Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 18(2009) – La2−xCexCu1−yZnyO4 perovskites for high temperature water-gas shift reaction S. S. Maluf, E. M. Assaf∗ Instituto de Quı́mica de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Trabalhador Sãocarlense, 400 São Carlos, SP 13560-970, Brazil [ Manuscript received November 10, 2008; revised February 13, 2009 ] Abstract The performance of La2−x Cex Cu1−y Zny O4 perovskites as catalysts for the high temperature water-gas shift reaction (HT-WGSR) was investigated. The catalysts were characterized by EDS, XRD, BET surface area, TPR, and XANES. The results showed that all the perovskites exhibited the La2 CuO4 orthorhombic structure, so the Pechini method is suitable for the preparation of pure perovskite. However, the La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 perovskite alone, when calcined at 350/700 ◦ C, also showed a (La0.935 Ce0.065 )2 CuO4 perovskite with tetragonal structure, which produced a surface area higher than the other perovskites. The perovskites that exhibited the best catalytic performance were those calcined at 350/700 ◦ C and, among these, La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 was outstanding, probably because of the high surface area associated with the presence of the (La0.935 Ce0.065 )2 CuO4 perovskite with tetragonal structure and orthorhombic La2 CuO4 phase. Key words perovskite; shift reaction; lanthanum; copper; cerium 1. Introduction The water-gas shift reaction (WGSR) is mostly used in the production of hydrogen via the steam reforming of hydrocarbons and is of importance for future energy technologies such as fuel cells [1]. Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFC) have been extensively studied [2−4] due to their attractive properties, such as high power density, low emissions of NOx , dust, noise, etc., low temperature operation and compactness [5,6]. In this system, hydrogen is used as a fuel; it is supplied from steam reforming of hydrocarbons such as methane, propane and kerosene. Therefore, the H2 obtained via methane steam reforming undergoes a purification process before application in fuel cells. This process consists of the high temperature water-gas shift reaction (reducing the CO gas of 10% to 3%), the low temperature water-gas shift reaction (reducing the CO gas of 3% to 0.5%) and the preferencial oxidation reaction (reducing to 5−10 ppm of CO) as the last step. The problem is that the reformed gas contains CO at the level of 1%−10% which adsorbs irreversibly on the Pt electrode of the PEFC at the operating temperature (ca. 80 ◦ C) and hinders the electrochemical reaction [7,8]. Therefore, CO must be removed from the reformed gases to less than ∗ 10−20 ppm before feeding the gas mixture to the Pt electrode. The water-gas shift reaction is desirable for removal of a large amount of CO since it is a moderately exothermic reaction (∆H 298 = −41.1 kJ/mol) and the reaction temperature is easy to control. The equilibrium conversion of CO is dependent largely on the reaction temperature: since the shift reaction is an exothermic reaction, lower temperature is favored for higher CO removal. Catalysts for the high-temperature (>300 ◦ C) WGSR are typically based on iron-chromium oxides, while those used in the low-temperature (<300 ◦ C) WGSR are copperzinc oxide based [4,9]. However, the copper-based catalysts, although active, are handicapped (especially for fuel cell applications) by their sensitivity to exposure to air and water condensation [1]. It has been shown that oxides with high oxygen storage capacity such as CeO2 can exhibit high WGSR activity in conjunction with various metal promoters [1,3,10−13]. The role of ceria in such systems is proposed to be via a ceria-mediated redox process, where the oxygen storage capacity of ceria and the metal are the active elements [11,13]. In the presence of Cu, ceria reduction is proposed to start at low temperatures (<200 ◦ C) [10]. Ceria is also responsible Corresponding author. Tel: +551633739951; Fax: +551633739952; E-mail: The work was supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo. Copyright©2009, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S1003-9953(08)60091-2 2 S. S. Maluf et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 18 No. 2 2009 to enhance reducibility and to stabilize the Cu particles towards sintering [14]. However, the effect of ceria on the Cu particles is not clear. Additionally, an interesting oxide structure, focused on this paper, is the perovskite. The general structural formula is ABO3 , where A and B are usually rare earth and transition metal cations, respectively, and the corresponding perovskites show high activity and thermal stability. These have frequently been exploited in the development of catalysts since the substitution of foreign cations allows their catalytic properties to be modified systematically. The perovskites oxides have several advantages relative to other oxides simply, because the ability to accommodate a variety of ions of different valence, leading to a high electronic conductivity and high mobility of oxygen. Then, these oxides are classified as non-stoichiometric or oxides with oxygen non-stoichiometric. In addition, they show better thermal stability than oxides of transition metals. The perovskites have been studied for several reactions, including oxidation of CO and hydrocarbons [15−18], CO oxidation by NO, CO hydrogenation, NOx decomposition and eletrocatalysis [19−21]. However, there is little work on the use of perovskites as catalysts for the water-gas shift reaction [10,22,23]. For these reasons, in the present study, La2−x Cex Cu1−y Zny O4 perovskites were prepared, characterized and tested for high temperature water-gas shift reaction to estimate the activity and production of hydrogen. 2. Experimental 2.1. Catalysts Samples were prepared by Pechini [24], which it is a polymerization method, using La(NO3 )3 ·6H2 O (VETEC), Cu(NO3 )2 ·3H2 O (Riedel-de Haën), Ce(NO3 )3 ·6H2 O (AlfaAesar) and Zn(NO3 )2 ·6H2 O (Synth). The nitrates were dissolved in water (in the desired ratios) and stirred at 60 ◦ C. This solution was added to a solution of citric acid in ethylene glycol (60 : 40 w/w) and the resulting mixture was evaporated (110−120 ◦ C) for 24 h with vigorous stirring in order to carry out the polymerization. Products were dried at 80 ◦ C for 24 h. For calcination step, it was realized by two different heating schedules: the first consisted of pre-calcination at 350 ◦ C for 2 h and calcination at 700 ◦ C for 4 h; the second of precalcination at 550 ◦ C for 1.5 h and calcination at 900 ◦ C for 10 h. All thermal treatments were performed in air, flowing at 50 ml/min, with a 5 ◦ C/min heating rate. The nominal compositions of the catalysts were: La2 CuO4 , La1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 , La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 and La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 . 2.2. Characterization techniques Samples were characterized by the following methods: (1) Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) to determine chemical compositions; the equipment used was an EDX Link Analytical QX 2000 coupled to a LEO 440 electron microscope linked to an Oxford detector. (2) X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine crystal structures, in a Rigaku Multiflex diffractometer, with a Cu Kα (1.5406 Å) radiation source; the X-ray patterns were recorded for 2θ values ranging from 20o to 70o . (3) N2 physisorption to determine surface area by the BET method, at 77 K, using a Quantachrome NOVA 2000. (4) Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) measurements were performed in a quartz U-shaped tube reactor with a mixture of H2 (1.96%)/Ar flowing at 30 ml/min. The catalyst sample (50 mg) was heated from room temperature to 1000 ◦ C at a rate of 10 ◦ C/min. The water produced during the reduction was removed by driving the effluent gas through a tube containing silica gel. The outlet gas was analyzed by a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and the H2 consumption was measured by comparing the corresponding peak area with that produced by a standard CuO sample. (5) X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra at the Cu K-edge for samples were measured at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) in Campinas, Brazil. A Si (111) monochromator was used to select the X-ray beam from the synchrotron light produced by the 1.37 GeV electron storage ring with a maximum current of 200 mA. The Cu K-edge absorption spectra were recorded in the transmission mode, in a range of photon energy from 8900 to 9400 eV, using a CCD camera. In an atmosphere of H2 /CO2 (1 : 1 v/v) flowing at 30 ml/min, the oxidized samples were heated in situ from 22 to 400 ◦ C, at 10 ◦ C/min, and held at 400 ◦ C for 30 min. The XANES spectra at the Cu K-edge were collected in situ at various temperatures. The purpose of the XANES analysis is to provide information on the different oxidation states of copper (Cu2+ , Cu+ , and/or Cu0 ) under the reaction conditions (temperature, atmosphere of the reaction products). 2.3. Catalytic tests Catalytic activity measurements were carried out at 360 ◦ C in a fixed-bed tubular glass micro-reactor, so as to analyze the activity and hydrogen production. This temperature was chosen because there was no catalytic activity for temperatures lower than 360 ◦ C. The apparatus for catalytic tests consisted of flow controllers, the reactor unit, and the analytical system. The flow system consisted of a set of mass-flow controllers (AAlborg, four channels) which accurately controlled the flow of feed gases (55 ml/min, 5%CO/N2 mixture). The water for the reaction was supplied by a saturator, previously calibrated, at a constant temperature. The feed gas was passed through the saturator and it was wet enough for the reaction to occur. The molar ratio utilized was H2 O : CO = 2.3 : 1. The mass of catalyst used was 100 mg (60−80 mesh) and it was introduced into the reactor on a porous plate. The reactor was placed in a furnace with a thermocouple placed close to the catalytic bed, to ensure precise temperature measurements. 3 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 18 No. 2 2009 All the reaction products were analyzed in-line by gas chromatography (Varian, Model 3800) with two TCDs, using an automatic injection valve. The reaction product stream was divided into two outlet streams, which were analyzed differently in order to obtain accurate and complete quantification of the reaction products. One of these aliquots was used to analyze hydrogen, which was separated in a 13X molecular-sieve packed column, using N2 as carrier gas. The other aliquot was used to analyze CO2 and CO separated in Porapak N-packed columns, using He as carrier gas. The water present in the stream was condensed and removed before injection into the chromatograph. 3. Results 3.1. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) Table 1 shows the average mass percentage of the components, obtained by EDS, and it is seen that the real values are very close to the nominal composition (except in La2 CuO4 sample) showing the method is efficient. The nominal compositions were calculated assuming La2−x Cex Cu1−y Zny O4 as the formula of the prepared perovskites. The amount of La was generally higher than the theoretical content. These results are in agreement with Merino et al [25]. Table 1. EDS results for samples Sample a La CuO 2 4 a La 1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 a La 1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 a La 1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 b La CuO 2 4 b La 1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 b La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 b La 1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 a nominal 81.3 79.3 77.2 79.3 81.3 79.3 77.2 79.3 La experimental 74.6 79.9 77.6 80.4 71.7 79.5 77.8 80.1 nominal 18.7 18.7 18.8 14.9 18.7 18.7 18.8 14.9 Content (%) Cu experimental nominal 25.4 − 19.1 2.0 19.3 4.0 14.5 2.0 28.9 − 18.6 2.0 18.1 4.0 13.6 2.0 Ce experimental − 1.0 3.1 1.2 − 1.9 4.1 1.9 nominal − − − 3.8 − − − 3.8 Zn experimental − − − 3.9 − − − 4.4 Calcination at 350/700 ◦ C; b calcination at 550/900 ◦ C 3.2. X-ray dif fraction (XRD) X-ray patterns of pervoskites, calcined at 350/700 ◦ C and 550/900 ◦ C, respectively, are presented in Figures 1 and 2. In Figure 1, the diffraction lines corresponding to orthorhombic La2 CuO4 (JCPDS # 82-2142) show that it is present as the main phase in all solids, with high crystallinity and well-defined symmetry. The X-ray patterns of La2 CuO4 also show, besides the dominant La2 CuO4 phase lines, three small peaks at 2θ = 35.9o, 38.9o and 49.1o of a segregated CuO phase (JCPDS # 80-1917). With 0.05%Ce, the signals of CuO disappear and the La2 CuO4 peaks remain. However, when the Ce loading was increased to 0.10%, the intensity of signals decreased and significant changes occurred: three new peaks at 2θ: 23.3o, 45.2o and 51.6o appeared; the signal at 43.7o was divided into two (43.2o and 43.5o) and the intensity of the 55.9o signal was weak, compared to other diffractograms. Analyzing these results, signals are found that refer to the (La0.935Ce0.065 )2 CuO4 perovskite with tetragonal structure (JCPDS # 48-0796), whose main peaks are at 2θ = 31o , 55.8o, 45.2o, 23.3o, 43.2o and 43.6o. This is a consequence of the replacement of La by Ce, which introduces structural disorder, since Ce has a greater ionic radius than La, and can cause a change in the crystal lattice, as the chemical structure is very complex [25]. The perovskite with Zn produced an X-ray pattern similar to that of La1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 perovskite, showing total dominance of the La2 CuO4 orthorhombic phase, but with less intense diffraction lines. Thus, as the degree of ion substitution increases, the diffraction line intensity falls, and also there is a slight diffraction-line shift to higher values of the Bragg angle, θ. The peaks of CeO2 were not observed because the Ce is a highly dispersed phase or incorporated to the structure of the La2 CuO4 because some peaks of samples with Ce have 2θ values shifted to lower values in relation to the La2 CuO4 sample (Figure 1). Figure 1. X-ray diffractograms of perovskites calcined at (a) 350/700 ◦ C. (1) La2 CuO4 , (2) La1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 , (3) La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 , (4) La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 4 S. S. Maluf et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 18 No. 2 2009 The X-ray patterns of Figure 2 show high crystallinity and dominance of the La2 CuO4 orthorhombic phase, in the perovskites calcined at 550/900 ◦ C. The La2 CuO4 sample behaved similarly to perovskites calcined at 350/700 ◦ C. With sample La1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 , the copper oxide peak disappeared and a new signal appeared at 2θ = 28.2o, while for sample La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 , this signal increased and two new peaks appeared: 46.7o and 55.2o . These could be due to CeO2 , but with 2θ values shifted (#JCPDS 81-0792). When Zn was added, peaks at 2θ = 28.2o and 46.7o decreased significantly and the peak at 55.2o overlapped with a peak at 56.0o to form a single peak. This shows that there was a decrease of segregated CeO2 on substitution of Cu by Zn, while the La2 CuO4 orthorhombic phase remained. Summarizing, for this series of perovskites, high temperatures associated with the substitution of La by Ce in the samples favored segregation of CeO2 . this type of material [25−27], as the structure is well defined and crystalline (according to the XRD results). Results show that for samples calcined at 350/700 ◦ C the surface area increased as cerium was added. This increase was very significant for La1.90Ce0.10 CuO4 (350/700 ◦ C), probably because the partial substitution of La by Ce can change the oxidation state of the copper and/or produce structural defects (as the presence of (La0.935Ce0.065 )2 CuO4 perovskite with tetragonal structure), which can be associated with the physicochemical properties of the material [15−18] producing an increase in the observed surface area. These results are in agreement with the literature [25,26,28]. Perovskites calcined at 550/900 ◦ C showed very low surface areas, as a result of the sintering that occurred at the higher temperature to which they were submitted. Table 2. Surface area results Temperature of thermal Sample treatment (◦ C) La2 CuO4 350/700 La1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 350/700 La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 350/700 La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 350/700 La2 CuO4 550/900 La1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 550/900 La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 550/900 La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 550/900 Surface area (m2 /g) 2.5 2.4 8.0 3.8 −* 0.2 0.3 0.8 * Measurement not possible. 3.4. Temperature programmed reduction The TPR patterns are presented in Figures 3 and 4. For perovskites calcined at 350/700 ◦ C (Figure 3), all TPR patterns were similar, i.e, two reduction peaks, a more intense one at 400 ◦ C and a weaker one at 520 ◦ C. Figure 2. X-ray diffractograms of perovskites calcined at 550/900 ◦ C. (1) La2 CuO4 , (2) La1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 , (3) La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 , (4) La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 Comparing the XRD results obtained for the two series of perovskites, it is concluded that both series show the prevalence of La2 CuO4 orthorhombic phase; with milder heat treatment (350/700 ◦ C), the presence of 0.10% Ce favored the formation of (La0.935Ce0.065 )2 CuO4 perovskite with tetragonal structure; the replacement of Cu by Zn, in both series of perovskites, caused no structural changes in samples and the diffraction line intensity of perovskites calcined at 550/900 ◦ C was higher, probably because the high temperatures of calcination enhanced the crystallinity of the samples. And, it can also be concluded that the Pechini method, with the conditions here utilized (high solubility of reactants, slow rate of drying and calcination), is suitable for the preparation of pure perovskites. 3.3. BET surface area The surface areas of the prepared catalysts are summarized in Table 2. These values are lower than the areas of conventional supported catalysts, but such behavior is common in Figure 3. TPR profiles of perovskites calcined at 350/700 ◦ C The first peak (400 ◦ C) is assigned to reduction of copper ions in the perovskite to metal: Cu2+ → Cu+ (Equation 1) and the peak at 520 ◦ C is related to reduction of cuprous oxide: Cu+ → Cu0 (Equation 2) [18,29−31]. 5 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 18 No. 2 2009 2La2 CuO4 + H2 → Cu2 O + 2La2O3 + H2 O (1) (2) Cu2 O + H2 → 2Cu0 + H2O For La2 CuO4 sample, there is a weaker shoulder at 340 ◦ C, attributed to the reduction of the segregated CuO species that appears in the XRD results [18,29−31]. Experimental and nominal amounts of H2 consumed are summarized in Table 3. For La2 CuO4 and La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 samples, the experimental and nominal amounts of H2 consumed are practically equals, while for other perovskites, the experimental value is lower than the nominal. This occurs probably because all copper of the samples is not reduced as considered in the calculation of nominal values. As the degree of substitution of these samples rises, it occurs as a slight shift of the peak maximum to high temperature, showing higher stability in these samples probably because the Cu species interact strongly with Ce. Additionally, Table 3 shows the amount of H2 consumed in the 520 ◦ C peak increase as the degree of substitution of the samples and this can be attributed to increase of reduction of Cu+ species since the replacement of La3+ by Ce4+ produces an excess of positive charge in the structure of the perovskite, which is balanced by reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ species [32]. Alternatively, this peak may be the consequence of reduction of Ce4+ species, which are reduced in this temperature range [4,29,33−35]. Table 3. TPR data for perovskites calcined at 350/700 o C Sample La2 CuO4 La1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 Total amount of H2 (mol) nominal experimental 2.0×10−4 2.1×10−4 2.1×10−4 1.5×10−4 1.9×10−4 1.1×10−4 −4 1.4×10 1.3×10−4 In the TPR profile of La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 , the peak at 520 ◦ C was shifted to 600 ◦ C and a shoulder appeared in the range 650 ◦ C to 800 ◦ C, that can probably be ascribed to the reduction of Ce4+ present in the bulk of the sample [4,29,33−35]. Figure 4 shows the TPR patterns of perovskites calcined at 550/900 ◦ C. All these spectra have three reduction peaks: 380 ◦ C, 420 ◦ C and 520 ◦ C. The previous comments regarding perovskites calcined at 350/700 ◦ C also apply to Figure 4. TPR profiles of perovskites calcined at 550/900 ◦ C Total experimental amount of H2 (mol/g) 40.5×10−4 19.8×10−4 15.7×10−4 18.9×10−4 H2 amount at 520 ◦ C peak (mol) 1.7×10−5 2.2×10−5 3.5×10−5 3.5×10−5 perovskites calcined at 550/900 ◦ C. Thus the shoulder at 380 ◦ C in La2 CuO4 is from the reduction of segregated CuO, seen in XRD results. The signal at 420 ◦ C is from reduction of Cu2+ → Cu+ (Equation 1) and the peak at 520 ◦ C shows reduction of Cu+ → Cu0 (Equation 2) [29−31]. With the addition of the Ce, the area of the peak at 380 ◦ C decreases (since the content of segregated CuO falls) and the signals at 420 ◦ C and 520 ◦ C begin to separate, to turn the peaks more definable. For La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 sample, the peak at 520 ◦ C shifted to 600 ◦ C, similar behavior was obtained for the sample calcined at 350/700 ◦ C. In all samples, the total experimental value of H2 consumed (Table 4) was lower than the nominal amount, and this may be attributed to the same previous comments regarding preovskites calcined at 350/700 ◦ C. Similar to perovskites calcined at lower temperatures, the presence of cerium provokes an increase in consumption of H2 in the 520 ◦ C peak (Table 4), indicating that surface Ce4+ species are reduced together with copper [4,29,33−35], or that the Cu+ content increases as a consequence of replacement of La by Ce [32]. The TPR patterns show that perovskites calcined at high temperatures produced more defined peaks, as a consequence of the severe thermal treatment during calcinations. Nevertheless, these perovskites showed a lower real consumption of H2 than the perovskites calcined at low temperatures. This is probably due to the sintering process that would have occurred at 900 ◦ C. Table 4. TPR data for perovskites calcined at 550/900 o C Sample La2 CuO4 La1.95 Ce0.05 CuO4 La1.90 Ce0.10 CuO4 La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 Total amount of H2 (mol) nominal experimental 2.6×10−4 1.6×10−4 1.9×10−4 1.6×10−4 −4 2.5×10 1.5×10−4 2.3×10−4 2.1×10−4 Total experimental amount of H2 (mol/g) 26.5×10−4 22.1×10−4 15.4×10−4 16.6×10−4 H2 amount at 520 ◦ C peak (mol) 2.0×10−5 4.2×10−5 3.7×10−5 7.4×10−5 6 S. S. Maluf et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 18 No. 2 2009 3.5. Catalytic tests Figure 5 shows the CO conversion for catalysts calcined at 350/700 ◦ C. The LaCuOx and La1.95Ce0.05 CuO4 catalysts produced the same conversion (60%). When the content of Ce was increased (0.10%), the conversion rose to 75%. Meanwhile, the La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 perovskite performed worse than all other catalysts, as this sample favored the reverse shift reaction (CO2 +H2 → CO+H2 O). La1.90Ce0.10 CuO4 perovskite presented the best performance (75%). This can be explained by its high surface area (Table 2), which may be connected with the formation of the (La0.935Ce0.065 )2 CuO4 perovskite with tetragonal structure. Another possible explanation would be that catalytic performance is associated with the filling of the valence orbitals of the metals, the higher energy level of the filled valence orbital, the higher the availability of electrons to the reaction. Since the electron configurations of La and Ce are [Xe] 5d1 6s2 and [Xe] 6s2 4f 2 , respectively, Ce has a higher filled energy level than La, increasing the energy of the valence band of the compound and providing more electrons for reaction. Hence, the presence of Ce improves the catalytic performance, relative to La2 CuO4 . Also, the replacement of La by Ce induces the reduction Cu2+ → Cu+ (probably more catalytically active), as mentioned in the TPR section, to compensate the excess positive charge produced by replacement of La by Ce. The presence of Zn did not have any beneficial effect, probably because of its electron configuration. Since Zn and Cu have electron distributions [Ar] 4s2 3d10 and [Ar] 4s1 3d10 , respectively, thus showing that Zn, with its complete octet is more stable and does not need to donate or receive electrons. 3.6. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) Figure 5. CO conversion by perovskites calcined at 350/700 ◦ C Figure 6 shows the CO conversion for samples calcined at 500/900 ◦ C. All catalysts (except La1.95 Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2 O4 ) performed similarly, i.e., after 2 h of reaction the catalysts presented the same catalytic behavior until the CO conversion of 32%. The La1.95Ce0.05 Cu0.8 Zn0.2O4 catalyst showed the lowest CO conversion and was deactivated more rapidly than other finalizing the reaction after 4 h of test. Figure 6. CO conversion by perovskites calcined at 550/900 ◦ C Comparing the two series of perovskites, a better performance was seen in catalysts submitted to mild heat treatments, because these catalysts had higher surface areas, according to the BET results (Table 2). In terms of CO conversion, the Since the catalytic tests showed that the perovskites calcined at 350/700 ◦ C performed better, it was decided to apply the XANES analysis to these perovskite samples. The Cu K-edge absorption spectra of perovskites calcined at 350/700 ◦ C are shown in Figure 7. The spectra were obtained between room temperature and 400 ◦ C, in the presence of CO2 and H2 , (products of reaction). In the XANES experiments, water and CO were not present. Figures 8 and 9 show the first and last spectra obtained for each sample at 24 ◦ C and 400 ◦ C, respectively. All spectra presented in Figure 8 have the same profile: a narrow and intense peak at 8997 eV and another broad and low intensity peak at 9012 eV. These signals are typical of Cu2+ , so at the beginning of the reaction the copper is oxidized [4,36−38]. As the temperature increased, the above characteristics were maintained up to 400 ◦ C, when the spectra began to change until reaching the shape seen in Figure 9. In this figure, the spectra have a low intensity broad doublet (8993 eV and 9002 eV). This profile is characteristic of metallic Cu [4,36−38]. Additionally, a shoulder at 8980 eV of low intensity appears in the spectra at 400 ◦ C. According to the literature, a signal in this region indicates Cu+ species [39−41]. This agrees with the comments made on the TPR results, suggesting an increased presence of Cu+ species to compensate the replacement of La3+ by Ce4+ . Therefore, it is concluded that the copper, in the presence of the reaction products H2 and CO2 (and in the absence of H2 O and CO), begins the reaction in the oxide form and, when the temperature has reached 400 ◦ C, it is in the metallic form and remains so until the reaction ends. This reduction occurs because of the presence of hydrogen in the reaction mixture, under the conditions used. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 18 No. 2 2009 7 Figure 7. Cu K-edge XANES spectra of samples in the range room temperature to 400 ◦ C in H2 /CO2 samples, because the replacement of La3+ by Ce4+ causes an excess positive charge, which is compensated by transformation of Cu2+ to Cu+ . This hypothesis is confirmed by XANES results for perovskites calcined at 350/700 ◦ C, which showed a signal at 8980 eV, assigned to Cu+ . Moreover, the XANES results revealed that the perovskites, in the presence of the shift reaction products H2 and CO2 , changed from the oxide (up to 400 ◦ C) to the metal state (at 400 ◦ C), under experimental conditions. Perovskites that exhibited the best catalytic performance were those calcined at mild temperatures and, among these, the outstanding pervskite was La1.90Ce0.10 CuO4 , probably because of the high surface area associated with the presence of (La0.935Ce0.065 )2 CuO4 perovskite with tetragonal structure. Figure 8. Cu K-edge XANES spectra of samples at 24 ◦ C Acknowledgements The authors thank FAPESP for financial assistance, Brazilian Synchrotron Laboratory (LNLS) for the XANES experiments and DEQ/UFSCar for the BET and XRD analyses. References Figure 9. Cu K-edge XANES spectra of samples at 400 ◦ C 4. Conclusions From the results obtained in this study, it is concluded the La2 CuO4 phase with orthorhombic structure was present in all samples. 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