$*5,&8/785$/(1*,1((5,1* EFFECT OF IGNITION TIMING ON EMISSIONS OF 63$5.,*1,7,21(1*,1(86,1*()8(/ Maris Gailis, Vilnis Pirs Latvia University of Agriculture maris.gailis@llu.lv; vilnis.pirs@llu.lv Abstract 7KLVH[SHULPHQWDOVWXG\DVVHVVHVWKHLQÀXHQFHRILJQLWLRQWLPLQJRQHPLVVLRQVIURPDSURGXFWLRQIRXUF\OLQGHUSRUW injection spark ignition engine. The aim of this research was to evaluate the necessity of ignition timing correction ZKHQWKHUHJXODUJDVROLQHYHKLFOHLVEHLQJDGDSWHGIRUWKHXVHRI(IXHO7HVWVZHUHFRQGXFWHGLQWKH$OWHUQDWLYH )XHOV5HVHDUFK/DERUDWRU\RI/DWYLD8QLYHUVLW\RI$JULFXOWXUHLQ'HFHPEHU7KHHQJLQHZDVIXHOOHGZLWKWKH HWKDQROJDVROLQH EOHQG ( RU WKH FRPPHUFLDO JDVROLQH$7KH HQJLQH ZDV WHVWHG ZLWKLQ D YHKLFOH LQ D FKDVVLV G\QDPRPHWHULQVWHDG\VWDWHFRQGLWLRQVZKLFKUHVHPEOHGULYLQJDWNPK and 90 km h. The original engine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ethanol, ignition timing advance, emissions. ,QWURGXFWLRQ The biofuels are increasingly used as the energy source in the light passenger vehicles. The biofuels are considered as renewable energy source and contribute to the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions &RVWDJOLRODHWDO7KHHWKDQROKDVEHHQNQRZQ as a suitable fuel for the spark ignition engines since the 19th century. Currently all commercially available JDVROLQHLQ/DWYLDLVEOHQGHGZLWKWKHHWKDQROLQ m·mYROXPHUDWLR2QHRIWKHEHQH¿WVRIHWKDQROXVH DVDIXHOLVWKHUHGXFWLRQRIGHSOHWLRQRIQRQUHQHZDEOH energy resources. By adding ethanol, oxygen is blended into the fuel which favours the combustion of the gasoline, reducing toxicity of the emissions. The use of pure ethanol as the fuel is problematic due to WKHHQJLQHFROGVWDUWGLI¿FXOWLHVEHORZ&*DVROLQH RQUDWLRP·m is added to anhydrous ethanol to facilitate cold starting and act as a denaturing agent. 5HVXOWHGIXHOLVGHVLJQDWHG(DQGLVDYDLODEOHLQWKH service stations in many parts of the world, including Latvia. Due to the physiochemical differences of JDVROLQHDQGHWKDQROWKHXVHRI(UHTXLUHVYHKLFOH adaptation. Specially designed production vehicles )OH[LEOH )XHO 9HKLFOHV RU ))9 FDQ XVH JDVROLQH (RUPL[WXUHRIERWKLQDQ\UDWLR,WLVSRVVLEOHWR FRQYHUWUHJXODUJDVROLQHYHKLFOHIRUXVHRI(IXHO 1RUPDOO\ VXFK FRQYHUWLQJ LV OLPLWHG WR LQFUHDVH RI the fuel supply. Ignition parameters are usually left unchanged. Engine tailpipe emissions of the vehicle, FRQYHUWHGWRXVHRI(PXVWEHDVORZDVSRVVLEOH and certainly within legal limits. Depending on the vehicle production date, different standards apply IRU DFFHSWDEOH OHYHO RI FHUWDLQ VRFDOOHG µUHJXODWHG¶ 212 emission gas components. Currently those emission JDV FRPSRQHQWV DUH QLWURJHQ R[LGHV 12[ FDUERQ PRQR[LGH &2 WRWDO K\GURFDUERQV +& QRQ PHWKDQH K\GURFDUERQV 10+& DQG SDUWLFXODWH matter (PM). Ignition timing is known to be one of the factors that affect engine emissions (Heywood, &RPEXVWLRQ RI WKH DLUIXHO PL[WXUH LQ WKH combustion chamber must occur in a certain moment of engine operating phase, to push piston GRZQZDUGV DQG HI¿FLHQWO\ FRQYHUW FKHPLFDO HQHUJ\ into mechanical energy. Due to the delay of ignition and duration of the combustion, ignition spark must be supplied with certain advance, depending on the engine design and operating conditions. Peak cylinder pressure and therefore temperature of combustion and exhaust gases are affected by spark timing. Timing, which provides maximal peak cylinder pressure, also provides maximal brake torque (MBT) (Heywood, 'HSHQGLQJRQWKHHQJLQHGHVLJQFRQGLWLRQVRI MBT may not provide optimally balanced emissions. Usually in production engines ignition timing is retarded from MBT. Retarded timing lowers burning temperature and increases temperature of exhaust JDVHV/RZHUEXUQLQJWHPSHUDWXUHFDQGHFUHDVH12[ emissions. Increased exhaust gas temperature can UHGXFHK\GURFDUERQHPLVVLRQV+H\ZRRG K. Silaipillayarputhur and S.A. Idem (2011) found that combustion duration increases with the engine speed. As combustion duration increases, engine output power decreases, because the cycle diagram further deviates from ideal Otto cycle. If the combustion duration increases, ignition advance must be also increased to maximize engine output 5(6($5&+)25585$/'(9(/230(1792/80( ())(&72),*1,7,217,0,1*21(0,66,2162) 63$5.,*1,7,21(1*,1(86,1*()8(/ SRZHU'HOD\RILJQLWLRQDQGFRPEXVWLRQÀDPHVSHHG LV GLIIHUHQW IRU HWKDQRO DQG JDVROLQH /DPLQDU ÀDPH VSHHGRIUHJXODUJDVROLQHLVPVDQGPV for HWKDQRO+DUDDQG7DQRXH7XUQHUHWDO Therefore, using ignition advance parameters, which DUH RSWLPDO IRU JDVROLQH RSHUDWLRQ ZLOO OHDG WR QRQ optimal operation on fuel with high ethanol content, VXFKDV( C. Sayin (2012) evaluated the impact of varying spark timing on the performance and emissions of a gasoline engine. He found a decrease of brake WKHUPDOHI¿FLHQF\DQGLQFUHDVHRIEUDNHVSHFL¿FIXHO consumption, emissions of CO and hydrocarbons (HC), when gasoline with higher research octane QXPEHU 521 WKDQ WKH UHTXLUHPHQW RI DQ HQJLQH was used at a nominal spark timing. The increase RI LJQLWLRQ DGYDQFH IRU JDVROLQH ZLWK KLJKHU 521 boosted engine power and decreased emissions of CO and HC, and decreased fuel consumption. 7 7RSJO HW DO VWXGLHG WKH HIIHFWV RI JDVROLQH DQG JDVROLQHHWKDQRO EOHQGV RQ D VLQJOH cylinder spark ignition engine performance and emissions. Experiments were conducted at a constant speed in wide open throttle mode. They concluded WKDWXVLQJ(IXHOLJQLWLRQWLPLQJKDGWREHUHWDUGHG by 4 degrees, comparing to the use of pure gasoline E0, to achieve maximal brake torque. The increase of ethanol content in the fuel led to a decrease of exhaust gas temperature. CO emissions were reduced with an increase of ethanol content. They found increase of HC emissions with increase of ethanol content. Slight decrease of HC emissions was found when the ignition timing was retarded. 17UN|]HWDOFRQGXFWHGH[SHULPHQWVRQ F\OLQGHUFDUEXUHWWRU6,HQJLQHXVLQJ(IXHO7KH\ investigated the effect of ignition timing advance on the engine performance and emissions. They reported best engine performance and emissions when ignition timing was advanced by 4 degrees, comparing to use RISXUHJDVROLQH12[HPLVVLRQVZHUHLQFUHDVHGZLWK increase of ignition advance, CO and CO2 emissions were mainly unaffected and HC emissions increased with ignition retarding. From the literature review, the impact of the spark WLPLQJRQHPLVVLRQVRI6,HQJLQHUXQQLQJRQ(IXHO is not clearly studied. Some researchers are conducting experiments with carburettor engines, in wide open throttle mode. Wide open throttle operating conditions are rarely used in real life. Results of optimal ignition timing for high ethanol content fuel, comparing with gasoline are contradictory. The authors of this study investigated the effect of ignition timing advance on modern SI engine emissions in conditions, which resemble regular driving. The aim of this research is WRHYDOXDWHWKHQHFHVVLW\RILJQLWLRQWLPLQJ¿QHWXQLQJ IRU ( ZKHQ WKH UHJXODU JDVROLQH HQJLQH LV EHLQJ 0DULV*DLOLV9LOQLV3LUV DGDSWHGIRUXVHZLWK(2QO\WKHHIIHFWRQHPLVVLRQV is investigated. 0DWHULDOVDQG0HWKRGV Tests were performed using two different fuels, purchased at the commercial fuel stations. Main properties of the test fuels were obtained from the FHUWL¿FDWHV SURYLGHG E\ WKH IXHO VXSSOLHUV *DVROLQH $RI(1VWDQGDUGKDGUHVHDUFKRFWDQHQXPEHU 521 PRWRU RFWDQH QXPEHU 021 DQG HWKDQROFRQWHQWP m(KDG521DQG021 DERYHHWKDQROFRQWHQWP m. Conventional port injection SI engine was used. 7KH VSHFL¿FDWLRQV RI WKH HQJLQH DQG WKH YHKLFOH DUH listed in Table 1. The original engine control module (&8ZDVUHSODFHGE\DSURJUDPPDEOH(&89(06 9WRPDLQWDLQWKHHQJLQHRSHUDWLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLWKLQ the required limits. The original narrowband oxygen sensor was replaced by a wideband sensor Bosch LSU 4.2. The original catalytic converter was retained. Table 1 0DLQVSHFL¿FDWLRQVRIWHVWDXWRPRELOH Parameter Model ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQQXPEHU Date of production Engine 9DOXH Renault Twingo 9)&$( 7\SH')F\OLQGHU YDOYH Displacement volume, 1149 cm Piston bore / stroke, mm 9ROXPHWULFFRPSUHVVLRQ ratio Gearbox 7\SH-%JHDUPDQXDO )LQDOGULYH Gear ratios 4th JHDU WKJHDU The engine was tested within the automobile. Load conditions were simulated in the laboratory on the edgy current roll type chassis dynamometer Mustang 0' 7KH H[KDXVW JDV WHPSHUDWXUH (*7 ZDV measured in engine exhaust manifold. Engine exhaust emission gas samples were taken before the catalytic converter and from the tailpipe. Composition of exhaust gas was analysed with the Fourier transform LQIUDUHG VSHFWURPHWHU )7,5$9/ 6(6$0$ EHDP of wide spectrum infrared light is passed through the cooled and dried sample gas. The amount of energy DEVRUEHG DW HDFK VLJQL¿FDQW ZDYHOHQJWK LV DQDO\VHG Signatures of absorbed wavelength and relation of DEVRUEHG HQHUJ\ WR WKH YROXPH RI WKH VSHFL¿F JDV component was recorded during factory calibration of the equipment. Composition and concentration of 5(6($5&+)25585$/'(9(/230(1792/80( ())(&72),*1,7,217,0,1*21(0,66,2162) 63$5.,*1,7,21(1*,1(86,1*()8(/ 0DULV*DLOLV9LOQLV3LUV the sample gas is determined using matrix calculation methods, comparing sample and calibration data. Measurement system allows for simultaneous PHDVXUHPHQW RI JDV FRPSRQHQWV ZLWK VDPSOLQJ rate 1 Hz. Results of the testing were expressed as a concentration timeline in volume unit share, parts per PLOOLRQ SSP 9ROXPH VKDUHV RI WRWDO +& DQG 12[ ZHUH FDOFXODWHG E\ $9/ 6(6$0 V\VWHP VRIWZDUH The results are not directly comparable to the results, obtained using other methods. Wheel speed, power and torque were recorded using chassis dynamometer control software. The HQJLQH VSHHG H[KDXVW JDV WHPSHUDWXUH DQG DLUIXHO ratio were registered with ECU monitoring software 9(067XQH Dynamometer was set at a constant speed mode, WKURWWOH RSHQLQJ ZDV ¿[HG WR UHDFK WKH UHTXLUHG SUHVVXUH LQ WKH LQOHW PDQLIROG 9DULDWLRQ RI ZKHHO power and torque between different test conditions ZDVVWDWLVWLFDOO\LQVLJQL¿FDQWDQGEH\RQGWKHSUHFLVLRQ of chassis dynamometer measurement system. Before testing, the ignition timing advance was mapped for maximal break torque (MBT) at VWRLFKLRPHWULF DLUIXHO UDWLR IRU ERWK IXHOV ( DQG gasoline. Detonation limits were not reached at chosen test conditions. Series of road tests were performed WR¿QGHQJLQHORDGFRQGLWLRQVIRUWZRW\SLFDOGULYLQJ PRGHVDWNPāK and 90 km·h steady driving on DÀDWURDG$OOWHVWVZHUHSHUIRUPHGDWVWRLFKLRPHWULF DLUIXHO UDWLR 7KUHH WHVW SRLQWV RI LJQLWLRQ WLPLQJ advance, expressed in crank degrees before top dead centre (CA BTDC), at both driving modes were used: x Timing set by vehicle producer for gasoline (nominal timing); x 7LPLQJ IRU PD[LPDO EUDNH WRUTXH IRU ( 0%7( x Timing for maximal brake torque for gasoline 0%7$ Testing was conducted in steady state conditions, listed in Table 2. Table 2 7HVWFRQGLWLRQV Parameter :KHHOVSHHGNPîK Engine speed, min Gear :KHHOEUDNHWRUTXH1îP Wheel brake power, kW Ignition timing advance, nominal setting, degrees CA BTDC Ignition timing advance, MBT (GHJUHHV&$%7'& Ignition timing advance, MBT gasoline, degrees CA BTDC 214 Settings 1 4th Settings 2 90 WK The vehicle was driven on the chassis dynamometer LQ VHOHFWHG FRQGLWLRQV IRU VHFRQGV EHIRUH WKH actual measuring started. Each test lasted 40 seconds DQGZDVUHSHDWHGWLPHV$ULWKPHWLFPHDQRIYDOLG WHVWUHVXOWVZDVXVHGDVDUHVXOW&RQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOV ZHUHFDOFXODWHGIRUFRQ¿GHQFHOHYHO 5HVXOWVDQG'LVFXVVLRQ Temperature of the exhaust gases depends on an average temperature in the combustion chamber and timing of combustion in the engine cycle. Decrease of EGT is attributed to higher ignition timing advance (Fig. 1). Higher ignition advance increases maximal pressure and peak temperature in FRPEXVWLRQ FKDPEHU +H\ZRRG 7KLV HIIHFW GRHV QRW GLUHFWO\ UHÀHFW RQ (*7 $V ZLWK KLJKHU timing advance combustion starts earlier in the engine cycle, larger part of oxidation reaction chain takes place inside the cylinder, which causes decrease of EGT. Ethanol has higher heat of evaporation comparing to gasoline (Turner et al., 2011). It can be attributed to the decrease of EGT when engine was WHVWHGZLWK(IXHO )LJXUH7HPSHUDWXUHRIHQJLQHRXWH[KDXVWJDVHV ignition timing: ȃ«ȏ«ȃ« Hydrocarbon emissions consist of unburned fuel in gaseous state. HC emissions are largely caused E\ SDUWLDO RU FRPSOHWH PLV¿UH (PLVVLRQV RI +& DUH known to increase in light load, low engine speed conditions (Sayin, 2012). Chain of oxidation reactions of hydrocarbons continues during exhaust stroke and outside of the cylinder. Therefore variations of HC emissions are related to variations of EGT (Heywood, +&HPLVVLRQVZHUHLQVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFWHGE\ changing of ignition timing at selected test conditions IRUERWKIXHOV)LJ)LJ 5(6($5&+)25585$/'(9(/230(1792/80( ())(&72),*1,7,217,0,1*21(0,66,2162) 63$5.,*1,7,21(1*,1(86,1*()8(/ 0DULV*DLOLV9LOQLV3LUV 200 200 150 81 77 80 100 50 54 50 400 239 238 238 285 301 286 600 Volume Unit Share, cm3m-3 652 669 671 800 250 b 111 118 106 930 944 942 Volume Unit Share, cm3m-3 1 000 a 220 214 231 300 1 200 50 0 0 A95 50 E85 50 A95 90 E85 90 Testing Mode A95 50 E85 50 A95 90 E85 90 Testing Mode 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 4 000 b 3 404 3 635 3527 3 805 3 688 3784 5 000 5 368 5 072 5378 6 000 5 893 5 634 5830 Volume Unit Share, 10 070 9 982 10059 7 000 cm3m-3 8 000 a 8 506 8 684 8836 Volume Unit Share, cm3m-3 10 000 8 328 7 456 8311 12 000 9 394 9 766 9423 Figure 2. HC volume share: DHQJLQHRXWEWDLOSLSHLJQLWLRQWLPLQJȃ«ȏ«ȃ« 3 000 2 000 1 000 0 A95 50 A95 50 E85 50 A95 90 E85 90 Testing Mode E85 50 A95 90 E85 90 Testing Mode )LJXUH&2YROXPHVKDUH DHQJLQHRXWEWDLOSLSHLJQLWLRQWLPLQJȃ«ȏ«ȃ« 5(6($5&+)25585$/'(9(/230(1792/80( +H\ZRRG7KHDPRXQWRI&2HPLVVLRQVZHUH LQVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFWHGE\YDULDWLRQRILJQLWLRQWLPLQJ ZLWKLQ WKH WHVWHG UDQJH )LJ )LJ 7KH DPRXQW RI&2HQJLQHRXWHPLVVLRQVZHUHUHGXFHGE\ FRPSDULQJ(XVHZLWKJDVROLQH 7KH SULQFLSDO VRXUFH RI 12 DQG 122 (which are VXPPHGDV12[LVWKHR[LGDWLRQRIQLWURJHQGXULQJ the peak temperature phase at the beginning of the H[SDQVLRQVWURNH(PLVVLRQVRI12[DUHQRWDGLUHFW product of fuel combustion but rather a side effect. ,JQLWLRQ WLPLQJ KDV D VLJQL¿FDQW LQÀXHQFH RQ WKH combustion temperature. If the timing is retarded, ignition places combustion in a later point of engine cycle, when the piston has $SSDUHQWO\ PLV¿UH UDWH GLG QRW FKDQJH ZLWKLQ the tested ignition timing range. Slight increase of exhaust gas temperature with ignition timing retard did not have effect on the reduction of HC emissions. +&HQJLQHRXWHPLVVLRQVZHUHUHGXFHGE\E\ YROXPHXVLQJ(LQVWHDGRIJDVROLQH)LJ+LJKHU EGT, engine speed and load in 90 km h test mode were attributed to the reduction of HC emissions. CO formation is one of the steps of burning of hydrocarbons. Oxidation of CO to CO2 requires UHODWLYHO\ KLJK WHPSHUDWXUH DERYH . :KHQ WKH temperature in the combustion chamber falls as a result of advancement of expansion stroke, some amount of CO is not oxidised and forms part of exhaust gases ())(&72),*1,7,217,0,1*21(0,66,2162) 63$5.,*1,7,21(1*,1(86,1*()8(/ 52 31 17 24 11 10 1 500 20 0 1 1 000 30 10 1 500 24 25 40 35 50 42 b Volume Unit Share, cm3m-3 2 000 1 468 1 782 1827 2 500 1 788 2 005 2165 3 000 Volume Unit Share, cm3m-3 3 500 60 a 2 404 2 542 2838 2 863 3 061 3319 0DULV*DLOLV9LOQLV3LUV 0 A95 50 E85 50 A95 90 E85 90 A95 50 Testing Mode )LJXUH12[YROXPHVKDUH E85 50 A95 90 E85 90 Testing Mode DHQJLQHRXWEWDLOSLSHLJQLWLRQWLPLQJȃ«ȏ«ȃ« 20 0 2.5 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.7 1 0.6 2 1.4 3 1.2 0.9 32 32 35 60 40 b 80 Volume Unit Share, cm3m-3 81 83 85 98 a 2.8 112 100 38 39 39 Volume Unit Share, 95 120 cm3m-3 4 0 A95 50 E85 50 A95 90 E85 90 A95 50 E85 50 A95 90 E85 90 )LJXUH$FHWDOGHK\GHYROXPHVKDUH Testing Mode Testing Mode DHQJLQHRXWEWDLOSLSHLJQLWLRQWLPLQJȃ«ȏ«ȃ« LQVWHDG RI JDVROLQH DW RULJLQDO VSDUN WLPLQJ DQGGHJUHHV&$%7'&DFFRUGLQJO\ZDVQRWHG IRU HQJLQHRXW DQG IRU WDLOSLSH emissions. Aldehydes in the engine combustion chamber DUH IRUPHG E\ FOHDYDJHV RI && RU &+ ERQGV of hydrocarbons at high temperatures and partial R[LGDWLRQRIHWKDQRO:DJQHUDQG:\V]\QVNL The amount of acetaldehyde is known to raise with increase of ethanol content in fuel (Kumar et al., 2011). Test results demonstrated agreement with that LQHQJLQHRXWHPLVVLRQV)LJ already started downward movement. Peak pressure and temperature is therefore reduced (Heywood, 7HVW UHVXOWV VKRZHG D VLJQL¿FDQW GHSHQGHQFH RI 12x emissions on the spark timing (Fig. 4; Fig. 5HWDUGLQJ RI LJQLWLRQIURP 0%7 SRLQW GHFUHDVHG 12[ HPLVVLRQV LQ DOO WHVW FRQGLWLRQV 5HGXFHG 12[ HPLVVLRQ OHYHO ZDV REVHUYHG ZKHQ ( ZDV XVHG instead of gasoline. This can be explained by lower peak temperature in the combustion chamber. The original ignition timing, tuned for lower emissions XVLQJ JDVROLQH ZDV DOVR HIIHFWLYH ZKHQ ( ZDV XVHG 7KH UHGXFWLRQ RI 12[ HPLVVLRQV XVLQJ ( 5(6($5&+)25585$/'(9(/230(1792/80( ())(&72),*1,7,217,0,1*21(0,66,2162) 63$5.,*1,7,21(1*,1(86,1*()8(/ 0DULV*DLOLV9LOQLV3LUV 35 50 0 E85 50 22 20 15 5 10 4 100 25 9 150 b 14 Volume Unit Share, cm3m-3 183 164 200 175 250 30 241 232 Volume Unit Share, cm3m-3 300 a 13 291 350 5 0 E85 90 Testing Mode E85 50 E85 90 Testing Mode )LJXUH8QEXUQHGHWKDQROYROXPHVKDUH DHQJLQHRXWEWDLOSLSHLJQLWLRQWLPLQJȃ«ȏ«ȃ« 100 a 90 73 68 70 80 63 60 47 50 40 34 30 22 20 10 b 90 11 37 32 21 14 Reduction by volume, % Reduction by volume, % 80 100 98 0 0 70 64 60 69 63 50 50 39 40 35 37 30 20 18 16 11 16 10 0 NOx HC CO Emission Gas Components NOx HC CO Emission Gas Components )LJXUH&RPSDULVRQRIUHGXFWLRQRIUHJXODWHGHPLVVLRQVXVLQJ(ZLWKGLIIHUHQWLJQLWLRQWLPLQJ DWLPLQJIRU0%7IRU(DQGQRPLQDOWLPLQJIRUJDVROLQHEQRPLQDOWLPLQJIRU(DQGJDVROLQH test conditions: ȃNPuhHQJLQHRXWȃNPuh tailpipe, ȃ 90 km uhHQJLQHRXWȏ 90 km uh tailpipe. Analysis of tailpipe emissions showed high HI¿FLHQF\ RI R[LGLVLQJ FDWDO\WLF FRQYHUWHU LQ WKH removal of acetaldehyde emissions. Emission levels DW WDLOSLSH GLG FRUUHODWH GLUHFWO\ ZLWK HQJLQHRXW emissions of acetaldehyde. From the results it was concluded, that the ignition timing has no statistically VLJQL¿FDQWHIIHFWRQHPLVVLRQVRIDFHWDOGHK\GH Emissions of unburned ethanol were tested only ZLWK ( IXHO 5HWDUGHG LJQLWLRQ WLPLQJ DWWULEXWHG WR WKH UHGXFWLRQ RI HWKDQRO HQJLQHRXW DQG WDLOSLSH emissions in 90 km h WHVW PRGH )LJ ,W FDQ EH explained with a higher average temperature in the combustion chamber and exhaust gases due to higher speed and load. When the exhaust gas temperature is high enough for oxidation of ethanol, the variation of temperature, caused by ignition timing, takes effect. Retarding of the ignition timing moves the start of ignition later in engine cycle, exhaust gas temperature is higher, and the amount of unburned ethanol is reduced in emissions. 5(6($5&+)25585$/'(9(/230(1792/80( 0DULV*DLOLV9LOQLV3LUV ())(&72),*1,7,217,0,1*21(0,66,2162) 63$5.,*1,7,21(1*,1(86,1*()8(/ Ignition timing for maximal brake torque using 1LWURJHQR[LGHHPLVVLRQVZHUHUHGXFHGE\ IRUHQJLQHRXWDQGIRUWDLOSLSHHPLVVLRQV (LQHQJLQHRSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQVZKHUHGHWRQDWLRQV XVLQJ(IXHODWQRPLQDOVSDUNWLPLQJFRPSDULQJ do not occur, have to be retarded, comparing to similar to maximal brake torque timing. JDVROLQHVHWXS5HJXODWHGHPLVVLRQVXVLQJ(ZHUH found to be reduced, comparing to gasoline use in the 4. 8QEXUQHG HWKDQRO HQJLQHRXW HPLVVLRQV ZHUH UHGXFHGE\LQNPK test mode at nominal tested steady state conditions. When adapting regular spark timing comparing to maximal brake torque JDVROLQHYHKLFOHIRUWKHXVHRI(WKHLJQLWLRQWLPLQJ timing. for steady state operation can be left unchanged, at least from the emission analysis point. The impact of The emissions of the unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides were the ignition timing on the output parameters of cold UHGXFHGLQVWHDG\VWDWHWHVWFRQGLWLRQVXVLQJ( VWDUWDQGG\QDPLFGULYLQJXVLQJ(LVDVXEMHFWIRU fuel, comparing to the gasoline use. future work. The amount of acetaldehyde was increased up to LQ WKH HQJLQHRXW HPLVVLRQV XVLQJ ( IXHO Conclusions when compared with the gasoline use. 1. 9ROXPHWULF VKDUH RI WKH XQEXUQHG K\GURFDUERQV carbon monoxide and acetaldehyde emissions Ignition timing, adjusted by the test vehicle’s manufacturer for gasoline use, was found suitable ZDVLQVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFWHGE\WKHYDULDWLRQRIWKH IRU(IURPWKHHPLVVLRQDQDO\VHVSRLQW ignition timing within the tested range. 2. The exhaust gas temperate increased with ignition timing retard and was higher when the gasoline ZDVXVHGFRPSDULQJWR(XVH References 1. &RVWDJOLROD0$'H6LPLR/,DQQDFFRQH63UDWL09&RPEXVWLRQHI¿FLHQF\DQGHQJLQHRXW emissions of a S.I. engine fueled with alcohol/gasoline blends. Applied EnergySS± 2. +DUD77DQRXH./DPLQDUÀDPHVSHHGRIHWKDQROQKHSWDQHLVRRFWDQHDLUPL[WXUHV$YDLODEOH DWKWWSZZZ¿VLWDFRPHGXFDWLRQFRQJUHVVVFSDSHUVIVFSGI)HEUXDU\ +H\ZRRG-%Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals0F*UDZ+LOO1HZ<RUNS 4. .XPDU61D\HN0.XPDU$7DQGRQ$0RQGDO3$OGHK\GHNHWRQHDQGPHWKDQHHPLVVLRQV from motor vehicle exhaust. American Chemical Science JournalSS± Sayin C. (2012) The impact of varying spark timing at different octane numbers on the performance and emission characteristics in a gasoline engine. FuelSS± Silaipillayarputhur K., Idem S.A. (2011) Spark advance effects in spark ignition engines. Journal of Applied Global ResearcheSS± 7RSJO7<FHVX+6dLQDU&.RFD$7KHHIIHFWVRIHWKDQRO±XQOHDGHGJDVROLQHEOHQGVDQG ignition timing on engine performance and exhaust emissions. EnergySS± 7XUQHU';X+&UDFNQHOO5)1DWDUDMDQ9&KHQ;&RPEXVWLRQSHUIRUPDQFHRIELRHWKDQRODW various blend ratios in a gasoline direct injection engine. FuelSS± 9. 7UN|]1(UNXú%øKVDQ.DUDPDQJLO06UPHQ$$UVODQR÷OX1([SHULPHQWDOLQYHVWLJDWLRQ RIWKHHIIHFWRI(RQHQJLQHSHUIRUPDQFHDQGHPLVVLRQVXQGHUYDULRXVLJQLWLRQWLPLQJVFuelSS ± 10. :DJQHU7:\V]\QVNL0$OGHK\GHVDQGNHWRQHVLQHQJLQHH[KDXVWHPLVVLRQV±DUHYLHZJournal of Automobile Engineering, 210, pp. 109 – 122. 5(6($5&+)25585$/'(9(/230(1792/80(