Memorandum From: Research Staffing Section Director Subj: VASDHS Research WOC Application Packet To: Applicant Hello, You are receiving this packet because you would like to participate in a VA Research Project. A condition of that participation is that you must have a Without Compensation (WOC) appointment with Research Service. You may not begin work until your appointment is approved and your training is complete. Please complete this packet as soon as possible so that we can clear you to begin your research work quickly. Complete the packet on the computer to avoid mistakes due to misinterpretation of handwriting. Once you have filled out the packet print it for your PI/supervisor to review it and sign where necessary. Areas that require your signature will be highlighted in yellow, areas that require your PI/supervisor’s signature will be highlighted in blue. All items on the attached checklist must be completed before you submit your packet. If all items are not completed then we cannot accept your packet. Please bring all of the completed forms to the Research Staffing Section in the Main VA Hospital Building, Research Admin Office, 6th floor Room 6002. Robert Atienza is the primary point of contact however either Debbie Lynn or I can accept your packet if Robert is not available. NOTE: If your packet is incomplete or needs corrections you and your PI will be notified via e-mail and no further action will be taken with your packet until the appropriate forms are corrected or received. What Happens Next: For individuals with a 6 month appointment or less your appointment can now be processed and you will receive an e-mail regarding your training. For those with appointments over 6 months you will be enrolled and sent instructions for the background investigation. We CANNOT process your appointment without the background investigation being completed. We are no longer reviewing packets when you drop them off so it is imperative you ensure all items are completed according to the checklist on the next page and you bring your required identification to avoid delays in processing your appointment. Regards, Coral Ana Research Staffing Section Director VA Research WOC Appointment Application Checklist Instructions for Required Forms (all included in this packet) Employee Contact and Work Information – Please complete, sign & date Job Title – please check a box that best describes your work at the VA (only items on this sheet may be used as research job titles!) Scope of Practice for Research – complete, sign & date Research List of Non-Clinical Position Duties – complete if applicable Research List of Clinical Position Duties – complete if applicable Emergency Contact Information – read, complete, sign & date Intellectual Property Agreement – read, complete, sign & date Employee Health Form for PPD (Tuberculosis Surveillance) – follow instructions on form NOTE: This must be completed BEFORE you turn in your packet. Fingerprint Request & Verification Form – follow instructions on form NOTE: This must be completed BEFORE you turn in your packet. PIV Badge Request Form - complete Annual Work Associated Hazards Assessment – complete with PI & sign These forms will show up in a reading pane when you open this PDF packet. Declaration for Federal Employment (OF 306) Form I-9: Employment Eligibility Verification – must bring identification (Driver’s License AND Social Security card OR Passport) Resume – must have! Go to and use the resume builder if you do not have one. TIPS • This is an auto-fill PDF. Type in a field and hit enter and identical fields will be automatically filled in for you. • You can digitally sign this packet if you have PKI (public key infrastructure). • DO NOT PRINT DOUBLE SIDED PLEASE! Points of Contact • Robert Atienza, Research Staffing Intake Coordinator (858) 552-8585 x1159 / • Debbie Lynn, Research Staffing Compliance Associate (858) 552-8585 x2505 / Email: • Coral Ana, Research Staffing Section Director Phone (858) 552-8585 x5980 / Email: WOC Employee Contact and Work Information Please ask your Principal Investigator to assist you in completing this page Date: Research Staff Name:________________________ PI:______________________________________ PIace of Birth: Date of Birth: Position Title: Paid by: Service: UCSD VMRF Other): Mail Code: Room #: SSN#: Work Email (if none, please provide personal email address): Lab Phone: Office Phone: Home Phone: Home Address: Mailing Address City State Zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Work Schedule: Full-time (40 hours) Work Days: S Part-time ( M T W hours) Th F Student: S Y N AM to Work Hours: PM Transportation Method: (i.e., car, carpool, coaster, bus, etc.) Please be advised that parking is limited at the VA and you may not qualify for parking privileges at the VA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you a licensed healthcare provider: Yes (please provide photocopy) No Expiration Date: License #: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How long do you plan to work in this position? 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I understand that (1) this employee will not begin work until all paperwork has been approved; (2) that I am responsible for notifying Research Admin when this WOC employee terminates; and (3) that this WOC employee will complete all of the necessary training to complete his/her duties that he/she has been assigned and that documentation is submitted to Research Admin office and all training remains current. P.I. Signature Date VA San Diego Healthcare System (664) Scope of Practice for Research Service (Non-PI) Revision Date: 5/16/2013 Scope of Practice for Research for NON-PI Renewal Name: Research Job Title: Email Address: Phone: Principal Investigator (PI): ____________________________ Primary Supervisor (if not PI): ____________________________ Additional supervising PIs or alternate supervisors with same VA clinical privileges as PI: _______________________ / EDUCATION Education Undergraduate Graduate Doctoral Degree Institution Degree Field Specialty Clinical License #: _________________ State: __________ Country: ___________________ Discipline of License : *Psychology Only: MD Nursing Psychology Resp. Therapy Social Work N/A Date Rcvd (Or Projected) Not Applicable Other: _____________ APA-accredited PhD Program APA-accredited Internship – Institution:___________________ Training Program Requests for Appointment in this category must be accompanied by TQCVL or RCVL list confirmation Participating in a Formal Clinical Training Program through the VA (managed by Education Service)? No Yes Start Date: _________ Planned Date of Completion: __________ Supervisor (if other than PI): _____________________ CLINICAL TRAINING PROGRAM (check one): Medical Student Student Resident Clinical MS/PhD Post-Doctoral Trainee Clinical MS/PhD Student Fellow Other (specify): ________________ The Scope of Practice is specific to the duties and responsibilities of research personnel as an agent of the listed Principal Investigator (PI) and/or alternate supervisor. As such he/she is specifically authorized to conduct research with the responsibilities outlined below. The supervisor must complete, sign and date this Scope of Practice. Research staff performing clinical care as part of research or performing research activities that may be considered clinical care must also be credentialed and privileged or have a scope of practice validated through a clinical service. PI Not Approved PI Approved NATURE OF DUTY Staff Requested RESEARCH PROCEDURES: Research staff may be authorized to perform the following duties/procedures on a regular and ongoing basis. Research staff should initial boxes to identify and request specific job duties where appropriate. PI must initial where job duty is approved or denied. Research staff (employee) and PI initials indicate they are aware and agree to maintain current status of role-specific training as itemized below, and that Human, Animal, or Bench Research duties may ONLY be performed on active Human, Animal, or Bench Protocols with current approval by the VASDHS R&D Committee and applicable Subcommittee(s). ACOS R&D Approval Special Conditions YES NO Research Preparatory Duties: Does Not Require Employee to Be on Active Protocol/Project Staff List Not Requested Initiates submission of regulatory documents to IRB, IACUC, VA R&D committee and others (VMRF, FDA, IRC, etc). Page 1 of 5 PI Not Approved PI Approved NATURE OF DUTY Scope of Practice for Research Service (Non-PI) Revision Date: 5/16/2013 Staff Requested VA San Diego Healthcare System (664) ACOS R&D Approval Special Conditions YES NO Human Subjects Research Duties: Performed ONLY on Active VASDHS Human Subjects Protocol on which Employee is Listed as Staff Not Requested Accesses, records, or analyzes sensitive subject information while maintaining confidentiality. Maintains complete and accurate data collection for case report forms and source documents (Non-subject contact) – requires HRPP & GCP, Privacy & HIPAA Training Provides education regarding study activities, or provides screening forms or documents to subjects and assists in completion without performing assessment activity. (Subject contact) – requires HRPP & GCP, Privacy & HIPAA, and Suicide Prevention Training Obtains informed consent from research subject, documents consent in research subject’s medical record if applicable. (Subject contact) – requires HRPP & GCP, Privacy & HIPAA, and Suicide Prevention Training Documents study activities in CPRS– requires HRPP & GCP, Privacy & HIPAA Training Provides education and instruction of study medication use, administration, storage, and side effects, and notifies appropriate parties regarding adverse drug reactions– requires HRPP & GCP, Privacy/HIPAA, and Suicide Prevention Training Schedules subjects using VistA or CPRS –requires VistA Scheduler training Performs venipuncture to obtain specimens required by study protocol * Attach phlebotomy certificate* (VA privileged clinicians do NOTselect this duty, request Clinical Intervention Duty below). – requires HRPP & GCP, Privacy & HIPAA, & Suicide Prevention Training Administers questionnaires, surveys, Mental Health instruments, or other assessment tools without clinical interpretation, diagnosis, intervention, or treatment. – requires HRPP & GCP, Privacy & HIPAA, and Suicide Prevention Training Clinical Interventions Including Diagnosis, Interpretation, or Treatment: Performed ONLY on Active VASDHS Human Subjects Protocol on which Employee is Listed as Staff Not Requested Full (not limited) clinical privileges or functional statement/clinical scope of practice required from appropriate clinical service. If clinical service has granted only limited privileges, then do not select Clinical Intervention Duty below, instead use “other duties” on next page to specify what limited clinical duties are being requested. Research Service does not approve clinical privileges but will confirm existing privileges prior to approving any duties in this category. Physician-Specific Nursing-Specific Psychology-Specific Other: Describe Page 2 of 5 PI Not Approved PI Approved NATURE OF DUTY Scope of Practice for Research Service (Non-PI) Revision Date: 5/16/2013 Staff Requested VA San Diego Healthcare System (664) ACOS R&D Approval Special Conditions YES NO Animal Research Duties: Performed ONLY on Active VASDHS Animal Subjects Protocol on which Employee is Listed as Staff Not Requested Animal Care, procedures, or surgery (as described on attached form) – requires Biosecurity, Biosafety, VMU Orientation, Working with the VA IACUC, and if applicable Waste Anesthetic Gases and species specific training designated by assigned protocol. Laboratory Bench Research Duties: Performed ONLY on Active VASDHS R&D Project with Bench Research Component on which Employee is Listed as Staff Not Requested Bench Research duties (specify on attached form) – requires Biosafety and Biosecurity Training Works with de-identified human specimens (does NOT require HRPP & GCP training) Works with identifiable human specimens – requires HRPP & GCP, Privacy & HIPAA Training TO BE COMPLETED BY THE RESEARCH ADMIN OFFICE: Required Role Specific Training for ANY Human Subject Duties or Human Specimens: VA Human Subjects Protection and Good Clinical Practices (HRPP & GCP) Required Additional Training for Human Subjects Contact Duties: Suicide Prevention Required Additional Training for Patient Scheduling Duties: VHA Scheduling, Electronic Wait List (EWL) Required Training for Animal Research Duties: VMU Animal Orientation Working with the VA IACUC Waste Anesthetic Gases (WAG) Required Training for Laboratory Bench Work: Biosecurity Biosafety Signature of Research Staff (employee) PI Not Approved PI Approved Mr./ Ms. is authorized to perform the following miscellaneous duties not otherwise specified in this Scope of Practice. Staff Requested OTHER DUTIES (describe): ACOS R&D to Note Under Special Conditions If Duty Requires Employee to Be on Staff List of Active Protocol/Project Not Requested ACOS R&D Approval Special Conditions YES NO Date Page 3 of 5 VA San Diego Healthcare System (664) Scope of Practice for Research Service (Non-PI) Revision Date: 5/16/2013 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR STATEMENT: This research Scope of Practice was reviewed and discussed with __________________________ on_____________. After reviewing education, competencies, qualifications, research practice involving human subjects, and individual skills as appropriate, I certify that he/she possesses the skills to safely perform the aforementioned duties/procedures. I am familiar with all duties/procedures granted to this employee in this Scope of Practice. The research staff (employee) and I agree to abide by the parameters of this Scope of Practice, all-applicable hospital policies and research related regulations. I understand that (1) this employee will not begin work until all paperwork has been approved and the employee has been added to appropriate protocol/project staff lists as applicable to the category(s) of duties; (2) that I am responsible for notifying Research Admin Office when this employee terminates, (3) that this employee will receive all of the necessary training to complete his/her duties that he/she has been assigned and that documentation is on file in my office and copies submitted to Research Admin Office, and (4) I will ensure this employee completes all recurring training requirements prior to required renewal dates and will monitor their training status. Principal Investigator/ Supervisor Date CLINICAL SERVICE APPROVAL (applicable if clinical duties requested on Research Scope of Practice) Licensed Practitioners Operating under Approved Privileges (Medical Staff Office): Full Clinical Privileges (check appropriate boxÆ): Already Privileged In Process Limited Clinical Privileges (check appropriate box Æ & identify Responsible Clinician): Already Privileged In Process ÆResponsible Privileged Clinician who will review/monitor/co-sign all clinical activities:____________________________ Licensed Clinical Staff Operating under Clinical Scope of Practice/Functional Statement: Full Authority to Act Under License/Scope Issued by Clinical Service (check appropriate Æ): Approved In Process Limited Authority to Act Under License/Scope Issued by Clinical Service (check appropriate Æ): Approved In Process ÆResponsible Clinician who will review/monitor/sign all clinical activities: ______________________________ Unlicensed Staff/Trainees Permitted Limited Clinical Duties Under Supervision: Unlicensed Professional working towards licensure (as permitted by specific VHA Policy and/or VASDHS Medical Center Policy) ÆResponsible Clinician who will review/monitor/sign all clinical activities: ____________________________ Trainee on RCVL or TQCVL List (processed as trainee through Education Service) ÆResponsible Clinician who will review/monitor/sign all clinical activities: ____________________________ Not authorized for clinical duties at VASDHS: Research Scope of Practice must not include duties requiring licensure or Clinical Scope of Practice, and ID Badge / lab coat must not imply clinical credentials Signature of Clinical Service / Section Chief Date Name of Service / Section I have discussed my role with the Clinical Service Chief and agree to take responsibility for review and sign-off of all clinical interventions by this employee. Responsible clinician concurrence signature: Not Applicable ============================================================================================ Page 4 of 5 VA San Diego Healthcare System (664) Scope of Practice for Research Service (Non-PI) Revision Date: 5/16/2013 Research Admin OFFICE USE ONLY: Eligible for licensure by education and training Yes No Education Verification Yes/Valid Thru: ________ No Not Applicable Privileges or License Verification Yes/Valid Thru: ________ No Not Applicable Clinical Training Program Confirmation (RCVL or TQCVL) Yes/Valid Thru: ________ No Not Applicable Program: ___________________________ Research Admin Office Review Date ============================================================================================ Associate Chief of Staff R&D Review: Approved (check as appropriate below for any conditions of approval) Current Clinical Privileges must be maintained at all times (attach copy of privileges to this scope) Current Credentialing as a Non-LIP must be maintained at all times (attach copy of current appointment) Current Clinical License must be maintained at all times (attach copy of clinical license to this scope) Current Certification of Competency must be on file and attached to this scope Verification of Education required (attach evidence of completion to this scope) Must maintain active trainee status with VASDHS Education Service to perform clinical duties permitted on this Research Scope; termination of trainee status would require issuance of privileges in order to maintain clinical duties Limited Privileges or Limited Clinical Scope of Practice requires review and co-signature of all clinical assessments, diagnosis, treatment, or intervention by Responsible Clinician identified by Clinical Service Chief on prior page Limited authority to function as Unlicensed Professional working towards clinical licensure under Medical Center Policy; requires review and co-signature of all clinical assessments, diagnosis, treatment, or intervention by Responsible Clinician identified by Clinical Service Chief on prior page Licensed Professional hired to fulfill duties that do not require licensure/privileges; per communication from Office of Quality and Safety, Director of Credentialing and Privileging, dated April 22, 2012, VetPro Credentialing is NOT required. Employee MUST NOT present to subjects as a licensed, certified, or privileged clinician, and MUST NOT wear lab coat or ID badge indicating clinical training Foreign Medical Graduate, does not require VetPro Credentialing but MUST NOT present to subjects as a clinician, and MUST NOT wear lab coat or ID badge indicating clinical training Not authorized to perform ANY duties that require clinical licensure, privileges, or certification; Other (specify): ______________________________________________________________________________ Approved pending VetPro Credentialing: As Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP) through Medical Staff Office Full Clinical Privileges as indicated by Clinical Service/Section Chief Above Limited Clinical Privileges as indicated by Clinical Service/Section Chief; any clinical duties listed on this Research Scope require monitoring and sign-off by responsible clinician specified above. As non-LIP through Human Resources Full Authority to work under Clinical Scope of Practice as non-LIP as indicated by Clinical Service Chief above. Limited Authority to perform duties specified on this Research Scope of Practice as non-LIP as indicated by Clinical Service Chief above; any clinical duties listed on this Research Scope require monitoring and sign-off by responsible clinician specified above. Disapproved (state reason) __________________________________________________________________________________ Identify frequency of Scope Review if required by ACOS R&D: Annual Scope Review--Scope Includes Clinical Duties Review by ____________________ Date (projected change in clinical status requires review earlier than annual) Subject to 10% Annual Quality Assurance Review of Scopes with non-clinical Human Subjects Research duties Not Applicable: Scope does not include ANY Human Subjects Research duties Gerhard Schulteis, PhD. ACOS R&D Date Page 5 of 5 LIST OF LABORATORY POSITION DUTIES NOT APPLICABLE Date: Research Staff Name: PI: Co-Investigator:___________________________________ In this position the employee will be working as (Job Title) be required to perform the following tasks on a regular basis: ANIMAL CARE Handling and restraining: Monkeys Mice and rats Rabbits Invertebrates Other animals Feeding Cleaning cages Assisting in veterinary procedures Cats Dogs Breeding ANIMAL SURGERY Preparation for sterile surgery Assist in sterile procedure Endotrachial intubation and use of ventilators Administration of anesthesia Emergency medical/surgical procedures Administration of medication Venous Intraperitoneal Subcutaneous Tumor implantation into small animals Animal autopsy Microsurgery Catheterization/infusion of small animal arteries Collection of blood Post-surgery care MICROBIOLOGY-BACTERIOLOGY Maintenance of cultures solation and purification Determination of concentration by Direct colony counting Antibody titer Direct microscopic observation Infectivity assay Inoculation Media preparation Preparation and assay of bacteriophage lysates Plate pouring MICROBIOLOGY / VIROLOGY Fluorescent stains Reverse transcriptase Serological tests Hemagglutination inhibition Complement fixation Neutralization RIA Virus identification Cytopathic effect Hemadsoprtion Nterferon production Other: TISSUE CULTURE Maintenance and division of continuous lines Establish primary cell lines Screening for mycoplasma contamination Isolation of cell mutants Cell fusion Cell hybridization Staining Cells Cell cloning P3 lab precautions Protein and DNA synthesis assays , and will GENETICS Mutagenisis Mutation tests Transduction Conjugation Maintenance and breeding of drosophila Transformation Extraction of plasmid DNA Isolation of plasmid DNA Antibiotic resistance tests BIOCHEMISTRY Cell fractionation Homogenization Sonication Differential centrifugation Purification / Characterization of: Enzymes Protein Phosphate Nucleic Acids RNA Glycoproteins Other ___________________________________________ Gradients Density Other Equilibrium Assays Enzyme Protein DNA Phosphate Receptor binding Competitive binding Other: Electrophoresis Immuno Acrylamide gel Columns Paper Agarose Isolectric focusing 2 dimension gels Ficoll ___ ___ RNA Lipids ___ ___ Slabs Chromatography Paper Thin layer Affinity Column High pressure liquid Ion exchange resins Gas-liquid Immuno-precipitin techniques In vitro synthesis of: Peptides DNA RNA DNA shearing Other ___________________________________________ ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Staining Embedding Sectioning Operation of TEM SEM Grid preparation Measuring molecules Shadowing Freeze fracture Diffusion technique of DNA spreading RADIOBIOLOGIAL Bioassays of radioactive isotopes Radioimmunoassays of steroids Radiosotope handling Irradiation of tumors in vitro Radioactive labeling Other: GENERAL LABORATORY TECHNIQUES Pipetting Weighting Sterilizing Titration Filtering techniques Glassware washing Autoclave Steam and gas Reagent and buffer preparation Sterile technique ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT Design Construction Troubleshooting Maintain/calibrate IMMUNOLOGY Plaque assay for antibody forming cells Hemagglutination and hemolysis assay Fluorescent antibody technique Spectrofluorometry Lyophilization Microhemagglutination Virus isolation Antibody titration HLA typing E-rosette assay Plate binding assay Making antibodies in animals Making monoclonal antibodies HISTOLOGY Perfusion of animals Fixation of tissue Processing and embedding in: Paraffin Celloidin Gelatin Paraffin sectioning of: Biopsy tissue Autopsy tissue Animal tissue Neurologic tissue Serial sectioning Decalcification Staining methods: Routine hematoxylin and eosin Special stains Metallic impregnation Histochemical Autoradiography of tissue sections Microtomes: Rotary Sliding BIOCHEMICAL INSTRUMENTS Autoanalyzer Microburet Fluorometer pH meter Spectrophotometers: Gamma UV Visible Colorimotor ESR Recording Atomic absorption Scintillation counter Fraction collectors Freeze dryer Refractometer Centrifuges: Standard High Speed Model L Preparative Ultracentrifuge Model E Analytical Ultracentrifuge OTHER INSTRUMENTS Incubators Darkroom equipment Volumetric glassware Precision balance Oscillograph Blood gas analyzer Hemocytometer Plaque counter Micropipetting equipment Densitometer Automatic Dispenser Particle counter Gamma counter Microphotographic equipment DATA PROCESSING ANALYSIS Systems programming Operation of computer systems High level programming on large computers Desk-top calculators Work with programmer Numerical calculations involving chemical stoichiometry Statistics Cryostat PHYSIOLOGY Preparation of chronic animals Stereotaxic implantation of electrodes/cannulae Preparation of acute animals EEG recording EKG recording Electrode fabrication: Intracellular Extracellular Preparation of brain slices for in vitro recording COMPUTER LANGUAGES List: PHOTOGRAPHY Black/white processing Black/white printing Color processing Color printing Line negative printing Continuous tone printing Internegative printing / processing Transparencies PLEASE CHECK A JOB TITLE THAT BEST DESCRIBES YOUR WORK AT THE VA. Date: Research Staff Name: PI: Co-Investigator: **NOTE: ALL CLERICAL POSITIONS ARE TITLED** “RESEARCH ASSISTANT” List of Position Duties Biological Science Aide Research Biologist/Biologist Biological Science Lab Technician Research Biomedical Engineer Biomedical Engineer Research Chemist Biomedical Technician Research Health Science Specialist Research Assistant** Research Health Scientist Clinical Nurse Specialist Research Microbiologist Clinical Research Psychologist Research Pharmacologist Computer Programmer Research Physiologist Computer Programmer Analyst Research Psychologist Computer Scientist Research Speech Pathologist Electronics Technician Statistician Social Science Technician Research Pharmacist Nurse Researcher Veterinarian Physical Science Technician Psychologist Psychology Aide Psychology Technician Clinical Research Assistant Maintenance IN CASE OF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE INJURED ON VA PROPERTY 1. In case of a medical emergency involving respiratory distress or unconsciousness here in the VA San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS), have someone call x3333 and report a Code Blue. For all other medical emergencies requiring assistance call the Emergency Department at x3386. 2. Immediately report the injury to the principal investigator, office manager, or co-worker. 3. If you are able to walk, but need medical assistance, proceed to Employee Health on the 1st floor, room # 1211 and be seen by the doctor. Follow all instructions given to you by Employee Health. 4. If you elect to see your own doctor, get the proper forms from nurse in employee health and follow the instructions. 5. If you are a VA Paid Employee, as soon as you are able, see Yolanda Castro in Research Administration on the 6th floor, Room# 6004 to complete the Occupational Workers Compensation Program (OWCP) forms. 6. If you are a UCSD Paid employee, you will need to notify your UCSD HR. 7. If you are a VMRF Paid employee, you will need to notify VMRF at x7606. 8. If your injury is to the extent where you are admitted to the Emergency Department (ED) here at the VASDHS, please remember that you may be liable for the expenses that are not covered by your respective medical insurance company. Many times the person may be admitted to the ED, but then will be transported to the hospital of choice by your insurance company. It is up to your medical insurance provider to make that decision so you need to contact them as soon as possible. If you are not able to do so, then you need to have a family member or friend contact your insurance company for you. 9. If you have any questions please call Yolanda at x7014 or come and see her in room 6004. Check All Boxes that Apply: Veteran UCSD-Paid VA-Paid VMRF-Paid Person to contact in case of an emergency: Printed First & Last Name Street Address Phone Number City State Employee Signature Date I have read this statement. Printed First & Last Name VA-WOC APPOINTEE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT This agreement is made between and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in consideration of my without compensation (WOC) appointment at the VA San Diego Healthcare System at San Diego, California (VASDHS) and performing VA-Approved Research (as defined below) utilizing VA resources. This agreement is not intended to be executed by WOC appointees exclusively performing clinical services, attending services, or educational activities at the VAMC. 1. I hold a WOC appointment at the VAMC for the purpose of performing research projects, evaluated and approved by the VA Research and Development Committee (VA-Approved Research), at VASDHS. 2. By signing this agreement, I understand that, except as provided herein, I am adding no employment obligations to the VA beyond those created when I executed the WOC appointment. 3. I have read and understand the VHA Intellectual Property Handbook 1200.18 (Handbook) available at, which provides guidance and instruction regarding invention disclosures, patenting and the transfer of new scientific discoveries. 4. UCSD other: , I will Notwithstanding that I am an employee or appointee at VMRF disclose to VA any invention that I make while acting within my VA-WOC appointment in the performance of VA-Approved Research utilizing VA resources at the VASDHS or in VA-approved space. 5. I understand that the VA Office of General Counsel (OGC) will review the invention disclosure and will decide whether VA can and will assert an ownership interest. Every effort will be made to issue a decision within 40 days of receipt of a complete file. OGC will base its decision on whether VA has made a significant contribution to the invention, to include my use of VA facilities, VA equipment, VA materials, VA supplies, and VA personnel, as well as assessment of the potential of the invention. 6. If VA asserts an ownership interest based on my inventive contribution, then, subject to Paragraph 7 below, I agree to assign certain ownership rights I may have in such invention to the VA. I agree to cooperate with VA, when requested, in drafting the patent application(s) for such invention and will thereafter sign any documents, recognizing VA’s ownership, as required by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office at the time the patent application is filed. 7. VA recognizes that I am employed or appointed at the entity named in Paragraph 4 and have obligations to disclose and assign certain invention rights to it. If that entity asserts an ownership interest, VA will cooperate with it to manage the development of the invention as appropriate. 8. If a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) exists between the VA and the mentioned entity in paragraph 4, this agreement will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of that agreement. Signature Date Gerhard Schulteis, Ph.D., ACOS Research and Development Date VA San Diego Healthcare System Occupational Health - Without Compensation (WOC) Clearance BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - CALL EXTENSION 3214 FOR APPOINTMENT Section I: TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY 1. Name: ________________________________________________ Male Female (last, first, middle initial) 2. Full Social Security: _____-_____-_______ 3. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy)__________ 4. Service/Section: ________________/_____________ 5. Contact phone: _________________ 6. Email Address: ________________@_________________ 7. Agency affiliation: VA UCSD VMRF Student/Trainee Section II: Must be completed and signed by the Principal Investigator (PI)/Service POC: (Prior to Occupational Health Appointment) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Anticipated Date of appointment for this WOC: ___________________________________ Anticipated Length of appointment: _____________________________________________ WOC Position Title: ____________________________________ Service/Section: ___________________/__________________________ Work location (be specific): _____________________ Name of Service administrator or designated contact:______________________________ Phone # and Extension of Service contact: _____________________________________ Will this individual be in contact with human or primate blood, tissue samples or have direct patient contact other than verbal interaction? Yes No IF “yes” please describe below: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Name of PI/Service POC: _________________________________________________ 10. Signature of PI/Service POC: _______________________________ Date: _________ Section III: Occupational Health Use Only 1. Quantiferon: Date blood drawn____________ 2. Tuberculosis surveillance: Baseline 3. Initial: History of +ppd: Yes Annual No Renewal Date of CXR:____________ 4. If ppd negative date of reading: __________ 5. Date next TB test due: ________________ Final Clearance Date: ________________OH Signature: __________________________________ FINGERPRINT REQUEST FORM Research WOC INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill out section I completely, then bring this form to Police Service: Room 1508, Monday –Friday, 7:00-3:15. Points of contact in the fingerprint office are Richard or Gina at 858-642-3531. Section I to be completed by the Employee Name: Date: Other Names Used: Position Title: Social Security Number: Service/Mail Code: RESEARCH Phone: Email: Date of Birth: City/State/Country of Birth: Country of Citizenship: Male Anticipated Start Date (EOD): Length of Appointment: Applicant Category (check one): Paid Resident Student Contractor Volunteer Fee-Basis Contract #: MC (151) Female Work-Study Research WOC: UCSD / IPA VMRF Extern 6 months 1 yr 2 yrs Intern (non medical) OTHER: Contract Company: Section II to be completed by Research POC or COTR Service POC / COTR Sponsor: Robert Atienza Send Fingerprint Results to: Robert Atienza Phone: 858-552-8585 x1159 Mail Code : 151 Section III to be completed by Police Service Date Completed: Police Service Name: Signature: Section IIII to be completed by HUMAN RESOURCES SAC Completed Date: HR Name: HR Signature: **UPON COMPLETION OF THIS FORM POLICE SERVICE WILL ROUTE THIS FORM TO HUMAN RESOURCES** FINGERPRINT VERIFICATION FORM Research WOC INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill out section I completely, then bring this form to Police Service with your Fingerprint Request form: Room 1508, Monday –Friday, 7:00-3:15. Points of contact in the fingerprint office are Richard or Gina at 858-642-3531. Section I to be completed by the Employee Name: Date: Position Title: Length of Appointment: Social Security Number: Service/Mail Code: RESEARCH Phone: Email: Date of Birth: City/State/Country of Birth: Country of Citizenship: Male 6 months / 1 yr 2 yrs MC (151) Female Section II to be completed by Research POC or COTR Service POC / COTR Sponsor: Robert Atienza Send Fingerprint Results to: Robert Atienza Phone: 858-552-8585 x1159 Mail Code: 151 Section III to be completed by Police Service Date Fingerprints Completed: Police Service Name: Signature: **UPON COMPLETION OF THIS FORM RETURN TO RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION WITH YOUR WOC PACKET** PIV Badge Request Form Name: ___________________________ Date of Birth: __________________ Social Security Number: _____________ VA Computer Account: Y / N ( only) Place of Birth (city & state):_________________________ Research Job Title: ________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________ Sex: M Work Phone: _______________ F Race: ________________ Height: _______________ (feet ‘inches) Weight: _______________ (pounds) Eyes: _________________ Hair: _________________ Research Admin Office Use Only NACI Submitted: _____________ NACI Issues: ___________________________________________________ NACI Re-submitted: ___________ NACI Closed: ________________ PIV Badge Processed: __________ VA San Diego Healthcare System WORK ASSOCIATED HAZARDS ASSESSMENT AND TRAINING CERTIFICATION Please ask your Principal Investigator or Supervisor to assist you in completing this form PI / Supervisor Name: Research Staff Name: I am the PI Position Title: Paid By: VA UCSD VMRF OTHER Work Performed in: Building: Room/s After discussions with my supervisor it has been determined that I will (or will not) be involved in work with the following hazards. I understand that I will receive the proper training prior to initiating this work. My supervisor will documentation this training and it will be submitted to the research administrative office once completed. I also understand that my supervisor will inform me of and train me in the proper handling of any new hazards as they are introduced into the work area and complete an updated hazards assessment with me for submission. 1. TRAINING: To be completed by VA and WOC Employees working in the VASDHS Research Department The following components of the safety program are to be part of the annual training of all new and continuing employees working in the VASDHS Research Department when first employed and periodically thereafter or whenever a new hazard class is introduced into the workplace. Components A and B and C can be completed by self-study or discussion with the supervisor. By signing and dating this sheet the employee and supervisor certify that those components CHECKED were completed. A. Review of Worksite (All Employees) 1. Fire extinguisher 2. Eye wash 3. Emergency power and lights 4. Spill kits 5. Types of hazards 6. Emergency exits 7. Material safety data sheet file location 8. Utilities and equipment 9. Signs and cautionary labels 10. Personal protective equipment 11. Fire alarm pull station B. Review of Documents (All Employees) 1. Research Service Emergency Preparedness Procedures – Red Book (located at the doorway of each lab) 2. Service wide Safety Manual (relevant sections) 3. Laboratory Animal Hazards – Please see research staffing if you wish to participate in the VASDHS Laboratory Animal Medical/Allergy Surveillance Program. C. Specific Training (Please check all applicable according to duties and hazards classes selected below) 1. Handbook of Laboratory Safety 6. Medical Waste Disposal 2. Animal Handling 7. Sharps Disposal 3. Blood Borne Pathogens 8. Chemical Waste Disposal 4. Recombinant DNA 9. Hazardous Materials Disposal 5. Select Agents or Toxins 10. Waste Anesthetic Gas (WAG) 2. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Check any of the following BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS you will use or that are at your work location. N/A HIV HBV TB OTHER PATHOGENS/ETIOLOGIC AGENTS NON-HUMAN CELLS, TISSUES OR FLUIDS HUMAN CELLS, TISSUES OR FLUIDS RECOMBINANT DNA I am / am not at occupational risk of exposure to blood borne pathogens. If at risk, I have been offered and have elected / declined / received the free hepatitis B vaccine. Check any of the following CHEMICAL HAZARDS you will use or that are at your work location. N/A HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS (OF ANY CLASS) CYTOTOXICS ETHYLENE OXIDE COMPRESSED GASES FORMALDEHYDE CRYOGENIC LIQUIDS MERCURY BENZENE WASTE ANESTHETIC GASES VA San Diego Healthcare System WORK ASSOCIATED HAZARDS ASSESSMENT AND TRAINING CERTIFICATION Check any of the following RADIATION HAZARDS you will use or that are at your work location. N/A LASERS RADIOCHEMICALS ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT RADIO FREQUENCY / MICROWAVE SOURCES RADIATION GENERATING EQUIPMENT RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS Check any of the following PHYSICAL HAZARDS you will be subject to at your work location. N/A ANIMAL HANDLING REPETITIVE MOTIONS FLYING PARTICLES FALLING/ROLLING OBJECTS WORKING WITH SHARPS 3. HEAVY LIFTING EXCESSIVE NOISE CONTACT WITH ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS EXTREME TEMPERATURES PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: I have been provided the following personal protective equipment for the checked hazards: N/A EYE & FACE PROTECTION FOOT PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION HEARING PROTECTION 4. HAND PROTECTION HEAD PROTECTION CERTIFICATIONS (Employees who checked ANY hazards in section 2 above must certify the statements below) I have received training and have been determined to be competent on the equipment and hazardous material classes with which I work. I have successfully completed training on personal protective equipment required for my job. (Note this is required once when PPE is issued and whenever new needs arise.) When working with hazardous materials where there is a potential for spills or splashes I will, at a minimum, wear a knee length lab coat, goggles, and closed toed shoes. I have successfully completed training on the proper disposal procedures for the different categories of waste. Employees with ONLY Administrative duties should certify the statement below. My work does not involve the use of hazardous materials or chemicals and does not require the use of personal protective equipment. 5. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT If the employee’s work location is VASDHS, I will comply with all Medical Center policies involving safety in the workplace. If the work location is not at VASDHS, I will comply with all policies of the institution at which the employee works. Records of training will be kept in the employee’s research personnel file. PLEASE NOTE: PI’S DO NOT NEED A SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE, THEY MAY SIGN AS EMPLOYEE AND PI _____________________________________________________________ Employee's Signature ______________________________ Date _____________________________________________________________ Principal Investigator’s or Supervisor's Signature ______________________________ Date