Annexure - I A. Specifications for Steel Boat No. Parameters 1. Certification 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Values/Requirement a. Certification by Indian Register of Shipping/ International Association of Classification Societies (IRS/IACS) for design, construction, and class. IRS/IACS approved materials should be used for construction of boat. b. Stage-wise inspection and registration by Director of Ports, Govt of Kerala as per Kerala Inland Vessel(KIV) Act 2010. c. Certification by all other statutory authorities. d. License for operation from competent authority. e. Design, construction, and documentation to facilitate periodical renewal of certification and class. Type and size a. Mono hull. All-steel construction. b. Length overall ≥ 9 m breadth ≥ 3m c. Draught ≤ 1.0 m under full load Load a. 10 persons. Forward facing seats for 10 persons including driver. Minimum space between identical points on seat rows should be 90 cm to ensure comfortable leg space. Minimum aisle width should be 60cm. b. Space of 1m x 1m should be provided in the cabin for carrying equipment. c. Open deck space (1 m long, full width) should be provided at the aft end of the boat. Place of delivery a. Delivery and operation at UARF, Kulamavu, Idukki fresh water reservoir about 700 m above mean sea level. Testing, and operation a. Trim and stability experiments are to be done at UARF as per statutory requirements by competent authority (IRS/IACS/ Director of Ports) b. Speed and manoeuvrability trials are to be done at UARF as per statutory requirements. Speed Boat should be able to operate both forward and reverse directions. Max speed to be at least 07 knots during trials at Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) of engines. Min speed should not be more than 02 knots. Engines a. Inboard diesel engine with class with one year warranty from date of acceptance of boat by NPOL. If OEM warranty is not available, supplier should bear cost of servicing and repairs during warranty period. The OEM should have a service center in Kerala. b. Hydraulic assisted power steering wheel and mechanism to operate engine from forward region. Provision is to be made for the seated driver to operate the engine. OEM supplied toolkit, operating manual and service manuals should be provided. Docking and mooring a. Docking may be anywhere in the reservoir/banks. Reservoir bank is rocky and muddy. See sl no. 9. Page 1 of 13 b. 9. Hull, stiffeners, deck, and all strength members 10. Tanks 11. Paint and Anodic protection 12. Fenders 13. Safety 14. Deck 15. Fittings 16. Wheel and dashboard Total eight numbers of cleats of approved material should be provided all around the boat. Two bollards are to be fitted on the aft side. c. Towing bollard in the centre line in the forward of the boat should be provided. a. IRS/IACS approved material should be used for construction. b. Forward region to be additionally strengthened due to rocky and muddy nature of reservoir bank. Plate thickness in the forward bottom region should be 1mm more than that prescribed by IRS/IACS. c. Collision bulkhead should be provided in forward region. d. All around walk way to be provided on port and starboard sides. a. 2 diesel tanks of 150 liters each with local diesel level indicator should be provided. Tanks should be filled and tested prior to acceptance. a. Jotun / International / Sigma/equivalent marine grade epoxy paint scheme should be used. b. Vendor should provide details of approved painting scheme details including anti-corrosive, finish, tie, and anti-fouling coats. c. Adequate amount of Zn to be provided for Cathodic protection. Steel lined with rubber fenders suitable for rocky sides should be provided. a. All around handrail with stanchions at front, aft and sides. b. 2 m openings in the hand rails should be provided with facility to open/close; Two openings each should be provided on port and starboard sides and one opening in the rear side. c. Chrome plated brass hand rail should be provided all around and in the centerline inside the passenger area. d. Safety equipment as per class and statutory requirements. e. Lifebuoys and jackets of approved quality as per statutory rules. f. Firefighting equipment as per statutory rules. g. Bilge system as per IRS/IACS. a. Deck should be of anti-skid surface. b. Openings/ manholes should be provided to allow inspection of hull compartments to check for water leakage as per IRS/IACS c. A hatch opening (0.5mx 0.5m x 0.75m) should be provided inside the cabin deck for storing items. The hold below the deck should be provided with racks for keeping stores. a. ‘Clear-view’ glass should be used for all windows. Front glass should be provided with wiper. b. All windows are to be of sliding type and large enough (0.5m x 0.5m minimum) to permit exit during emergency. c. All fittings including wind-shield wiper, fuel level indicators, etc should have ISI marks / BIS approved. a. To be suitably located to give a clear view of surroundings for Page 2 of 13 b. 17. Cabin a. b. c. d. 18. Equipment a. b. a. b. easy mooring. Clear- view glass with provision for easy opening and closing are to be provided. Dashboard should include GPS based speed indicator and magnetic compass. An enclosed cabin to be made with the steering wheel and driver’s seat in the forward and seats for passengers in the back. The driver should get a clear view all around. The windows should have sufficient size (0.5m x 0.5m minimum) for the passengers to view outside while sitting and standing. ‘Clear view’ glass should be provided. Glass covered windows are to be made with sliding facility for opening. Emergency exit (minimum size 0.5m x 0.5m) should be provided on either side. GPS Garmin make, model 440s (fixed type) with external antenna (GA29) for use inside wheel house should be provided. GPS should be integrated with depth sounder for shallow water. Later model with additional features is acceptable. One manual horn should be provided. 19. Lights and batteries 20. Additional Power a. 3 kVA Generator with wheels (Honda Petrol ModelRequirement (for use EU30is/equivalent) should be supplied along with the boat. during NPOL tests Weather-proof locker outside passenger cabin on the rear, and not to be linked to under the deck should be provided to store the generator. The the lighting and other generator will be used by lifting and placing it on deck. normal operation of b. 150 AH Exide/equivalent Battery re-chargeable through the boat) engine operation should be supplied. The necessary electrical arrangements should be provided to facilitate re-charging. c. 1 kVA Sine wave inverter (Crompton/equivalent Make) to supply power from the above battery. d. 4 plug point/multi sockets (15/5A) to be provided at two different locations inside passenger cabin. For two plug points, power to be supplied by generator and for other two points, power to be supplied by inverter. e. 2 Nos of 15 W rechargeable and portable emergency lamp with ISI mark. Light Anchor As per IRS/IACS regulation. Draft marks Major mark every 10 cm. Minor mark every 5 cm. Tool kit and storage a. Tool kit for maintenance of engine should be supplied. 3 b. Two storage cabinets with built-in lock of volume 0.5 m each in the engine room (in addition to engine storage space). 21. 22. 23. All lights should be provided as per IRS/KIV. 2 nos additional search lights of 9” dia and 250 W each should be provided on roof of passenger cabin. One in the forward and other in the aft. Both search lights should be steerable (360˚) and tiltable by seated driver. Frame of lights should be all brass. The lights should have adjustable focal length and parabolic reflector. Page 3 of 13 c. 24. Drawings 25. Images 26. Warranty First aid kit should be provided. a. All drawings should be submitted to NPOL for approval before submission to IRS for approval. b. All drawings and information required for maintaining class, all types of repair(including electrical and mechanical) of the boat, should be provided. Computer generated 3D images showing following details should be submitted for approval of NPOL before IRS approval. a. Exterior and interior of boat. b. Details of passenger area, dashboard and storage cabinets. c. Engine and mounting area. a. One year repair or replacement warranty, from date of acceptance, for all items supplied. If OEM warranty is not available, vendor should give warranty on behalf of OEM. B. Acceptance Tests for Steel Boat Items 1 to 23 of the “Specifications for Steel Boat” will be checked and tested/confirmed before acceptance. C. Execution of Supply Order 1. The vendor should keep NPOL informed of the progress in design and development. Progress reports should be submitted every 4 weeks regarding work completed and work planned for the next 4 weeks. 2. Copy of all drawings/documents should be forwarded to NPOL for concurrence prior to submission to IRS/Director of Port/competent authority for approval. 3. All drawings/documents approved by competent authorities are to be submitted to NPOL in original during delivery of the vessel. 4. All original material test certificates and other certificates should be submitted along with the progress reports. 5. Details of all orders placed for outsourced equipment and date of delivery of the equipment should be included in the progress report. 6. NPOL personnel should be permitted to visit the construction site to review the progress. 7. Supplier should arrange/attend bi-monthly review meetings to be held alternately at NPOL or the suppliers site. 8. The boat is to be delivered to UARF, Kulamavu, Idukki Reservoir, Idukki District, Kerala -685601 and deployed within 10 months of placement of order. All acceptance tests are to be completed within 12 months of placement of order. Page 4 of 13 D. Prerequisites for Vendors 1. The vendor should have delivered at least two powered vessels, of length greater than 9 meters, during January 2010 to Apr 2013. These vessels should have been built with the approval of IRS/IACS. Proof of the same should be submitted along with the techno-commercial offer. 2. The vendor should have a minimum of 2 Engineers or Naval Architects on the payroll as on June 2013 and till delivery of the vessel. The names, qualifications, date of joining, and contact information for the employees should be submitted along with the techno-commercial offer. 3. The company should have sales turnover of at least Rs. 2 Crores per annum. Only building and repair of ships, barges, boats, and other watercraft are to be included in the turnover. Copy of audited financial record should be submitted as proof for turnover claim along with the techno-commercial offer. 4. The vendor should attach copies of certificates pertaining to previous experience, financial capability and other requirements along with the tender as documentary proof. 5. The Vendor should mandatorily visit UARF on mutually agreed dates to study in detail the access (width of road, condition of road, number of hair-pin turns, etc) to UARF, Kulamavu, Idukki District. This is extremely important if the boat is constructed elsewhere and transported to UARF. The visit is to be done before submitting the technical/commercial offer. All facilities (power, handling equipment, accommodation, etc) required at UARF for construction, unloading, launching, testing etc should be arranged by the vendor. 6. Director, NPOL reserves the right to amend or waive the above pre-requisites. NOTE: 1) The vendor should give their technical compliance with remarks in the technical bid as per the format “OFFER STATEMENT (As part of Technical Bid)” given in Appendix-1. 2) The vendor should submit total price for ‘Design, construction and supply of steel boat’ with applicable taxes extra in the price bid. The firm should also give in the price bid, a break up for the quoted price as per the format “Cost Break up for Steel Boat” given in Appendix-2. 3) A copy of price bid (Total Price & Cost Break up) WITHOUT SHOWING PRICE should be submitted along with the technical bid. 4) Only Indian Vendors may quote for the tender. Page 5 of 13 Appendix-1 OFFER STATEMENT (As part of Technical Bid) Sl.No 1. Certification Specs of Steel Boat a) b) c) d) e) 2. Type and size a) b) c) 3. Load a) b) c) 4. Place of delivery, a) 5. Testing, and operation a) Complied/ Not complied Remarks if any Certification by Indian Register of Shipping/ International Association of Classification Societies (IRS/IACS) for design, construction, and class. Certificates for IRS/IACS approved materials. Stage-wise inspection and registration by Director of Ports, Govt of Kerala. See KIV Act 2010. Certification by all other statutory authorities. License for operation from competent authority Design, construction, and documentation to provide for and enable periodical renewal of certification and class. Mono hull. All-steel construction. Length overall ≥ 9 m breadth ≥ 3m Draught ≤ 1.0 m under full load 10 persons. Forward facing seats for 10 persons including driver. Minimum space between identical points on seat rows should be 90 cm to ensure comfortable leg space. Minimum aisle width should be 60cm. Space of 1m x 1m should be provided in the cabin for carrying equipment. Open deck space( 1 m long, full width) should be provided at the aft end of the boat. Delivery and operation at UARF, Kulamavu, Idukki fresh water reservoir about 700 m above mean sea level. Trim and stability experiments are to be done at UARF as per Page 6 of 13 6. Speed 7. Engines 8. Docking and mooring 9. Hull, stiffeners, deck, and all strength members statutory requirements by competent authority (IRS/IACS/ Director of Ports) b) Speed and manoeuvrability trials are to be done at UARF as per statutory requirements. Boat should be able to operate both forward and reverse directions. Max speed to be at least 07 knots during trials at Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) of engines. Min speed should not be more than 02 knots. a) Inboard diesel engine with class with one year warranty from date of acceptance of boat by NPOL. If OEM warranty is not available, supplier should bear cost of servicing and repairs during warranty period. The OEM should have a service center in Kerala. b) Hydraulic assisted power steering wheel should be provided. Provision is to be made for the seated driver to operate the engine. OEM supplied toolkit, operating manual and service manuals should be provided. a) Docking may be anywhere in the reservoir/banks. Reservoir bank is rocky and muddy. See sl no. 9. b) Total eight numbers of cleats of approved material should be provided all around the boat. Two bollards are to be fitted on the aft side. c) Towing bollard in the centre line in the forward of the boat should be provided. a) IRS/IACS approved material should be used for construction. b) Forward region to be additionally strengthened due Page 7 of 13 10. Tanks 11. Paint and Anodic protection 12. Fenders 13. Safety to rocky and muddy nature of reservoir bank. Plate thickness in the forward bottom region should be 1mm more than that prescribed by IRS/IACS. c) Collision bulkhead should be provided in forward region. d) All around walk way to be provided on port and starboard sides. a) 2 diesel tanks of 150 liters each with local diesel level indicator should be provided. Tanks should be filled and tested prior to acceptance. a) Jotun / International / Sigma/equivalent marine grade epoxy paint scheme should be used. b) Vendor should provide details of approved painting scheme details including anti-corrosive, finish, tie, and anti-fouling coats. c) Adequate amount of Zn to be provided for Cathodic protection. Steel lined with rubber fenders suitable for rocky sides should be provided. a) All around handrail with stanchions at front, aft and sides. b) 2 m openings in the hand rails should be provided with facility to open/close; Two openings each should be provided on port and starboard sides and one opening in the rear side. c) Chrome plated brass hand rail should be provided all around and in the centerline inside the passenger area. d) Safety equipment as per class and statutory requirements. e) Lifebuoys and jackets of approved quality as per statutory rules. f) Firefighting equipment as per Page 8 of 13 14. Deck g) a) b) c) 15. Fittings a) b) c) 16. Wheel and dash board a) b) 17. Cabin a) b) c) statutory rules. Bilge system as per IRS/IACS. Deck should be of anti-skid surface. Openings/ manholes should be provided to allow inspection of hull compartments to check for water leakage as per IRS/IACS A hatch opening (0.5mx 0.5m x 0.75m) should be provided inside the cabin deck for storing items. The hold below the deck should be provided with racks for keeping stores. ‘Clear-view’ glass should be used for all windows. Front glass should be provided with wiper. All windows are to be of sliding type and large enough (0.5m x 0.5m minimum) to permit exit during emergency. All fittings including windshield wiper, fuel level indicators, etc should have ISI marks / BIS approved. To be suitably located to give a clear view of surroundings for easy mooring. Clear- view glass with provision for easy opening and closing are to be provided. Dashboard should include GPS based speed indicator and magnetic compass. An enclosed cabin to be made with the steering wheel and driver’s seat in the forward and seats for passengers in the back. The driver should get a clear view all around. The windows should have sufficient size (0.5m x 0.5m minimum) for the passengers to view outside while sitting and standing. ‘Clear view’ glass should be provided. Glass covered windows are to be made with sliding facility for opening. Page 9 of 13 d) 18. Equipment a) 19. Lights and batteries a) 20. Additional Power Requirement (for use during NPOL tests and not to be linked to the lighting and other normal operation of the boat) a) Emergency exit (minimum size 0.5m x 0.5m) should be provided on either side. GPS Garmin make, model 440s (fixed type) with external antenna (GA29) for use inside wheel house should be provided. GPS should be integrated with depth sounder for shallow water. Later model with additional features is acceptable. b) One manual horn should be provided. All lights should be provided as per IRS/KIV. b) 2 nos additional search lights of 9” dia and 250 W each should be provided on roof of passenger cabin. One in the forward and other in the aft. Both search lights should be steerable (360˚) and tiltable by seated driver. Frame of lights should be all brass. The lights should have adjustable focal length and parabolic reflector. 3 kVA Generator with wheels (Honda Petrol ModelEU30is/Equivalent) should be supplied along with the boat. Weather-proof locker outside passenger cabin on the rear, under the deck should be provided to store the generator. The generator will be used by lifting and placing it on deck. b) 150 AH Exide/Equivalent Battery re-chargeable through engine operation should be supplied. The necessary electrical arrangements should be provided to facilitate recharging. c) 1 kVA Sine wave inverter (Crompton Make/Equivalent) to supply power from the Page 10 of 13 21. Light Anchor 22. Draft marks 23. Tool kit and storage 24. Drawings 25. Images 26. Warranty above battery. d) 4 plug point/multi sockets (15/5A) to be provided at two different locations inside passenger cabin. For two plug points, power to be supplied by generator and for other two points, power to be supplied by inverter. e) 2 Nos of 15 W rechargeable and portable emergency lamp with ISI mark. As per IRS/IACS regulation. Major mark every 10 cm. Minor mark every 5 cm. a) Tool kit for maintenance of engine should be supplied. b) Two storage cabinets with built-in lock of volume 0.5 m3 each in the engine room (in addition to engine storage space). c) First aid kit should be provided. All drawings should be submitted to NPOL for approval before submission to IRS for approval. b) All drawings and information required for maintaining class, all types of repair(including electrical and mechanical) of the boat, should be provided. Computer generated 3D images showing following details should be submitted for approval of NPOL before IRS approval. . a) Exterior and interior of boat. b) Details of passenger area, dashboard and storage cabinets. c) Engine and mounting area. a) One year repair or replacement warranty, from date of acceptance, for all items supplied. If OEM warranty is not available, supplier should give warranty on behalf of OEM. a) Page 11 of 13 Prerequisites for Bidders 1 2 Complied/ Not Complied Remarks If any The bidder should have delivered at least two powered vessels, of length greater than 9 meters, during January 2010 to Apr 2013. These vessels should have been built with the approval of IRS/IACS. Proof of the same should be submitted along with the techno-commercial offer. The bidder should have a minimum of 2 Engineers or Naval Architects on the payroll as on June 2013 and till delivery of the vessel. The names, qualifications, date of joining, and contact information for the employees should be submitted along with the techno-commercial offer. 3 The company should have sales turnover of at least Rs. 2 Crores per annum. Only building and repair of ships, barges, boats, and other watercraft are to be included in the turnover. Copy of audited financial record should be submitted as proof for turnover claim along with the techno-commercial offer. 4 The bidder should attach copies of certificates pertaining to previous experience, financial capability and other requirements along with the tender as documentary proof. 5 The bidder should mandatorily visit UARF on mutually agreed dates to study in detail the access (width of road, condition of road, number of hairpin turns, etc) to UARF, Kulamavu, Idukki District. This is extremely important if the boat is constructed elsewhere and transported to UARF. The visit is to be done before submitting the technical/commercial offer. All facilities (power, handling equipment, accommodation, etc) required at UARF for construction, unloading, launching, testing etc should be arranged by the supplier. 6 Director, NPOL reserves the right to amend or waive the above pre-requisites. Page 12 of 13 Appendix-2 COST BREAK UP FOR STEEL BOAT Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Item Description Steel Engine with Gear Box( IRS Class) Stern Gear and Steering Construction Hull Preservation Furnishing Anchor, Windlass, Mooring GPS Bollard, hatch, cleats, towing posts Piping & Valves Tool Kit LSA,FFA,LSS Mechanical Fittings & Accessories Electrical Fitting & Accessories Design, Classification, Inspection Transportation & Launching Test, Trials, Voyage Labor Charges Insurance Charges Any other Items required to meet Specs for Steel Boat Any other Expenditure required to meet Specs for Steel Boat Taxes GRANT TOTAL Qty Price Note: The break up given above is not deemed as exhaustive and complete. Bidders are free to add items not covered in the list above and required for execution of the order, from Sl.No.20 onwards. Page 13 of 13