The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect high

Final Report – Delivered to Eumetsat/ESA in December 2008
and 2009
S4-TIR to detect pollution events
on January
Cathy Clerbaux et Pierre Coheur
November 2008
Contract Eumetsat EUM/CO/07/4600000447/SAT
Contract ESA 20839/06/NL/HE
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Service de Chimie Quantique et Photophysique
CPI 160/09
50 Av. F.D. Roosevelt
1050 Bruxelles
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect high
pollution events at urban and regional scales
Cathy Clerbaux1,2, Pierre-François Coheur1, Oliver Scharf1, Daniel Hurtmans1, Anne
1. Université Libre de Bruxelles - Service de Chimie Quantique et Photophysique (ULB)
CPI 160/09, 50, Av. F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique
2. Service d’Aéronomie (SA), Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Boite 102, 4, Place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
Executive summary
- The levels of all controlled pollutants (NO2, SO2, CO, O3, PM10 and PM2.5) are continuously
decreasing over Europe, except for O3. The warning and alert levels of the latter are
exceeded every year, and it will be worse in the future. Ozone peaks occur between 12
and 15 pm.
- Current thermal IR instruments that work operationally are the polar orbiting AIRS/AQUA,
IASI/METOP. They provide limited information for boundary layer ozone pollution either
because of the coarse instrumental specifications (AIRS) and time of observation (IASI).
Thermal contrast (∆T=Tsurface - Tatm@PBL) controls the error budget and the vertical
- MTG-IRS: Although the instrumental specifications for MTG-IRS are not optimized for
chemistry, the instrument will provide tropospheric columns of O3 and CO, with significant
improvement on our prior knowledge, most remarkably for high pollution events
(photochemical pollution in the case of ozone; fires in the case of CO). The diurnal
variability might be difficult to capture if thermal contrast remains low. However, as ozone
pollution mainly occurs along with high temperatures, pollution peaks will likely be
- The instrumental specifications for S4-TIR are optimized for chemistry. The gain in the
spectral resolution and the instrumental noise as compared to MTG-IRS allows to improve
the vertical resolution (profile retrievals in the troposphere are then possible) and the error
budget. The diurnal variability can be observed to some extent, and a good accuracy is
obtained even in the boundary layer if the thermal contrast is favourable. As such, the S4TIR would provide a significant add for the monitoring of pollution episodes.
- More generally, one may expect to take benefit of the high sampling rate of the GEO
sounders (0.5 to one hour) in order to set-up a specific retrieval strategy that would use
the information at different times of the day (hence different thermal contrast) to extract
the peak pollution events at the right time and place. Moreover the smaller MTG-IRS pixel
size (3 to 6 km) would allow to average data in order to increase accuracy. This has,
however, not been investigated here.
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect high pollution events at urban
and regional scales
INTRODUCTION: BACKGROUND AND AIMS OF THE STUDY .......................................... 4
PROGRAMMATIC CONTEXT .............................................................................................................. 4
THE MTG INFRARED SOUNDING MISSION: GOALS ........................................................................... 5
INSTRUMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MTG-IRS AND S4-TIR ........................................................ 5
AIMS OF THE STUDY AND DEFINITION OF TASKS .............................................................................. 7
Atmospheric scenarios ............................................................................................................ 7
Capabilities of current TIR nadir sounders to detect CO and O3 for air quality purposes..... 8
Capabilities of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect CO and O3 for air quality purposes............. 8
ATMOSPHERIC SCENARIOS ...................................................................................................... 9
POLLUTION FORMATION .................................................................................................................. 9
POLLUTION PEAKS ......................................................................................................................... 10
Chemical weather.................................................................................................................. 10
Diurnal cycle ......................................................................................................................... 10
Long-range transport of pollutants and aerosols.................................................................. 12
THRESHOLD AND ALERT LEVELS IN EUROPE ................................................................................. 13
EU-27 emission trends .......................................................................................................... 13
Air quality exceedances in France ........................................................................................ 14
THE ROLE OF THERMAL CONTRAST ................................................................................................ 16
Definition............................................................................................................................... 16
Thermal contrast over Europe............................................................................................... 16
THE CHIMERE REGIONAL MODEL ................................................................................................... 17
Description of the model ....................................................................................................... 17
Performances of the PREV’AIR system to predict pollution events ...................................... 20
AIR QUALITY PURPOSES ...................................................................................................................... 22
CURRENT THERMAL INFRARED SOUNDERS .................................................................................... 22
CARBON MONOXIDE OBSERVATIONS ............................................................................................. 25
TROPOSPHERIC OZONE OBSERVATION ........................................................................................... 28
THERMAL CONTRAST ..................................................................................................................... 30
QUALITY PURPOSES .............................................................................................................................. 32
THEORY AND METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 32
General formulation of the Inversion Method....................................................................... 32
Methodology for the TIR retrieval assessment...................................................................... 34
RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................ 39
Ozone retrievals .................................................................................................................... 39
Carbon monoxide retrievals.................................................................................................. 48
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
Introduction: Background and aims of the study
A.1 Programmatic context
EUMETSAT and the European Space Agency (ESA) have initiated joint preparatory activities
for the definition of the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) geostationary system to be
available in the 2016-2018 timeframe, as a replacement for the second generation satellites
(MSG) [Stuhlmann et al., 2005]. Preparatory activities started in 2000 with the EUMETSAT
post-MSG User Consultation process in order to define the high-level needs and priorities
that the EUMETSAT customers and users foresee for the 2015-2025 timeframe. The mission
definition review process was concluded in March 2006, leading to a phase A reference
configuration supporting an improved imaging instrument and an infrared sounding
mission (IRS), on two separated platforms MTG-I and MTG-S1. Both the UV/vis and the
lightning missions were not recommended to be included in the payload but are assessed in
the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) context. ESA is in charge of the
instrumental concepts and developments, and EUMETSAT is responsible for the definition of
the scientific requirements and for the overall programme. The MTG Mission Team (MMT)
defined needs and priorities for observations relevant to the operational applications and
services in the 2015-2025. This study is one of the R&T studies performed in the framework
of the MMT and focuses on the potential of IRS onboard MTG to detect high pollution
events at urban and regional scales.
At the same time, ESA has progressed in the Sentinel family definition. It includes the
detailed definition of the satellite, its requirements on the ground segment and the operations
concept based on the requirements for an operational GMES system. Sentinel 4 (S4)2 is
directly relevant to MTG, and as it is focused on atmospheric chemistry from a geostationary
orbit, and it includes a thermal infrared instrument, hereafter referred as S4-TIR, as well as
a UV-vis sounder. The current instrumental specifications of the thermal infrared sounder
onboard Sentinel 4 present similarities with those envisaged for MTG-IRS, although are more
demanding in terms of spectral resolution and radiometric performance. This is because the
scientific requirements were driven by chemistry needs only, whereas for MTG it results from
a compromise between meteorology and chemistry needs, with a priority on Numerical
Weather Prediction (NWP). An extension to the ongoing study started in 2007 at ESA’s
request, in order to access the differences to be expected, in terms of accuracy and vertical
profile retrieval capability, between the two concepts of infrared sounders (MTG-IRS and S4TIR).
In July 2008, the implementation group for the Global Monitoring for Environment and
Security Atmosphere Core Service (GACS) has released his final report3, providing the
following recommendations for the space architecture from geo:
It is accordingly recommended to develop and deploy the following new capacities:
- A UVN spectrometer (Sentinel-4) to be embarked on MTG-S, to serve needs of regional
operational Air Quality applications requiring dense sampling, in Europe,
- To allow optimal use of the synergies of an UVN on MTG with the FDHSI (clouds,
MTG Mission Requirements Document, Eumetsat EUM/MTG/SPE/06/0011, Issue : v2B, 6 October 2006.
GMES Sentinels 4 and 5 Mission Requirements Document, issue 1, revision 3, 9 Avril 2008, EOP-SMA/1507/JL-rd.
Report of the GAS implementation group : Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Atmosphere Core
Service (GACS), Final report, July 2008, GMES Bureau.
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
aerosol) and IRS (tropospheric O3 and CO) instruments.
In order to synchronise the MTG and Sentinel-4 it is then recommended to ESA and
EUMETSAT to further harmonise their respective requirements on these projects.
About thermal infrared spectrometers for atmospheric chemistry, the GACS requirements
also include needs for thermal infrared spectrometers to sound the troposphere for
atmospheric chemistry purposes and provide profile measurements of CO, ozone, HNO3,
CH4 and volcanoes SO2 to complement Sentinels 4 and 5 observations. As thermal infrared
instruments are already part of the core payload of MTG and Post-EPS, as they are the
baseline meteorological instruments to sound temperature, humidity and winds, specific
recommendations are not provided here. But these instruments will also provide important
information for air quality only if the instrumental specifications are optimized accordingly.
It is thus recommended that the instrumental specifications (noise, spectral
resolution, and pixel size) are also optimized to answer the GACS air quality and
climate requirements.
A.2 The MTG infrared sounding mission: goals
The Infrared Sounding mission will support NWP by providing atmospheric motion vectors
through the tracking of three-dimensional water vapour patterns. It will also deliver more
frequent information on vertical temperature and water-vapour profiles in the atmosphere.
The emphasis is on high horizontal resolution (better than 10 km), high vertical/spectral
resolution (better than 1 km) and frequent observations (better than 1 hour) of the full Earth
The primary objective of the IRS mission is to support NWP at regional and global scales,
through the provision of:
Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV) with higher vertical resolution in clear air, to be
extracted from the tracking of three dimensional water vapour patterns;
More frequent information on temperature and water vapour profiles.
The full disk AMV capability has the highest priority for global NWP, as this geostationary
observing technique is unique for the extraction of three-dimensional wind fields in clear air.
The secondary objective of the IRS mission is to support together with the UV-VIS sounding
mission, chemical weather and air quality applications.
It is recognised that these operational objectives could be in conflict, and that priorities may
need to be captured in an optimum concept, that interleaves various observing modes.
A.3 Instrumental specifications for MTG-IRS and S4-TIR
The MTG-IRS instrumental specifications are delivered by Eumetsat and are evolving
continuously after iteration with industry (through ESA) and the MMT scientific experts that
perform specific studies. Table A.1 provides the IRS target species, spatial resolution, noise
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
specifications and spectral resolutions as quoted in the 'Post-MSG Mission Requirement
Document', EUM/MTG/SPE/02/0015 (hereafter referred as MRD-MTG). These specifications
were defined in priority to meet the needs for NWP global and regional applications.
The study relies on the S4-TIR instrumental specifications from the GEMS Sentinels-4 and -5
Requirements Document EOP-SMA/1507/JL-rd (hereafter referred as MRD GMES). These
specifications were defined in priority to meet the needs for atmospheric chemistry
applications. Table A.1 provides the TIR target species, spatial resolution, noise
specifications and spectral resolution.
From these two missions, ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO), which are both key
atmospheric species for atmospheric composition measurement, can be retrieved. This has
been demonstrated from previous and current missions based on thermal infrared sounders
onboard satellite (see Section C), such as the IASI/METOP instrument [Clerbaux et al.,
2007]. Figure A.1 illustrates an atmospheric spectrum measured by the IASI with a zoom on
the ozone and CO absorbing spectral ranges, as well as radiative transfer simulations of the
absorbing species in the same spectral range.
Figure A.1
Atmospheric spectrum as measured by the IASI instrument onboard the
METOP satellite (top panel) along with radiative transfer simulated spectra for the main
absorbers in the ozone and carbon monoxide spectral ranges (middle panel). The ozone and
carbon monoxide soundings uses the bands located around 1050-1100 cm-1 and 2140-2175
cm , respectively. These spectral intervals also contain weak signatures of other species, some
of which, chemically reactive, would provide additional strength to the mission [Image courtesy
P.F. Coheur, ULB].
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
Table A.1 Specifications of the proposed MTG IR Sounding (MTG-IRS) and Sentinel 4
Thermal Infrared Sounder (S4-TIR) as defined in the respective mission requirement
documents. For S4-TIR Goal (G) and Threshold (T) values are provided.
Geo instr.
O3, CO
O3, CO, (HNO3)
Spatial res.
4 x 4 km
0.2 (O3) , 0.85 (CO)
0.05 - 0.15 (G -T)
Spectral res.
0.8 cm
0.75 cm-1
4 - 2 cm (G -T)
0.15 - 0.3 cm
5 x 5-15 x 15 km
A.4 Aims of the study and definition of tasks
This study investigates the capability of a thermal infrared sounder onboard a geo-orbiting
satellite to detect enhanced levels of carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3) at local and
regional scales, in particular over Europe. This is achieved using a combination of model
simulations of the boundary layer and tropospheric pollution, existing measurements from
on-board thermal infrared satellite instruments (MOPITT, IASI) and further sensitivity studies
using the current MTG-IRS and S4-TIR instrumental specifications.
To answer the questions, the following tasks are tackled:
A.4.1 Atmospheric scenarios
Air quality relates to the concentration of primary or secondary pollutants in the generally wellmixed boundary layer. These concentrations depend upon emission sources but also
meteorological conditions, which regulate to a large extent the outflow of pollutants from the
boundary layer to the free troposphere. Monitoring air-quality from satellites is a major challenge
as it requires probing the atmospheric composition in the first one or two kilometers of the
For a thermal infrared instrument the possibility to detect enhanced levels of concentration for any
pollutant in the boundary layer is limited by the low thermal contrast between the surface and the
first layer of the atmosphere. The capability of an infrared nadir sounder to probe the lower
atmospheric layers, where local pollution occurs, therefore strongly depends on location,
temperature, type of surface and time of the day. The first part of the report investigates how the
boundary layer is affected by these parameters, which provides a good indication of thermal
contrast. This is achieved using atmospheric models simulations (CTM). We also compare the
model climatology to the occurrence of the major pollution events in Europe (e.g. peaks of ozone
in summer).
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
A.4.2 Capabilities of current TIR nadir sounders to detect CO and O3 for air
quality purposes
There are currently several thermal infrared nadir sounders in operation, which provide
measurements of carbon monoxide and ozone from local to global scale. These instruments differ
in the measurement technique (gas correlation radiometry vs. FTIR spectroscopy), ground pixel
size and temporal sampling. We investigate the capabilities of these TIR sounders to measure
carbon monoxide and ozone with sufficient accuracy and vertical sensitivity to deliver useful
information for air quality applications. IASI and MOPITT will be taken as a basis for this study.
Sub-tasks include:
Assessment of vertical profile retrievals from MOPITT and IASI, in terms of vertical
resolution, error sources in the troposphere.
Analyses of the sensitivity to the surface under different types of conditions, including
weak to strong thermal contrasts, low to high pollution events.
A.4.3 Capabilities of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect CO and O3 for air quality
The current specifications of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR resemble those of IASI to some extent
(all based on a Fourier transform spectrometer, with different instrumental specifications).
Based on the differences in terms of spectral resolution and radiometric performances
between these two sounders, we assess the capabilities of the MTG-IRS to contribute to air
quality issues by a frequent monitoring of carbon monoxide and ozone and compare these to
those of S4-TIR (for a range of specifications).
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
Atmospheric scenarios
B.1 Pollution Formation
Half of the global population presently lives in urban centers. In these large urban areas air
quality is becoming a major concern, and an important area of research has emerged during
the last decade in order to quantify the emission sources of pollutants, to model the chemical
and physical transformation that leads to the production of secondary pollutants, and to study
the transport pathways for the dispersal of pollution. Figure B.1 provides a schematic
representation of the main sources, sinks, and photochemical reaction driving the
concentration of the main atmospheric pollutants. For this report we will only report on ozone
and CO, as these are the two molecules that can be measured from the radiance spectra
measured using thermal infrared techniques.
Carbon monoxide is a primary pollutant produced from methane and non-methane
hydrocarbon oxidation, from fossil fuel combustion (associated with car traffic, industry and
domestic heating) and from vegetation burning (for agricultural purposes or from wildfires).
Its primary sink is oxidation by the hydroxyl radical (OH), which in turn controls the removal
of most of the atmospheric pollutants as it is usually the predominant atmospheric oxidant.
The CO atmospheric lifetime ranges from a few weeks to a few months depending on
location and season, making it particularly suitable as a tracer of pollutant emissions.
Ozone is a molecule of three oxygen atoms bound together. It is unstable and highly
reactive. Ozone is found naturally in small concentrations in the stratosphere. In this upper
atmosphere, ozone is made when ultraviolet light from the sun splits an oxygen molecule
(O2), forming two single oxygen atoms. If a freed atom collides with an oxygen molecule, it
becomes ozone. Tropospheric ozone is generated from chemical reactions linked to internal
combustion engines and power plants. Automobile exhaust and industrial emissions release
a family of nitrogen oxide gases (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC), by-products of
burning gasoline and coal. NOx and VOC combine chemically with oxygen to form ozone
during sunny, high-temperature conditions of late spring, summer and early fall. High levels
of ozone are usually formed in the heat of the middle of the day, and dissipates during the
cooler nights.
Figure B.1
Schematic representation of the tropospheric keys species and reactions. CO
and ozone are two of the most important drivers of atmospheric chemistry.
The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
B.2 Pollution peaks
B.2.1 Chemical weather
Air pollution is a problem in many parts of the world. High concentrations of fine particles and trace
gases like ozone increase health problems, in particular pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.
Air pollution results in reductions of the average life expectancy, and excess mortality during
summer heat waves. Health regulations in Europe, USA and other parts of the world set alert and
thresholds for pollutants like ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and fine particles (particulate matter,
PM). Air pollution has contributions at many different scales. Above threshold conditions occur
close to busy streets with large traffic pollution, but the contribution of far-away sources to local air
pollution is considerable. A good quantification and understanding of the pollution levels requires
dedicated observations and modelling efforts from the global scale down to street level. Apart from
the direct impacts on human health, air pollution also has an adverse effect on the biosphere in
The daily variability and real time composition of the atmosphere on the global and regional scale
in relation to the meteorological situation has become an active area of research in recent years.
The term “chemical weather” was introduced for this new field, and can be defined as “the local,
regional, and global distributions of important trace gases and aerosols and their variability on time
scales of minutes to hours to days, particularly in light of their various impacts, such as on human
health, ecosystems, the meteorological weather, and climate.”
The hot summer of 2003 (Figure B.2) has stimulated the development of models for the provision
of operational air quality forecasts in West-European countries to inform the public on predicted
high pollution levels. The quality of the simulations and forecasts of these air quality and chemical
weather models is presently limited by the uncertainties in the modelled emissions and knowledge
of the physical and chemical processes. For a detailed description of chemical weather a
dedicated (real time) observing system is required, consisting of both ground- and space-based
B.2.2 Diurnal cycle
Air quality in the planetary boundary layer, from a regional-scale down to street-level, is changing
with a typical time scale of one to a few hours (see Figure B.3). The temporal changes in
atmospheric composition are related to variable surface emissions (e.g. rush hour), chemical
processes such as the speed of ozone formation and residence time of NOX, and physical
processes like the diurnal cycle of the depth of the planetary boundary layer, frontal and
convective systems and variations in actinic flux related to clouds and time of the day. The
combination of these aspects determines the air quality at a specific place and time. The
complexity and process interactions also reduce the predictability of the evolution of boundary
layer air quality over the day and multiple observations per day are needed to well characterize
the pollution levels.
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The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
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December 2008
Figure B.2
Summer 2003: number of days for which the threshold value for information
to the public (ozone concentration > 180 ug/m ) was observed at rural and background stations
(April-August) [Image courtesy European Topic Center on Air and Climate change].
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The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
Figure B.3
Diurnal and day-to-day variations of key trace gases and fine particulate
matter (PM2.5 and PM10) in London at street-level. The build-up of air pollution during the day
demonstrates the advantage of having more than one observation per day. The day-to-day
variability is also very large [Image courtesy I. Kilbane-Dawe, AEATI].
B.2.3 Long-range transport of pollutants and aerosols
Since the photochemical lifetime of O3 and CO can be more than one month in the free
troposphere, transport from source to remote regions affects the background levels on intercontinental scales. Local air pollution is determined not only by local sources and sinks but
increasingly also by long-range transport of pollutants. Global observations are more and more
needed to supplement the local and regional surface networks in order to get a full picture and
better understand the observed air quality levels on the local scale.
Figure B.4 shows the ozone change calculated for Europe in summer 2030, illustrating that, under
current legislation conditions, the long-range transport of ozone and its precursors will cause
ozone to increase over Europe. This effect will counteract the reduction in ozone due to
decreasing precursor emissions in Europe (see next Section). Transport of ozone and its
precursors from North America and chemical processing over the Atlantic Ocean already
influence background concentrations over Europe. Similarly, export of pollutants from Asia
influences the distribution of species over the Pacific Ocean and North America. The rapid
economical growth in Eastern Asia will certainly result in increased northern hemisphere
background levels of both ozone and fine particles (PM2.5).
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The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
Cathy Clerbaux/Pierre Coheur
December 2008
Figure B.4
Impact of emissions and long-range transport on ozone in July 2030 as
simulated by a model (LMDz-INCA and Chimere). The right panel shows the surface ozone
change (in parts per billion (ppb)) calculated for 2030 under the IIASA “current legislation
scenario”. The upper left panel shows that the corresponding decrease of NOx, CO and VOC
emissions reduces ozone over large parts of Europe. The lower left figure shows that long-range
transport from North-America and also Asia causes an ozone increase over Europe [Image
courtesy: D. Hauglustaine/S. Szopa, LSCE].
B.3 Threshold and alert levels in Europe
B.3.1 EU-27 emission trends4
The European Environment Agency LRTAP report acknowledges that most EU-27 countries have
reduced their emissions of air pollutants over the past decades. However, other studies show that
pollution continues to undermine local air quality, particularly in urban areas. The report identifies
road transport, manufacturing industries and construction, the residential sector and agriculture as
the main sources of air pollution in Europe today.
Aggregated EU-27 emission trends for NOX, CO, NMVOCs, SOX, NH3, PM10 and PM2.5 are
presented in Figure B.5. Total emissions of these air pollutants in the EU-27 still cannot be
estimated for all years because of gaps in the underlying data reported by some countries.
Across the EU-27 the largest reduction in emissions in percentage terms has been achieved for
the acidifying pollutant SOX: emissions in 2006 were almost 70 % less than in 1990. Emissions of
other key air pollutants also fell during this period, including emissions of the three air pollutants
primarily responsible for the formation-destruction of ground-level ozone in the atmosphere: CO
(53 % reduction), NMVOCs (44 % reduction) and NOX (35 % reduction).
Trends of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) levels have been compiled for the years 2000 to
2006 only. According to the data reported by the states, emissions of both these pollutants
decreased by approximately 10 % in the EU-27 during this period.
Adapted from the Annual European Community LRTAP Convention emission inventory report 19902006, Submission to EMEP through the Executive Secretary of the UNECE, No 7/2008, EEA
Technical report.
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The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
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December 2008
Figure B.5
EU-27 emission trends in absolute (Gg) and relative terms for NOX, CO,
NMVOCs, SOX, NH3, between 1990 and 2006 (index year 1990 = 100, and for PM10 and PM2.5
between 2000 and 2006 (index year 2000 = 100) [Image courtesy LRTAP 2007 report].
B.3.2 Air quality exceedances in France5
In agreement with the LRTAP EU-27 findings, regular measurements of air quality in Ile-deFrance show a general decrease of all pollution sources emitted at the ground level, but a
continuous increase of ozone. Figure B.6 reports the number of days for which the alerts or
threshold levels of pollution were exceeded for the last 10 years, for three pollutants: O3, SO2, and
NO2. It is worth noting than for SO2 the harmful levels are not met anymore, due to the decreasing
use of heating based on coal. Due to the heat wave, the year 2007 is a record year for pollution
Between 1992 and 2006, the average annual level of ozone has doubled over Paris, and in
particular in the suburbs where averaged levels are higher. The air quality standards are
exceeded during a few days every year. Figure B.7 shows the averaged increase of O3
concentration levels as measured for three stations located around Paris.
Carbon monoxide
Between 1994 and 2003, a decrease of more than 60% of CO emissions has been observed
close to traffic roads. This is a direct consequence of the use of catalytic filters for car exhaust and
the increasing use of diesel engines. Figure B.8 illustrates the continuous decrease of O3
concentration levels as measured for three stations located around Paris. Air quality standards are
not exceeded any more over Paris. Elsewhere in Europe, only big fire events such as those that
occurred in the Greek Peninsula in the summer 2007 can lead to exceedances of alert/threshold
Report Air-Parif, La qualité de l’air en Ile de France 2007, 2008 (available from
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The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
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December 2008
Figure B.6
Number of days for which the Air Quality alert levels have been exceeded
during the last ten years, over the Ile-de-France area, for three major pollutants: SO2, NO2 and
O3 [Image courtesy Air Parif,].
Figure B.7
Averaged concentrations measurements for ozone over three stations near
Paris, from 1992 to 2007. A general increase can be observed, and a peak concentration record
was measured during the 2003 summer heat wave [Image courtesy Air Parif,].
Figure B.8
Averaged concentrations measurements for carbon monoxide over three
stations near Paris, from 1992 to 2007. The alert levels of 10000 µg/m has not been exceeded
since 2000 owing to the improvement of catalytic filters on car exhausts [Image courtesy Air
Parif,] .
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The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
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December 2008
B.4 The role of thermal contrast
B.4.1 Definition
For space instruments using the thermal infrared spectral range to sound the atmosphere,
thermal contrast is a critical parameter for observing the planetary boundary layer (PBL),
where all the pollution events occur. The thermal contrast between the surface and the PBL
determines to what extend we can see sources of short lived species emitted near the
surface. It is directly linked to the difference of temperature between the ground and the first
atmospheric layer (see Figure B.9.), that reverberates into the radiance spectrum recorded
by the instrument.
Figure B.9
The radiance spectrum measured by an instrument onboard a satellite is the
resultant of the atmospheric absorption and emission at different layers of the atmosphere. Of
crucial importance for the study of the boundary layer is “thermal contrast” which is the
difference (in radiance) induced by the temperature difference between the surface temperature
(Tskin) and a reference temperature in the boundary layer (T1) [Image courtesy L. Clarisse, ULB].
In the morning, the Earth starts absorbing UV, for which the atmosphere is roughly
transparent. The Earth then transmits this energy on to the atmosphere via IR radiation.
When the sun sets, the Earth is still giving of energy, while the atmosphere continues to
absorb. The earth heats up/cools down faster than the atmosphere and therefore, the
diurnal variation is larger, and hence thermal contrast more pronounced during day than
B.4.2 Thermal contrast over Europe
In this section we access the climatological variability of thermal contrast over Europe, in
order to evaluate where and when thermal infrared sounders are sensitive to the boundary
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The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
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December 2008
layer. In Section C, we will link this model fields with measurements provided by the
IASI/METOP instrument. The following results rely on model distributions of temperatures
and boundary layer heights as provided by ECMWF fields, from which we extracted surface
temperature (Tskin) and temperature at 10 m (T10m). Figure B.10. represents averaged thermal
contrasts (difference between the two temperatures) for July 2007 (left) and January 2008
(right), above Europe, at 9am and 9pm. These time periods were chosen as they correspond
to the IASI morning and IASI evening local time measurements. We also plotted the
distribution as modelled at 3pm, as this corresponds to the time where maximum of ozone
occur (see Section A of this report). These plots demonstrate the high spatial and temporal
variability of the thermal contrast. Maxima are observed during daytime (9am and 3pm) for
July as well as above continents. On the other hand, thermal contrast is very low at 9pm.
This leads to the conclusion that relevant observation near the surface can only be observed
by thermal infrared using daytime measurements.
Figure B.11. represents the variations of the boundary layer height above Europe for the
same time period (July 2007 and January 2008). These distributions show the good
correlation between the thermal contrast and the boundary layer height. The more the
thermal contrast is important the more elevated is the PBL, with some delay in time.
Boundary layer height variations also become more significant in July above continents
during daytime. This period of high PBL height matches with the timing and place of O3
pollution episodes (as both need maximal solar radiation).
B.5 The Chimere regional model
B.5.1 Description of the model
The CHIMERE Eulerian chemistry-transport model [Schmidt et al., 2001; Bessagnet et al.,
2004] is designed to produce daily forecasts of ozone, aerosols and other pollutants and
allows performing long-term simulations over several seasons for emission control scenarios.
The model area covers scales from the regional to the urban one. In the vertical, the model
contains eight layers up to 500 hPa pressure level, defined using hybrid coordinates.
Meteorological input data used in CHIMERE result from external meteorological models such
as ECMWF. Emissions derived from the EMEP yearly data are used (for details see the Web
site CHIMERE offers the possibility to include different gas phase chemical
mechanisms. The original, complete scheme [Lattuati, 1997] describes more than 300
reactions of 80 gaseous species. In order to reduce the computing time, a reduced version
containing more than 110 reactions of 44 gaseous species is derived from MELCHIOR
[Derognat, 2003]. CHIMERE is forced at its boundaries by climatological monthly means,
calculated from the LMDzINCA model [Hauglustaine et al, 2004] or the MOZART model
[Brasseur et al, 1998; Hauglustaine et al, 1998] for gas phase chemical species. Monthly
climatologies computed from the global aerosol model GOCART [Chin et al., 2004] is used
for mineral aerosols concentrations. CHIMERE can be downloaded from the Web site
The model has been used in many studies, including the analysis of extreme events such as
the 2003 heat wave in Europe [Vautard et al, 2005]. Model uncertainty has been analysed
using a Bayesian Monte Carlo approach [Beekmann et al, 2003]. Several evaluations of the
model have been performed [Hodzic et al, 2005]. The model has been used for data
assimilation of ozone surface [Blond et al, 2004]. Also, the model participated in the
assessment of the operational air quality forecasting and monitoring system PREV’AIR
[Honore et al, 2008].
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Figure B.10
Averaged thermal contrast derived from ECMWF temperature fields, above
Europe at 9am UTC, 3pm UTC and 9pm UTC, for July 2007 (left) and January 2008 (right)
[Image courtesy A. Boynard].
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Figure B.11
Averaged boundary layer height as derived from ECMWF fields, above
Europe at 9am UTC, 3pm UTC and 9pm UTC, for July 2007 (left) and January 2008 (right)
[Image courtesy A. Boynard].
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In this study, the continental-scale version covering Western Europe with a 0.5° horizontal
resolution is used. The vertical grid resolution extends up to 200hPa. The CHIMERE model
is forced by ECMWF meteorological fields, by the EMEP emission database and the
LMDzINCA monthly fields.
B.5.2 Performances of the PREV’AIR system to predict pollution events
PREV’AIR is the French operational forecasting and mapping system for air quality in
Europe. It relies on the CHIMERE model, and other inputs as described in the previous
section. For the European and French domains, PREV’AIR system delivers every day,
forecasts of ozone up to two days ahead, together with nitrogen dioxide and particulate
matter (PM10 and PM2.5) concentrations forecasts. These outputs are made available on the
PREV’AIR website ( early in the morning. Global scale concentrations of
ozone, nitrogen dioxide and dusts are also predicted up to two days ahead.
The forecasts are evaluated every day, and then every year using an exhaustive comparison
between observations and forecasts. Statistical indicators such as bias, root mean square
errors, and correlation coefficients are computed for each species. An extensive analysis of
these results is reported in [Honoré et al., 2007]. Generally speaking, it is demonstrated that
the PREV’AIR system performances comply with the state of the art, which was also
demonstrated in European model intercomparisons [Vautard et al., 2007]. The scores are
particularly satisfactory for ozone with a correlation of 0.84. The scores are less reliable for
pollution peaks, as shown in Table B.1 which reports the percentage of correct prediction,
false alarms and missed events related to the ozone information threshold (180 µg/m3), in
2003, 2004 and 2005.
Table B.1
Skill scores for the ozone daily maxima, over spring/summers 2004 to
2006, for the European forecast.
Years 2003,
2004 et 2005
(49 days over
+ all regions
False alarm
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Atmospheric scenarios: O3 and CO pollution episodes
Pollution (Europe)
- Pollution episodes are generally limited to the boundary layer (BL).
- The levels of all controlled pollutants (NO2, SO2, CO, O3, PM10 and PM2.5) are continuously
decreasing over Europe, except for O3.
- Ozone levels are increasing in Europe, as a result of decreasing NOx and increasing O3
concentration coming from other continents (mainly Asia).
- Pollution peaks are observed mostly in summer as a result of enhanced photochemistry.
- The warning and alert levels for O3 pollution have been reached several times in the recent
year in Europe (eg 58 days of exceedance over Paris, including 19 in summer 2003).
- The warning and alert levels for CO pollution have not been reached since a few year for
CO and should not be reach anytime soon in the future (in Europe).
- The only exceedances occur locally, when strong fire episodes (e.g. Greece in August
2007) occur.
Thermal contrast
- Thermal contrast, which is defined as the temperature difference between the ground and
the atmosphere close to the surface is a critical parameter impacting on the sensitivity of
TIR sounders to the BL.
- Thermal contrast varies as a function of location and time of the day. The highest values
(and hence the best sensitivity for TIR instrument in the BL) is achieved during the
summer, between 12 and 15h, over land.
- This period of highest sensitivity matches with the timing and place of O3 pollution episodes
(as both need maximal solar radiation)
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Capabilities of current TIR nadir sounders to
detect CO and O 3 for air quality purposes
C.1 Current thermal infrared sounders
There are currently four spaceborne thermal IR instruments providing CO and/or O3
measurements from polar-orbiting satellites : MOPITT/TERRA, AIRS/AQUA, TES/AURA and
IASI/METOP. Hereafter is a description of the four missions, and Table C.1 is providing a
summary of the instrumental specifications of each platform/instrument, as well as a list of
the retrieved products. These four missions use different instrumental designs (Fourier
transform spectrometer (FTS), gas correlation and radiometer), with different instrumental
specifications (spectral ranges, spectral resolution, radiometric noise, and pixel size).
The Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) remote sensing instrument,
which was developed by Canada and US, was launched aboard the EOS Terra satellite in
December 1999 and became operational in March 2000. MOPITT includes nadir-viewing
channels for monitoring both carbon monoxide [Deeter et al., 2003, 2004] and methane, to
quantify and track the movement of pollution in the troposphere.
MOPITT operates by sensing infrared radiation from either the thermal emission/absorption at 4.7
µm for CO profiles, or reflected sunlight at about 2.2-2.4 µm for CO and CH4 column
measurements in daylight. The measurement technique exploits gas correlation radiometry to
determine tropospheric concentrations. The MOPITT instrument is equipped with four CO
modulation cells operating in two spectral bands (a solar band around 2.3 µm and a thermal band
around 4.6 µm) to produce a total of six CO-sensitive channels. Due to the loss of one of the
instrument's two coolers in May, 2001, two of the four thermal-band CO channels (Channels 1
and 3) no longer provide useful information.
The TERRA spacecraft operates in a near-circular, sun-synchronous orbit with an inclination
of approximately 98.2 degrees. The descending node crossing time is 10:30am. MOPITT
views the Earth over all latitudes with a pixel size of 22 km by 22 km and a cross-track swath
that measures a near-global distribution of CO every 3 days.
The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is a high-resolution infrared sounder selected to
fly on the EOS Aqua platform with two operational microwave sounders, AMSU and HSB. It
is an high-spectral resolution, grating multispectral infrared sounder (3.74 to 15.4 µm), with a
spectral resolving power of 1200, operating in a cross-track-scanning mode. Measurements
from the three instruments are analyzed jointly to filter out the effects of clouds from the IR
data in order to derive clear-column air-temperature profiles and surface temperatures with
high vertical resolution and accuracy. Together, these three instruments constitute an
advanced operational sounding system.
The AIRS retrieved temperature profiles have an accuracy of 1K per 1 km thick layer in the
troposphere and moisture profiles have an accuracy of 20% per 2 km thick layer in the lower
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troposphere (20%-60% in the upper troposphere). A description of CO retrievals is provided
in [Mc Millan et al., 2005].
The Troposperic Emission Spectrometer (TES) is one of four instruments onboard NASA’s
AURA satellite launched in July 2004. TES is a Fourier Transform Spectrometer designed to
infer the vertical distribution of tropospheric ozone and carbon monoxide using both nadir
and limb viewing geometries from outgoing spectrally resolved IR radiation. During routine
operation, the radiometrically calibrated nadir spectra [Worden et al., 2006] cover the thermal
IR region in four bands from 652-919 (band 2B1), 923-1160 (1B2), 1090-1339 (2A1) and
1891-2251 (1A1) cm-1 at a spectral resolution of 0.1 cm-1 (apodized). The AURA spacecraft is
in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of about 705 km, with a 13:38 local mean solar time
ascending node. For the nadir observation, TES employs 1x16 linear arrays of rectangular
pixels. The projections of these arrays used in nadir are 8 km along-track and 5 km crosstrack at the Earth's surface.
The vertical distribution of the following atmospheric products are retrieved operationally:
atmospheric temperature and H2O, CO [Luo et al., 2007], O3 [Worden et al., 2007], among
IASI, the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer, was launched in 2006 onboard the
METOP-A satellite. This is the first European meteorological polar-orbiting satellite, the
second and third instruments will be mounted on the METOP-B and C satellites with
launches scheduled in 2010 and 2015. It is a joint undertaking of the French spatial agency
CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) and EUMETSAT, with CNES managing the
instrumental development part and EUMETSAT operating the instrument in orbit. This
meteorological platform is the space segment of the EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS).
IASI provides accurate measurements of the temperature profiles in the troposphere and
lower stratosphere, as well as moisture profiles in the troposphere in order to improve the
quality of numerical weather forecasts [Schlüssel et al, 2005]. IASI is also monitoring some of
the chemical components playing a key role in the climate monitoring, global change and
atmospheric chemistry: CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, O3, HNO3. [Turquety et al, 2004].
The instrument consists of a Fourier Transform spectrometer associated with an imaging
system, designed to measure the infrared spectrum emitted by the Earth in the thermal
infrared using a nadir geometry. The instrument provides spectra of high radiometric quality
at 0.5 cm-1 resolution (apodized), from 645 to 2760 cm-1.
The MetOp polar orbit is at an altitude around 817 km. The satellite is slightly slanted at a
98.7° inclination to the equator, and the Earth pas s beneath the satellite ground track at
09:30 in the morning. The time to complete an orbit is about 101 minutes, which implies that
MetOp makes a little more than 14 revolutions a day. IASI has a squared field of view
sampled by a matrix of 2x2 circular pixels of 12 km each. The measurements are taken every
50 km at nadir with an excellent horizontal coverage due to its ability to scan across track
over a swath width of 2200 km.
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Table C.1
December 2008
Current thermal infrared atmospheric sounders.
8.45 cm (nadir)
OPD : 2 cm
Pixel size
Nadir + scan
22 x 22 km
1 pixel
0-25 km
Nadir + scan
13.5 x 13.5 km
9 pixels
0-30 km
Nadir + pointing
5.3 x 8.3 km
1 pixel
0-32 km
Nadir + scan
12 x 12 km
4 pixels
0-30 km
Measured species
Launch date
December 1999
H2O, CO2, CH4,
O3, CO, (SO2)
May 2002
H2O, CH4, N2O,
O3, CO, NO, NO2,
July 2004
H2O, HDO, CO2,
October 2006
CH4, N2O, O3, CO,
CFC-11, CFC-12,
(SO2), NH3, C2H4
All 4 missions measure CO and TES, AIRS and IASI measure ozone. It is worth noting that
only AIRS and IASI provide operational measurements as they are onboard meteorological
plateforms, and that AIRS with its crossing time of 1:30 pm has a better timing to sound
tropospheric ozone. But due to the quite coarse spectral resolution of the instrument, the
contamination from the stratosphere is expected to be large. Thermal IR instrument measure
total columns or low vertical resolution profiles, the accuracy and the vertical sensitivity of
which are significantly depending on the instrument specifications (spectral resolution and
radiometric noise), as well as on geophysical situations (thermal contrast). Generally, TIR
instruments have higher sensitivity in the free troposphere, between 5-10 km for CO and O3.
Figure C.1 provides radiance measurements as observed from AIRS, TES and IASI, and
shows that the spectral range, the spectral resolution and the S/N ratio varies. The exact
location of the measurement is also provided, these observations were selected as they are
co-located, although the time of the observation differs.
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Figure C.1 Radiance measurements as observed from AIRS, TES and IASI over Brazil on August 1,
2008 [Courtesy M. George, SA].
C.2 Carbon monoxide observations
Carbon monoxide was one of the first tropospheric trace gases observed from space. As a result
of its relatively long lifetime, it undergoes long range transport from its sources and mixes both
horizontally and vertically. Space borne observations from MOPITT reveal a hemispheric gradient
and high values in the outflow of regions with intense biomass burning [Edwards et al., 2004].
Main source regions are fires in Africa and South America but also fires in boreal forests in Siberia
and Alaska emit large quantities of CO [Petron et al., 2004; Pfister et al., 2005]. As it is dominated
by biomass burning emissions, the global CO burden shows large interannual variations following
changes in the amount of biomass burning. This indicates that future CO distributions will largely
depend on the evolution of anthropogenic and natural fires in response to climate change and
farming practice. Although MOPITT measurements have only limited sensitivity in the lower
troposphere, the signature of anthropogenic pollution can be observed over industrialised regions
in long-term averages [Clerbaux et al., 2008; Kar et al., 2008]. The anthropogenic signal can also
be retrieved using measurements in the solar IR by SCIAMACHY [Buchwitz et al., 2007] as it has
full sensitivity down to the ground. However, the signal-to-noise ratio of these measurements is
As mentioned here above, AIRS and IASI provide operational measurements that could be
used for air quality observation and forecast. Figure C. 3 provides an illustration of a one
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month averaged distribution of CO as observed by IASI. The performance of each mission in
terms of accuracy and vertical profile capability varies as a function of latitude, season and
land/see surface. Values of accuracy and DOFS are reported in Part D of this report, along
with the results simulated for MTG-IRS and S4-TIR, as the IASI specifications match with
those of S4-TIR threshold.
Figure C.3
IASI CO total column one month averaged data, for day (left) and night (right).
In the Northern hemisphere, most of the pollution is associated with urban activity, with
persistent high values above China and elevate levels over US, Europe and Asia in spring and
winter. In the tropics and Southern hemisphere, most of the CO is emitted where biomass
burning occurs, such as in Africa, Central and South America. The CO pollution plumes emitted
locally spread from regional to global scales, depending on meteorological conditions and
In the framework of this study, detailed investigation were undertaken in order to access the
capability of MOPITT (as it is the instrument that has the longest recording series of CO
observation) to detect pollution from cities and urban areas. This study uses the full 7.5 years
of available MOPITT global data. MOPITT was not designed to detect local pollution plumes
emitted from cities. The large pixel size (22 km x 22 km) and the long revisit time interval are
drawbacks to use these datasets for operational air quality purposes. Moreover, over the
oceans, as emphasized by Deeter et al. [2004], the measurement has its maximum
sensitivity to CO in the lower free troposphere and lacks sensitivity to the planetary boundary
layer due to reduced thermal contrast.
In order to separate the continuous localized signal generated by urban activity from the
changing background, we have averaged the MOPITT L2 data over long time periods. This
increases the precision due to the redundancy of the accumulated information. Figures C.4
and C.5 illustrate the average of the CO mixing ratios at the surface level, as derived from
the measurements from March 2000 to June 2007.
Figure C.4 compares the global L2 MOPITT surface CO distribution to population density
[CIESIN, 2000,], both averaged over a 1° x 1° grid,
over China and parts of India and Japan, which are among the most populated areas of the
globe. A very good correlation, especially for China, is observed between the MOPITT
surface CO mixing ratios and the population density, with the highest CO levels observed
where the higher population density occurs. In China and India, the combination of old car
fleet and large use of coal as anthropogenic fuels contributes to elevated levels of CO. In
contrast, over Europe and the US, the level of CO is lower and the signal is a continuous
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mixing of the background CO loading (long-range transported from China and the USA, and
from the boreal fires in Siberia and Canada) and the local production of urban areas.
Figure C.4
Top: Population density (source CIESIN, in million inhabitants) over China and
surroundings. All cities with more than 2 millions of inhabitants are indicated. Middle: MOPITT
CO mixing ratios at the surface level (obtained by averaging the MOPITT L2 measurements
from March 2000 to June 2007. Adapted from [Clerbaux, et al., 2008].
Figure C.5 presents 2000 - 2007 time averages of MOPITT CO over specific regions (US
west and east coasts, the Milan area (Italy), Mexico City, Teheran (Iran), Tokyo (Japan),
Moscow (Russia), Jakarta (Indonesia) and Johannesburg (South Africa)), where intense
emissions originating from large cities can be observed. The enhancement of CO can clearly
be detected, either above the city, or in the general vicinity, such as the Pô valley in Italy
where pollution accumulates south of the Alps.
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The most favorable situations to observe these plumes are 1) places surrounded by
mountains such as Milan, Jakarta, Teheran and Mexico City, where the pollution is trapped
and the source is isolated to some extent from the surroundings, and 2) locations where high
thermal contrast conditions are found, such as Tokyo, Moscow, LA-San Diego, San
Francisco, NY-Philadelphia and Johannesburg. It is worth mentioning that some notably
polluted cities in Africa (e.g. Lagos, Nigeria) and South America (e.g. Sao Paulo, Brazil)
cannot be detected, firstly as they are often under the outflow coming from regional biomass
burning activity, and secondly because thermal contrast conditions are relatively weak,
presumably due to evaporation and evapotranspiration processes associated with
surrounding forests [Deeter et al., 2007].
Figure C.5
MOPITT CO mixing ratios at the surface level (obtained by averaging the
MOPITT L2 measurements from March 2000 to June 2007, on a 0.5° x 0.5° grid) over selected
places. The linear color bars were scaled to each maximum for sake of clarity, with the lower
limit fixed at 80 ppbv. The averaged number of data at the city location is indicated at the bottom
of each subplot. Adapted from [Clerbaux, et al., 2008].
C.3 Tropospheric ozone observation
Satellite remote sounders already contribute to the monitoring of tropospheric ozone
chemistry and to forecasting air quality by providing quantitative information on these ozone
precursors. A significant breakthrough in observing the atmospheric composition from
satellites comes from the direct observation of tropospheric ozone itself. Although
conceptually straightforward, the practical implementation of this task is challenging as it
comes in retrieving a small fraction of ozone from the measured integrated column, largely
dominated by the stratospheric ozone layer. The UV-visible instrument provide only weak
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sensitivity to tropospheric ozone while thermal sounders offer maximum sensitivity in this
layer, with some vertical profiling (~6 km resolution) capabilities (e.g. [Coheur, et al., 2005,
Worden, et al., 2007a]). The potential of probing the boundary layer remains, however,
limited in most situations.
Extended analyses have been performed, using TES and AIRS in particular. They have
highlighted seasonal trends [Divakarla, et al., 2008], enhanced pollution patterns and longrange transport [Jourdain, et al., 2007; Parrington, et al., 2008; Zhang, et al., 2006]. More
recently, the enhanced capabilities of TIR sounders to probe tropospheric ozone have been
used to perform an analysis of the photochemical pollution events that occurred during the
summer 2007 heat wave in Southern Europe, with the recently launched IASI sounder
[Eremenko, et al., 2008]. Overall this study is a first step in using infrared satellite
observations to monitor tropospheric ozone and to improve the forecasts of air quality and
climate models.
On the theoretical side, evidences that improvements in measuring tropospheric ozone could
be gained by combining information from complementary observations in the UV-visible and
the TIR have been obtained [Landgraf and Hasekamp, 2007, Coheur et al, 2005]. Yet the
demonstration on the field still needs to be made.
Figure C.6 (Top) Ozone concentrations from IASI during the summer 2007 heatwave in
Europe, expressed as the 0-6 km partial column, and (bottom) regional predictions of the
CHIMERE chemistry-transport model. Adapted from [Eremenko, et al., 2008].
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C.4 Thermal contrast
Following the work on thermal contrast performed using climatological values from ECMWF
temperatures and boundary layers distributions (see Section B), a similar work was
undertaken using the IASI/METOP data. Figure C.7 provides the ∆T distribution derived from
IASI observations, where Tskin is the surface temperature as derived from the IASI L2 data,
and T1 is the first level of altitude retrieved for temperature. As expected, the thermal contrast
is higher during daytime observations than during nighttime observations, and is usually
higher over land than over sea. The direct consequence of this is that the IASI instrument will
provide more accurate and vertically resolved measurements for the morning orbit and over
Figure C.7. Thermal contrast distribution as observed by IASI in May 2007, for the morning orbit (top
panel) and the evening orbit (bottom panel) [Courtesy L. Clarisse, ULB].
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Capabilities of current TIR nadir sounders to detect CO and O3 for
air quality purposes
Current TIR
- Current thermal IR instruments providing CO and/or O3 measurements are the polarorbiting MOPITT/TERRA, AIRS/AQUA, TES/AURA and IASI/METOP.
- The only near real time measurements (needed for pollution forecast) are provided by AIRS
(1:30 AM and PM local time) and IASI (9:30 AM and PM local time).
- Thermal IR instrument measure total columns or low vertical resolution profiles, the
accuracy and the vertical sensitivity of which are significantly depending on the instrument
spectral resolution and radiometric specifications.
- Generally, TIR instruments have higher sensitivity in the free troposphere, between 5-10 km
for CO and O3.
Thermal contrast
- Thermal contrast as observed from the IASI/METOP mission shows that the daytime
observation will be more sensitive to the PBL than the night-time measurements.
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Capabilities of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect CO
and O 3 for air quality purposes
In this task we primarily assess the capabilities of MTG-IRS to retrieve tropospheric ozone
and carbon monoxide using the instrument specifications provided in Table A1.
In a first step, we use standard diagnostics to characterize the instrument performance at
geophysical level: we focus on the vertical sensitivity to the trace gas profile and on the
retrieval error, essentially on the tropospheric columns. We also investigate the performance
losses as compared to the S4-TIR sounder, optimized for atmospheric chemistry purpose. In
a second step, we investigate the capabilities of these sounders to capture elevated
photochemical pollution events (for ozone) and to track their diurnal build up. The theoretical
method and the approach followed in this study, including assumptions on the state of the
atmosphere etc., are briefly recalled in section D.1. The results are presented and discussed
in section D.2.
D.1 Theory and Methodology
D.1.1 General formulation of the Inversion Method
For the TIR sensitivity simulations and studies, we use the Atmosphit software [Coheur, et
al., 2005], which contains ray tracing for various geometries, a line-by-line radiative transfer
model as complete and as precise as possible, and an inversion scheme that relies on the
Optimal Estimation theory [Rodgers, 2000].
Given the general radiative transfer equation, the measurement y can be expressed as:
y = F(x,b) + ε
where F is the forward radiative transfer function, b represents model parameters affecting
the measurement and ε is the measurement noise. A synthetic spectrum is computed in
Atmosphit using the line parameters (positions, intensities, broadening and shifting
parameters, including their dependence on temperature), and absorption cross sections for
the heavier molecules, as collected in various spectroscopic databases. Here the HITRAN
2004 database [Rothman, et al., 2005] is used, with, for the molecular lines, a Voigt line
shape calculated in each atmospheric layer. The water vapor (MT-CKD model [Clough, et al.,
2005]), carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen continua are also included when relevant. The
resulting spectrum is processed to account for the Instrumental Line Shape (ILS).
The Atmosphit software is able to provide the derivatives of the radiance with respect to the
parameters to retrieve, K = ∂y ∂x (x includes the vertical abundances of the target species)
as well as to the model parameters K b = ∂y ∂b . Starting from relevant a priori information,
composed of a mean state xa, and an a priori covariance matrix, Sa, which has to represent
the best statistical knowledge of the state prior to the measurements, the retrieved state can
then be found using the Optimal Estimation Method. Assuming a linear problem, the optimal
vertical profile can be written as [Rodgers, 2000]:
xˆ = (K T Sε−1K + S a−1 )−1 (K T Sε−1y + S a−1x a )
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where Sε is the measurement covariance matrix.
Introducing respectively the gain and averaging kernels matrices G and A,
= (K T Sε−1K + S −a1 ) −1 K T Sε−1
= GK
equation (02) can also be rewritten as:
xˆ = x a + A (x − x a ) + G (ε + K b (b − bˆ ))
Information content
The element A(i; j) is the relative contribution of the element x(j) of the true state to the
element xˆ (i ) of the retrieved state. The vertical resolution of the retrieved profile can be
defined as the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the rows of the averaging kernel
matrix. The number of independent elements of information contained in the measurement
can also be estimated as the Degrees Of Freedom for Signal (DOFS) defined as the trace of
the averaging kernel matrix [Rodgers, 2000].
Error budget
In the linear approximation, the total error is computed from the linear retrieval equation
(Equation ULB-05) as the difference between the true state and the retrieved state:
xˆ − x = ( A − I )(x − x a ) + Gε + GK b (b - bˆ ) + A xτ (τ − τ a )
The estimated total error can be decomposed in four terms:
1. The smoothing error, ( A − I)(x − x a ) , accounts for the smoothing of the true state by the
averaging kernels. The covariance matrix of the smoothing error is given by:
S s = (A - I)S a (A - I)T
2. The measurement error, Gε , is due to the instrumental noise. Its covariance matrix is
given by:
S m = GS n G T
Sn is a ‘real’ noise matrix, which can be taken similar as S, which is used as a
constrain on the retrieval.
3. The model parameters error, GK b (b - bˆ ) , is accounting for the imperfect knowledge of
the model parameters. The covariance of this error term is given by:
S p = GK b Sb (GK b )T
Where Sb is the covariance matrix representing the uncertainty on the forward model
parameters, which are held fixed. In this study, only the temperature profile falls in
this category; it is considered with an uncertainty of 0.5 K at each level.
4. The cross-state error, A xτ (τ − τ a ) quantifies how the uncertainty on fitted model
parameters reverberates on the error in the retrieved target quantity. The covariance
of this error is
S cs = A xτ Sτ A xτ T
where Sε is the uncertainty on the fitted parameters, which include surface
temperature (5 K), emissivity (2 %), water vapour profile (10 % at each level) and CO2
columns (5 %).
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December 2008
The total error covariance matrix is then given by:
ST = (S s + S m ) + (S p + S cs )
The sum of the first two terms (smoothing and measurement errors) will be referred to as the
internal error, which is inherent to the observing geometry and instrumental capabilities,
whereas the sum of the last two terms, which are related to the knowledge of the
atmosphere, constitute the external error.
D.1.2 Methodology for the TIR retrieval assessment
The approach is twofold as follows:
1. Sensitivity studies are performed using the Optimal Estimation method in the linear
approximation. The results are expressed in terms of vertical sensitivity (DOFS and
averaging kernels) and accuracy on the target species vertical profile and partial
columns. The European background scenario is chosen as the single baseline
scenario for this task.
2. Retrieval experiments are performed using a priori information on the target species
(a priori profile and associated covariance matrix) to retrieve vertical profile typical for
a scenario produced in Section B (Task 1).
Details of these two approaches are given below. For both, the instrument specifications, in
terms of spectral resolution and radiometric noises considered for the simulations, are as
provided in Table D16. More complete information for the MTG-IRS noise specifications and
pre-phase A industry performance is provided on the next page (extra plots added at a later
Table D.1
Set of instrument specifications considered for this study.
(cm )
(cm )*
(W / cm sr cm )
2.45 10
6.12 10
S4-TIR (goal)
GEO band2
GEO band3
6.08 10
3.60 10
GEO band2
GEO band3
* The FWHM is here for the non-apodized ILS.
1.22 10
1.08 10
S4-TIR (threshold)
D.1.2.1 Linear approximation
Model atmospheres
In the linear approximation, the sensitivity to the a priori profile on the results is not
significant. Here the ozone or carbon monoxide a priori profiles considered are the MOZART
global annual mean ones, already used in previous studies [Clerbaux, 2006]. For
Note that the MTG-IRS specifications adopted for the present study rely on pre-phase A industrial
assessment of instrumental requirements, whereas the adopted S4-TIR specifications have not been
assessed by industry at time of writing.
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December 2008
temperature and the vmr of all other modeled trace gases, a standard atmosphere is
considered. For the CO retrievals the profiles are all interpolated on 1 km thick layers and the
first 15 levels are considered for the retrievals. For ozone the profiles count 36 levels, from
the ground to 50 km. It was constructed as in Turquety et al. [2004].
Carbon monoxide
NeDT (K of bb@280K)
0.3 K
0.2 K
0.2 K
wavenumber (cm )
NeDT (K of bb@280K)
Reference scenes:
Carbon monoxide
wavenumber (cm )
Top: Noise MRD specifications for IRS-3 (ozone), IRS-5 (methane) and IRS-7 (CO).
Bottom: Noise performance specifications provided by ABB and Astrium during the pre-phase A
study (extracted from Clerbaux et al, 2006). These cases, referred to as ABB FTS, Astrium FTS
and Astrium DS, are plotted here in NEDT units, considering a reference blackbody at 280 K,
along with the initial noise specification provided in the MRD1.2 document.
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December 2008
Prior information
For both the sensitivity studies in the linear approximation and also the retrieval experiments
(see below), we use the a priori covariance matrices associated to the above reference
profiles. They are built from the MOZART ensemble of profiles (considering two profiles per
month on the 2.8 × 2.8 degrees MOZART grid) and which thus accounts for realistic
correlations amongst the level. The a priori profiles and associated covariance matrices for
O3 and CO are shown in Figure D.1.
Altitude (km)
Altitude (km)
vmr (ppm)
Altitude (km)
Altitude (km)
vmr (ppm)
Figure D.1
MOZART a priori information considered throughout the study Left: annual
mean profile and variance (diagonal elements of Sa) for ozone (top) and carbon monoxide
(bottom). Right: Full covariance matrix .
Tested parameters
The relevant parameters that are addressed in the linear approximation include:
− Level1B requirements. These are analyzed in terms of spectral band and trade-off
between spectral resolution and radiometric noise, following mainly the differences in
specifications between MTG-IRS and Sentinel-4. Only the nadir with a viewing zenith
angle at 0° is considered,
All the plots in this Section are Courtesy O. Scharf/P. Coheur, ULB.
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December 2008
− Thermal contrast: Important parameters for the TIR retrievals are emissivity and surface
temperature, which characterize the source radiation from the surface and hence the
radiance difference between the surface and the first layer in the atmosphere (see
Section B). Except when explicitly written, the sensitivity studies use a constant value ε
= 0.96 for the spectral emissivity, whereas different values of ∆T are considered,
between + 10 and -10 K. A vanishing thermal contrast, ∆T=0K is adopted as the
reference case.
D.1.2.2 Retrieval experiments (for ozone only)
The retrieval experiments aim at adjusting a spectrum corresponding to a specific scenario
considering a priori information different from the truth. For the purpose of this study the truth
is taken as a highly polluted ozone profile modeled by CHIMERE, representative of the 2007
heatwave in North-Eastern Europe (Figure D.2, upper left). The situation at 15h is taken as
the reference. This atmosphere is characterized by relative high temperature (above 305 K at
ground level). A reference simulation is made with vanishing thermal contrast (surface
temperature equivalent to that of the atmosphere) but the dependence towards this
parameter is also studied within an acceptable range of values (between -10 and +10 K). The
selected case shows obviously elevated ozone mixing ratios throughout the troposphere but
in particular in the planetary boundary layer, where it reaches 0.15 ppm (Figure D.2 bottom).
Figure D.2
Top left: Surface ozone (alt=1.3 km) in Europe on August 8, 2003 at 15 h.
Top right: Temperature and ozone profile for a situation on the North Eastern part of Europe,
where surface ozone reaches its maximum (location marked by the black rectangle on the left
panel). The blue line is the MOZART a priori with corresponding variance (1σ). Bottom: Zoom
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December 2008
into the tropospheric ozone profile. The red line is the target case and the blue line the MOZART
a priori. The error bar show the variance (1σ in blue and 3σ in cyan).
The diurnal variations at this location are shown in Figure D.3. It can be seen that the highest
ozone values at the surface are observed throughout the afternoon, as anticipated from the
increased photochemical activity. The capabilities of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR sounder to
capture these diurnal variations in the planetary layer are also studied.
For the retrievals, the ozone a priori profile used is that from MOZART, which is associated in
the retrievals to the corresponding covariance matrix (Figures D.1 and D.2). At this stage it is
already worth pointing out that the high values characterizing the reference polluted profile at
15h lies outside the 3σ variability allowed in the covariance matrix (Figure D.2, bottom),
thereby compromising the retrievals capabilities for purely methodological limitations. This
will be discussed in the next section. The temperature and pressure profiles for the retrievals
are those of the truth, meaning that the impact on the retrievals of possible uncertainties on
these parameters has not been investigated here. The spectral range for the retrieval
experiments spans 1030 to 1080 cm−1. It fulfills, as will be shown in section D.2., most of the
requirements in terms of vertical sensitivity and retrievals errors.
In processing the retrieval experiment, the following quantities are adjusted:
− Ground temperature Tg
− O3 profiles on 36 levels from the ground to 50 km with the same grid as that of the input
− H2O profiles on 16 levels from the ground to 15 km
− CO2 total column.
Figure D.3
Diurnal variations of the tropospheric ozone profile for the case shown in
Figure D.2.
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D.2 Results
D.2.1 Ozone retrievals
D.2.1.1 Assessment of MTG-IRS retrievals for a reference standard atmosphere
Spectral range
In order to assess the adequacy of the prescribed 1030-1080 cm-1 spectral range for the
ozone retrievals, plots have been generated to represent, in false color, a map of the
evolution of the error with respect to the centre of the wavenumber window (abscissa) and to
the size of the window (ordinate). The optimal wavenumber window (centre and width) can
then be selected based upon the lowest achieved uncertainty and the highest DOFS. The
results are shown for MTG-IRS specification in Figure D.4.
From this Figure we conclude that MTG-IRS enables retrieving ozone vertical profiles with
close to 4 independent pieces of information, and an error on the tropospheric column of the
order of 10 %. These values, obtained using the entire MTG-IRS band 3, meet the chemistry
requirements [Lelieveld, 2003]. Reducing the spectral interval to a subset of MTG-IRS-3 (e.g.
1030-1070 or 1030-1080 cm-1) does not result in a significant loss of vertical sensitivity
(DOFS close to 3.5) nor to an increase in the retrieval errors, with an error on the
tropospheric column that remains around 15%. Following this and in agreement with
previous studies and the MRD, the 1030-1080 cm-1 spectral range for the following
simulation has been adopted. It is covered by MTG-IRS band 3 and for a small part by MTGIRS band 4 to add baseline information.
The weak impact of the spectral range on the retrieval performance is such that we
recommend it be optimized, if needed, considering the benefit for the mission that is
anticipated from the measurements of other reactive chemicals absorbing. This is the case of
NH3 and CH3OH, now monitored by TES [Beer et al., 2008] and IASI (Figure D.5). The same
holds true for S4-TIR spectral range specification.
Figure D.4
Ozone retrieval achievements in terms of vertical sensitivity expressed as the
DOFS (left panel), and retrieval error on the tropospheric (0-12 km) column (right panel). The
results are given in 2D as function of band centre and band width. The dots indicate specific
intervals: 980-1070 cm , which is the entire MTG-IRS3 (green dot), 1030-1080 cm (cyan dot)
and 1040-1070 cm (white dot). The results are obtained with MOZART as a priori profile, and
with vanishing thermal contrast.
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December 2008
Figure D.5
IASI normalized spectrum in the region of the ozone 9.7 µm band (top
panel), and associated molecular contributions. The middle and bottom panel show
contributions from strong and weak absorbers, respectively. The latter include chemically
active species, such as NH3, CH3OH, C2H4, HCOOH, previously measured by IASI [Coheur
et al., 2008]. C2H6 and PAN have not been measured to know in the nadir view.
Vertical sensitivity
The vertical sensitivity is analysed by means of the averaging kernel functions, which are
plotted in Figure D.6 in terms of 6 km thick atmospheric columns. The corresponding value
for the DOFS is 3.5, in agreement with Figure D.4. The sensitivity of the instrument covers
the troposphere and lower stratosphere, with essentially three independent kernels,
corresponding to the 0-12, 12-18 and 18 km partial columns. This means that with the
current MTG-IRS specifications a tropospheric column will be retrieved independently but
that it will not be possible to separate the latter in different contribution. We note vanishing
sensitivity to the surface but recall that the simulation set-up assumes a vanishing thermal
Error budget
The error budget for the reference simulation is given in Figure D.7, where it is compared to
the MOZART a priori variability. It can be seen that the error is strongly reduced as
compared to the a priori over the entire altitude range from the troposphere to the lower
stratosphere, except in the planetary boundary layer. In this layer the error remains large,
whereas above 2 km it is between 20 and 40 % on each retrieved level of the profile. The
main improvement is in the free and upper troposphere, where the sensitivity is largest and
the a priori variability high. The very dominant source of error is the smoothing error, with
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December 2008
additional contribution from the measurement noise. The low sensitivity near the surface is
partly due to the vanishing thermal contrast and reflects a relatively unfavourable case.
Figure D.6
Merged averaging kernels, in partial column space for ozone
retrievals by MTG-IRS. The spectral range is 1030-1080 cm-1. Spectral resolution and
noise as as given in Table D1. The simulation assumes vanishing thermal contrast.
Figure D.7
Error budget for ozone retrievals by MTG-IRS. The spectral range is
1030-1080 cm . Spectral resolution and noise are as given in Table D.1. The
simulation assumes vanishing thermal contrast.
D.2.1.2 Comparison between MTG-IRS and S4-TIR retrieval performances
The merged averaging kernels representative of MTG-IRS ozone retrievals shown above are
compared to those of a TIR with improved performance in Figure D.8. Both an improvement on
the noise level (0.05 K instead of 0.2K) and the spectral resolution (4 cm instead of 0.8 cm),
matching the differences between MTG-IRS and the S4-TIR goal values, are considered. It can
be seen that the improvements on these two specifications have almost the same impact on the
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December 2008
retrievals: they increase vertical sensitivity in the troposphere, with now two distinctive but still
highly correlated kernels. The errors on the retrieved partial columns8 are lowered as a result.
The dependence of the retrieval performances to the spectral resolution and the radiometric
noise, within the range of values listed in Table D.1 (thus covering from MTG-IRS to S4-TIR goal
specifications) is further summarized in Figure D.9. The figure reveals that in the best situation,
corresponding to the low noise (0.05 K) and high spectral resolution of S4-TIR in its goal
configuration, the retrievals of ozone profile is performed with a DOFS as high as 7 and an error
on the tropospheric ozone column of about 10 %. S4-TIR threshold and MTG-IRS in comparison
reach a DOFS of about 5 and 3.5 respectively. Despite this obvious loss in vertical sensitivity, the
error on the tropospheric column is not significantly affected, remaining well below 20 % in all
cases. Similarly the total column error is not much dependent on the level1 specifications, being
always below 2%. In fact, the differences are mainly on the tropospheric sub-columns considered
here, with the best instrument configuration allowing for the smallest errors. As an example, S4TIR goal provide retrievals with 5 % in the upper troposphere, which is a factor 4 improvement as
compared to MTG-S. The same is true in the PBL and on the 0-6 km column, although less
marked. Finally from Figure D. 9, it can be seen that the S4-TIR threshold configuration provides
results similar to IASI, as could be anticipated from the similar instrument characteristics.
Figure D.8
Error budget for ozone retrievals. The spectral range is 1030-1080
cm . Spectral resolution and noise as given in Table D1. The simulation assumes
vanishing thermal contrast.
In Atmosphit we fit “multiplicative factors” eg M = x/xa. The latter are transformed to partial columns
C by using a matrix B that accounts for the change of units. The error on the column Sc is then
calculated from the error on the multiplicative factor SM with Sc=BSMB . The relationship between the
errors on the profile, which in Figure D.7. are only the diagonal elements of SM and the given errors on
the partial columns, which include also the correlations, is therefore not straightforward. For the ozone
retrievals, the correlations have significant importance in the troposphere and that is reflected onto the
partial column errors.
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December 2008
UT (6-12 km) column
a priori variability
Figure D.9
Summary of retrieval performances for TIR instruments with 0.8 (cyan), 2
(green) and 4 cm (blue) OPD, as function of radiometric noise. The a priori variability from
MOZART is shown by a red line. A red dot corresponding to IASI specifications (estimate on
flight) is shown for reference.
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December 2008
D.2.1.3 Impact of thermal contrast on the retrieval performance
All results shown above are for a reference standard and unpolluted atmosphere. Furthermore
they have been performed assuming a vanishing thermal contrast between the surface and the
first atmospheric layer. Figure D.10 illustrates for MTG-IRS the impact of thermal contrast
variations on the measurement of the ozone tropospheric partial columns. The effect is studied in
a reasonable range of ∆T values, between +10 and -10 K; the emissivity is constant at 0.96. The
effect is clear in the troposphere with the error on the 0-12 km column decreasing from about 17
% for a vanishing thermal contrast (see also Figure D.9) to 12 % at + 10 K thermal contrast. The
effect is especially strong in the lowest part of the troposphere, (PBL and 0-6 km column), being
essentially negligible on the 6-12 km column. The main conclusion is that the retrieval results are
better in the case of a high positive thermal contrast.
Figure D.10
Error on the retrieval of ozone partial columns in the troposphere, as function
of thermal contrast. The results are for MTG-IRS specifications. Surface emissivity is 0.96.
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December 2008
D.2.1.4 Assessment of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR retrievals for a polluted atmosphere
In order to test the performance of MTG-IRS and by extension S4-TIR sounders to monitor
tropospheric ozone for air quality purpose, we have investigated the retrieval performance for the
highly polluted case shown in Figure D.2. Retrieval experiments are performed starting from he
MOZART a priori, considering the pressure and temperature profiles from the truth. The results
are expressed here in terms of relative differences to the true profile, (x-xtrue)/xtrue, where x can be
either the value of the profile at a given level or that of a partial column. It is calculated for the a
priori and the retrieved profile. The results are summarized in Figure D.11.
It can be seen that the retrieval improves strongly on the a priori knowledge of the profile, despite
the fact is very far from the truth (see for instance Figure D.2 bottom). The improvement is mainly
in the altitude range from 2 to 20 km, which is in agreement with the results of the sensitivity
analyses presented above. The relative differences on the tropospheric columns with respect to
the truth, which amount 13 % for the full troposphere and 58 % for the 0-2 km column (inset of
Figure D.11), also fully confirm, both qualitatively and quantitatively the results from the linear
analyses. When compared to the relative differences between the a priori and the truth, this is
significant improvement: a factor of 1.5 for the PBL ‘0-2km’ column (82 down to 58 %), 2 for the
lower tropospheric ‘0-6 km’ column (70 down to 39 %) and up to a factor of 5 improvement for the
total tropospheric column (63 down to 13 %).
The results can be extended to S4-TIR goal and threshold specifications, as summarized in
Figure D.12. We see that the relative differences with respect to the truth are logically smaller for
the goal configuration. They reach for instance 30 % for the PBL (as compared to the 82 % a
priori variability), which is a factor of 2 better than MTG-IRS (58 %). Here again we note that the
impact on the tropospheric column is limited. The dependence of the retrievals upon thermal
contrast is shown in Figure D.13. It shows as above that the most favourable situation,
corresponding to high positive values of the thermal contrast allow retrieving tropospheric ozone
with less than 10 % error and PBL ozone with 50 % error. In the less favourable cases (negative
values of T) the error increase significantly, for instance up to 20 % for the tropospheric column.
Figure D.11
Relative difference between the a priori (black curve) and the retrieved (red
curve) profiles with respect to the truth. The latter is the ozone profile from the polluted
atmosphere shown in Figure D.2. The inset gives similarly the relative differences in terms of
partial columns.
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December 2008
Figure D.12
Relative difference between the truth, the a priori (red curve) and the retrieved
partial columns, for varying spectral resolution (given here in terms of spectral sampling). The
three color curves are for different noise values (0.2 K in cyan, 0.1 K in green and 0.05 K in
Figure D.13
Relative difference between the truth, the a priori (red curve) and the retrieved
partial columns (cyan), for varying thermal contrast. MTG-IRS specifications are considered. The
results are shown on the left for the tropospheric ‘0-12 km’ and on the right for the planetary boundary
layer ‘0-2 km’ columns. The results are shown here for MTG-IRS.
The results from Figure D.11 – D.13 clearly demonstrate the usefulness of the MTG-IRS –and
by extension– S4-TIR to detect and monitor high pollution events, despite medium sensitivity to
the lowermost atmosphere. As step further in the analysis is made by investigating the capabilities
of the TIR sounders to monitor the diurnal variations, including the built up of the ozone pollution in
the afternoon. The model diurnal variations of the ozone partial columns are shown in Figure
D.14, along with the variations of the thermal contrast. It is seen that the thermal contrast does
only vary within a limited range of values (from -2 to +2K) and that it is almost at zero when ozone
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December 2008
reaches its maximum in the mid-afternoon. Furthermore, the tropospheric ozone columns only
vary from 1.75 1018 to 2.05 1018 molecules cm-2, which is a 17 % increase, and from 4.0 1017 to
6.8 1017 molecules cm-2 in the PBL, which represents a 70 % increase. These values are close to
the expected retrieval for vanishing thermal contrast, as discussed above. The results of the
retrieval experiments for the diurnal variations are presented in Figure D.15 for the three reference
instrument configurations listed in Table D1. The first conclusion is that none of the instrument
correctly captures the diurnal variations and in particular that they all miss the ozone maximum of
the afternoon. This is to be explained on one hand by the modest increase in ozone and also the
limited thermal contrast, which reduces sensitivity in the PBL. Overall, S4-TIR goal is closest to
the model values in the PBL. It is unclear here why that configuration does not provide the best
results for the tropospheric column.
Figure D.14
Diurnal evolution of the ozone partial column (red curve) and the thermal contrast
(green curve) from CHIMERE model between 3 AM and 23 PM. The day and location are those of
the polluted profile described in Figure D.2. The left and right panels are for the tropospheric ‘0-12 km’
and the PBL ‘0-2 km’ columns, respectively.
Figure D.15
Comparison between the model (red curve) and the retrieved ozone
columns as function of time of the day. The green curve is for MTG-IRS, the blue curve for
S4-TIR threshold and the cyan curve for S4-TIR goal. The top panel shows the results for
the tropospheric ‘0-12 km’ column and the bottom panel for the ‘0-2 km’ PBL column.
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December 2008
Carbon monoxide retrievals
D.2.2.1 Assessment of retrieval capabilities for a reference standard atmosphere
For carbon monoxide, the sensitivity analyses are all performed in the linear approximation, taking
the MOZART global annual mean profile and the associated covariance matrix described in
Figure D.1 as the reference. As for ozone, the reference case assumes a vanishing thermal
contrast. We investigate below, the dependence of the retrieval performance of MTG-IRS in terms
of the selected spectral window, highlighting more particularly the vertical sensitivity achieved and
the error budget.
Spectral range
The performance of MTG-IRS CO retrievals as function of the selected window in MTG-IRS 7,
expressed in terms of vertical sensitivity (DOFS, left panel) and tropospheric errors (right panel), is
depicted Figure D.16. One conclude from these calculations that even in the case where the
entire IRS7 band is taken the DOFS is close to 1. This means that the measurements do not allow
any CO profile information to be retrieved. The error on the tropospheric CO column is around 1015 %, which is close to the chemistry requirements for the mission [Lelieveld, 2003]9. The
selection of a narrow window in IRS7, such as the 2140-2180 cm-1 frequently used and also
prescribed for S4-TIR, does not affect the retrieval performance significantly.
Figure D.16
MTG-IRS carbon monoxide retrieval achievements in terms of vertical
sensitivity expressed as the DOFS (left panel), and retrieval error on the tropospheric ‘0-12 km’
column (right panel). The results are given in 2D as function of band centre and band width. The
white dot indicates the spectral interval 2140-2180 cm within MTG-IRS7, which is also the
prescribed spectral range for S4-TIR. The results are obtained with the MOZART a priori profile
and covariance matrix, and with vanishing thermal contrast.
Vertical sensitivity
The averaging kernels characterizing the vertical sensitivity of the MTG-IRS measurements to
the carbon monoxide vertical structure are shown in Figure D.17. As a result of the medium
spectral resolution of the sounder but more especially to its relatively elevated noise in IRS7, the
kernels, given for 3 km thick columns in figure D.17, all have the same shape: they span the entire
Note that the scientific user requirement of 10% for the CO total column is given on a 10 x 10 km
area. As the current instrumental specifications for MTG-IRS sampling distance is 4 km, one could
average the IRS samples to meet the 10 x 10 km user requirement, and artificially reduce the
radiometric noise in order to lower the retrieval errors.
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December 2008
troposphere and peak at relatively high altitude (around 10 km), not providing –for the vanishing
thermal contrast reference- any information at the surface. The result obviously point to the
impossibility of MTG-IRS to resolve any vertical structure of the CO profile in the troposphere.
Hence, only a tropospheric column is relevant.
Error budget
The error budget for the reference case shows that despite the absence of vertical sensitivity,
MTG-IRS measurements of carbon monoxide significantly improves upon the prior knowledge
(Figure D.18). The smoothing error logically dominates the budget. The errors on the profile are of
the order of 10-20% in the free troposphere, reaching higher values near the surface. For the
more relevant tropospheric or total column, an error of 12-14 % prevails (e.g. Figure D.16).
Figure D.17
Merged averaging kernels, in partial column space (PC) for CO retrievals by
MTG-IRS. The spectral range is 2140-2180 cm . Spectral resolution and noise as as given in
Table D.1. The simulation assumes vanishing thermal contrast. Each kernel is for a 3 km thick
layer (0-3 km in red, 3-6 km in green; 6-9 km in blue, 9-12 km in magenta and 12-15 km in
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December 2008
Figure D.18
Error budget for carbon monoxide retrievals by MTG-IRS. The spectral range
is 2140-2180 cm . Spectral resolution and noise are as given in Table D.1. The simulation
assumes vanishing thermal contrast. The black curve is the variance (square root of the
diagonal elements of the MOZART Sa matrix) and the red curve the total retrieval error.
D.2.2.2 Comparison between MTG-IRS and S4-TIR retrieval performances
The comparison between the MTG-IRS and S4-TIR retrieval performances is provided in Figures
D.19 and D.20 for the vertical sensitivity and the error budget, respectively. The most remarkable
difference is between MTG-IRS and the S4-TIR sounder in its goal configuration, which allows
separation of two tropospheric columns (Figure D.19), one covering the lowest part of the
troposphere (0-6 km) and the other the upper part. The DOFS for that instrument set-up is 3. Also
the threshold configuration of S4-TIR sounder provides some improvement with respect to MTGIRS: the DOFS is 2, allowing for a reasonable separation of two tropospheric columns.
The higher spectral resolution and lower noise of the S4-TIR configurations, as compared to those
of MTG-IRS, provides a significant lowering of the errors (Figure D.20). This especially the case
for the goal configuration which, due to the higher sensitivity to the CO vertical structure, provides
errors of less than 10 % on each level of the profile above 2 km. Also the sensitivity near the
surface is significantly improved, recalling here that the reference case is unfavourable for surface
monitoring due to the vanishing contrast.
A summary of the performances of MTG-IRS versus S4-TIR, including the bdifferent possible sets
of instrument configurations from Table D.1 is shown in Figure D.21. In the best case (S4-TIR
goal), the DOFS is as high as 3 and the error on the tropospheric column close to 5 %. For that
case, as stated above, separation of two independent tropospheric columns is possible, with
respective errors of about 7 % for the 0-6 km columns and 3 % for the 6-12 km column; PBL error
is lower than 20 %. MTG-IRS performances do not allow retrieving the CO column to better than
10 % if the thermal contrast is weak, mainly due to the high radiometric noise in IRS-7. S4-TIR
threshold configuration provides good results for the measurement of the tropospheric column (8
% error) but has less potential for measuring down to the lowest part of the troposphere as
compared to the goal configuration.
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December 2008
Figure D.19
Merged averaging kernels (in partial column space), compared for MTG-IRS
and S4-TIR-goal configurations.
Figure D.20
Comparative error budget for MTG-IRS (green), and the S4-TIR goal
(magenta) and threshold (blue) configurations. The back curve is the variance from MOZART.
Only the total retrieval errors are shown.
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The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
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December 2008
Figure D.21
Summary of retrieval performances for TIR instruments with radiometric noise
values of 0.85 K (cyan), 0.15 K (green) and 0.05 K (blue), as function of the ILS FWHM. The a
priori variability from MOZART is shown by a red line. The MTG-IRS and S4-TIR configurations
(goal and threshold) are highlighted.
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December 2008
D.2.2.3 Impact of thermal contrast on the retrieval performance
The impact of thermal contrast on the carbon monoxide retrievals is shown in Figure D.22, from
∆T values varying between -10 and + 10 K. As for ozone the results clearly show that the impact
in strong in the lower troposophere and negligible in the upper troposphere. The most favourable
situations are for high positive values of the thermal contrast. In these cases, the error on the
tropospheric ‘0-12 km’ column get lower than 10 %, which is close to a factor of two improvement
as compared to the reference case of the vanishing thermal contrast. Also the PBL and for
instance the lower tropospheric retrievals are significantly improved.
Figure D.22
Error on the retrieval of carbon monoxide partial columns in the troposphere,
as function of thermal contrast. The results are for MTG-IRS specifications. Surface emissivity is
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The potential of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect pollution events
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December 2008
Capabilities of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR to detect CO and O3 for air
quality purposes
Instrumental specifications
As they have different priorities (NWP and operational chemistry, respectively), the
instrumental specifications of MTG-IRS and S4-TIR vary. For S4-TIR, a range of spectral
resolution and a range of radiometric noise is provided. Hereafter T means threshold
values for the worse case scenario, G means goal values for the best case scenario.
- The spatial resolution (pixel size) is better for MTG-IRS than for S4-TIR (4X4 km2, against
5 x 5 (G) -15 x 15 km2 (T)).
- The spectral resolution is coarser for MTG-IRS than for S4-TIR (OPD 0.8 cm against 4-2
- The radiometric performance is worse for MTG-IRS than for S4-TIR (0.2 K (O3), 0.85 K
(CO) against 0.05 - 0.15 K)
- The S4-TIR specifications threshold values are approximately those of IASI. The MTG-IRS
specifications are coarser than IASI, except for the pixel size, that is better and allow
averaging to gain S/N ratio.
Sensitivity analysis
- MTG-IRS and S4-TIR have vertical sensitivity from the ground to about 40 km, and
maximum sensitivity from 5 to 25 km. They provide some sensitivity in the boundary layer in
case of a significant positive thermal contrast (typically ∆T > +5 K). Higher vertical resolution
and/or lower noise increase the sensitivity in the low troposphere almost in the same way.
- The vertical resolution is characterized by a DOFS of 3.5 for MTG-IRS, increasing to to 4 6.5 for S4-TIR T-G configurations. A DOFS around 3.5 gives single information in the
- Indicative retrieval errors (%) for thermal contrast = 0, for MTG-IRS, S4-TIR (T), S4-TIR (G):
A priori variability
S4-TIR (T)
S4-TIR (G)
Troposphere (0-12 km)
Lower troposphere (0-6 km)
Boundary Layer (0-2 km)
- There is major impact of thermal contrast on the retrieval of ozone in the lower troposphere.
MTG-IRS allows reaching an error ~ 10 % (MTG-IRS) on the measurement of the ozone
tropospheric column for positive values of ∆T. The latter frequently accompany
photochemical pollution events, which should therefore be traceable using MTG-IRS as well
as S4-TIR.
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December 2008
- The vertical sensitivity extends from the ground to about 25 km; it is maximum from 3 to 15
km. There is some sensitivity in the boundary layer, but only if high positive thermal contrast
(typically ∆T > +5 K)
- MTG-IRS does not contain vertical information for carbon monoxide (DOFS = 1). On the
contrary, S4-TIR configurations allow for a separation of two independent CO columns in the
troposphere (typically 0-6 and 6-12 km): the DOFS for the T and G configuration is
respectively 1.8 and 3.
- Indicative errors for a reference atmosphere and a thermal contrast = 0 are as follows
A priori variability
S4-TIR (T)
S4-TIR (G)
Troposphere (0-12 km)
Lower troposphere (0-6 km)
Boundary Layer (0-2 km)
- There is an important impact of thermal contrast is in the lower troposphere. The error on
the tropospheric column reaches ~ 10 % (MTG-IRS) for positive values of ∆T.
Retrieval using the ‘high pollution summer 2003’ scenario
- Despite starting from poor prior information (the truth is not within the a priori + 3σ range),
the retrieval experiments show that the measurements significantly with respect to a priori
over the entire troposphere. The relative errors on the tropospheric column, calculated with
respect to the truth, are around 12 % for MTG-IRS, decreasing to 5 % for positive ∆T values
of 5 K or larger. Similarly, PBL errors decrease to 50 % for ∆T values of 5 K or larger.
- Diurnal variations are hardly reproduced for the case analyzed here, with the retrieval errors
being of the order of the diurnal variability. The case is, however, characterized by minor
changes in thermal contrast (from -2.5 to +2.5 K). S4-TIR (G) is closest to the truth in PBL
(gainx2 versus MTG-IRS). Further work is needed to assess the capabilities of future TIR
sounders to capture the build up of ozone photochemical events.
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December 2008
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Part C
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Clerbaux, C., et al. (2007), The IASI/MetOp1 Mission: First observations and highlights of its potential
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Clerbaux, C., D.P. Edwards, M. Deeter, L. Emmons, J.F. Lamarque, X.X. Tie, S.T. Massie, and J. Gille
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retrievals from MTG IRS and UVS mission, Internal report for EUMETSAT.
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Luo, M., C. P. Rinsland, C. D. Rodgers, J. A. Logan, H. Worden, S. Kulawik, A. Eldering, A. Goldman,
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Part D
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Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 91, 233-244.
Coheur, P. F., B. Barret, D. Hurtmans, J. Hadji-Lazaro, C. Clerbaux, and D. O'Brien (2005), CO
retrievals from MTG IRS and UVS mission, Internal report for EUMETSAT.
Coheur, P. F., B. Barret, S. Turquety, D. Hurtmans, J. Hadji-Lazaro, and C. Clerbaux (2005), Retrieval
and characterization of ozone vertical profiles from a thermal infrared nadir sounder, Journal of
Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 110, D24303, doi:24310.21029/22005JD005845.
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December 2008
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Turquety S., J. Hadji-Lazaro, C. Clerbaux, D. A. Hauglustaine, S. A. Clough, V. Cassé, P. Schlüssel
and G. Mégie (2004), Operational trace gas retrieval algorithm for the Infrared Atmospheric
Sounding Interferometer, J. Geophys. Res., 109, D21301, doi:10.1029/2004JD004821.
- 59 -