Brussels, April 4th 2008 Performance Regimes: the Italian experience & the European Performance Regime project Agenda q Italian Performance Regime q Why a Performance Regime q A short history q Basic principles & main features q Supporting IT Tool & procedures q European Performance Regime q Organization of the Project q Outcomes of 2005-2006 q Activities in 2007 q Commercial Model q Next steps q RFI experience: some inputs 2 THE ITALIAN PERFORMANCE REGIME 3 Why a Performance Regime q Need to define internationally accepted and measurable qualitative standards at the aim of stimulating the industry and improve the provided service q Need to fulfil the requirements of both national (Concession Act – 2000 and dlgs. 188/2003) and international legislation (EU Dir.2001/14) RFI RFI created created aa system system which which q focuses on the most important market value punctuality q provides regulation for the “lack of quality” (bad performance) rather than for the “lack of service” (cancellations) q is applied on the whole network and all RUs are involved q foresees monetary flows but the penalties are kept low by applying ceilings and thresholds to avoid financial risk for the partners 4 02--04 02 02-04 Testing Testing 00--01 00 00-01 Study and and Study working out out working of the the model model of A short history è 2000 - RFI starts working on a Performance scheme both at national and at international level on the basis of the outcomes of the EPR I and II UIC Projects. è End 2001 - RFI presents its proposal to the Ministry of Transport è 2002-2004 – Test of the and fine tuning of the model è July 2004 – Presentation to RUs è Until December 2004 - Shadow running in cooperation with RUs 2005 -2005 today today January January 2005 2005 official official start start è MONITORING è FINE TUNING (thresholds, ceilings, delay attribution …) 5 Basic principles Oriented towards the most valuable market value: punctuality Incentivating and not compensative Produces financial flows Main Main features features and and basic basic principles principles of of the the chosen chosen model model Measurable & Quantitative (based on delays) Differentiated by type of traffic Controllable by IT Tools Symmetrical the delays caused by IMs and RUs “costs” the same amount (• thresholds: 15’ for passenger, 30’ for freight and ) 5’ for regional 6 financial flows flows 33 financial calculation 22 calculation Monitoring 11 Monitoring Main features è Monitoring made per train è Delay measurement in terms of minutes è Cause attribution for each single minute ü Secondary delays are attributed to the related primary cause ü Undocumented delays are attributed to RFI AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC MANUAL MANUAL è Late trains above threshold are taken into account è Minutes of delay at destination are shared according to attributed responsibilities (excl. external causes) è Penalties are calculated according the above mentioned share of delay è Unitary value : 2€/minute è Ceilings: 20% of the TAC of the delayed train (for single trains) and 15% of the total charge (for each RU at the end of the invoicing period) è Penalties are calculated and attributed per train/RU è Compensations between parties are applied 7 Supporting IT tools & procedures ü ü ü ü ü ü REAL REAL TIME TIME ü ü ü ü ü ü Monitoring Monitoring of of traffic; traffic; Delay registering; Delay registering; Causes Causes attribution attribution PIC Penalties Penalties calculation calculation Statistics Statistics TACs TACs calculation calculation CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED DATA DATA In order to guarantee privacy, integrity and reliability of data RFI obtained the TÜV Certification for: On-line connection On RUs On-line connection of of RUs RUs (Suite (Suite WEB WEB RUs) RUs)) q IT Security Management System (BS 7799) applied to SISCTRIACE RUs RUs can can agree/disagree agree/disagree within within 24h; 24h; in in case case of of disagreement disagreement there there are are three three levels levels of of discussion: discussion: by24h, by24h, 48h, 48h, 88 days. days. IfIf no no agreement agreement special special inquires inquires are are settled and those trains excluded from calculation settled and those trains excluded from calculation q Quality Management System (UNI EN ISO 9001:2000) applied to the Security Data Base (BDS) 8 Some results …. q Better knowledge of the performance: the share of undocumented causes has sensibly decreased, from a quarterly average of 26% (with peaks of 75%-80%) in 2002 to 10%-12% q The financial flows account for about 1% of the total TACs q The The total PR delays have been decreasing since the year 2002 9 … some results …. q The punctuality has improved since 2005 10 … some results q The system is managed without overwhelming administrative costs Data Data processing processing Data Data analysis analysis and and evaluation evaluation Attribution Attribution of of financial financial penalties/bonuses penalties/bonuses Data Data input/collection input/collection about about delays delays Attribution Attribution of of causes/responsibilities causes/responsibilities Managing Managing of of financial financial flows flows Managing Managing of of claims claims by by interested interested subjects subjects The The system system is is the the same same Costs for the PR for RFI: q Setting up of the system € 200.000 (una tantum) q Managing of the 450.000 per year system The The shadow shadow running running phase phase did did not not show show an an increase increase in in “disagreements” “disagreements” € 11 THE UIC EPR PROJECT 12 Organization The Project has been organized in three Working Groups dealing with Commercial, Technical and Legal aspects of the project. Each WG is led by a Coordinator. Also a specific Advisory Group has been set up to evaluate the output of Working Groups. A new Data Managers Group has been created with representatives of RUs/IMs in order to organize and carry out the test run in 2008. AdvisoryGroup Group(IM+RU (IM+RU)) Advisory Leadsthe theProject Project Leads Leader:B.Morgante B.Morgante(RFI) (RFI) Leader: WGCommercial Commercial WG WGContractual Contractual WG Leader: H.Reisinger, RNE Leader: R.Achermann, SBB Leader:J.F. Ducoing, RFF CommercialModel Model Commercial Supported Supported by by CIT CIT and and CER CER ProjectManagement Management Project WGITITWG Tools/RNE Tools/RNE support ITITsupport Representatives Representatives from from both both IMs IMs and and RUs RUs (UIC (UIC Forum) Forum) Takesdecisions decisions Takes Leader: D. Haase (DBNetz) Leader: D. Haase (DBNetz) Legalsupport support Legal WGImplementation DataManagers Managers Data WG Implementation ofthe the Implementation Implementation of of the system system system Leader: to be nominated UICSubgroup Subgroup UIC Leaflet450.2 450.2(UIC) (UIC) Leaflet TEST-TEAM11 TEST-TEAM TEST-TEAM22 TEST-TEAM TEST-TEAM nn TEST-TEAM 13 Outcomes of 2007 - overview Last year has been very important for the developments of the EPR Project q Coordination with RUs (passenger and freight) Presentation of the work done by EPR teams and remarks by RUs; remarks by RUs and presentation by SNCF of an improvement of the model. The general approach of the model has been agreed; some points remain open and it has been agreed to deeply examine the different options q UPDATING OF THE UIC LEAFLET 450.2 The requirements for a better implementation of the EPR have mainly been met q TEST RUN The EPR model proposals have been tested on three Corridors by test teams (RUs+IMs): ü Brenner ü Rotterdam-Milano ü Antwerpen Basel 14 EPR Commercial Model The common features of the proposed models can be described as follows: q Based on delays q Foresees financial penalties q Corridor – based approach (first step) q Includes secondary delays (RU/RU) and provides an incentive to recover delays q Limits penalties to a warning function q Applied on the whole train path q Monitoring made per train The different options concern ü ü ü Secondary delays treatment Recovered time treatment Technique of penalty calculation 15 Test run 2007 The main objectives of the test runs 2007 were: Technical/operational Technical/operational q Data quality evaluation q Detection of technical and operational problems – propositions for solutions Commercial Commercial q Analysis of the commercial model options using real data Very good results: q Data quality and EOPT functionality improved, q Remaining problems identified q Definition of next improvements q Cooperation and data flow among partners improved An analysis on different aspects but without a deep commercial evaluation: new tests are foreseen in 2008 16 Next steps Since the project has come to a crucial point, participant railways have signed a Memorandum of Understanding stating their commitment in the Project. This years activities would be: q q Commercial issues ü Deeper analysis of the outcomes of the test run 2007 ü Analysis of outcomes of the test run 2008 ü Drafting of a final Commercial Model Test run ü Carried out by the “Data Managers Group” ü Corridors to test: same of 2007 (with an improved automatic procedure) and/or new corridors q DEADLINE : end 2008 2009: dry-runs foreseen Fine tuning of ü Contractual aspects ü Acceptance procedures and disputes resolution ü Update version of the Handbook 17 RFI’s experience: some inputs RFI’ s experience highlighted that the following items are important in setting up a Performance Regime Choice of an indicator that best suits the involved network; in principle it should be A A MARKET MARKET ORIENTED ORIENTED SYSTEM SYSTEM ü Measurable ü Recognized by all stakeholders (nationally and internationally) COOPERATION COOPERATION The performance of the railway system depends on both IM and RUs: it is important to involve the RUs at least in a shadow-running Financial EFFECTIVENESS EFFECTIVENESS flows should be foreseen as they stimulate the commitment of partners, in addition the system should also allow a better knowledge of the causes of bad performance and distinguish different type of traffic PR PR IS IS A A MEANS MEANS NOT NOT A A GOAL GOAL If existing, penalties should be kept low, what is important is to allow the identification of corrective actions 18