International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with Static VAR Compensator for Improvement of Power System Security under Network Contingency B.Venkateswara Rao* , G.V.Nagesh Kumar * * GITAM University , Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Corresponding Author: Abstract— At present owing to the increase in power demand power system have become more complex and heavily loaded, and are subjected to unstable or insecure operations. In order to provide a secure operation of the power system, it is needed to enhance the level of a security margin to the power system. In this paper Firefly algorithm based Optimal Power Flow used to select the optimal sizing of SVC which minimizes the total real power generation cost is proposed. New indices like Line security index and voltage security index are defined for measuring Power system security. This paper was also deals with the impact of SVC under network contingency with Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow. The results were presented for 5 bus system and modified IEEE 30 bus system without and with SVC in normal operating condition as well as network contingency by using Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow. The results obtained with Firefly optimization technique was compared with Genetic Algorithm (GA). Index Terms— Flexible AC Transmission System, Firefly Algorithm, Optimal Power Flow, Static VAR Compensator.. I. INTRODUCTION Power systems are becoming increasingly more complex due to the interconnection of regional system and deregulation of the overall electricity market. It has been required to better utilize the existing power networks to increase capacities by installing FACTS controllers. The variables and parameters of the transmission line, which include line reactance, node complex voltages are able to be controlled using FACTS controllers in a fast and effective way. The benefits derived from FACTS include improvement of the stability of power system networks, such as voltage stability, line stability, small signal stability, transient stability, and thus enhance system reliability [1, 2]. However, controlling power flows is the main function of FACTS. Transmission lines in congested areas are often driven close to or even beyond their limits in order to satisfy the increased electric power consumption. So secure operation and reliable supply is imperiling by the higher risks for faulted lines [3]. But the construction of additional power lines is often difficult for environmental problems, economical problems and political problems. In these conditions the technology of FACTS provides a significant opportunity [4]. Power system is a complex network consisting of more number of generators, transformers and transmission lines. Failures of one or more transmission lines lead to outages. Outage of transmission line is called network contingency [5, 6]. Out of the several preventive and corrective measures suggested in literature to protect power system networks against voltage collapse because of line outage, the placement of FACTS controllers has been established as an effective means. Out of all FACTS devices static VAR compensator (SVC) has been widely used in power systems. This is a shunt connected FACTS device. They can provide rapid control of the susceptance and in turn the reactive power supply to transmission lines, which maintain the node voltages at or near a constant level and enhancing the power transfer capability [7, 8]. The rapid response feature of SVC also provides many other opportunities for improving power system performance. This paper presents a new Meta heuristic optimization technique called Firefly Algorithm has been introduced to find the optimal location of SVC device to improve power system security. Its performance is compared with Genetic Algorithm (GA) [9, 10] technique. The real and reactive power generation values and voltage limits for buses are taken as constraints, along with susceptance limits of the SVC, during the optimization. Computer simulations using MATLAB were done for the 5 bus system and modified IEEE 30 bus system and active power losses, voltage profile have been consider to compare the Genetic Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow. This paper also deals with SVC incorporated in GA based Optimal Power Flow and Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow in contingency analysis to reduce the losses and minimize the total real power generation and to enhance loading margin under severe contingencies. 1639 Venkateswara and Kumar Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with Static VAR Compensator for Improvement of Power System Security under Network Contingency International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 II. PROBLEM FORMULATION 2 The objective function is formulated to find optimal size of the SVC device by minimizing the total active power generation cost subjected to equality and inequality constraints. A. Objective function The objective function is taken to minimize the active power generation cost through the optimal set of generations which is expressed as: VSI (kN1 Vk Vkref ) 2) Line Security Index (LSI) Line security index indicates the security level of the transmission lines. It can be expressed as ntl Sk 2 max ) S k=1 k LSI = (∑( ng 2 min (∑ a i PGi F= + bi PGi + ci ) (1) i=1 where ng no.of generator buses a, b, c are the fuel cost coefficients of a generator unit Susceptance of SVC has been added as a control variable along with the real power generation of generator buses for optimization problem and SVC limits are given as: max min BSVC ≤ BSVC ≤ BSVC N N ∑ PGi = ∑ PDi + PL i=1 N ∑ Q Gi = ∑ Q Di + Q L i=1 (3) i=1 N (4) i=1 Where i=1, 2, 3..... N and N = no. of. Buses PL is total active power losses QL is total reactive power losses N is the total number of buses 2) Inequality constraints: i. Voltage limits: Vimin ≤ Vi ≤ Vimax (5) Where i=1,2,3,.......,N and N = no.of. buses ii. The Real power generation limit: min max PGi ≤ PGi ≤ PGi (6) iii. Reactive Power limits: max Qmin Gi ≤ Q Gi ≤ Q Gi ) (9) S k is the apparent power in line k and S maxk is the maximum apparent power in line k. The security Index consists of LSI relating to line flow, and VSI relating to bus voltage. LSI is less means the number of overloaded lines decreases. If the VSI value is near to zero than we can say that power system is more stable and secure. (2) 1) Equality constraints: (8) V k is the voltage magnitude at bus k Vkref is the reference voltage magnitude at the bus k III. STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is a shunt connected FACTS controller used to regulate the voltage at a given bus by modulating its equivalent reactance [11, 12]. SVC normally includes a combination of mechanically controlled and thyristor controlled shunt capacitors and reactors. The most popular configuration for continuously controlled SVC is the combination of fixed capacitor and thyristor controlled reactor. The SVC is taken to be a continuous, variable susceptance, which is adjusted in order to achieve a specified voltage magnitude while satisfying constraint conditions [13, 14]. SVC total susceptance model represents a changing susceptance. The SVC (Static Var Compensator) may have inductive or capacitive, respectively to absorb or provide reactive power. It may take values characterized by the reactive power Qsvc injected or absorbed at the voltage of 1 p.u. The variable susceptance model and its equivalent circuit is shown in Fig 1. SVC can be represented as an adjustable reactance[15, 16]. (7) B. Security Indices The power system security is the ability to maintain continuous power supply to customers without interruption and with good quality. For the secure operation of the power system, it is important to ensure the required level of security margin. In this paper, the security margin indexes are defined as follows: 1) Voltage Security Index (VSI) Voltage Security Index indicates the security level of buses in the power system. Fig 1 Variable Shunt Susceptance In general, the transfer admittance equation for the variable shunt compensator is I jBV k (10) 1640 Venkateswara and Kumar Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with Static VAR Compensator for Improvement of Power System Security under Network Contingency International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 and the reactive power equation is, Qk V B 2 k (11) The current drawn by the SVC is I svc jBsvcVk (12) Reactive power drawn by the SVC, which is also reactive power injected at bus k, is Qsvc Vk2 BSVC (13) The linearised equation of the SVC is given by the following equation where the total susceptance Bsvc is taken to be the state variable. i i Pk 0 0 k Q 0 Q k B k / B svc svc i (14) at the end of iteration i, the variable shunt susceptance Bsvc updated according to the equation given below; iteration limit. The basic steps of the FA can be summarized as the pseudo code [19, 20]. Pseudo code of Firefly Algorithm ……………………………………………….. Objective function f(x), x = (x1,…,xd)T Generate initial population of fireflies xii ( i=1, 2…, n) Light intensity Iii at xii is determined by f(xii) Define light absorption coefficient γ while ( t < MaxGeneration) for ii = 1: n all n fireflies for jj = 1: ii all n fireflies if (Ijj > Iii), More firefly ii towards jj in d-dimension; end if Attractiveness varies with distance r Evaluate new solutions and modify the light intensity end for jj end for ii Rank all the fireflies and find the current best firefly end while Post process results and visualization …………………………….. . V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS i Bsvc B(i 1) svc Bi svc B(i 1) svc B (15) svc The changing susceptance represents the total SVC susceptance necessary to maintain the nodal voltage magnitude at the specified value that is 1.0pu. In order to find the effectiveness of the proposed Firefly Algorithm for Optimal Power Flow with SVC, 5 bus system and IEEE30 bus system are taken. An OPF program using Firefly algorithm is implemented in MATLAB software without and with SVC. The results have been presented and analysed. The input parameters of Firefly Algorithm for the test system are given in the Table I. IV. FIREFLY ALGORITHM TABLE I Input parameters of firefly ALGORITHM FOR 5 bus system Firefly Algorithm (FA) was developed by Dr Xin-She Yang at Cambridge University in 2007. FA is based on natural phenomenal behaviour of the firefly which is developed for solving the multimodal optimization problem [17, 18]. Fireflies are also called as lighting bugs these are one of the most special and fascinating creatures in nature. There are about thousands of fireflies where the flashes often unique on a particular firefly. For simplicity, the following three ideal rules are introduced in FA development those are 1) All the fireflies are gender-free that is every firefly will attract the other firefly substantive of their sex, 2) Attractiveness depend on their brightness. The less bright one will move towards the brighter one, 3) the landscape of the objective function affects the firefly brightness. Let us consider the continuous constrained optimization problem where the task is to minimize cost function f(x). Firefly algorithm is a speedily converging algorithm. The solution for the algorithm depends on the selection of swarm size, maximum attractiveness value, the absorption coefficient value and the S.No Parameters Quantity 1 Number of fireflies 25 2 Maximum iteration 200 3 Alpha 0.25 4 Minimum value of beta (attractiveness) Gamma (absorption coefficient) 0.20 5 1 A. SVC Placement under normal operation for 5 bus system:In 5-bus system, bus 1 is considered as slack bus, bus 2 is taken as PV bus and other buses are consider as a PQ buses. Total active power load is considered as 165MW and total reactive power load considered as a 85MVAR. A MATLAB program is implemented for the system. Nodal complex voltages of 5 bus system without and with SVC in Firefly Algorithm based optimal power flow are tabulated in Table II. The SVC Model has been tested at all 3 different locations in the bus system. The solutions were compared in all the 1641 Venkateswara and Kumar Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with Static VAR Compensator for Improvement of Power System Security under Network Contingency International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GA-OPF FA-OPF Active Power Losses in MW cases, as given in the Table III. It is observed that by placing the SVC at bus 4 the losses are less and security indices are improved as compared to place the SVC at other locations. Initially, the optimal power flow solution i.e. active power generation, cost and power loss for 5-bus system are calculated using proposed Firefly Algorithm method without SVC. Next, for the same system the Optimal Power Flow solution is obtained using proposed Firefly Algorithm method with SVC. 3 4 5 SVC placed BUS Number in different methods Fig 2: single line diagram of 5-bus system From Table II it is observed that by incorporating SVC in Firefly Algorithm based OPF voltage profile has been improved and by placing the SVC at bus number 4 its voltage has been regulated to 1.0pu. Table III represents the placement of SVC in three different locations those are bus no 3, bus no 4 and bus no5. And also represents the total real power generation and real power losses by incorporating SVC in Genetic Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow (GA-OPF), and Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow(FA-OPF). From this table it is observed that real power losses are less by placing SVC in bus number 4 as compared to other locations in all methods. Real power losses are decreased to 5.41MW from 6.2553MW by placing the SVC in bus number 4 in FA-OPF. Voltage Magnitude in p.u Fig4: Comparison of Active power losses in a 5 bus system 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 FA OPF with SVC at bus no 4 FA OPF without SVC 1 2 3 4 5 BUS Number Fig 3: Comparison of voltage profile of a 5 bus system. Table II - Nodal complex voltages for 5 bus system without and with SVC Bus No 1 2 3 4 5 FA-OPF FA-OPF with svc (svc placed at bus no 3) FA-OPF with svc (svc placed at bus no 4) FA-OPF with svc (svc placed at bus no 5) VM Angle VM Angle VM Angle VM Angle 1.06 1 0.9638 0.9539 0.9613 0 -0.859 -3.388 -3.520 -4.524 1.06 1 1 0.9833 0.9714 0 -0.8336 -3.9566 -3.9553 -4.613 1.06 1 0.9997 1 0.977 0 -0.8317 -3.9286 -4.2454 -4.6897 1.06 1 0.9714 0.9636 1 0 -0.8657 -3.4977 -3.6672 -5.1451 1642 Venkateswara and Kumar Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with Static VAR Compensator for Improvement of Power System Security under Network Contingency International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 Table: III- Incorporation of SVC MODEL in 3 Different Locations Method Bus No Total real power generation (MW) 0* 172.0022 3 171.8279 4 171.6463 5 172.4401 0* 171.2553 3 170.5941 4 170.41 5 171.173 Total real power loss (MW) VSI LSI B SVC 7.0022 0.1214 1.6157 ------ 6.8279 0.0452 1.6912 0.5740 6.6463 0.0233 1.5618 0.6985 7.4401 0.0655 1.6758 0.4363 6.2553 0.1211 1.5280 ----- 5.5941 0.0453 1.5567 0.5695 5.4100 0.0233 1.4050 0.6954 6.1730 0.0650 1.5341 0.4362 GA-OPF FA-OPF 0*=without SVC B. SVC Placement under normal operation for 30 bus system:In IEEE 30 bus system bus no 1 is considered as a slack bus and bus no’s 2, 5, 8,11,13,30 are considered as a PV buses all other buses are considered as load buses. This system has 41 interconnected lines. A MATLAB program is coded for the test system and the results have been presented and analysed. The Table IV represents the generators a coefficient, minimum and maximum limits of real power generation for generator buses. Table IV - Generator Characteristics of IEEE 30 Bus System Generator BUS NO 1 2 5 8 11 13 a b c 𝑃𝐺𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑃𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 0.00375 0.0175 0.0625 0.00834 0.025 0.025 2 1.75 1 3.25 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 20 15 10 10 12 Figure 5 shows that by placing the SVC in bus number 26 in both GA-OPF and FA-OPF method voltage magnitude has been improved and bus no 26 voltage has been regulated to 1.0pu from 0.6948pu. From Table VI it has been observed that the real power generation and real power losses are less by incorporating SVC in FA based OPF as compared to GA based OPF. It shows that the effectiveness of the Firefly Algorithm as compared to Genetic Algorithm.Table VII indicates the voltage magnitudes in p.u by placing SVC at bus no 26 in NR method, GA-OPF, and FA-OPF methods. It has been observed that power system security has been improved by incorporating SVC in FA based OPF. 300 80 50 35 30 40 Table V represents the complex voltages of 30 bus system with GA based OPF and FA based OPF. From this table it is observed that voltage profile has been improved by using FA based OPF. 1643 Author et. al., xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 Voltage Magnitude in p.u 1.1 Fig 5: Comparison of voltage profile in IEEE 30 bus system without and with SVC in GA-OPF and FA-OPF. GA-OPF 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 BUS Number Table V - Nodal complex voltages for 30 bus system GA based OPF FA based OPF GA based OPF FA based OPF VM Angle VM Angle Bus.No. VM Angle VM Angle BUS. NO 1 1.06000 0.0 1.06000 0.0 16 0.88734 -21.59 0.89713 -13.35 2 3 1.04300 1.01449 -7.96 -6.24 1.04300 1.02229 -3.16 -3.35 17 18 0.87574 0.83927 -21.53 -22.68 0.88565 0.84977 -13.32 -13.93 4 0.99376 -11.37 1.00118 -6.10 19 0.84267 -22.84 0.85323 -14.27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.01000 1.00838 0.99668 1.01000 0.95641 0.89684 1.08200 0.92593 1.07100 0.86667 0.85945 -7.69 -10.90 -9.64 -12.56 -22.75 -19.98 -23.78 -21.13 -22.58 -24.48 -23.05 1.01000 1.01200 0.99854 1.01000 0.96331 0.90637 1.08200 0.93520 1.07100 0.87677 0.86948 -1.53 -4.66 -3.44 -1.96 -14.50 -11.82 -13.76 -12.87 -12.43 -15.84 -14.11 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0.86124 0.85869 0.84711 0.82459 0.81753 0.80013 0.69327 0.92076 0.97055 0.94957 1.00000 -22.02 -21.40 -22.75 -24.49 -25.91 -28.91 -40.61 -22.55 -15.01 -22.89 -23.23 0.87151 0.86886 0.85712 0.83397 0.82530 0.80134 0.69478 0.92116 0.97557 0.94865 1.00000 -13.65 -12.60 -13.28 -14.25 -14.31 -13.67 -25.33 -4.07 -3.45 -1.18 1.45 Table VI - Power flows for 30 bus system without svc and with SVC placed at bus no 26 Without SVC Total ‘P’ gen (MW) 349.3076 Total ‘Q’ gen (MVAR) 260.9467 Total ‘P’ loss (MW) 49.3076 With SVC 341.5572 231.5908 41.5572 Without SVC 335.8315 219.4190 35.8315 With SVC 327.0835 186.9539 27.0835 Power Flow Solution GA-OPF FA-OPF VSI LSI 0.7759 4.6184 0.3967 4.1799 0.7674 4.4568 0.3859 3.8813 Table VII -Voltage magnitudes for 30 bus system with SVC placed at bus no 26 in GA-OPF and FA-OPF Bus.No 1 2 GA OPF with SVC (placed at bus no 26) 1.060 1.043 FA - OPF with SVC (placed at bus no 26) 1.060 1.043 Bus.No 16 17 GA OPF with SVC (placed at bus no 26) 0.91390 0.90546 FA - OPF with SVC (placed at bus no 26) 0.92558 0.91751 502 Author et. al., xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.01895 1.00119 1.01 1.01365 0.99935 1.010 0.9696 0.92826 1.082 0.94824 1.07100 0.89995 0.90133 1.02880 1.01074 1.010 1.018 1.00173 1.010 0.97818 0.94001 1.082 0.95919 1.07100 0.91169 0.91290 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0.88058 0.88182 0.89708 0.90405 0.90465 0.89356 0.91088 0.95093 1.000 0.96936 0.98868 0.97430 1.00000 0.89286 0.89438 0.90956 0.91625 0.91633 0.90385 0.91878 0.94934 1.00 0.96493 0.99219 0.96941 1.00000 C. SVC Placement under network contingency for 5 bus system:In this contingency analysis the load flow is run each time removing a single line from the system. The Contingency analysis is applied to the FA-OPF with SVC and SVC has been placed at bus no 4. Table VIII - comparison of real power losses, COST, INDICES for different line outages with svc placed at bus no 4 SVC Rating VSI LSI Total real power generation Real Power losses Total Generation Cost SVC Rating VSI LSI FA FA-OPF without SVC --0.1211 1.5280 171.2553 6.2553 465.6360 ---0.1322 1.2850 FA-OPF with SVC 0.6954 0.0233 1.4050 170.4100 5.4100 463.3691 0.7544 0.0248 1.1022 Total real power generation 173.9853 172.6086 Real Power losses 8.9853 7.6086 Total Generation Cost 571.7822 468.0580 SVC Rating VSI LSI Total real power generation Real Power losses Total Generation Cost SVC Rating VSI LSI Total real power generation Real Power losses Total Generation Cost SVC Rating VSI LSI Total real power generation Real Power losses ----0.2010 1.5455 569.5202 7.7381 172.7381 ---0.1694 1.4861 172.6027 7.6027 569.2603 ----0.1862 1.6768 569.9616 7.9695 0.9468 0.0309 1.5132 466.5379 6.6303 171.6303 0.7256 0.0243 1.3139 171.2027 6.2027 465.4947 0.7260 0.0243 1.5073 465.6880 6.3826 Loading condition Without contingency 1-2 line outage 1-3 line outage line 2-3 outage line 2-4 outage 1645 Author et. al., xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 Total Generation Cost SVC Rating VSI LSI Total real power generation Real Power losses Total Generation Cost SVC Rating VSI LSI Total real power generation Real Power losses Total Generation Cost SVC Rating VSI LSI Total real power generation Real Power losses Total Generation Cost line 2-5 outage line 3-4 outage line 4-5 outage 172.9695 ----0.3553 2.0866 588.1972 14.5339 179.5339 -----0.1479 1.4625 171.9501 6.9501 567.4948 ---0.1281 1.5164 171.4606 6.4606 566.1245 171.3826 1.0503 0.0857 1.8892 578.6406 11.0378 176.0378 0.7042 0.0248 1.3302 170.6965 5.6965 464.1284 0.6210 0.0385 1.3573 170.4655 5.4655 463.4549 Table IX - Active Power Losses under the Line Outage in Different Methods with SVC Placed At Bus No 4 Line outage NR method GA WITH SVC FA WITH SVC 0* SB* -EB* 7.5244 6.6463 5.4100 1 1-2 12.5178 10.4768 7.6086 2 1-3 10.0769 8.9403 6.6303 3 2-3 8.6715 7.2268 6.2027 4 2-4 9.0702 7.4266 6.3826 5 6 2-5 3-4 15.6346 8.4179 12.0590 7.1359 11.0378 5.6965 7 4-5 7.7672 6.7415 5.4655 0*=without line outage SB=starting bus number EB=ending bus number Table VIII represents the indices, cost, real power generation and losses. From this table it has been observed that security indices were improved and real power losses were minimized by using FA based OPF incorporating SVC. Table IX shows the real power losses in different methods with network contingency. From this table it is observed that line no 5, that is connected between bus no 2 and bus no5, is the most sever line under contingency. Table X- Bus voltage Magnitudes in the Pre and Post contingency state for line 2-5 outage in Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with SVC (SVC at bus no 4) Bus No Pre-contingency voltage (pu) Post-contingency voltage(pu) FA-OPF without SVC FA – OPF with SVC FA-OPF without SVC FA–OPF SVC 1 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 2 1 1 1 1 3 0.9638 0.9997 0.9278 0.9989 with 1646 Author et. al., xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 4 0.9539 1 0.9085 1 5 0.9613 0.977 0.8083 0.9155 Table X indicates the voltages of the 5 bus system corresponding to the pre contingency state and post contingency state under the outage of line 5 connected between bus no 2 and bus no 5. Table XI indicates the active power flows of the 5 bus system corresponding to the pre contingency state and post contingency state. From this table we can observe that outage in the line connected between buses 2-5 and by incorporating the SVC in Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow the system is stable but some of the lines were operating with over load. Table XI - Active Power Flow in the Pre and Post Contingency State with Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with SVC (SVC at bus no 4) Line Line connected between Pre contingency active power flow in Post contingency active power no Starting Bus MW flow in MW Ending Bus FA-OPF FA – OPF with SVC FA-OPF FA – OPF without SVC without SVC with SVC 1 1-2 55.6955 54.9350 48.5464 46.2696 2 1-3 35.6150 35.5301 50.9996 49.7802 3 2-3 27.4599 27.3020 49.1533 47.9513 4 2-4 30.0108 30.0685 57.5224 56.4625 5 2-5 0 0 56.2505 55.5976 6 3-4 15.9393 16.2681 64.4938 63.4960 7 4-5 5.1487 5.7145 50.1482 49.3719 D. SVC Placement under network contingency for 30 bus system:Table XII indicates that the active power losses under SVC in bus no26 in FA based OPF. Voltage collapse can be network contingency in FA based OPF without and with initiated due to increasing load as well as line outage. Under SVC. These results indicates that by using Firefly Algorithm line outage placing SVC can improve the system security based Optimal Power Flow with SVC(SVC placed at bus with fast and controlled injection of reactive power to the no26) the active power losses are minimized and system system. From table XII it can be observed that under the collapse states can be reduced that means by using this outage of line 35 in FA-OPF load flow majority of the bus method power system security can be improved. Table XIII voltages are collapsed. It is also observed that under outage of indicates the voltages of the IEEE 30 bus system line 35, placing the SVC at bus no 26 in Firefly Algorithm corresponding to the pre contingency state and post based Optimal Power Flow can improve the voltage profile of contingency state (outage of line 35 connected between bus all the buses and then enhance the system security. no 25 and bus no 27 which is the most sever line) by placing Table XII - Active power losses with outage of single line Line No Line Outage Real Power losses (FA-OPF) Real Power losses (FA-OPF with SVC) 1 Without line outage 1-2 54.8526 system collapse 27.0835 29.3411 6 2-6 system collapse 47.8147 11 6-9 system collapse 58.9583 12 6-10 system collapse 43.9506 15 4-12 system collapse 38.8070 33 24-25 system collapse 30.8537 1647 Author et. al., xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 35 25-27 system collapse 70.4155 36 28-27 system collapse 61.7065 38 27-30 system collapse 44.2167 31 22-24 63.9314 30.7533 17 12-14 63.6159 33.4078 25 10-20 62.5007 34.4383 30 15-23 61.8254 34.4515 2 1-3 61.2238 31.7556 4 3-4 60.9680 27.7177 28 10-22 60.5401 28.7422 Table XIII - Bus voltage Magnitudes in the Pre and Post contingency state in Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with SVC Bus No Pre-contingency voltage (pu) FA based OPF with SVC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.060 1.043 1.02880 1.01074 1.010 1.018 1.00173 1.010 0.97818 0.94001 1.082 0.95919 1.07100 0.91169 0.91290 Post-contingency voltage(pu) FA based FA based OPF OPF with without SVC SVC 1.06 1.060 0.26 1.043 0.14 1.015 0.319 0.99 0.343 1.01 0.18 1.004 0.08 0.995 0.55 1.01 0.48 0.948 0.4 0.8773 0.614 1.082 0.17 0.914 0.81 1.071 0.58 0.85 0.589 0.841 VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, firefly algorithm has been proposed to solve Optimal Power Flow problem in the presence of SVC. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method with SVC in contingency analysis. The results obtained for 5 bus system and IEEE 30 bus system using the proposed method without and with SVC are compared and observations reveal that the losses are less with SVC. In 5 bus system bus no 4 was the best location for SVC. In IEEE 30 bus system SVC placed at bus no 26 the simulation results were taken for both normal operations as well as under network contingency. The results indicate that with proposed Firefly Algorithm the system collapse states Bus No Pre-contingency voltage (pu) FA based OPF with SVC Post-contingency voltage(pu) FA based FA based OPF OPF with without SVC SVC 16 0.92558 0.13 0.8722 17 0.91751 0.08 0.858 18 0.89286 0.63 0.8196 19 0.89438 0.14 0.8221 20 0.90956 0.4 0.8406 21 0.91625 0.07 0.8352 22 0.91633 0.21 0.824 23 0.90385 0.08 0.8089 24 0.91878 0.11 0.8148 25 0.94934 0.08 0.878 26 1.00 0.277 1.00 27 0.96493 0.58 0.961 28 0.99219 0.19 0.9752 29 0.96941 0.32 0.9673 30 1.00000 0.9917 1.00 can be avoided and power system security under network contingency also has been improved. By incorporating SVC in Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow the system performance has been improved. The comparative study of the Firefly Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow with GA based Optimal Power Flow in solving the optimal power flow problem also reflected the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The obtained results show that SVC is the most effective shunt compensation device that can significantly increase the security of the power system. REFERENCES [1] P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993. 502 Author et. al., xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ) Vol. 5 (2014) No.12, pp. 1639-1648 ISSN 2078-2365 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission System”, IEEE Press, 2000. G W Stagg and A H El-Abid, ‘Computer Methods in Power System Analysis’(Book), McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1968. FACTS Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks (Book) by Enrique Acha, Claudio R. Fuerte-Esquivel, Hugo Ambriz-Perez, Cesar Angeles-Camacho. L. A. S. Pilotto, W. W. Ping, A. R. Carvalho, A. Wey, W. F. Long, F. L. Alvarado, A. 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