september 2015 - Ramsay Library

Quality & Safety
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latest journal issues
Harvard Business Review Vol. 93 Issue 9 Sep 2015 Sep
Healthcare Purchasing News Vol. 39 Issue 8-2015 Aug
Marketing Management Vol. 27 Issue 3-2015 May/Jun
Quality & Safety
British Journal of Healthcare Management Vol. 21 Issue 8-2015 Aug
Includes: Enhanced recovery: The role of patient warming, by H. Edis, pp. 358-367 : Improving safety for
patients in a new era of anticoagulation, by V. Speed and R. Byrne, pp.368-374
Journal of Healthcare Management Vol. 60 Issue 4-2015 Jul/Aug
Includes: Nurse Against Nurse: Horizontal Bullying in the Nursing Profession, by K. Granstra, pp. 249257
American Journal of Infection Control Vol. 43 Issue 8-2015 Aug
Includes: Persistent contamination on colonoscopes and gastroscopes detected by biologic cultures and
rapid indicators despite reprocessing performed in accordance with guidelines, by C. Ofstead et al.
pp.794-801 : Central line-associated bloodstream infections in Australian intensive care units: Timetrends in infection rates, etiology, and antimicrobial resistance using a comprehensive Victorian
surveillance program, 2009-2013, by L. Worth et al. pp.848-852
BMJ Quality & Safety in Health Care Vol. 24 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Includes: Temporal trends in patient safety in the Netherlands: reductions in preventable adverse events
or the end of adverse events as a useful metric? K.Shojania, pp. 541-544
Allied Health
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Vol. 94 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Includes: Effects of Combined Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Central Arterial Stiffness and Gait
Velocity in Patients with Chronic Poststroke Hemiparesis, by L. Chong-Do et al. pp.687-695
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British Journal of Sports Medicine Vol. 49 Issue 17-2015 Sep
Manual Therapy Vol.20 Issue 5-2015 Oct
Includes: Determining the level of evidence for the effectiveness of spinal manipulation in upper limb
pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, by M. Aoyagi et al. pp.515-523 : Reliability and minimal
detectable change of the weight-bearing lunge test: A systematic review, by C. Powden et al. pp.524-
New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy Vol. 43 Issue 2-2015 Jul
Includes: Immediate effects of sensory discrimination for chronic low back pain: a case series, by A.
Louw et al. pp.58-63 : Do hydrotherapy exercise programmes improve exercise tolerance and quality of
life in patients with chronic heart failure? A systematic review... ML Roberts Prize Winner, by B. Graetz
et al. pp.64-71
Occupational Therapy in Health Care Vol. 29 Issue 3 2015-Jul
Physical Therapy Vol. 95 Issue 8-2015 Aug
Includes: Interpreting Effectiveness Evidence in Pain: Short Tour of Contemporary Issues, by N.
O'Connell et al. pp.1087-1094
Physiotherapy Vol. 101 Issue 3-2015 Sep
Includes: Effectiveness of land-based physiotherapy exercise following hospital discharge following hip
arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: an updated systematic review, by C. Minns et al. pp.252-265 : Identifying
potential moderators for response to treatment in low back pain: A systematic review, by T. Gurung et al.
Physiotherapy, Theory and Practice Vol. 31 Issue 6-2015 Aug
Includes: Immediate effects of high-speed cycling intervals on bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease, by
M. Uygur et al. pp.77-82
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol. 213 Issue 2-2015 Aug
Includes: Advances in revealing the molecular targets downstream of oxidative stress–induced
proapoptotic kinase signaling in diabetic embryopathy, by F. Wang et al. pp.125-134 : Omega-3
supplementation to prevent recurrent preterm birth: a systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized
controlled trials, by G Saccone and V. Berghella, pp.135-140
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine Vol. 16 Issue 8-2015 Aug
Focus is on Paediatric Anaesthesia
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Annals of Emergency Medicine Vol. 66 Issue 3-2015 Sep
Includes: The Safety and Effectiveness of Droperidol for Sedation of Acute Behavioral Disturbance in the
Emergency Department, by L. Calver et al. pp.230-238
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Vol. 74 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Includes: Recommendations for the management of autoinflammatory diseases, by N. ter Haar et al.
Archives of Disease in Childhood Vol. 100 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Includes: Who’s afraid of fever? by M. Richardson and E. Purssell, pp.818-820
BMJ (British Medical Journal) Last seven days
Critical Care Medicine Vol. 43 Issue 9 - 2015 Sep
Includes: Ventilator-Associated Events: Prevalence, Outcome, and Relationship With VentilatorAssociated Pneumonia, by L. Bouadma et al. pp.1798-1806
Emergency Medicine Journal (EMJ) Vol. 32 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Includes: Randomised trial of the fascia iliaca block versus the ‘3-in-1’ block for femoral neck fractures in
the emergency department, by P. Reavley et al. pp. 685-689
Evidence-Based Medicine Vol. 20 Issue 4-2015 Aug
Fertility and Sterility Vol. 104 Issue 3-2015 Sep
Gastroenterology Vol. 149 Issue 3-2015 Sep
Gut Vol. 64 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Heart Vol. 101 Issue 17-2015 Sep
Includes: Education In Heart:TAVI in 2015: who, where and how? (1 Sep 2015)
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Heart, Lung and Circulation Vol. 24 Issue 8-2015 Aug
Includes: Pulmonary Vein Isolation Compared to Rate Control in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, by K. Vaidya et al. pp.744-752
Heart Rhythm Vol. 12 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Focus Issue: Atrial Fibrillation
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (US) Vol. 97 Issue 13-2015 Jul
Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology Vol. 22 Issue 6-2015 Sep-Oct
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Vol. 86 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Includes podcast: BNPA 2015: New theories of memory systems and networks (8 Jun 2015)
MJA: The Medical Journal of Australia Vol. 202 Issue 4-17 2015 Aug
Resuscitation Vol. 94 Sep-2015
Includes: Development and validation of the Cerebral Performance Categories-Extended (CPC-E), by S.
Balouris et al. pp.98-105
The Bone & Joint Journal Vol. 97-B Issue 8-2015 Aug
Includes: Revision arthroplasty for periprosthetic femoral fracture using an uncemented modular tapered
conical stem, by R. da Assuncao et al. pp.1031-1037 : The change in position of the sciatic nerve during
the posterior approach to the hip, by A. Kanawati et al. pp.1056-1062
The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 30 Issue 8-2015 Aug
Includes: Short Term Outcomes of a Hydroxyapatite Coated Metal Backed Patella, by S. Nodzo et al.
pp.1339-1343 : Increased Complications in Obese Patients Undergoing Direct Anterior Total Hip
Arthroplasty, by M. Russo et al. pp.1384-1387
Mental Health
PsychiatryOnline eBook of the Month - Clinical Manual of Neuropsychiatry by Edited by Stuart C.
Yudofsky and Robert E. Hales. Access is available during September. At the PO site, go to the Books
American Journal of Psychiatry
Includes: Pharmacological Management of Lewy Body Dementia: A Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis, by C. Stinton et al. pp.731-742
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing Vol 29 Issue 4-2015 Aug
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic Vol. 79 Issue 2-2015
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Issues in Mental Health Nursing Vol. 36 Issue 6-2015 Jun
Includes: Towards Effective Management in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: The Dangers and
Consequences of Micromanagement, by M. Cleary et al. pp.424-429
Journal of ECT Vol. 31 Issue 3-2015 Aug
Includes: The Behavioral Physiology and Antidepressant Mechanisms of Electroconvulsive Shock, by R.
Lloyd and A. Sattin, pp.159-166 : A Preliminary Observation of Increased Glial Cell Line-Derived
Neurotrophic Factor in Manic Switch due to Electroconvulsive Treatment in Depressive Patients, by Z.
Tunca et al. pp.167-172
Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Includes: Neurobiology of Adult ADHD: Emerging Evidence for Network Dysfunctions, by A. Jadidian et
al. pp.173-178
British Journal of Midwifery Vol. 23 Issue 8-2015 Aug
Midwifery Matters Issue 145 -2015
AACN Advanced Critical Care Vol. 26 Issue 3-2015 Jul/Sep
Includes: Feeding Protocols for Neonates With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: A Review, by E.
Jenkins, pp.215-221 : Intravenous Antibiotics Used in the Treatment of Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus Aureus, by K. Scordo, pp.233-243
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing Vol. 32 Issue 4-2015 Jun/Aug
Includes: Advanced skills for enrolled nurses: a developing classification, by L. Cusack et al. pp.40-6
BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care Vol. 5 Issue 3-2015 Sep
Includes: What influences attitudes towards clinically assisted hydration in the care of dying patients? A
review of the literature, by M. Gent et al. pp.223-231
British Journal of Cardiac Nursing Vol. 10 Issue 7-2015 Jul
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Includes: Understanding palliative care needs in heart failure, by E. Ivany, pp.348-53
Collegian: Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia Vol. 22 Issue 3-2015 Sep
Includes: Measures of clinical accuracy and indicators of the nursing diagnosis of delayed surgical
recovery, by R. Ferreira Santana et al. pp.275-282
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing Vol. 34 Issue 5-2015 Sep/Oct
Includes: Delirium and Dementia in the Intensive Care Unit: Increasing Awareness for Decreasing Risk,
Improving Outcomes, and Family Engagement, by J. Volland et al. pp.259-264
Heart & Lung : The Journal of Acute and Critical Care Vol. 44 Issue 5-2015 Sep-Oct
This issue focuses on Care of Patients with Cardiovascular Disorders
Journal for Nurses in Professional Development Vol. 31 Issue 4-2015 Jul/Aug
Includes: Reviewing the Literature: Essential First Step in Research, Quality Improvement, and
Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice, by E. Bernhofer, pp.191-196
Journal of Emergency Nursing Vol. 41 Issue 5-2015 Sep
Includes: Are Interprofessional Roundtable Debriefings Useful in Decreasing ED Fall Rates? Findings
From a Quality-Improvement Project, by L. Murphy et al. pp.375-380 : Emergency Department
Placement and Management of Indwelling Urinary Catheters in Older Adults: Knowledge, Attitudes, and
Practice, by K. Viswanathan et al. pp.414-422
Journal of Nursing Administration Vol. 45 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Includes: Linking Unit Collaboration and Nursing Leadership to Nurse Outcomes and Quality of Care, by
C. Ma et al. pp.435-4421 : Managerial and Organizational Discourses of Workplace Bullying, by S.
Johnson et al. pp.457-461
Journal of Nursing Care Quality, Vol. 30, Issue 4-2015 Oct-Dec
Includes: Creating a Standardized Process to Meet Core Measure Compliance, by S. Kwan et al.
Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing Vol. 30 Issue 4-2015 Aug
Includes: Low-Dose Ketamine Infusions for Postoperative Pain in Opioid-Tolerant Orthopaedic Spine
Patients, by M. Farrington et al. pp.338-345 : The Leadership Relationship. Part II: Essential Elements
for a Healthy Relationship, by J. Manion et al. pp.346-350Journal of Vascular Nursing, Vol. 33 Issue 12015 Mar
Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Vol. 42 Issue 4-2054 Aug
Includes: The VCU Pressure Ulcer Summit: Collaboration to Operationalize Hospital-Acquired
Pressure Ulcer Prevention Best Practice Recommendations, by T. Brindle et al. pp.331-337 :
Implementation of a Bowel Management Program in Critical Care, by J. Pittman et al. pp.389-394
Nurse Education in Practice Vol. 15 Issue 4-2015 Jul
Includes: Speaking with one voice: A study of the values of new nursing graduates and the implications
for educators, by A. Tuckett, pp.258-264
Nurse Education Today Vol. 35 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Nursing Made Incredibly Easy Vol. 13 Issue 5-2015 Sep/Oct
Including: Get the facts, Hepatitis C, by E. Crusse et al. pp.40-49
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Nursing Management Vol. 46 Issue 9-2015 Sep
Includes: Interim nursing leadership: A win-win opportunity by D. Pfrimmer et al. pp.12-16
Seminars in Oncology Nursing Vol. 31 Issue 3-2015 Aug
This issue focuses on Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Vol. 72 Issue 17 -2015 Sep
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Vol. 22 Issue 5-2015 Sep
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 20 Issue 5-2015
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice Vol. 21 Issue 5-2015 Oct
Applied Radiology Vol. 44 Issue 9-2015 Sep
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Stat!Ref ebooks titles include:
Psychiatric Care of the Medical Patients (please use the logout button)
Perinatal Nursing (AWHONN’S)
Medical-Surgical Nursing Care
Cardiac Nursing
Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing
PeriAnesthesia Nursing Care
Pharmacology for Nurses: a Pathophysiologic Approach
Comparative efficacy of interventions to promote hand hygiene in hospital: systematic review and
network meta-analysis, by N. Luangasanatip et al, The BMJ, June 2015
The Doctor’s Bag
This free app from Australian Prescriber is designed to support Australian health professionals during
emergencies. The app has two modules: The Doctor’s Bag module provides recommended doses for
drugs in the PBS Prescriber Bag, including adrenaline doses for anaphylaxis and calculators for weightbased dosing in children. It acts as an emergency backup, providing reassurance that the correct dose
has been given. It can also be used as an educational tool in non-emergency settings. The information
is kept up to date as the contents of the PBS Prescriber Bag change.
The Library website is at
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