Lecture: Project Management Organisation (in English) Workload: 2

Project Management Organisation (in English)
2 hours per week – 3 credits
plus independent study work
upper level
Knowledge from operations/production lectures,
practical experience out of internship
state summer 2016
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Bertagnolli
Open Office / Colloquium in Room W2.3.13
Dates see LSF, within Moodle or script for the first lesson
Link module
Room and Time:
see planning system LSF, changes will be announced there and in Moodle
Frank Bertagnolli - Pforzheim University
Syllabus: WPF Projekt Management Organisation (BREM3117)
Short description:
Within the lecture, project management organisation, the students gain an insight into the topics of
project management and their approach. Presentations and practical examples, as well as videos and
a business game simulation design the course.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course the students ...
- are able to plan, structure and organize, conduct and control projects,
- can guide and facilitate small teams with conventional instruments.
Course contributions to degree program target
Learning result
Expert knowledge
Students demonstrate key
knowledge in Business
Use of information technology
Students demonstrate proficiency
in using current computer
programs to solve business and
technical problems.
Students demonstrate the ability
to use information systems
effectively in real world business
Critical thinking and analytical
Students are able to apply
analytical and critical thinking
skills to complex problems.
Learning and usage of project management
methods, controlling of project KPIs
Practical examples, business game
simulation case study, exam
Usage of Excel for project management,
presentations and visualisation of results
Communication exercises ,
business game simulation with KPIs
Complex project relationships and conflicting
objectives within the simulation. Methods of
project management for planning, execution,
and controlling.
Independent Implementation of
methods within the business game
simulation. Some Exercises for
different methods.
Methods for decision-making and creativity,
real usage through the need of decision in
situations of the business game.
Discussions and exercises under
different issues of the course.
Discussions with the lecturer,
business game simulation, case
study and exam.
Ethical awareness
Students are able to develop
business ethics-based strategies
and are able to apply them to
typical business decision-making
Communication skills
Communication in discussions and feedbacks
Exercises, discussions, within the
simulation: team meeting and
steering committee, team
interactions in group workshops
Students demonstrate their ability
to express complex issues in
Students demonstrate their oral
communication skills in
presentations and lectures.
Capacity for teamwork
Students show that they are able
to work successfully in a team by
performing practical tasks
Theoretical input about team dynamics and
exercises. Workshops in groups and team
interaction within exercises and business game
Exercises and workshops in teams,
work in a real project team within a
business game simulation
Frank Bertagnolli - Pforzheim University
Syllabus: WPF Projekt Management Organisation (BREM3117)
Course Topics
 Introduction
 Project Definition
 Project Organisation & Team
 Project Planning
 Project Execution
 Project Methods
 Project Controlling
 Project Case-Study
 Project Simulation, Project-Case
Teaching and learning approach
The lecture will be taught in English.
Within the lesson, theoretical input is mediated by means of lectures and practical knowledge through
presentations and introduced examples from industry. Exercises convey the methods applicationoriented. Videos bring a more practical knowledge from real life situations.
The lectures are based on PowerPoint presentations which are revised term by term and which will be
available for download/print through the University’s Intranet (E-Learning Platform Moodle).
As part of a final business game simulation, the students themselves are put into a project situation to
use the learned phases and methods.
The Teaching Philosophy is in a practical way with examples to show you the need for project
management. The target is to get a good understanding for the methods of project management.
Questions during the course are welcome.
Course Material
- Various literature in the research area of project management
- Maylor (2010): Project Management. Prentice Hall
- Buchanan et al. (2010): Organizational Behaviour. FT Prentice Hall
Final Examination
There will be a 60 minutes written exam for this course at the end of the semester.
Language for questions and answers within the exam is English.
As an aid, a language dictionary is permitted. Other aids are not admitted within the exam.
Students will be graded on a scale:
- 1,0 / 1,3 = excellent/very good, (A grade)
signifies that the performance is above and beyond expectations,
- 1,7 / 2,0 / 2,3 = good (B grade)
means that the performance is good and above average,
- 2,7 / 3,0 / 3,3 = satisfactory (C grade)
means that it is an average performance containing, insufficiencies but principally appropriate
to the expectations,
- 3,7 / 4,0 = adequate (D grade)
describes a below-average performance with obvious deficiencies,
- 5,0 = inadequate, fail (E grade)
is an unacceptable performance that is not sufficient to any expectations.