TECHGURU CLASSES for ENGINEERS (Your Dedication + Our Guidance = Sure Success) CHAPTER - 1 (OP- AMP FUNDAMENTALS ) : ANALOG CIRCUIT CHAPTER-1 : OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER (OP-AMP) , The name operational amplifier coins from the application of op-amp for specific electronic functions/operations such as summation, scaling, differentiation and integration etc. There are normally 20 to 30 transistors that make up an op-amp circuit (using both Bipolar and MOS technologies. Differential amplifiers is most widely suited for integrated circuit design. The advatage of integrated circuit technology is the availibility of lagre number of transistors at relatively low cost. Figure given below shows the block diagram of typical (commercial 741-C)op-amp. , , , Emitter follower or with constant Output Driver current source or usually Buffer and Level complementary Translator symmetry pushpull Amplifier The circuit that can yield a precise voltage or current which is independent of internal influences such as power supply and temperature Variations (i.e. VBE, ICO, ) are called voltage reference and current references i.e. current mirror , Cascaded amplifier suffers from the major problem of drift of the operating point due to temperature dependency of ICBO, hFE and VBE of the transistor. , The function of differential amplifier is to amplify the difference between the two signals. The need for differential amplifier arises in many physical measurements where response from dc to many MHz of frequency is required. , The main purpose of the difference amplifier stage is to provide high gain to the difference mode signal i.e. Ad and cancel the common mode signal i.e., low AC, to meet high CMRR. , There are two reasons for using differential amplifier in preference to single-ended amplifiers- First, differential amplifer circuits are much less sensitive to noise and interference then single ended circuits. LUCKNOW 0522-6563566 LUCK NOW GORAKHPUR 9919526958 ALLAHABAD AGRA 9919751941 9451056682 PATNA 9919751941 PERSONAL REMARK : Ex. Inside a 741 op-amp, the last functional block is a (a) Differential amplifier (b) Level shifter (c) Class-A power amplifier (d) Class-AB power amplifier (ISRO-EC-2007) Sol.(d)Inside a 741 op-amp, the last functional block is a Class-AB power amplifier. Ex. A differential amplifier is used in the input stage of Op-Amps to achieve very high (a) open-loop gain (b) bandwidth (c) slew rate (d) CMRR (JTO-EC-2006) Sol.(d) Differential amplifier is used to achieve high CMRR Ex. The operational amplifiers use a differential input stage with a constant current source, mainly to obtain [GATE-IN-1997] (a) very low common mode gain (b) very high differential gain (c) very low input noise (d) very high input resistance Sol.(b)The operational amplifiers use a differential input stage with a constant current source, mainly to obtain very high differential gain. NOIDA SUMMER CRASH COURSE ONLINE TEST SERIES 9919751941 WINTER CRASH COURSE OFF-LINE TEST SERIES 1 TECHGURU CLASSES for ENGINEERS (Your Dedication + Our Guidance = Sure Success) CHAPTER - 1 (OP- AMP FUNDAMENTALS ) : ANALOG CIRCUIT , , Second, differential amplifier enables us to bias the amplifier and to couple amplifier stages together without the need for by- pass and coupling capacitors such as those utilized in the design of discrete circuit amplifiers. The differential amplifier as a building block of the op-amp has the advantages of Excellent stability Lower cost Higher versatility and High immunity to interference signals Easier fabrication as IC component. The problem discussed in single ended amplifier can be eliminated by using a balanced or differential amplifier (i.e., emitter-coupled differential amplifier) as shown below. PERSONAL REMARK : , DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIERS USING BJT Figure shows the circuit diagram of emitter coupled Differential amlifiers using BJT Vcc NOTE : For matched or identical transistors pairs we have RE1 = RE2 RC1 = Rc Rc Vo1 i.e R E R E1 // R E 2 VO2 T2 T1 RC2= RC Rs VCC VEE Rs + RE Vs1 ~ – ~ + V – s2 –VEE , Differential amlifiers using BJT are broadly classified into two types namely. Differential amplifier with resistive loading , and , Differential BJT amplifer with active loading , It is important to note that the performance of the differential amplifier depends on the ideal matching characteristics of the transistor pair T1 &T2. The difference mode gain can be obtained by setting V S1 = , VS 2 and V S2 = – VS 2 so that the difference signal Vd = VS1 – VS2 = VS and common mode signal VC = 0. Differential mode gain is given by expression ADM = V0 1 h fe R C for unbalanced output (A) VS 2 (R S h ie ) ADM = V0 h fe R C for balanced output (B) VS (R S h ie ) LUCKNOW 0522-6563566 LUCK NOW GORAKHPUR 9919526958 ALLAHABAD AGRA 9919751941 9451056682 PATNA 9919751941 NOIDA SUMMER CRASH COURSE ONLINE TEST SERIES 9919751941 WINTER CRASH COURSE OFF-LINE TEST SERIES 2 TECHGURU CLASSES for ENGINEERS (Your Dedication + Our Guidance = Sure Success) CHAPTER - 1 (OP- AMP FUNDAMENTALS ) : ANALOG CIRCUIT NOTE :When the output of differential amplifier is measured with reference to ground point is called unbalanced output. However , when the output of differential amplifier is measured across the collectors of transistors T1 & T2 (which are assumed to be perfectly matched ) called balanced output. PERSONAL REMARK : When the input is applied to both the base of the transistors is called balanced input. When the input is applied to one of the base of the transistors is called unbalanced input. NOTE :Depending upon the input and output arrangement differential amplifier can be classified as Balanced Input Balanced Output (BIBO) or Dual Input Dual Output. Balanced Input Unbalanced Output (BIUO) or Dual Input Singal Output. Unbalanced Input Balanced Output (UIBO) or Single Input Dual Output. Unbalanced Input Unbalanced Output (UIUO) or Single Input Single Output. , Common mode gain is given by expression ACM = hfe RC RS + hie + (1 + hfe ) 2RE (C) NOTE :Unlike ADM , ACM is same for both balanced and unbalanced output. , CMRR for differential amplifier using BJT amplifier is given by CMRR = ADM [RS h fe 2R E (1 h fe ) ] ACM (R S hie ) ....(C) for CMRR to be large, ACM should be as small as possible, from equation (C) it can be seen that ACM 0 as RE . , There are practical limitations to made large RE, because of the quiescent dc voltage across it. If RE is made large, the emitter supply VEE will also have to be increased in order to maintain the proper quiescent current. , Voltage gain of differential amplifier is directly proportional to the load resistor RC. However, these are limitations to the maximum value of RC to be used due to the following two reasons : (i) For larger value of RC, quiescent drop across it increases and hence a large power supply will be required to maintain a given quiescent collector current. (ii) A large value of RC requires large chip area resulting packing density reduces. LUCKNOW 0522-6563566 LUCK NOW GORAKHPUR 9919526958 ALLAHABAD AGRA 9919751941 9451056682 PATNA 9919751941 NOIDA SUMMER CRASH COURSE ONLINE TEST SERIES 9919751941 WINTER CRASH COURSE OFF-LINE TEST SERIES 3 TECHGURU CLASSES for ENGINEERS (Your Dedication + Our Guidance = Sure Success) CHAPTER - 1 (OP- AMP FUNDAMENTALS ) : ANALOG CIRCUIT Ex. A change in the value of the emitter resistance RE in a differential amplifier PERSONAL REMARK : (IES-EC-2012) & (GATE-EC-1991) (a) Affects the difference mode gain, Ad (b) Affects the common mode gain, Ac (c) Affects both Ad and Ac (d) Does not affect either Ad or Ac Sol.(b)With reference to a differential amplifier common mode gain Ac and difference mode gain Ad is given by expression Ad = V0 1 h fe R C and AC = VS 2 (R S h ie ) hfe RC RS + hie + (1 + hfe ) 2RE Thus, we can say that a change in the value of the emitter resistance RE in a differential amplifier affects the common mode gain AC. OP-AMP FUNDAMENTALS , Op-amp have five basic terminals, i.e., two input terminals, one output terminal and two power supply terminals. V+ Inverting (input terminal) – Output terminal Non-inverting (input terminal) V– The V+ and V– power supply terminals are connected to two d.c. voltage sources. The V+ pin is connected to the positive terminal of one source and the V– pin is connected to the negative terminal of the other source, as shown , Table given below shows the characteristics of an ideal opamp. S.No. Characteristics Ideal value 1. Input Resistance Ri = 2. Voltage Gain Av = 3. Bandwidth BW = 4. Slew Rate SR = 5. Common mode Rejection Ratio CMRR = 6. Output resistance R0 = 0 7. Offset voltage Vof = 0 V 8. Power supply Rejection Ratio PSRR = 0 LUCKNOW 0522-6563566 LUCK NOW GORAKHPUR 9919526958 ALLAHABAD AGRA 9919751941 9451056682 PATNA 9919751941 NOIDA SUMMER CRASH COURSE ONLINE TEST SERIES 9919751941 WINTER CRASH COURSE OFF-LINE TEST SERIES 4