Europaisches Patentamt (19) J | | | | | 1 1| | | | | | | | | | | ||| || | | | | || | | European Patent Office Office europeen des brevets EP (1 1) 0 758 131 E U R O P E A N PATENT A P P L I C A T I O N (12) ation A3: (88) Date of publication 20.08.1997 Bulletin 1997/34 (51) |nt. CI.6: H01 C 7 / 0 2 (43) Date of publication A2: 12.02.1997 Bulletin 1997/07 (21) Application number: 96111794.2 (22) Date of filing: 22.07.1996 • Takaya, Minoru Chuo-ku, Tokyo (JP) • Moriya, Shigeru Chuo-ku, Tokyo (JP) • Kobuke, Hisashi Chuo-ku, Tokyo (JP) • Hamada, Munemitsu Chuo-ku, Tokyo (JP) (84) Designated Contracting States: DE FR GB SE (30) Priority: 25.07.1995 27.09.1995 23.01 .1996 13.06.1996 JP 189096/95 J P 273550/95 JP 9084/96 JP 174231/96 (71) Applicant: TDK Corporation Chuo-ku, Tokyo (JP) (74) Representative: Grunecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhausser Anwaltssozietat Maximilianstrasse 58 8053s Munchen (DE) (72) Inventors: • Tosaka, Hisanao Chuo-ku, Tokyo (JP) (54) Organic PTC thermistor An organic PTC thermistor having a positive (57) temperature coefficient of resistivity, which comprises a PTC composition comprising an organic polymer having dispersed therein a conductive substance, and at least one pair of electrodes, wherein the conductive substance is tungsten carbide powder; or the electrodes each comprise a metal mesh and a metal layer. FIG. 1(a) 2a CO < CO CO 10 r»o Q_ LU Printed by Rank Xerox (UK)Business Services 2.14.12/3.4 FIG. Kb) A3 EP 0 758 131 A3 European Patent Office APPHCa,i°n ^ EP 96 11 1794 EUROPEAN SEARCH REPORT DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT Citation of document with indication, where appropriate, Relevant . l'rate8ory of relevant passages to claim X WO 91 19297 A (ASEA BROWN BOVERI) 12 December 1991 * the whole document * A EP 0 045 630 A (RAYCHEM CORP) 10 February 1982 * the whole document * CLASSIFICATION OF THE APPLICATION (Int.C1.6) 1,3,5-7, H01C7/02 9,11,12, 14,15 1,3,5,6, 8,9,11, 12,14,15 A JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, vol. 26, no. 1, 1 January 1991, pages 145-154, XP000371800 SHROUT T R ET AL: "COMPOSITE PTCR THERMISTORS UTILIZING CONDUCTING BORIDES, SILICIDES, AND CARBIDE POWDERS" * the whole document * 1,3,4, 11,17 A DATABASE WPI Section Ch. Week 9049 Derwent Publications Ltd., London, GB; M a « AU. AN 90-165449 XP002033303 & JP 02 263 877 A (TEIK0KU TSUSHIN K0GY0 KK) , 26 October 1990 * abstract * 1-3,11, 17 technical fields searched <in..a.6> H01C A PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN 1,5,6, vol. 017, no. 460 (E-1419), 23 August 1993 11,12 & JP 05 109502 A (DAIT0 TSUSHINKI KK) , 30 April 1993, * abstract * A DE 33 11 051 A (SIEMENS AG) 27 September 1984 * page 10, line 1 - page 14, line 4; figures 1,2 * 1,5,11, 17 -/-The present search report has been drawn up for all claims Dateof completion of the search Place of search 18 June 1997 THE HAGUE CATEGORY OF CITED DOCUMENTS X: particularly relevant if taken alone Y: particularly relevant if combined with another document of the same category O: non-written disclosure P : intermediate document Examiner Gorun, M T : theory or principle underlying the invention E : earlier patent document, but published on, or after the filing date D: document cited in the application L: document cited for other reasons &: member of the same patent family, corresponding document 2 EP 0 758 131 A3 J ) European Patent Office Application Number EP 96 11 1794 EUROPEAN SEARCH REPORT DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT Citation of document with indication, where appropriate, Relevant Category of relevant passages to claim PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN vol. 012, no. 194 (P-713), 7 June 1988 & JP 62 299833 A (MATSUSHITA GRAPHIC COMMUN SYST INC), 26 December 1987, * abstract * CLASSIFICATION OF THE APPLICATION (Int.CI.6) 18-20 TECHNICAL FIELDS SEARCHED (lnt.CI.6) The present search report has been drawn up for all claims Date of conplettoa of the search Place of search THE HAGUE 18 June 1997 CATEGORY OF CITED DOCUMENTS X: particularly relevant if taken alone Y: particularly relevant if combined with another document of the same category A: technological background O : non-written disclosure P : intermediate document Exaniaer Gorun, M T : theory or principle underlying the invention E : earlier patent document, but published on, or after the filing date D: document cited in the application L: document cited for other reasons &: member of the same patent family, corresponding document 3