The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan New Constriction Particle Swarm Optimization for Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow Solution ZWE-LEE GAING, MEMBER, IEEE AND XUN-HAN LIU Many global optimization techniques known as genetic algorithms (GA), simulated annealing (SA), evolutionary programming (EP), and particle swarm optimization (PSO), have been successfully used to solve the variant OPF problems [12]-[14]. However, the objective function not considering contingency constraints or stability constraints may result in the economy-security control of system not being properly carried out. In addition, the premature convergence may result in the local optima by obtaining [13]-[14]. In this paper, to improve the drawback of traditional PSO method, a new constriction PSO (NCPSO) technique is presented for solving the SCOPF problems. The proposed NCPSO method involves a new cognitive behavior of particle. The particle can remember its previously visited best and worst positions, thus it can explore effectively the search space. In addition, the individual that is the real-value representation containing a mixture of continuous and discrete control variables is defined, and two mutation schemes are proposed to deal with the continuous/discrete control variables, respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated for the IEEE 30-bus and 57-bus systems, and compared with the traditional PSO [13] and EP [12] in terms of solution quality and convergence rate. II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Abstract -- This paper presents a new version of constriction particle swarm optimization (NCPSO) with mutation mechanism for solving the security-constrained optimal power flow (OPF) with both the steady-state security constraints and the transient stability constraints. The objective of SCOPF in considering the valve-point loading effect of the unit and the operating limits of FACTS devices is defined not only to minimize total generation cost but also to enhance transmission security, reduce transmission loss, and improve the bus voltage profile under normal or post-contingent states. The proposed NCPSO method involves a new cognitive behavior of particle. The particle can remember its previously visited best and worst positions, thus it can explore effectively the search space. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated for the IEEE 30-bus and 57-bus systems. Index terms -- optimal power flow, contingency analysis, transient stability, particle swarm optimization, valve-point loading effect, FACTS I. INTRODUCTION Currently, the concept of performing the optimal plan of power system operation with system security assessment considered is positively presented to ensure that the system can secure operation without interruption to customer service even if the system suffers the contingency impact. For this reason, the pre-protection strategies of the system and the security constraints should be taken into consideration including the transmission capacity limit, bus voltage limit and transient stability constraints that must be embedded in the objective function or constraints [1]-[11]. In [3], the security-constrained OPF scheduling can be undertaken to bring the system to the more acceptable level of security represented by level 1 or 2. Whether the system is in a normal operation or contingent state, the security constraints can ensure that the system can secure operation. Therefore, the aspect of system economy-security control can be carried out. In [7], the stability-constrained OPF using step by step integration (SBSI) method is implemented to ensure that the system is stable during fault occurrence. In [8], a multi-contingency stability-constrained OPF using primal-dual Newton interior point method (IPM) is presented to guarantee system stability when the system suffers multi-contingency. In [9], the OPF with transient stability constraints is equivalently converted into an optimization problem in the Euclidean space and can be solved by the standard nonlinear programming technique adopted by the OPF. The steady-state security constraints and the transient stability constraints are the fundamental elements of system security assessment. A. Steady-State Security Constraints The steady-state security-constrained OPF formulation can be stated as: Min f (u (0 ) , x ( 0 ) ) (1) u ,x s.t. g ( k ) (u ( k ) , x ( 0 ) ) = 0 , for k = 0,1,..., N c (2) h (u , x ) ≥ 0 , for k = 0,1,..., N c (3) where x is the vector of control variables of pre-contingency, , while u is the vector of state variables. Objective function (1) is scalar. Equalities (2) are the conventional power equations, while inequalities (3) are the limits on the control variables x and state variables u, and the operating limits on the power system. The superscript “o” represents the pre-contingency (base-case) state being optimized, and superscript “k” (k>0) represents the fault duration and post-contingency states for the Nc contingency cases. Moreover, the equality constraints g(o) change to g(k) to reflect the outage equipment. Figure 1 shows the concept of the feasible operation region, which is within the oblique line region. x1 is located (k ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Z. L. Gaing and X. H. Liu are with the Department of Electrical Engineering of Kao Yuan University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 821 (e-mail:, Fax: 886-7-6077009). 106 (k ) ( 0) The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 within the region of steady-state operation of pre-contingency; however, it might be unable to satisfy the transient stability or security constraints (i.e. bus voltage limit and line thermal capacity limit) when suffering the specific contingency impact. x2 is located within the region of transient stability; however, it might be unable to satisfy the security constraints of post-contingency. Moreover, if the x within the practical security region can drive the minimization of objective function f, it is the optimal operation point that is the goal to be achieved in this research. damaged. C. Function of Series FACTS Devices According to their steady-state characteristics of variant FACTS devices, the function of series controllers, such as TCPS and TCSC, is mainly used to control the power flow of the lines close to their thermal limits. The TCPS device can to adjust the phase-angle φ to control the active power flow of transmission line. The TCSC device can permit to modify the reactance X L of transmission line. However, the operation limits of both series controllers must be valid. The models of TCPS and TCSC are shown in Fig. 2. Region of feasible operation point u I x1 x2 II November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 1 : 1∠φi III x3 RL+ jXL Vi Vj (a) TCPS RL+ jXL jXc I Pre-contingency region II Transient stability region III Post-contingency region x Vi (b) TCSC Fig. 2 Models of TCPS and TCSC Fig. 1 Region of feasible operation point for system security B. Transient Stability Constraints Mathematically, the transient stability problem is described by solving a set of differential-algebraic equations. The swing equation set with damping neglected is given by δi = ∆ωi (4) D. Valve-Point Loading Effect The constraints of valve-point loading effect of thermal generating units should be considered, the fuel cost function of unit i is defined as: Fi ( Pi ) = ai + bi Pi + ci Pi 2 + d i ⋅ sin( ei ( Pi min − Pi )) (8) Ng πf 0 [ Pmi − ∑ E i′ E ′j Yij′ cos(θ ij′ − δ i − δ j )] (5) Hi j =1 where Ei′ = Ei′ ∠δ i is the output voltage of the i-th ∆ω i = where ai, bi, ci, di, and ei are the cost coefficients of unit i. E. Objective Function The objective is to minimize the objective function FT that is generalized as follows. generator behind a transient reactance x′d . H i is the inertia constant of the i-th generator. Yij′ = Yij′ ∠θ ij′ are the FT = elements of the reduced bus admittance matrix. To recognize conveniently the stability performance of generators and integrate it into the OPF problem, the concept of inertia center can serve as a reference frame [7]-[10]. The rotor angles of generators with respect to the center of inertia (COI) are employed to indicate whether the system is stable or not. For a NG-generator system with rotor angle of generator δ i and its inertia constant H i , the position of COI is defined as (6). δ COI = i i =1 NG ∑ NG i + Vj j =1 Nl ∑λ lh NG (V j − V jlim ) 2 + ∑ λQi (QGi − QGilim ) 2 i =1 (S lh − S lhlim ) 2 + h=1 NG ∑ λ (δ δi i − δ ) 2 + λPL Ploss (9) i =1 where λVj , λQi , λlh , λδi , λPL are the penalty factors, which are large positive constants. If a variable is out of its limit, a penalty factor is multiplied by the difference between its value and the limit violated, and then added to the objective function. F. i (6) Equality Constraints Pi ( k ) − Hi NB ∑Y (k ) ij Vi ( k ) V j( k ) cos(δ i( k ) − δ (j k ) − θ ij( k ) ) = 0 , (10) Vi ( k ) V j( k ) sin(δ i( k ) − δ (j k ) − θ ij( k ) ) = 0 . (11) j =1 i =1 Qi( k ) − δ i = δ i − δ COI ≤ δ (7) The discriminator of system stability is expressed as (7). According to previous studies [7]-[9], a real-world power system is always operated such that any rotor angle of generator δ i at any time will not be greater than a threshold δ NB ∑ F + ∑λ i =1 NG ∑H δ Vj NB ∑Y (k ) ij j =1 G. Inequality Constraints 1) Conventional inequality constraints PGimin ≤ PGi( k ) ≤ PGimax , i ∈ N g min Gi Q ( as δ =100o). If a rotor angle of generator ≤Q (k ) Gi ≤Q max Gi T pnmin ≤ T pn( k ) ≤ T pnmax δ i is larger than such a threshold δ , the generator will be min hj Y tripped off-line by out-of-step relay to protect it from being 107 ≤Y (k ) hj ≤Y max hj (12) , i ∈ Ng (13) , n ∈ N Tp (14) , j ∈ N Sh (15) The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 2) Operating limits of FACTS devices φimin ≤ φi( 0 ) ≤ φimax , i ∈ NTCPS X cjmin ≤ X cj( 0 ) ≤ X cjmax , j ∈ NTCSC 3) Steady-state security constraints V jmin ≤ V j( k ) ≤ V jmax , j ∈ NB enhance the effectiveness of NCPSO, a mutation operator of real-valued GA should be integrated with the NCPSO. The mutation process is employed as follows: Let the i-th individual xi = [ x1 ,..., xk ,..., x N ]i , and the gene xk be selected for mutation according to the probability pm. The new gene xk can be obtained by (22) and (16) (17) (18) , m ∈ Nl (19) 4) Transient stability constraints (k ) δ i( k ) − δ COI ≤ 100 0 , i ∈ N g (20) Slm( k ) ≤ Slmmax November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan xk ∈ [ xkmin , xkmax ] . Then the next offspring of the application of the mutation operator is xi = [ x1 ,..., x k ,..., x N ]i . If rand () < pm then xk = xk × (1 + Gaussian(σ )) . (22) where Gaussian(σ ) is a Gaussian distribution function, σ is set to be 0.1. where the power flow equations (10)-(11) are used as equality constraints; the active and reactive power generation limits (12)-(13), transformer-tap setting limits (14), shunt admittance limits of the switchable capacitor/reactor devices (15), operating limits of FACTS devices (16)-(17), bus voltage limits (18), thermal capacity limits of transmission lines (19) and transient stability constraints (20) are used as inequality constraints. Therefore, the security-constrained OPF problem must be solved subject to both the pre-contingency constraints, and to the post-contingency constraints of the selected contingency cases. IV. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPOSED METHOD A. Representation of individual In this paper, the individual is composed of both continuous control variables x and discrete control variables u. An individual s is a mixed-integer structure, that is s = [ x, u ] = [ PG , V , Tp , Yh , φ , X c ] . The encoding of the physical variables is performed as follows. 1) Continuous variable x i taking the real value in the III. A CONSTRICTION PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION WITH MUTATION MECHANISM 2) One of the main drawbacks of the traditional PSO is its premature convergence, especially while handling problems with more local optima and heavier constraints. To overcome this disadvantage, the concept of constriction factor was suggested by [15] to both speed up convergence and escape local minima. In this paper, a new constriction PSO (NCPSO) algorithm with a new scheme of velocity updating is as (21). The proposed NCPSO method involves a new cognitive behavior of particle; that is, the particle can remember its previously visited best and worst positions, thus it can explore effectively the search space. r r vi( t +1) = ψ [vi(t ) + c1a 1i ( pbest ( t ) − xi(t ) ) + c1b 2i ( xi( t ) − pworst ( t ) ) ri ri r3i + c2 ( gbesti( t ) − xi(t ) )] (21) ri where pworst i( t ) the previous worst position of particle xi at iteration t, r1i , r2 i , r3i three uniform random numbers in the range [0,1]. In addition, ri = r1i + r2 i + r3i . c1a , c2 b two acceleration constants. c1a can accelerate the particle toward its best position; c1a can accelerate the particle away from its worst position. 2 ψ constriction factor. ψ = , 2 − ϕ − ϕ 2 − 4ϕ interval [ x imin , x imax ] . Discrete variable ui taking the decimal integer value ni in the interval [ 0 ,..., M i ] , M i = INT ((uimax − uimin ) / STi ) , and u i = u imin + ni ⋅ STi . (23) (24) where STi is the adjustable step size of the discrete control variable ui . INT (⋅) is the operator of rounding the variable to the nearest integer. B. Fitness function In this paper, the objective of SCOPF is not only to minimize total generation cost but also to enhance transmission security, reduce transmission loss, and improve the bus voltage profile under pre-contingency or post-contingency states. If an individual sj is a feasible solution, its fitness will be measured by using the fitness function f as (25). Otherwise, its fitness will be penalized with a very large positive constant λ that is set to be 106. The infeasible individual will not be selected by the proposed scheme for evolution in the next generation, so the proposed method can rapidly converge. FT ( s j ) , s j ∈ feasible f ( sj ) = , s j ∈ unfeasible λ where Ng NB i n (25) FT(sj) = ∑ Fi ( s j ) + ρ L Ploss ( s j ) + ∑ ( ρ nV ⋅ Vn ( s j ) − Vref ) , where ϕ = c1a + c1b + c2 , ϕ > 4 . In general, c1a + c1b = c 2 = 2.05 and ψ =0.73. This mutation mechanism potentially provides a means both of escaping local optima and speeding up the search. To (26) Ng ρ L = ∑ Fi ( s j ) / PDt , i 108 (27) The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 executed on a Pentium IV 1.8 GHz personal computer with 512MB RAM. Ng ρ nV = ∑ Fi ( s j ) ⋅ PDn ( s j ) / PDt . (28) i V. ρ is a weight factor that is mainly there for the purpose of L According to the boundary limits of continuous/discrete control variables, establish randomly the initial population s(t), using (23) and (24) t=1 Perform NCPSO operations using (21)-(22) New offspring population s(t+1) Perform transient stability analysis using selected contingency event No Satisfy the stability constraints (20)? Yes • Parameters of Algorithms Through many experiments, the results revealed that the appropriate values for c1a, c1b and c2 are 1.55, 0.50 and 2.05, respectively. They can yield an optimal evaluation value. Therefore, the following parameters of NCPSO are used: • individual length=20, • population size =50, • c1a=1.55, c1b=0.50, c2=2.05 • continuous variable: v imax = x imax / 2 , discrete variable: Perform system steady-state contingency analysis Satisfy the conventional inequality constraints (12)-(19)? Yes Fitness ←λ Evaluate the fitness using (25) NUMERICAL EXAMPLES AND RESULTS A. IEEE 30-bus System The system contains six thermal units, 30 buses and 41 transmission lines. In addition, three series FACTS devices (one TCPS device and two TCSC devices) are installed on it. The TCPS device was installed on branches 27-28. The TCSC devices were installed on branches 10-22 and 12-15. The load demand is P = 283.4 MW and Q = j126.2 MVAR [3]. Bus 1 is the reference bus. The system has a total of 20 control variables as follows: five active outputs of PV-bus units, six PV-bus voltage magnitudes, four transformer-tap settings, two var-injection values of shunt capacitors and three parameter values of FACTS devices. Because the adjustable range of the transformer-tap is 0.90 pu to 1.1 pu, and the shunt admittance is 0.0 to j0.1 pu, the adjustable step size is 0.01 pu in the transformer-tap setting, and the changing step size is j0.005 pu in the shunt admittance. The M values of the two discrete variables above are both 20. The upper and lower limits of the generator-bus and load-bus voltages are 0.95 pu and 1.05 pu, respectively. The limits of the installed TCPS are taken − 50 ≤ φ ≤ 50 and the limits of the installed TCSC are taken −0.4 X L ≤ X c ≤ 0.2 X L . transferring the transmission loss into a penalty cost. ρ nV is a weight factor of voltage deviation at bus n that is mainly there for the purpose of transferring the voltage deviation into a penalty cost. PDn is the load demand at bus n. PDt is the total load demand of system. NB is the number of system buses. Vref is a magnitude of reference voltage, in general, Vref = 1.0 pu. No November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan t=t+1 v imax = M i / 2 , • number of iterations=30. No Satisfy the stopping rule ? • Selected Contingency Event In the IEEE 30-bus system, a three-phase-to-ground fault that occurs on line 6-7 near bus 7, the fault is cleared 0.370 second later coupled with the removal of line 6-7. Yes Select the best individual sgbest and decode END • Results and Discussion Figure 4 shows the convergence tendency of the average over 20 trials. The simulation results are summarized in Table I. The optimal settings of control variables that are obtained by the three proposed methods are shown in Table II. In Table I, the average fitness obtained by the proposed NCPSO-based method is always better than that obtained by the PSO and EP. The NCPSO method has the best average fitness of 4140. As seen in Table II, the NCPSO method has the best fitness of 4108, thus implying a total generation cost of $3996, a transmission loss of 4.98 MW and a summation of bus voltage deviation of 0.45 pu. Moreover, Fig. 5 shows the swing curves of all rotor angles of generator δ i during the line 6-7 fault that is a stable situation. It indicates that generator G5 has the largest rotor angle δ i = -70.790 at t = Fig. 3. Operating procedures of the proposed NCPSO-based SCOPF method C. NCPSO-based SCOPF In general, for power systems with a higher X/R ratio of transmission line, the fast decoupled load flow (FDLF) method has superior computation efficiency. To enhance the effectiveness of the proposed method, the FDLF method is employed to measure the fitness of the individual for the acceptable solution quality. The search procedures of the NCPSO-based SCOPF method are shown in Fig.3. The proposed NCPSO method was compared with the traditional PSO and EP in terms of solution quality and convergence rate using the same fitness function and individual definition. The software was written in Matlab language and 109 The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 1.36(s) and satisfies the transient stability constraints δ i <1000. After line 6-7 tripped, the bus voltage profile of Case I 1.1 1.05 system shown in Fig. 6 reveals that each bus voltage is within 0.95 pu to 1.05 pu. 1 Volt. (pu) 0.95 TABLE I COMPARISON BETWEEN THREE METHODS IN IEEE 30-BUS SYSTEM Method Fitness Ave. NCPSO PSO EP 4140 4151 4159 Min. (best) Max. (worst) CPU time(sec.) Average CPU time /generation 4108 4115 4124 4235 4238 4265 29.99 29.97 34.31 φ 27−28 NCPSO PSO EP 163.95 20.00 44.09 10.00 10.00 40.00 1.0421 1.0477 1.0500 0.9739 0.9899 1.0163 0.96 0.90 0.90 0.900 0.100 0.100 5.00 165.30 20.00 48.59 31.43 10.000 12.00 1.0471 1.0500 1.0307 0.9897 1.0500 0.9752 0.90 0.98 0.90 0.92 0.000 0.060 5.00 164.66 20.00 45.56 10.00 10.00 40.00 1.0312 0.9707 1.0500 1.0083 1.0277 1.0500 0.97 0.90 1.05 0.90 0.100 0.075 -5.00 X c (10−22 ) -4.00 -4.00 -4.00 X c (12 −15 ) 0.00 -4.00 -4.00 4108 3996 4.98 0.45 4115 4019 4.27 0.41 4124 4008 6.49 0.40 Fitness f FT PLoss ∑V −V i ref 0.8 0.75 0.7 0 NCPSO PSO EP Fitness 4300 4250 4200 4150 5 10 15 20 Number of iterations 25 30 Fig. 4 Convergence tendency Swing curves of generators in Case I 80 60 G11 G1 Rotor angle, deg. G13 G2 G5 Method Fitness Ave. NCPSO PSO EP 16278 16294 16303 -60 -80 -100 0 0.2 0.4 25 30 TABLE III COMPARISON BETWEEN THREE METHODS IN IEEE 57-BUS SYSTEM G8 -40 20 voltage profile of the system shown in Fig. 9 reveals that each bus voltage is within 0.9 pu to 1.1 pu. 20 -20 15 Bus number constraints δ i < 1000. After line 1-17 tripped, the bus 40 0 10 B. IEEE 57-Bus System The system contains seven thermal units, 57 buses and 46 transmission lines. In addition, four series FACTS devices (one TCPS devices and three TCSC devices) are installed on it. The peak load demand is P = 1275.8 MW and Q = j343.1 MVAR (i.e. average load × 1.02). Bus 1 is the reference bus. The system has a total of 35 control variables. The upper and lower limits of the generator-bus and load-bus voltages are 0.9 pu and 1.1 pu, respectively. The limits of the installed TCPS are taken − 30 ≤ φ ≤ 30 and the limits of the installed TCSC are taken −0.3 X L ≤ X c ≤ 0.1X L . • Parameters of Algorithms In this study system, through many experiments, the results revealed that the appropriate values for c1a, c1b and c2 are 1.60, 0.45 and 2.05, respectively. • Selected Contingency Event In the IEEE 57-bus system, a three-phase-to-ground fault occurs on line 1-17 near bus 17, the fault is cleared 0.160 second later coupled with the removal of line 1-17. • Results and Discussion Through 20 trials, the simulation results are summarized in Table III. The optimal settings of control variables that are obtained by the three proposed methods are shown in Table IV. In terms of convergence rate and solution quality, as seen in Fig. 7 and Table III, the NCPSO method is still superior to the PSO and EP. As can be seen in Table III, the average fitness of 16278 obtained by the proposed NCPSO-based method is better than that obtained by the PSO and EP. Moreover, in Table IV, the NCPSO method has the best fitness of 16129, thus implying a total generation cost of $15763, a transmission loss of 17.69 MW and a summation of bus voltage deviation of 1.31 pu. Moreover, Fig. 8 also shows the swing curves of all rotor angles of generator δ i during the line 1-17 fault that is a stable situation. It indicates that G12 generator has the maximum rotor angle δ i = -34.540 at t = 0.54(s) It satisfies the transient stability Case I 4100 5 Fig. 6 Bus voltage profile after removing the fault line 4400 4350 0.9 0.85 TABLE II OPTIMAL SETTINGS OF CONTROL VARIABLES IN IEEE 30-BUS SYSTEM Control Variable Pg1 Pg2 Pg5 Pg8 Pg11 Pg13 V1 V2 V5 V8 V11 V13 Tp6-9 Tp6-10 Tp4-12 Tp27-28 Yh10 Yh24 November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time, sec. 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 5 Swing curves of all rotor angles of generator during fault occurrence 110 Min. (best) Max. (worst) CPU time(sec.) Average CPU /generation 16129 16163 16268 16445 16451 16522 41.32 41.30 46.63 time The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 new cognitive behavior of particle that can explore effectively the search space and is superior to the PSO and EP. TABLE IV OPTIMAL SETTINGS OF CONTROL VARIABLES IN IEEE 57-BUS SYSTEM NCPSO 330.07 50.00 116.09 120.00 257.32 120.00 300.00 1.0500 1.0500 1.0441 1.0021 1.0012 1.0286 0.9985 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.94 0.93 0.96 1.00 0.96 0.90 1.08 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.065 0.060 0.095 -3.00 PSO 330.07 50.00 116.90 76.90 300.00 120.00 300.00 1.0500 1.0493 1.0500 0.9894 1.0045 0.9991 0.9999 0.99 0.95 0.99 0.96 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.93 1.04 0.90 1.00 1.10 0.025 0.055 0.045 -3.00 EP 333.09 84.82 120.70 83.78 256.17 119.09 300.00 1.0323 1.0497 1.0500 0.9898 1.0293 1.0302 0.9973 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.02 1.04 0.90 0.92 0.96 0.90 1.10 0.94 0.97 0.90 0.90 0.98 0.010 0.040 0.015 -1.00 X c (6 − 8 ) -3.00 -2.00 -2.00 X c ( 9− 55) 0.00 1.00 -2.00 X c ( 38−48 ) 1.00 -2.00 1.00 16129 15763 17.69 1.32 16163 15803 18.09 1.14 16268 15799 21.89 1.29 φ 24− 26 f Fitness FT PLoss ∑V −V i ref IEEE 57-bus system 1.1 1 Voltage (p.u.) Control Variable PG1 PG2 PG3 PG6 PG8 PG9 PG12 V1 V2 V3 V6 V8 V9 V12 Tp4-18 Tp7-29 Tp9-55 Tp10-51 Tp11-41 Tp11-43 Tp13-49 Tp14-46 Tp15-45 Tp20-21 Tp24-25 Tp24-26 Tp32-34 Tp40-56 Tp39-57 Yh18 Yh25 Yh53 0.7 0.6 5 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] G1 30 [9] Rotor angle, deg. 20 G2 G3 0 G6 G8 G9 [10] -30 -50 [11] G12 -40 0 0.5 1 1.5 [12] Time, sec. Fig. 8 Swing curves of all generators’ rotor angle during fault occurrence VI. 15 20 25 30 35 Bus number 40 45 50 55 REFERENCES 40 -20 10 Fig. 9 Bus voltage profile after removing line 1-17 Swing curves of generators -10 0.9 0.8 50 10 November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan CONCLUSION [13] An efficient new constriction particle swarm optimization (NCPSO) for solving the security-constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF) with both the steady-state security constraints and the transient stability constraints is presented. 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