CASE STUDY: BRADY ToughWash™ HELPS COMPANIES TACKLE CRITICAL BUSINESS ISSUES FOOD SAFETY The #1 concern for all food processors. CRITICAL BUSINESS ISSUES ■■ Food Safety - Regulation ■■ Food Safety - Sanitation ■■ Workplace Safety ■■ CI - Waste Reduction ■■ CI - Worker Education FOOD SAFETY STANDARDS Safe Food Australia is the guide to the mandatory standards. The following standards are mandatory for all food businesses. ■■ 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements ■■ 3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment Source: Australian Government Department of Industry ToughWash™ label material on a steel surface during washdown and abrasion scrubbing test. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW Up to 40% of food processors fail to label all hazards due to food safety concerns. As a result, 59% of employees are more likely to be injured on the job. Keeping processing facilities and products safe for employees and end customers can be a challenging endeavour. When you add importunate competition and stagnant economy into the mix efficiency, consistency and quality can be compromised. Irrespective of industry type, every organisation faces compliance requirements around safety identification and labelling to support accident prevention. Food and Beverage (F&B) production is a particularly exigent environment characterised by extremely rigid Workplace and Food Safety Standards. Most industrial manufacturers use labels and signs but F&B production facilities are mostly precluded from these to guarantee food purity and quality. Unfortunately, workplace safety is then compromised. THE PROBLEM The nature of the industry requires F&B processing plants to undergo multiple wash down cycles, where pressures of high heat, harsh chemicals and high pressure sprays causing quick deterioration of safety labels made mandatory by the Food Safety Standards. CASE STUDY: Inghams Pty Ltd As one of Australias premier poultry suppliers and producers, and like many others within the industry, Inghams faces the combined challenges of stringent Food Safety Standards and the constant pressure of cost reductions. When asked about the prevailing sources of frustration around safety labelling and identification, Mike Drobiszewski, Inghams Plant Engineer immediately identified three key points - “Availability, durability, cost.” Despite stringent budget restraints, compliance pressures have driven the company to look for a long term solution for their facility safety identification, which they were able to find with Brady ToughWash™. THE SOLUTION ToughWash™ Harsh Washdown Labels & Signs Brady has created ToughWash™ Harsh Washdown Labels & Signs to help huge industry players such as Ingham's and Tip Top Bakeries reach their quality, productivity and food safety targets. “Stringent hygiene requirements and the thorough cleaning process that does with it, prevented food and beverage industries from enjoying the benefits of durable and long lasting safety signage in their production units.” says Tim Van den Eede, Brady EU Materials Product Manager. CIP Return on pipemarker valve connect area. The ToughWash™ labels however, have “outstanding durability and survive harsh cleaning processes due to specialty topcoat, a strong facesheet, engineered label interfaces and edges and superior adhesive.” This ensures the symbols and messages remain legible on the labels, which are printed on thermal heat transfer printable ink ribbons with a topcoat to produce permanent print. Visit for more information. ToughWash™ Metal Detectable Signs & Labels “As an extra safeguard, Bradys Toughwash™ label also comes in a metal detectable version that can be recognized by standard metal detection equipment in the F&B industry.” says Mr. Van den Eede. The product uses steel instead of aluminium and in-line detection equipment which will recognise the label without fault due to steel's stronger alternating current field generation. CASE STUDY: Tip Top Bakeries Tip Top Bakeries, part of George Weston Foods and one of Australia's largest bakeries with brand names such as Tip Top, Weston Milling, Don KRC and Jasol have recently purchased a Brady BMP71 Printer with Toughwash™ metal detectable stock to re-label their Dandenong production facility. During the initial implementation phase, after weeks of testing the labels under their standard washdown conditions and metal detectors, Tip Top Bakeries were very impressed with the ToughWash™ metal detectable feature. When asked what prompted their decision to choose Brady ToughWash™, over other labelling materials currently saturating the market, both Tip Top Bakeries and Inghams found the washdown resistant and metal detectable features equally important, adding value to overall convenience and effectiveness. Metalized ToughWash™ material going through a F&B metal detector. BRADY PRINTERS RESULTS Brady ToughWash™ materials are available in a variety of formats that can be used with Brady's thermal transfer printers ■■ BMP™ 71 Portable Printer ■■ BBP® 31 Sign and Label Printer ■■ BBP® 33 Sign and Label Printer As Brady ToughWash™ material was designed to meet Food Safety Regulatory requirements both of Inghams and Tip Top Bakeries made significant strides towards meeting compliance criteria and are expecting to see benefits in several areas: ■■ GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker ■■ Improved effectiveness in meeting Food Safety Standards ■■ Increased quality and productivity ■■ Waste reduction and improved yield ■■ Reduced re-work and enhanced employee training ■■ Decreased long-term consumption of safety identification and labelling solutions According to Mr. Drobiszewski, typically companies purchase pre-made signs as required. However, to improve availability and decrease costs a Brady printer is a must - BBP31 and BBP33 printers being the preferred options for Inghams facilities. “The purpose of the Brady printer in long term will be customising labels for use in factory. It will supplement the purchase of standard signs and/or labels.” says Mr. Drobiszewski. MORE TO COME! Since implementation, over the last few months Tip Top Bakeries have managed to successfully use Brady ToughWash™ materials to re-label their Dandelong production facility. Stay tuned for more information as we follow up with the company for a more comprehensive overview of their experience. Hoses connected to switchboard in F&B facility. Brady Australia Pty Ltd Ph: 1800 620 816 © 2014 Brady Worldwide Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Visit to view an online demo video.