Projects of Institutional Significance Funding Scheme Application Template Please refer to the Projects of Institutional Significance Funding Scheme guidelines when completing this application. The application must be completed, printed and signed by the appropriate staff before being scanned and submitted as a PDF document to To complete this document, please place your cursor in the grey block text areas and type a response. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students & Education) on 6226 1926. Proposed Project Title Total amount of funding sought Lead Applicant Given Name Surname Academic Level School/Section & Faculty/Institute/ Division: Telephone: Other Participants (Add in/delete rows as needed). Given Name Surname Email Academic Level: School/Section & Faculty/Institute/ Division: Telephone: Given Name Email: Surname Academic Level: School/Section & Faculty/Institute/ Division: Telephone: Email: Grant Description Rationale and Project Objectives (The overall objectives of the proposed grant and the context for its relevance and/or importance to the achievement of Strategic Plan for Learning and Teaching strategic goals) Approach (Describe the methods/methodologies and timelines) Project Deliverables and Outputs (The specific activities and/or resources expected to be developed and shared to meet the grant objectives. Please ensure you also specify who will benefit from the project.) Evaluation and Dissemination (A description of intended sharing strategies and the formative/summative evaluation measures expected to be taken) Budget and Justification (A budget template must also be submitted with all applications. This section is for a further detailed narrative which justifies the proposed expenditure in the context of overall project objectives. Where applicable, proposals should also describe plans for continued funding of the initiative beyond the life of the project.) Certification of Application Certification by Lead Applicant I certify that all details in this application are correct and complete and I agree to fulfil the obligations of recipients as described in the Projects of Institutional Significance Funding Scheme Guidelines. I certify that all persons listed have agreed to take part in the proposed project activities. I certify that unless otherwise agreed, I will commence project activities by April or August (depending on funding round) of the year of funding and file my report on the outcomes of this project (if funded) by March of the year following conclusion of project activities. Signed: Date: Endorsed by Deans of Faculty and/or Directors of Institute and Division (remove or add rows as required) (Name) (Signature) (Organisational Unit) (Date) (Name) (Signature) (Organisational Unit) (Date) Please submit your proposal in PDF format to Submission deadlines will be advertised with the call for proposals.