EE 171 Differential Amplifiers University of California, Santa Cruz May 17, 2007 EE 171 (Spring 2007) 1 Agenda • Differential Pair Large Signal Analysis • Differential Pair Small Signal Analysis • Multi-stage design example: CMOS Op-amp EE 171 (Spring 2007) 2 Differential Pair • Most op-amps use a differential pair as the input stage • Two inputs – Can be modeled as a differential voltage and a common-mode voltage vid = v i1 − v i 2 Basic BJT differential amplifier. EE 171 (Spring 2007) v ic = 1 (vi1 + vi 2 ) 2 3 Input: Pure Common Mode Signal • Vi1 = Vi2 – Vid = 0, Vic = Vi1 or Vi2 – Single input source • By symmetry, IEE splits equally between Q1 and Q2 – IE1 = IE2 = IEE/2 • Differential output voltage will be zero. • Output voltage is not affected by a signal that is the same on both inputs EE 171 (Spring 2007) 1 v o 2 = VCC − I EER C 2 4 Input: Pure Differential Signal • Vi1 = – Vi2 – Vid = Vi1 or Vi2, Vic = 0 • Positive voltage applied to the base of Q1 turns it on more than Q2 – For a large enough signal, Q2 is off – IE1 = IEE and IE2 = 0 • Output voltage is maximized – Emitter currents show maximum difference • Amplified through BJT – vod = –RcIEE I E1 + I E 2 = I EE EE 171 (Spring 2007) 5 Transfer Characteristics • Output clips for input voltages above 4 VT Common mode Collector currents versus differential input voltage. EE 171 (Spring 2007) Only -0.1 v (at room temp) Voltage transfer characteristic of the BJT differential amplifier. 6 Emitter Degeneration • To increase the horizontal range, add an emitter resistor (REF) – Higher input impedance and lower AC gain (think common-emitter amplifier) • Lower distortion (more linear transfer characteristic) For REF = 40(VT/IEE) Differential amplifier with emitter degeneration resistors. EE 171 (Spring 2007) was –4VT 7 Differential Amplifier Output • Output can be both nodes (balanced) or just one node (single-ended) – In the single ended case, we do not need one of the collector resistors. Either a balanced or single-ended output is available from the differential amplifier. EE 171 (Spring 2007) 8 Differential Pair with Current Mirror Load • To further reduce resistor count, a current mirror can be used – Low base current: ic3 = ic1 – By symmetry: ic3 = ic4 – io = ic4 – ic2 = ic1 – ic2 (differential output) • World’s simplest op-amp – Gain is a bit low but could be useful in integrated applications Emitter-coupled pair with current-mirror load. EE 171 (Spring 2007) 9 Small Signal Analysis • Small signal equivalent circuit – REB: model for the current source (output impedance: large) • Use symmetry – Break circuit into two symmetric half circuits • Can only be done if the input signals are purely common mode or differential mode rπ EE 171 (Spring 2007) rπ 10 Small Signal Analysis: Differential Mode • Node J = ground – Circuit is symmetric and the voltage at this node does not change (virtual ground) • Write KVL equations to find gain and Rin v id = rπ i b1 + ( β + 1)i b1R EF 2 – Input: vid (voltage difference between BJT bases) v o1 = −R C β i b1 – Output: single branch A vds = v o1 R Cβ =− vid 2[rπ + ( β + 1) R EF ] • Rout: short input R id = vid = 2[rπ + ( β + 1) R EF ] i b1 R os = R C • For balanced output, gain and Rout are 2x larger v out = v o1 − vo 2 EE 171 (Spring 2007) rπ A vdb = 2 A vds R ob = 2R os Half-circuit for a differential input signal. 11 Small Signal Analysis: Common-mode • Split current source resistance • Use symmetry – No current across the dotted line Only ½ of total input current Additonal R (vs. differential circuit) Small-signal equivalent circuit with a pure common-mode input signal. EE 171 (Spring 2007) Half-circuit for a pure common-mode input signal. 12 Common Mode Results Extra term (lower common mode gain) A vcm = R icm v o1 R Cβ =− v icm rπ + (β + 1)(R EF + 2R EB ) v icm rπ + (β + 1) R EF = = + (β + 1)R EB i b1 + i b 2 2 R os = R C Same gain and input resistance for balanced and single-ended outputs R ob = 2R os Summary: Table 7.2 (p. 450) EE 171 (Spring 2007) 13 Design of Differential Amplifiers • Want a high differential gain and a low common mode gain To further increase CMRR, cascade differential amps (Figure 7.29a) Differential and common mode components Input signals (not quite sinusoids) 2.5 Output signal Common mode signal removed Differential signal amplified 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 vi1 vi2 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 EE 171 (Spring 2007) 14 Design of Differential Amplifiers • Operating point: choose so that no clipping occurs – VCEQ > 0.2 v + voltage swing on output – ICEQ > peak AC current flow through load – Choices here determine current source (IEE: 2 x ICEQ), rπ, and collector resistance (Rc) • REF can be chosen to yield a certain differential gain (Avd) • Choice of current source determines REB (and CMRR) • See Example 7.4 and Exercise 7.13 EE 171 (Spring 2007) 15 PNP Differential Pair • Current source on top • Collector resistors on bottom EE 171 (Spring 2007) 16 Design Example: A Two Stage CMOS Op-amp • 1st stage: differential amplifier – Input: M3 and M4 (PMOS transistors) – Current source: M1 and M8 (PMOS implementation) • Current steers to M3 side or M4 side depending on input voltages – Current mirror: M6 and M7 (replaces Rc) – Output: io1 (single-ended) • io1 = iD4 – iD3 • 2nd stage: NMOS common source amplifier EE 171 (Spring 2007) 17 MOS Differential Amplifiers • Large signal characteristics: similar to BJT • Small signal circuit – Results: Table 7.3 (Rin infinitely large) EE 171 (Spring 2007) 18 CMOS Op-Amp: Input Stage (Small Signal Model) • For the two stage CMOS op-amp here, resistors (RD) are not used and the transistors are PMOS – Requires slight changes in the small signal circuit (add output resistors) Assume differential input (virtual ground by symmetry) v gs7 rd 6 + g m 6 v gs6 + g m 4 vgs 4 + gm4 = gm3 g m 5 v gs6 + g m3 vgs3 ≈ 0 gm5 = gm6 vgs7 rd 4 =0 (by symmetry) (assume rd3, rd5 large) EE 171 (Spring 2007) A= v gs 7 vd = −g m 4 rd 4rd 6 rd 4 + rd6 19 CMOS Op-Amp: Output Stage • Gain of second stage AV2= –gm7(rd7 || rd2) • Total gain is the product AV = gm4 gm7(rd4 || rd6) (rd7 || rd2) Small-signal equivalent circuit for the output stage consisting of M7 and M2. • Frequency response of whole op-amp will be composed of the response of the first stage and the response of the second stage – Resembles frequency response of at typical op-amp (Fig. 2.25) EE 171 (Spring 2007) 20