Activities and Dementia - Alzheimer`s Association


Activities and Dementia

This list is a reviewed collection of items prepared by the Alzheimer’s Association Green-Field Library staff primarily for healthcare professionals. Contact your local chapter or local library for availability of the items.

Activities, General


Caro F.G.; Caspi E.; Burr J.A.; et al. Global activity motivation and activities of older people. Activities,

Adaptation & Aging. August 2009; vol. 33 (3), pp.191-208.


Green-Field Library owns.

Phinney, A.; Moody, E.M. Leisure connections: benefits and challenges of participating in a social recreation group for people with early dementia. Activities, Adaptation & Aging . April 2011; vol. 35 (2), pp. 111-130.


Green-Field Library owns.


Hellen, Carly. Alzheimer’s disease: activity-focused Alzheimer care.

Boston, MA: Butterworth Heinemann, 1998

Green-Field Library Call No.: WM 450 H4771 1998

Simard, J. End-of-life Namaste Care program for people with dementia .

Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press, 2007

Green-Field Library Call No.: WY 152 S588 2007

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 1

Troxel, D.; Bell., V. Best friend’s book of Alzheimer activities . Vols. 1 & 2 (2004, 2007)

Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press

Green-Field Library owns.


Activities Adaptation & Aging.

Published quarterly by Taylor & Francis.

London, UK

Activities Directors' Quarterly: for Alzheimer's and other Dementia Patients . Published quarterly by

Westen Medical Publishing.

Creative Forecasting.

Published monthly by Creative Forecasting.

Web Sites

National Association of Activity Professionals

NAAP is the only national group that represents activity professionals exclusively in geriatric settings.

NAAP is nationwide in scope.

The National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations

The National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations (NCCATA), founded in 1979, is an alliance of professional associations dedicated to the advancement of the arts as therapeutic modalities. The creative arts therapies include art therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy, and psychodrama.

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 2

Therapeutic Recreation

The Therapeutic Recreation Directory contains resources for recreation therapists, therapeutic recreation specialists, creative arts therapists, activity therapists, activity directors, and other disciplines.

There are links to chat rooms, bulletin boards, workshops, and other information for those providing activity programs of all kinds.



Abruzzo, B. Bringing the past -- and Alzheimer's residents -- to life. Long-Term Living . Sep 2009; vol.

58(9), pp. 18-21.


Green-Field Library owns.

Beard, R.L. Art therapies and dementia care: a systematic review. Dementia. Sep 2012; vol. 11(5), pp.



Green-Field Library owns.

Beshwate, T.; Kasin, K. Art as therapy: nurturing well-being and relationships for people with dementia. Journal on Active Aging . Sep-Oct 2010; vol. 9(5), pp. 36-42.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library does not own.

MacPherson, S.; Blair, A. An art gallery access programme for people with dementia: 'You do it for

the moment'. Aging and Mental Health . Sep 2009; vol. 13(5), pp. 744-752.

Abstract: h_dementia_'you_do_it_for_the_moment'

Green-Field Library owns.

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 3

Phillips, L.J.; Conn, V.S. The relevance of creative expression interventions to person-centered care. Research in Gerontological Nursing . Jul 2009; vol. 2(3), pp. 151-152.


Green-Field Library does not own.


Levine-Madori, L. Therapeutic thematic arts programming for older adults.

Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press, 2007

Green-Field Library Call No.: WM 450 L665 2007

Web Site

National Center for Creative Aging

The NCCA provides professionals in health care, social work and the arts with the theoretical framework and hands-on skills they need to implement sustained, quality creative programs for older people. Training faculty present at regional and national conferences. The NCCA also publishes and distributes training manuals, manages an Arts & Aging Directory, and publishes an e-newsletter.

Cognitive Stimulation


Aguiree, E. Cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) for people with dementia- who benefits most?

International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Mar. 2013; vol. 28(3), pp. 284-290 .


Green-Field Library owns

Bowes, A; Craig, D. “Keeping your brain active”: the activities of people aged 50-65 years.

International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Mar 2012; vol. 27(3), pp. 253-261.


Green-Field Library owns

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 4

DiBartolo, M. The club concept: targeting behavioral issues in a residential setting for cognitively impaired adults. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. Oct 2013; vol. 39(10), pp. 46-51.



Green-Field Library owns

Kurz, A. The clinical significance of cognition-focused interventions for cognitively impaired older adults: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. International Psychogeriatric. Nov 2011; vol. 23(9), pp. 1364-1375.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library does not own

Maci, T; Zappia, M. Physical and cognitive stimulation in Alzheimer disease. The GAIA Project: a pilot study. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias. Mar 2012; vol. 27(2), pp. 107-



Green-Field Library owns

Thiel, C; Banzer, W. Cognitive intervention response is related to habitual physical activity in older adults. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. Feb 2012: vol. 24(1), pp. 47-55.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library owns

Werd, Maartje. Errorless Learning of everyday tasks in people with dementia. Clinical Intervention

Aging. Sep 2013; vol. 8, pp. 1177-1190.


Green-Field Library does not own


Prest, Rolyn. Thinking cards specifically designed for older adults.



Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 5

Dance/ Exercise/ Movement


Barber, S. Is there a role for physical activity in preventing cognitive decline in people with mild cognitive impairment? Age and Ageing. Jan 2012; vol. 14(1), pp. 5-8.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library does not own.

Buettner, Linda L. Frailty and dementia: how activities professionals can help through water-based activities.

Activities Directors' Quarterly . 2009; vol. 10(2), pp. 37-45.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library owns.

Campbell, D.; Klages, A.; Martineau, J. Dance movement: increasing mobility and decreasing

depression for persons with dementia. Activities Directors' Quarterly . 2010; vol. 11(3), pp. 27-36.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library owns.

Erickson, K. Therapeutic effects of exercise on cognitive function. Journal of the American Geriatrics

Society. Nov 2013; vol. 61(11), pp. 2028-2039.

Abstract: cannot find.

Green-Field Library owns

Guzmán-García, A; Rochester, L. Dancing as a psychosocial intervention in care homes: a systematic review of the literature. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Sep 2013; vol.28(9), pp. 914-924.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library owns

Hokkanen, L.; Winblad, I. Dance and movement therapeutic methods in management of dementia: a randomized, controlled study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society . Apr 2008; vol. 56(4), pp.


Abstract: cannot find.

Green-Field Library owns.

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 6

Record: 6

Laventure, B. Living well with dementia: guidance for exercise instructors and wellness leaders.

Journal on Active Aging . Sep-Oct 2010, 9 (5). 62-68.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library does not own.

Neville, C. Watermemories. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. Feb 2013; vol. 39(2), pp. 21-25.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library owns

Potter, R. Systematic review of the effects of physical activity on physical functioning, quality of life and depression in older people with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Oct 2011; vol.



Green-Field Library owns

Sherder, E. The more physical inactivity, the more agitation in dementia. International


Dec 2010; vol. 22(8), pp. 1203-1208.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library owns

Yu, F. Facilitating aerobic exercise training in older adults with Alzheimer's disease. Geriatric

Nursing . Jul-Aug 2009; vol. 30 (4), pp. 250-259.

Abstract: cannot find.

Green-Field Library owns


Journal of Aging and Physical Activity . Published quarterly by Human Kinetics Publishers.

American Journal of Dance Therapy.

Published bi-annually by Springer Publishing.

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 7

Web Sites

American Dance Therapy Association

The official site of the American Dance Therapy Association. The association has defined

Dance/Movement Therapy as the psychotherapeutic use of movement as a process which furthers

the emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration of the individual.




Marcus, C.C. Alzheimer's garden audit tool. Journal of Housing for the Elderly . 2007; vol. 21 (1-2), pp. 179-191.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library does not own.

Web Site

American Horticultural Therapy Association

The American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote and advance the profession of horticultural therapy as a therapeutic intervention and rehabilitative medium.



Buettner, L.L. Intergenerational programs: connecting young and old through meaningful activities.

Activities Directors' Quarterly . 2009; vol. 10(3), pp. 17-22.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library owns.

Robertson, J; Horsnell, T. Side by side: a workplace engagement program for people with younger onset dementia. Dementia. Sep 2013; vol. 12(5), pp. 666-674.

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 8

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library owns

Sterns, A. Bridging the intergeneration gap in therapeutic activity delivery between younger professional caregivers and older adults living with dementia. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 2011; vol.

9(2), pp,.161-175.


Green-Field Library does not own

Web Sites

The Intergenerational Center

The Center for Intergenerational Learning at Temple University is dedicated to strengthening communities by bringing generations together to meet the needs of individuals and families throughout the life cycle. Established in 1979, the Center for Intergenerational Learning is a national resource for intergenerational programming.

Generations United

Generations United (GU) focuses on promoting intergenerational strategies, programs, and policies.



Camp, C.J. Montessori- based activities as a transgenerational interface for persons with dementia or preschool children. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 2011; vol. 9(4), pp. 366-373.


Green-Field Library does not own

Jarrott, S.E.; Gigliotti, C.M. Montessori programming for persons with dementia in the group setting: an analysis of engagement and affect.. Dementia . Feb 2008; vol. 7(1), pp. 109-125.

Abstract: cannot find

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 9

Record: 1

Green-Field Library owns.

Li-Chan, L.; Jaung-Geng, L. Using acupressure and Montessori-based activities to decrease agitation for residents with dementia: a cross-over trial . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society . Jun 2009; vol. 57(6), pp. 1022-1029.


Green-Field Library owns.

Li-Chan, L. Using spaced retrieval and Montessori-based activities in improving eating ability for residents with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Oct 2010; vol. 25(10), pp. 953-



Green-Field Library owns.

Malone, M.L.; Camp, C.J. Montessori-based dementia programming: providing tools for engagement.

Dementia . Feb 2007; vol. 6 (1), pp. 150-157.

Green-Field Library owns.

Music Therapy


Thomas, D.W,; Smith, M . The Effect of music on caloric consumption among nursing home residents with dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Activities, Adaptation & Aging . 2009; vol. 33(1), pp. 1-16.

Full-text :

Green-Field Library owns.

Vink, A.C.; Slaets, J.P.J. The effect of music therapy compared with general recreational activities in reducing agitation in people with dementia: a randomised controlled trial.

International Journal of

Geriatric Psychiatry. Oct 2013; vol. 28(10), pp. 1031-1038.

Abstract :

Green-Field Library owns.

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 10


Therapy for memory: music activity and educational program to stimulate the mind and exercise memory. Therapy for Memory. Audio CD. Available on

72 min.

Occupational Therapy


Adler, G.; Kuskowski, M.A. Occupational therapy practice as it relates to drivers with dementia. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics. Nov 2012; vol. 30(4), pp. 361-367.

Abstract: ivers_with_dementia

Green-Field Library does not own.

Curtin, A.J. Individualized skills training program for community-dwelling adults with mild Alzheime r’s disease. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. Oct 2011; vol 37(10), pp. 20-29.

Abstract :;jsessionid=IeL5nMNTniMigeozYkFJ.0

Green-Field Library owns.

Gitlin, L.N. The cost-effectiveness of a non-pharmacologic intervention for individuals with dementia and family caregivers: the tailored activity program. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Jun 2010; vol. 18(6), pp.


Abstract :

Green-Field Library owns.

McLaren, A.N. systematic review of non-pharmacologic interventions to delay functional decline in community-dwelling patients with dementia.

Aging and Mental Health. Aug 2013; vol. 17(6), pp. 655-



Green-Field Library owns.

Wenborn, J; Orrell, M. Providing activity for people with dementia in care homes: a cluster randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Dc 2013, vol. 28(12), pp. 1296-1304


Green-Field Library owns

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 11

Pet Therapy


Richeson, N.E. Animal-assisted therapy as a non-drug approach to pain and depression for older adults with dementia. Activities Directors' Quarterly.

2007; vol. 8 (1), pp 3-6.


Green-Field Library owns.

Williams, E.; Jenkins, R. Dog visitation therapy in dementia care: a literature review. Nursing Older

People . Oct 2008; vol. 20(8), pp. 31-35.


Green-Field Library does not own.

Web Sites

Pet Partners

Pet Partners, formerly the Delta Society, is an international, non-profit organization that unites people who have mental and physical disabilities and patients in healthcare facilities with professionally trained animals to help improve their health.

Recreation Therapy


Bennett, M. Occupational therapy’s role in LTC. Long-Term Living. Jun-Jul. 2013; vol. 62(5), pp. 32-34.


Green-Field Library owns.

Bossen, A. The therapeutic value of nature in dementia interventions. Activities Directors' Quarterly .

2009; vol. 10(4), pp. 41-47.

Green-Field Library owns.

Duggan S. ; Blackman T. ; Martyr A.; et al. The impact of early dementia on outdoor life: a 'shrinking

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 12

world.' Dementia . May 2008; vol. 7(2), pp. 191-204.


Green-Field Library owns.

Hafford-Letchfield, T. Funny things happen at the grange: introducing comedy activities in day services to older people with dementia- innovative practice. Dementia. Nov 2013; vol. 12(6), pp. 840-852.


Green-Field Library owns.


Kolanowski, A.; Buettner, L. Prescribing activities that engage passive residents: an innovative method. Journal of Gerontological Nursing . Jan 2008; vol. 34 (1), pp. 13-18.


Green-Field Library owns.

Kolanowski, A.; Buettner, L. Recreational activities to reduce behavioural symptoms in dementia.

Geriatrics and Aging . Jan-Feb 2009; vol. 12 (1), pp. 37-42.


Green-Field Library does not own.

Rieckmann, N.; Schwarzbach, C.; Nocon, M., et al. Concepts of care. GMS Health Technology

Assessment . Jan 6, 2009; published online.


Green-Field Library does not own.

Sheffield, C. Evaluation of an agency-based occupational therapy intervention to facilitate aging in place. The Gerontologist. Dec 2013; vol. 53(6), pp. 907-918.


Green-Field Library owns.


Rijn, H. Designing leisure products for people with dementia: developing ‘the chitchatters’ game.

American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias.

Feb 2010; vol. 25(1), pp. 74-89.


Green-Field Library owns.

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 13


American Journal of Recreation Therapy. Published quarterly by Westen Medical Publishing.

Web Sites

American Therapeutic Recreation Association

The American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) is the largest, national membership organization representing the interests and need of recreational therapists. Recreational therapists are health care providers using recreational therapy interventions for improved functioning of individuals with illness or disabling conditions. ATRA, was incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1984 as a nonprofit, grassroots organization in response to growing concern about the dramatic changes in the health care industry.

Reminiscence / Validation


Abruzzo, B. Bringing the past -- and Alzheimer's residents -- to life. Long-Term Living . Sep 2009; vol. 58 (9), pp. 18-21.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library owns.

McFadden, S.H.; Dysert, A. Creativity in the "now" of advanced dementia: glimpses of the lifeworld through storytelling and painting. Journal of Aging, Humanities, and the Arts . Apr-Jul 2008; vol. 2 (2), pp 135-149.


Green-Field Library does not own.

Sahoo, S. Alzheimer's and non-Alzheimer's dementia: a critical review of pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies.

American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias . Apr-

May 2008; vol. 23 (2), 150-161.


Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 14

Green-Field Library owns.

Tondi. L.; Ribani, L. Bottazzi, M.; et al. Validation therapy (VT) in nursing home: a case-control study.

Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2007; vol., 44(suppl 1), pp. 407-411.

Abstract: cannot find

Green-Field Library does not own.


Introduction to validation .

Jasper, OR : Edward Feil Productions LLC, c2011. 1 DVD (24 min.)

WM 220 DVD no.149 2011

Web Sites

Time Slips

Developed by Anne Basting in 1998, the time slips storytelling method provides inventive ways for facilities to use storytelling as a creative outlet for residents.

Validation Training Institute

This web site contains information about Validation, a method for communicating with very old people.

There are links to articles and books as well as workshops and courses on validation therapy.

Sensory Stimulation


Collier, L; Bucks, R. Multisensory stimulation to improve functional performance in moderate to severe dementia- interim results. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other dementias. Dec 2010; vol.

25(8), pp.698-703.


Green-Field Library owns

Cruz, J. Making sense in dementia: a multisensory and motor-based group activity program. American

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 15

Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias. Mar 2013; vol. 28(2), pp. 137-146.


Green-Field Library owns.

Klages K, Zecevic A, Orange JB, et al.

Potential of Snozelen room multisensory stimulation to improve balance in individuals with dementia: a feasibility randomized controlled trial.

Clinical Rehabilitation . Jul 2011; vol. 25(7), pp. 607-616.

Abstract: cannot find.

Green-Field Library does not own.

Letts L., Minezes J., Edwards M., et al.

Effectiveness of interventions designed to modify and maintain perceptual abilities in people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.

American Journal of Occupational Therapy . 2011 Sep-Oct; vol. 65(5), pp 505-513.


Green-Field Library does not own.

Milev, R.V. Multisensory stimulation for elderly with dementia: a 24-week single-blind randomized controlled pilot study.

American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias . Aug-Sep

2008, vol. 23 (4), pp. 372-376.


Green-Field Library owns.

Padilla R.

Effectiveness of environment-based interventions for people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. American Journal of Occupational Therapy . Sep-Oct 2011; vol. 65(5), pp. 514-522.


Green-Field Library does not own.

Staal J.A.

Functional analytic multisensory environmental therapy for people with dementia.

Interna tional Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

. 2012;2012:294801. Epub 2012 Jan 17.


Green-Field Library owns.

Walters, D. Effect of multi-sensory ministry on the affect and engagement of women with dementia.

Dementia . May 2007; vol. 6 (2), 233-243.


Green-Field Library owns

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 16

Watts, A.S. Measuring Physical Activity in Older Adults with and without Early Stage Alzheimer’s

Disease. Clinical Gerontologist. Jul-Aug. 2013; vol. 36(4), pp. 356-374.


Green-Field Library owns.


Larsen, B. Movement with meaning: a multisensory program for individuals with early stage

Alzheimer’s disease.

Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press, 2006.

Green-Field Library Call No.: WM 450 L37 2006


These companies have activity therapy products available for purchase.

Ageless Design - Alzheimer's Store

This web site was developed for those who care for people with Alzheimer's disease. There are products of all kinds including safety and activity.

Bi-Folkal Productions, Inc.

This company provides program ideas and resources for those planning reminiscence programs with older adults. eNasco Activity Therapy Products

Nasco has several catalogs for activity products in various settings including schools, recreational and health care.

Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 17

Flaghouse Special Populations

This catalog company carries a Special Populations catalog which features innovative, creative solutions, with therapy and educational options to enhance the potential of individuals with developmental and physical disabilities.

Innovative Caregiving Resources

This company produces a series of videos referred to as Video Respite that incorporate music and images specifically for people with dementia.

S&S World Wide Games

Arts and crafts company has an extensive catalog online. There are downloadable activity guides geared to various age groups. They also carry a line of activity products called Primelife for seniors.

Therapeutic Recreation

The Therapeutic Recreation Directory contains resources for recreation therapists, therapeutic recreation specialists, creative arts therapists, activity therapists, activity directors and other disciplines. The TR Store provides information on a variety of products that can be purchased on


Activities and Dementia Alzheimer ’s Association Green-Field Library 18
