Contractor’s monthly application for payment. The Contractor shall preside over all these meetings, and shall arrange for subcontractors and material suppliers to be present as needed Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 21 to discuss their specific work. B. The Engineer will keep and distribute minutes of each meeting to all attending parties. 2-54 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS - MEETING CONSENT DECREE CONDITIONS A. The parties agree that the work and duties required to be performed in accord with the Contract Documents shall meet and comply with all environmental requirements to include the laws and regulations of the United States and the State of Louisiana, and shall satisfy and be in accord with the provisions of the Consent Decree with attachments entered into by and between the BOARD and CITY with the EPA and the UNITED STATES in the matter entitled "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. SEWERAGE AND WATER BOARD OF NEW ORLEANS, ET AL," No. 93-3212, United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, and all modifications thereof, which provisions the CONTRACTOR must acquaint itself and become familiar with prior to bidding on said Contract. B. The above mentioned Consent Decree is available on the Sewerage and Water Board web site, C. CONTRACTOR specifically acknowledges the Board has made said Decree with attachments available for review and CONTRACTOR has read said decree with attachments or the pertinent parts thereof and is familiar with the terms and conditions thereof, and will pay any fines or penalties that will be assessed against the BOARD or CITY (or reimburse them therefore) which are imposed by the terms of said decree with attachments resulting from the actions of CONTRACTOR in performance of or its failure to perform its duties under this Contract. 2-55 REPORT, CONTAINMENT/BY-PASS AND CLEAN-UP A. The Contractor shall develop a plan to report, contain/by-pass and clean up all sewage spills or unanticipated hazards that would adversely affect the health of the community. B. REPORT A report shall be given immediately to the S&WB Emergency Desk (942-2920). The information communicated in the report must include location, nature of problem, name of project, name of company performing work, name of the individual making the call, time of incident and other pertinent data as necessary. It should be communicated as a Priority I incident. C. CONTAINMENT/BY-PASS The Board's first priority in operating its sewer system is to protect the public health of the citizens and the environment in the most cost effective manner possible. The plan must consider all available options for immediately eliminating the discharge or diverting to a containment area, as well as options for containing the contents of, for example, a damaged main which will be evacuated during repair work. It is impossible to anticipate all the specific conditions and factors that may be relevant for any particular incident. Each incident will be unique. To this end the Contractor will by-pass, direct and temporarily store sewage as the situation dictates to avoid contamination of soil, street, etc. that would place the Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 22 citizens in contact with waste products. If these sewer wastes reach a canal it will be the Contractor's first effort to remove the contamination. Drainage pumping from the contaminated canal will be stopped. In those circumstances when sewage cannot be removed from the canal system because of location or weather, where possible the procedures will be dilute and flush the canals. Considerations The following are some of the more significant considerations; which will impact the ultimate approach to mitigation activities. Can any or all of the discharge be returned to the sewerage system immediately? If so, how much, where and by what means? What is the anticipated duration of the repair activity? Can normal sewage flow be rerouted? If so how much? How many and which pump stations will be affected by isolation of the force main? Do any of the stations have the capability to bypass flow to the gravity system? How long can the normal sewage flow in the affected gravity sections be interrupted before property damage or upstream overflows occur? Is there the capability to create in-system containment by artificial draw down of the associated gravity system(s) and if so, how much? Is there the capability to create a containment area utilizing a drainage canal or catch basin, how would the flow be reintroduced into the sewerage system and could an effective clean-up of the containment area be accomplished? (One or more containment areas could be considered not only at the repair site but at an affected pump station or other location). Is there a capability to haul sewage (vac tanker, vac truck etc.) from either the repair site or anticipated up-stream overflow location? Is a rainfall event anticipated during the repair or clean-up activities? Because of the varying conditions, locations and circumstances which have an impact on the planning process, the development of specific procedures is not practical. It is far more important for a response action plan such as included herein, to provide for the availability of the resources including senior management expertise, such that a response can be initiated in an expedient and thoughtful manner. As evidenced in other sections of this document, the Board has a policy of requiring Division and Department managers to be available on call 24 hours per day and to personally respond to all emergencies including Sanitary Sewer Overflows. The ability to call on the experience of these managers as a matter of policy insures all possible avenues of mitigation are considered and all required resources are dedicated to this response effort. Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 23 D. CLEAN-UP/DISINFECTION For public areas that have come in contact with overflowed sewage, the Contractor will take reasonable action to implement disinfection procedures. Generally, these procedures will involve an application of an oxidizing agent such as a dilute chlorine solution on constructed surfaces (streets, driveways, walls, etc.) and a lime application on organic surfaces (lawns, soil areas, etc.). The level and extent of disinfection will be determined in the field. It is not the intent of this disinfection procedure to infer that total pathogen destruction has been achieved, nor that any other level of disinfection has been achieved. 2-56 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) And Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP) Requirements A. GENERAL 1. The contractor shall prepare and maintain a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), which describes in specific details the Contractor’s program to prevent contamination of the storm water collection system for this project. A suggested SWPPP Templates and Sample Inspection Report, as well as other valuable information can be found at EPA’s website 2. Contractor shall implement, maintain, inspect and remove all erosion and sediment controls identified in the SWPPP. The program shall address both common construction activities and extraordinary events. 3. Contractor shall include Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCD) in the SWPPP to illustrate the locations, applications and deployment of Best Management Practices (BMPs) identified in the SWPPP. The WPCDs shall be included as an attachment to the SWPCP. 4. Best Management Practices (BMPs): A Best Management Practice is a technique, process, activity, or structure used to reduce the pollutant content of a storm water or non-storm water discharge. BMPs may include simple, non-structural methods such as good housekeeping, staff training, and preventive maintenance. Additionally, BMPs may include structural modifications such as the installation of berms, canopies or treatment control 5. The Contractor shall comply with laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Louisiana and agencies of the United States Government prohibiting the pollution of lakes, wetlands, streams, or river waters from the dumping of contaminates, refuse, rubbish or debris. 6. The contractor shall submit copies of the SWPPP (as per requirement of Section 2, Paragraph 2-20) a minimum of 10 working days prior to beginning construction, to the Engineer. Construction shall not begin until the SWPPP is approved. Contractor shall update the SWPPP as necessary during the work to prevent contamination of the storm water collection system. Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 24 7. Before start of work, Contractor shall train all employees and subcontractors on the approved SWPPP and related W PCD and provide the Sewerage and Water Board with written documentation of said training. 8. Suggested BMPs can be obtained from Ella Barbe, LA DEQ Small Business Assistance Program, 201 Evans Rd. Bldg. 4, Suite 420 Harahan LA. Phone 504736-7739, e-mail: B. CONSTRUCTION The contractor shall keep a copy of the SWPPP on the job site. The contractor shall provide continuously at the jobsite all the tools, equipment, and materials necessary to implement the SWPPP at all times from project initiation through completion, including any punchlist or warranty work on the project. At a minimum the following requirements shall be met as applicable, to the maximum extent practicable, at construction sites: 1. Storm Drain System Protection: At the first order of work, the Contractor shall protect the existing storm drain system from entrance of construction debris and pollutants. Such protection shall include implementing the BMPs as outlined in the SWPPP. Protection shall prohibit the discharge of untreated runoff from temporary or permanent street maintenance/landscape maintenance material and waste storage areas from entering the storm drain system. Sediment that is generated on the project site shall be retained using structural drainage controls. In addition, the protection system shall have a minimum of three features: 1) a particulate filter of geosynthetic material securely fastened in place such that it cannot be bypassed without significant physical damage; 2) a prefilter for the particulate filter; and 3) on-hand materials to close off the inlet or opening in the case of a significant pollution spill. Contractor shall monitor and maintain all storm drain inlet protection devices during rain events to prevent flooding. 2. Material Management & Storage: No construction-related materials, wastes, spills or residues shall be discharged from the project site to streets, drainage facilities or adjacent properties by wind or runoff. All materials and/or equipment storage areas where liquid construction materials are placed shall be protected by a physical barrier capable of containing the entire volume of stored liquid materials. During active construction activities, portions of the barrier may be removed for access. However, the barrier materials must be readily accessible for replacement by onsite construction personnel. The barrier must be in place at all times during the absence of Contractor personnel at the storage site. Building materials shall be placed on pallets and covered in event of rain. Do not store materials in the street or gutter area. 3. Equipment & Vehicle Maintenance: Non-storm water runoff from equipment and vehicle washing and any other activity shall be contained at the project site and shall not be allowed to discharge from the project site to streets, drainage facilities or adjacent properties by wind or runoff. The Contractor shall inspect vehicles and equipment on each day of use. Leaks shall be repaired off-site if possible. If necessary to repair on site, the runoff must be contained or the problem vehicle or equipment shall be removed from the project site until repaired. If necessary, drip pans shall be placed under the vehicles or equipment while not in use to catch and/or contain drips and leaks. Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 25 4. BMP Inspection: The contractor shall inspect all pollution control BMPs regularly. The Contractor shall also repair/replace any damaged or clogged element on a daily basis. During periods of precipitation where any runoff occurs, the system shall be checked twice a day, seven days a week, whether or not any work has been performed. The daily checks shall be between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The contractor shall keep a monitoring inspection log of each inspection. 5. Spill Prevention & Cleanup Plan: Contractor shall have a spill prevention plan and spill cleanup materials readily available and addressed in the SWPPP. Spills shall be cleaned up immediately using dry methods if possible. Spill cleanup material shall be properly disposed off site. Contractor shall keep a record of any spills in the inspection log. In addition, at the end of the project, the Contractor must certify that all contaminated materials have been properly disposed in accordance with the SWPPP. 6. Asphalt & Concrete Activities: Asphalt and concrete activities shall be scheduled for dry weather. Contractor shall prohibit saw cutting during a storm event of 0.25 inches or greater. Store bags of cement away from gutters and storm drains, sealed and covered, protected from rainfall runoff and wind. Place tarp under cement mixer before operating to catch spills. Never dispose of cement washout or concrete dust onto driveways, streets, gutters or storm drains. 7. Sidewalk Washing: The following methods should be utilized to prevent discharge of sidewalk cleaning wastewater into the storm drain system: a. Sweep and pick up all areas to be cleaned before using water. b. Manually scrape gum from sidewalks and other surfaces. c. Must use high pressure and low volume of water with no additives and at an average usage of 0.006 gallons per square foot of surface area to be rinsed. d. Use a wet/dry vacuum to collect wash water for disposal. Large volumes of wash water may require the use of a small sump pump to remove wash water from the job site. e. One or more of the following methods are recommended to prevent pollutants from entering the storm drain system: Sandbags can be used to create a barrier around storm drains. * Rubber mats or plugs can be used to seal drain openings. * Temporary berms or containment pads help keep water on site. * Use berms of sandbags to direct wash water to landscaping. * Use large squeegees to accumulate sheet flow for collection. * Remember to remove plugs, berms, and sandbags or you may be liable for possible flooding. f. Last Revised 2/27/12 Wash water that may contain hazardous waste such as oil-saturated absorbents, water with lead or other heavy metals from oxidized paint, and solvent cleaners requires special treatment and must be disposed of through a hazardous waste facility. 2 - 26 8. Employee BMP Training: Contractor shall train employees and subcontractors on BMP implementation, general good housekeeping, and proper spill containment and cleanup. Before start of work, Contractor shall provide the Board with written documentation of training and keep all documentation in the SWPCP. 9. Inspection: Contractor shall inspect and repair or replace, as needed, all job site BMPs a minimum of: Biweekly Before, during and after a major rain event. Contractor shall document the inspections in the SWPPP. 10. Dewatering: Avoid dewatering discharges where possible by using the water for dust control, infiltration, etc. * * * END OF SECTION 2 * * * Last Revised 2/27/12 2 - 27 Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans Drug - Free Work Place Policy Contractor Requirements Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT TO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS STATEMENT OF POLICY It is the policy of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans that all work places associated with its operation, maintenance, improvements, and expansion be kept drug free. In order to insure this, the Sewerage and Water Board has approved the following drug testing policy to be implemented on this contract. NOTICE The contractor shall notify all personnel to be employed on this contract that they must submit to drug testing upon the occurrence of any accident, injury, or unsafe and hazardous incident which involves them. Agreement to submit to such drug testing shall be required for the employment of all personnel under this contract. PENALTIES Any employee who refuses to agree to testing under this policy or who refuses to be drug tested after the occurrence of any accident, injury or unsafe and hazardous incident which involves them, or who fails to report any such accident, injury or incident within twenty-four (24) hours of its occurrence, shall be deemed incompetent under Paragraph 47 of the General Specifications. Any employee found to have a positive test result after his conformational testing shall be deemed incompetent under Paragraph 47 of the General Specifications. Any employee deemed incompetent under these provisions shall be removed by the contractor from work under this contract and any other current Board contract. TESTING PROCEDURE The contractor shall while performing this contract, require any of its employees who are involved in an accident, injury or unsafe and hazardous incident while in the course and scope of their employment, whether vehicular or non-vehicular in nature, to be tested for blood alcohol or drug levels through a laboratory approved by the National Institute for Drug Abuse. Said employee shall provide a testing sample as soon as possible after such accident, injury or incident, but no longer than twenty-four (24) hours from the time of the occurrence. The contractor shall provide copies of the results of the initial testing on the samples involved to the Risk Manager of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans as soon as such results are known. If the initial testing reveals a positive result, the contractor shall forward the remainder of the original testing sample to a second, conformational testing. The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans shall consider any result to be positive if it indicates any level which exceeds the levels set forth as follows: 1 Drug-Free Workplace Policy Page 2 of 3 CUT-OFF LEVELS INDICATING POSITIVE TEST RESULTS The following initial cut-off levels shall be used when screening specimens to determine whether negative or positive: Initial Test Level (ng/ml) Marijuana metabolites 50 Cocaine metabolites 300 Opiate metabolites 300 Phencyclidine (PCP, etc.) 25 Amphetamines 300 Alcohol .04% by weight based on grams of alcohol per 100cc of blood LSD 150 Barbiturates 300 Benzodiazepines 300 Quantitative GC/MS confirmation procedures at the following cut-off values shall be used for the following drugs: Confirmatory Test Level (ng/ml) Marijuana metabolites* 10 Cocaine metabolites** 150 Opiates (Morphine, Codeine) 150 Phencyclidine (PCP, etc.) 25 Amphetamines (amphetamine, Methamphetamine) 300 LSD 150 Barbiturates 300 Benzodiazepines 300 * ** Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol - 9-Carboxylic Acid Benzoylecgonine 2 Drug-Free Workplace Policy Sheet 3 of 3 The contractor shall choose the laboratory to be used for drug testing, and shall identify such laboratory to the Risk Manager of the Sewerage and Water Board prior to receiving approval to start work. All laboratories shall be approved by the National Institute for Drug Abuse. The contractor shall notify the Board's Risk Manager immediately of the results of any conformational testing. The Contractor's Senior Project Superintendent working in consultation and conjunction with the Board's Risk Manager and the Board's Engineer, shall determine whether an accident, injury or unsafe or hazardous incident occurred. The Safety Department of the Sewerage and Water Board reserves the right to investigate any such matter and make a complete report to the Executive Director of the Sewerage and Water Board whose decision shall be final. The Sewerage and Water Board shall not be liable for any cause of action of any employee of the contractor brought against the contractor as a result of this policy. The Sewerage and Water Board shall not be liable for the contractor's failure to stipulate adherence to the terms and conditions of this drug testing policy as a condition of employment of any employee on this contract. The Board shall not release the contractor from his responsibilities under the policy unless failure to adhere to the conditions of this policy shall be a direct result of any action taken by the Board. These requirements shall be acknowledged by signature of the contractor's authorized representative in the space provided in the "Form of Proposal". 3 SEWERAGE & WATER BOARD OF NEW ORLEANS SAFETY ORIENTATION NOTICE ATTACHMENT TO SPECIFICATIONS Welcome We welcome you to the S&WB and request your assistance in maintaining our Safety Standards. For the safety of yourself and everyone working at the S&WB, you are asked to observe the following safety precautions. When this notice has been read thoroughly, a senior representative of your company is required to distribute this information to all employees who will be affected. You may call the Board’s Risk Manager, Mr. Isiah Cameron, at (504) 585-2422 or the Board’s Safety Manager, Mr. Keith Pete, at (504) 585-2522 if you have any questions. Basic 1. Smoking will be allowed in designated areas only. 2. Horseplay, practical joking and fighting are positively prohibited. 3. The use or possession of illegal drugs or intoxicating beverages is strictly prohibited on all S&WB property. 4. Housekeeping is a must. We will keep our area safe and free from litter and expect you do to the same. 5. Handrails must always be used when going up and down ladders or stairs. 6. When working in confined spaces, the contractor must be in full compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard # 29CFR 1910.146 at all times. Atmospheric conditions such as adequate ventilation, the presence of oxygen and the absence of explosive gases must be assured before working in voids, tanks, or other enclosed spaces. 7. Radios must be turned off. Emergency 8. The S&WB Emergency Response Plan is a document, which provides specific notification instructions to be followed in case of hazardous material spills. The Board’s Environmental Affairs Office phone number is 942-3855 during normal business hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Board’s 24-hour emergency lines are (504) 529-2837 (Central Yard) and 8650575 (Central Control Dispatcher, Carrollton Plant.) Since Board contracts are performed under various circumstances at various locations, prior to beginning any work, the contractor should consult with the Board employee who is responsible for monitoring the contract in order to establish the most effective procedures for handling emergencies. Mr. Cameron and Mr. Pete are available for advice in these matters at the above telephone numbers. 1 Transportation Warning signals and lights shall be used as follows: 9. Rotating beacons shall be used if your vehicle is so equipped. 10. Tail lights / emergency flashers shall be used. 11. Orange reflector type safety cones shall be placed to give other motorists warning. 12. If vehicle is moving, backing, or parking, proper traffic control shall be exercised. Protective Clothing and Equipment 13. All personnel who are exposed to eye hazards will wear safety glasses. Hard hats will be worn at all times while an employee is in the immediate vicinity of overhead hazards or while operating heavy equipment without a Rollover Protection Device. 14. Protective clothing and equipment such as rubber aprons and gloves, eye and face protection, approved respirators or dust masks will be worn when handling all harmful chemicals. Reporting 15. Defective equipment, machinery, hazardous conditions, or unsafe work practices or conditions shall be reported immediately to your Supervisor / Foreman who will then contact proper S&WB personnel for corrections. 16. All injuries will be reported to the Risk Manager, (504) 585-2422, or to the Safety Unit, (504) 585-2522, regardless of how minor an injury may seem. 17. S&WB employees may hold safety meetings to discuss and promote safe working conditions and accident prevention. You may be asked to attend. Work Smart 18. Stay alert at all times, know what is going on around you. Know the safe operating procedures concerned with your assigned duties. When your duties may influence the safety of Board employees, notify the employees and their supervisors first. 19. Vendor / Contractors shall at all times demonstrate strict compliance with all Federal, State and Local regulations regarding safety, including but not limited to, all relevant Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Department of Transportation (DOT), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) regulations. 20. The Vendor / Contractor will at the request of the Risk Manager and/ or Safety Manager remove any of his employees found to be creating or contributing to unsafe conditions. 2 21. The following items are not allowed on any S&WB Facility or jobsite: • • Firearms and Ammunition Alcohol and illegal drugs 3 SEWERAGE & WATER BOARD OF NEW ORLEANS WAGE RATE DECISION #LA20080009, BUILDING ATTACHMENT TO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS General Decision Number: LA130008 02/15/2013 LA8 Superseded General Decision Number: LA20120008 State: Louisiana Construction Type: Building Counties: Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St Bernard, St Charles, St James, St John the Baptist and St Tammany Counties in Louisiana. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (Does not include Treatment Plants or single family homes and apartments up to and including 4 stories) Modification Number Publication Date 0 01/04/2013 1 01/18/2013 2 02/15/2013 ELEC0130-006 12/01/2012 JEFFERSON, ORLEANS, PLAQUEMINES, ST. BERNARD, ST. CHARLES, ST. JAMES, AND ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISHES Rates Fringes ELECTRICIAN (includes low voltage wiring and installation of fire alarms, security systems, sound and communication systems, telephones, computers, and temperature controls) ...................... $ 28.50 9.24 ---------------------------------------------------------------ELEC1077-003 09/01/2012 ST. TAMMANY PARISH Rates Fringes ELECTRICIAN (includes low voltage wiring and installation of fire alarms, security systems, sound and communication systems, telephones, computers, and temperature controls) ...................... $ 22.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 7.17 IRON0058-011 06/01/2011 JEFFERSON, ORLEANS, PLAQUEMINES, ST. BERNARD, ST. CHARLES, ST.JAMES (Southeastern Portion), ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, and ST. TAMMANY PARISHES Rates Ironworker, reinforcing and structural...................... $ 19.85 Fringes 7.67 ---------------------------------------------------------------IRON0623-007 06/01/2011 ST. JAMES PARISH (Northwestern Portion) Rates Ironworker, Structural, and Reinforcing...................... $ 19.91 Fringes 7.32 ---------------------------------------------------------------PAIN1244-001 07/01/2011 Rates Fringes PAINTER (includes brush; roller; spray; and drywall finishing) ...................... $ 16.88 5.77 ---------------------------------------------------------------PAIN1244-002 03/01/2012 Rates Glazier...................... $ 19.11 Fringes 7.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------PLUM0060-007 06/11/2012 JEFFERSON, ORLEANS, PLAQUEMINES, ST. BERNARD, ST. CHARLES, ST. JAMES (Southeastern Portion), ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, AND ST. TAMMANY PARISHES Rates Fringes PIPEFITTER (excludes HVAC) ...................... $ 26.88 10.42 PLUMBER (includes HVAC pipe and installation of system). $ 26.88 10.42 ---------------------------------------------------------------PLUM0198-007 01/01/2013 ST. JAMES PARISH (Northwestern Portion) Rates Fringes PIPEFITTER (excludes HVAC) ...................... $ 25.04 10.38 PLUMBER (includes HVAC pipe and installation of system).. $ 25.04 10.38 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 * SFLA0669-003 01/01/2013 SPRINKLER FITTER...................... Rates $ 25.71 Fringes 14.37 Rates $ 24.54 Fringes 9.65 Rates Fringes ---------------------------------------------------------------SHEE0214-007 07/01/2009 Sheet Metal Worker (including HVAC Duct Work) ...................... ---------------------------------------------------------------SULA2004-003 03/25/2004 CARPENTER Drywall & Metal Stud Installation...................... $ 14.00 0.70 Formbuilding/Formsetting...................... $ 12.70 0.56 All Other Work...................... $ 13.68 0.00 $ 12.28 0.00 Common...................... $ 9.55 1.05 Mason Tender...................... $ 9.32 0.00 Backhoe/Excavator...................... $ 14.00 0.42 Bulldozer...................... $ 15.17 0.00 $ 14.00 1.80 ROOFER (includes metal roof) ...................... $ 12.28 0.00 Sheet Metal Worker (excluding HVAC duct) ...................... $ 13.26 1.91 Cement Mason/Concrete Finisher...................... Laborers: Power Equipment Operator Crane...................... ---------------------------------------------------------------WELDERS - Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is incidental. ======================================================================== Unlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope of the classifications listed may be added after award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses (29CFR 5.5 (a) (1) (ii)). ---------------------------------------------------------------The body of each wage determination lists the classification and wage rates that have been found to be prevailing for the cited type(s) of construction in the area covered by the wage determination. The classifications are listed in alphabetical order of "identifiers" that indicate whether the particular rate is union or non-union. 3 Union Identifiers An identifier enclosed in dotted lines beginning with characters other than "SU" denotes that the union classification and rate have found to be prevailing for that classification. Example: PLUM0198-005 07/01/2011. The first four letters , PLUM, indicate the international union and the four-digit number, 0198, that follows indicates the local union number or district council number where applicable , i.e., Plumbers Local 0198. The next number, 005 in the example, is an internal number used in processing the wage determination. The date, 07/01/2011, following these characters is the effective date of the most current negotiated rate/collective bargaining agreement which would be July 1, 2011 in the above example. Union prevailing wage rates will be updated to reflect any changes in the collective bargaining agreements governing the rates. 0000/9999: weighted union wage rates will be published annually each January. Non-Union Identifiers Classifications listed under an "SU" identifier were derived from survey data by computing average rates and are not union rates; however, the data used in computing these rates may include both union and non-union data. Example: SULA2004-007 5/13/2010. SU indicates the rates are not union majority rates, LA indicates the State of Louisiana; 2004 is the year of the survey; and 007 is an internal number used in producing the wage determination. A 1993 or later date, 5/13/2010, indicates the classifications and rates under that identifier were issued as a General Wage Determination on that date. Survey wage rates will remain in effect and will not change until a new survey is conducted. ---------------------------------------------------------------WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS PROCESS 1.) Has there been an initial decision in the matter? This can be: * an existing published wage determination * a survey underlying a wage determination * a Wage and Hour Division letter setting forth a position on * a wage determination matter * a conformance (additional classification and rate) ruling On survey related matters, initial contact, including requests for summaries of surveys, should be with the Wage and Hour Regional Office for the area in which the survey was conducted because those Regional Offices have responsibility for the Davis-Bacon survey program. If the response from this initial contact is not satisfactory, then the process described in 2.) and 3.) should be followed. With regard to any other matter not yet ripe for the formal process described here, initial contact should be with the Branch of Construction Wage Determinations. Write to: Branch of Construction Wage Determinations Wage and Hour Division U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 4 2.) If the answer to the question in 1.) is yes, then an interested party (those affected by the action) can request review and reconsideration from the Wage and Hour Administrator (See 29 CFR Part 1.8 and 29 CFR Part 7). Write to: Wage and Hour Administrator U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 The request should be accompanied by a full statement of the interested party's position and by any information (wage payment data, project description, area practice material, etc.) that the requestor considers relevant to the issue. 3.) If the decision of the Administrator is not favorable, an interested party may appeal directly to the Administrative Review Board (formerly the Wage Appeals Board). Write to: Administrative Review Board U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 4.) All decisions by the Administrative Review Board are final. ======================================================================== END OF GENERAL DECISION 5 SECTION 3 SITE WORK AND DEMOLITION 3-01 GENERAL A. Scope: The work to be done under this section of the specifications includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary for clearing, excavation, filling to grade, and demolition of concrete as shown on the Drawings and herein specified. B. Codes: Conduct all work in strict compliance with the current City of New Orleans Building Code. 3.02 SITE CONSIDERATIONS A. Existing security fencing shall be repaired or replaced as indicated on the contract drawings. At locations where no security fencing exists, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to provide temporary security fencing during construction. B. Traffic control must be maintained at all times by the Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure minimal impact to the streets, sidewalks and driveways in accordance with Section C125 – Public Convenience – of the General Specifications for Street Paving, 1999 Edition (Revised 10/1/2001) for the Department of Public Works, City of New Orleans, Louisiana. A traffic control plan for any construction activities that will impact traffic use along adjacent roadways shall be submitted to the Owner and the City of New Orleans Department of Public Works (CNO-DPW) for review and approval. The traffic control plan, including any required detour plans, shall be designed by a licensed Louisiana Engineer experienced in the design of traffic control plans for construction operation. The Contractor shall inspect all traffic control devices on a daily basis and submit an inspection report to the Board Engineer. Storage of materials will not be permitted on adjacent roadways. All traffic control shall be in accordance with CNODPW Standard Drawings (Standard Drawings are available from the CNO-DPW Engineering Division, City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, Room 6W03, New Orleans, La 70112, or online at and the current edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). 3-03 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION A. The following is a suggested sequence of construction designed to protect existing utilities and reduce the need for bypass pumping. 1. Pothole or excavate to determine the location of all existing below ground utilities, and confirm there are no conflicts with new or temporary installations. If conflicts exist, the Board reserves the right to relocate the station or items up to five (5) feet in any direction at no cost to the Board. All potholing shall be scheduled and completed in advance of construction so that any required adjustments to the work can be accomplished to avoid delays to the project. 2. Construct the new cathodic protection deep well bed and the 6' x 6' concrete ground bed protective cap before abandoning in place the existing one. The new 3-1 bed is necessary to provide continuation of cathodic protection of the existing 42” diameter sewer force main located on the south side of the site. The 6' x 6' concrete ground bed protective cap shall be protected from damage of any kind throughout the course of this contract and shall be set to finish grade when site paving is completed. 3. Coordinate with Entergy to disconnect power feed to the existing electrical platform and disconnect all cables to and from the existing pump station and the antenna tower 4. Relocate the existing electrical equipment platform, the existing cathodic protection rectifier and shunt box, and the existing antenna tower with antenna, temporarily, to allow for the continued operation of the existing pump station for as long as possible. Choice of the procedures and means and methods to accomplish the temporary relocation of the existing electrical platform and the above described equipment and structure shall be the Contractor’s responsibility and must be approved by the Board’s representative prior to the start of work. 5. Coordinate with Entergy to provide temporary power feed to the relocated electrical equipment platform and reconnect all cables to and from the existing pump station 6. Coordinate with S&WB Operations personnel, and field verify the tie-in location of emergency discharge connection (EDC) to the force main. (If indicated on the drawings, relocate the EDC to the location indicated). This will allow for continual bypass pumping during the construction of the new station discharge and force main. The Board cannot guarantee complete closure of force main isolation valves, so continued sewer flow may be expected, and the Contractor shall provide additional portable pumping, at no cost to the contract, to control the flow. 7. Construct temporary retaining structure and as much of the new station as possible prior to demolition of existing station. The existing pumping station shall remain in service as long as possible during the construction of the new station. 8. Remove all machinery and piping from existing pumping station. Modify suction lines as explained in the mechanical section. Demolish existing concrete slab necessary to remove top portion of the existing drywell, as shown on the drawings. Remove existing steel operating level floor and supporting beams from the existing drywell. Backfill existing drywell structure with structural fill, as shown on the drawings 9. Install two (2) new 12” diameter suction lines. These suction lines shall tie into the existing wet well suction piping of the existing station as indicated on the drawings. Install one (1) 16” diameter discharge line. The discharge line shall tie into the existing 16” diameter force main piping as shown on the drawings. 10. Rehabilitate existing wet well as specified. 3-2 11. Complete new station with all accessories, including all site improvements. 12. Demolish the relocated platform and concrete support slab upon completion of construction of the new pump station. The antenna tower with antenna shall be returned to the SWBNO. B. The final sequence of construction (order of work) is the Contractor’s responsibility and must be approved by the Board’s representative prior to the start of work. 3-04 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL A. The Contractor shall implement structural practices to divert flows from exposed soils, temporarily store flows, or otherwise limit the runoff and the discharge of pollutants from exposed areas of the site. Structural practices shall be implemented in a timely manner during the construction process to minimize erosion and sediment runoff. Structural practices shall include silt fencing and/or straw bale barriers. Silt fencing and straw bale barriers shall be properly installed, as required on the contract drawings, and in accordance with the State of Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Standard Drawing EC-01, to effectively retain sediment immediately after completing each phase of work where erosion would occur in the form of sheet and rill erosion (e.g., clearing and grubbing, excavation, embankment, and grading). Silt fencing and straw bale barrier materials shall be in accordance with Section 204 of the Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges, 2006 Edition. The Contractor shall inspect, repair and maintain barriers for the duration of construction. Final removal of barriers shall be upon approval of the Engineer. 3-05 EXCAVATION A. Excavate as required for the execution of this contract. B. Contractor shall provide and place all necessary timbers, sheet piling, etc. for bracing and supporting the sides of excavations. Bracing shall be of ample size and stiffness and shall be properly erected so as to prevent any movement of sides around the excavated areas. The bracing shall be arranged so as not to place any stress on portions of the completed work until the general construction thereof has proceeded far enough to provide its full strength. C. If in the opinion of the Engineer, the bracing is improper and/or additional bracing is required, the Contractor shall take the necessary measures to correct this condition at no cost to the Owner. D. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the stability of the sides of the excavation and he shall be responsible for any damage to his work caused by water or earth pressure or other causes until the construction is completed and accepted. The Contractor shall also assume the responsibility of keeping the excavated material a sufficient distance from the cut to avoid excessive pressure against the sheet piling protecting the site of the excavation. E. Stockpile excavated material free of grass, roots, debris, etc. for use as backfill as required. 3-3 F. Dispose of grass, roots, and other deleterious material off-site in a manner not creating a public or private nuisance. G. The Board has shown all underground utilities and obstructions known to it on the Drawings. However, objects unknown to the Board may exist. The Contractor shall hand probe in all questionable areas and also locate known buried objects before uncovering. H. Provide barricades around all excavations. 3-06 TEMPORARY RETAINING STRUCTURES A. Scope The work to be done under this section of the specifications includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to furnish and install the temporary retaining structure to provide dry conditions for all required construction or as shown on the drawings. Due to close proximity of existing structures, the sheet piling shall not be driven using vibratory methods. It is recommended that the sheet piling be driven using a press method with hydraulic presses. B. Submittal Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall submit drawings and a detailed design of the retaining wall plan to drive sheet pile at the locations indicated on the drawings. The design shall be prepared and sealed by a registered engineer licensed in the State of Louisiana experienced in the design of retaining structures. The procedures shall include a detailed description of the methods, material and equipment required to drive the sheet pile. The Contractor shall submit the plan to the Engineer for review. C. Dewatering and Pressure Relief Requirement Excavation below the ground water table will require ground water control to permit the construction in the dry and maintain the stability of the bottom and the sides of the excavation. Controlling seepage may be accomplished by individual or a combination of methods such as sheeting, sumps, or well point systems. Pressure relief measures such as pumped well or well points are anticipated to relieve excess hydrostatic levels in the sand deposits. Sheet piles with a minimum length of 40 feet can be used to control the seepage. D. Design Requirement 1. For bidding purposes, the Contractor’s bid must include a cellular braced cofferdam constructed with steel sheet piling meeting the following requirements: a. The top of the temporary sheet piling shall extend three (3) feet above the existing ground and shall be capable of supporting the lateral load of soil pressure with a construction load surcharge of 250 psf. 3-4 b. The Contractor should assume a minimum length of 45 feet for the steel sheet piling. c. Adequate bracing to support the loads. d. The allowable stress shall be in accordance with “Pile Buck, Inc.TM Steel Sheet Pile Design Manual”. 2. Once the contract is awarded, the Contractor shall follow design procedures using the wedge-type method of developing soil pressure for estimating the external forces, set forth in “Pile Buck, Inc.TM Steel Sheet Pile Design Manual” or Chapter 4 of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Manual EM 1110-2-2054, “Design of Sheet Pile Walls”, excluding the Danish Rules Method. Determination of the effects of the surcharge loads on the soil pressures shall be based on the procedures set forth in the “Pile Buck, Inc.TM Steel Sheet Pile Design Manual”. The design performed by the Contractor must evaluate the overall stability and sizing of the sheet piling and other structural elements for the temporary retaining structures using the Free Earth or Fixed Earth methods. The Contractor shall use design shear strength profile(s) and unit weight data presented in the soil borings. Soil borings are included in the drawings. The structure shall meet all the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for fall protection and ingress and egress. The cofferdam system must be designed by a licensed professional engineer in the State of Louisiana familiar with cofferdam design. 3. Sheet Pile Wall Design The design of the sheet pile wall shall be developed with the safety factor applied to the soil strength on both sides of the wall, for either the free earth or fixed earth method. The soil strengths with the applied factor of safety will be referred to herein as the “allowable” soil strength parameters. The soil properties and stratifications used shall be those presented in the soil borings. 4. Loads The minimum safety factor used in the geotechnical design for the determination of overturning tip elevation and sheet pile section modulus is 1.30 in the long term (Q) case analysis and 1.0 for the short term (S) shear strength cases. For design of the sheet pile wall the water conditions outside the excavation shall be at the top of the sheet pile wall, while the water inside the temporary retaining structure excavation is in the drawn-down condition. The design shall also include the loading influence of any equipment or surcharge that may be located adjacent to the temporary retaining structure. In absence of detailed analysis of the surcharge loading, a uniformly distributed load (U.D.L.) of 250 psf is acceptable. If the designer elects to account for wall friction and adhesion in the determination of soil pressures, the following criteria shall be used: a. a maximum value of 54% of the “allowable” soil friction angle in granular materials may be used for wall friction, b. a maximum value of 56% of the “allowable” soil cohesion may be used for 3-5 adhesion and c. no wall friction or adhesion may be applied to the soils above the dredge line. E. Surcharge Loading All of the crane and pile driving equipment shall be set on a timber mat of such area which would not produce actual soil bearing pressure exceeding the design assumption value. F. Sheet Pile Removal After the walls are cast and the forms removed, the annular space between the walls and the TRS shall be filled with structural fill and compacted to 95% compaction. The TRS shall then be cut a minimum of three (3) feet below the grade level except at locations where conduits or pipes cross the sheet piling. At these locations, sheet piling shall be cut 12” below the bottom of the crossing conduit or pipe. The sheet pile below the cut line shall be abandoned in place, while the portion above the cut shall be removed from the job site. All voids created due to this activity shall be filled with structural fill described below and compacted to 95% compaction. 3.07 BACKFILL A. Structural fill shall be shall be granular material, non plastic and in accordance with the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans General Specifications, Section C, Materials, except as follows: no more than 10% by weight passing through US 200 mesh sieve, maximum organic content of 5% by weight, and free of deleterious materials. Compacted pumped river sand, as indicated on the drawings, shall be considered structural fill. B. Structural fill shall be compacted to minimum density corresponding to 95% of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D698 and shall be placed in lifts of 6 inches. C. Crushed stone shall be in accordance with Section C302.03.e of the General Specifications for Street Paving, 1999 Edition (Revised 10/1/2001) for the Department of Public Works, City of New Orleans, Louisiana. D. Crushed stone shall be compacted to minimum density corresponding to 95% of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D698 and shall be placed in lifts of 6 inches. E. Compaction of structural fill and crushed stone shall be done by vibrating or pneumatic tamper. F. Density tests shall be performed at each lift to determine whether the Contractor has achieved the required density. G. Structural fill and/or crushed stone shall not be dropped directly upon any structure or pipe. Pipe trench backfill materials shall be manually spread around the pipe so that 3-6 when compacted, the pipe trench backfill will provide uniform bearing and side support. H. Existing ground surface shall be stripped to a depth of at least six (6) inches before placement of new fill material. 3-08 I. Finish grade the entire work area. Finished surfaces shall be smooth and shall not vary more than two (2) inches in ten (10) feet. J. Excess excavated material shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed from the site. DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL A. Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall submit a detailed plan for demolition, removal and disposal of items designated on the Drawings or Specifications for such work. The plan shall provide for safe conduct of the work, protection of property which is to remain undisturbed and coordination with other work in progress. The procedures shall include a detailed description of the methods and equipment to be used for each operation, and the sequence of operations. The Contractor shall submit his plan to the Engineer for approval. The plan shall contain the following: 1. Schedule for completion of all demolition work included in the Specifications. 2. Plans for dismantling, removing, and disposing of all items indicated for demolition, including procedures and methods to provide necessary supports, lateral bracing, and shoring when required. 3. The Contractor shall quantify existing structures and piping and include methods to ensure these existing structures and piping are not damaged during demolition operations. 4. Methods of storage and/or disposal of salvaged or demolished material. 5. Safety precautions to protect personnel and property. 6. All other associated work. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and services required and shall remove or have removed from the site, all items indicated on the Contract Drawings or Specifications. 1. Demolition Clarification a. Demolition of a portion of the existing station will be necessary to construct the new station as shown on drawings. b. Temporary relocation of the existing electrical equipment platform, cathodic protection equipment and the antenna tower with antenna will be required to allow the existing pumping station to remain in service as long as possible 3-7 during the construction of the new station. c. The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s review the procedures and means and methods of relocation of the platform. d. The Contractor shall take extra precaution to protect the existing equipment from being damaged during relocation of the platform, the cathodic protection equipment and the antenna tower with antenna. e. Upon completion of the new station, the existing electrical equipment platform shall be demolished and the electrical equipment designated in Paragraph 308F returned to the Board. f. The following equipment will be re-used in the new station: i. Bubbler panel. ii. SCADA Panel . iii. Cathodic protection rectifier and shunt box. g. Remove all machinery and piping, up to tie-in locations, from existing pumping station and salvage as specified later in this Section. h. Backfill the remaining station with structural fill and compact as stated elsewhere in these Specifications. C. The Contractor shall submit copies of all licenses, certifications, notifications, permits and receipts required or issued for the equipment, methods, and disposal areas used for disposing of the materials removed. D. The items indicated on the drawings shall be demolished in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 33 of the current City of New Orleans Building Code, due care being exercised at all times for the protection of adjoining property and the public. Use of explosives is strictly prohibited. E. During demolition work, the Contractor shall continuously evaluate the condition of the items being demolished and take immediate action to protect all personnel working in or around the demolition site. No area, section, or component of slabs, walls, or other structural element will be allowed to be left standing without sufficient bracing, shoring, or lateral support to prevent collapse or failure while personnel remove debris or perform other work in the immediate area. F. All materials, structures, and improvements salvaged as the result of the work done on this contract shall become the property of the Contractor, except for the items listed below, and shall be promptly removed from the site of the work, and the site left clean and smooth upon completion of the work. Storage or sale of removed items will not be permitted on site. 3-8 1. Items to be salvaged and returned to the Board’s Machine Shop: a. All pumps, stands, drive trains, and motors b. Motor starters and controls c. Panel board d. Automation control equipment except the bubbler panel e. Transformer and transformer disconnect f. Main disconnect switch g. Manual transfer switch h. Motor local power and motor heater disconnect switches i. Transducers, gages, and accessories j. Antenna and antenna tower k. Sump pump controllers and sump pumps l. Exhaust blower m. Lighting fixtures, emergency light fixture n. Stainless steel enclosures G. All debris shall be removed from the site by the Contractor and disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances of the City of New Orleans. Burning of combustible materials from demolished structures will not be permitted on site. Storage of demolished material will not be permitted onsite. H. Conduct demolition operations and removal of debris to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. I. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other occupied or used facilities without permission from authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by governing regulations. J. Utility Services: Maintain existing utilities and drainage indicated to stay in service and protect them against damage during demolition operations. K. Any and all excavations or holes shall be filled in a sanitary and safe manner to grade. L. Contractor shall secure the work site and leave the sidewalk area clean at the end of each workday. 3-9 3-09 EXECUTION A. Removals: Remove elements to the limits shown on the Drawings. Any removals beyond the limits shown on the drawings shall be repaired and restored to original condition at the Contractor’s expense. B. Pollution Controls: Use water sprinkling, temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit dust and dirt rising and scattering in air. Comply with governing regulations pertaining to environmental protection. The use of water is not acceptable when its use may create hazardous or objectionable conditions. C. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by site work and demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing prior to start of work. 3-10 CONCRETE SITE PAVING A. Site Paving Concrete site paving shall be in accordance with contract drawings, Department of Public Works Standard Drawings and Section C601 – Portland Cement Concrete Pavement – of the General Specifications for Street Paving, 1999 Edition (Revised 10/1/2001) for the Department of Public Works, City of New Orleans, Louisiana. B. Crushed Stone Crushed stone shall be as required in Section 3-07. C. Geotextile Fabric: Fabric properties shall meet requirements listed below: 1. Equivalent opening size 100 < EOS < 20 2. Permeability 10 – 3 cm/second 3. UV radiation resistance (uncovered exposure) 30 days 4. Tensile strength elongation wide width tensile test ASTM D 4595 180 lb/in @ 20% 5. Puncture resistance ASTM D 3787 115 lb 6. Mullein burst strength ASTM D 3786 600 psi D. Mesh Reinforcing Mesh reinforcing shall be in accordance with Section C601, Reinforcing Steel, of the General Specifications for Street Paving, 1999 Edition (Revised 10/1/2001) for the 3 - 10 Department of Public Works, City of New Orleans, Louisiana and as specified on the contract drawings. E. Geogrid (for concrete street paving, only): Geogrid properties shall meet the requirements listed below: Minimum Biaxial Geogrid Specification Requirements Geogrid Property ASTM Test Method 2 Minimum Requirement 9.0 Mass per Unit Area (oz/yd ) D 5261 Aperture Size – Machine Direction (in.) Direct Measure 1.0 Aperture Size – Cross-Machine Direction (in.) Direct Measure 1.3 Wide Width Strip Tensile Strength (lb/ft)/%: Strength at 5% Strain-Machine Direction Strength at 5% Strain – Cross-Machine Direction Ultimate Strength – Machine Direction Ultimate Strength – Cross-Machine Direction D 6637 Manufacturing Process 3-11 700 1200 1200 2096 -- Punched & Drawn DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS Existing sidewalk and existing driveways shall be removed and replaced in accordance with the contract drawings, Department of Public Works Standard Drawings and Section C706 – Driveways and Sidewalks – of the General Specifications for Street Paving, 1999 Edition (Revised 10/1/2001) for the Department of Public Works, City of New Orleans, Louisiana. 3-12 FENCING A. Wood Fence 1. Materials a. Slats: Red cedar with a chamfered top, treated with a water repellent preservative containing a fungicide or mildewcide. Water repellent preservative shall also provide UV protection for the slats. b. Rails: Two (2) 2-inch x 4-inch x 12-foot pressure treated, No. 2 prime or better, southern pine lumber. Lumber shall be treated to .40 pcf retention or higher. c. Corner Posts: HSS galvanized pipe with minimum O.D. of 2.875 inches and minimum thickness of 0.203 inches. d. Line Posts: HSS galvanized pipe with minimum O.D. of 2.375 inches and minimum thickness of 0.154 inches. 3 - 11 e. Top Rail: Galvanized pipe with minimum O.D. of 1-5/8”. f. Bracing (Corner Posts): Galvanized pipe with minimum O.D. of 1-5/8”. 2. Concrete a. Concrete shall conform to Section 5 of these specifications. b. Line posts shall be set in holes not less than 36 inches in depth. c. Corner posts shall be set in holes not less than 42 inches in depth. Hole shall be backfilled with concrete. A minimum of three (3) inches of concrete shall be provided between the bottom of the hole and the bottom of the post being set. Holes shall have a minimum diameter of 12 inches, as shown on the drawings. 3. Construction Methods a. The steel posts shall be set true to line and grade in concrete bases. b. The spacing between posts in any section shall be uniform, but shall not exceed eight (8) feet. c. The rails shall be securely fastened to the posts with 3/8-inch diameter galvanized steel bolts. Rails shall be spliced as shown in the drawings. d. Fence slats shall be placed on the outside of the posts. The slats shall be placed two (2) inches above the ground or concrete curb, as shown in the drawings, and on a straight grade. The slat shall be sound and free from all major decay or defects which would weaken or otherwise cause them to be unsuitable for fence slats. Two (2) 6d stainless steel ring shank nails shall be used to fasten the slats at each rail. B. Metal Picket Fence 1. Manufacturer a. The fence system shall conform to Montage II® Welded and Rackable (ATF – All Terrain Flexibility) Ornamental Steel, Invincible® design, extended picket bottom rail treatment, 4-Rail style manufactured by Ameristar Fence Products, Inc., in Tulsa, Oklahoma, or engineer approved equal. 2. Materials a. Steel material for fence panels and posts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A653/A653M, with a minimum yield strength of 45,000 psi and a minimum zinc (hot-dip galvanized) coating weight of 0.90 oz/ft2, Coating Designation G-90. A minimum of 62% of the steel material shall be derived from recycled scrap metal. 3 - 12 b. Fence Panels: i. Rails: 1.75” x 1.75” x 0.105” steel channel. Picket holes in the rail shall be spaced 4.715” o.c. ii. Pickets: 1” square x 14 gauge tubing c. Gates: i) Rails: 1.75” 14 gauge double steel channel ii) Ends: 2” square x 11 gauge iii) Pickets: 1” square x 14 gauge tubing iv) Bracket Type: Industrial Flat Mount BB301 v ) Line Posts: 4” square x 11 Ga. vi) Pedestrian Gate Posts: 4” square x 11 Ga. vii) Double Drive Gate Posts: 6” square x 3/16” 3. Fabrication a. Pickets, rails and posts shall be pre-cut to specified lengths. d. Rails shall be pre-punched to accept pickets. c. Pickets shall be inserted into the pre-punched holes in the rails and shall be aligned to standard spacing using a specially calibrated alignment fixture. The aligned pickets and rails shall be jointed at each picket-to-rail intersection by Ameristar’s proprietary fusion welding process to complete the rigid panel assembly. d. The manufactured panels and posts shall be subjected to an inline electrodeposition coating (E-Coat) process consisting of a multi-stage pretreatment/wash (with zinc phosphate), followed by a duplex application of an epoxy primer and an acrylic top coat. The minimum cumulative coating thickness of epoxy and acrylic shall be 2 mils. The color shall be Black. The coated panels and posts shall meet the coating performance criteria of ASTM F2408. e. The manufactured fence system shall be capable of meeting the vertical load, horizontal load, and infill performance requirements for industrial weight fences under ASTM F2408. Fence system shall be able to withstand a wind loading of 150 mph. f. All rail and upright intersections shall be joined by welding. 3 - 13 g. All picket and rail intersections shall be joined by welding. h. Gusset plates shall be welded at each upright to rail intersection. 4. Concrete a. Concrete shall conform to Section 5 of these specifications. b. Line posts shall be set in holes not less than 36 inches in depth. c. Corner and gate posts shall be set in holes not less than 42 inches in depth. Hole shall be backfilled with concrete. A minimum of six (6) inches of concrete shall be provided between the bottom of the hole and the bottom of the post being set. Holes shall have a minimum diameter of 12 inches, as shown on the drawings. 5. Fence Installation a. Fence installation shall be laid out by the Contractor in accordance with the plans. b. Fence post spacing shall be 95” plus or minus ½”. c. Fence panels shall be attached to posts with brackets supplied by the manufacturer. d. When cutting/drilling rails or posts, the Contractor shall adhere to the following steps to seal the exposed steel surfaces: i. Remove all metal shavings from the cut area. ii. Apply zinc-rich primer to thoroughly cover cut edge and/or drilled hole and let dry. iii. Apply 2 coats of custom finish paint matching fence color. Failure to seal exposed surfaces per the steps above will negate warranty. Manufacturer supplied spray cans or paint pens shall be used to prime and finish exposed surfaces; it is recommended that paint pens be used to prevent overspray. e. The tines of the metal pickets shall be curved inward to the site, as shown in the drawings. 6. Gate Installation a. Double Swing Gate i. Two double swing gates shall be provided, as shown on the drawings. 3 - 14 ii. The leaf width for each gate panel shall measure 6’-0”. iii. Gate posts shall be spaced to allow for the width of the gate panels and the manufacturer’s requirements for latch and hinge clearances. iv. Gate hardware shall be provided by the manufacturer and shall be installed per manufacturer’s recommendations. b. Pedestrian Gate i. One pedestrian gate shall be provided, as shown on the drawings. ii. The leaf width for the gate panel shall measure 3’-6”. iii. Gate posts shall be spaced to allow for the width of the gate panel and the manufacturer’s requirements for latch and hinge clearances. iv. Gate hardware shall be provided by the manufacturer and shall be installed per manufacturer’s recommendations. 3-13 VIBRATION MONITORING A. The Board will retain the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform vibration monitoring during construction. B. Vibration monitoring will be performed on the project when mechanized equipment, haul trucks, ready mix concrete trucks or any other heavy equipment is in use on the site. The number and placement of monitors to be used for each activity or condition will be as directed by the testing laboratory. Monitoring equipment will directly measure particle velocity (rate of ground movement) in three mutually perpendicular directions (longitudinal, transverse and vertical) and be capable of recording the vector sum of these three measurements to an accuracy of 0.01 in/sec. In addition, the monitoring equipment will be capable of production of a continuous written record of all measurements taken. A daily report will be furnished to the Board Engineer including, at a minimum, a monitoring location plan, all recorded data and a narrative of construction activities, which is referenced to the recorded data. C. The Contractor shall advise the Owner’s field representative at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of starting any new construction related activity (or if site conditions change) and arrange for proper vibration monitoring for this activity and/or condition. D. If, at any time, a reading of 0.20 in/sec is recorded by any monitor in any direction, the laboratory technician will notify the Contractor and the Owner’s field representative immediately. The Contractor shall record the activity and location causing the reading. E. If, at any time, a reading of 0.25 in/sec or greater is recorded by any monitor in any direction, the laboratory technician will notify the Contractor and the Owner’s field representative immediately and the affecting construction activity shall be suspended. The Contractor shall propose to the Owner corrective measures for the affecting 3 - 15 construction activity to ensure the vibration limits will not be exceeded. Upon approval by the Board Engineer, the modified construction activity may resume. Repair of any damage caused by vibrations above safe limits as specified herein shall be the full responsibility of the Contractor. 3-14 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO DOCUMENTATION A. Construction photograph documentation 1. Construction photographs shall be in accordance with Section 126.05 – Construction Photographs – of the General Specifications for Street Paving, 1999 Edition (Revised 10/1/2001) for the Department of Public Works, City of New Orleans, Louisiana. B. Construction video documentation 1. The Contractor shall also be responsible for a pre-construction video survey of existing structures (interior and exterior), yard areas, sidewalks, driveways and paving elements in street within 150 feet of the project right-of-way. The video shall show any cracks and defects of the existing structures. 2. The video survey shall be produced on a digital video disc (DVD). Audio description shall be made simultaneously with the recording. Houses shall be identified visually and verbally by house number and street. The rate of travel for recording shall be such so as to produce a clear detailed view of each feature. 3. The Contractor shall make every attempt to gain permission from property owners for access to private property within 150 feet of the work for documenting preconstruction conditions. The Contractor shall send a certified, return receipt requested introductory letter (wording to be reviewed by the Engineer) informing the property owner of the survey and requesting permission to video the existing conditions. A self-addressed stamped envelope shall be included. If a property owner refuses access, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and log all communications with the property owners. The Contractor shall send up to three (3) additional certified, return receipt request follow-up letters to any nonresponding residents. 4. Submitted videos shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer within 7 days of submittal. Should the filming not provide adequate coverage to fully illustrate the existing conditions, or not be in compliance with the Specifications, such areas shall be re-surveyed. 5. At the start of each recording segment, an identifications summary shall be read into the record simultaneously with a wide-angel view using digital information including the following: a. DVD number b. Project Name and Number 3 - 16 c. Date d. General location or street number Each DVD shall be labeled with the above information. 6. A cumulative index correlating the various segments of the video coverage to the corresponding videos shall be submitted to the Engineer. The index shall identify each segment in the video by street address, segment start time and viewing time. Three (3) DVD copies of the residential and pre- construction videos shall be submitted to the Engineer. 7. A homeowner whose property has been included in the video survey can obtain a copy by written request to the Engineer and a $20.00 check made payable to the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a DVD copy of the segment that contains the footage of the residence. * * * END OF SECTION 3 * * * 3 - 17 SECTION 3A DEWATERING 3A-01 GENERAL A. Summary 1. This Section includes construction dewatering of all foundation excavation. B. Performance Requirements 1. The contractor shall design, furnish all labor, materials and equipment, install, test, operate, monitor, and maintain dewatering system of sufficient scope, size, and capacity to control ground-water flow into excavations and permit construction to proceed on dry, stable subgrades. C. Submittals 1. The contractor shall submit Shop Drawings for dewatering system. Drawings shall illustrate arrangement, locations, and details of wells and well points (if applicable), locations of headers and discharge lines, and means of discharge and disposal of water. a. Include Shop Drawings signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. D. Quality Assurance 1. Comply with water disposal requirements of authorities having jurisdiction over the specific construction site. 3A-02 EXECUTION A. Preparation 1. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by dewatering operations. a. Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding site and surrounding area. b. Protect subgrades and foundation soils from softening and damage by rain or water accumulation. B. Installation 1. Install dewatering system utilizing wells, well points, or similar methods complete with pump equipment, standby power and pumps, filter material gradation, valves, appurtenances, water disposal, and surface-water controls. 3A - 1 2. Before excavating below ground-water level, place system into operation to lower water to specified levels. Operate system continuously until drains, sewers, and structures have been constructed and fill materials have been placed, or until dewatering is no longer required. 3. Provide an adequate system to lower and control ground water to permit excavation, construction of structures, and placement of fill materials on dry subgrades. Install sufficient dewatering equipment to drain water-bearing strata above and below bottom of foundations, drains, sewers, and other excavations. a. Do not permit open-sump pumping that leads to loss of fines, soil piping, subgrade softening, and slope instability. 4. Reduce hydrostatic head in water-bearing strata below subgrade elevations of foundations, drains, sewers, and other excavations. a. Maintain piezometric water level a minimum of 24 inches below surface of excavation. 5. Dispose of water removed by dewatering in a manner that avoids endangering public health, property, and portions of work under construction or completed. Dispose of water in a manner that avoids inconvenience to others. Provide sumps, sedimentation tanks, and other flow-control devices as required by authorities having jurisdiction. 6. Provide standby equipment on-site, installed and available operation, to maintain dewatering on continuous basis if any becomes inadequate or fails. If dewatering requirements are not inadequacy or failure of dewatering system, restore damaged foundation soils at no additional expense to the Board. for immediate part of system satisfied due to structures and a. Remove dewatering system from Project site on completion of dewatering. Plug or fill well holes with sand or cut off and cap wells a minimum of 36 inches below overlying construction. 7. Promptly repair damages to adjacent facilities caused by dewatering operations. 3A-03 REMOVAL OF DEWATERING SYSTEM A. Provide an adequate weight of fill to prevent buoyancy. B. Remove all dewatering wells, buried and surface piping, cables, pump foundations, structural supports and all other support facilities. C. Restore site to the original state by backfilling and earthwork all trenches and excavations. ***END OF SECTION 3A*** 3A - 2 SECTION 4 PILING 4-01 GENERAL A. Scope: The work to be done under this section of the specifications includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to furnish and drive piles (precast concrete or timber), cut off piles at proper elevation, remove pile cut off from the site and all other functions necessary to complete the piling work as shown on the drawings and herein specified. Vibration shall be monitored during installation by an independent testing laboratory. B. Codes: Conduct all work in strict compliance with the current City of New Orleans Building Code. C. Engineer: Piles shall not be driven without the presence of the Engineer or a representative thereof who will witness the recording of all driving information. Provide the Engineer with a detailed overall schedule of the pile-driving program and maintain a current daily schedule with the Engineer. 4-02 DAMAGE TO EXISTING PROPERTY A. Investigate the existing adjacent structures, sewers and utilities and take proper and necessary precautions to protect them from damage due to the pile driving work. B. Repair or replace to its original condition, at no cost to the Board, any property or work damaged by the Contractor due to his work. 4-03 MATERIALS A. Precast Concrete Piles – Precast prestressed piles shall be used to support the pumping station building, as shown on drawings. 1. Qualifications The precast concrete manufacturing plant shall be certified by the Prestressed Concrete Institute, Plant Certification Program, or the manufacturer shall establish a quality control program based on PCI MNL-116, prior to the start of production 2. Admixtures Chemical admixtures shall conform to ASTM C 494. Air-entraining admixture shall conform to ASTM C 260. Calcium chloride or admxtures containing chlorides or nitrates shall not be used. 3. Aggregates Aggregates shall conform to ASTM C 33, Class, except as specified otherwise 4-1 herein. Aggregates shall conform to the grading requirements of either ASTM C33 Class; Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges 2006 Edition (LSSRB), Section 1003.02; or Mississippi Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridge Construction (MSSRBC), Sections 703.02 for fine aggregates and Section 703.03, Size 7 for coarse aggregates. Fine aggregates from different sources of supply shall not be mixed or stored in the same stockpile, or used alternately in the same concrete mix or the same structure without approval. The fineness modulus of fine aggregate shall not be less than 2.40 or greater than 3.00. For piles that will be exposed to freezing and thawing, fine and coarse aggregate subjected to five cycles of the sodium sulfate soundness test in accordance with ASTM C 88 shall show a loss not greater than 10 percent. If the selected aggregates fail the soundness test, the aggregate source may be used if the concrete specimens made with the aggregates have a durability factor of not less than 80, based on 300 cycles of freezing and thawing, when tested in accordance with ASTM C 666. 4. Cement Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C 150, Type, Low alkali or Type II. 5. Pozzolan Pozzolan shall conform to ASTM C 618, Class C or F with the alkali requirement of Table I and with the requirement for multiple factor of Table 2A. 6. Prestressing Steel Prestressing steel shall be seven wire, ½” inch diameter, Grade 270, low relaxation steel strand conforming to the requirements of ASTM A416. Steel shall be free from grease, oil, wax, paint, soil, dirt, loose rust, kinks, bends, and other defects. 7. Reinforcing Steel Non-prestressing reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A 615. 8. Ties and Spiral Steel for ties and spirals shall conform to ASTM A 82. 9. Water Water for mixing concrete shall be fresh, clean, drinkable, and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalies, salts, sugar, organic materials, or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. Undrinkable water may be used if it meets the requirements of COE CRD-C 400. The time of set for concrete made with undrinkable water may vary from one hour earlier to one and one-half hours later than a control sample made with distilled water. 4-2 B. Timber Piles – Timber piles shall be used to support stairs, platform around pumping station, and discharge piping, as shown on drawings. 1. Treated timber piling shall be clean peeled Southern Yellow Pine of length shown on the plans, which includes a 2-foot allowance for pile cut off, with 12” diameter butt and 7” diameter tip, and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D25. Timber piles shall be pressure treated in accordance with requirements of AWPA P8 and P9. 2. Pile bands shall be steel, 1 1/4 inch wide and .031 inches thick. 3. Pile shoes are not required. 4-04 INSPECTION (TIMBER PILES ONLY) A. An independent testing laboratory shall be employed by the Board to perform inspection of the piling used on this job. Only those piles bearing the mark of the inspecting agency shall be shipped to the job site. B. The Engineer reserves the right of final inspection of piling for compliance with these specifications. This final inspection may take place while the pile is in the leads. C. Noncomplying piles and damaged piles shall be removed from the site and replaced at no additional cost to the Board. 4-05 FABRICATION (PRECAST CONCRETE PILES ONLY) A. Prestressed Concrete Piles Prestressed concrete piles shall be solid concrete piles of the type indicated. Piles shall be cast as monolithic units of homogeneous concrete and pretensioned with prestressing steel. Manufacturing requirements for piles shall conform to PCI MNL116 except as modified herein. Embedded or attached lifting devices for pick-up shall be as shown on the drawings or as approved in accordance with paragraph 1.6.2. Pick-up points shall be marked on the piles at the indicated location after removal of the forms. Detail drawings of piles, showing dimensions and fabrication details including forms, reinforcement, collars, and embedded or attached lifting devices, or pick-up points, shall be submitted for approval. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 1 week prior to the date casting of piles is to begin. B. Forms Forms shall be of steel, braced and stiffened against deformation, accurately constructed, watertight, and supported on unyielding concrete casting beds. Form surfaces shall be within 1/4 inch of a true plane in a length of 50 feet. Forms shall permit movement of the pile without damage during release of the prestressing force. 4-3 C. Reinforcement and Embedments Reinforcing steel, prestressing steel, and embedded items shall be accurately positioned in the forms and secured to prevent movement during concrete placement. Steel shall have a minimum concrete cover of 2 inches. Reinforcing steel details shall conform to ACI SP-66. Welding of reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with AWS D1.4. D. Concrete Mix The concrete mix shall be selected by the Contractor to have an ultimate compressive strength of 5000 psi at 28 days (90 days if fly ash is used) and a slump of 1 to 3 inches. The water-cement ratio (by weight) shall be held to the minimum consistent with workability required for placement but in no case shall it exceed 0.45. Concrete shall be air entrained with a minimum of 4 percent and a maximum of 6 percent air entrainment, accomplished by use of an additive at the mixer. Nominal maximum size coarse aggregate shall be 1 inch. Once production begins, changes to the mix will not be permitted without written submittal and approval of the proposed changes. E. Concrete Work Concrete shall not be deposited in the forms until the placement of the reinforcement and anchorages has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. Conveying equipment shall be cleaned thoroughly before each run and the concrete conveyed from the mixer to the forms as rapidly as practicable using methods that will not cause segregation or loss of ingredients. Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practicable in its final position in the forms. At any point in conveying, the free vertical drop of the concrete shall not exceed 3 feet. Chuting will be permitted if the concrete is deposited into a hopper before being placed in the forms. Concrete that has segregated in conveying shall be removed. Each pile shall be produced of dense concrete with smooth surfaces. Each pile shall be a continuous pour until it is completed. Vibrator heads shall be smaller than the minimum distance between steel pretensioning. Side forms shall not be removed until concrete has attained 3500 psi compressive strength. Dimensional tolerances shall conform to PCI MNL116. The ends of all piles and corners of square piles shall be chamfered ¾ inch or, in lieu of chamfering, may be rounded to a 1-inch radius. F. Pretensioning Anchorages for tensioning the prestressing steel shall be an approved type. The tension to which the steel is to be pretensioned shall be measured by the elongation of the steel and also by the jack pressure reading on a gauge or by the use of an accurately calibrated dynamometer. The gauge or dynamometer shall have been calibrated by a calibration laboratory approved by the Engineer within 12 months of commencing work and every 6 months thereafter during the term of the contract. Means shall be provided for measuring the elongation of the steel to the nearest 1/4 inch. The applied load determined from elongation measurements shall be computed using load-elongation curves for the steel used. When the difference between the results of measurement and gauge reading is more than 5 percent, the 4-4 cause of the discrepancy shall be corrected. The tensioning steel shall be given a uniform prestress prior to being brought to design prestress. The same initial prestress shall be induced in each unit when several units of prestressing steel in a pile are stretched simultaneously. G. Detensioning Releasing of prestressing force in pretensioned piles shall be performed in a manner that minimizes eccentricity of prestress. Tension in the strands shall be released from the anchorage gradually. In no case shall the stress be released after casting without approval by the Engineer. The transfer of prestressing force shall be done when the concrete has reached a compressive strength of not less than 4,000 psi. The prestressing steel shall be cut or ground flush with the pile ends. H. Curing of Piles Piles shall be cured in accordance with the provisions contained in PCI MNL-116 except as follows. The maximum rate of heat gain shall not exceed 40 degrees Fahrenheit per hour and the maximum concrete temperature shall not exceed 165 degrees Fahrenheit during the curing cycle. Curing shall be continued until the concrete has attained a minimum compressive strength of 3500 psi as determined by the concrete test cylinders. I. Splices Splices will not be permitted. 4-06 STORAGE A. Precast Concrete Piles Piles shall be stored, handled, and transported in accordance with PCI MNL-116 except as follows. Methods used for handling and storage of piles shall be such that the piles are not subjected to excessive bending stress, cracking, spalling, or other damage. Piles which are damaged during delivery, storage, or handling to the extent they are rendered unsuitable for the work, in the opinion of the Engineer, will be rejected and shall be removed from the work site at no cost to the Board. B. Timber Piles Store and handle all piling so as to avoid all injury to the piling. Stack piles in a manner to prevent excessive bending. Any breaks in the surface of a treated pile shall be repaired by giving 3 brush coats of "Texasphaltic" copper preservative. 4-07 EQUIPMENT A. Precast Concrete Piles 1. Hammer shall be single acting, air driven, Vulcan 505 (25,000 ft. lbs energy). The ram stroke shall be limited to 3 ft. and ram weight approximately one-half the 4-5 weight of piles or as approved by the Engineer based on wave equation study. Stresses predicted by wave equation shall not exceed 0.85 times concrete compressive strength minus effective prestress in compression or effective prestress in tension. In lieu of air hammer a diesel hammers can be used. The diesel hammer shall have rated energy of 29,250 ft- lbs. 2. Driver leads shall be constructed in such a manner as to afford freedom of movement of the hammer and they shall be held in position by guys or stiff braces to insure support of the pile during driving. 3. Driver shall be in first class state of repair and shall be properly maintained. 4. Driver shall be of the type that will enable adjustments necessary to assure plumb driving. B. Timber Piles 1. Hammer shall be single acting, either steam or air driven, Vulcan No. 1 (15,000 ft. lbs energy) or Engineer approved equal. 2. Driver leads shall be constructed in such a manner as to afford freedom of movement of the hammer and they shall be held in position by guys or stiff braces to insure support of the pile during driving. 3. Driver shall be in first class state of repair and shall be properly maintained. 4. Driver shall be of the type that will enable adjustments necessary to assure plumb driving. 4-08 LAYOUT Piling layout shall be performed by Contractor using experienced transit man and rod man using an acceptable instrument. 4-09 DRIVING TOLERANCES A. Location: Drive piles plumb and in location shown on the Drawings. B. Centers of driven piles shall not vary more than 3 inches from the location shown on the Drawings. C. Plumb: Piles shall not vary from plumb by more than 1/4 inch per foot. D. Length of pile shall be such that when pile is driven to proper tip elevation the top of the pile shall be at least two feet above the cut off elevation. E. Piles not meeting driving tolerances shall be replaced by additional piles as directed by the Engineer. These replacement piles shall be at the Contractor's expense and at no cost to the Board. 4-6 F. Pulling piles into place shall not be permitted. 4-10 DRIVING A. Precast Concrete Piles 1. Pile Driving Leads Leads shall align the pile and hammer concentrically, and maintain the pile in proper position and alignment throughout driving. Hammers shall be supported and guided with fixed extended leads or fixed underhung leads. For driving battered piles, hammers shall be supported and guided with fixed extended leads capable of achieving the batters shown on the plans. The leads shall be of sufficient length to fully accommodate the combined length of the pile and hammer. Two intermediate pile supports shall be provided in the leads to reduce the unbraced length of the pile during driving and pulling. 2. Pile Driving Helmets and Pile Cushions A driving helmet including a pile cushion shall be used between the top of the pile and the ram to prevent impact damage to the pile. The driving helmet and pile cushion combination shall be capable of protecting the head of the pile, minimize energy absorption and dissipation, transmit hammer energy uniformly over the top of the pile and prevent excessive tensile stresses from developing in the concrete during driving. The driving helmet shall fit loosely around the top of the pile so that the pile is not restrained by the helmet, if the pile tends to rotate during driving. The pile cushion may be of solid wood or of laminated construction, and must completely cover the top surface of the pile, and be retained by the driving helmet. Minimum thickness of pile cushion shall be 3 inches or as required by wave equation analysis, whichever is greater. The thickness shall be increased so as to be suitable for the size and length of pile, character of subsurface material to be encountered, hammer characteristics, and the required driving resistance. The following information for each hammer proposed shall be submitted: a. pile driving helmet, make, and weight (pounds). b. pile cushion material, type, proposed thickness, modulus of elasticity, and coefficient of restitution. 3. Cap Blocks The cap block (hammer cushion) used between the driving cap and the hammer ram may be of solid hardwood block with grain parallel to the pile axis and enclosed in a close-fitting steel housing or may consist of aluminum and approved industrial type plastic laminate disks stacked alternately in a steel housing. Steel plates shall be used at the top and the bottom of the cap block. The cap block shall be replaced if it has been damaged, highly compressed, charred, or burned or has become spongy or deteriorated in any manner. If a wood cap block is used, it shall not be replaced during the final driving of any 4-7 pile. Under no circumstances will the use of small wood blocks, wood chips, rope, or other material permitting excessive loss of hammer energy be permitted. 4. Pile Extractors Impact hammers are required for pulling piles. 5. Due to the proximity of existing adjacent structures, the Contractor is required to pre-drill all piles to be installed at the site. Pre-drilling shall be made using a maximum bit size of 67% of the side dimension of the precast concrete piles (91/4” for 14” x 14” ppc piles). Pre-drilling shall be performed by wet rotary methods using a fish tail bit. Pre-drilling should cease ten (10) feet above the final pile tip elevations as indicated in the plans. B. Timber Piles 1. Start driving by carefully lowering pile into ground under the weight of the hammer to facilitate detection of possible subsurface obstructions such as tree stumps, etc., that with subsequent driving would deflect the pile out of plumb and away from its intended location. When such obstructions are met, the pile shall be withdrawn and the obstruction penetrated by drill or by driving steel spud or by another method approved by the Engineer to allow the accurate location and driving of the pile. 2. Butt End: Before driving, the butt end of each timber pile shall be saw cut on a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pile. Taper trim pile to fit driving head and protect pile with a steel driving plate. 3. Collars or bands to protect timber piles against splitting and brooming shall be provided by the Contractor when necessary, all at no cost to the Board. 4. Metal shoes when necessary shall be provided by the Contractor at no cost to the Board. 5. Due to the proximity of existing adjacent structures, the Contractor is required to pre-drill all piles to be installed at the site. Pre-drilling shall be made using a bit size no larger than the timber pile tip diameter. Pre-drilling shall be performed by wet rotary methods using a fish tail bit. Pre-drilling should cease ten (10) feet above the final pile tip elevations as indicated in the plans. C. Jetting is not permitted. D. Defective Piles: Any pile which is damaged, deflected, broomed, broken, or any pile which cannot be driven to proper tip elevation, after predrilling, because of interference by underground obstructions, shall be immediately removed and replaced with an acceptable substitute pile at a location determined by the Engineer. In the event that removal is impossible, the substitute pile shall be driven close to the useless one, as the Engineer may direct. The Contractor shall not receive any extra compensation for necessary corrective measures unless defective pile is due to underground obstructions which were not detectable at time of bidding. 4-8 E. New Concrete: No piles shall be driven within 20 feet of concrete that is less than 3 days old. F. Omitted Piles: Contractor is responsible for omitted piles. Omitted piles, regardless of the stage of work when discovered, shall be provided and driven by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Board. G. Heaving: Redrive piles that have forced up from their original position to their proper position before cutting off. 4-11 EXTENT OF DRIVING A. Precast Concrete Piles 1. Penetration Criteria Piles shall be driven to the required tip elevation, or required length, as shown on the plans. The minimum required depth of penetration and refusal blow count can be established by WEAP analysis by a Licensed Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Louisiana. The results of WEAP analysis shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. 2. Driving All piles shall be driven with hammers of the same model and manufacturer, same energy and efficiency, and using the same driving system. The hammer shall be operated at all times at the speed and under the conditions recommended by the manufacturer subject to the approval of the Engineer. Once pile driving has begun, conditions such as alignment and batter shall be kept constant. Each pile shall be driven continuously and without interruption until the required depth of penetration has been attained. Deviation from this procedure will be permitted only for necessary changes to the pile cushion or whenever driving is stopped by causes that reasonably could not have been anticipated. Pile cushion changes will be considered necessary whenever the cushion has become highly compressed, charred, burned, or deteriorated. Changes to the cushion will not be allowed near the end of driving. A pile that cannot be driven to the required depth because of an obstruction, as indicated by a sudden unexplained change in blow count and drifting, shall be pulled and redriven or shall be cut off and abandoned, whichever is directed. A pile which cannot be driven to the minimum required tip elevation because the maximum blow count is exceeded at the maximum stroked determined by wave equation analysis shall be reported to the Engineer immediately. The Engineer will either direct the Contractor to cut off the pile, pull and redrive the pile, or perform other corrective measures. Corrective measures may consist of requiring the Contractor to utilize predrilling when redriving the pile or driving subsequent piles. After piles are driven, the driving head or any excess pile above the cutoff 4-9 elevation shall be removed in accordance with paragraph 4-11. B. Timber Piles 1. Butt Elevation: Drive piles to elevations as shown on the Drawings. Driving with a Vulcan No. 1 hammer, the maximum number of blows allowed shall not exceed 25 blows per foot. 2. Resistance: If, when driving timber piles, a resistance is met which exceeds 25 blows per foot, the Contractor shall terminate pile driving and notify the Engineer. If predrilling is authorized as a method to assist in the pile placement, it will be no additional cost to the Board. 3. Withdraw piles driven below cutoff elevation or piles having less than the specified cutoff allowance and replace with new and if necessary, longer piles, at no cost to the Board. 4-12 PILE CUT OFF A. Precast Concrete Piles 1. Heaved Piles When driving piles in clusters or under conditions of relatively close spacing, observations shall be made to detect heave of adjacent piles. Heaved piles shall be driven to the original penetration criteria. B. Timber Piles 1. Cut off piles at the elevations shown on the Drawings using a straight edge and spirit level to produce a level cut. 2. Cut off portions shall be removed from the job site. 3. Obtain permission of Engineer before cutting off any piles. 4. Cutoffs of all treated piles shall be coated with two (2) heavy applications of "Texasphaltic" copper preservative. First application shall be promptly after cutoff, and time shall be allowed for absorption of the copper preservative before the second coat is applied. 4-13 DRIVING RECORD A. Driving log shall be kept by the Contractor on each pile. This log shall be transmitted in duplicate daily to the Engineer as driving progresses. B. Recording of the driving records shall be done by the contractor in a manner approved by the Engineer. Contractor is required to provide markings on his equipment and to follow pile-driving procedures, satisfactory to the Engineer that will 4 - 10 permit accurate observation and recording. C. Log: On completion of each pile driven the transit man shall mark centerline location of the pile on the "as-built" drawings set and shall log the number of blows required per foot of penetration of each pile. The pile log shall be signed by transit man and countersigned by the Contractor. Tip and cutoff elevation shall be included in the log for each pile. D. As - built drawing: Upon completion of driving, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with an "as-built" drawing, numbering the piles and showing their true location. 4-14 VIBRATIONS Some vibrations should be expected, and therefore, it is important that all nearby structures be monitored during pile driving operations to determine the intensity of vibrations. The Board's Testing Lab shall establish seismic monitors at each adjacent structure using certified personnel to measure these vibrations during pile driving operations. If it appears that the intensity of vibrations may be sufficient to cause damage, pile driving operations shall cease immediately and the Engineer shall be notified. The Board's testing Lab shall obtain "bench mark" readings for the area prior to the beginning of construction. Any damage caused by the Contractor's work shall be repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Board. 4-15 TEST PILES – Test piles are not required. * * * END OF SECTION 4 * * * 4 - 11 SECTION 5 CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE 5-01 GENERAL A. The work to be done under this section of the specifications includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for poured in place reinforced concrete construction, area paving, and grouting, as shown on the drawings and herein specified. B. Submittals 1. Drawings and design computations for all formwork (including prefabricated forms) shall be submitted at least 45 days before either fabrication on site or before delivery of prefabricated forms. The drawings and data submitted shall include the type, size, quantity, and strength of all materials of which the forms are to be made; the plan for jointing of facing panels; details affecting the appearance; type and location of form ties; and the assumed design values and loading conditions. 2. Shop drawings showing all dimensions necessary for fabrication and placing of reinforcing steel and accessories, without reference to the design drawings, shall be submitted for approval. Shop drawings shall include the details of bar supports including types, sizes, spacing and sequence. 3. Concrete mix proportions shall be determined by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements specified herein, and submitted for approval. The quantities of all ingredients per cubic yard and nominal maximum coarse aggregate size that will be used in the manufacture of each quality of concrete shall be stated. Proportions shall indicate the weights of cement, pozzolan (if used), and water; weights of aggregates in a saturated surface-dry condition; and the quantities of admixtures. The submission shall be accompanied by test reports from a laboratory complying with ASTM C 1077 which show that proportions thus selected will produce concrete of the qualities indicated. The submission shall provide information specified herein regarding documenting of average strength, and if applicable, regarding determining standard deviation. Concrete compression strength results submitted shall include specific gravity and absorption of fine and coarse aggregates determined by ASTM C 128 and ASTM C 127, respectively; slump; air content; and concrete temperature. No substitution shall be made in the source or type of materials used in the work without additional tests to show that the new materials and quality of concrete are satisfactory. Strength of concrete will be considered satisfactory if the averages of all sets of three consecutive test results equals or exceeds the specified compressive strength, f’c, and no individual test (average of two companion cylinders) result falls below f’c by more than 500 pounds per square inch. Additional analysis or testing shall be required at the Contractor’s expense when the strength of the concrete in the structure is considered potentially deficient. 4. Cement and pozzolan (if used): Submit manufacturer’s certification of compliance, accompanied by mill test reports, stating that materials meet the requirements of 5-1 the specification under which they are furnished. Certification and mill test reports shall be from current production and be representative of the particular lot furnished. No cement or pozzolan shall be used until notice of acceptance has been given by the Engineer. Cement and pozzolan will be subject to check testing from samples obtained at the mill, at transfer points, or at the project site, as scheduled by the Engineer, and such sampling will be by or under the supervision of the Board at its expense. Material not meeting specifications shall be promptly removed from the site of work. 5. Aggregates: Information identifying the aggregate source to be used along with gradation tests for fine and coarse aggregates shall be submitted for approval. The gradation test for fine aggregate shall include the No. 8 and No. 30 sieve sizes. 6. Water: The name of the source of mixing and curing water shall be submitted, indicating compliance with Subsection 5-02B. 7. Submit manufacturer’s certificates indicating the following: a. Impervious-sheet curing materials shall be certified for compliance with all specification requirements. b. Other chemical admixtures shall be certified for compliance with all specification requirements. c. Curing compounds shall be certified for compliance with all specification requirements. C. Codes 1. Concrete construction and formwork shall meet the requirements of the current City of New Orleans Building Code. 2. Except where modified herein reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with the "Manual of Standard Practice" of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute and the "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures", ACI 315 latest revision, of the American Concrete Institute. 3. Except where modified herein formwork shall be in accordance with "Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork", ACI 347 latest revision, of the American Concrete Institute. 4. Except where modified herein concrete construction and formwork shall be in accordance with "Building Code Requirements of Reinforced Concrete", ACI 318 latest revision, of the American Concrete Institute. 5-02 MATERIALS A. Cement shall conform to ASTM C150, Type 2, with tricalcium aluminate (C3A) not exceeding 8.0%. Contractor shall submit mill certificates in accordance with Subsection 5-01B. 5-2 The C3A content of cementitious materials for pump pit and other miscellaneous structures shall not exceed 8%. C3A content of the cementitious material can be reduced by adding pozzolan, such as flyash for cement. The pozzolan shall not exceed more than 25% by weight of cement plus pozzolan. B. Water shall be fresh, clear, clean, and potable. C. Aggregate shall conform to ASTM C33. Fine and coarse aggregate shall be regarded as separate ingredients. Each size of coarse aggregate, as well as a combination of sizes when two or more are used, shall conform to the grading requirements of this ASTM Specification. Coarse aggregate for all concrete shall conform to size 56 and 57 per Table 2 of ASTM C33. Contractor shall submit aggregate source and gradation tests for both fine and coarse aggregate, in accordance with Subsection 5-01B. D. Steel reinforcing bars shall be deformed billet-steel bars of Grade 60 in conformance with ASTM A615. E. Welded wire fabric shall be steel wire fabric conforming to ASTM A185. F. Non-Shrink Grout shall be as called for in Subsection 5-17. G. Plywood for forms shall be PLYFORM Class 1, 48 inch x 96 inch, 5/8 inch or3/4 inch thick, B-B exterior type, oiled and edge sealed, DFPA grade trademarked. H. Chloride Content – the maximum water soluble chloride ion content, expressed as a percent of the cement, contributed from all the ingredients of the concrete mix, including water, aggregates, cementations materials and admixtures shall not exceed 0.1 percent for all concrete. 5-03 CLASSIFICATION OF CONCRETE A. Concrete shall be furnished under Option C of ASTM C94. B. Maximum aggregate size shall be 1 inch. C. Slump shall range between 2 inches and 4 inches. D. Air entraining concrete shall not be used. E. Compressive strength of the concrete shall be 4000 psi minimum at the 28 day break. F. Minimum cement content shall be 6 bags per cubic yard of 4000 psi concrete. G. The General Specifications, Section "C", are hereby modified to conform to ASTM C94. Any portion of Section "C" of the General Specifications not in conflict with ASTM C94 shall have full force and effect. H. Admixtures which are stated by manufacturer as chloride free and conforming to ASTM C494 can be used. Admixtures shall only be used with the approval of the Engineer. 5-3 I. Constituents of the mix as required by Paragraph 5.4.2 of ASTM C94 shall be furnished by the Contractor to the Engineer prior to any delivery of concrete. The mix shall be approved by an independent testing laboratory employed by the Board. J. Testing of cylinders for compressive strength shall be done by an independent testing laboratory employed by the Board. K. Additional information as allowed in Paragraph 16.2 of ASTM C94 is: 1. Reading of revolution counter at first addition of water. 2. Signature of initials of ready-mix representative. 3. Indication that all ingredients are as previously certified or approved. L. Failure to meet strength requirements: Paragraph 18 of ASTM C94 is not applicable. The Board, expressly, does not agree to binding arbitration. In the event that concrete tested in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 17 ASTM C94 fails to meet the strength requirements of this specification, then the Engineer of the Board shall make the final decision as to what adjustment, if any, shall be made. His decision shall be final except as modified by the Board. M. Test cylinders: At least 4 test cylinders shall be made for each 100 cubic yards or portion thereof concrete delivered. At least 4 cylinders shall be made each day concrete is delivered. Cylinders shall be tested at 7 and 28 days age. 5-04 FORMWORK A. Design and Engineering: The design and engineering of the formwork, as well as its construction, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The formwork shall be designed for the loads and lateral pressures imposed and wind loads as specified by the New Orleans Building Code and Related Regulations. B. Inspection by Engineer: Before concreting, the forms are to be inspected and the screeds checked by the Engineer to see if they will result in concrete of the required dimensions. The Engineer's inspection of the forms and screeds does not relieve the Contractor of any contract requirement. C. Molding or chamfer strips suitable to the job, 1 in. nominal size, shall be placed in the slab edge forms, or other formwork where the concrete will be exposed to view. D. Camber formwork to compensate for anticipated deflections due to the weight and pressure of fresh concrete and other construction load. Formwork shall produce concrete within the herein specified tolerances. E. Adjustment: Provide positive means of adjustment (wedges or jacks) of shores and struts and take up all settlement during concrete placing operations. F. Lateral Deflection: Brace formwork against lateral deflection. G. Temporary Openings: Provide temporary openings in formwork as required to 5-4 facilitate cleaning and observation immediately before concrete is deposited. H. Form accessories partially or wholly embedded in the concrete, such as ties and hangers, shall be a commercially manufactured type. Wire is not acceptable. The portion remaining within the concrete shall leave no metal within 1 ½ in. of the surface when the concrete is exposed to view. Spreader cones on ties shall not exceed 1 in. in diameter. Form ties shall have water stops and shall not be pulled completely from the walls. Ends of ties shall be at least 1 ½ in. from the face of the wall after the ties are broken off. Chairs and other supports for reinforced steel in slabs above grade and in walls shall be plastic tipped. I. Tolerances: Formwork shall be constructed so as to insure that the concrete surfaces produced shall conform to the tolerances shown in the following table: THIS AREA INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 5-5 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Footings Plus 2” * Variation from plans (size) Minus ¼” Variation in Thickness Plus 10% Minus5% Variation from plans (location) 2% of footing width in direction of mislocation but not more than 2" Pits, sumps, sleeves, floor and wall openings Variation from plans (size) Plus ¼” Minus ¼” Variation from plans (location) Plus ¼” Minus ¼” Vertical surfaces: walls, columns, piers Variation from plumb (walls, columns, piers) ¼" in 10 ft. but not more than ¼" Variation from plumb (conspicuous lines and controljoint grooves) ¼" in any bay or 20 ft. maximum ½" in 40 ft. or more Horizontal surfaces: decks, beams, soffits, caps, floors, slabs, ceilings Variation from grade or level decks, beams, soffits, caps, floor, slabs, ceilings) ¼" in 10 ft., 3/8" in any bay or 20 ft. maximum, ½" in 40 ft Variation from level (exposed conspicuous lines) ¼" in any bay or 20 ft. maximum, ½" in 40 ft. or more Variation of the surface from plane ¼" in 10 ft. for any line intended to lie on the plane Variation from true location for columns and walls ½" maximum Variation in thickness of slabs and walls ¼" minus, ½" plus * * Tolerance is allowable only if there is no interference with other construction elements. 5-6 J. Above grade forms shall be constructed of plywood or metal. Generally, seams shall not be closer than 4 ft. on centers. K. Below grade forms may be of tongue and groove sheathing. L. Form surfaces shall be smooth, mortar-tight, and free from holes and seams which would permit appreciable amounts of water or paste to escape. Edges of adjacent panels of all forms shall be kept flush with each other so that the finished concrete shows a minimum of seam marks. The Engineer may require the Contractor to keep wooden forms continuously soaked with water if in his opinion this step is necessary to prevent movement of the members due to swelling at the time of concreting and to retain the watertightness of the form. M. Form materials shall be new and in good condition. Metal forms shall be free from dents, kinks, bends, etc. N. Oil forms before steel reinforcing is in place. Oil coating shall not be so thick as to soften or stain the concrete surface. The trade name and specifications of the oil to be used shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. O. Wooden spacers shall be removed as work progresses. P. Form Removal 1. Formwork for slabs and other parts that support the weight of concrete shall remain in place until the concrete has reached its specified 28-day strength, unless otherwise specified or permitted. When shores and other vertical supports are arranged so that the form facing material may be removed without loosening or disturbing the shores and supports, the facing material may be removed at an earlier age as specified or permitted. The shores and supports shall remain in place until the concrete has reached its specified 28-day strength, unless otherwise specified or permitted. Whenever the formwork is removed during the curing period the exposed concrete shall be cured by one of the methods specified. 2. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the forms are to be left in place longer than the minimum requirements, the Contractor shall abide by the Engineer's decision in the matter. There shall be no additional cost to the Board incurred by this action. 3. In no case shall the supporting forms or shoring be removed until the members have acquired sufficient strength to support their weight and load thereon. 4. Forms shall be removed in such a manner as to insure the complete safety of the structure and precautions shall be taken to avoid marring the concrete. 5. Concrete shall be presumed to have reached its specified strength when either of the following conditions has been met: a. Where test cylinders, cured under the most disadvantageous field condition prevailing for any portion of the concrete represented, have reached the required strength, the condition shall have been met. Except for the field curing and age at test, the cylinders shall be molded and tested as specified. 5-7 b. When the concrete has been cured as specified for the same length of time as the age at test of laboratory cured cylinders which reach the required strength, the condition shall have been met. The length of time the concrete has been cured in the field shall be determined by the cumulative number of days or fractions thereof, not necessarily consecutive, during which the temperature of the air in contact with the concrete is above 50°F and the concrete has been damp or thoroughly sealed from evaporation and loss of moisture. 5-05 OPENINGS Additional openings not shown on plans, but required, shall be approved by Engineer and all except very small openings shall be protected by short diagonal, vertical and horizontal bars so placed to carry the stress around the opening, all as directed by the Engineer. 5-06 REINFORCEMENT A. Bars: Only new bars, free from loose rust, dirt, grease, loose mill scale, and foreign matter shall be procured by the Contractor for work under this contract. All necessary precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to keep the bars from harmful rust, etc. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the rust is of such a nature as to prevent an adequate bond between the basic steel and the concrete, the Engineer shall require the Contractor to adequately clean or replace the objectionable bars, at no additional cost to the Board. Bars shall be stored above ground and adequately protected such that they shall remain free of dirt, grease, scale and harmful rust until the concrete is placed. B. Cover: Unless otherwise shown on the plans, reinforcing steel shall be so placed in the forms to provide a minimum of 2 in. of cover between the edge of the steel and the outside of the concrete when in place. C. Supports: All steel reinforcement is to be accurately located in the forms and firmly held in place, before and during the placing of concrete, by means of metallic supports, spacer bars, wires, and other devices adequate to insure against displacement during construction and keep the steel at the proper distance from the formwork. On the ground and where necessary, supporting concrete blocks with the tie wires may be used. Concrete blocks shall not be used on formed surfaces which will be exposed to view. Bar supports for reinforcing in all slabs, except those poured on earth, beams, and walk shall be "Rustless" plastic accessories as manufactured by Builders Plastic Products, Inc. or Engineer approved equal. Bar supports and spacers shall be sufficient in number and sufficiently heavy to carry the steel they support even when subject to construction loads. Supports and their proper spacing are the responsibility of the Contractor. In general, horizontal bars over 5/8 in. in diameter shall be supported at intervals not greater than 6 ft. and horizontal bars 5/8 in. in diameter or less shall be supported at intervals not greater than 4 ft. During the process of pouring concrete, any displaced reinforcement is to be corrected as soon as detected. Welded wire fabric shall be supported as required for reinforcing bars. D. Cement blocks may be used only on bottom slabs. They shall be made of 1 part cement to 2 ½ parts sand and accurately cast to size with cast in tie wires. E. Tie bars, mats, etc., together in a manner and at such intervals that the bars will not 5-8 change position. Tying bar shall not be smaller than 14 gauge. Bars shall be tied at all intersections except where spacing is less than 1 ft. in each direction where alternate intersections shall be tied. F. Splices: Except as shown on the drawings, bars shall not be spliced without the permission of the Engineer. Splices which are permitted shall be "Class B" unless otherwise noted on the contract drawings. In general such splices shall be so located that no more than 2 bars in any 12 in. width of the member and not more than 50% of the total area shall be spliced at any one point. Welded wire fabric shall have lapped splices so made that the overlap measured between outermost cross wires of each fabric sheet is not less than the spacing of the cross wires plus 2 inches. G. Placement: Place bars to the following tolerances: 1. Concrete cover at formed surfaces: + 1/4 in., -0 in. 2. Minimum spacing between bars: - 1/4 in., +0 in. 3. Depth of bars in slabs and beams: a. Members 8 in. deep or less: +/- 1/4 in. b. Members more than 8 in. deep: +/- ½ in. c. Crosswise of members: +/- 1 in of specified spacing except at inserts, etc. d. Lengthwise of members: +/- 2 in. H. Minimum spacing center to center of parallel bars shall be not less than 2 bar diameters nor shall the minimum clear distance between the bars be less than 1 1/3 times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate. I. Repositioning: Bars may be repositioned as necessary to avoid interference with other reinforcing steel, conduits, or embedded items. If bars are moved more than one bar diameter or exceeding the specified tolerances, the resulting arrangement of bars shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. J. Fabricating Bars 1. Before fabrication of reinforcing bars, the Contractor shall submit copies of all bar lists, bending diagrams, and placement drawings to the Engineer for approval. 2. At least 4 weeks time shall be allowed for the Engineer to approve the above lists and diagrams. However, the Engineer's approval will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for correctness of such lists and diagrams. Contractor shall bear any expense required to revise material furnished in accordance with such lists and diagrams to conform with the plans. 3. The reinforcement shall be accurately bent cold in the shop to shapes indicated on the plans and with tolerances as listed herein and specified in ACI 315. 5-9 4. Bars used for concrete reinforcement shall meet the following requirements for fabricating tolerances: a. Sheared length: ± 1 inch. b. Stirrups, ties, spirals: ± ½ inch. c. All other bends: ±1 inch in overall length, -½ inch in overall depth and -1 inch in the eye of return bends. 5. Bending in the field shall be done where called for on the plans or where specifically approved by the Engineer and shall be done in a manner that will not damage the material. 6. Bars badly bent, damaged, or broken during construction shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Board. 7. Bends for stirrups and ties shall be made around a pin having a diameter of not less than twice the least diameter of the bar. K. Shipping of bars shall be in standard bundles, tagged and marked in accordance with the Code of Standard Practice of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. The Contractor shall be responsible for unloading bars and providing adequate storage facilities for them. L. Inspection: Reinforcement in all members shall be placed and then inspected and approved by the Engineer before placing of concrete begins. Concrete placed in violation of this provision may be rejected and removal required at no expense to the Board. 5-07 ANCHOR BOLTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS Anchor Bolts, inserts, pipe sleeves, pipes, conduits, flashing, catch basin cover frames, and other embedded fixtures are to be firmly in position before the concrete is placed; shifted items shall be corrected. Anchor bolts, inserts, etc., shall have a final location within ± 1/8 in. of their location and elevation shown on the drawings. 5-08 SPECIAL INSPECTION Special inspection shall be required by a qualified person for the items listed below. These inspections are in addition to the inspections/testing required in Section 2-42 and Section 5-17 of these specifications. Special inspection shall be paid for by the Contractor. A. Concrete pile tension connectors. B. Rebars for pump pit wall. C. Bolts, prior to the placement of pump pit concrete. D. At the time fresh concrete is sampled to fabricate specimens for strength tests, slump and air content test shall be performed and the temperature of the concrete shall be 5 - 10 determined. Results of these tests shall be submitted to the Board Engineer. 5-09 MIXING CONCRETE A. Mix concrete in quantities for immediate use only. B. Retempering: Concrete which has taken its initial set shall not be retempered, but shall be discarded. C. Mixing Time: If more than 45 minutes elapses between the initial addition of water of the concrete and the time it will reach the forms, the concrete shall be discarded. D. Slump: Indiscriminate addition of water to increase slump will be prohibited. When concrete arrives at the project with slump below that suitable for placing, water may be added only if neither the maximum permissible water-cement ratio nor the maximum slump is exceeded. The water must be incorporated by additional mixing equal to at least half of the total mixing required. 5-08 HANDLING AND PLACING CONCRETE A. Clean hardened concrete and foreign materials from inner surfaces of conveying equipment before each use. B. Before placing concrete, complete all formwork; remove all ice and excess water; secure all reinforcement; position all expansion joint materials, anchors, and other embedded items; and obtain approval of preparations by Engineer. C. Transport concrete from the mixer to the place of final deposit as rapidly as practical by methods which will prevent separation or loss of ingredients and in a manner approved by the Engineer, which manner shall assure that the quality of the concrete is not harmed. The method shall result in uniform concrete of the proper consistency at the forms and shall prevent segregation, excessive drying, stiffening, or overly wet consistency. D. Height of drop used in handling concrete shall be limited to avoid segregation. The proposed drop shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Where conditions make placing and compacting difficult, batches of mortar containing the same proportions of cement to sand as used in the concrete shall first be deposited in the forms to a depth of at least one inch. E. Chutes for handling concrete shall be of rounded cross section. The slope shall be steep enough to permit flow without requiring a consistency other than that specified. F. Sufficient equipment and operators shall be provided by the Contractor so that the entire mixer output can be handled without delay. G. Place concrete in a manner that will result in uniformly dense concrete without segregation or honeycombed areas. Deposit within a lateral distance of 3 feet from its final location. No more concrete shall be deposited in one place than can be compacted conveniently and effectively. Any segregated rock is to be dug out and spread on other areas so as to avoid rock pockets. An unusually stiff batch of concrete 5 - 11 may, if approved by the Engineer, be spread in a thin layer and worked into the other concrete. H. Rate of pour shall be such that at no time shall fresh concrete be placed upon concrete which has started its initial set. Fresh layers of concrete shall be well worked into proceeding layers. I. Weather Conditions: Do not place concrete during rain, snow, or when the temperature is below 40°F. J. Contaminated Concrete: Concrete contaminated by foreign materials shall not be deposited. K. Remove temporary spreaders in forms when the concrete being placed has reached an elevation rendering their service unnecessary. They may not remain embedded in concrete. L. Deposit concrete as near to its final position as possible. M. Segregation: Do not subject concrete to any procedure which will cause segregation. 5-09 CONSOLIDATION A. Consolidate the concrete as it is being placed; it is to be compacted thoroughly and uniformly by means of hand tools, vibrators, or finishing machines to secure a dense structure, close bond with reinforcement, and smooth surfaces. The concrete is to be worked well around the reinforcement, the embedded fixtures, and into the corners of the forms. B. Vibrators shall be used wherever possible to produce a dense and compact concrete. They shall be used periodically while pouring structures. The same experienced men shall be designated to operate the vibrators at all times. C. Spade the sides of a layer of concrete lightly against the forms. The forms are to be vibrated by hammering or other suitable means. D. Spare vibrators shall be kept on the job site during concrete placing operations. 5-12 PROTECTION Cover existing concrete or structures near a new placement with heavy paper or burlap to prevent marring by splashing or dipping of freshly poured concrete. When freshly poured concrete has been allowed to fall or splatter on existing structures it shall be thoroughly cleaned off before the end of the working day. 5-13 JOINTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS A. Construction joints are to be allowed only where and as shown on the plans. B. Continue reinforcing across all joints. 5 - 12 C. Keys and dowels shall be provided as directed by the Engineer or as shown on the drawings. 5-14 REPAIR OF DEFECTIVE WORK A. Patching 1. Immediately after forms have been removed, the surface will have all defects, holes, honeycombs, seams, etc., patched. All patching shall be done in an approved manner. 2. Seams and honeycombs shall be thoroughly cleaned and chipped. All loose gravel shall be removed. The surface shall be wetted and then patched by troweling stiff cement mortar onto surface and then finishing flush. 3. The finish to the patch shall be such that the patch matches with the adjoining concrete surface. For example, when patching concrete originally poured against a steel form, the patch shall be finished with steel trowel rather than a wood float. 5-15 FINISHING A. Finish the formed surfaces of concrete immediately after the removal of forms and the patching mortar has set with one of the finishes listed below: 1. Rough or board form finish - Rough or board form finish surfaces shall be reasonably true to line and plane with no specific requirements for selected facing materials. Tie holes and defects shall be rubbed down with wooden blocks. Otherwise, surfaces shall be left with the texture imparted by the forms. 2. Plywood finish - Plywood finish shall be produced in the same manner as rough or board form finish, except as follows: a. Concrete shall be cast against forms constructed on plywood not less than 5/8 in. thick or boards lined with tempered hardboard not less than 3/16 in. thick. b. The arrangement of plywood sheets or liner sheets shall be orderly and symmetrical, and sheets shall be in as large sizes as are practicable. c. Sheets showing torn grain, worn edges, patches of holes from previous use, or other defects which will impair the texture of concrete surfaces shall not be used. d. All fins on the surface will be completely removed. 3. Smooth rubbed finish - Smooth rubbed finish shall be produced on freshly hardened concrete. All necessary patching shall have been done immediately after forms have been removed, and rubbing shall be completed not later than the following day. Surface shall be wetted and rubbed with carborundum brick or other abrasive with mortar until a uniform color and texture are produced. 5 - 13 B. Surfaces to receive the above listed finishes are as follows: 1. Rough finish - Edges of all foundations to be covered by backfill, below the water line, or otherwise hidden from view. 2. Plywood finish - All surfaces to receive a rubbed finish, the underside and edges of elevated slabs. 3. Smooth rubbed finish - All interior concrete exposed to view, and all exterior concrete from top down to 1 ft. below grade or water line. C. Flatwork shall be finished as follows: 1. Edge forms and intermediate screed strips shall be set accurately to produce the designed elevations and contours in the finished surface. The concrete surface shall be aligned to the contours of screed strips by the use of strikeoff templates or approved compacting type screeds. 2. When the formwork is cambered, screeds shall be set to a like camber to maintain the proper concrete thickness. 3. Joints in slabs on grade shall be located and detailed as indicated on the drawings. 4. Concrete in slabs shall be thoroughly consolidated. Internal vibration shall be used in all slabs. Concrete to be consolidated shall be dry as practical and the surface thereof shall not be manipulated prior to finishing operations. 5. After consolidation, the surface of flatwork shall be given the following finish: After the concrete has been placed, struck off, consolidated and leveled, the concrete shall not be worked further until ready for floating. Floating shall begin when the water sheen has disappeared, and/or when the mix has stiffened sufficiently to permit the proper operation of a power-driven float. The surfaces shall then be consolidated with floats which shall be used in locations inaccessible to the power-driven machine. Trueness of surfaces shall be rechecked at this stage with a 10 ft. straight-edge applied at not less than two different angles. All high spots shall be cut down and all low spots filled during the procedure. The slab shall then be refloated immediately to a uniform, smooth, granular texture. 5-16 CURING A. Freshly deposited concrete shall be protected from premature drying and excessively hot or cold temperatures, and shall be maintained with minimal moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for the period of time necessary for the hydration of the cement and proper hardening of the concrete. B. During the curing period, the concrete shall be protected from damaging mechanical disturbances, particularly load stresses, heavy shock, and excessive vibration. All finished concrete surfaces shall be protected from damage caused by construction equipment, material, or method, and by rain or running water. Self-supporting structures shall not be loaded in such a way as to overstress the concrete. 5 - 14 C. For formwork, the forms shall be kept continuously saturated for six to nine days after which the forms shall be stripped and the finishing operation immediately commenced. After finishing, the concrete shall be cured an additional four days by an absorptive mat or fabric meeting the requirements of ASTM C171, kept continuously wet. D. On flatwork, curing shall immediately follow the finishing operation. Total curing time shall be seven days. On flatwork, absorptive mat or fabric meeting the requirements of ASTM C171 shall be used. E. When the mean daily temperature of the atmosphere is less than 40°F, the temperature of the concrete shall be maintained between 50°F and 70°F for the required curing period. When necessary, arrangements for heating, covering, insulating, or housing the concrete work shall be made in advance of placement and shall be adequate to maintain the required temperature and moisture conditions without injury due to concentration of heat. F. When necessary, because of hot weather, arrangements for installation of windbreaks, shading, fog spraying, sprinkling, ponding, or wet covering of a light color shall be made in advance of placement, such protective measures shall be taken as quickly as concrete hardening and finishing operation will allow. 5-17 TESTING A. Testing shall be in accordance with the provisions of ASTM C94. B. An Independent Testing Laboratory employed by the Board shall perform the tests. C. Test results shall be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of ASTM C94. 5-18 GROUT A. Grout shall be one part cement to 2½ parts mason sand unless other mixes are designated on the drawings. B. Non-shrink grout shall be a catalyzed, non-metallic grout as approved by the Engineer and manufactured by the W. R. Grace Co., the Masterbuilders Co., or the U. S. Grout Corp. Mixing and application shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. 5-19 WATERSTOP A. The Contractor shall provide waterstops as indicated on the drawings. B. Waterstop shall be PVC water stop, 9” wide, dumb-bell shaped as shown on the drawings and conforming to COE-CRD-C 572, or an Engineer approved equal. 5 - 15 5-20 CLEAN-UP A. Contractor shall clean all concrete surfaces. B. Surfaces shall be broom-cleaned and flushed with clean water. * * * END OF SECTION 5 * * * 5 - 16 SECTION 6 MASONRY 6-01 GENERAL A. Types of masonry involved are concrete block, stucco and the required mortar, grout, and accessories. B. Included in the work is the furnishing and setting of all anchors, dowels, ties, reinforcing and other iron work that form an integral part of the masonry walls. It also includes the setting of all lintels, doorways, louvers, masonry flashing, etc. C. Submittals: In addition to product data for each different masonry unit, accessory, and manufactured product indicated, submit the following: 1. Shop drawings for placement of unit masonry reinforcing bars, including plans, elevations, and details of wall reinforcement; details of reinforcing bars at corners and wall intersections; offsets; tops, bottoms, and ends of walls; control and expansion joints; and wall openings. Bar splice locations shall be shown. Bent bars shall be identified on a bending diagram and shall be referenced and located on the Drawings. Wall dimensions, bar clearances, and wall openings greater than one masonry unit in area shall be shown. No approval will be given to the shop drawings until the Contractor certifies that all openings, including those for mechanical and electrical service, are shown. If, during construction, additional masonry openings are required, the approved shop drawings shall be resubmitted with the additional openings shown along with the proposed changes. Location of these additional openings shall be clearly highlighted. Reinforcement bending details shall conform to the requirements of TMS 402-08 and ACI 530-08 published by The Masonry Society. 2. Samples of each different exposed masonry unit, masonry mortar, and accessories. 3. Material certificates for each different masonry product required. 4. Material test reports from a qualified independent testing laboratory for mortar, grout mixes, and masonry units. D. Affidavits from the manufacturer shall be furnished certifying that the materials or products delivered to the job meet the requirements specified herein. Such certification shall not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility of complying with any other requirements specified herein. 6-02 MATERIALS A. The new concrete block shall be 8 inch nominal width, 8 inch nominal height, 16 inch nominal length, hollow, load bearing, normal weight aggregate, modular blocks except where shown otherwise on the Drawings. Blocks shall meet the requirements of Grade N, ASTM C90. Contractor shall furnish the Board a copy of the supplier's certificate of compliance with the above-cited standard before blocks are delivered to the job site. 6-1 B. Mortar for concrete block masonry shall meet the requirements for Type M or S mortar of ASTM C270. The Engineer shall choose the color of the mortar. C. Grout for filling concrete block cavities, lintels and bond beams shall have a strength of 2,000 psi in 28 days and shall conform to ASTM C 476. Grout shall be used subject to limitations as shown in table below. Coarse and fine grout shall be as specified in ASTM C 476. Grout slump shall be between 8 and 10 inches. Grout Type Max. Grout Pour Height (feet) Minimum Grout Space Dimensions of Hollow Limits (inch) Fine 1 1½ x 2 Fine 5 2x3 Fine 12 2½ x 3 Coarse 1 1½ x 3 Coarse 5 2½ x 3 Coarse 12 3x3 D. Reinforcing bars shall be new and meet the requirements for Grade 60 of ASTM A615. E. Concrete block horizontal joint reinforcing shall be truss type with deformed bars and hot dip galvanized after fabrication. It shall be DUR-O-WALL or Engineer approved equal and of the following types: 1. For single wythe concrete block wall, No. 8 or 12, Standard Class, Truss laid every nd 2 Course. 2. At concrete block wall corners, Prefabricated Corners laid every 2nd Course. F. Metal lath shall be galvanized Expanded Metal Stucco-mesh in 1-3/8" x 3-1/8" diamond pattern, weighing a minimum of 3.4 lbs per square yard, as manufactured by United States Gypsum. G. Corner beads shall be Milcor Super-Ex, galvanized. H. Expansion joints shall be Phillips #15, galvanized. I. Casing beads shall be Phillips #66, galvanized. J. Channels shall be galvanized cold rolled steel. Runner channels - 1-1/2" weighing not less than 442 lbs. per 1000 lineal feet. Furring channels - 3/4" weighing not less than 226 lbs. per 1000 lineal feet. K. Hangers shall be #6 gauge galvanized annealed steel wire. L. Cement for stucco shall meet the requirements of ASTM C150, Type I. 6-2 M. Lime for stucco shall meet the requirements of ASTM C206, Type S. N. Sand for stucco shall meet the requirements of ASTM C144 except that the gradation shall be as follows: Sieve Size No. % Passing Each Sieve 4 100 6 100 16 60 - 90 30 35 - 70 50 10 - 30 100 0-5 O. Waterproofing shall be Anti-Hydro or Engineer approved equal. 6-03 STORAGE OF MATERIALS A. Store materials under cover in a dry place above grade and in a manner to prevent damage or intrusion of foreign matter. Store cement, lime and air-setting mortars in watertight enclosures with raised floors. Protect reinforcement from the elements; immediately before placing, the reinforcement shall be free from loose rust or other foreign coatings that may destroy or reduce the bond. 6-04 WORKMANSHIP A. Do not lay masonry when the temperature of the outside air is below 40° F unless suitable means as approved by the Engineer are provided to heat materials, protect the work from cold and frost, and insure that mortar will harden without freezing. B. Protect facing material against staining, and keep tops of walls covered with nonstaining waterproof covering when work is not in progress. When work is resumed, top of surface of work shall be cleaned of all loose mortar. C. Consult other trades and make provisions that will permit the installation of their work in manner to avoid cutting and patching. Build in work specified under other sections as necessary and as work progresses. Set steel lintels in beds of grout. Fill spaces solidly with grout around jambs and heads of metal door frames and bucks. D. The finished appearance of exposed masonry surfaces shall have all courses level, plumb, true, and straight with joints of uniform thickness and contour. E. Watertight construction shall be provided in exterior masonry. F. All joints shall be completely filled with mortar throughout the work. 6-3 6-05 MORTAR A. Mortar shall be as specified in Paragraph 6-02 C. B. Discard mortar more than 2 ½ hours old. C. Antifreeze admixtures shall not be used in the mortar. D. Mix all cementious materials and sand in a power batch mixer for a minimum of 5 minutes. Adjust the consistency of the mortar to the satisfaction of the mason but add no more water than the amount which is compatible with convenience in using the mortar. If mortar begins to stiffen from evaporation of the mixing water, retemper the mortar immediately by adding water and remixing. The 2 ½ hour useful life of the mortar is not changed by retempering. 6-06 SPECIAL INSPECTION Special inspection shall be required by a qualified person for the items listed below. These inspections are in addition to the requirements of Section 2-42 of these specifications. Special inspection shall be paid for by the Contractor. A. As masonry construction begins, the following shall be verified for compliance: 1. Proportions of site prepared mortar. 2. Construction of mortar joints. 3. Location of reinforcement, connectors and tie rods. B. During construction, the special inspection shall verify the following: 1. Type, size and location of anchor bolts. 2. Grout space is clear. 3. Proportion of site prepared grout. 4. Grout placement to conform to code requirements. 6-07 LAYING CONCRETE BLOCK A. Concrete block units shall be dry and shall be laid in running bond in full mortar bed. Bearing webs shall be aligned. Courses shall be kept level and exposed vertical joints shall be properly aligned. Vertical and horizontal joints shall be 3/8 inch wide. B. All masonry walls shall be true and plumb, and shall be laid in straight uniform courses with the units in the courses above regularly breaking joint with the courses below. All workmanship shall be of the highest grade. C. Provide and place such special units as required (corner blocks, door and window jamb blocks, fillers, precast lintels beam blocks, sills, etc.) to form all corners, returns and offsets using the required shapes and sizes to work to all corners and openings and 6-4 maintain proper bond throughout the length of the wall. Avoid the use of less-thanhalf-size units at corners, jambs, and where possible at other locations. Shore all openings for at least 7 days. D. Mortar joints on the interior surfaces of the walls shall be struck off flush with the wall surface and when partially set shall be compressed and compacted with a rounded tool to give a concave joint. Joints shall then be brushed off smooth. E. Mortar joints on the exterior surfaces of the walls shall be struck off flush with the wall surface to prepare the wall for application of stucco. F. The first two courses of masonry shall have continuous wire truss type reinforcing embedded in the mortar joints and thereafter in every second course and immediately above and below all openings in the wall. At corners and intersections use prefabricated sections in courses where reinforcement is required. G. Lintels shall be constructed with lintel units filled solid with grout in all courses and reinforced with a minimum of two No. 4 bars in the bottom course unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Lintel reinforcement shall extend beyond each side of the masonry opening 40 bar diameters or 24 inches, whichever is greater, unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings. Reinforcing bars shall be supported in place prior to grouting and shall be located ½ inch above the bottom inside surface of the lintel unit. H. In addition to wall reinforcing shown on Drawings, vertical reinforcing consisting of number 5 bars shall be placed in all wall corners and intersections, and on each side of a door or louver opening, except where shown otherwise. These bars shall extend the full height of the masonry wall and tie into the bond beam. Lap all bars (dowels and courses) 48db in inches and tie. A minimum clearance of ½ inch shall be maintained between reinforcing bars and masonry units. Cut cleanout holes (4" x 4") on inside face of block at foot of reinforcing; rod free of loose mortar and pour continuous grout stud free from voids. Carefully repair cleanout holes. I. Dowel block into slab at each vertical reinforcing bar as shown on Drawings and adjacent to each corner, wall intersection, and door opening using dowels cast into concrete deck. Completely grout in cavities of two bottom courses and dowel locations. J. All cells shall be filled with grout. Reinforcing bars are required as shown in the drawings. Lintels and bond beams shall be filled with solid grout. Sufficient time shall be allowed between grout lifts to preclude displacement or cracking of face shells of masonry units. If blowouts, flowouts, misalignment, or cracking of face shells occur during construction, the wall shall be torn down and rebuilt by the Contractor at no expense to the Board. 6-08 GROUT PLACEMENT A. Masonry shall be laid to the top of a pour before placing grout. Grout shall not be placed in hollow unit masonry until mortar joints have set for at least 24 hours. Grout shall be placed using a hand bucket, concrete hopper, or grout pump to completely fill the grout spaces without segregation of the aggregates. Grout shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 5 feet-4 inches (5’-4”). 6-5 B. Grout shall be placed within 1.5 hours from introducing water in the mixture and prior to initial set. 1. Grout shall be placed at a rate that will not cause displacement of the masonry due to hydrostatic pressure of the grout. 2. Mortar protruding more than ½ inch into the grout space shall be removed before beginning the grouting operation. 3. Grout pours 12 inches or less in height shall be consolidated by mechanical vibration or puddling. Grout pours over 12 inches in height shall be consolidated by mechanical vibration and reconsolidated by mechanical vibration after initial water loss and settlement have occurred. 4. Mortar droppings shall be cleaned from the bottom of the grout space and from reinforcing steel. Contractor shall clean exposed masonry surfaces of all stains, efflorescence, mortar or grout droppings and debris. 5. Mortar protruding more than ¼ inch into the grout space shall be removed as the work progresses. 6. Reinforcing, bolts, and embedded connections shall be rigidly held in position before grouting is started. 7. Grout, from the mixer to the point of deposit in the grout space, shall be placed as quickly as practical by pumping and placing methods which will prevent segregation of the mix and cause a minimum of grout splatter on reinforcing and masonry surfaces not being immediately encased in the grout lift. 8. Slump: Smaller cavities or cells in masonry units shall require grout with a higher slump than larger cavities or cells. Minimum slump shall be 8 inches and maximum slump shall be 11 inches. 6-09 CLEANING AND POINTING A. All exposed concrete block shall be brush cleaned as work progresses and at completion, all spots and dirt shall be removed. B. Point all holes in exposed masonry. Cut out defective joints and tuck-point them with mortar. 6-10 FURRING AND LATHING A. All lathing materials shall be installed in strict accord with specifications of the Metal Lath Manufacturer's Association. B. Provide corner beads at all outside corners, casing beads at intersection of plaster (stucco) surfaces with other materials. C. Provide expansion joints where indicated on Drawings. 6-6 6-11 STUCCO A. Scratch coat over metal lath shall consist of 1 part Portland Cement, ¼ part hydrated lime, 3 parts damp loose sand, 1 part “Anti-Hydro” additive and sufficient gauging water to give a proper working consistency. Mix “Anti-Hydro” additive per manufacturer’s recommendations. B. Brown and finish coat constituents shall be in the same proportions as in the scratch coat except that the Anti-Hydro shall be omitted from brown coat. Finish coat to have “Anti-Hydro” additive per Manufacturer’s recommendations for a water-proof stucco installation. C. To improve “workability” time period when higher summer temperatures cause stucco to dry prematurely, “Anti-Hydro-R” may be substituted for “Anti-Hydro” at the contractor’s discretion. Coordinate with Manufacturer and follow Manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations. D. Apply elastomeric coating to finish coat per Section 11-02.B.1. 6-12 APPLYING STUCCO A. Surfaces to receive stucco shall be rough, clean and dampened with clean water. B. Apply the scratch coat to a 3/8 inch thickness and cross hatch before hardening to provide bond. C. Apply the brown coat to a thickness of 3/8 inch when the scratch coat has set up. Dampen the scratch coat uniformly before applying the brown coat. Float the brown coat to an even and true surface and moist cure for at least 48 hours. D. Apply the finish coat to a thickness of ¼ inch not less than seven days after completing the application of the brown coat. Dampen the brown coat uniformly before applying the finish coat. After one day, commence moist curing one full day. E. Surfaces when finished shall be straight, true and plumb. Corners, angles, etc., shall be brought to a true radius. F. Stucco shall not be applied when the temperature is below 50°F, and an even temperature shall be maintained during the drying out process. G. Contractor shall store his plaster at the site in an appropriate manner, so that it will be protected from dampness. He shall provide clean, watertight mixing boxes which shall be cleaned after each gauging. G. Tools shall be kept clean and shall not be rinsed in gauging water. Material shall not be mixed in greater batches than can be used in one hour. Retempering of plaster after it has commenced to set will not be allowed. 6-7 I. Patching shall be done in a workmanlike and acceptable manner. When directed to do so, and after all other mechanics have completed their work, the Plaster shall point and patch all stucco, and rake out for same as necessary. J. On completion of finish stucco work, clean all stucco from the area, leaving the work ready for decoration by others. K. Remove all stucco rubbish from the building and leave the floor broom clean. Remove excess materials, scaffolding, tools, and other equipment from the job site. L. Stucco shall be applied on metal lath as shown on the Drawings. * * * END OF SECTION 6 * * * 6-8 SECTION 7 METALS 7-01 GENERAL Scope: The work to be done under this section of the specification includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to furnish and install structural steel and other items of work as called for in these specifications and shown on the drawings. 7-02 STRUCTURAL STEEL A. General: Fabrication and erection shall be in accordance with the AISC "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" and "Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings." B. Welding of connections shall be in accordance with AWS "Code for Arc and Gas Welding in Building Construction. C. Welding operator qualifications shall be in accordance with AWS Code. D. Shop drawings of all structural steel shall be furnished in accordance with Paragraph 2-20 of these Specifications. Shop drawings shall include, as a minimum, catalog cuts, fabrication and assembly details, type, grade and class of materials, as appropriate, mill certificates for all steel products, welds symbols, AWS joint designation number that will be used, non-destructive testing to be performed and splice locations, if any. Certificates of material tests, examinations and welding procedure and operator qualifications shall also be included in the submittal. E. Structural wide flange beams shall conform to the requirements of the current issue of ASTM A992, yield stress 50 ksi. Other structural steel shapes, plates and bars shall conform to the requirements of the current issue of ASTM Standard Specifications A36. F. Nuts, bolts, and washers shall conform to the requirements of the current issue of ASTM Standard Specifications A325. G. Welding shall be arc welding using electrodes conforming to the requirements of AWS Classification Number E70 and shall be suitable for the positions and conditions of their - intended use. H. Connections for which details are not indicated shall be designed in accordance with the current edition of the AISC Steel Construction Manual. Connections for members for which loads are not given shall be designed to develop the member. All bolted connections shall be designed according to the AISC Specifications for Structural Joints using ASTM A325 bolts. I. Holes for bolts shall be drilled or sub-punched and reamed. Welding equipment shall be in good condition and subject to inspection by the Engineer. Any equipment found in need of repairs shall be rejected until the necessary repairs have been made. 7-1 J. Fabrication of structural steel shall not begin before approved shop drawings have been returned to the Contractor. K. Galvanized items shall be hot dipped in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A123 or A153. All fabrication shall be performed prior to galvanizing. Small void defects in the galvanizing may result from aspects of galvanizing process or improper handling of steel after galvanizing. No welding shall be permitting after galvanizing. The repair of the damaged surface shall be performed in accordance with ASTM A780. If welding of galvanized surface is required, and the galvanizing is destroyed, the members affected shall be regalvanized at the expense of the Contractor. The amount of surface that is allowable for repair at the Contractor’s plant is no more than one half of one percent of the accessible area to be coated on that article or 36 in2 per ton of piece weight, whichever is less. If the area of repairs exceeds the above limits, the fabricated unit shall be regalvanized. L. Steel work shall be accurately erected, properly located in position, level and plumb and with all parts well pinned up and firmly bolted together before welding is commenced. The elements entering into a complete member shall be straight and fitted closely together; the finished construction of all parts shall be free from twists, bends, open joints, or other signs of poor workmanship. 7-03 ANCHOR BOLTS AND BEARING PLATES A. All work shall be done in conformance with the details shown on the plans. If the Contractor chooses to provide alternate details, the work including all anchor bolts and bearing plates shall be designed by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Louisiana. B. Bearing plates shall have a full even bearing over their entire surfaces and shall be grouted. C. Cast-in-place anchor bolts shall conform to ASTM F1554 with minimum grade 55 ksi. The nuts shall be heavy hex complying to ASTM A563 and washer ASTM F436. D. Post installed bolts for concrete shall consist of hybrid adhesive and threaded steel rods. The adhesive shall consist of resin, hardener, cement and water, and shall be capable of developing concrete break out strength in accordance with Appendix D, ACI 318-2008. The rods for all bolts, except for stainless steel bolts, shall comply with ISO 898 class 5.8 or ASTM A193 B7 with nuts ASTM A563, grade DH and washers ASTM F436. The rods for stainless steel bolts shall comply with ASTM F593, CW with nuts ASTM F594, Alloy Group I and washers ANSI B18.22.1, Type A, plain. 7-04 METAL STAIRS AND GRATING A. Metal stairs shall consist of galvanized steel stair and platform frames of structural sections, with open risers. Stair treads, landings/platforms, and operating floor (@ el. 24.00’) shall be galvanized steel grating. See Section 7-05 for handrails. B. Stair assemblies shall be fabricated to support a uniform live load of 100 Ib/sq ft and a concentrated load of 300 Ib with a deflection of stringer or landing framing not to exceed 1/240 of span. 7-2 C. Stair assemblies shall be fabricated to National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers AMPS 10, class Industrial. D. Stairs and platforms shall be designed under the direct supervision of a Professional Structural Engineer experienced in design of this work and licensed in the state or Louisiana. E. Design computations and shop drawings of stair assemblies, structural members and grating shall be submitted in accordance with Paragraph 2-20 of these Special Specifications. F. Grating supports shall be structural steel sections, ASTM A36, and galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. Maximum beam deflection shall not exceed 1/240 of span. Anchor bolts and nuts shall be Type 304 stainless steel. G. Galvanized steel grating shall be fabricated in accordance with National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers MBG 531 using carbon steel bars, with swaggered cross bars spaced on 4-inch centers. Bearing bars shall be spaced on 1-3/16 inch centers. The top surface of the bearing bars shall be striated to provide a non-slip surface. Steel grating shall be designed to support a uniform load of 200 Ib/sq ft with a maximum deflection of 1/4-inch. Band all ends of grating. Install steel clamps or clips to anchor the grating securely to supports. H. Galvanized steel stair treads shall be I-bar grating with an extruded steel corrugated nosing. I. 7-05 The grating shall be fastened to the framing members below using 3/8” thick saddle clip, “Gratefix Grating Clip – Hot Dip Galvanized”, Model No. GF1G10 by Simplified Building, or approved equal. HANDRAILS AND RAILINGS A. Handrails shall consist of galvanized steel tube railings, consisting of top rail, bottom rail, toe plates, 42-inch height support posts and offset-design component fittings. The handrail system shall have durable corrosion preventing coating applied to the galvanized coating. Hollaender NuRail fittings shall be required. B. Handrails and stair rails shall be designed to withstand a 200 Ib concentrated load applied in any direction at any point to the top rail. Handrail and stair rails shall also be designed to withstand a load of 50 Ib/ft applied horizontally to the top rail. The two loads shall not be applied simultaneously. Guardrails (level handrail) shall be designed to withstand a load of 100 Ib/ft applied vertically downward to the top rail and simultaneously with the 50 Ib/ft horizontal load. The 100 Ib/ft load does not apply to stair rails. Post spacing shall not exceed 4.5 ft for the stairs, as well as for the guard rails. C. Handrails shall be designed under the direct supervision of a Professional Structural Engineer experienced in design of this work and licensed in the State of Louisiana. D. Shop drawings of handrail profiles, materials, sizes, connection attachments, anchorage and accessories shall be submitted in accordance with Paragraph 2-20 of 7-3 these Special Specifications. E. Rails and posts shall be galvanized HSS 1.90-diameter x 0.188 thickness conforming to ASTM A53, Grade B. Toe plates shall be 4-inch high galvanized steel plate conforming to OSHA standards and shall allow for expansion and contraction between posts. Provide toe plates at all guardrails. F. Provide removable guardrail sections where indicated on the drawings. 7-06 SELF CLOSING GATE Contractor shall provide ‘GuardDog’ self-closing gate, hot dipped galvanized, Part No. 500383, by Bluewater Manufacturing, or approved equal. Gate shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 7-07 LADDERS A. Ladders shall be fabricated of galvanized steel components with a nominal rung spacing of 12-inches, a clear inside dimension of 18-inches, and a centerline of rung to wall dimension of 7-inches. B. Ladder rungs shall be designed to withstand a concentrated load of 250 Ib plus 30% impact. Maximum rung deflection shall not exceed L/360. The design load shall be applied to a 4-inch wide area. Ladder side rails shall be designed to withstand a minimum live load of two (2) 250 Ib loads plus 30% impact concentrated between any two consecutive attachments. C. Ladders shall meet the requirements of OSHA and ANSI A14.3. D. The galvanized steel ladder will be erected inside the station between the pump pit floor and the operating floor. The distance from the pump pit floor to the bottom of the side rails shall be 11–1/2 inches with a pump pit floor to centerline of 1st rung distance of 12–1/2 inches. E. Shop drawings of ladder assemblies and materials shall be submitted in accordance with Paragraph 2-20 of these Special Specifications. F. Rungs shall be designed to provide a non-slip surface with a 1-inch wide striated top surface, 1-1/4 inch depth and a semi-circular bottom. Rungs, wall brackets and base flanges shall be carbon steel conforming to ASTM A36. H. Side rails shall be 3”x1/2” steel plate. Fasteners, anchor bolts and nuts shall be as specified in the drawings. 7-08 LADDER CAGE Contractor shall provide galvanized steel ladder cage, Model No. C135, by FS Industries, or approved equal. Ladder cage shall be installed as shown in the contract drawings. 7-4 7-09 ALUMINUM SOFFIT AND FASCIA Siding, soffit and fascia shall be made of 3105 or equivalent aluminum alloy. • Soffit is HI 8 or equivalent hardness, thickness: 0.019 nominal • Siding and fascia is HI 6 or equivalent, thickness 0.024 nominal • Meets performance requirements of AAMA 1402 7-10 GUARD POSTS Guard posts shall be HSS 6.625 x 0.28 (6-inch diameter, schedule 40 pipe) conforming to ASTM A53, Class B, filled with concrete. The concrete for the posts shall be Class M and the top shall be finished smooth with a convex surface with a rise of approximately one half (1/2) of an inch. Painting of guard posts shall be in accordance with Section 11 of these specifications. 7-11 TESTING A. An independent testing laboratory shall be employed by the Board to inspect and perform the tests on items included in this section. B. The testing laboratory shall inspect all structural steel including shop inspection of fabrication and assembly of structural steel, castings and other metal items. C. A schedule of fabrication for the metal items, location of the shop and dates of inspection shall be provided to the testing laboratory, the Board and the Engineer at least ten (10) days in advance of the commencement of the layout work on fabricated material. D. The testing laboratory shall provide to the Engineer a detailed report of its inspection of the work and the work’s conformance to AISC specifications and ASTM standards. The Contractor shall furnish means and assistance for testing materials and inspection. The testing laboratory’s approval does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to perform quality control to insure that the products conform to the requirements of the Contract. E. The testing laboratory’s inspector shall perform visual inspections of all welds and perform a minimum of two (2) non-destructive inspections as detailed on the shop drawings, and approved by the Engineer. * * * END OF SECTION 7 * * * 7-5 SECTION 8 CARPENTRY 8-01 GENERAL A. Scope: The work to be done under this section of specifications includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to furnish and install rough and finish carpentry as shown on the drawings and herein specified. B. Carpentry required for completion of other work shall be furnished by the Contractor. 8-02 MATERIALS A. Lumber shall be sized and graded as shown on the drawings and/or hereinafter specified, and shall conform to the standard grading rules of the Southern Pine Association and shall be grade marked and kiln dried. 1. Joists: Southern Pine No. 2 Dense – Wolmanzied. 2. Studs & Plate: Southern Pine No. 2 Dense – Wolmanzied. 3. Bridging & Blocking: Southern Pine No. 2 Dense – Wolmanzied. 4. Roof Sheathing: Roof sheathing shall conform to DOC PS1. The sheathing shall be exterior type using moisture resisting glue and shall be identified by a grade mark Structural 1 C-D. The plywood shall have a minimum span rating of 40/20. B. Fascia Board: Fiber Cement Harditrim MD Planks as manufactured by James Hardie Siding Products, or approved equal. Provide 1-inch by 10-inch by 12-foot planks with select Cedarmill pattern. Planks shall be pre-primed with fungus and mildew-resistant PrimePlus sealer and primer in preparation for final paint finish. Provide manufacturer’s 10-year warranty. Install in accordance with manufacturer’s written recommendations. 8-03 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN The Contractor can provide prefabricated truss roof in place of the carpenter built roof as proposed in the drawings. The prefabricated roof trusses shall conform to the following requirements: A. Prefabricated Wood Truss: Planar structural unit consisting of metal-plate-connected members that are fabricated from dimensional lumber and have been cut and assembled prior to delivery to Project site. B. Submittals 1. Action Submittals: Shop Drawings: a. Show species and stress grades of lumber, all dimensions, camber, spacing of trusses in building, connector types, detail of connectors, and bracing 8-1 requirements. Include elevation view drawings of trusses and sheathing of sufficient scale to show all details of construction, configuration, chord and web member sizes, panel point dimensions, and chord extensions. b. Product data for lumber, sheathing, fiber-cement siding, metal connector plates, hardware, fabrication process, and fasteners. c. Wood treatment data on chemical treatment and finish treatment of material. Wood treatment manufacturer’s instructions for handling, storing, installation, and finishing of treated materials. d. Calculations: i. Complete design, including stress and deflection calculations, for joists, joist members, and connections for design load and equipment weight as indicated, plus construction loads applied by Contractor's operations. ii. Calculations shall include check of joist chord bending stresses for concentrated loads applied between panel points. iii. Design drawings and stress calculations stamped by Registered Professional Engineer valid in State of Louisiana. e. Plan view layout of joists and bridging. f. Connection and bearing details. Special joist reinforcing and connections for supported items, such as monorails and mechanical equipment. g. Bridging member sizes and connection details. h. Installation information and details for fiber cement siding. 2. Informational Submittals: a. Manufacturer’s instructions for handling, erection, and bracing of joists. b. Certificates: i. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance. ii. Certification by fire-retardant treatment plant that treatment complies with AWPA C20, and fire-retardant formulation is approved for use with metal connector plates for truss exposure. c. Fabricator’s Qualifications. C. Quality Assurances 1. Qualifications: a. Connector Plate Manufacturer: Member of TPI and complies with TPI quality control procedures for manufacture of connector plates published in ANSI/TPI 1. 8-2 b. Registered Professional Engineer: Legally authorized to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and experienced in providing engineering services that has resulted in installation of wood trusses similar to those of this Project. c. Fabricator: Demonstrate in writing experience in prefabricating wood trusses similar to those of this Project and participation in a recognized quality assurance program that involves inspection by TPI. D. Materials Design trusses to suit conditions shown on Drawings and to meet local building codes. E. Lumber 1. Factory mark each piece of lumber with type, grade, mill, and grading agency. 2. Use lumber complying with DOC PS 20 and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. 3. Dressed lumber, S4S, manufactured to actual sizes required by DOC PS 20 to comply with the following: a. Moisture Content: Seasoned, with 19 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing and shipment for sizes 2 inches or less in nominal thickness. b. Species and grade that complies with the following for species group as defined in AF&PA 01, for extreme fiber stress in bending “Fb” for single and repetitive members, and for modulus of elasticity “E”: i. Chord Members: Use DFL or SP No. 1 or No. 2 grade. Top chord members shall be a minimum of 2 by 6 members. ii. Web Members: Use DFL or SP No. 2. F. Connector Plates Electrolytic Zinc-Coated Steel Sheet: Structural steel sheet complying with ASTM A653, Grade 33; zinc coated by electro-deposition to comply with ASTM A591, Coating Designation 80Z; with minimum coated metal thickness not less than 0.047 inch. G. Uplift Anchors: Truss wind uplift anchor shall be one of the following: 1. Cleveland Steel, Bedford Heights, OH. 2. Simpson-Strong Tie, Pleasanton, CA. 3. Kant-Sag Silver, Montgomery, MN. 8-3 H. Fabrication 1. Verify dimensions of supporting structures at site prior to fabrication. 2. Cut truss members to accurate lengths, angles, and sizes to produce close-fitting joints with wood-to-wood bearing in assembled units. 3. Fabricate metal connector plates to size, configuration, and thickness required to withstand design loadings. 4. Fabricate and assemble truss members to design configuration shown on Drawings, with joints closely fitted to comply with tolerances specified in ANSI/TPI 1. 5. Connect truss members by means of metal connector plates and securely fasten to each side of wood members. 6. If lumber defects, such as wane or knots, occur in connector plate area, up-size connector plate so as not to reduce effective number of teeth in truss member. 7. Excessive splitting of truss wood members by connector plate teeth is not acceptable. I. Installation 1. Erect and brace trusses to comply with TPI HIB. 2. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for handling and erection. 3. Erect trusses with plane of truss webs vertical, plum and parallel to each other. 4. Exercise care to keep out-of-plane bending of trusses to minimum. Install temporary horizontal- and cross-bracing to hold trusses until permanent bracing is installed. 5. Anchor trusses securely at all bearing points. 6. Install permanent bracing and related components prior to application of loads to trusses. Tighten loose connectors. Restrict construction loads to prevent overstressing of truss members. Do not cut or remove truss members. 7. Fasten securely to wall framing and other structural components. Brace, block, and bridge as soon as possible after placement. 8. Install uplift anchors at all bearing points to adequately secure trusses against wind uplift on roof trusses. 9. Solid block all truss ends. 10. Trusses shall not be altered, cut, or modified in any way without written approval of truss fabricator. 8-4 11. Where trusses do not fit, return to fabricator, and replace with trusses of correct size. Do not alter configuration of trusses in field. 8-04 FASTENERS A. General: Fasteners shall be hot dipped galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153 or corrosion resisting steel as specified on drawings. Corrosion resisting fasteners shall be with 18% chromium and 8% nickel, hardened to grade 8. B. Nails, Spikes, Staples: ASTM F1667. C. Power Driven Fasteners: NER-272. D. Wood Screws: ANSI B18.6.1. E. Lag Bolts: ANSI B18.2.1. F. Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A307, Grade A; with ASTM A563 hex nuts and flat washers. 8-05 FIRE-RETARDANT PRESSURE TREATMENT A. General: 1. Pressure impregnate lumber with fire-retardant chemicals to comply with AWPA C20 for treatment. 2. Identify “fire-retardant-treated wood” with appropriate classification marking of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 3. Testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. B. Interior Type A: For interior locations use fire-retardant chemical formulation that produces treated lumber with the following properties present after installation: 1. Bending strength, stiffness, and fastener holding capacities shall meet or exceed values published by manufacturer of chemical formulation of treated wood products. 2. No other form of degradation occurs due to acid hydrolysis or other causes related to manufacture and treatment. 3. No corrosion of metal connector plates, metal framing anchors, and fasteners results from their contact with treated wood. C. Inspect each piece of treated lumber after drying and discard damaged or defective pieces. D. Fire-retardant treated members used in trusses shall be re-dried to 19 percent moisture content after treatment. 8-5 E. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Hickson Corp.; Dricon. 2. Hoover Treated Wood Products, Inc.; Pyro-Guard. 3. Osmose Wood Preserving Co., Inc.; Flameproof LHC-HTT 8-06 SPECIAL INSPECTION Special inspection shall be required for nailing, bolting, anchoring and other fastening components within the main wind resisting system, which includes roof trusses, rafters, top plates and diaphragms. These inspections are in addition to the requirements of Section 2-42 of these specifications and shall be made by a person qualified to perform the inspections. Special inspection shall be paid for by the Contractor. 8-07 CARPENTRY A. Frame and place forming as necessary for concrete work. B. Install temporary bucks at door frames and louver openings. Provide bracing to hold frames in alignment until built into the work. C. Woodwork shall be properly framed and fitted and set to the required lines and levels and rigidly secured in place. D. Apply all hurricane clips as shown on the drawings and specified elsewhere. E. Nailing shall be performed with galvanized common nails. F. The nail spacing for connecting the roof sheathing to framing shall be 6” on the edges as well as intermediate supports. Nails shall be 10d common roofing nails. * * * END OF SECTION 8 * * * 8-6 SECTION 9 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 9-01 SCOPE OF WORK The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment and transportation necessary to furnish and install the roofing system shown on the drawings and described herein. 9-02 SHEET METAL ROOFING A. MATERIALS 1. The metal roof assembly must be capable of withstanding hurricane force winds up to 150 mph. Metal roof and flashing shall be 18 gauge, ASTM A-792 Grade 50 Galvalume steel in Coating Class AZ55. Carlisle “SA Series”, or approved equal. 2. Panel profile shall have a 2” nominal height rib with 18” net coverage. 3. Panel style shall be Integral rib interlocking side lap connection with factory-applied caulking in the side lap. 4. Concealed fastener shall be manufacturer’s standard clip for specified roof type. 5. Fasteners shall be concealed corrosion resistant, compatible with panel materials and capable of resisting a wind induced uplift of 115 psf. Fasteners shall be manufacturer furnished or recommended for the intended purpose. The manufacturer’s Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) uplift classifications values shall be submitted for review and approved by the Engineer. Installation and spacing of fasteners shall be in strict accordance with submittal. 6. Field seaming with mechanical driven tool shall be required. 7. Finish shall be Silicon/Polyester Coating (Ceramcoat). 8. Color shall be Country Red. 9. Substrate shall be 5/8” plywood deck protected by one layer of 40 mil self-adhered Ice & Water Shield roofing underlayment by Grace or similar. 10. Manufacturer shall have 10 year’s experience in manufacturing panels of this nature. 11. Ceramcoat pre-finished metal shall have a warranty covering the finish coating against cracking, checking, blistering, peeling, flaking and chipping for a period of 20 years. B. FABRICATION 1. Roll form panels in continuous lengths not to exceed 40’-0”. End laps shall be acceptable when approved by the Engineer. 9-1 2. Fabricate trim, flashing and accessories to detailed profiles and in accordance with manufacturer’s standard recommendations. 3. Trim and flashing shall be fabricated from the same material gauge and color as panels. C. EXAMINATION 1. Inspect roof framing to verify members are to line and free of depressions, waves, or projections. 2. Verify framed openings, support framing, pipes, sleeves, ducts and vents through roof are solidly set; cant strips and reglets are in place. D. PREPARATION 1. Field measure and verify site conditions prior to fabrication materials. 2. Install surface-mounted reglets true to lines and levels. Seal top of reglets with sealant. 3. Protect elements surrounding work of this Section from damage or disfigurement. E. INSTALLATION 1. Install roofing and accessories in accordance with approved shop drawings and manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Align transverse joints of roofing panel. 9-03 FLASHING A. Insert flashing into reglets to firm tight fit. B. Fit flashing tight in place. Make corners square, surfaces true and straight in planes and lines accurate to profiles. C. Seal joints watertight. 9-04 CAULKING Caulking compound shall be a synthetic rubber Thiokol based compound equal to Synthacaulk, Chem-Seal or approved equal. Caulking compound shall be gun grade, of color as selected by the Engineer for use under the paint finish and be guaranteed not to stain or discolor surrounding work. 9-05 PIPES ETC. THROUGH ROOF All pipes and pipe sleeves passing through roofs shall be flashed to insure watertightness; flashing to be soldered to pipes wherever necessary or where directed by the Engineer. 9-2 9-06 CLEAN-UP A. The clean-up operations and removal of dust and other debris inside the building resulting from any phase of the construction work shall be performed by the Contractor daily and shall be coordinated with the Engineer on a daily basis. B. Contractor shall remove all debris that may enter into and upon roof area. C. All debris, including pieces of material, shall be removed and properly disposed of on a daily basis. The project area and other areas used by the Contractor shall be left in a condition that is acceptable to the Engineer. * * * END OF SECTION 9 * * * 9-3 SECTION 10 DOORS 10-01 GENERAL A. Scope: The Contractor shall furnish and install all aluminum door frames, aluminum doors, and louvers of the design, size and in the location as shown on the drawings. B. Door frames and doors shall be designed to withstand 150 mph wind loading. C. Mortise hardware for all doors will be furnished and delivered to the door manufacturer by the Contractor. Door manufacturer shall arrange with the Contractor for the time and place of delivery of templates, hardware, etc. All butts and other mortised hardware shall be fitted and applied at the factory. Projecting hardware shall be shipped separately and drilled, tapped and applied at the building by the Contractor. D. Verify governing dimensions at the building and examine all adjoining work on which this work is in any way dependent for its acceptable installation according to the intent of this specification. E. Prepare and submit shop drawings outlining in detail the various sections of the work, the kind of material, the size of members, the methods of securing same together and to the work of other trades. 10-02 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Doors and Frames 1. Exterior doors and doorframe shall be fabricated from 3003H-14 aluminum except as otherwise specified. The doors shall be of the size as shown on drawings. Doors shall be as manufactured by Eacco Inc., Jefferson, LA. 2. Exterior aluminum doors shall be 1-3/4" thick and fabricated from two (2) 0.125" thick aluminum plates. All doors shall be stiffened with a 0.125" thick, 2" "z" aluminum center mullion. The exterior faceplate of the door shall be tack welded to center mullion with 2" long welds spaced at 8" o.c. The interior faceplate shall be pop riveted to the mullion with rivets spaced 8" o.c. along centerline of the door. The top and bottom of the doors shall be closed flush by 0.125" thick x 1-1/2" aluminum channels. Exterior and interior plate shall be secured to channels same as mullion. The vertical edges shall consist of the exterior faceplate bent at right angle and lapped over 90 bend of interior faceplate. The vertical edge joints thus formed shall be continuously welded and ground smooth. Hinge preparation shall consist of a 1-1/2" full mortise ANSI template (1/4" x 1 1/2" of 6061-T6 aluminum) and standard lock preparation shall be as per ANSI. 3. Doors shall include an expanded foam core material for noise abatement. The core material shall be polystyrene, polyurethane or polyisocyanurate. 10 - 1 4. Door frame shall be fabricated of 0.080" thick aluminum to shape indicated on drawings. Frame edges shall be reinforced with 1" x 1" x 1/8" continuous aluminum angle welded to aluminum frame with 2" long welds spaced at 8" o.c. Miter joints at head and jamb shall be welded continuous; all other joints shall be tack welded. The jambs shall be reinforced with 1/4" thick 6061-T6 aluminum plates for hinge and strike attachment. A gasket seal shall be installed on the door frame. 5. Aluminum units shall be fabricated rigid, neat in appearance and free from defects, warp or buckle. Aluminum shall be accurately formed to required sizes and profiles. All exposed joints shall be continuously welded, ground, dressed and shall be made smooth, flush and invisible. Metallic filler to conceal manufacturing defects is not acceptable. 6. Aluminum units shall be prepared to receive mortised and concealed finish hardware, including cutouts, reinforcing, drilling and tapping in accordance with final Finish Hardware Schedule and template provided by hardware supplier. All work shall comply with applicable requirements of ANSI A11 5 "Specifications for Door and Frame Preparation". 7. All aluminum units shall be reinforced to receive surface-applied hardware. Drilling and tapping for surface applied finish hardware may be done at project site. All finish hardware shall be located as shown on the shop drawings, or if not shown, in accordance with "Recommended Locations for Builder's Hardware", published by the National Builder's Hardware Association. 8. All aluminum units and accessories shall be installed in accordance with final shop drawings, manufacturer's data, and as specified herein. All frames shall be set accurately in position, plumbed, aligned and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. Frames shall extend down to operating floor level and shall be securely anchored to same by 14 ga. clip angle welded to same and secured to concrete slab with Raw Drives or subnails. Frames in masonry walls shall be provided with 16 ga. adjustable "T" anchors. At least four anchors shall be provided per jamb. Five anchors shall be provided where door height exceeds 7'-0". Grout jambs of all door frames solid with mortar while laying masonry. All aluminum in direct contact with concrete or grout shall be treated with bitumastic seal. After completion of wall construction all braces and spreaders shall be removed, leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged. 9. The Contractor shall submit shop drawing as per provisions of Section 2 of these specifications. The shop drawings shall include details of each frame type, elevations of door design types, conditions at openings, details of construction, location and installation requirements of finish hardware and reinforcement and details of joints and connections. Provide fabrication, erection and anchorage details at 3" = 1'-0" scale. Shop drawing shall also show anchorage and accessory items and shall include schedule of doors and frames using some reference numbers for details and openings as those on the contract drawings. 10. All doors and frames shall have clear anodized finish. 10 - 2 B. Hardware 1. Hinges Hinges shall be 1-1/2 pair per leaf for 7'-0" high doors, five knuckle, full mortise, 41/2" high x 4-1/2" wide x 0.180” thick template hinges, ball bearing, stainless steel with nonremovable pin. 2. Silencers Door silencers shall be 3M silencer (SJ-5023) or Engineer approved equal, 3 each per all doors. 3. Locks for doors Locksets shall be heavy duty series full mortise Best Lockset with cast iron case, forged brass front, 2-3/4 inch backset, 5/8 inch throw latch bolt, 1 inch throw dead bolt, brass or bronze strike, and brass or bronze cylinder with 7 pin tumbler removable contractor core. Cylinder shall be 1E74 x 1EC995. All cores shall be constructed with individually capped barrels so that any one barrel may be recombined without uncovering or disturbing the combinations in the other barrels. Locksets shall be supplied with a Contractor's core which shall be capable of being removed and being replaced with a Best Lock core supplied by the Board and which fits the existing key system. No substitute shall be allowed for locksets or cylinders. D. Catalog numbers or symbols referred to herein are taken from the catalogues of the following manufacturers: Locksets Best Locks (No substitution) Closers Yale Security Thresholds National Guard Products D. Provide hardware as follows: 1 Lock 35H-7-FD-3-J-626 1 Dummy Trim to match lock 1 Norton Barrier Free Closer Series PR8501HDA with US10 finish 1 Threshold 894 E. Security bars shall be fabricated from steel and hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. Installation is shown on the drawings. * * *END OF SECTION 10 * * * 10 - 3 SECTION 11 FINISHES 11-01 GENERAL The work to be done under this section of the specifications includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for painting and other items of work called for in these specifications and shown on the drawings. 11-02 COATINGS A. General 1. The site selected by the Contractor for cleaning, priming and painting work shall be sufficiently removed from residences, buildings, properties, etc. of other owners so that nuisances or damages will not be caused by work. Land areas of the Board may be used only with the specific approval of the Engineer, subject to the requirements of Section 2 of these specifications. 2. Apply all coatings in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. 3. Alternates to the surface preparation procedures, or alternates which decrease the film thickness designated and/or the number of coats, or those which change the generic type of coating will not be considered. 4. Coatings and coating ingredients supplied under these specifications shall be delivered to the job in original cans with unbroken seals, and plainly marked with the type of coating and the ingredients contained therein, and the manufacturer's name and brand, number of gallons, formula, lot number and date. Containers shall not exceed 5 gallons in capacity. 5. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to protect coating finish from damage after applications. All coatings damaged, scratched, scarred, dirtied or otherwise marred shall be repaired as directed by the Engineer. 6. Coating shall be done at such times as the Contractor and Engineer agree upon so that dust free and first class work can be obtained. 7. All surface preparation and coating shall be performed in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 8. All coatings shall be certified “non lead” (less than 0.06% lead by weight in the dried film) as defined in part 1303 of the Consumer Product Safety Act. 9. The Contractor shall provide adequate storage facilities on the job site that meet all fire and safety requirements for the storage of flammable materials. This storage facility may be located in any area assigned to the Contractor subject to approval of the Engineer. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be allowed to leave cans of paint or other flammable solvents and materials on the job site unless the above requirements are met. 11 - 1 B. Schedule: The items to be coated under this contract are as follows: 1. Stucco a. Let cure at least 28 days before painting. b. Level protrusions and mortar spatter. c. Treat efflorescence, if present. Detergent clean, rinse and let dry. Repeat if necessary. d. Apply two coats of PPG PITT-FLEX 4-110 100% Acrylic Elastomeric, each coat applied to a dry film thickness of 6.0 - 7.0 mils DFT. e. Finish colors shall be Wine Barrel 427-7 at elevation 24.00’ and below and White above elevation 24.00’. 2. Interior Wood a. Wood shall be clean and dry. b. Repair surface defects by spackling and puttying. c. Sand wood lightly. Remove sanding dust. d. Apply one coat of PPG Speedhide 6-609 100% Acrylic Latex Primer to a dry film thickness of 2.0 – 3.5 mils DFT. e. Apply two coats of PPG Speedhide 6-500 Semi-Gloss Acrylic Latex each to a dry film thickness of 2.0 – 3.0 mils DFT. f. Finish color shall be Brick Dust 432-7. 3. Interior Concrete Block Walls a. Let cure 28 days before painting. b. Level protrusions and mortar spatter. c. Detergent clean, rinse and let dry. d. Fill all voids with PPG Amerlock 400BF at a rate of 85-115 sq.ft./gallon for dense CMU, 60-80 sq.ft./gallon for lightweight CMU. e. Apply one coat of PPG Amerlock 2/400 to a total dry film thickness of 4.0 – 6.0 mils DFT. f. Finish Color shall be Amercoat RT-8405. 11 - 2 4. Interior Concrete Walls a. Let cure 28 days before painting. b. Sweep Blast or Acid Etch. All surfaces must be clean and dry. c. Apply one coat of PPG Amerlock Sealer to a dry film thickness of 2.0 – 2.5 mils. d. Finish with two coats of PPG Amerlock 2/400, each coat to a dry film thickness of 4.0 – 6.0 mils DFT. e. Finish Color shall be Amercoat RT-8405. 5. Interior Concrete Floor a. Let cure 28 days before painting. b. Brush-off blast or acid etch. All surfaces must be clean and dry. c. Apply one coat of PPG Amerlock Sealer to a dry film thickness of 2.0 – 2.5 mils DFT. d. Finish with one coat of PPG Amercoat 100A with a coat thickness of 3/16 inch (5 mm). e. Finish color shall be Gray. 6. Exterior Concrete Walls Below Grade a. Let cure 28 days before painting. b. Brush-off blast or acid etch. All surfaces must be clean and dry. c. Apply one coat of Amerlock Sealer to a dry film thickness of 2.0 – 2.5 mils DFT. d. Finish with one coat of Amercoat 78HB coal tar epoxy to a dry film thickness of 16.0 – 18.0 mils DFT. e. Finish color shall be Amercoat RT-8405. 7. Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Ungalvanized Steel Shapes, Plates, Etc. a. Solvent clean, rinse and let dry. b. Sandblast steel to the requirements of SSPC SP-10 Near White Metal Blast. c. Prime with one coat of PPG Amerlock 2/400 to a dry film thickness of 4.0 – 6.0 mils DFT. The color shall be Buff Brown. 11 - 3 d. Apply a second coat of PPG Amerlock 2/400 to a dry film thickness of 4.0 – 6.0 mils DFT. The color shall be Ivory. e. Finish with one coat of PPG PSX 1001 to a dry film thickness of 2.0 – 3.0 mils. The color shall be Amercoat ANSI 70 Gray. 8. Piping and Supports, Above Grade (suction and discharge pipes and supports) a. Solvent clean, rinse and let dry. b. Sandblast steel to the requirements of SSPC SP-10 Near White Metal Blast. c. Prime with one coat of PPG Amerlock 2/400 to a dry film thickness of 4.0 – 6.0 mils DFT. The color shall be Buff. d. Apply a second coat of PPG Amerlock 2/400 to a dry film thickness of 4.0 – 6.0 mils DFT. The color shall be Ivory. e. Finish with one coat of PPG PSX 1001 to a dry film thickness of 2.0 – 3.0 mils. Finish color shall be Amercoat Medium Gray GR-2. 9. Piping and Supports, Below Grade a. Solvent clean, rinse and let dry. b. Sandblast steel to the requirements of SSPC SP-10 Near White Metal Blast. c. Apply one coat of PPG Amercoat 78HB Coal Tar Epoxy to a dry film thickness of 16.0 – 18.0 mils. 10. Pumps (factory primed or finished) a. Solvent clean, rinse and let dry. b. Apply one full coat of PPG Amercoat 185H Universal Primer. c. Finish with one coat of Amerlock 2/400 to a dry film thickness of 6.0 – 8.0 mils DFT. d. Finish color shall be Amercoat ANSI 70 Gray. 11. Guard Posts a. Solvent clean, rinse and let dry. b. Sandblast steel to the requirements of SSPC SP-10 Near White Metal Blast. c. Apply two coats of PPG Amercoat 220 Waterborne Acrylic Topcoat, color yellow, to a dry film thickness of 2.0 – 5.0 mils (each coat). 11 - 4 NOTE: All colors shall be subject to approval by Engineer before painting shall take place. C. Weather Conditions: 1. The Contractor shall clean and paint only when weather conditions are favorable, and are expected to continue favorable. The Engineer will order work discontinued if he feels that weather conditions are unsuitable. Any work started when the weather is considered unsuitable is subject to rejection. 2. Surfaces to be coated shall be dry and at least 5 degrees above the dew point. Surface temperature shall be as recommended by coating supplier. 11-03 WORK CONDITIONS A. The Contractor shall employ appropriate safety measures, to ensure that workers are protected from toxic exposure according to OSHA and all other local, state and federal regulations pertinent to the work described in these specifications. B. All ladders, scaffolding and rigging equipment necessary for the required work shall conform to OSHA and applicable safety requirements. C. Forced air ventilation shall be provided as required by OSHA and other applicable regulations. Forced ventilation shall maintain a safe atmosphere below the lower explosive limit (LEL). During coating application, the capacity of ventilating fans shall be no less than recommended by the manufacturer of the coating and required by applicable regulations. D. Continuous forced air ventilation at a rate of at least one complete air change every 4 hours shall be provided for at least 48 hours after coating application is completed or until coating is completely cured in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. E. Adequate illumination shall be provided while work is in progress, including explosion proof lights and electrical equipment. 11-04 APPLICATION A. Only properly skilled and experienced craftsmen shall apply paint, and paint shall be applied only on properly prepared surfaces as herein specified. All exterior painting shall be done only in dry weather. Any surface coating damage by moisture or rain shall be removed and redone as directed by the Engineer. Paint shall be applied in accordance with the paint manufacturer's recommendations. B. On all surfaces, each coat of paint shall be applied at the rate specified by the manufacturer to achieve the minimum dry mil thickness required. Deficiencies in film thickness shall be corrected by the application of an additional coat(s) of paint. Where conditions are other than normal because of the weather or because painting must be done in confined spaces, longer drying times will be necessary. Additional coats of paint shall not be applied until paints are thoroughly dry. All additional coats are at no cost to the Board. 11 - 5 C. Where thinning is necessary, only the products of the manufacturer furnishing the paint, and for that particular purpose, shall be allowed, and all such thinning shall be according to manufacturer's instructions, as well as with the full knowledge and approval of the Engineer. D. Drying times between coats of paint shall be as recommended by the paint manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. E. Painted surfaces shall be free from runs, drops, weaves, ridges, waves, laps, and other defects. These defects shall be corrected by the Contractor in a manner approved by the Engineer. F. Prime and finish coats shall be applied with the proper equipment. G. Protect all adjacent work and materials with suitable covering during the progress of the work included herein. H. Remove at end of each day oily rags and all similar open and inflammable materials as precaution against fire. 11-05 INSPECTION A. The Contractor shall obtain written approval from the Engineer of each area surface preparation and each coat of paint applied before proceeding with application. B. All completed surfaces shall be checked by the Engineer or his authorized representative for workmanship and proper thickness. All ferrous surfaces shall be checked for film thickness by use of an ELCOMETER or MICRO-TEST magnetic dry film gauge properly calibrated. 11-06 CLEANUP A. The Contractor, upon completion of each phase of work, shall thoroughly clean up all surfaces of paint splashes, grease, oil, and dirt resulting from paint work or from prior work done by the Contractor or others, and shall leave the area broom clean. B. All dust, debris and any other deleterious materials resulting from surface preparation and coating application shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of legally and properly. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs incurred for waste removal and disposal. THIS AREA INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 11 - 6 11-07 SUBSTITUTION A. All requests for substitution must be accompanied by full technical and price data and complete manufacturers catalog. All requests for substitution shall be made at least 4 weeks prior to start of painting. B. All paints submitted for substitution must be equal to the specified paint in generic type, % volume of solids, performance data, etc. The Engineer will be the sole judge of equality. * * * END OF SECTION 11 * * * 11 - 7 SECTION 12 MECHANICAL 12-01 GENERAL The work to be done under this section includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to furnish and install two (2) self-priming, horizontal centrifugal motor driven pumps, piping, and valves, (electrical control equipment, and all other component parts for the pumping station to be furnished and installed under other sections of this Contract). All component parts described in this Section shall be new and furnished and installed by the Contractor. Drawings of all equipment furnished and erection drawings are to be submitted by the Contractor for approval by the Board prior to their installation, as per Section 2-20 of these Specifications. All erection and installation performed under this section shall be by mechanics who are skilled in this type of work. 12-02 12" SELF PRIMING PUMPS AND ACCESSORIES A. General Contractor shall furnish and install two (2) Gorman Rupp 112D60-B self-priming centrifugal sewerage pumps, 12-inch suction X 12” discharge, or Engineer approved equal, designed for handling raw unscreened domestic sewerage. Pump shall meet the requirements/conditions of the table below: Design Points Total Dynamic Head (ft) Pump Capacity (gpm) Maximum Re-Priming NPSH Minimum Total Dynamic Lift Required Efficiency Suction Lift (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) Pump Speed (rpm) Rated 56 2700 16.57 8.37 3.82 75.9 930 Secondary 40 3700 14.26 8.34 5.1 77.3 930 Each pump at its rated speed shall be capable of priming repeatedly and shall be capable of delivering the required capacity against the corresponding total dynamic head and total dynamic suction lift. B. Internal Passages 1. All openings, internal passages, and internal recirculation ports shall be large enough to permit the passage of a sphere 3-inch in diameter, and any trash or stringy material which may pass through the average house collection system. Screens or any internal devices which create a maintenance nuisance or interfere with priming and performance of the pump shall not be permitted. 12 - 1 2. Upon request from the Engineer, certified dimensional drawings indicating size and locations of the priming recirculation port or ports shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to shipment. B. Pump Construction 1. Pump casing a. All areas of the pump casing and volute which are exposed to sewage shall be constructed of cast iron Class 30. Casing shall be provided with integral volute scroll and fitted with a built-in suction check valve seating on a replaceable suction flange. b. Casing drain plug shall be at least 1-1/4" NPT to insure complete and rapid draining. c. The pump casing shall have no internal screening devices. 2. Suction Head a. The pump shall be equipped with a removable suction head, allowing access for service and repairs without removing suction or discharge piping. The suction head shall include two clean out covers to provide access to pump interior for inspection and clearance of major stoppages. 3. Wear Plate a. The pump shall be fitted with a replaceable wear plate secured to the suction head by renewable fasteners and shall be of AISI 1015 HRS. 4. Suction Check Valve a. Each pump shall incorporate a suction check valve that can be removed or installed through the removable inspection plate opening, without disturbing the suction piping. Sole function of the check valve shall be to eliminate re-priming with each cycle. Pumps requiring suction check valves to prime or reprime will not be acceptable. 5. Rotating Assembly a. A rotating assembly, which includes impeller, shaft, mechanical shaft seal, lip seals, bearings, sealplate and bearing housing, must be removable as a single unit without disturbing the pump casing or piping. b. Sealplate and bearing housing shall be cast iron Class 30. Separate oil filled cavities, vented to atmosphere, shall be provided for shaft seal and bearings. Lip seals shall be provided to prevent leakage of oil. 1) The bearing cavity shall have an oil level sight gauge. The clear sight gauge shall provide easy monitoring of the bearing cavity oil level and condition of oil 12 - 2 without removal of the fill plug. The fill plug shall vent the cavity to the bearings. 2) The seal cavity shall have an oil level sight gauge and fill/vent plug. The clear sight gauge shall provide easy monitoring of the seal cavity oil level and condition of oil without removal of the fill/vent plug. c. Impeller shall be ductile iron, No. 80-60-03, two-vane, semi-open, non- clog, with integral pump out vanes on the back shroud capable of passing 3" diameter spherical solids. Impeller shall keyed onto the pump shaft and be secured with a lockscrew and conical washer. d. Shaft shall be Alloy Steel 4150 . e. The pump shaft bearings shall be anti-friction ball or tapered roller bearings, of ample size and proper design to withstand all radial and thrust loads which can reasonably be expected during normal operation. Bearings shall be lubricated from a separate reservoir. Pump designs in which the same oil lubricates both the shaft bearings and the shaft seal shall not be acceptable. f. Shaft Seal 1) The pump shaft shall be sealed against leakage by a mechanical seal. Both the stationary sealing member and mated rotating member shall be silicon carbide. Each of the mated surfaces shall be lapped to a flatness of one-half light band or less (5.8 Millionths of an inch), as measured by an optical flat under monochromatic light. 2) The stationary seal seat shall be double floating by virtue of a dual O-ring design: an external O-ring secures the stationary seat to the sealplate, and an internal O-ring holds the faces in alignment during periods of mechanical or hydraulic shock (loads which cause shaft deflection, vibration, and axial/radial movement). 3) The seal shall be lubricated with oil from a dedicated, oil-filled reservoir. The same oil shall not be used to lubricate both the shaft seal and the shaft bearings. 4) Elastomers shall be viton; cage and spring to be stainless steel. g. Pusher bolt capability to assist in removal of rotating assembly. Pusher bolt threaded holes shall be sized to accept same capscrews as used for retaining rotating assembly. h. Adjustment of the impeller face clearance (distance between impeller and wearplate) shall be accomplished by external means. 12 - 3 i Replacement of the impeller, seal, and bearings shall be accomplished through the removal of the rotating assembly. The entire rotating assembly, which includes bearings, shaft, seal, and impeller, shall be removable as a unit without removing the pump volute or piping. 6. Flanges Suction and/or discharge ports. Pump shall have 1/2" NPT gauge taps for gauge connections. C. Energy Efficient Electric Pump Motors 1. General a. Electric pump motors furnished herein shall be new energy efficient, continuous duty, horizontal, squirrel cage induction motors, three phase, 60 Hertz, extra severe duty construction, with TEFC Cast Iron Enclosures for operation in severe environments. Motors shall be multi V-Belt drive with sheaves, belts, and guards. b. Pump motors furnished shall be 75 HP, GE XSD-841 electric motor, Type IEEE841, or Engineer approved equal, NEMA Design B, Normal Starting Torque, continuous duty rated in 40°C ambient air environment. Motors shall have 120-V space heaters. Motor insulation shall be Class F with Class B temperature rise at 1.0 service factor. Motor shall be capable of continuous operation at 1.15 service factor without adverse affects. 2. Service Conditions a. Pump motors shall be suitable for operation within their ratings under the following service conditions: b. Ambient temperature in range of -25°C to +40°C with operation at +50°C optional when derated to 1.0 service factor. c. Maximum installed altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. d. Indoor and outdoor installations in severe duty applications, including rain, high humidity, and chemical and salt laden atmospheres. e. Full voltage, across-the-line starting. 3. Standards Pump motors shall conform to NEMA Standard MG1, latest revision. Motors shall also comply with the latest revisions of the applicable portions of the National Electrical Code, Canadian Standards Association, IEEE 841, and the Energy Policy Act of 1992. If the motors quoted are outside the scope of the specifications listed above, motors shall be quoted with the key features of the specifications listed above. (Multispeed motors are outside the scope of IEEE 841) 12 - 4 4. Electrical Requirements, Characteristics, and Performance a. Pump motors shall be 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hertz rated at an output speed of 1200 RPM. The motors shall operate successfully under running conditions as follows: 1) Plus or minus 10% of rated voltage at rated frequency. 2) Plus or minus 5% of rated frequency at rated voltage. 3) A combination of voltage and frequency variance which equals a sum of 10% variation with frequency variation not to exceed plus or minus 5% of the total. 4) Motor shall function normally with voltage imbalance at terminals, with rated load and frequency, not in excess of 1% (4.6 volts at 460 volt operation). b. Motor performance, at rated voltage and frequency, shall be as follows for critical operating characteristics. 1) Motors shall meet or exceed the minimum locked rotor and breakdown torques specified in the NEMA Standards for Design B Motors. 2) Starting currents shall not exceed the NEMA a Design B maximum values, and shall not exceed limits of Code G, 5.60-6.29 KVA per horsepower. 3) Bidders shall quote on the most efficient equipment. Guaranteed minimum efficiency shall be 93.6%. 4) Temperature rise of the motor at normal operating load and conditions shall be a Class B rise, limited to 80°C or less above a 40°C ambient when measured by resistance. c. Motors shall be rated for 1.15 service factor in a 40°C ambient air environment. Motors shall have an optional rating of 1.0 service factor if operating in a 50°C ambient. d. Insulation materials shall be Class F or better. Windings shall be given a heavy build of varnish to increase moisture resistance. Motors in frames from 404 through 449 shall be Vacuum Pressure Impregnated. e. Motor windings shall meet a minimum insulation resistance of 1.5 megohms after 168 hours of exposure to 100% relative humidity and 40°C ambient, under test conditions. 5. Mechanical Construction a. The horsepower to frame relationship shall conform to the latest NEMA MG13 Standards for T Frame Motors. b. Each motor foot shall be drilled with two (2) mounting holes to allow for F1/F2 field conversion and be adaptable to the alternate frame size for that frame diameter. 12 - 5 c. Motor frame, end shields, conduit box, fan cover, and inner bearing caps shall be of Cast Iron Construction. Stainless steel breather drains shall be installed at the low point of each end shield to drain condensation and prevent entry of contaminants. d. Motor bearings shall be open type anti-friction bearings sized to provide a minimum L10 life rating of at least 130,000 hours for direct connected loads. All bearings within a motor enclosure shall be the same size. Inner bearing caps and bearing brackets shall utilize a Positive Lubrication System to assure proper bearing lubrication in all mounting positions and to insure that grease is channeled directly into the bearing track. All motors shall be factory charged with grease lubricant and shall have grease ports on motor end shields for re- lubrication. Motors end brackets shall have automatic grease relief fittings on DE (Drive End) and ODE (Opposite Drive end). Grease relief on ODE (Opposite Drive End) shall extend out of the fan cover for easy access. e. Cooling fans shall be corrosion resistant, non-sparking material such as 30% glassfitted polypropylene or bronze. Fans shall be bi-directional. f. Conduit box shall be oversized, cast iron, diagonally split, and gasketed and shall be capable of rotation in 90° increments. A neoprene motor lead bushing shall attach box to motor frame. A brass ground lug shall be provided within box for attachment of system equipment grounding conductor. g. All external screws, bolts, and hardware shall have Hex heads and shall be either cadmium plated or 316 stainless steel. h. The motor shall have installed on both ends of the bearing bracket a recessed noncontact bronze labyrinth seal to minimize bearing contamination. Motors shall be rated at minimum IP-55. j. Motor frame shall be have eye bolts for lifting. k. Exterior of motor frame shall be painted with a heavy application of epoxy enamel or equivalent coating. l. All motors are to meet the vibration levels defined in IEEE-841-2009 Section 6.9. Motor vibration levels shall not exceed .04 in/sec. Motor test data with vibration analysis shall be submitted with each motor. m. Internal motor space heaters shall be provided for operation on 120 volts, single phase, 60 Hertz power and shall be wired to the main terminal box. 320 Frame and larger space heater lead wires are to terminate to an auxiliary conduit box. n. Motors end brackets shall have RTV sealant applied to frame. 6. Nameplate Each motor shall be fitted with a stainless steel nameplate stamped per NEMA Standard MG1-10.40 to include, as a minimum, the following information: 12 - 6 a. Nominal efficiency per Nema Standard MG1-12.54.2. *(on auxiliary tag) b. Manufacturer's minimum guaranteed efficiency. 1) Nominal efficiency at 75% load. (on auxilliary tag) d. Maximum weight and vibration. (on auxiliary tag) e. Manufacturer's Stock Number. f. Phase sequence diagram with rotational arrows. g. Bearing identification. h. All normal nameplate data such as voltage, horsepower, frequency, phase, speeds, duty cycle, temperature rise, etc. 7. TESTS AND WARRANTY a. Standard routine tests shall be performed on each motor to assure compliance with the design criteria of these specifications. b. Efficiency of each motor shall be verified by a complete test. Furnish and ship one (1) copy of each test with each motor. c. Guaranteed minimum efficiency shall be stamped on the nameplate. d. All motor Mechanical Components shall have a full one (1) year performance warranty. D. Base and Drive Pump shall be mounted on a heavy structural steel base. The motor shall be mounted to an adjacent elevated pedestal, which shall be attached to the structural steel base. No portion of motor casing shall be installed below Elevation 6.0' Cairo Datum. Power to pumps shall be transmitted using V-belt drive assemblies. The sheave/belt combination shall provide the speed ratio needed to achieve the specified pump operating conditions. Pump and motor shall be coupled with a five (5) band Gates Hi-Power Band Belt, providing a minimum combined safety factor of 1.5. Single belt drives or systems with a safety factor less than 1.5 are not acceptable. Computation of safety factors shall be based on performance data published by the drive manufacturer. The drive assemblies shall be aligned to recommended manufacturer tolerances prior to shipment by the pump supplier and then checked in the field after delivery and installation by the Contractor to insure proper alignment and tensioning of belts. The pump manufacturer shall submit power transmission calculations which document the following: 1. Ratio of pump/motor speed. 2. Pitch diameter of driver and driven sheaves. 12 - 7 3. Number of belts required per drive. 4. Theoretical horsepower transmitted per belt, based on vendor’s data. 5. Center distance between pump and motor shafts. 6. Arc-length correction factor applied to theoretical horsepower transmitted. 7. Service factor applied to established design horsepower. 8. Safety factor ratio of power transmitted/brake horsepower required. The pump and motor shall be equipped with cast iron sheaves compatible with the five (5) band drive belt. The sheaves shall be constructed of fine grain, high tensile cast or ductile iron and shall be statically (one plane) balanced to the standards established by the Mechanical Power Transmission Association. The sheaves shall be provided with quick detachable type split, tapered bushings. The sheaves shall be manufactured by T.B. Woods Incorporated, or Board Engineer approved equal, and as follows:: Part No. Description Motor: Sheave Bushing 5V1505 E278 5V15.0X5-E EX2.875 Pump: Sheave Bushing 5V1185 E234 5V11.8X5-E EX2-3/4 The V-belt drive assembly shall be enclosed in an Engineer approved belt guard. The face of the belt guard shall be constructed of expanded metal to facilitate the inspection of the belt. The belt guard shall be firmly attached and stiffened so as not to produce excessive vibration and/or noise. The belt guard shall be secured to base with gasketed washers and gaskets to reduce vibration. E. Air Release Lines Each pump shall be equipped with a separate air release line. Line shall be equipped with a stainless steel ball valve designed to permit the escape of air to the wet well during initial or any unattended priming or re-priming cycle. The air release line pipes, fittings, and valves shall be a combination of 1" and 1½’’, as shown on the plans. The air release lines shall be schedule 40 stainless steel. F. Pumping Unit Noise Level When operating at 60% efficiency or greater, the noise level shall not exceed 85 dB when tested per the Hydraulic Institute Standard for the Measurement of Airborne Sound of Pumping Equipment. 12 - 8 G. Guarantee The manufacturer of the pumps shall guarantee them to be of quality construction, free from defects in material and workmanship. The equipment, apparatus and parts furnished shall be guaranteed for a period of five (1) year from acceptance by the Board, except items that are normally consumed in service, such as oil, grease, packing, gaskets, Orings, etc. 12-03 ELECTRICAL The electrical components and control of the two pumps is specified in Section 15 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. 12-04 REPRIME PERFORMANCE A. Normal service for pumps specified under this division shall constitute the pumping of raw, unscreened, sanitary domestic sewage and associated solids during periods of continuous unattended operation. In consideration of this, failure of the suction check valve due to debris lodged between the valve and seat resulting not only in the loss of liquid in the suction leg, but also in the siphoning of liquid from the casing to a level approximating the centerline of the impeller shall be considered normal. Therefore, each pump shall be installed with an air release line free to the atmosphere and shall have the capability to automatically re-prime while operating unattended at its rated speed in a completely open system without a suction check valve and with a dry suction leg. B. Each pump must be capable of a reprime lift of 14 feet at the selected speed and impeller diameter. Re-prime lift is defined as the static dimension between the centerline of the pump suction flange and water surface elevation in the wet well which would normally activate the lead pump. C. Re-priming time is defined as the time required for the pump to complete the automatic priming process with the liquid which would remain in the pump casing after a delivering pump has been shut down with the suction check valve removed. Five minutes to come to full delivery is the maximum allowable time to complete this process. D. Additional standards under which reprime tests shall be run are: 1. Piping shall incorporate a discharge valve down stream from the pump. Check valve size shall be equal (or greater than) the pump discharge diameter. 2. A ten-foot length of one-inch pipe shall be installed between pump and discharge check valve. This line shall be open to atmosphere at all times to duplicate the air displacement rate of a typical pump station fitted with an air release valve. 3. No restrictions shall be present in pump or suction piping which could serve to restrict the rate of siphon drop of the suction leg. Suction pipe configuration for reprime test shall incorporate a minimum horizontal run of 4.5 feet and one 90-degree elbow. 12 - 9 4. Impeller shall be set at the clearances recommended by the manufacturer in the pump service manual. 5. Reprime lift repeatability shall be demonstrated by five sequential reprime cycles. 6. Liquid to be used for the reprime test shall be water. 7. Upon request from the engineer, certified reprime performance test data, prepared by the pump manufacturer and certified by a registered professional engineer, shall be submitted to the engineer prior to the shipment. 12-05 PIPING AND FITTINGS A. PVC Piping 1. Gravity Piping Material for sewer mains shall be solid wall PVC pipe, manufactured in accordance with ASTM D-3034 specifications and to a SDR (strength dimension ratio) of 26 with elastomeric gaskets. The elastomeric gaskets and retainer rings shall be installed by the manufacturer in accordance with ASTM D-3212 and F-477. The fittings for solid wall PVC pipe shall be the same inside diameter as the solid wall PVC with an SDR of 35. PVC sewer mains, sizes 18 in. through 27 in. shall be solid wall PVC pipe conforming to ASTM F-679 specifications and to a PS (pipe stiffness) of 46 with elastomeric gaskets. The elastomeric gaskets and retainer rings shall be installed by the manufacturer in accordance with ASTM D3212 and F-477. 2. Sump Discharge Piping The sump pump discharge piping shall be 2" schedule 80 PVC. 4" and smaller pipe and fittings shall be socket type and shall be assembled with solvent cement as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. B. Copper Piping All copper piping shall be Type K hard copper with bronze solder fittings. Solder shall be lead free. Any exposed copper piping shall be insulated with 1" split foam pipe insulation with all longitudinal joints sealed with adhesive. Insulation shall be protected with a .016" thick aluminum jacket with longitudinal z-joint secured with ½" wide butt strips, J-M MetalLok or Engineer approved equal. E. Ductile Iron Piping Ductile iron pipe shall be required for all pump piping. Suction and discharge piping shall be thickness Class 56, ductile iron with flanged joint connections conforming to ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. Below ground suction and discharge piping shall be thickness Class 56, ductile iron with restrained mechanical joint connections and shall conform to 12 - 10 ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. The ductile iron pipe shall have a factory installed internal ceramic epoxy lining, “Protecto 401” or approved equal, with a 40 mils nominal thickness. Suction piping shall be 12” diameter and discharge piping shall be 16” diameter, as shown in Contract Drawings. The exterior of all ductile iron piping shall be cleaned per SSPC-SP10 and primed and coated per the painting schedule shown in Section 11-02 B of these Specifications. All buried ductile iron pipe shall be wrapped in polyethylene tube, 8 mils nominal thickness, per ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.5-93. The Contractor shall take care during backfilling so as not to damage the tube. Any tears or damage occurring before or during backfilling shall be repaired per the above mentioned AWWA specification. All ductile iron pipe shall be secured with ductile iron or teflon coated core-ten bolts, nuts, and washers. F. Ductile Iron Fittings The steel piping shall be coupled to the ductile iron piping by a flange m.j. fitting with an EBAA Iron Megalug restraint gland. The flange shall conform to ANSI B 16.1 Class 125 flange dimensions. Mechanical joint fittings and glands shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. Mechanical joint glands shall be Series 1100 Megalug or Engineer approved equal. Flanged fittings shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 and ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15. The exterior of all ductile iron pipe fittings shall be cleaned per SSPC-SP10 and primed and coated per the painting schedule shown in Section 11-02 B of these Specifications. All buried ductile iron fittings shall be wrapped in polyethylene tube per ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5-93. The Contractor shall take care during backfilling so as not to damage the tube. Any tears or damage occurring before or during backfilling shall be repaired per the above mentioned AWWA specification. All ductile iron fittings shall have a factory installed internal ceramic epoxy lining, “Protecto 401” or approved equal, with a 40 mils nominal thickness. All ductile iron fittings shall be secured with ductile iron or Teflon coated core- ten bolts, nuts, and washers. G. Stainless Steel Pipe & Fittings. Type 316, Schedule 40 stainless steel pipe and fittings shall be used for all sewage air release lines and for the bubbler line. Connections shall be threaded for the air release lines and socket weld for the bubbler line inside the wet well. 12 - 11 12-06 VALVES A. Gate Valves for Pump Piping The gate valves shall be American R/D 100 line series iron body NRS with 2” operating nut, bolted bonnet, solid wedge disc valves or Engineer approved equal. Packing gland will be designed to ensure proper packing compression without binding against the stem. Valve bodies shall be provided with flanges, drilled, back spot faced, and finished machined. Flanges shall conform in all respects to ANSI-B16.1, Class 125 cast iron flanges. All exposed nuts, bolts and washers shall be stainless steel. Valve gate rings, and body-seat rings shall be constructed of grade A bronze. Body seat rings shall be replaceable in the event of wear. Valves shall open in the counter-clockwise direction. 1. Valve bodies shall be of ASTM A126 Class B iron. 2. Disc shall be ASTM A126 Class B iron with a bronze seating surface. 3. Valves shall be designed for a maximum of 150 p.s.i. service. 4. Disc shall be guided to prevent premature disc ring/seat ring contact. 5. Valve stem shall be ASTM A276 Grade 304. 6. The valve manufacturer shall approve the valve for use when it is installed with flow in the horizontal direction and with the valve stem oriented vertically. 7. The Contractor shall provide for each valve one (1) extension stem (length to be determined in field) and one (1) adjustable stem guide, including fabricated brackets. The Contractor shall also provide one (1) T-handle main valve key, four (4) feet in length, with ductile iron socket to fit 2” square operating nut. B. Check Valves for Pump Piping The check valves shall be 12" American R/D Style 159-02 Standard Flanged Swing Check Valve or Engineer approved equal. The valve shall conform to AWWA C508 criteria. 1. The valve body and disc will be constructed of ASTM A-126 Class B Cast Iron. The body seat ring shall be ASTM A148 Aluminum Bronze. The resilient disc seat shall be bronze to bronze. The disc hinge pin shall be constructed of Type 17-4PH stainless steel. 2. Valve bodies shall be provided with flanges, drilled, back spot faced, and finished machined. Flanges shall conform in all respects to ANSI B16.5, Class 125 cast iron flanges. 3. The valve shall have a counterweight arm/s with an adjustable weight to regulate closing time. The valve shall close by gravity under no flow conditions or when the discharge pressure is higher than the inlet pressure. 4. All internal parts shall be easily replaceable without removing the valve from the line. 12 - 12 5. The valve shall provide full-unobstructed flow when open and shall provide watertight shutoff when closed. 6. The counterweight arm/s shall be attached to the side of the check valve opposite to the side which the adjacent gate valves have been rotated. See Drawings. 7. The Contractor will supply the Board with 2 complete hinge pin/pivot shaft O-ring sets, should O-rings be used to seal the pin/shaft rather than packing. These shall be packaged with the Contract # and title, part numbers, and part description clearly legible on the package. The parts shall be delivered to the S&WB Machine Shop. 8. All exposed nuts, bolts, and washers shall be stainless steel. C. Sewerage Air Release Valve (Discharge Pipe) The Contractor shall furnish and install a sewerage air release valve, Vent-O- Mat RGX or Engineer approved equal. The valve shall have an elongated body and be designed to operate (open) while pressurized, allowing entrained air in the sewage force main to escape through the air release orifice. 1. All metal components of the unit shall be 304 stainless steel. 2. The valve inlet shall be 2" N.P.T. The valve outlet shall be a 2” swivel flange connection. 3. The 2" inlet shall be fitted with a 2" stainless steel threaded gate valve to isolate the S.A.R.V. from the force main, using stainless steel threaded pipe and fittings. 4. Internal rubber components of the valve shall be EDPM rubber. D. Potable Water Backflow Preventer The backflow preventer shall be a Watts Regulator 1" Series 009QTS with bronze strainer or Engineer approved equal. E. Ball Valves Ball valves shall be stainless steel, three (3) piece, full port ball valves of the size indicated on the Contract Drawings. Connection for ball valve shall be threaded to match associated pipe. F. Gate Valves (For small diameter pipe) Gate valves for small diameter pipes shall be brass, full port, non-rising stem (N.R.S.), solid wedge disk gate valves. Connection for gate valves shall be threaded to match associated pipe. 12-07 VENTILATION A. Exhaust Fan The Contractor shall provide an Aerovent model 9M624 Direct Drive Propeller fan, single speed, 3450 rpm, 933 cfm, 1/8” s.p. with 1/3 HP motor. Fan shall be furnished with a safety 12 - 13 guard on the propeller side an on the motor side of the fan. The guards shall meet OSHA standards. The fan shall also be furnished with a heavy-duty gravity aluminum shutter. The fan shall be mounted in the wall and caulked around the frame. The motor shall be NEMA Standard with permanently lubricated ball bearings, single phase 120V, 60 cycle, permanent split capacitor type. The fan shall bear the Air Moving and Conditioning Association Certified Rating Label. The motor shall be wired to a wall- mounted thermostat as specified under the specification section “Electrical Installation”. Wiring of the fan shall conform with “Electrical Installation” section of these specifications. B. Exhaust Blower The Contractor shall furnish and install one (1) new direct drive centrifugal fan, single speed, 1140 rpm, 1500 cfm at 3/8” S.P., Type B, Arrangement 4, Class I, three-quarter (3/4 HP) motor in the pumping station. Fan shall be rated for use in hazardous locations. The fan shall be size 150 as manufactured by Industrial Air Products, Inc., or approved equal. The fan shall be mounted in the pumping station dry well on a new galvanized steel framework. The blower shall be furnished with a 20” x 20” heavy-duty gravity aluminum shutter. The motor shall be NEMA Standard with permanently lubricated ball bearings, single phase 230V, 60 cycle, permanent split capacitor type. The fan shall bear the Air Moving and Conditioning Association Certified Rating Label. The motor shall be wired to the service so that the fan will operate constantly when energized directly from the panel. Wiring of the fan shall conform with the “Electrical Installation”, of these specifications. C. Connection Boot(s) and Ductwork The Contractor shall furnish and install new connector boot(s) and ductwork as indicated on the drawings. The new ductwork components shall be fabricated and installed to create an “air-tight” installation. D. Louvers (Fresh Air Intakes) Three Miami-Dade County and AMCA certified hurricane fixed drainable louvers shall be installed as shown by drawings. They shall be 24" x 24" aluminum frame and blades with a mill finish. An aluminum insect screen with a mesh count of 16 x 16 shall be supplied with these louvers in a removable frame, located on the interior side. These shall be manufactured by American Warming and Ventilation Inc. Model LE-54 or Engineer approved equal. 12-08 MISCELLANEOUS A. Sump Pumps and Accessories Furnish and install two (2) Goulds Model 3885, series no. WE1012H, 1 hp, 230 V, 3450 rpm submersible effluent pump or Engineer approved equal. 1. The pump will be capable of pumping 70 g.p.m. @ 40' of total head and 100 g.p.m. @ 15' of total head. 2. The pump impeller shall be non-clog, semi-open of cast iron construction with pump out vanes for mechanical seal protection. 12 - 14 3. The pump shall have a mechanical seal constructed of carbon and ceramic sealing faces, stainless steel metal parts, and BUNA-N elastomers. 4. The casing shall be cast iron with a 2" NPT discharge and the pump shall be capable of passing 3/4" solids. 5. The shaft shall be corrosion resistant stainless steel. 6. Bearings shall be for heavy-duty service. 7. Motor shall be rated at 1 h.p. @ 3450 r.p.m. The motor shall be 230 volt, single phase, 60 Hertz and shall be fully submerged in high grade turbine oil. The pump will operate continuously without damage to pump components when the motor casing is not submerged in water. 8. The motor power cable shall be a #16 AWG, 3 conductor Type SJTO power cord rated for severe duty service, oil and water resistant. The cable will be sealed in the motor housing with an O-ring to prevent water intrusion and oil leakage. Cable length will be suited for pump control box installation. 9. Furnish and install two (2) Goulds Model No. A3-2012 Control Panels or Engineer approved equal. The control panel shall contain a magnetic contactor, Hand-Off-Auto selector switch, Run pilot light, and terminal block for field wiring. Enclosure shall be Nema 1 steel with hinged front door bearing H-O-A Control Switch and Pilot Light. 10. Pump automation shall be provided by a Goulds model 10 PMDWOP non- mercury differential float switch. A cord shall be provided in length suitable to span from the point of pump installation to the plug-in of the electrical controllers. Attach float switch to pump discharge by means of an integral clamp to respond to 6" of water above the bottom of the sump. 11. Pump automation shall be provided by differential float switch to respond to six (6) inches of water above floor. 12. Sump pumps shall be installed in dry well and the discharge should be directed to the wet well and shall penetrate the station above grade. 13. Gate valves and check valves for sump pump discharge piping shall be the size indicated on the drawings. Valves shall be bronze, Class 150, non- rising stem, rated for at least 150 p.s.i. pressure, and shall conform to the standards of MSS Sp-80. B. Pressure Gauges Prior to final assembly of the piping, the Contractor shall make a ¼” NPT gauge tap in the position shown in the Drawings. On the interior of the pipe, this tap shall be ‘smooth rounded’ and free of burrs to prevent any unnecessary hydraulic disturbances at the point of the tap. Once the pipe is assembled, the Contractor shall furnish and install ¼" stainless steel piping, five (5) Stockham ¼" stainless steel, three (3) piece, full port, No. T-3951-SSR-66 ball valves, two (2) Ashcroft Style 1009AWL compound pressure gauges with 2.5" dial and a 30" of mercury vacuum to 30 p.s.i. range, and two (2) Ashcroft Style 1009AWL pressure gauges with a 2.5" dial and 0 to 60 p.s.i. range and one (1) Ashcroft Style 12 - 15 1009AWL pressure gauge with a 4” dial and 0 to 60 p.s.i. range, or Engineer approved equal. ¼" N.P.T. taps for the installation of the SCADA Pressure Transducers shall be made at the points shown on the Drawings. See Section 15 for specifications on the transducers. C. Pipe Roof Penetration Boot Pipe roof penetrations shall be sealed against moisture and leakage with a Portals Plus Deck-Mate pipe seal, or Engineer approved equal. Model D.M. 2 shall be used for the 2" aluminum antenna pipe. The seal shall be constructed of ozone and ultraviolet resistant EPDM or Neoprene compression molded rubber. The unit shall have a 1" wide flexible aluminum base. Seal shall be attached to the roof with standard metal roofing fasteners and silicone sealant. An adjustable stainless steel clamp shall secure the seal around the pipe. 12-09 MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE The Contractor shall furnish to the Board six (6) copies containing all descriptive literature of all component parts installed within and also outside the station, with manufacturer's model number; individual part number and description, etc. Also to be supplied in sextuplicate are Operation and Maintenance manuals (O&M) for the pumps, motors, and all valves. Where applicable, the Contractor shall furnish a maintenance procedure for pumps and motors, and complete instructions for putting the station in operation and for varying the operational elevations in the wet well. The following data must be submitted for approval in sextuplicate: 1. Pumps-outline and test data. 2. Motors. (Nameplate and torque data). 3. Sheaves, including bushing, belt and belt guard. 4. Pipe and fittings (interior and exterior). 5. All valves. 6. Exhaust fans, including motor data, ductwork and louvers. 7. Pump testing procedure and layout. 8. Sump pump system and piping. 9. Pressure gauges. 10. Pipe roof penetration boot. Each sheet of the above submitted data must show the following: THE CONTRACT NUMBER, NAME OF PROJECT, DATE, and NAME OF ITEM CORRESPONDING SPECIFICATION SECTION. 12 - 16 12-10 PUMP TESTS A. Initial Pump Tests Prior to the introduction of sewage to the new wet well, the pumps shall be tested individually. This will be accomplished by filling the wet well with clean water, to elevation 2.0’ and demonstrating that the pump will prime properly. The pump shall then pump down to elevation -5.08’. The Contractor will be allowed to use water from a fire hydrant at no cost to him. Piping from the hydrant to the station shall be the Contractor’s responsibility. The tests shall be of sufficient duration so that the Contractor can clearly demonstrate to the Engineer that the installation of all the equipment and controls conform with the requirements of this Contract. Any defects in the Contractor’s work disclosed as a result of these tests shall be corrected by the Contractor at no added expense to the Board. Temporary piping shall run from the exterior discharge piping to the access manhole in the top of the wet well. A flow measuring device, supplied by the Contractor shall be installed on this temporary piping. Run each pump individually at each level and run both of them to demonstrate that the lead pump starts at elevation 1.7’ and that the lag pump starts at elevation 2.0’. Record the time needed to prime, the flow rate, the pressure, and speed and amperage of the motors. Note any overheating, vibrations, leaks, etc. Testing procedures and layout of piping shall be submitted for approval. B. Extended Pump Test Once the tie-in has been successfully completed and the piping has been determined to be free of any leaks, the old pumps shall be taken out of service and the new pumps shall come online. The Lead and Lag on/off levels and pumps shall be set by the Sewerage & Water Board Operations Dept. Each new pump must run seven (7) consecutive days as the Lead pump. During the first 7 days run for each pump, the Contractor must visit and inspect the site daily and perform any necessary adjustments and/or manufacturer recommended startup and maintenance procedures for the next seven (7) days to clearly demonstrate to the Engineer that the installation of all equipment and controls conform with the requirements of this Contract. THIS AREA INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12 - 17 12-11 PUMP SPARE PARTS The Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts for the pumps: Parts for the 12" Self Priming Sewage Pump Quantity Part Name, Part # Quantity Part Name, Part # 1 Impeller 2 Plate Gasket 1 Hatch gasket 16 015" Shim 1 S.S. Lock Nut 16 .035" Shim 1 S.S. Impeller Washer 8 .06" Shim 1 Vent plug 1 Case Gasket 4 Bearing 1 O-Ring 1 Gasket 2 Flange Gasket 1 Check Valve 1 Gasket Elbow 2 Lip Seal 1 Rubber Strip, ½" sq. by 45" long 2 Mechanical Seal (2.50") 1 Check Valve Gasket Upon delivery, the Contractor will verify that the parts correctly match those requested. The preceding list of parts will then be packaged as one unit with the Contract name and #, pump model #, and list of parts and part numbers clearly labeled on the exterior of the packaging. The package shall be delivered to the S&WB Machine Shop, located at 8800 S. Claiborne on the grounds of the Main Water Purification Plant. 12-12 INITIAL START-UP The services of a factory-trained representative shall be included in the bid price for a maximum period of one day as requested to provide initial start-up of the pump station, and to instruct the Board’s operating personnel in the operation and maintenance of the equipment. * * * * END OF SECTION 12 * * * * 12 - 18 SECTION 13 BY-PASS PUMPING REQUIREMENTS 13-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. As part of this contract work, Contractor shall keep in operation the existing Emergency Discharge Connection (EDC). The EDC will be used to bypass the pumping station, when necessary, and will take sewer from the wet well and discharge it into the force main. The existing EDC is to remain after construction of the pumping station is complete. B. The existing pumping station shall remain in service as long as possible during construction of the new station. When the existing station is no longer operable, the Contractor shall provide a by-pass pumping system to maintain operation of the existing sewer system without interruption in the flow of the sewage. By-pass pumping shall be provided, as required, throughout the duration of the entire contract, including time extensions and until the station is accepted by the SWBNO. 13-02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Performance Requirements 1. It is essential to the operation of the existing sewerage system that there is no interruption in the flow of sewage throughout the duration of the Contract. 2. During by-pass pumping operations, the Contractor shall assume full and complete responsibility for all operations, all equipment, noise control, traffic control and shall be held responsible for any and all sewer overflows and associated EPA fines. The Contractor shall be required to closely coordinate all by-pass pumping, setup and operations with S&WB Operations and field crews to eliminate potential conflicts and scheduling problems. 3. Convey the sewage safely past the Work area. Do not stop or impede the main flows under any circumstances. 4. Maintain sewer flow around the Work area in a manner that will not cause surcharging of both downstream and upstream sewers, damage to sewers, and that will protect public and private property from damage and flooding. The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of any debris and sedimentation in the existing sewer mains, laterals, and manholes which is attributable to the Contractor’s work under this Contract. 5. Protect water resources, wetlands, and other natural resources. 6. Provide equipment and conduits that do not allow spillage or leakage. 13 - 1 B. Design Requirements 1. Provide all pipeline plugs, pumps of adequate size to handle the specified flow and pressure requirements, and temporary discharge piping, to ensure that the total flow to each pump station can be safely diverted around that pump station. 2. Provide the by-pass pumping system that does not interfere with the storm drainage system nor shall the Contractor use any storm drainage system to dispose of sanitary sewer. The Contractor shall not use any existing sanitary sewer to divert or dispose of storm or surface water. Flow diversion pumping of sanitary sewerage shall be conducted on an as needed basis, in accordance with these specifications. 3. The by-pass pumping system will be required to be operational 24 hours per day 7 days per week, including holidays, and during by-pass pumping operations. 4. Install pump(s) to by-pass the pump station when necessary. The by-pass pump(s) shall have a pumping capacity equal to that of one of the specified replacement pumps for the corresponding location. All normal operating pumps may be online and isolated by individual valves and ready for immediate use. 5. The Contractor shall make provisions for an additional diesel driven pump unit (along with spare suction and discharge hose) ready for immediate use in the event of an emergency or breakdown of any of the normal operating pumps or suction or discharge lines. The Contractor shall submit this plan for approval by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for all by-pass pumping activities regardless of the conditions. Each pump station location shall have provisions for immediate installation of this redundant pump and suction and discharge lines, from any of the suction manholes, without shutting the system down. In the event of the primary bypass pump failure, the Contractor shall have the redundant pump on site, installed, and operational within 4 hours of notification of primary pump failure. The capacity of this pump shall not be less than the largest required unit as shown below. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer and the Board if the primary by-pass system fails. 6. The minimum pumping capacities of each pump is shown below: Design Flow: 2700 GPM Wet Well Characteristics Size: 11’x11’ T.C. Elevation: 15.42’ (Survey) Invert Elevation: -11.38’ (Survey) Roof of Wet Well Elevation: -2.31’ (SWBNO provided as-built drawings) Anticipated Pressures in Existing Effluent Force Main (average from SWBNO provided SCADA data): Low Condition: High Condition: 40’ 56’ 13 - 2 The de-watering shall be done such that any spilled sewage can be contained and later re-introduced into the sewer system. The Contractor shall bear the responsibility to provide all means required for capturing any spilled sewage at all of the affected sewer pump stations and reintroducing it back into the sewer system. 7. Where multiple suction manhole discharge lines converge to a single emergency discharge connection, manifold the lines together and isolate the lines by valves. 8. The Contractor shall be required to verify any additional influent sources which require sewage flows to be diverted to the Emergency Discharge Connection and shall be responsible for diverting such flow. 9. Maintain onsite portable lights for emergency use only. 10. Any site adjustments, excavation or restoration required for the operation of the by-pass pumping system shall be included in the Contractor’s by-pass pumping design, and shall be performed at no additional cost to the Board. 11. The by-pass pumping system shall prevent sewage from being discharged outside of the pump and into the environment, preventing what is called “blow by”. Pumping system shall not require an extra hose from the pump back into the wet well or manhole to prevent any “blow by”. 12. Pumps shall be also meet the following requirements: a. Pumps shall be high efficiency pumps, and the selected pumps shall operate at maximum efficiency for reduced fuel consumption. b. Pumps shall be EPA compliant units, providing protection to the environment from exhaust emissions. Pumps shall meet or exceed Tier III requirements. c. Pumps shall have double wall fuel containment and a self- contained environmental skid to prevent hazardous fuel spills. d. Pump unit shall include a sound attenuation enclosure covering both the engine and the pump for noise abatement. e. Pumps shall have an automatic start/stop system so the pumps will only run when they are needed, reducing fuel consumption. f. Pumps shall be equipped with mercury free on/off float switches or automatic throttle control systems so that the pump operates at optimum efficiency. Pressure transducers may also be used. g. Electric powered pumps used for the by-pass system shall have variable speed motors. ON/OFF control panels are not acceptable. The control panel provided shall permit the pump motor speed to be adjusted as needed. 13 - 3 h. The pump shall be equipped with a remote monitoring system that alerts a first responder of a high level alarm. The person to be designated as the first responder will be decided by the Board Engineer and the Contractor. 13-03 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: 1. Approved shop drawings are required prior to any work performed by the Contractor. 2. For each pump station, submit detailed plans and descriptions outlining all provisions and precautions regarding the handling of existing wastewater flows. This plan must be specific and complete including such items as schedules, locations, elevations, capacities of pumps, piping, manifolds, valve locations and all required equipment, materials and all other incidental items necessary and/or required to ensure proper protection of the facilities, including protection of public and private property from damage and flooding by surcharging of sewers. The plan shall include but not be limited to details of the following: a. Staging areas for pumps. b. Sewer plugging method and types of plugs. c. Number, size, material, location and method of installation of suction piping, including manifolds and valve locations. d. Number, size, material, method of installation and location of installation of discharge piping, including manifolds and valve locations. e. By-pass pump sizes, capacity, number of each size to be onsite and power requirements. f. Calculations of static lift, friction losses, and flow velocity (pump curves showing pump operating range shall be submitted). g. Method of noise control for each pump and/or generator. h. Any temporary pipe supports and anchoring required. i. Backup pumps, piping, and appurtenances. B. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Certification of vendor's compliance with qualifications. 2. By-pass system operators' resumes. 3. Maintenance and inspection logs. 13 - 4 13-04 MAINTENANCE A. Maintenance Service: Ensure that the temporary pumping system is maintained accordingly at all times. A properly trained operator shall perform maintenance as required by the by-pass system manufacturer at recommended intervals. System inspection shall occur as specified in Section 13-09. 1. The station shut down will be done by the Board’s personnel at a mutually agreed upon date and time, weather permitting. However, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to provide all means required for the de-watering as needed at the job site. 2. The Board’s Operations department personnel will continue monitoring the sewer elevation at the affected sewer pumping stations during the shut down. Should the Board’s Operations personnel determine it necessary, they shall open any required overflow valves if at any time it is required at any of the affected pumping stations due to high sewer level associated with this contract’s work. Due to strict requirements of the Consent Decree with USEPA, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to contain all sewage in confined area(s) and re-introduce it back into the sewer system by any required means once the system is back in service, at no additional cost to the Board. 3. Should it be necessary to prevent damage to public or private property, or to prevent spillage, the Board’s Operational Personnel reserve the right to call an immediate halt to the work, and will return the station to operation. The Contractor shall be responsible for restoring flow to the system. The termination of the by-pass pumping system for such reason shall not be the basis for any extension of the Contract time nor for any claim for additional compensation. B. Spare parts for pumps and piping shall be kept onsite as necessary. Spare parts shall include repair clamps of various lengths for each by-pass discharge line installed, hoses repair barbs, including redundant lines. 13-05 BY-PASS PIPING MATERIALS A. Suction Piping: Suction piping shall be heavy duty rigid pvc hose designed for suction service. B. Discharge Piping: Discharge piping shall be a reinforced composite hose, Polybarb pipe or Bauer pipe. 13-06 EQUIPMENT A. All pumps used shall be fully automatic self priming units that do not require the use of foot-valves or vacuum pumps in the priming system. The pumps may be electric or diesel powered. All pumps used must be constructed to accommodate the cyclical nature of effluent flows. B. Provide the necessary stop/start controls and a visual alarm indicating a pump malfunction for each pump. 13 - 5 C. Incorporate noise prevention measures for any and all equipment being used to insure minimum noise impact on the surrounding areas. 1. Include: hospital grade silencers or mufflers, equipment modifications, and special equipment or sound barrier walls as necessary to limit noise levels below 66 decibels at a distance greater than or equal to 20 feet from the equipment. 2. In the event the Contractor fails to comply with maximum permissible noise level decibels in the operation of the flow by-pass pumping system, the Board or Engineer may order the Contractor to stop operation of the flow by-pass pumping system until such time as specified noise levels are achieved. The Contractor is responsible for restoring flow to the system. The termination of the flow by-pass pumping system for such reason shall not be the basis for any extension of Contract time nor for any claim for additional compensation. D. Repair clamps shall be full circle, stainless steel clamps, Style FS2 or FS3 as manufactured by the Ford Meter Box Company, Inc., or equal. 13-07 PREPARATION A. Precautions: 1. Locate any existing utilities in the area selected to locate the by-pass pipelines. Locate by-pass pipelines to minimize any disturbance to existing utilities. 2. By-pass pump all wastewater flows during rehabilitation of Wet Well and coordinate all by-pass pumping operations with the Engineer. 3. Coordinate all by-pass pumping operations with the Board’s operations personnel and the Engineer. 13-08 INSTALLATION A. Plugging or blocking of sewage flows shall incorporate a primary and secondary plugging device. When plugging or blocking is no longer needed for performance and acceptance of work, it is to be removed in a manner that permits the sewage flow to slowly return to normal without surge, to prevent surcharging or causing other major disturbances downstream. B. When working inside manholes, exercise caution and comply with OSHA requirements when working in the presence of sewer gases, combustible or oxygen-deficient atmospheres, and confined spaces. C. Locate by-pass piping away from construction site entrances and away from vehicular traffic. D. Protect the by-pass discharge line from damage in the areas of equipment operations. Confine the by-pass discharge pipeline to within public right of ways. 13 - 6 E. The Contractor shall perform leakage and pressure tests of the bypass pumping discharge piping use clean water prior to actual operation. The Engineer shall be given 24 hours notice prior to testing. 13-09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Operator shall inspect by-pass pumping system daily, or on a schedule approved by Engineer. An inspection log shall be kept and maintained at each pumping location. 13-10 CLEANING A. Sewage remaining in the by-pass discharge pipeline and/or pumping equipment shall be discharged to a working sewer before the by-pass pumping system is broken down and moved to the next station. B. Disturbed Areas: Upon completion of the by-pass pumping operation, clean up all areas disturbed by these operations, restoring same to a condition, including pavement restoration, at least equal to that which existed prior to the start of the Work. 13-11 TRAFFIC CONTROL The necessary precautions shall include, but not be limited to, such items as proper construction warning signs, signals, lighting devices, pavement markings, striping, barricades, channelization, and hand signaling devices (flagging operations) as prescribed and set forth in the Department of Transportation and Development Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Department of Public Works Standard Drawings (included in Appendix A of these specifications). The Contractor shall be responsible for installation and maintenance of all devices for the duration of the construction period. The Contractor is responsible for daily monitoring of traffic control devices and must make appropriate changes to correspond to conditions. Upon completion of work, the Contractor shall restore the area to its preconstruction condition. * * * END OF SECTION 13 * * * 13 - 7 SECTION 14 REHABILITATION OF WET WELL 14-01 GENERAL The work to be done under this section includes all labor, materials, and services necessary to structurally rehabilitate and leak proof the sewer wet well. Work included, but not limited to, follows: - - structural repair and restoration of the wet well floor, walls, chimneys, including the removal of any unsound material application of chemical waterstop grout to stop active leaks cleaning and preparatory patching of wet well surfaces receiving cementitious restoration and/or chemical coatings, including removal of spalling or unsound material application of corrosion-resistant chemical coatings over the restored wet well surfaces to protect against future deterioration, including the floor, the walls from the floor to the frame and any ceilings or overhangs. All work performed under this section shall be by mechanics who are skilled in this type of work. 14-02 PRODUCTS A. All materials shall be designed, manufactured and intended for sewer wet well rehabilitation and the specific application in which they are used. B. Each material shall be designed for application over damp surfaces (not wet surfaces or surfaces with actively running water) without degradation of the final product or the bond between the product and the wet well surface. C. All materials, systems, and application processes shall be submitted and must receive approval from the Engineer prior to installation. D. Only compatible materials from a single manufacturer shall be used in the work. E. Protective coating materials shall be standard products produced by recognized manufacturers who are regularly engaged in production of such materials for essentially identical service conditions. Where requested, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with the names of not less than 10 successful applications of the proposed manufacturer’s products that comply with these requirements. F. Coating materials shall be sealed in containers that plainly show the designated name, formula or specification number, batch number, color, date of manufacture, name of manufacturer, all of which shall be plainly legible at the time of use. 14 - 1 14-03 INFLOW AND INFILTRATION A. Materials 1. Hydraulic Cement A rapid setting hydraulic water plug capable of sealing active water leaks on concrete structures consisting of hydraulic cement, graded silica aggregates, and special plasticizing/accelerating agents. It shall not contain chlorides, gypsum, plasters, iron particles, aluminum powder or gas-forming agents, nor shall it promote the corrosion of steel. The hydraulic cement shall have the following minimum requirements: a. Compressive Strength of 4,000 psi (ASTM C-109) b. Density of 121 pcf (ASTM C-905) c. Hydraulic Cement to be Sauereisen InstaPlug No. F-180 or approved equal. 2. Hydroactive Polyurethane Grout A chemically resistant catalyzed hydrophobic grout capable of bonding to any surface, wet or dry, which will react with moisture and expands to 20 times its volume. The hydroactive grout shall have the following minimum requirements: a. Shear Modulus of 117 psi (ASTM C-273) b. Shear Strength of 14.5 psi (ASTM C-273) c. Tensile Strength of 15.6 psi (ASTM D-1623) d. Hydroactive Polyurethane Grout to be Sauereisen No. F-370 or approved equal. B. Installation 1. Hydraulic cement shall be mixed according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Upon completion of mixing, the mortar shall be applied immediately to the structure by forcing the material firmly into the prepared area. If running water is present, the material must be held in place until the leak stops. Steel trowel excess material to a smooth and level surface. 2. Hydroactive grout shall be pumped into or behind fissures or voids to block infiltration. Grout is to be pumped through preplaced injection packers by pumping equipment capable of attaining a minimum pressure of 250 psi. 14 - 2 14-04 SUBSTRATE REPAIR A. Materials 1. Resurfacer Resurfacer shall be a single component, high strength, rapid set Portland cement based repair material for repairing concrete or masonry structures available in trowel, castable and gunite grade formulations. The material may be applied by hand trowel or spray application to a minimum thickness of 1/8 inch. The repair mortar shall have the following minimum requirements. a. Compressive Strength of 7,000 psi (ASTM C-109) b. Density of 137 pcf (ASTM C-20) c. Tensile Strength of 822psi (ASTM C-307) d. Bond Strength of 2,200 psi (ASTM C-882) e. Flexural Strength of 1,500 psi (ASTM C-580) f. Resurfacer to be Sauereisen SubstrateResurfacer No. F-121 or approved equal. 2. Repair Mortar A single component, high strength, rapid set Portland cement based repair material and waterproffing barrier for repairing concrete, masonry and brick structures. Castable or Gunite grade formulations shall be used where concrete or mortar deterioration exceeds ½ inch. Repair material must be built out ½ inch beyond the face of the brick and shall meet the following minimum requirements; Trowelable Castable Gunite a. Compressive Strength @ 24 hours (psi) @ 28 days (psi) b. Density (pcf) 4,500 6,000 1,900 7,000 2,500 6,000 137 148 144 c. Repair Mortar to be Sauereisen Underlayment No. F-120 Gunite Grade or approved equal. B. Installation 1. Prior to the application of the repair mortar or resurfacer the walls shall be prepared in accordance with paragraph 14-13 below. The surfaces to receive 14 - 3 the coating shall be moist but free of running or standing water. Patching, repointing, filling, and repairing nonleaking holes, cracks, and spalls in concrete and masonry wet wells, shall be achieved through the use of materials specifically recommended by the manufacturer for this use, which have been formulated for vertical or overhead use. These materials shall not contain chlorides, gypsums, plasters, iron particles, aluminum powder, or gas-forming agents, nor shall it promote the corrosion of steel. 2. Resurfacer shall be applied to all sections of concrete wet wells including the floor, the walls from the floor to the frame and any ceilings or overhangs. Resurfacer cement shall be mixed according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Application may be by use of a hand trowel or by pump spraying. Apply material to a minimum uniform thickness of 1/8 inch. Spray applications shall be made by use of a rotary spray pump or a pole gun with an aluminum spray head for straight shot applications. Trowel or brush to a finish that is consistent with Concrete Surface Profile (CSP) cards 3-5 from the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI). All applications are to be made according to manufacturer’s recommendations. 3. Repair mortar shall be applied to all sections of the brick wet wells including the floor, the walls from the floor to the frame and any ceilings or overhangs. Repair mortar shall be mixed according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Where mortar deterioration exceeds ½ inch, the repair mortar shall be applied using a straight-shot nozzle. Apply material at a uniform thickness of 1/2 inch beyond the face of the brickwork. Trowel or brush to a finish that is consistent with Concrete Surface Profile (CSP) cards 3-5 from the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI). All applications are to be made according to manufacturer’s recommendations. 14-06 PROTECTIVE LINING A. The manufacturer and/or installer of the total liner system of concrete structures shall be a company that specializes in the design, manufacture or installation of corrosion protection systems for concrete structures including wet wells, junction chambers, etc. Installer shall be completely trained in leak repair, surface preparation and corrosion materials application on concrete structures. Corrosion materials/products shall be suitable for installation in a severe hydrogen sulfide environment without any deterioration to the liner and shall completely prevent the breakdown of concrete surfaces. Materials specified are those that have been evaluated for the specific service. B. Materials 1. Corrosion-resistant wet well lining material will be a multi-component stress skin panel liner system as described below or other chemical coating system which can demonstrate extended comparable success in similar use and which is specifically recommended by the manufacturer for this use. Protective Lining shall be SPRECTRASHIELD by CCI Spectrum, or approved equal. 14 - 4 2. The protective liner shall consist of the following components: a. Liner. Installation Moisture displacement barrier Moisture barrier Surfacer Final corrosion barrier Liner Primer Modified Polymer (polyurea) Polyurethane/Polymeric blend foam Modified polymer (polyurea) b. Primer shall be 100% solids c. Modified polymer shall be sprayable, solvent free, two-component polymeric, moisture/chemical barrier specifically developed for the corrosive wastewater environment. 1) Typical Chemical Analysis “A” Component Viscosity, 77° F, cps. ASTM D-1638 Physical State Color Hygroscopicity 300-400 Liquid Clear to amber Reacts with water “B” Component Viscosity, 77° F, cps. ASTM D-1638 Physical State Color Non-Volatile 400-600 Liquid Flamingo Pink 100% 2) Reaction Profile (100 grams, 175° F sample) Gel Time, seconds Tack Free Time, seconds Cure Time, seconds 1-2 15 30 3) Processing A System / B System, volume ratio 1.00 / 1.00 4) Typical Physical Properties Tensile Strength (PSI) Elongation (%) 100% Modulus 300 % Modulus Tear Strength (PLI) Hardness (shore D ) Flexibility (1/ 8 “Mandrel) ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D2240 ASTM D1737 ASTM D1737 14 - 5 4280 200 2200 2600 350 60D Pass Flashpoint (°F) ASTM Pensky-Martin Taber Abrasion (mg loss) ASTM D4060 >200 52 d. Polyurethane Rigid Structure - low viscosity two-component, containing flame retardants. 1) Typical Chemical Analysis “A” Component Viscosity, 77° F, cps. Physical State Color Hygroscopicity 200 Liquid Dark Brown Reacts with water and evolves CO2 gas “B” Component Viscosity, 77° F, cps. Physical State Color Hygroscopicity 600-1000 Liquid Tan Absorbs water rapidly thus changing ratio 2) Reaction Profile (100 grams, 77° F sample) Cream Time, seconds Tack Free Time, seconds Rise Time, seconds 1-4 5-8 6-10 3) Processing A System / B System, volume ratio 1.00 / 1.00 e. Total thickness of multi-component stress panel liner shall be a minimum of 500 mils. C. Installation 1. Wet well shall be cleaned no more than 6 hours before lining. The surface prior to lining shall be prepared according to manufacturer’s instructions consistent with Concrete Surface Profile (CSP) cards 3-5 from the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI). The surface may be damp but shall not be moist to the touch. 2. Protective lining shall be applied to all sections of the repaired concrete wet well, including the floor, the walls from the floor to the frame and any ceilings or overhangs. 3. Application of the multi-component system shall be in strict accordance with 14 - 6 manufacturers recommendation. Final installation shall be a minimum of 500 mils. A permanent identification number and date of work performed shall be affixed to the structure in a readily visible location. 4. The application shall have a minimum cure of 24 hours for temperatures 70 degrees F and above and 48 hours for anything below 70 degrees F before being subjected to water or active sewer flow. 5. Liner samples for testing shall be taken by the Board-assigned testing laboratory for each wet well or as directed by the Engineer. 14-07 MANUFACTURER’S SERVICES A. The Contractor shall require the protective coating manufacturer to furnish a qualified technical representative to visit the Site for technical support as may be necessary to resolve field problems attributable or associated with the manufacturer’s products. B. The Contractor shall require material coating manufacturer to furnish the following services: 1. The manufacturer’s representative shall be present on the job site and provide on-site instruction on the proper surface preparation, use, mixing, application and curing of the coating systems for the first brick wet well as well as the first concrete wet well to be rehabilitated under this Contract. 2. The manufacturer’s representative shall observe the surface preparation, mixing and application of the coating materials for each coating system. 14-08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. The materials shall be delivered to the job site in original unopened packaging and clearly labeled with the manufacturer’s identification and printed instructions. The Contractor shall handle and store all material and shall dispose of all wastes in accordance with applicable regulations. B. The Contractor shall keep products safe from damage. The Contractor shall promptly remove damaged products from the job site and replace damaged products with undamaged goods. 14-09 SALVAGE Wet well covers, frames, and structural or mechanical salvage shall remain the property of the Board. The Contractor shall deliver salvaged items at a time and to a property location designated by the Board. 14-10 PROTECTION A. The Contractor shall provide traffic control in accordance with the Drawings and Section 13 – By-Pass Pumping Requirements. 14 - 7 B. The Contractor shall not allow sand, debris, or runoff to enter the sewer system. 14-11 EXCAVATION A. Excavation shall be in accordance with Board Standard Specifications and Section 3. B. The Contractor shall perform work in accordance with OSHA standards. 14-12 WET WELL RESTORATION The replacement or adjustment of all suction piping, supports, frames and all other appurtenances that attach to or penetrate the wet well wall shall be complete. The wet well shall be restored in accordance with Sewerage and Water Board General Specifications, Section D, prior to the application of the substrate repair material. 14-13 SURFACE PREPARATION A. All concrete and masonry surfaces to be rehabilitated shall be cleaned prior to the application of rehabilitation products. Hydro blasting or abrasive blasting equipment shall remove all grease, oil, laitance, coatings, deteriorated concrete, hard contaminants, localized micro-organisms and gas contaminants, from the concrete walls, floors or other structures. Final product shall be cleaned, exposed and virgin concrete aggregate ready for rehabilitation material. B. The waterblasting unit shall have a capacity of 5,000 pounds per square inch (psi) with a water flow rate of 15 to 20 gallons per minute (gpm). A waterblasting unit that produces a lower pressure of 2,500 psi can be utilized if a jetter truck, or similar equipment is used that can accommodate increased water volumes in the range of 50 to 80 gpm. The resulting surface of the wet well shall be consistent with Concrete Surface Profile cards 3-5 from the International Concrete Repair Institute. Debris resulting from cleaning shall not be washed downstream, but shall be removed from the wet well. All final liquid and debris shall be removed by vacuum truck. C. The surface pH must be equal to or greater than 7 prior to the application of the substrate repair. D. Abrasive blast all existing metal surfaces within wet well to remove all grease, oil, coatings and other foreign materials. Apply four (4) mils of rust inhibiting primer and ten (10) mils of epoxy coating to metal piping and other metal structures inside the wet well (see Section 11 for primer and coating specification). E. Disposal Sites: The Contractor may dispose of sludge, sand, debris, grit, and liquid wastes resulting from performance of operations in this contract at the East Bank Sewage Treatment Plant (6501 Florida Avenue). There will be no charge for disposal at this location. The Contractor may utilize and coordinate other licensed disposal sites at no additional cost to the Board, upon approval by the Engineer. F. After completion of surface preparation, blasting phase, perform the seven point check list, which is the inspection for: 14 - 8 1. Leaks 2. Cracks 3. Holes 4. Exposed Rebar 5. Ring and Cover condition 6. Invert Condition 7. Inlet and Outlet Pipe Condition G. After the defects in the structure are identified, repair all leaks with a chemical or hydraulic sealant designed for use in field sealing of ground water. Severe cracks shall be repaired with a urethane based chemical sealant. Product to be utilizes shall be as approved by owner/engineer prior to installation. Repairs to exposed rebar, defective pipe penetrations or inverts, etc. shall be repaired utilizing nonshrink grout or approved alternative method. H. Any exposed reinforcing steel shall receive a primer coating only prior to the manhole repair. Exposed reinforcing steel should not receive a protective epoxy coating. I. Prior to application of final liner application, if required, re-blast the entire structure and remove all abrasive materials. 14-14 WET WELL REHABILITATION ACCEPTANCE A. All rehabilitated wet wells shall be tested using a vacuum method. This testing shall follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Vacuum testing of structures shall be performed after repair of all defects as identified per paragraph 14-13F is complete. Any visible leakage in the structure, before, during, or after the test shall be repaired regardless of the test result. B. All pipes for vacuum testing shall be installed at the top access point of the wet well. A vacuum of 10 inches of mercury (5.0 psi) shall be drawn on the wet well and the time for the pressure vacuum to drop to 9 inches of mercury (4.5 psi) shall be measured. Wet wells will be considered to have failed the air test if the time to drop 1 inch of mercury is less than the value shown in the following table. THIS AREA INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 14 - 9 Vacuum Test Timetable Minimum Wet well Diameters Time (sec) versus Depth Diameter (ft) 12 ft Depth 16 ft Depth 20 ft Depth 24 ft Depth + Each 2’ 4 30 40 50 60 +5 5 39 52 65 78 +6.5 6 48 64 80 96 +8 7 57 76 95 114 +9.5 8 66 87 108 129 +11 9 75 99 123 147 +12.5 10 84 111 138 165 +14 11 93 123 153 183 +15.5 12 102 135 168 201 +17 13 111 147 183 219 +18.5 14 120 159 198 237 +20 15 129 171 213 255 +21.5 THIS AREA INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 14 - 10 C. Irregularly shaped wet wells (oval, rectangular, etc) shall be interpolated using the perimeter of the structure and comparing it to the calculated perimeter of the circular wet well dimensions in the table above. D. Wet well depths shall be rounded to the nearest foot. Testing times for intermediate values of wet well depth shall be interpolated. For wet well depths greater than 24 feet, the values shown in the last line of the table shall be added to the 24-foot value for each additional 2 feet of depth. E. If the structure fails the vacuum test the Contractor shall perform additional repairs and repeat the test procedures until satisfactory results are obtained. F. If vacuum testing of the structure is not feasible, Contractor will recommend to Engineer a suitable substitute testing method. No testing will be done without Engineer’s approval. G. After the wet well rehabilitation work has been completed, the Contractor shall allow the wet well to be visually inspected by the Engineer. Final concrete structure corrosion protection system shall be completely free of pinholes or voids. The finished surface shall be free of blisters, “runs”, “sags”, or other indications of uneven lining thickness. There shall be no evidence of visible leaks. H. At the direction of the Engineer, the Contractor shall perform an approved thickness test at various locations selected by the Engineer to assure that the required lining thickness is achieved. I. All defects identified during inspection such as pinholes, low film millage, etc. shall be repaired with same material at no additional cost to the Board. 14-15 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall be furnished in accordance with Section 2-20. B. Product Data: 1. Manufacturer’s specifications, detailed storage, mixing and installation instructions and general recommendations for each product specified in this section. Include data substantiating that products to be furnished comply with requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. Manufacturer’s samples and certifications of all materials, linings and coatings, etc. as specified in this section or upon request of the Engineer. 3. Descriptive literature, bulletins and or catalogs of materials. 4. Work procedures including flow diversion plan, method of repair, etc. 5. Material and method for repair of leaks or cracks in manholes. 6. Final installation report on completed wet well. 14 - 11 C. Shop Drawings: Submit complete working drawings and manufacturer’s notarized Affidavit of compliance for all materials shown on the drawings including piping, fittings, valves, linings, coatings, manholes and all accessories necessary to complete the project in accordance with the Contract Documents. D. The Contractor must obtain from the Manufacturer of the lining system written confirmation that the Contractor has been trained and certified by the Manufacturer to install the multi-layered lining system required in the specifications and shown on the drawings. E. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 5 references, which show that the Contractor has had previous successful experience with the specified products or comparable lining systems. This list shall include the name, address and telephone number for the owner of each installation for which the Contractor provided the lining. F. Where the lining system is to be installed by a Subcontractor, the Subcontractor shall provide 5 references, which show that the Subcontractor has had previous successful experience with the specified products or comparable lining systems. This list shall include the name, address and telephone number for the owner of each installation for which the Subcontractor provided the lining. G. The Contractor or Subcontractor installing the protective lining system shall submit signed affidavit stating that they have successfully installed the proposed multi-layered lining system in a minimum of 1000 wastewater structures over the last 5 years. H. A copy of the Manufacturer’s warranty certificate showing that the Applicator and the Manufacturer will warrant the installed multi-layered lining system against infiltration and corrosion for a minimum of 10 years after final acceptance of the workt. A warranty inspection may be conducted at any time during those 10 years. All defective work shall be repaired in accordance with these specifications and to the satisfaction of the Board. Any defective work identified or repaired during the initial 10-year warranty period shall include an extended 10 year warranty from the date of acceptance of the repair. * * * END OF SECTION 14 * * * 14 - 12 SECTION 15 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 15-01 GENERAL A. It is the intent of these specifications to set the minimum standards for Electrical Construction of a Replacement Sewage Pumping Station on site of the Burke Sewage Pumping Station. It is the intent of this contract to use the existing pumping equipment to the fullest extent possible throughout the construction and to minimize any necessary outages. At no time prior to operational acceptance of the new station shall the existing station be rendered inoperable. When outages of the existing pumping equipment become unavoidable, continued pumping of wastewater shall be provided by a temporary engine driven external pump. B. Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment, supplies, and supervision necessary and proper to install, complete in every detail, the Electrical System and devices called for in these specifications and as shown on the plans. 15-02 SCOPE A. The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Modification of existing utility service to allow construction of the new electrical service to pumping station. 2. Building wiring for power, lighting, and data transmission. 3. Furnishing and installing all electrical switches, starters, transformers, control equipment, etc. as shown on the plans and as specified herein. 4. Relocation and installation of existing Platform as shown on the drawings. 5. Installation of grounding system for the relocated Electrical platform and installation of grounding system at new station as shown on the drawings. 6. Transfer of SWBNO Station Control Automation Panel from existing electrical equipment platform to the new facility and reinstall it in the new station, as shown on the drawings. 7. Transfer of SWBNO Data Transmission (SCADA) Panel from existing electrical equipment platform to the new facility and reinstall it in the new station, as shown on the drawings. 8. Relocate the exiting SCADA radio antenna tower in close proximity of the temporary location of the electrical equipment platform, as shown on the drawings. Return the antenna tower to SWBNO when the new pump station is finished. 9. Furnishing and installing "As Built" control diagram on station wall. 10. Demolition of existing station service and electrical systems. 15 - 1 11. Return of existing, non-reusable electrical equipment to the SWBNO. B. Contractor shall also be responsible for any and all additional work required to properly accomplish the evident intent of these specifications, and provide a complete, operable Sewage Pumping Facility. 15-03 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY A. The Contractor is responsible for providing all labor, tools, temporary construction, materials, supervision and appurtenances of any nature required to accomplish the evident intent of these plans and specifications. B. Various items necessary and proper for the construction may not be shown on the plans or named in the specifications. This shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to furnish and/or perform said items in order to accomplish the intent of the contract. 15-04 INSPECTIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. The electrical installation shall conform to the requirements of the latest addition of the New Orleans Building Code, the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). B. Electrical equipment shall be built and tested in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). C. A City of New Orleans Electrical Inspection Certificate shall be furnished by Contractor after completion of all work. 15-05 CONTRACT DRAWINGS A. Electrical drawings relative to the work of this Contract are as follows: No. 5056-P1 General Notes No. 5056-P2 Site Layout Plans No. 5056-P3 Floor Plans and Elevation No. 5056-P4 Interior Elevations No. 5056-P5 Sump Pump Service Connection, Flooded Station Switch, Other Details No. 5056-P6 One-Line Diagram, Elementary Wiring Diagrams, and Pneumatic System Diagram No. 5056-P7 SCADA Panel Riser Diagram and Detail No. 5056-P8 Cathodic Protection – Deep Ground Bed installation Details No. 5056-P9 Not Used 15 - 2 No. 5056-P10 Reference: Existing Electrical Site Plan No. 5056-P11 Reference: Existing Electrical Equipment Platform and Details No. 5056-P12 Reference: Existing Pump Station Electrical Plan and Elevations No. 5056-P13 Reference: Automation Control Panel Four other Reference Drawings provided by the SWBNO, as shown on the drawings list, are used to complete the Scope of Work for electrical equipment installation of this contract. B. All drawings shall be used for general guidance only. All dimensions, sizes, locations, and equipment mountings shall be verified in the field by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining and verifying all sizes, dimensions, quantities, etc. prior to purchase of materials. Equipment and conduit runs may be relocated up to 5'-0" from the locations shown by order of the Board Engineer without additional costs, providing such relocation is ordered prior to rough- in or installation. C. Drawing scales may have been altered by photographic reproduction - Do Not Scale. 15-06 APPLICATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. Contract plans and specifications are intended to be complimentary, one to the other, and work shown described, or noted on one shall be as binding as items of work shown described or noted on both sets of documents. B. In case of conflict between the plans and the specifications, Contractor shall figure cost on the basis of the most costly alternative and call the conflict to the attention of the Board Engineer for evaluation and resolution. The Board Engineer shall be the sole authority in determining which of the conflicting items shall take precedence. Such conflict shall not be a basis for an extra cost claim or other expense to the Board. 15-07 WORK INCLUDED IN OTHER SECTIONS A. All electrical work furnished under other sections shall comply with the requirements of this Section 15 – Electrical Installation. B. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with the work of other trades and SWBNO forces to ensure the smoothest and most efficient prosecution of the work. C. The Contractor shall familiarize himself with work of other sections of these specifications to ensure proper coordination of all trades. 15-08 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP A. All materials and equipment shall be new and unused, shall comply with all applicable standards of IEEE, ANSI and NEMA, and shall bear the approved device label of the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., if such equipment or materials has been tested and listed by UL. 15 - 3 B. The work as installed is subject to the approval of the Board Engineer. Workmanship shall be of the highest quality conforming to the best electrical installation practice. Any work or material which is rejected must be removed immediately and replaced. No sub-standard work will be accepted. The placement of conduits, sleeves, grounding conductors, and openings in slabs, foundations and walls for electrical construction requirements shall be properly coordinated in all respects with work of other trades. All dimensions, measurements, special requirements, etc. shall be determined and verified in the field by the Electrical Contractor. C. It is the intent of these specifications to receive work of the highest caliber and degree of workmanship. All work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner utilizing the highest standards and current procedures currently in effect. D. All conduits shall be run truly parallel and perpendicular to all building and structure surfaces. Stubups from underground runs shall be truly vertical with no portion of the bend showing. All racks, hangers, and support structures shall be true and plumb. E. Any work performed, in the sole opinion of the Board Engineer, to less than the highest standards of acceptable workmanship shall be redone by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Board. The decision of the Board Engineer regarding acceptability of workmanship shall be final and binding on the Contractor. F. Only those items of materials and equipment so indicated on the drawings or so designated in these specifications to be furnished by the S&WB, or by others, will be furnished by others for installation by the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish all other required materials and equipment whether listed or not, as necessary for a complete and operable installation. G. Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and shall protect Board property from injury arising in connection with his work. He shall assume cost for repair of any such damage, injury, or loss. He shall adequately protect adjacent properties and facilities of other owners. 15-09 SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. All materials and/or equipment indicated on the contract plans and/or included in the specifications by a specific Manufacturer's Name, Catalog or Model Number have been selected to establish a standard for quality and/or function. If the Contractor wishes to substitute Material and/or Equipment of another manufacturer because of availability or as "an equal" he shall, after signing of the contract, comply with the following: 1. Such Materials and/or Equipment must be submitted for the Board Engineer's approval within forty-five (45) consecutive days after signing of contract and thereafter must be reviewed and approved as "Equal" by the Engineer. 2. If the Contractor fails to submit the Materials and/or Equipment substitutions within the forty-five (45) day limit or if any one of the Materials and/or Equipment submitted within the specified period is not approved by the Engineer, then only Materials and/or Equipment specified in the Contract Documents will be accepted. 15 - 4 3. The term "Equal" used herein is defined as meaning "Equal" in the opinion of the Board Engineer. 4. No more than one submittal of a proposed Material and/or Equipment substitute for each item of Material and/or Equipment indicated on the drawings and/or included in the specifications will be reviewed for approval by the Board Engineer. B. The decision of the Board Engineer shall be final and binding regarding acceptability of substitute materials and equipment. 15-10 SUBMITTALS A. After award of this Contract and before purchase of the below listed materials and equipment, the Contractor shall furnish six copies of shop drawings, catalog sheets, and any other data for approval of the following equipment and materials: 1. Motor Starters and Accessories. 2. 600 Volt Wiring, Control Wiring, Security, Radio Antenna Cable , Data System Cables and Conductors. 3. Conduit and Fittings. 4. Disconnect Switches. 5. Lighting, Switches, and Wiring Devices. 6. Pilot Control Devices. 7. Air Compressor. 8. Thermostats 9. Transformer 10. Transfer switch 11. Service Weatherhead B. Materials or Equipment listed above which are ordered without approval of the Board Engineer are subject to rejection and shall be replaced with approved items at no additional cost to the Board. 15-11 ITEMS AND EQUIPMENT REMOVED OR RETURNED A. Items to be removed by the Contractor are as shown on the drawings or as called for in these specifications. B. Materials and equipment removed shall become the Contractor's property except where noted otherwise on the drawings or in these specifications. 15 - 5 C. No materials shall be deposited in thoroughfares, canals, adjacent properties or on the jobsite. D. All electrical items to be returned shall be delivered to the Electric Shop, located at the Main Water Purification Plant, 8801 Spruce St., New Orleans, LA. Provide 24 hour advance notice of intent to deliver by telephoning 504-865-0500, Mr. Eric Mancuso, to arrange for receipt of the items. Specific items to be returned are: 1. Disconnect switches 2. Motor starters and controls 3. Automation Control Equipment, except bubbler panel 4. Lighting Panel Board 5. Transformer and Transformer Disconnect 6. Motor local power and motor heater disconnect switches 7. Transducers, gages, and accessories 8. Antenna and antenna tower 9. Lighting fixtures, emergency light fixture 10. Stainless steel enclosures 11. Sump pump controllers E. All items returned to the S&WB shall be returned in condition equal to that at the time of removal. Equipment or items to be returned to the Board which are lost or damaged shall be replaced with new items or materials equal in all respects to the original. 15-12 WARRANTY Contractor shall warrant to the Sewerage and Water Board that all work performed under this Contract shall contain no defective materials, workmanship, or title, and shall be of the kind and quality described in the specifications. Any defects appearing within one (1) year of the erection and acceptance of the equipment shall be corrected by the Contractor at no cost to the Sewerage and Water Board. 15-13 AS BUILT DRAWINGS A. Contractor shall keep and maintain accurate records of all installations under this contract. One clear, concise, and legibly marked copy of the Electrical drawings indicating the actual "as built" conditions shall be provided to the Board Engineer prior to the acceptance of the Contract. B. A complete "As Built" control and wiring diagram (Drawing 5056-P6 "As Built") shall be photographically imprinted on a 1/8" aluminum plate and shall be mounted on 15 - 6 station wall with brass machine screws and lead expansion anchors, positioned five (5') feet above the finished floor to center of drawing. The finished graphic shall be 22" x 29" (nominal) and is locally available through Metal Graphics, Inc. 15-14 CUTTING, PATCHING AND PAINTING A. The Contractor shall perform all cutting, patching and painting required for the installation of all electrical circuits and equipment. B. Patching and painting shall match original material, texture and paint type and color. C. Furnish and install all necessary sleeves, inserts, thimbles, anchor bolts, etc., required for conduit, lighting fixtures, or other Electrical equipment. The proper location of all inserts, sleeves, thimbles, anchor bolts, etc. is the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor. 15-15 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, AND BACKFILL A. The Contractor shall perform all trenching and excavation to the depth and section as shown on the plans or as proper for installation of the underground conduit. Trenches may be earth formed if desired by the Contractor. If soil conditions should so warrant, the trench shall be sheeted and braced to maintain its integrity until after encasing concrete has been poured and set. No extra payment shall be allowed for sheeting and bracing if judged necessary by either the Contractor or the Board Engineer. B. Trenches shall be flat and level with vertical sides unless elevation changes are required to clear some existing utility or obstacle. Trench bottom shall be free of debris, lumps, muck or unstable earth. C. The trenches shall be dewatered and shall be maintained free of standing or flowing water until after installation of conduit and encasing steel reinforced concrete. D. Backfill material shall be select materials salvaged from the excavation and shall be free of roots, rocks, bricks, construction debris, etc. Backfill shall be applied in layers not to exceed six (6") inches in depth and shall be thoroughly tamped to density of surrounding earth prior to application of successive layers. E. Existing concrete shall be saw cut prior to excavation to ensure neat surface restoration. Wire mesh reinforcing in concrete areas shall be preserved during excavation and shall be tied into similar reinforcing during replacement of concrete. Refer to applicable sections of the General Specifications for requirements for resurfacing concrete areas. F. The surface shall be restored to condition equal to that prior to disturbance. Contractor shall maintain all backfilled areas level with surrounding grades during the course of the contract and shall make final adjustments, if so ordered by the Board Engineer, at the completion of the 45 day maintenance period following acceptance of the contract. 15-16 CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND DUCTBANKS A. All concrete for duct construction and conduit encasement shall be 3000 p.s.i. rated concrete colored by mixing of 10 pounds of red dye per cubic yard of concrete 15 - 7 contained in the truck. Mixing shall be accomplished in the truck prior to pouring of the concrete. Hand mixing shall not be allowed. B. All conduit for underground ducts shall be rigid heavy wall Schedule 40 PVC, Carlon PV-Duitt, or galvanized steel conduit. All sleeves or fittings shall be made up tight and shall be approved for concrete encasement to prevent entry of wet concrete into the duct system. Conduit sizes shall be as shown on the plans. C. Concrete shall be applied to conduits to provide a minimum of four (4") inch coverage all around. Conduits shall be supported on chairs or other non-hydroscopic material to elevate the conduits a minimum of the four (4") inches above the bottom of the trench to allow for complete passage of concrete. Concrete shall be mechanically vibrated immediately after pouring to ensure full and complete coverage. All conduits shall be securely anchored to the bottom or sides of the trench with reinforcing steel, metal tubing, or other non-hydroscopic material to prevent floating in the wet concrete. D. If soil conditions at the bottom of the trench should so warrant, the Contractor shall provide plywood chair supports of minimum six (6") inch width to prevent sinking of the chairs and conduits into unstable earth. E. Concrete encasement shall be extended a minimum of six (6") inches above grade when conduits rise outdoors from the trench. The encasement shall be sloped to prevent collection of water around the conduit risers. F. Reinforcing steel shall be continuous throughout the entire duct runs. Reinforcing steel shall be lapped at splice points a minimum of 40 times the diameter of the rod. Reinforcing shall be continuous where horizontal runs rise vertically to above grade, or penetrate manhole walls. G. Ductbank reinforcing steel shall be tied into station foundation reinforcing as shown on the plans. H. Ductbank shall be pile supported as shown on the drawings. Four (4) class 1, 30 foot long treated piles shall be driven on centerline of the ductbank with even spacing from service to the station. Pile top shall extend three (3") inches into the duct encasement, as shown on the plans. I. Provide a vaporseal barrier to isolate duct bank from service pole, if necessary. J. Prior to insertion of conductors, Contractor shall clean and swab all underground conduits and shall pull a full size rigid mandrel through to prove the internal integrity of all underground installations. 15-17 CONDUIT, FITTINGS, SUPPORTS, AND INSTALLATION A. All conduit installed above ground shall be rigid copper free aluminum. All conduit installed below grade shall be reinforced concrete encased, Schedule 40 PVC or rigid galvanized steel as required by the plans. All conduit encased in concrete building slabs, walls, ceilings, etc. shall be rigid galvanized steel. 15 - 8 B. Aluminum conduit shall be used for building wiring and systems not encased in concrete. Conduit which may contact concrete or grout, passing through walls or floors, shall be rigid galvanized steel and insulated or wrapped to prevent possible corrosion. C. Conduits shall be run parallel to each other and parallel and perpendicular to building surfaces. Direction changes shall be made by means of field bends. All bends in multiple conduit runs shall be concentric to provide a neat workmanlike appearance. D. Conduits shall be cut with a hack saw or power saw only - pipe cutters shall not be allowed. Conduits shall be properly reamed after cutting. Conduits shall be threaded with standard tapered electrical conduit dies with five (5) full threads applied. Field cuts in steel conduit or unistrut shall be immediately coated with cold galvo compounds - no rust will be accepted. E. Condulets and conduit fittings shall be cast aluminum or malleable iron with full screw covers and gaskets. Condulets and fittings shall only be used in lieu of field bends where either shown on the plans or as specifically allowed and approved by the Board Engineer. Condulets shall be selected (C,LB,LR,LL,T, or TB) to allow direct front access to the condulet cover. F. Conduits shall be secured to building surfaces by means of malleable iron one hole straps and backing plates. Stamped steel one hole straps shall not be allowed. Conduits shall be mounted to unistrut or power strut supports with approved clamps. G. All conduits entering panels, junction boxes, enclosures, etc. shall be fitted with insulated throat grounding bushings, or Meyers Hubs. H. Conduits shall penetrate building or existing manhole walls through core drilled holes. The annular space shall be filled with a sand and cement grout after installation of the conduit. I. Conduits entering the top or sides of outdoor boxes, panels, enclosures, etc. shall be fitted with Meyers Hubs. J. Conduits penetrating walls or floors from below ground areas shall be sealed as necessary to prevent ingress of water along either interior or along exterior of conduit. K. Union fittings installed on aluminum conduit shall be aluminum as manufactured by Killark, or equal. L. Flexible metal conduit shall be liquid tight with hot-dip galvanized steel core and extruded polyvinyl gray jacket, O.Z. type UAG, or equal. Connectors for liquid tight conduit shall be the grounding type, malleable iron, cadmium plated, O.Z., "GroundTite", or equal. Length of "Sealtight" conduit shall not exceed 18 inches. M. Sizes of conduits shall not be smaller than 3/4" or the NEC requirements, but in no case shall be smaller than shown on the drawings. N. Conduit routings deviating from those indicated on the drawings shall not be used without approval by the Engineer; however, the Contractor shall make allowance for 15 - 9 possible obstructions to the routes indicated. O. Contractor shall provide properly bonded expansion fittings where conduits cross building expansion joints. Conduit expansion fittings shall be combination expansiondeflection type, O.Z. type Ax8, or approved equal. Conduits shall cross expansion joints at right angles to the joint. P. Conduits stubbing up from below electrical equipment shall be terminated with insulated throat grounding bushings connected together with one continuous stranded bare copper cable connected at both ends to the ground bus. Q. Connection of all motors and equipment subject to vibration and not equipped with a portable cord shall be made with liquid tight flexible metal conduit to a maximum length of 18 inches between the rigid system and equipment. R. Spacing between conduit supports shall not exceed 10 feet. Conduits shall not be fastened to members of steel structures that are removable. Conduit hangers shall be supported from building structures and not from equipment or other conduits. S. Conduits supported on steel structural members shall be clamped to the structure with malleable iron, hot-dip galvanized clamps, Korns, or approved equal. T. Trapeze type conduit supports shall consist of unistrut channel, P-1000 or P-1001 (galvanized steel or aluminum as required) as indicated on the plans. Unistrut channel, conduit straps, and bolts and nuts shall be aluminum for aluminum conduit and hot- dip galvanized steel for steel conduit. Hanger rods, beam clamps, concrete inserts and miscellaneous hardware shall be hot-dip galvanized. U. All hardware items which are not part of manufactured equipment and which are supplied by the Contractor shall be aluminum or stainless steel, type 316, for use with aluminum materials or equipment and hot-dip galvanized steel for use with galvanized materials or equipment. V. Aluminum struts and supports, such as trapeze for multiple conduit runs, shall be insulated from threaded steel rods, washers and nuts, by fiber washers and from concrete or structural steel by 1/8" thick neoprene rubber pads. W. All spare building conduits shall be fitted with a 40# pull string and capped. 15-18 JUNCTION, PULL, AND OUTLET BOXES A. Pull boxes in runs of rigid steel conduit shall be heavy duty external flanged for flush mounting. Bodies shall be of Feraloy iron alloy. Covers shall be heavy duty checkered steel plates with cemented neoprene gasket and stainless steel screws. Pull boxes shall be rated for H-20 vehicular traffic loading. Both cover and body shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. Pull boxes shall be NEMA 4, weather proof and water tight. Pull boxes shall be Cooper WJBF or equal. B. Pull boxes and junction boxes in runs of aluminum conduit shall be cast aluminum with cast aluminum, gasketed covers for boxes nominally four (4") inches square and smaller. 15 - 10 C. Pull boxes and junction boxes in runs of exposed aluminum conduit shall be fabricated of 1/8" thick aluminum sheet with screw-on, gasketed aluminum covers, for boxes larger than four (4") inches square. D. Outlet boxes for surface mounted switches, receptacles, etc. shall be cast aluminum with cast aluminum device covers, Crouse-Hinds type FS or FD boxes, or equal. Covers for weatherproof duplex receptacles shall have spring doors, Crouse-Hinds Cat. No. WLRD-1, or equal. E. Junction and pull boxes shall be furnished as indicated on the plans or as required in the field for proper installation of the conduit and wiring systems. All boxes shall be selected and applied in accordance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code pertaining to such boxes. F. Wiring device boxes for concealed runs within building shall be 4-11/16" boxes, recessed, with plaster rings. Provide stainless steel covers. 15-19 WIRE AND CABLE A. 600 Volt Conductors - Building Wire: All conductors installed in conduit for power and lighting service shall be 600 volt rated, stranded copper, 90/75 degree C, THHN/THWN insulated and sized as shown on the plans or as required by the N.E.C. In no case shall power wiring be less than #12 Awg. B. Two (2) multi-conductor control cables shall be installed between each motor starter and the automation panel and the SCADA panel, as shown on the plans. Cable shall be small diameter, Type TC Tray Cable, 600 volt rated, # 14 AWG, 7 conductor, color coded for power and control service, consisting of stranded THHN/THWN insulated copper conductors bundled and bound with clear mylar tape and covered overall by a sunlight and moisture resistant PVC jacket. Control cables shall be acceptable for use in OSHA regulated installations, UL listed as Type C, and shall be flame retardant, meeting the requirements of ICEA S-61-402, UL-1272, and IEEE-383. Color coding shall be by means of pigmented and colored insulation per IPCEA Method 1A which combines pigmented coloring and numerical conductor coding. C. Ground Conductors: 1. Equipment and service grounding conductors installed in conduit shall be green jacketed. Type THHN/THWN, 600 volt stranded copper, sized as shown on the plans. 2. GREEN TAPE OR GREEN PAINTED CONDUCTORS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 15 - 11 D. Radio Antenna Cable: Cable installed between the Radio and Antenna shall be 1/2" Foam Filled, Super Flexible Heliax Cable, Andrew #FSJ4-50B. E. Data System Cables: 1. Single Pair Twisted/Shielded Cable: Single pair cables shall consist of stranded bare copper conductors per ASTM B-3, sized as shown on the plans, covered by 300 volt, 90 degrees C PVC insulation. Each pair shall consist of a black and white conductor twisted in combination with a tinned stranded copper drain wire and covered overall with a polyester supported aluminum tape shield. Outer jacket shall be PVC, flame retardant and UV stabilized. 2. Multi-Pair Twisted/Shielded Cable: Multi-pair cable shall be constructed to standards and in manner as specified above for single pair cable. Each internal twisted pair shall be individually shielded and shall be identified by printed pair and group numbers. Cable shall be constructed with a staggered pair lay scheme. All pairs shall be bundled with polyester core tape with 25% minimum overlap. Entire cable shall be covered overall by a PVC jacket, flame retardant per IEEE requirements and UV stabilized. 15-20 WIRE AND CABLE INSTALLATION AND TERMINATION A. Each conduit shall be continuous, open and clear of debris and obstructions before Contractor installs wire or cable. The conductors shall be installed in such manner and by such methods as to insure against damage to the insulation, damage to the outer jacket, or stretching of the conductor. B. Wires and cables shall be pulled in their conduits with the application of a suitable lubricant, such as Ideal Yellow 77, or equal, that will have no injurious effect on the covering of the conductor. No oil or grease shall be used. C. Cables shall be pulled into PVC Ducts with natural or synthetic fiber ropes - wire rope or steel cable will not be allowed. D. Cable terminations at motors rated 480 volts and below shall be made with tinned copper compression lugs on both incoming cables and on motor leads bolted together with bolts, nuts, washers and lock washers, all of silicon bronze. Each bolted connection shall be insulated with a heat shrink motor connection kit, Raychem Type MCK, or approved equal, of the proper type for the size of cable terminated. E. Splices and taps made on power circuits, where approved by the Board Engineer, shall be made with a bronze split-bolt connector. The splice or tap shall be insulated with a heat shrink sleeve, Raychem Type WCS, or approved equal. F. Terminations in all control wiring under screw heads shall be made with insulated, tinned copper, crimp-on, ring terminals. 15 - 12 G. Multi-conductor control cable shall be spliced, where specifically required, with 3M Manufacturing Company, Scotchcast Splicing Kits. H. All open wiring connections shall be effectively taped and insulated for the working voltage. I. All new conductors for Low Voltage Power, Control, Data Communications, etc. shall be installed in continuous runs without splices. J. Splices and taps in building service wiring serving lights, receptacles, etc. shall be made in approved boxes or enclosures by means of wirenut type connectors with internal helical spring contacts. K. Low Voltage Electrical Tape shall be Scotch 33+ vinyl plastic. High Voltage Tape shall be Scotch 130C linerless tape. Irregular surfaces of bolts, connectors, etc. shall be filled with Scotch "Scotchfil" insulating putty prior to taping. L. Terminations for Radio Equipment: 1. Antenna shall be Decibel Products Directional Antenna #DB-230J with Integral Female Connector. 2. Antenna lead whip shall have captive type N-Female connector for connecting to male #44ASW connectors on main cable. M. Shielded data cable shall be terminated by application of two (2") inch minimum length of shrink tubing on each end. Shield and drain wire shall protrude on panel end and shall be cut back and sealed by the shrink tube on field device end. 15-21 TESTING OF WIRE AND CABLE A. When wire and cable installation is complete and not more than 72 hours before energization of the system the wire and cable shall be tested. Testing shall consist of a megohmeter or high potential test for all insulated wire and cable. Contractor shall test only new wiring installed under this contract. B. 600 volt rated power cable shall be given a megger test with a 1000 volt megger and held for one minute or until reading reaches a constant value for 15 seconds. Minimum acceptable reading is 100 megohms. Cable shall be unconnected when tested. C. Control cables shall be tested with the 500 volt megger. Minimum acceptable reading is 1.0 megohm. D. Certified copies of all test results, which clearly identify the particular wire or cable tested, shall be submitted to the Board Engineer prior to energizing any system. 15-22 GROUNDING A. The grounding system shall be installed in accordance with Article 250 of the National Electrical Code. 15 - 13 B. A green insulated ground conductor, Type THHN/THWN, sized as shown on the plans and in accordance with Table 250-95 of the National Electrical Code, shall be run in all conduits and bonded to all ground buses, bushings, and equipment. C. All metallic conduit, transformers, supports, troughs, switchgear enclosures, cabinets, boxes and other equipment enclosures shall be grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code. D. Insulated Throat Grounding Bushings shall be used on all conduits entering safety switches, motor starters, troughs, control panels, enclosures, and panelboards. Grounding conductors shall be bound to each grounding bushing. E. All motor frames shall be grounded through the rigid conduit system and a separate grounding conductor through flexible "Sealtite" conduit. F. All equipment grounding conductors shall be either bare or green insulated stranded copper. Painted or taped insulation will not be accepted as a substitute for green insulation. G. The entire station conduit system shall be grounded by means of screwed fittings with five full threads engaged; set screw or compression type fittings are unacceptable, and internal ground wire which shall be pulled in all conduits. Each conduit not terminating in a device with integral hub shall be fitted with an insulated throat grounding bushing. Conduit ground wires shall be bound to said bushings, enclosure ground connections and cabinets. H. All connections to rods, water pipes, or building columns shall be made by means of braized fittings. In lieu of braized fittings, Cadweld type connections may be used if desired. I. Drain wires from shielded pairs shall be grounded in the main terminal panel only. Do not ground in intermediate panels, boxes, fittings, or at point of field device connection. 15-23 WIRING DEVICES A. All convenience outlets shall be Hubbell #5362B, 20 ampere, Brown phenolic, heavy duty, specifications grade duplex receptacles. B. Lighting switches shall be Hubbell, single pole, brown, #1221, 20 ampere AC/DC specifications grade switches. C. Fan thermostat shall be full voltage, 120 volt, as specified hereinafter. D. Lighting photocell shall be Hubbell #PTA-1 to control 120 volt outdoor lighting. E. Mounting Heights: 1. Light Switches = 54" above finish floor. 2. Convenience Outlets = 36" above finished interior operating floor; 48" above 15 - 14 bottom floor. F. Sump Pump Power and Control wiring devices shall be Hubbell twist-lock, 20 ampere devices as follows: 1. Wall mounted Power receptacles shall be Hubbell # 2410A, NEMA L620R 2. Control box connector body for power to sump pump cord connection shall be a Hubbell # 2320. 3. Plug for control box incoming power cord shall be a Hubbell #2411 Plug, NEMA L620P. 4. Connector body for the control box pilot control cord (sump pump float switch wiring) shall be a Hubbell #7101-C. 5. Sump pump control boxes shall be modified to install three cords, each 18" in length, which shall be fitted with the plugs and connector bodies specified above for quick box replacement in the field. Control boxes shall be hung on wall bracket as shown on the plans. 6. All wiring devices shall have a weather-proof enclosure (while in use weather proof plastic cover) to meet NEMA 3R, NEC406.8(B) requirements. Hubbell RW57350 for single vertical gang or RW57750 for two-gang. 15-24 LIGHTING A. Interior lighting fixtures shall be Columbia Lighting Fixture #WPM4-232-EU and Columbia #FNPV4-232-CA-EU2H-SSL with wall mounted bracket #PTBA wall mounted fluorescent fixtures with 2-32 watt, rapid start, "Phillips #32T8/TL841" fluorescent tubes and Electronic Ballasts, Magnetek or equal. Fixtures shall be mounted at elevation as shown on the drawings and shall be controlled from a surface mounted switch adjacent to the station door. B. Exterior fixtures shall be Hubbell Perimalite #PRM-150S-118, 150 watt high pressure sodium, controlled by 120 volt photocell. 15-25 ELECTRIC SERVICE A. T E M P O R A R Y S E R V I C E : A three phase, Four wire, 480 volt Temporary underground Electric Service shall be provided by Entergy. Contractor shall furnish and install incoming service conductors and conduit on relocated platform for connection to the Entergy service as shown on the plans. B. Contractor shall assume and bear all costs incurred in the installation of the new service connection and shall pay all associated costs as estimated and assessed by Entergy. C. Costs of service, if any, shall be obtained from Entergy prior to submittal of bids by contacting Mr. Mike Dupuis, (504) 756-8999. Contractor shall coordinate his work with Entergy, other trades, and the Board Engineer. 15 - 15 D. Existing pumping requirements are being handled mainly by the existing pumping equipment. A temporary engine driven external pump will be utilized on an as needed basis when outages of the existing pumping equipment becomes unavoidable. E. The existing electrical equipment used for the proper functioning of the pump station shall be relocated to the temporary location, as shown on the drawings, until the new station is built. F. PERMANENT SERVICE: A three phase, four wire 480 volt Overhead Electrical service shall be provide by Entergy. Contractor shall furnish and install incoming service conductors, conduit and weatherhead on building as shown on the plans. 5-26 SAFETY SWITCHES A. All safety switches shall be UL Listed, shall meet or exceed Federal Specification W-S-865C for Type HD enclosed heavy duty switches, and NEMA Enclosed Switch Standard KS1-1983 for Type HD switches. Fusible switches shall be UL Listed for 200,000 RMS Symmetrical Amperes Interrupting Capacity when used with Class J or R fuses. B. Safety switches shall be Premium Construction Specifications Grade, heavy-duty type, visible blade with quick-make, quick-break mechanism, rated for 250 or 600 volts with ampere ratings shall be as indicated on the plans, either fusible or non- fusible, as shown. C. Enclosures shall be NEMA 12 for indoor mounted switches and Nema 3R for outdoor mounted switches, with full cover interlock and defeater mechanism. D. Provide switches as listed below: 1. Isolation Disconnect Switch. General Electric Unfused Disconnect switch, Cat No. THN3365R, 400 AMPS, three pole, with capability of being locked in the "closed" position with a single padlock (field drilled). 2. Station Main Disconnect: General Electric fusible, 400 ampere, NEMA 12, 600 volt, three pole disconnect, Catalog #TH3365. Provide Littlefuse 400 AMP fuses as specified hereinafter. 3. Transformer Disconnect: General Electric two pole fusible, NEMA 12, 600 volt, 60 ampere disconnect, Catalog #TH2262JDC for primary circuit of a single phase 15 KVA transformer as specified hereinafter. Provide Littlefuse LPS-RK-30 fuses, as specified hereinafter. 15-27 MOTOR STARTERS A. Furnish and install an Allen-Bradley Cat. No. 512-EJB-3-4LR-6YGPC-9-26R-9001122C-416-425-AMM-AMS-TB18-MS NEMA Size 4 combination type switch and fuse motor starter for each sewage pump. Note: Standardization of motor control equipment throughout the Sewage Pumping 15 - 16 Network dictates that "No Substitutions" will be considered for the above specified starters. B. Starters shall be NEMA Size 4, 480 volt, with 120 volt, 60 Hertz control circuit. Each starter shall have three phase Eutectic Alloy overload protection using type W overload elements and NEMA 12 Enclosures with external overload reset button. Solid state overloads are not allowed in this application. C. Starters shall be factory modified to include three (3) 150/5 line current transformers wired to a four position (three phase with off) ammeter switch and panel type ammeter, both mounted in enclosure door. D. Each contactor shall have two (2) normally open (NO) and two (2) normally closed (NC) auxiliary contacts. Wire all to terminal block within enclosure. E. A control power transformer shall be furnished with 200 watts extra capacity to accommodate motor space heaters. The transformer shall have primary and secondary fusing. F. Control components shall be provided as follows: 1. One (1) Red LED Type Pilot Indicating Light in enclosure door, Allen-Bradley Cat. No. 800T-PL16R, with Nameplate #800T-X524 ("Run"). 2. Door Mounted "Hand-off-Auto Switch”, Allen Bradley three position maintained contact Cat. # 800T-J2B with nameplate Allen Bradley # 800T-X511. 3. Door Mounted, factory installed Elapsed Time Meter operated by a N.O. contact from the starter contactor. 4. One (1) 18 Circuit Terminal Block sufficient for all control conductors between starter, automation panel, SCADA data panel, and all contactor auxiliary contacts, space heater wiring, etc.; see details on plans. 6. Engraved phenolic nameplate on starter door to indicate "Motor #1" or "Motor #2" in one (1") inch tall letters. 6. Motor space heating wiring including one (1) N.C. starter auxiliary contact, line fuses block and fuse, terminals, etc. 15-28 STATION POWER TRANSFORMER A. Furnish and install one (1) station power and lighting transformer, 15 KVA, single phase, 480-120/240 volts, 60 Hertz, 150 degrees C rise, General Electric Type QMS, Cat. #9T21B1009G02. B. Transformer enclosure shall be of heavy gauge sheet steel, finished with baked gray enamel and furnished with complete provisions for wall mounting. 15 - 17 C. Transformer winding shall provide 2-5% FCBN voltage taps for adjustment of secondary voltage. 15-29 PANELBOARD A. Furnish and install one (1) General Electric Type AQ, single phase, three wire, 120/240 volt Distribution Panelboard as shown on the plans. Panelboard shall be complete with all necessary main and branch circuit breakers as shown on the plans, plus neutral and ground bars. B. Panelboard shall be designed in accordance with, and shall meet the latest published standards of NEC, UL 67 for Panelboards, UL 50 for Cabinets, UL 943-GFCI, UL 489 for molded case breakers and shall be UL Listed. In addition, all panelboards shall conform to NEMA PB1 and Federal Specifications W-P-115A, WC-375B/GEN and W-S-865C, as applicable. C. Panelboard shall have copper bus with copper neutral and ground bars. Cabinets shall be galvanized steel without knockouts. Panel trim shall be gray enamel coated steel with lock. A printed (typewritten) circuit directory card shall be located inside the cover door or each individual panel. D. Main and Branch Breakers shall be provided as shown on the plans. General Electric Type THQB, 10,000 A.I.C., and shall provide positive trip indication other than merely the position of the handle. 15-30 LAY-IN WIRING TROUGHS A. Furnish a welded aluminum 10" x 10" x 16'-0" wiring troughs which shall be installed on the station wall, as depicted on the plans. B. Each trough shall be fabricated from 1/8" aluminum with fully welded seams to provide one piece construction without knockouts. A gasketed screwed full aluminum front cover shall be provided for the trough. Provide screws on nine (9") inch centers minimum. C. Station 480 volt power conductors shall be tapped and distributed within the troughs. Provide one (1) #6 Awg mechanical one hole ground lug within the trough for bonding to the station grounding conductor. 15-31 AUTOMATIC CONTROL PANEL A. The Automatic Control (Bubbler) Panel is existing and to be reused for the new pump station. Contractor shall temporarily relocate the panel along with the existing electrical equipment platform and eventually to its final location with the pump station when the new pump station building is completed. Contractor is responsible for remote conduit, wiring, and the furnishing and installation of field sensing devices as specified hereinafter and as shown on the plans. 15 - 18 15-32 AIR COMPRESSOR A. Provide one (1) Speedaire direct-drive, Oil-less Air Compressor Model 5Z598C complete with automatic Pressure Setting, free air flow @ 90 psi 3.2 CFM, Max pressure 135 psi, and three (3) gallons air tank. B. Compressor shall be floor mounted below the automation panel and shall receive power from the compressor power receptacle. C. Pressure switch shall be preset to turn on at 45 psi and off at 60 psi. D. Air compressor and associated valves shall be piped to the air filter regulator and shall enter the panel by means of 1/4" polyflow tubing. 15-33 SUPERVISORY CONTROL - DATA TRANSMISSION PANEL A. The Supervisory Control (SCADA) Panel is existing and to be reused for the new pump station. Contractor shall temporarily relocate the panel along with the existing electrical equipment platform and eventually to its final location with the pump station when the new pump station building is completed. Contractor is responsible for remote conduit, wiring, and the furnishing and installation of field sensing devices as specified hereinafter and as shown on the plans. B. Furnish and install field devices as follows: 1. Motor Control Switch position indicating contacts to signal switch setting in either “Hand or Auto" position. Note: Said contacts are included as spare contacts on the switch previously specified in Section 15-27-F-2. 2. Motor normally open contact to indicate "motor running". Note: Contact for this purpose has been previously specified as a spare contact in Section 15-27-D. 3. Flooded Station Float Switch, shall be an Allen Bradley No. 840-A1 wall mounted float switch with #840-1ADS stainless steel float and rod and wall mount bracket. Switch contact block shall provide 1-NO and 1-NO contact wire as shown on the plans to initiate the Alarm Relay in the Automation Panel and to signal presence of water in the SCADA Panel. 4. Station entry door limit switches (two required) shall be Allen Bradley Proximity Switches, Cat. No. 802PR-LACA2, Series “C”, with fixed NC contacts. Provide wiring of NC output contacts in series arrangement, as shown on the plans. Mount switches on door casing to activate switch when door is closed. Provide steel contact pad on door to activate switch, if required. 5. Wet well levels shall be transmitted from the Pressure Transducer in the Autocon Panel, as previously specified. 6. Enable Lag Pump "ELP" contact is a "Permissive" interlock which shall be wired to the automation panel as shown on the plans to block automatic operation of the lag pump unless specifically permitted by an operator from the Computer location. 15 - 19 7. Pump discharge pressure shall be transmitted to the SCADA Panel by means of a 4-20 ma output signal. Furnish two (2) Viatran No. 5705AMST27H, 0-75 psi pressure transducers with 4-20 ma full scale output (+ or - 10% adjustable) and mating stainless steel electrical connector. The transducer excitation voltage shall be 11-40 VDC derived from the +24 VDC user source available in the SCADA Panel. The exterior surfaces shall be type 316 stainless steel, fully welded and sealed construction without use of O-rings. Unit shall be capable of operation over a temperature range of -40 F to +190 F and shall be fully submersible to 100 feet of water. Transducers shall attach to pump with 1/4" - 18 NPT female connection. Provide 1/4" shutoff cock to allow pump operation with transducer removed and piping quick disconnect fitting equal in all respects to the existing. In the event the 1/4” piping, cock and quick disconnect are not adversely affected by the submergence, they may be reused with approval of the Board Engineer. Electrical connection shall be ½" - 14 NPT male conduit connection to cast aluminum LB condulet to allow for termination of #18 AWG transducer wiring to twisted and shielded pair cable on minimum size #20 AWG. 8. Panel Operating Power: Provide 120 volt AC, single phase circuit from the station lighting panel as shown on the plans. Provide Buss LPN-RK-15 fuses. 9. Radio Antenna Output: Furnish antenna cable, Andrew No. FSJ4-50B, Superflexible 1/2" Foam Filled Heliax Cable to antenna as shown on the plans. Provide cable terminations on each end as previously specified. Provide antenna and antenna mast as shown on the plans, and as previously specified. 10. Power failure alarm shall be input to the SCADA Panel from a normally open contact Alarm Relay "A1", as shown on the plans. 11. Water Pressure Switch - Allen Bradley #836-C2J, NEMA 4 Enclosure with 1/4" brass shutoff valve. 15-35 MOTORS A. Contractor shall furnish and install all conduit and wiring to pump motors furnished under the mechanical section of these specifications, including space heater wiring. Contractor shall size overload elements in motor starters for actual full load current shown on motor nameplates. B. Contractor shall note location of motor potheads before pouring concrete slab and adjust conduit run to opposite side of frame if required. Conduit at the motors shall stub up 18" above the floor. Connection from conduits to motors shall be made with sealtight. Potheads may be rotated 90 degrees to accommodate conduits. Contractor shall not run conduit through motor frame. Motor potheads shall not be inverted to require a 180 degree bend in connecting sealtight. 15 - 20 C. A one-half (1/2") inch conduit shall run to space heaters through a "T" fitting, as required in the field. 15-36 EXHAUST FAN A. The exhaust fan is described and furnished under the mechanical section of these specifications. A 120 volt thermostat, complete with auto-on switch, and firestat shall be furnished, rated for the intended load. B. Exhaust fan shall be powered from the circuit breaker panel, as shown the plans, and shall turn "on" in automatic mode with temperature increasing over the setpoint. Temperature falling below setpoint shall turn fan "off". 15-37 EXHAUST BLOWER A. The exhaust fan is described and furnished under the mechanical section of these specifications. Exhaust fan shall be powered from the circuit breaker panel, as shown the plans, and shall run continuously. B. The Exhaust blower shall have a local manual switch mounted at the blower fan location to override the continuous operation. Switch shall be an Allen Bradley double pole single phase motor starter with overload element, Cat. #600-TAX109. 15-38 FUSES A. All 480 volt and 250 volt fusible equipment shall be equipped with Littlefuse dual element time delay, Type R rejection fuses, Class RK-1 and RK-5, as required by the plans, with positive blown fuse indicator built integrally with the main fusebody and visible from the front when viewed in fuse holders. Indicating feature shall not use “pop-up” pins or similar indicating means. Fuses shall be premium quality rated for 300,000 ampere interrupting capacity, with type and ampere rating embossed into end ferrules or buswork. Overload element shall open at a temperature less than 300 F, and shall be thermally reversible to withstand repeated cycling. Fuse construction shall be such that end ferrules are electrically continuous with buswork and remain “hot” with fuse energized. B. Contractor shall furnish fuses as shown on the plans. Furnish 10% spare fuses, but no less than three (3) of each rating and voltage level used. C. Control fuses shall be furnished as required by the particular control device. Provide spares as outlined above. D. Switchgear control circuit fuses shall be furnished as recommended by the manufacturer. Provide spares as outlined above. 15-39 NAMEPLATES, LABELING, AND MARKING A. All items of power and control shall have engraved phenolic nameplates. B. All Disconnect Switches, Double Throw Switches, and Motor Starters shall have an engraved phenolic nameplate, three ply, white letters on black background, identifying 15 - 21 the device and source of power. C. Secure nameplates to enclosure faces with drive screws, rivets, or stainless steel selftapping screws. Glued or taped nameplates will not be accepted. D. All panelboard directories shall be neatly typed to identify circuit loads. E. Provide two (2") inch high stainless steel numerals on each motor to indicate Motor #1 or Motor #2. Numerals shall be attached to motor frame by means of brass or machine screws in tapped holes. 15-40 CLEANING UP A. The Contractor shall remove all debris, surplus and waste materials, oil, grease, or stains resulting from the work performed prior to acceptance. All panel, starter, enclosure, switchgear and device interiors shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt, debris, etc. prior to final acceptance. Touch-up all paint and finishes damaged in installation. Touch-up paint shall exactly match and blend with factory finishes. B. All rust shall be removed to base metal which shall be primed and painted to match original finish. Rusted nuts, bolts, washers, or other items of hardware shall be replaced at no additional cost. 15-41 STATION START-UP A. Contractor shall demonstrate to the Board Engineer that all control and power systems are fully operational and will perform in accordance with the intent of these specifications. B. Motor rotation shall be verified and corrected as required. Full load current shall be measured and motor overload heaters revised accordingly. C. Automation panel elevations and spans shall be set to the elevations provided by the S&WB operations department. D. All field inputs to the SCADA System shall be checked for operation and properly calibrated. * * * END OF SECTION 15 * * * 15 - 22 SECTION 16 CATHODIC PROTECTION - DEEP GROUND BED INSTALLATION 16-01 SCOPE AND EXTENT OF CONTRACT A. The work to be performed under this contract consists of furnishing and delivering all labor, materials, supervision, construction equipment, mechanical and electrical equipment not furnished by the Board, travel, utilities, transportation, supplies, tools and services necessary for performing all work as specified in the Contract Documents. B. Provide all items, articles, materials, equipment, etc., mentioned herein or scheduled or shown on the drawings, and all labor, workmanship, tools, appliances, etc., required for the proper installation thereof, to accomplish the intention. In general, this Contract shall provide any item of labor or material which is obviously necessary for a complete installation to accomplish the intention, whether specifically mentioned or not. C. The work to be performed includes, but is not limited to the following items of work: 1. Drilling of one (1) 200 foot deep, 12 inch diameter hole for installation of a new anode assembly. 2. Furnish and install new anode assembly complete with conduit and wiring back to shunt box. Furnish and install new vent system as shown on the plans. 3. Provide new fused disconnect, rectifier and shunt box complete with conduit and wiring. 4. Existing conduit and negative wires to Sewer Main shall be reused. Provide cable test and splice handhole as shown on the plans at point of connection of new negative leads to existing. Connect to new rectifier with new conduit and wiring. 5. Provide Ground Bed concrete marker slab as shown on the plans. D. CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATIONS 1. Cathodic Protection Contractor shall be a local firm known to be skilled and reputable Contractor engaged in construction and operation of Cathodic Protection Systems and qualified to perform the type work described by these contract documents. 2. Contractor shall have been continuously in business as an established firm, engaged in this type of construction for a minimum of 5 years and shall have satisfactorily installed at least 10 deep well ground beds of the type required in these documents. 16-02 HOLES A. The Contractor shall drill a 12" minimum diameter hole 200 feet deep at the location shown on the plans, and install the anode assemblies as shown on drawings. 16 - 1 B. If an artisan well or underground lake cause excessive surface discharge, the hole shall be sealed by the Contractor. 16-03 BORING LOG A typewritten boring log showing soil classification at each elevation shall be furnished from information recorded as the hole is being drilled. 16-04 ANODE ASSEMBLIES A. The ground bed shall contain two (2) sets of four (4) graphite electrodes 4" in diameter and 80" long. The electrode lead shall be attached as detailed on the cathodic protection detail plans. Each electrode shall be centered in the middle of a diagonal wrap, 26 gauge, metal casing while the coke breeze is being applied. This breeze shall be packed solid with no voids in backfill which would tend to increase anode resistance and shorten life. A Sewerage and Water Board Inspector shall witness the centering of the electrode and backfill installation. B. Each set shall consist of two sub-assemblies each containing two electrodes. The angle iron supporting each of the two sub-assemblies shall be color coded to properly field connect the two sub-assemblies. C. The alignment of the sub-assemblies shall be made at the Contractor's shop before they are brought to the job site. The sub-assemblies shall be bolted together (not welded) just before being lowered into the hole. D. A supporting bar or jam shall be welded next to the plywood covers above and below each individual electrode casing. The casing shall support the breeze and anodes. E. A 1/4" metal plate shall be welded to the angle iron at the top assembly. The plate shall have a hole for the vent pipe and two holes for 5/8" thimbleye bolts for the manila lowering rope and nylon supporting rope. 16-05 ANODE INSTALLATION A. Two (2) sets of four (4) anode ground bed assemblies (eight anodes) shall be installed in the hole. Two (2) sets shall be bolted together and lowered simultaneously. B. A 1/4" metal plate shall be welded to the angle iron cage around the electrode. The plate shall support the lower assembly suspended from a rod while the upper assembly is attached. C. The eight (8) anode leads shall extend upward through the 2" conduit to the shunt box. The phenolic panel board in the shunt box shall have eight (8) shunts and eight (8) terminals. 16-06 BREEZE A soft coal coke breeze shall surround the electrode and vent pipe. Ninety per cent of the coke shall be smaller than 3/8" in diameter. The breeze shall weight 38 to 42 lbs., per cubic foot. The moisture content shall be 13.5 to 14.7%. Volatile liquids shall comprise 16 - 2 3.0 to 3.14 per cent of the content. The amount of fixed carbon shall be 78.22 to 78.4 per cent. The amount of ash shall be 18.6 per cent and the amount of sulphur shall be 1.2 to 1.65%. 16-07 VENT PIPE The vent shall be "full flow" one (1") inch diameter chlorine resistant pipe. The vent pipe joints between electrodes shall be joined with a material recommended by the manufacturer. No stainless steel bands or rubber tubing shall be used. The pipe shall be one piece with no joints from the top electrode to a point approximately forty-two inches (42") beneath the earth's surface, as shown on the drawing. The length of the pipe shall be determined after the anode assembly has been allowed to settle for 24 hours. Approximately forty-two inches (42") beneath the earth's surface, the vent shall be changed to schedule 80 PVC pipe. The pipe shall then extend eight (8) feet above grade and terminate in a "j" type vent fitting. 16-08 ELECTRICAL WORK All work shall conform to the requirements of the National Electrical Code, the Department of Regulatory Inspection, and all addenda in effect at the time bids are accepted. 16-09 CONDUITS A. The system shall be completely wired in rigid steel or PVC conduit as shown on the plans. All conduits shall be 3/4" or larger and the 2" conduit from the ground bed to the shunt box shall be rigid galvanized steel as shown on the plans. B. Field cuts shall be reamed and all threads painted immediately after installation. Caps shall be installed as soon as possible to prevent the entry of concrete, sand, etc.. Conduits shall be installed to permit insertion or withdrawal of wire without damage. Maximum radius long sweep field bends shall be used for elevation or direction changes for embedded or encased conduits. Couplings or fittings in concrete shall be made up with five (5) full threads; set-screw or friction type couplings or fittings shall not be used. C. A minimum clearance of one (1") inch shall be maintained between all conduits embedded in concrete to permit adequate bonding and passing of the concrete between the conduits. Sweep elbows shall not be used above ground without approval; fittings or junction boxes shall be used. D. Conduits and enclosures shall be arranged to drain condensation and flood water to minimize damage. Conduits terminating in manholes or handholes shall be sealed or equipped with a compound bushing to prevent the entry of insects and rodents. E. All underground conduits shall be encased in concrete with a three (3") inch minimum coverage at least twenty-four (24") inches below grade unless shown otherwise on the drawings. Encasement shall extend six (6") inches above grade and be crowned to drain all water away from the conduit. F. Insulated metal grounding type bushings shall be used for a.c. conduits. Double 16 - 3 locknuts and bushings shall be used for all equipment without threaded hubs. The entire conduit system shall be grounded. Conduits terminating in outdoor enclosures shall be equipped with an approved hub. Entries into the top or upper sides of panels or enclosures shall not be made without a hub. G. Conduits shall be attached with lead expansion anchors, malleable iron clamps and clamp backs. All conduit and equipment supports, fasteners and hardware shall be galvanized or electro-plated steel. All field cuts must be painted immediately after fabrication plastic anchors, wooden plugs or perforated stripping may not be used any installation. 16-10 EXCAVATION All underground conduits to be encased in concrete shall be placed in a trench of sufficient width and depth as required by these plans and specifications. The trench shall be maintained intact until the encasing concrete is thoroughly set. The Contractor shall be responsible for the safe construction of the trench and shall take utmost care to prevent damage to the underground utilities. 16-11 CONCRETE All concrete used for conduit encasement or marker stones/slabs shall be Grade A, 3000 p.s.i., colored red by mixing of 10 lbs. of dye throughout each cubic yard of concrete. 16-12 BACKFILL A. Contractor shall backfill trench and all excavated areas with select material previously removed from the trench. B. No roots, sticks, rocks, or debris or any kind shall be mixed in with backfill material. C. Backfill shall be applied in six (6") inch layers and shall be thoroughly tamped as each layer is applied. Density of compacted backfill material shall equal or exceed that of surrounding undisturbed ground. D. Contractor shall return the surface to match existing surroundings and reconstruct all sidewalk and street areas. 16-13 WIRING A. The cable leaving each of the electrodes shall be Number 8 stranded tinned copper with Chemical and Chlorine Resistant High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Insulation, certified for Cathodic Protection Service. A Scotchcast Kit No. 90B1 shall be used to insulate any compression splice above the electrode cap. B. Each electrode cable shall be covered with 1/2" PVC tubing beginning directly above the splice. All electrode cables shall be covered with 1/2" PVC tubing from the top of the bottom electrode and extend two (2) feet above the top anode. C. A 2" rigid galvanized steel conduit, approximately 36" below the ground's surface, shall protect all anode cables to the shunt box. The cables from the shunt box to the rectifier shall be in rigid galvanized steel conduit as called for on the plans. 16 - 4 D. The anode cables shall be taped to the nylon supporting rope as the assembly is lowered into the hole. E. The anode cables shall be one piece from the electrode splice to the shunt box. F. Extreme caution shall be maintained at all times to prevent damage to the electrode cable insulation. The cables shall not be laid across or in the street or other areas where vehicles or personnel may pass over or damage the cables. G. All electrode cable shall be delivered to the job site in unopened boxes unless attached prior to breeze packing. H. Only approved lubricant shall be used for cable pulling. I. Cables shall not cross each other or be twisted in the conduit during installation. J. Each electrode cable shall be identified with a suitable label numbered from top to bottom. Label shall be Brady all-temperature vinyl cloth markers or equal. K. All conductors shall be stranded copper with homogenous color coding. L. Power conductors shall be 600 volt THHN/THWN insulated wire sized as shown on the plans. M. The bidder may omit the compression splice above each anode making the cable continuous from the anode to shunt box. 16-14 RECTIFIER AND SHUNT BOX The existing rectifier and shunt box shall be re-used in the new pump station. The contractor shall install the rectifier and the shunt box at the temporarily relocated electrical platform until the completion of the new pump station building, at which time the rectifier and the shunt box shall be permanently relocated to the new building. 16-15 SAFETY SWITCHES A. All safety switches shall be fusible, 250 volt, UL Listed, shall meet or exceed Federal Specification W-S-865C for Type HD enclosed heavy duty switches, and NEMA Enclosed Switch Standard KS1-1983 for Type HD switches. Fusible switches shall be UL Listed for 200,000 RMS Symmetrical Amperes Interrupting Capacity when used with Class J or R fuses. B. Safety switches shall be Premium Construction Specifications Grade, heavy-duty type, visible blade with quick-make, quick-break mechanism. Enclosures shall be NEMA 4X stainless steel with full cover interlock and defeater mechanism. 16 - 5 16-16 LOWERING AND SETTLING ANODE ASSEMBLY A. The assembly shall be lowered into the hole within one (1) hour after driller pulls his bit out of the hole to minimize the effects of cave in. If a cave in occurs, a new hole shall be drilled. B. The assembly shall be lowered into the hole at a maximum speed not to exceed five (5) feet per second. The assembly shall be lowered with a manila rope and allowed to settle 24 hours before the nylon supporting rope is secured to the thimble in the concrete slab. C. After the anode assemblies have been installed, a backfill of liquid jell (Aquajell) shall be used to fill in the hole. The upper 15 feet of the hole shall be filled in with a cement and bentonite mixture. 16-17 CONCRETE SLABS Ten pounds of red coloring shall be mixed into the concrete for each cubic yard to give the slabs a red color. Conduit covers shall be laid horizontally over underground conduit from concrete cap to shunt box. Concrete-well cover and cap shall be as per details shown on Drawings 5056-P8 & 9. 16-18 LAWN AND GROUNDS A. Any depressions or holes created in any lawn, median, street, or grassy areas by trucks or by other means shall be filled in and leveled by the Contractor. The Contractor shall protect existing structures and equipment near the work area from dirt, mud and water during his work operations. B. Contractor shall remove all debris, drilling mud, dirt and excess material from the jobsite and completely clean all project areas. 16-19 WARRANTY Contractor shall warrant to the Sewerage and Water Board that all work performed under this contract shall contain no defective materials, workmanship, or title, and shall be of the kind and quality described in the specifications. Any defects appearing within one (1) year of the erection and acceptance of the equipment shall be corrected by the contractor at no cost to the Sewerage and Water Board. * * * END OF SECTION 16 * * * 16 - 6 SECTION 17 DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM In accordance with the adoption of Resolution R231-97, the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans has established a race and gender-neutral Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Plan. As part of that Plan, on any publicly bid goods and services (which shall include professional and non-professional services) project, not involving funds from a source other than the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, the prime contractor shall be required to make a demonstrated good faith effort to award (36)% of the amount of the contract to certified disadvantaged business enterprises as subcontractors or suppliers performing commercial useful functions which are consistent with the work required on this contract. The percent participation having been determined for this specific contract by recommendation of the Construction Review Committee (CRC), which is a joint effort of representatives from the City of New Orleans, Sewerage and Water Board, and representatives of local contractor organizations. This percentage requirement shall be considered an informality which is subject to modifications and may be waived or adjusted by the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans if the prime contractor, after having demonstrated a good faith effort, is unable to comply with the requirement. DEMONSTRATED GOOD FAITH EFFORTS Before receiving an award of the contract, the contractor must meet the DBE goals or prove that he/she has made demonstrated good faith efforts. To determine whether a particular contract bidder has made demonstrated good faith efforts to reach the DBE participation goal, the Board and its staff will consider the following: a. whether the contractor attended all pre-bid meetings that may have been scheduled by the Board to inform DBE firms of subcontracting opportunities and/or requested the Board Directory of Certified DBE firms; b. whether the contractor advertised in general circulation and trade association publications, concerning the DBE subcontracting opportunities, and allowed the subcontractors reasonable time to respond; c. whether the contractor provided written notice to a reasonable number of individually named DBE firms and allowed sufficient time for the DBE firms to participate effectively; whether the contractor followed up initial solicitations of interest by contacting DBEs to determine with certainty whether the DBEs were interested in bidding; d. e. whether the contractor selected specific portions of the work to be performed by DBEs in order to increase the likelihood of meeting the DBE (Const) Rev: 10/19/09, 4/13/10, 10/19/10, 7/15/11, 03/06/2012, 10/12/2012, 3/22/2013 17 - 1 goals (including breaking down contracts into smaller units to facilitate DBE participation); 1. f. whether the contractor provided interested DBEs with adequate information about the plans, specifications and requirements of the contract; g. whether the contractor negotiated in “good faith” with interested DBEs and did not reject DBEs as unqualified without sound reasons based on a thorough investigation of their capabilities; h. if the contractor did reject a DBE as unqualified, the contractor must state his or her reason for doing so in writing; i. whether the contractor has used the services of available community organizations and small and/or disadvantaged business groups; local, state and federal small or disadvantage business assistance offices; and other organizations that provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of DBE firms; j. whether the contractor has made sufficient efforts to negotiate with DBEs for specific sub-bids, including at a minimum: (1) names, addresses, telephone numbers of DBEs that the contractor contacted, (2) a description of information provided to those DBE firms, and (3) a statement of why additional agreements with DBEs were not reached to include but not limited to proof the DBEs’ price exceeded that of non-DBEs. Policy: It is the policy of the Board that DBE firms, as defined in the Board’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan, shall have the maximum allowable opportunity to compete for the award of the participation in the performance of the Board’s public works contracts. Consequently, the CRC and the Board have set the DBE participation goal applicable to this construction contract. 2. DBE Obligation: The Board and its contractors agree to ensure that DBE’s, as defined in the Board’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Plan, shall have the maximum allowable opportunity (Const) Rev: 10/19/09, 4/13/10, 10/19/10, 7/15/11, 03/06/2012, 10/12/2012, 3/22/2013 17 - 2 to compete for the award of the participation in the performance of contracts and subcontracts provided under this agreement. In this regard, contractors shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with this DBE Plan to ensure that DBE’s have the maximum allowable opportunity to compete for such contracts. The Board and its contractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of the Board’s public works contracts. 3. Utilization of DBE Vendor Listings: All bidders are required to utilize the most recent Sewerage and Water Board State-Local Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Approved Vendor Listings for Construction, Goods & Services/Professional Services, in their selection of DBE entities to meet DBE participation goals. Bidders are required to utilize DBE’s as subcontractors or suppliers only in the areas for which they are certified. A description of the areas of work that DBE’s can provide is contained in these vendor listings. In addition, an alphabetical list of vendors/contractors is provided indicating the name of the company, address, name of owner, telephone number, fax number, the date the company became certified, and a description of the work that these entities are certified to perform. Companies that are already certified as a DBE cannot fulfill the DBE requirements by listing themselves as the subcontractor to meet the DBE goal. The prime contractor shall select another DBE from the Sewerage and Water Board’s Approved Vendor Listing. 4. Contacting DBE’s and Obtaining a Firm Price All prime contractors are required to contact DBE’s and obtain a firm price before listing the DBE’s on the Participation Summary Sheet. 5. Failure to Comply with DBE Bid Specifications: All bidders for this Board contract are hereby notified that failure to comply with the above DBE specifications may constitute the bid as being non-responsive, and sufficient cause for rejection. 6. Failure to Carry Out DBE Policy: All bidders, potential contractors, or subcontractors for this Board contract are hereby notified that failure to comply with the DBE policy and DBE obligations, set forth above, shall constitute a breach of contract which may result in termination of the contract or such other remedy as deemed appropriate by the Board, to include excluding bidder from bidding on future Board contracts. (Const) Rev: 10/19/09, 4/13/10, 10/19/10, 7/15/11, 03/06/2012, 10/12/2012, 3/22/2013 17 - 3 7. Setting Minimum Participation Goals: The stated minimum percentage DBE participation goal recommended by CRC and approved by the Board applies to the work of this contract. The two lowest numerical bidders must complete and submit a DBE Participation Summary Sheet no later than three (3) days after the bid opening (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays). The DBE Participation Summary Sheet should be completed properly, showing that at least the percentage goal of the total contract bid price will be subcontracted or otherwise awarded through procurement action to DBE’s. Should the bidder fail to comply with this request, the bid shall be considered unresponsive, unless: a. An affidavit is furnished by the bidder with its bid showing that the DBE goals cannot be met for the following reasons: (1) No DBE firms made offers. Here, it must be shown, documented and demonstrated that good faith efforts (as defined in Part III, D, 2. of the Board’s DBE plan) were made by the bidder to obtain the participation of DBE firms and that they did not respond, or (2) The DBE offers made and accepted for subcontract and/or material supplies do not total the stated goal for participation, but total a lesser percentage, and (3) The bidder was unable to obtain DBE further participation, despite his or her demonstrated good faith efforts (as defined in Part III, D, 2 of the Board’s DBE Plan) to obtain additional participation by DBE firms. b. 8. Each of the assertions made by the bidder must be supported by documentary evidence. Other Clauses Unaffected: Nothing contained herein shall invalidate, change, annul, release, restrict, or affect the liability on the bonds or insurance given by the contractor, or the time required for completion of the contract. 9. Determination of Efforts to Meet Goals: Initial determination of bidder efforts to meet the DBE participation goal shall be based on the DBE participation representations submitted by the two lowest numerical bidders no (Const) Rev: 10/19/09, 4/13/10, 10/19/10, 7/15/11, 03/06/2012, 10/12/2012, 3/22/2013 17 - 4 later than three (3) days after the bid opening (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays). Bidders shall submit all the forms required herein no later than three (3) days after the bid opening (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), and the DBE Office will examine the contents thereof. The Board’s DBE Officer may, if deemed advisable, request further information, explanation or justification from any bidder. 10. 11. Contract Monitoring: a. The Board’s DBE Office will monitor contractor during the operation of the contract to insure that the contractor meets all of its DBE obligations as specified in the contract bid. The Board’s DBE office shall establish rules and regulations, to be approved by the Board, for the ongoing monitoring of contractor compliance. b. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Office personnel or their designated representative shall be allowed to conduct periodic monitoring of contractors’ compliance with the agreed to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program participation requirements. Contractors shall be required to complete and return to the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Office in the time required all requests for information and data relative to the contractors’ activities in meeting the required Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation goal. Additionally, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Office personnel or their designated representative shall have access to contractor and subcontractor(s) records pertaining to, but not specifically limited to labor, costs and materials supplied and used on the Board contract, as well as inspection and photocopying of any and all contracts, agreements and correspondence relative to the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise contract participation requirements. Such inspection will be performed during normal business hours, and will be conducted in such a fashion so as to minimize interference with production of the contract. Visits may be made to job sites, as well as to administrative offices of the contractor and subcontractor(s) participants. Such inspection and on-site visits may be scheduled with or without prior notice to the contractor or Disadvantaged Business Enterprise subcontractor participant. Contractors’ failure to comply with these monitoring requirements may result in termination of the contract or such other remedy as deemed appropriate by Board. Maintaining Records: Subsequent to the completion of a contract, contractors are required to maintain for three (3) years such records as are necessary to determine compliance with their DBE obligations. During construction, contractors shall submit reports as requested to enable the DBE Office to monitor this compliance. (Const) Rev: 10/19/09, 4/13/10, 10/19/10, 7/15/11, 03/06/2012, 10/12/2012, 3/22/2013 17 - 5 12. Umbrella Bonding: On contracts where subcontracting exists and where practicable (i.e., when a substantial risk or financial hardship would not be incurred by the prime contractor), the contractor may use an umbrella bond to encompass the DBE firm. 13. Board Action to Seek Compliance: The contractor consents to such appropriate actions taken to ensure that prime contractors and subcontractors comply with the DBE provisions, to include but not limited to: 14. a. desk audits to review all material, and information concerning the contractor’s compliance; b. on-site reviews that may include interviews, visits to project locations, and inspection of documents and/or information not available at the desk audit that pertains to the contractor’s compliance; c. any additional investigation that may be called for by a lack of proper record keeping, failure of the prime contractor to cooperate; failure of DBEs to cooperate; visible evidence unsatisfactory performance; other evidence as may warrant further investigation. Non-Compliance Finding: The Board staff will make compliance determinations regarding its prime contractors. Documentation of noncompliance will include the specific areas in which the contractors failed to comply. In these instances, appropriate legal action consistent with the DBE and other contract provisions will be taken. 15. Contractor’s Duties a. Record Keeping Successful bidders shall establish and maintain records and submit regular reports to the DBE office as required, which will identify and assess progress in achieving DBE subcontract goals and other DBE participation efforts. (Const) Rev: 10/19/09, 4/13/10, 10/19/10, 7/15/11, 03/06/2012, 10/12/2012, 3/22/2013 17 - 6 b. Failure To Comply With EDBP Participation Requirements Failure to comply with any of the EDBP requirements of this contract shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this contract and a cause for the termination of the contract at the option of the Board. Such violations shall include, but not limited to: Failing to meet the percentage participation requirements as set out in the contract documents. Failing to use certified EDBP contractors/vendors in performing the scope of work as identified in the contract documents (EDBP participation summary sheet). Failing to comply with the “monitoring of EDBP requirements” included herein as part of the contract, such as contractors: Failure to submit quarterly report and any other necessary reports timely and adequately as required by the EDBP Office. Failure to grant access to contractor/subcontractor records by EDBP Office personnel, and Failure to allow on-site investigations and visits, etc. Failing to report the removal or termination of a certified EDBP vendor /subcontractor. Failing to secure authorization for replacement of certified EDBP subcontractors from the Director of the Economically Disadvantaged Business Program. In Lieu of termination the Board, through the EDBP Office, may impose the following penalties: Withhold from the contractor in violation up to 10% of all future payments due to the contractor, until such time as the violations have been corrected. Withhold from the contractor in violation, all future payments until such time as the violations have been corrected. (Const) Rev: 10/19/09, 4/13/10, 10/19/10, 7/15/11, 03/06/2012, 10/12/2012, 3/22/2013 17 - 7 c. Subcontract Clause All bidders and potential contractors must assure the Board that they will include the above clauses in all agreements, which offer further subcontracting opportunities. d. Contract Award Bidders are hereby advised that meeting DBE subcontract goals or making demonstrated good faith efforts to meet such goals are conditions of being awarded and maintaining construction, procurement, or professional services contracts by the Board. e. Restrictions on DBE Subcontracting No DBE subcontractor or vendor selected to perform work as a DBE on a Sewerage and Water Board contract will be allowed to subcontract any portion of its work to a Non-Board certified DBE, unless the work to be performed is necessary for the execution of the contract and there are no Board certified DBE’s available to perform such work. This process will require that each DBE participant performing work on a Sewerage and Water Board funded contract submit a request to subcontract out any portion of work deemed necessary for execution of the contract to the Board’s EDBP office. On a form provided by the EDBP office, the DBE contractor or vendor will indicate the dollar amount of work to be subcontracted, the specific scope or nature of the work, the percentage of the total amount of work to be performed by the DBE subcontractor and vendor, and the entity to whom the work will be subcontracted. Both prime and DBE subcontractors are advised that the failure to comply with these requirements may result in the loss of DBE certification and noncompliance by the prime contractor in meeting DBE contractual obligations. f. Changes In DBE Participation The Prime Contractor will not be allowed to make changes in DBE participation without submittal of a written request explaining reason, a revised Participation Summary Sheet and approval by the Director of the Economically Disadvantaged Business Program. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in non-compliance by the Prime Contractor in meeting DBE contractual obligations. (Const) Rev: 10/19/09, 4/13/10, 10/19/10, 7/15/11, 03/06/2012, 10/12/2012, 3/22/2013 17 - 8 16. POLICY TO ENHANCE THE USE OF DBE VENDORS All vendors/contractors are encouraged to identify and use S&WB certified DBE vendors to the fullest extent possible in major as well as minor purchases of heavy equipment, hardware supplies, etc. The Sewerage and Water Board has a long-standing commitment to fairness and equal opportunity in hiring and contracting. As such, the workforce of contractors/vendors is encouraged to be representative of a diverse population. Achievement of the full benefits of diversity will only come when an attitude of inclusion is adopted. Additionally, the originating Department will include within the specifications the most currently available approved vendor listings. The Sewerage and Water Board believes that developing such a policy would be a positive step to increase the dollar value of contracts awarded to DBE vendors and subcontractors. 17. ACCESS TO APPROVED VENDOR LISTS The current listings of Vendors approved by the Sewerage and Water Board are available for use by the bidders on the Sewerage and Water Board external Website, WWW.SWBNO.ORG. * * * END OF SECTION 17 * * * (Const) Rev: 10/19/09, 4/13/10, 10/19/10, 7/15/11, 03/06/2012, 10/12/2012, 3/22/2013 17 - 9 SECTION 18 VOLUNTARY EXTENSIONS OF THE AWARD OF CONTRACT 18-01 If this bid is determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bid, Bidder agrees to bid extensions of the award date by up to two (2) thirty-day periods in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 38, Section 2215 (A). 18-02 AGREED: ____________________________________________________________ NAME OF BIDDER (TYPE OR PRINT) ____________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF BIDDER ____________________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME * * * END OF SECTION 18 * * * 18 - 1 [Type text] SECTION 19 UNIT PRICES 19-01 SUMMARY Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for unit prices. 19-02 DEFINITIONS In this document, unit price is a lump sum price of materials, equipment, or services, or a portion of the Work. 19-03 PROCEDURES Unit prices include all necessary material, plus cost for delivery, installation, insurance, applicable taxes, overhead, and profit. 19-04 SCHEDULE OF UNIT PRICES A. Mobilization 1. Measurement of payment for Mobilization and Demobilization will be on a lump sum basis for all necessary mobilization and demobilization as specified herein. 2. Payment for Mobilization and Demobilization shall cover all preparatory work and operating preparation including the obtaining of all permits, insurance and bonds; movement of personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to the project site; the establishment and ultimate removal of temporary offices and other construction facilities necessary for work on this project; all as required for the proper performance and completion of the work. Mobilization shall not exceed 10% of the total base bid. B. Civil Site Work 1. Measurement of payment for Civil Site Work will be on a lump sum basis for all necessary work to construct the pumping station. 2. Civil Site Work shall include, but not limited to, site preparation, selective demolition and excavation, chain-link fencing and gates, concrete paving including driveway and sidewalk repairs, relocations of selective equipment and structures, wetwell rehabilitation, and yard piping. 3. Payment of the lump sum bid price for the Civil Site Work will be full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work as described, indicated above and as indicated on the drawings 19 - 1 C. Structural Work 1. Measurement of payment for Structural Work will be on a lump sum basis for all necessary work to construct the pumping station. 2. This work shall include, but not be limited to, monorails, masonry, roofing, waterproofing, building finishes, wall louvers, concrete, columns, rails, stairs, ladders, railings, gratings, earthwork, sheet piling, prestressed concrete piles and miscellaneous site work.. 3. Payment of the lump sum bid price for the Structural Work will be full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work as described, indicated above and as indicated on the drawings. D. Mechanical Work 1. Measurement of payment for the Mechanical Work will be on a lump sum basis for all mechanical work shown on the plans and described in the specifications. 2. This work shall include, but not be limited to, crane rental and crew, piping, fittings, valves, backflow preventers, faucets, pressure gauges, sump pumps, hoses, exhaust blowers, HVAC ducts, exhaust fans, shutters, air release valves, sewage pumps, bypass pumping, wet well rehabilitation, and all other miscellaneous mechanical work necessary to complete this project. 3. Payment of the lump sum bid price for the Mechanical Work will be full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work as described, indicated above and as indicated on the drawings. E. Electrical Work 1. Measurement of payment for the Electrical Work will be on a lump sum basis for all electrical work shown on the plans and described in the specifications. 2. This work shall include, but not be limited to, motors, motor starters transformer, lighting panel boards and breakers, light fixtures, conductors, float switches, main disconnect switches and fuses, main metering panel, conduit, wire, handholes, ductbanks, underground wiring, SCADA panel work, pressure transducers, and all permits, tests, inspections and coordination to provide the station with a completely safe working electrical system. 3. Payment of the lump sum bid price for the Electrical Work will be full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the Electrical System as described, indicated above and as indicated on the drawings. * * * END OF SECTION 19 * * * 19 - 2 SECTION 20 PROPOSAL 20-01 LOUISIANA UNIFORM PUBLIC WORK BID FORM TO: Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans BID FOR: Contract 3788 – Hurricane Katrina Related Purchasing Department, Room 133 404 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program 625 St. Joseph Street Replacement of Burke Sewage New Orleans, LA Pumping Station The undersigned bidder hereby declares and represents that she/he; a) has carefully examined and understands the Bidding Documents, b) has not received, relied on, or based his bid on any verbal instructions contrary to the Bidding Documents or any addenda, c) has personally inspected and is familiar with the project site, and hereby proposes to provide all labor, materials, tools, appliances and facilities as required to perform, in a workmanlike manner, all work and services for the construction and completion of the referenced project, all in strict accordance with the Bidding Documents prepared by KHAFRA Engineering Consultants, Inc. and dated: September, 2013. . Bidders must acknowledge all addenda. The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following ADDENDA: (Enter the number the Designer has assigned to each of the addenda that the Bidder is acknowledging) TOTAL BASE BID: For all work required by the Bidding Documents (including any and all unit prices designated “Base Bid” * but not alternates) the sum of: Dollars ($ ) ALTERNATES: For any and all work required by the Bidding Documents for Alternates including any and all unit prices designated as alternates in the unit price description. Alternate No. 1 (Owner to provide description of alternate and state whether add or deduct) for the lump sum of: Dollars ($ ) Alternate No. 2 (Owner to provide description of alternate and state whether add or deduct) for the lump sum of: Dollars Rev: 8/11/2010, 8/18/2011, 2/22/2013, 3/22/2013 20 - 1 ($ ) Alternate No. 3 (Owner to provide description of alternate and state whether add or deduct) for the lump sum of: Dollars ($ ) NAME OF BIDDER: ADDRESS OF BIDDER: LOUISIANA CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE NUMBER: NAME OF AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY OF BIDDER: TITLE OF AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY OF BIDDER: SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY OF BIDDER*: DATE: * The Unit Price Form shall be used if the contract includes unit prices. Otherwise it is not required and need not be included with the form. The number of unit prices that may be included is not limited and additional sheets may be included if needed. ** If someone other than a corporate officer signs for the Bidder/Contractor, a copy of a corporate resolution or other signature authorization shall be required for submission of bid. Failure to include a copy of the appropriate signature authorization, if required, may result in the rejection of the bid unless bidder has complied with La. R.S. 38:2212(A)(1)(c) or RS 38:2212(O) . BID SECURITY in the form of a bid bond, certified check or cashier’s check as prescribed by LA RS 38:2218.A is attached to and made a part of this bid. Rev: 8/11/2010, 8/18/2011, 2/22/2013, 3/22/2013 20 - 2 LOUISIANA UNIFORM PUBLIC WORK BID FORM UNIT PRICE FORM TO: Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans BID FOR: Contract 3788 – Hurricane Katrina Related Purchasing Department, Room 133 404 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program 625 St. Joseph Street Replacement of Burke Sewage New Orleans, LA Pumping Station UNIT PRICES: This form shall be used for any and all work required by the Bidding Documents and described as unit prices. Amounts shall be stated in figures and only in figures. DESCRIPTION: Alt.# ___ MOBILIZATION Base Bid or REF. NO. QUANTITY: UNIT OF MEASURE: BU‐BB‐01 1 LUMP SUM DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY: UNIT OF MEASURE: BU‐BB‐02 1 LUMP SUM QUANTITY: UNIT OF MEASURE: BU‐BB‐03 1 LUMP SUM UNIT PRICE EXTENSION (Quantity times Unit Price) UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENSION (Quantity times Unit Price) Alt.# ___ MECHANICAL WORK Base Bid or REF. NO. QUANTITY: UNIT OF MEASURE: BU‐BB‐04 1 LUMP SUM DESCRIPTION: UNIT PRICE Alt.# ___ STRUCTURAL WORK Base Bid or REF. NO. DESCRIPTION: UNIT PRICE EXTENSION (Quantity times Unit Price) Alt.# ___ CIVIL SITE WORK Base Bid or REF. NO. DESCRIPTION: UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENSION (Quantity times Unit Price) Alt.# ___ ELECTRICAL WORK Base Bid or REF. NO. QUANTITY: UNIT OF MEASURE: BU‐BB‐05 1 LUMP SUM Rev: 8/11/2010, 8/18/2011, 2/22/2013, 3/22/2013 UNIT PRICE 20 - 3 UNIT PRICE EXTENSION (Quantity times Unit Price) 20-02 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS All blank spaces in this Proposal section shall be filled. A bid price shall be indicated for each bid item. Bids received without all such items completed will be considered non-responsive. The bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda in space provided. The Louisiana Uniform Public Work Bid Form & Unit Price Form (if applicable) and the amount of Deposit or Bid Bond five percent (5%) of the total amount of the proposal is REQUIRED to be submitted in a sealed envelope on bid opening date. The two (2) lowest numerical bidders have three (3) days after the bid opening (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) to submit any additional information such as (Voluntary Extension Sheet, Affidavit, Economically Disadvantage Business Summary Sheet if applicable) as well as requirements of Sections 903 through 9-7 below. Failure to do so will render the bid non-responsive. 20-03 BIDDER DECLARATION do hereby declare that the only person interested in this proposal and that no other person than the one herein named have any interest herein or in the contract proposed to be taken; that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same work and that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud; also that no member of the Sewerage and Water Board or of the City Council of the City of New Orleans or any officer or employee of the City of New Orleans or of the several boards thereof, who are by law excluded from participation herein, and directly or indirectly interested herein or in furnishing bond or in any portion of the profits hereof. have LOUISIANA CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE do hereby also declare that in the field of with NUMBER . And do further declare that have carefully examined the annexed specifications and the drawings furnished, and personally inspected the ground and that will contract to provide the necessary tools, machinery and apparatus and other means of construction, and to furnish all labor and material specified in this contract or called for by the plans, necessary to complete the work in the manner specified and within the time mentioned in the specifications and according to the requirements of the Engineer, as herein set forth. 20-04 In accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 38:2227 the following affidavit shown on the Page 20-6 must be submitted with the bid, or no later than 3 days after the bid opening (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays). Failure to do so will render the bid nonresponsive. Please note, THE AFFIDAVIT MUST BE NOTARIZED. Rev: 8/11/2010, 8/18/2011, 2/22/2013, 3/22/2013 20 - 4 20-05 GUARANTEES guarantee that the whole of the work under this contract will be fully completed within (365) calendar days after the date of the "Work Order" from the Engineer. In case of delay in the completion of the contract beyond the contract time of completion as determined by the Board hereby agree to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each calendar day of such delay, which liquidated damages shall become due by the mere elapsing of the delay without the necessity of putting in default. 20-06 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Contractor must furnish telephone numbers for routine or emergency telephone calls. NAME: TITLE: TELEPHONE NO.: NORMAL CALLS EMERGENCY Rev: 8/11/2010, 8/18/2011, 2/22/2013, 3/22/2013 20 - 5 STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF ORLEANS AFFIDAVIT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly commissioned and qualified and sworn in and for the State and Parish aforesaid, personally came and appeared __________________________________________________ who after being duly sworn, did depose and say as follows: 1) He/she is the ___________________________ (title) of ________________________________ (company); 2) He/she has not been convicted of, or has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to any of the crimes, or equivalent federal crimes, listed in Louisiana Revised Statute 38:2227, specifically: public bribery, corrupt influencing, extortion, money laundering, theft, identity theft, theft of a business record, false accounting, issuing worthless checks, bank fraud, forgery, contractors misapplication of payments, malfeasance in office. 3) The contracting entity, person or corporation whose principal(s), member(s), and /or Officer(s) have, within the preceding 5 years, not been convicted or plead guilty to, a felony under state or federal statutes, for embezzlement, theft of public funds, bribery, falsification or destruction of public records; (City Code Section 2-8) 4) The following is a list of individual partners, incorporators, directors, managers, officers, organizers, or members who have a minimum ten percent interest ownership interest in the bidding entity: _______________________________(name) ________________________________(name) _______________________________(name) ________________________________(name) _______________________________(name) ________________________________(name) 5) No other persons hold an ownership interest in the bidding entity via a counter letter. 6) None of the above named individual partners, incorporators, directors, managers, officers, organizers, or members, who has a minimum ten percent interest ownership in the bidding entity, been convicted of, or has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to any of the crimes, or equivalent federal crimes, listed in Louisiana Revised Statute 38:2227, specifically: public bribery, corrupt influencing, extortion, money laundering, theft, identity theft, theft of a business record, false accounting, issuing worthless checks, bank fraud, forgery, contractors misapplication of payments, malfeasance in office. 7) He/she is not delinquent on any taxes owed the City of New Orleans or fees/charges to the Sewerage and Water Board. (City Code Section 2-8) The following sections apply only to Public Works Contracts: 8) In accord with LA Revised Statute 38:2212.10 the entity represented herein is registered and participates in the “Status verification system” of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, 8 U.S.C. 1324(a), known as the “E-Verify” program to verify that all employees in the State of Louisiana are legal citizens of the United States or are legal aliens. 9) The entity represented herein shall continue, during the term of the contract, to utilize a status verification system to verify the legal status of all new employees in the state of Louisiana. 10) The entity represented herein shall require all subcontractors to submit to the contractor a sworn affidavit verifying compliance with the Status verification system. WITNESSES: _____________________________________ _______________________________________ AFFIANT _____________________________________ SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME ON THIS _______________ DAY OF __________________, 20______. ______________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC ______________________________ Notary Id. No. or Bar Roll No. ______________________________________ PLEASE PRINT NAME OF NOTARY Rev: 8/11/2010, 8/18/2011, 2/22/2013, 3/22/2013 20 - 6 20-07 ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS PARTICIPATION SUMMARY SHEET Minimum Percentage Goal Participation for this Contract is 36% Contract Number and Name: 33788 - HURRICANE KATRINA RELATED 404 HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM REPLACEMENT OF BURKE SEWAGE PUMPING STATION Name and Address of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Company Name of Contact Person Scope of Work to be Performed Dollar Amount of work to be performed Percentage of Dollar Amount to Total Bid Price THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED BY THE TWO LOWEST NUMERICAL BIDDERS NO LATER THAN 3 DAYS AFTER THE BID OPENING (EXCLUSIVE OF SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS). FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RENDER THE BID NON-RESPONSIVE. BY SUBMITTAL OF THIS FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES THAT DBE(S) HAVE BEEN CONTACTED AND A FIRM PRICE HAS BEEN OBTAINED. NOTE: Signature required even if judged NOT APPLICABLE by the BIDDER Prime Name: _____________________________________________ Print Name Prime Signature:________________________________ Signature Prime Company’s Name: ___________________________________ Prime Address: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________ ___________________________________________ * * * END OF SECTION 20 * * * Revised (Cons): 10/19/09; 4/13/10; 7/15/11; 10/19/2012 20 - 7