Chapter: 268C PRINTED DOCUMENTS (CONTROL) REGULATIONS Gazette Number Version Date 30/06/1997 Empowering section (Cap 268 section 18) [1 July 1951] (Originally 15 of 1951 Second Schedule Part IV) Regulation: 1 Citation 30/06/1997 These regulations may be cited as the Printed Documents (Control) Regulations. Regulation: 2 Printed document to bear name and address of printer 30/06/1997 Every printed document shall have printed thereon in legible type, in English or Chinese, the name and full address of the printer of the document, preceded by the words "Printed By" or "Printer" in English or Chinese. Regulation: 3 Printer's name and address on document 30/06/1997 If the printed document consists of a number of leaves bound or fastened together or forming one sheet the printer's name and address shall appear on the front of the first leaf or on the back of the last leaf or at the bottom of the last printed page. (L.N. 96 of 1988) Regulation: 4 Printer's name and address in book or pamphlet 30/06/1997 If the printed document is a book or pamphlet the printer's name and address shall appear at the bottom of the last printed page. (L.N. 96 of 1988) Regulation: 5 Printer's name and address in newspaper 30/06/1997 In the case of a local newspaper the printer's name and address shall appear either on the front page or on the back page, and it shall be sufficient if the printer's name and address appear in one place in the local newspaper although the sheets may not be fastened together. (L.N. 96 of 1988) Regulation: 6 (Repealed L.N. 96 of 1988) 30/06/1997 Regulation: 7 Prohibition of printing, etc. 30/06/1997 No person shall print or publish or in any way whatsoever assist in the distribution of any printed document which does not comply with the requirements of these regulations. Regulation: 8 (Repealed L.N. 96 of 1988) 30/06/1997 Regulation: 9 Copies of printed documents to be kept for 6 months 30/06/1997 Every person who prints any book, local newspaper or other printed document shall keep one copy of such book, Cap 268C - PRINTED DOCUMENTS (CONTROL) REGULATIONS 1 local newspaper or other printed document for a period of 6 months after the printing thereon. (L.N. 96 of 1988) Regulation: 10 30/06/1997 Copies of printed documents to bear name and address of printer Such copy shall have written or printed thereon the name and full address of the person by whom the printer was employed to print the same. Regulation: 11 30/06/1997 Chinese name to be in Chinese characters If the name of such person is Chinese the name shall be written or printed in Chinese characters. Regulation: 12 30/06/1997 Production of document to Registrar The Registrar may demand the production to him of any printed document and, on such demand, the printer shall produce a copy of such printed document to the Registrar. (L.N. 96 of 1988) Regulation: 13 30/06/1997 Offences and penalties Any person who contravenes regulation 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 or 12 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $1000 and to imprisonment for 6 months. (G.N.A. 27 of 1954; L.N. 96 of 1988) Regulation: 14 Exemption 34 of 1999 01/07/1997 Remarks: Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 34 of 1999 s. 3 (1) The Registrar may exempt any printed document from all or any of the provisions of these regulations. (2) Any person seeking exemption of a printed document under paragraph (1) who is aggrieved by a decision of the Registrar under that paragraph may appeal by way of petition to the Chief Executive who- (34 of 1999 s. 3) (a) may regard such petition as being complete for the purposes of considering the appeal; and (b) may confirm, vary or reverse such decision or substitute therefor such other decision or make such other order as he may think fit. (3) The right of appeal provided by paragraph (2) shall not be exercisable by any person after the expiration of 7 days from the notification to him in writing of the Registrar's decision. (L.N. 96 of 1988) Cap 268C - PRINTED DOCUMENTS (CONTROL) REGULATIONS 2