Closed Loop Control Of a Torque -Tension Machine Sean Declan Tobin This thesis is submitted to Dublin City University as fulfilment of the requirement for the award of a Degree of Bachelor of Engineering School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Dublin City University May 2000 1 I wish to dedicate this work to my family whose loving support especially through the last four years is greatly appreciated Declaration This is to certify that the material presented in this thesis is entirely my own work, except where specific references have been made to the works of others, and no part of this work has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification to this or any other establishment. Signed:__________________ Sean Tobin May 2000 Student Number 96507594 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr. Paul Young for his supervision and guidance during this project work. I would also like to thank Dermot Brabazon for his help and advice in designing the Labview program. I would like to express my thanks to Liam Dominican and Keith Hickey for their technical assistance at various stages throughout this project. Introduction In many industries it is important to know the load carrying capabilities of a structure. Designers have to consider the elasto-plastic behaviour, which depends on the stresses and strains of the structure, to establish the load deformation characteristics. In many structures it is the joints that have to withstand most of the structural load. In joint technology the most frequently used method of joining is fastening bolts. In industries where precision is crucial the margin of safety of the structure has to be as small as possible and therefore it is more important that these joints don’t fail under fatigue or extra loading. The cost of bolted joints is minuscule in the initial design but if the joint collapses it can destroy the entire structure and the entire cost of the structure can be attributed to the bolted joint. Therefore attention must be paid to the characteristics of the joint and the changes it undergoes with additional external load and over tightening. It has been found by engineering research that by tightening the bolt to the bolt torquetension yield point it can withstand substantial external loads without deformation and higher clamping forces can be obtained to strengthen the joint. After yield tightening it has been found that there is reserve strength in the tensile stress which means that the bolt can withstand additional tensile load. When external loads are applied to the torquetension yield tightened bolt, the bolt behave elastically. A thesis for a Ph.D., Plastic Yielding Characteristics of a Rod Under Successively Applied Torsion and Tension Loadings, was finished in 1995 on a torque-tension machine. The torque-tension machine can carry a maximum tensile load of 100kN and maximum torque of 200Nm. The dimensions of the machine are 0.84m in length 1m in width and 1.96m in height. The machine weighs in total approximately a tonne. There are two drive systems on the machine, the first for applying tension or axial load and the second for applying torque. The first drive system uses a servo motor and gearbox assembly to transmit power to ball screws to move the cross head (the top half of the shaft that holds the specimen) up and down to apply axial loads at speeds in the range of 0-100mm/min. The second drive uses a smaller servo motor and gearbox assembly to rotate the bottom shaft that holds the specimen to apply torque at speeds of 0-10rpm. When voltages are applied to these drive systems they create torque and tension to the specimen held in the machine. The drive systems can operate simultaneously or separately, at different speeds and can hold one parameter constant while adjusting other parameters. The four test that the machine was designed to carry out are as follows Test 1 Keeping axial load constant apply increasing torque Test 2 Keeping torque constant apply increasing axial load Test 3 Keeping axial displacement constant apply increasing torque Test 4 Keeping angle of twist constant apply increasing load Abstract The torque tension machine is designed to measure the load and torque carrying capabilities of steel and aluminium specimens. By testing the material under load and torque, conclusions can be drawn as to how the material in bolts would withstand torque or tension in the structure. Each of the tests represents a case where the bolt is either preloaded or pre-stressed and then the bolt is subjected to an additional load or torque. i.e. for test 1 the constant load represents the pre-load and the application of torque represents the torque exerted on the bolt from the structure. The aim of this project is to control the machine and record reading from the transducers on the machine to create a closed loop control system that can carry out the four tests. Machine Control Panel PC Apply tension & torque to specimen Labview Control Board Motor Controllers Amplifiers Transducers Motors & Grippers The transducers were calibrated and all the equipment was set up so as a Labview program could be executed to create the closed loop control. The front panel or user interface of the Labview program can be seen here. In this instance the torque was increased as the load was kept constant and the load began to decrease, so the cross-head moved up to keep the load constant. This is test 1. A lot of noise and overshoot can be observed in this system and suggestions have been made to reduce both by using a filter and PID controller created using control system analysis techniques. List of Figures Fig 2.1: Block Diagram of Complete System 6 Fig 2.2: Load Motor Characteristic Curve 7 Fig 2.3: Load Motor to Specimen 9 Fig 2.4: Torque Motor Characteristic Curve 10 Fig 2.5: Torque Motor to Specimen 11 Fig 2.6: Control Board Flow Chart 11 Fig 2.7: The Axial Load Cell Position in Cross Head 13 Fig 2.8: Strain Gauges Set Up 13 Fig 2.9: Electrical Circuit of Strain Gauges 13 Fig 2.10: Torque Strain Gauges Set Up 14 Fig 2.11: Electrical Circuit of LVDT 15 Fig 2.12: 4-Bit Electromechanical Encoder 16 Fig 2.13: Position of Transducers on Machine 17 Fig 3.1: AT-AO-6 DAQ Device 1 20 Fig 3.2: AT-MIO-16E DAQ Device 2 21 Fig 3.3: Servo Motor Control Board Diagram 21 Fig 3.4: Assignment of Analogue Input Channels 23 Fig 4.1:Gain and Zero Switches on the Amplifier 25 Fig 4.2:Axial Load Cell Calibration Graph 26 Fig 4.3: Torque Calibration Graph 27 Fig 4.4: LVDT Calibration Graph 28 Fig 4.5: Angular Position Calibration Graph 29 Fig 5.1: Flow Chart for Wire Diagram 36 Fig 6.1: Stable Response to Bounded Input 45 Fig 6.2: The Front Panel showing the Overshoot And Noise in the System 46 Fig 6.3: Transient Response to a Step Input 47 Fig 6.4: Load Motor Block Diagram 48 Fig 6.5: Torque Motor Block Diagram 48 Fig 6.6: Servo Motor 49 Fig 6.7: Gearbox 50 Fig 6.8: Least Squares Code 51 Fig 6.9: Transfer Function from Matlab 52 Fig 6.10: Actual versus Model System Response 53 Fig 6.11: PID Control and Filter in System 54 Fig 7.1: The Graphs for Test 1 57 Fig 7.2: Section of Output File for Test 1 57 Fig 7.3: The Graphs for Test 3 58 Fig 7.4: Section of Output File of Test 3 59 Table of Contents Declaration Acknowledgements Introduction Abstract List of Figures Chapter One Literature Review 1 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Creating the Closed Loop Control 2 1.3 Labview Programming 3 1.4 Investigation into Improving the System Performance 3 Chapter Two Equipment 5 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 The Application of Tensile Force to the Specimen 7 2.2.1 The Load Motor 7 2.2.2 The Load Gearbox 7 2.2.3 Timing Pulleys and Timing Belt 8 2.2.4 Ball Screws 8 2.2.5 Guide Rods and Super Ball Bushing 8 2.3 The Application of Torque to the Specimen 10 2.3.1 The Torque Motor 10 2.3.2 The Torque Gearbox 10 2.3.3 Spur Gears 10 2.3.4 Square Drive 11 2.4 Signal to Machine 12 2.4.1 Labview 12 2.4.2 DAQ Devices 12 2.4.3 Servo Motor Controllers 12 2.5 Signals from the Transducers 13 2.5.1 The Axial Load Cell 13 2.5.2 The Torque Load Cell 14 2.5.3 The LVDT 15 2.5.4 The Angular Position Transducer 16 2.5.5 Amplifier 16 Chapter Three Connections 3.1 Control 18 19 3.1.1 PC to Labview 19 3.1.2 Labview to Control Board 20 3.1.3 Control Board to Motor 20 3.2 Feedback 22 3.2.1 Transducers to Amplifier 22 3.2.2 Amplifier to Labview 22 3.2.3 Labview to PC 23 Chapter Four Calibration 24 4.1 Introduction 25 4.2 The Calibration of the Axial Load Cell 26 4.3 The Calibration of the Torque Load Cell 27 4.4 The Calibration of the LVDT 28 4.5 The Calibration of the Angular Position Transducer 29 Chapter Five Labview Programming 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 Pseudo Code 5.2 Front Panel 31 32 32 33 5.2.1 Set Up Mode 33 5.2.2 Test Mode 34 5.2.3 Test Procedure 34 5.3 Wiring Diagram 36 5.3.1 Outside Case Sequence 38 5.3.2 Case Sequence 0 38 5.3.3 Case Sequence 1 38 Set Up Mode 39 Test Mode 39 Test 1 40 Test 3 40 Test 2 and 4 41 5.3.4 Case Sequence 2 Chapter Six Control Systems Analysis 42 43 6.1 Introduction 44 6.2 Stability 44 6.3 Overshoot and Noise 46 6.4 Creating a System Transfer Function 48 6.5 Creating a System Model 51 6.6 Creating a PID Controller and Filter 54 Chapter Seven Testing and Results 55 7.1 Introduction 56 7.2 Test 1 56 7.3 Test 2 58 7.4 Test 3 58 7.5 Test 4 59 Chapter Eight Discussion 60 8.1 Problems with Equipment 61 8.2 Problems with Software 62 8.3 Problems with Safety 62 8.4 Improvements 63 Conclusions and Recommendations 64 References 65 Appendix 1 Labview Program Appendix 2 Presentation CHAPTER ONE LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Introduction Page 1_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Most of the early investigation carried out was to achieve a good understanding of the machine, its dynamics and capabilities. The addition of transducers and an amplifier to the system gave the required feedback loop. A good working knowledge of these components was obtained, so as they can be used effectively and efficiently. There was a great deal of time spent understanding and gathering knowledge of Labview programming and the connections to the PC. Once the program was written and subsequently tested, investigation began to improve the system’s performance. This lead to extensive research into control system analysis, PID controllers and noise filters. 1.2 Creating the Closed Loop Control In the initial open loop control there were two controls for each motor, velocity and torque voltage. It was important to fully understand what these voltages were controlling. The thesis on the machine[1] gave a good description on the two motor systems and subsequently what the voltages were controlling. The torque voltage applied the effective power of the motor and the velocity voltage controlled the speed of the motor. It was decided that it was enough to just vary the speed of the motor and keep the power to a maximum at all times. For all AC servo motors the higher the speed the lower the torque but as the speed reduces the torque increases[2]. As the shaft of the motor turns and therefore turns the bottom of the specimen it experiences a reaction force from the resistance from the material. When the shaft of the motor experiences this reaction force the speed of the motor reduces and then the torque of the motor increases to overcome this force. The transducer were already in place in the machine and the thesis[1] gave a description of how they were position and details on their construction. Further reading [3] gave a better understanding of how all the transducers gave their milli-Volt output for variations on the input conditions. The same reference[3] explained some of the errors that can occur in the transducer outputs, and also gave an overview of the performance of a closed loop control. When connecting the transducers to the amplifier, to convert the low level milli-volt reading to voltage readings, the manuals on the amplifier modules were consulted [4,5,6]. These manuals clearly state how to take the double ended input signal and set appropriate Page 2_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine gain to give a signal ended output. C.J. Chesmonds book, reference [3] again gave a good description of how such an amplifier convert the input signal to the desired output signal. 1.3 Labview Programming Firstly the data acquisition cards or devices were installed in the PC and the channel name and numbers were assigned. Referring to the data acquisition manuals [7,8] the connections from the machine were made and the connections to the machine were verified. The Labview manuals [9,10,11] were firstly used to identify what the software can achieve. Then it was decided what the program had to entail to develop the closed loop system, and the pseudo code was written. Intensive programming began with regular reference to the manuals and the Labview help file[12] on the PC. 1.4 Investigation on Improving the System Performance After performing a few initial tests it was clear that there was a lot of noise in the system that was shown on the graphs of the transducers. There was also a big overshoot in the system, particularly for torque, as the readings shoot up before settling down to the correct value. To reduce both noise and overshoot in the system it was decided to introduce a filter and PID controller into the system. To design these the system needs to be represented in one transfer function. This transfer function can be calculated, by combining the transfer function of the various components in the system. The transfer function of the motor and gearbox were calculated with reference again to reference[2&13]. Before getting the transfer function for the three phase AC servo motor it was important to know the workings and construction of the motor. A good description of a two phase servo motor was found in reference[14]. This described how linear approximation of physical systems can be calculated and then using Laplace Transforms to create the transfer function. However the transfer function for the shafts and other dynamic components are difficult to obtain without analysing the system in great detail to find the inertia or friction in the components. Therefore a model of the system was created to give an approximate Page 3_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine transfer function for the whole system[15]. A PID controller and pre-filter can be designed now using ITAE methods outlined in reference[14]. The thesis was again referenced as to what the results of the tests should be to ensure the system is operating correctly. Page 4_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine CHAPTER TWO EQUIPMENT Page 5_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 2.1 Introduction The overall system can be seen below in fig. 2.1. The torque-tension machine apply torque and tension to a specimen in the grippers using two different motors. Therefore two separate sub-systems can be considered, one to apply torque the other tension. The components of the two systems can be seen below in fig 2.3 and 2.5. The machine is controlled by the PC and Labview to output the motor voltage and direction. Amplified transducer signals are then sent back to the PC with information from the machine to complete the feedback loop. Machine Control Panel PC Apply tension & torque to specimen Labview Control Board Motor Controllers Amplifiers Transducers Motors & Grippers Fig. 2.1: Block Diagram of Complete System 2.2 The Application of Tensile Force to the Specimen Page 6_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 2.2.1 The Load Motor This is a ‘Moog’ D315-L15 type brushless AC servo motor. It is a three phase permanent magnet servo motor. It has a continuous stall torque capacity of 8.1Nm and a nominal speed of 3000rpm. It has a continuous stall current capacity of 12.3 Amps. The characteristic curve of the motor (torque v speed) is shown in fig. 2.2. This motor has also the following features: -High energy magnets of low inertia rotor -Sinusoidal back emf for improved low speed performance and higher efficiency -Light weight-aluminum housing for maximum heat transfer -Pre-loaded sealed bearings pre-lubricated with high temperature grease for extended life Fig 2.2: Load Motor Characteristic Curve 2.2.2 The Load Gearbox This is a ‘Carl Bockwoldt’ three stage CB59-NF80 type helical gearbox. The gear ratio is 295.8:1 and the gearbox has a maximum permissible output torque at rated power of 1200Nm and input speed of 4000rpm. The motor and gearbox are assembled together in one unit. 2.2.3 Timing Pulleys and Timing Belt Page 7_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine The timing pulleys are made of stainless steel with steel flanges and each have 40 teeth. Two pulleys are keyed to the output shaft of the gearbox and one to each of the ball screws. A polyurethane ‘Bando’ type timing belt is mated around one of the pulleys on the gearbox output shaft to one of the pulleys on the ball screws. These belts are capable of transmitting approximately 30 kW with an efficiency of 98%, with no slip or backlash. Each belt has 121. 2.2.4 Ball Screws The two induction hardened carbon steel ball screws are on either side of the machine the width of the crosshead apart. They are used to drive the cross head up and down as they transform the torque from the timing pulleys to apply axial load to the specimen. This transformation is attained by a long nut in each ball screw, that is screwed to the cross head, that creates a linear motion of the cross head as the ball screws rotate. 2.2.5 Guide Rods and Super Ball Bushing These are two steel shafts that withstand the twisting created by the torque applied to the specimen from the torque motor. By withstanding this bending moment the guide rods ensure that the ball screws don’t experience any torque form the torque motor. The super ball bushings are a pair of linear ball bearings that allow almost friction-less axial motion. Page 8_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Fig 2.3: Load Motor to Specimen Page 9_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 2.3 The Application of Torque to the Specimen 2.3.1 The Torque Motor A ‘Moog’ brushless AC servo motor of type D413-L10 is used. The motor’s characteristic curve (torque verses speed) is shown in fig.2.4. The continuous stall torque of this motor is 2.7Nm and has a nominal speed of 4000rpm. Its continuous stall current capacity is 6.7 Amps and has the same features as the load motor. Fig 2.3: Torque Motor Characteristic Curve 2.3.2 The Torque Gearbox This is a ‘Carl Bockwoldt’ three stage helical gearbox of type CB29-NF-63. It has a gear ratio of 150.7:1 and has a maximum permissible output torque at rated power of 300Nm and input speed of 4000rpm. The motor and gearbox were like the load motor and gearbox assembled as one unit. 2.3.3 Spur Gears A pair of case hardened steel spur gears both with 94 teeth were used to transmit the torque from the gearbox to the torsion shaft. One spur gear was keyed to the output shaft of the gearbox and the other to the end of the torsion shaft. 2.3.4 Square Drive Page 10_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine A steel block of square cross-section connects the top of the torque load cell to the bottom of the torque-tension shaft as can be seen in fig. 2.5. The drive experiences only the torque applied to the specimen and does not transmit any axial forces from the drive system to the mechanism. Fig. 2.5:Torque Motor to Specimen Fig 2.6: Control Board Flow Chart Page 11_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 2.4 Signal to the Machine 2.4.1 Labview This is very powerful interfacing tool which acquires input and output data to perform analysis operations and communicate between the PC and external systems. Programs can be written to control and analyse these systems by using a ‘front panel’ which is the user interface and the block diagram which is the source code. The external system is wired into data acquisition (DAQ) devices which makes a connection from the PC to the outside world. Internal buses within the PC communicate with the software and sends and receives signals to and from the DAQ devices. On the front panel of Labview the required inputs are selected and Labview sends voltages signals to the DAQ devices connected to the PC in either analogue or digital form. 2.4.2 DAQ Devices Two data acquisition devices AT-AO-6 and AT-MIO-16E were used to send the voltage signals to the servo motor controllers from analogue and digital output channels on the devices. 2.4.3 Servo Motor Controllers The two identical ‘Moog T161-603’ brushless motor controllers along with two extended function cards were used to control the load and torque motors. These are high performance servo controllers have a 16 bit microprocessor providing closed loop control of the servo motor velocity. The flow chart of the operation principle can be seen in fig. 2.6 on the previous page. Page 12_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 2.5 Signals from the Transducers 2.5.1 The Axial Load Cell The RDP Electronics D/8745-01 axial load cell is a donut shaped 133.5kN capacity compression type load cell, used to measure the applied axial load. This load cell has bonded foil type strain gauges and has a maximum excitation voltage of 10 Volts DC. The output for a full scale deflection for a 10VDC excitation is 28.945 mV. Therefore the load cell gives a 0.216816mV/kN reading. The donut shaped load cell sits around the shaft of the top gripper inside the cross head. As the cross head moves up the load cell compresses and the voltage output is proportional to the tensile force being applied to the top gripper and therefore to the specimen(fig. 2.7). Fig 2.8 shows the set up of the strain gauges on the load ring sensor in the load cell. In the electrical circuit in fig 2.9 V is the 10 Volt input and Vo is the output voltage signal from the transducer. Fig 2.7: The Axial Load Cell Position in Cross Head Fig 2.8: Strain Gauge Set Up Fig 2.9: Electrical Circuit of Strain Gauges Page 13_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 2.5.2 The Torque Load Cell The torque load cell is a Norbar 50241 ETS rotary torque transducer of 500Nm capacity and has been calibrated up to 200Nm, to measure the torque applied. This load cell is a strain gauge torsion bar made from a heat treated alloy. It has a full bridge arrangement with a full excitation voltage of 10Volts. The output for a full scale deflection is 8.17mV giving a 0.04084mV/Nm reading for a 10V excitation. The top of the load cell is connected to the bottom gripper shaft and the bottom of the load cell is connected to the torsion shaft. The load cell has a centre shaft which rotates with the torsion shaft and the outside housing measures the torque of the shaft. Fig 2.10 shows the set up of the strain gauges on the torque load cell shaft. The same electrical circuit is used as in fig 2.9. Fig 2.10: Torque Strain Gauge Set Up Page 14_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 2.5.3 The LVDT The SPS Linear Velocity Displacement Transducer has a 26mm stroke length capacity and is used to measure the total deformation of the specimen along the axial direction. The LVDT is positioned to measure the movement of the cross head as the load increase or reduces. Fig 2.11 shows the electrical circuit which shows that when the rod moves up and down the ferrous core transforms varying voltage to V1 and V2 which in turns varies the output voltage. The output voltage is the signal sent out form the transducer. Fig 2.11:Electrical Circuit of the LVDT Page 15_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 2.5.4 The Angular Position Transducer The angular position transducer is a Penny+Giles 30/10/300 and is used to measure the angle of twist of the specimen. The output reading is 33mV/degree rotation of the shaft for a 10VDC input. However for a full rotation the linear output is only 300 degrees and the linear output voltage range is from 50mV to 995mV. The transducer shaft is screwed into a small hole on the end of the torsion shaft and experiences the same angle of twist as the torsion shaft. The output is determined by the position of the shaft inside the transducer. As the shaft turns the position is read in binary and outputted in volts. Fig. 2.12 4-Bit Electromechanical Encoder 2.5.5 Amplifier The RDP Module 600 has three modules with two channels of transducer excitation and signal conditioning for use with both low and high sensitivity AC and DC transducers. The front panel controls include fine gain, zero and excitation with a push button for shunt calibration. The amplifier takes in a double ended input signal from the transducers and amplifies the low level milli-volt reading to give a signal ended 0-10 Volts output reading. Page 16_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Fig 2.13: Position of Transducers on Machine Page 17_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine CHAPTER THREE CONNECTIONS Page 18_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 3.1 Control 3.1.1 PC to Labview On the Labview front panel the controller sets his/her desired inputs to the system. The parameters are set on the screen and voltage signals are then sent to the data acquisition DAQ devices connected to the back of the PC. The parameters can be divided into analogue and digital signal generation: Analogue -the force and torque to be applied to the specimen -the rotational speed of each motor 0-10V analogue signals are sent to the DAQ devices via analogue output channels which are assigned within Labview. Each device however has only two analogue output channels so the analogue signals for the force motor are sent to device 1 and the torque signals to device 2. The force and the torque applied to the specimen is created by the torque of the motors which is determined by the voltage applied. The motors first have to move to a point where the torque of the motor can exert a force on the specimen. For this reason the rotational speed is specified by applying a voltage which gives the rpm of the motor. Digital -the direction of movement of each motor -whether the motor is in run or hold mode -if the system needs to be reset 0-5V digital signals are sent to the DAQ device 2 via a digital input/output (I/O) channel. As there is only one digital channel on the device each of it’s eight lines are written to separately. Page 19_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 3.1.2 Labview to control boards Each of these output signals were then wired up to the servo motor controller boards using three separate cables. The first cable links all the force output signals from the DAQ devices to the XA7 connector on the control board, so this cable is called the XA7 cable. The second cable links the torque output signals to the XB7 connector on the control board and is known as the XB7 cable. Another cable takes both reset output signals and some power from the PC to the control board. 3.1.3 Control boards to Motor The control board were mounted together on the side of the machine are connected to the motor via heavy insulated wires. XA7 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 VOUT0 EXTREF0 VOUT1 AGND0 VOUT2 EXTREF2 VOUT3 AGND2 VOUT4 EXTREF4 VOUT5 AGND4 VOUT6 EXTREF6 VOUT7 AGND6 VOUT8 EXTREF8 VOUT9 AGND8 ADIO1 ADIO3 BDIO5 BDIO7 DGND Velocity (F) Torque (T) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 IOUT0 RGND0 IOUT1 AGND1 IOUT2 RGND2 IOUT3 AGND3 IOUT4 RGND4 IOUT5 AGND5 IOUT6 RGND6 IOUT7 AGND7 IOUT8 RGND8 IOUT9 ADIO0 ADIO2 BD1O4 BDIO6 EXTUPDT +5V Fig 3.1: AT-A0-6 DAQ device 1 Page 20_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 68 34 67 33 66 32 65 31 64 30 63 29 62 28 61 27 60 26 59 25 58 24 57 23 amp o/p ch 3 amp o/p ch 1 amp o/p ch 4 ACH 0 ACH 8 AIGND ACH 1 ACH 9 AIGND ACH 2 ACH 10 AIGND ACH 3 ACH 11 AIGND AISENSE ACH 4 ACH 12 AIGND ACH 5 ACH 13 AIGND ACH 6 ACH 14 AIGND ACH 7 ACH 15 force ch 0 12 46 13 47 14 48 15 49 16 50 17 51 18 52 19 53 20 54 21 55 22 56 angle ch 1 LVDT ch 2 Torque ch 3 XA7 cable XB7 cable DIGND SCNCLK DIGND DIO 3 +5V DIO 7 DIGND DIO 2 DIO 6 DIGND DIO 1 DIO 5 DIGND DIO 0 DIO 4 DIGND EXTREF AOGND DAC 1 AIGND DAC 0 AIGND Run/Hold (F) Direction (F) Run/Hold (T) Reset (F) Direction (T) Reset (T) Velocity (T) Torque (T) Fig 3.2: AT-MIO-16E DAQ Device 2 XB4 XA4 Voltage to Torque Motor Voltage to Load Motor XB5 XB7 1 not connected 2 pos. feedback 3 direction 4 velocity i/p 5 not connected 6 run/hold 7 torque I/p 8 o/p command 9 not connected Reset and Enable XA5 Power from Mains XA7 1 not connected 2 pos. feedback 3 direction 4 velocity i/p 5 not connected 6 run/hold 7 torque I/p 8 o/p command 9 not connected Reset and Enable XB6 X5 Reset and Enable XA6 Signals to Torque Motor Signals to Torque Motor Fig 3.3: Servo Motor Control Board Diagram Page 21_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 3.2 Feedback 3.2.1 Transducers to amplifiers There are four transducers in place around the machine. These transducers produce milli volt readings which have to be amplified to achieve readable and accurate results. An RDP Module 600 amplifier replaced the four amplifiers that were used previous. This amplifier had multiple channels, a variable gain setting and a zeroing and calibration function. Each module has two channels A and B and there a module for strain gauges. At the back of the amplifier there is two inputs and one output for each channel. The transducers were connected up as follows: -LVDT was connected to channel 1A -Axial load cell was connected to channel 3A -Angular Displacement transducer was connected to channel 3B -Torque load cell was connected to channel 4A The transducers can output various voltages ranges and these ranges need to be set up for each channel by flicking the correct switches on the circuit boards of each channel. The switches and the input ranges of each transducer can be seen in fig 4.1 in the next chapter on calibration. 3.2.2 Amplifiers to Labview The output of each channel on the amplifier is the input to the analogue input channels on the DAQ device 2. The input to the amplifiers is a differential or double ended signal and the amplifier produces a single ended output with respect to ground. The output of module 3 has the single ended output signals of two transducers and a common ground to give the different input to the analogue channel on the DAQ device. 3.2.3 Labview to PC Page 22_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine All of the channels use the differential mode. The channels are paired as shown in fig.3.4 with analogue channels 0 & 8 together, 1 & 9 etc. Each of these pairings give an analogue input channel which are assigned a name. These are all ±10V input channels but are converted into their respective units as dealt with in the calibration section. All the transducer readings are shown on the front panel in graph form and all the data received is recorded against time in a file. Pins 68 34 33 66 65 31 30 63 Pin Names Channel Names Channel Number ACH 0(+) Force 0 ACH 8(-) ACH 1(+) Angle 1 ACH 9(-) ACH 2(+) Displacement 2 ACH 10(-) ACH 3(+) Torque 3 ACH 11(-) Fig 3.4: Assignment of Analogue Input Channel Page 23_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine CHAPTER FOUR CALIBRATION Page 24_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 4.1 Introduction The instruments that need to be calibrated are all the transducers on the machine. The Axial Load Cell using the Instrom machine The Torque Load Cell using a Crane Electronics Digital Torque Wrench The LVDT using the Instrom machine The Angular Transducer using 360 markings around bottom gripper The position of each of these transducers on the machine can be seen in fig 2.13 in chapter 2. All the transducers are wired to the amplifier which has the following switches on its component circuit board. Gain Switches Input Signal Range for +/-10V Output Switch Toggles ON 5-10V 2.5-5V 1.3-2.5V 0.7-1.3V 0.3-0.7V 0.15-0.3V 80-150V 40-80mV 20-40mV 10-20mV 5-10mV none 6 1 6+1 2 6+2 3 6+3 4 6+4 5 Zero Switches Approx. Toggle Output ON Shift in Volts 1 3 1+3 5 1+4 7 1+5 9 2 -3 2+3 -5 2+4 -7 2+5 -9 Fig 4.1: The Zero and Gain Switches of the Amplifier The inverse of the slopes of these calibration graphs give the scaling factor for each of the readings in the Labview wiring diagram to give the readings in their own respective units. The factors are stated under each graph: Page 25_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 4.2 The Calibration of the Axial Load Cell 1. Removed the axial load cell from the Torque-Tension machine by loosening the screws on the plates that hold the load cell in place on the cross-head. 2. Place the load cell in the Instrom machine and place heads that will give an applied load on the diameter of the load cell. 3. The Labview program ‘Calibration’ was set up to read the signals coming into the Analogue Input channel assigned to Force which is channel 0. On the front panel of the program the input data was represented on a graph and a digital indicator gave precise readings. 4. On the RDP Modular 600 amplifier module 3 board was removed from the amplifier to change the input range to the amplifier. This was accomplished by turning on the appropriate gain switches as shown in fig.4.1 taken from amplifier operator’s manual. 5. The input signal was zeroed against the zero axis on the graph by adjusting the ‘zero screw’ on the amplifier on the appropriate channel. 6. Increasing loads of 5kN were applied to the load cell on the Instrom machine. The precise load applied and the input voltage from the digital indicator on the front panel was recorded for each load. 7. These values recorded were entered into Microsoft Excel and the data graphed to find the slope of the best fit line (fig. 4.2). The inverse of this slope gave the scaling factor for Load = 12.5312 kN/V Load cell calibration 4.5 y = 0.0798x 4 3.5 3 Volts 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 Force kN 40 50 60 Fig 4.2: Axial Load Cell calibration graph Page 26_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 4.3 The Calibration of the Torque Load Cell 1. Removed the bottom gripper from the Torque-Tension machine and replace it with a plate attachment. 2. Screw the digital torque wrench onto this plate and ensure a tight fit is achieved. 3. The Labview program ‘Calibration’ was set up to read the signals coming into the Analogue Input channel assigned to Torque which is channel 3. On the front panel of the program the input data was represented on a graph and a digital indicator gave precise readings. 4. On the RDP Modular 600 amplifier module 4 board was removed from the amplifier to change the input range to the amplifier. This was accomplished by turning on the appropriate gain switches as shown in fig.4.1 taken from amplifier operator’s manual. 5. The input signal was zeroed against the zero axis on the graph by adjusting the ‘zero screw’ on the amplifier on the appropriate channel. 6. Increasing torque of 10Nm were applied to the torque-tension shaft on the machine using the toque velocity voltage control. The precise torque applied from the torque bar and the output voltage from the transducer on the front panel was recorded for each torque. 7. These values recorded were entered into Microsoft Excel and the data graphed to find the slope of the best fit line (fig. 4.3). The inverse of this slope gave a scaling factor for torque = 23.42 Nm/V. torque cal cw 8 y = 0.0512x 7 6 volts 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 torque Nm 100 120 140 Fig 4.3:Torque Load Cell Calibration Page 27_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 4.4 The Calibration of the LVDT 1. Place the LVDT in the Instrom machine set up with flat heads. 2. The Labview program ‘Calibration’ was set up to read the signals coming into the Analogue Input channel assigned to LVDT which is channel 2. On the front panel of the program the input data was represented on a graph and a digital indicator gave precise readings. 3. On the RDP Modular 600 amplifier module 1 board was removed from the amplifier to change the input range to the amplifier. This was accomplished by turning on the appropriate gain switches as shown in fig.4.1 taken from amplifier operator’s manual. 4. The input signal was zeroed against the zero axis on the graph by adjusting the ‘zero screw’ on the amplifier on the appropriate channel. 5. Increasing axial displacement of 2 and then 1mm were applied to the LVDT on the Instrom machine using the plunge depth gauge. The precise axial displacement and the input voltage from the digital indicator on the front panel was recorded for each displacement. 6. These values recorded were entered into Microsoft Excel and the data graphed to find the slope of the best fit line (fig. 4.4). The inverse of this slope gave the scaling facotr for the LVDT = 1.3mm/V. LVDT calibration 15 y = 0.7698x - 14.591 volts 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -5 -10 distance mm Fig 4.4: LVDT Calibration graph 4.5 The Calibration of the Angular Position Transducer Page 28_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 1. The motor encoder is already mounted on the end of the torsion shaft. 2. A 360 degree markings were place around the bottom gripper shaft and an indicator was created using a hole in the shaft. 3. The Labview program ‘Calibration’ was set up to read the signals coming into the Analogue Input channel assigned to Angle of Twist which is channel 1. On the front panel of the program the input data was represented on a graph and a digital indicator gave precise readings. 4. On the RDP Modular 600 amplifier module 3 board was removed from the amplifier to change the input range to the amplifier. This was accomplished by turning on the appropriate gain switches as shown in fig.4.1 taken from amplifier operator’s manual. 5. The input signal was zeroed against the zero axis on the graph by adjusting the ‘zero screw’ on the amplifier on the appropriate channel. 6. Torque velocity voltage was applied from the front panel of the Labview program. To rotate the bottom gripper clockwise. Using the run/hold switch on the front panel the angle was recorded against the input voltages read on the graph for each angle. 7. These values recorded were entered into Microsoft Excel and the data graphed to find the slope of the best fit line (fig. 4.5). The inverse of this slope gave the scaling factor for the angle of twist = 22.88 /V. angle cal 10 y = 0.0437x - 3.1421 8 volts 6 4 2 0 -2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 angle deg Fig 4.5: Angle of Twist Calibration graph Page 29_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine The gain settings can be changed on the front of the amplifier so to ensure setting remains unchanged the ‘cal’ button when pressed should show the following values: Load = 50kN Torque=100Nm LVDT=26mm Angle of Twist 300 degrees Before a test is carried out these settings should be verified using the gain calibration button. Page 30_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine CHAPTER FIVE LABVIEW PROGRAMMING 5.1 Introduction Page 31_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine The requirements of the Labview program are as follows: -To send voltages to control the servo motors in both directions via the control board -To read in the amplified transducer values from the machine and graph the results -The ability to perform the following tests on the specimen: Keeping the tensile force constant apply torque gradually Keeping the torque constant apply tension gradually Keeping the axial displacement constant apply torque gradually Keeping the angle of twist constant apply tension gradually -Record all data in an Excel spreadsheet against time 5.1.1 Pseudo Code -Set up all the analogue and digital input and output channels in Measurement and Automation -Design a set up mode to move the grippers to insert and remove the specimen -Set up a global start time and have clocks in the program so as the total and loop times can be calculated -Adjust the transducer readings to convert the values in their respective -Design test 1 to keep the load constant and vary the torque applied using feedback to keep the load within a certain limit -Design test 2 to keep the torque constant and vary the load applied using feedback to keep the torque within a certain limit -Design test 3 to keep the axial displacement constant and vary the torque applied using feedback to keep the axial displacement within a certain limit -Design test 4 to keep the angle of twist constant and vary the load applied using feedback to keep the angle of twist within a certain limit -Set up a logic circuit take can switch between the different modes -Choose suitable speeds and ranges to bring the various constant parameters back within the limits set 5.2 Front Panel Page 32_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine The start/stop switch button when ON starts the entire program running and initialises the set up mode if none of the test modes are ON. The time is recorded from the second the start/stop button is pressed and can be viewed in the ‘Total Time’ indicator. The loop time for the last loop is also shown on the front panel and all the loop time are recorded. 5.2.1 Set Up Mode The two controls are for the torque and tension applied to the specimen held in the grippers of the machine. Each has four variable inputs the speed and direction of the motors and whether the motor is in run or hold mode or in reset mode or not. The speed(velocity) control is controlled by a velocity voltage knob that supplies a 0-10V analogue signal output. The other three control inputs are selected by flicking switches that give a 1 or 0 to a digital output. This set up mode is for positioning the grippers to insert or remove the specimen for testing. This mode may also be used to bring the torque or load levels to a certain point before entering one of the test modes. As the velocity voltage for either motor is varied the resultant torque, load, angular and axial displacement experienced in the system are outputted to the four separate graphs on the right of the set up mode. The angular and axial displacement readings, which can be viewed in the digital indicator that accompanies each graph, can be used to align the grippers to insert the test specimen. The torque velocity voltage can be varied in the clockwise direction to increase the angle of twist or counter clockwise direction to decrease the angle of twist. The load velocity voltage can be varied in the up direction to increase the axial displacement or down to decrease the axial displacement. 5.2.2 Test Modes There are four tests number 1 to 4 as follows: Page 33_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Test 1 Varying torque for a constant load Test 2 Varying load for a constant torque Test 3 Varying torque for a constant axial displacement Test 4 Varying load for a constant angle of twist When any of the test modes are switched on the set up mode becomes an obsolete control. The graphs remain synonymous to whatever mode is on. Test1 and 3 use the same load run/hold switch and torque control and likewise test 2 and 4 use the same torque run/hold switch and load control. The front panel is shown in appendix 1. Test Procedure The procedure for carrying out the tests follows assuming the specimen is in place. Test 1 Press the ‘Test 1 Off’ button and enter the constant load required. Enter the tolerance to which the constant load has to remain within. i.e. if 1kN was chosen, the tolerance is 1kN either side of the constant load. Flick the load run/hold switch and wait. The load motor will bring the applied load to within the tolerance specified. The torque can now be varied by adjusting the torque velocity voltage knob. Flick the torque run/hold switch to apply the torque. The torque will ramp up as the load remains within its limits until the specimen breaks(yields). Test 2 Press the ‘Test 2 Off’ button and enter the constant torque required. Page 34_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Enter the tolerance to which the constant torque has to remain within. i.e. if 1Nm was chosen, the tolerance is 1Nm either side of the constant torque. Flick the torque run/hold switch and wait as the torque motor will bring the applied torque to within the tolerance specified. The load can now be varied by adjusting the load velocity voltage knob. Flick the load run/hold switch to apply the load as the load will ramp up as the torque remains within its limits until the specimen breaks(yields). Test 3 Press the ‘Test 3 Off’ button enter the constant axial displacement required. Enter the tolerance to which the constant axial displacement has to remain within. i.e. if 1mm was chosen, the tolerance is 1mm either side of the constant axial displacement. Flick the load run/hold switch and wait as the load motor will bring the axial displacement to within the tolerance specified. The torque can now be varied by adjusting the torque velocity voltage knob. Flick the torque run/hold switch to apply the torque as the torque will ramp up as the axial displacement remains within its limits until the specimen breaks(yields). Test 4 Press the ‘Test 4 Off’ button and enter the constant angle of twist required. Enter the tolerance to which the constant angle of twist has to remain within. i.e. if 1deg was chosen, the tolerance is 1deg either side of the constant torque. Flick the torque run/hold switch and wait as the torque motor will bring the angle of twist to within the tolerance specified. The load can now be varied by adjusting the load velocity voltage knob. Flick the load run/hold switch to apply the load. The load will ramp up as the angle of twist remains within its limits until the specimen breaks(yields). 5.3 Wiring Diagram Page 35_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine A flowchart for the wiring diagram is shown in fig. 5.1 to give a an overall view of an otherwise complicated program. The full wire diagram is attached in appendix 1. Case 0 Case 1 Test Mode Within Case 1-True Fig 5.1: Flow Chart for Wire Diagram Page 36_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Test 1 within Test Mode Case 2 Fig 5.1 (contd.): Flow Chart for Wire Diagram Page 37_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 5.3.1 Outside Case Sequences Outside the main for loop a global variable is defined as time. This is global variable is taken from the PC clock at the time the program begins running. The torque voltage to both the load and torque motor is set to 10V to give the motors the maximum power and the speed of the motors will vary the load and torque applied to the specimen. The AO multi-point generates a waveform and sends the signal to the analogue output channels labelled. Both signals are sent to channel 1 but on different devices, load to device 1 and torque to device 2. 5.3.2 Case Sequence 0 Inside the for loop there is a case sequence with three cases. The for loop continues until the start/stop button on the front panel is depressed to stop. On the first iteration of the loop the iteration number is zero and so begins time tick count in the case sequence 0. 5.3.3 Case Sequence 1 In the case sequence 1 there are numerous case structures and is the main section of the program. A case structure has two separate sections of program with only one active at a time depending on whether the input to the structure is true or false. A small logic circuit is set up outside the initial case structure which reads as ‘if any of the tests are on then input true to the case structure otherwise false’. Set Up Mode Page 38_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine In the false case the set up mode is in use. In this case the velocity voltage from both load and torque are read in from the front panel and are outputted to the analogue output channels 0 on device 1 for load and device 2 for torque. The digital output from the front panel switches, run/hold, direction and reset of both motors are sent to separate lines of the one digital output channel on device 2. Refer to fig. 3.1 and 3.2 for channel configuration. The amplified input signals from the transducers are also read in here. All are read from device 2 from channels 0-3. The readings are adjusted to give the appropriate ranges used in each of their respective units. i.e. changing load reading from V to kN. These adjustments were calculated in the calibration section. Test Mode In the true case structure (when one of the tests is ON) there are further case structures for each test. If this case is false it contains another case structure inside with test 1 in the false case and test 2 in the true case. If this case is true it contains another case inside with test 3 in the true case and test 4 in the false case. The program for each test is similar in design, particularly for test 1 and 3 as torque is varied against a constant parameter and for test 2 and 4 where it is load that is varied against a constant parameter. The indicators that output the transducers measurements to both the graphs and the excel spreadsheet are outside all of the case structures. Therefore whichever test is on the reading will all be outputted to the same graphs. Test 1 Page 39_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine In test 1 the load is to stay constant. To achieve this the load motor moves the cross head to reapply the required constant load. The constant load and the tolerance are entered on the front panel and the range is calculated to give the high and low limit. The amplified load cell signal is compared with the high and low limits, to determine whether the load is above, below or inside the tolerance band. If the reading is within the tolerance band the velocity of the load motor is set to zero to keep the load within the tolerance. Also the torque motor is read in and the torque is applied once the input is non-zero. However if the load is above the high limit the load motor moves the cross head down to decrease the load. Similarly if the load is below the low limit the load motor moves the cross head up to increase the load. The speed at which the load motor moves the cross head up and down is determined by a constant input set to 0.7 volts. The torque velocity voltage is read in whether the load is inside or outside the tolerance band. Therefore the load motor is keeping the load constant while the torque motor is applying additional torque to the specimen simultaneously. Test 3 Test 3 is similar to test 1 except that the axial displacement transducer reading is compared with the axial displacement tolerance band. If the axial displacement is higher than the high limit the load motor moves the cross head down just like in test 1 to reduce the axial displacement. Likewise if the axial displacement is below the low limit the load motor moves the cross head up to increase the axial displacement. If the axial displacement is within its tolerance the load motor doesn’t move. Therefore the load motor keeps the axial displacement constant while the torque motor applies additional torque to the specimen. Test 2 and 4 Page 40_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine For test 2 and 4 it is the load that is varied and torque that stays constant in case of test 2 and the angle of twist that stays constant in test 4. The same design is used as can be seen in appendix 1. However it is the torque motor that keeps the torque or angle of twist constant moving counter clockwise to reduce the torque or angle of twist and moving clockwise to increase the torque or the angle of twist. 5.3.4 Case Sequence 2 Page 41_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine In the final case sequence, case 2, the readings from the transducer indicators are inputted to an array along with the loop time and total time. This array is then sent to a while loop and into a ‘write to spreadsheet’ function which saves all the data in a file that can be viewed in Excel. A wait function is placed in the while loop to limit the number of readings taken to one a second. The time for the loop is calculated by taking the time in the last case sequence from the time in the first sequence and dividing by 1000 to give the time in seconds. The total time is the time in the last sequence taken from the global variable time recorded in the first sequence and again dividing by a 1000 to convert to seconds. Page 42_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine CHAPTER SIX CONTROL SYSTEM ANALYSIS Page 43_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 6.1 Introduction After performing a few initial tests it was clear that there was a lot of noise in the system that was shown on the graphs of the transducers. There was also a big overshoot in the system, particularly for torque, as the readings shoot up before settling down to the correct value. To reduce both noise and overshoot in the system it was decided to introduce a filter and PID controller into the system. To design these the system needs to be represented in one transfer function. This transfer function can be calculated, by combining the transfer function of the various components in the system. The transfer function of the motor and gearbox could be calculated, however the transfer function for the shafts and other dynamic components are difficult to obtain without analysing the system in great detail to find the inertia or friction in the components. Therefore a model of the system was created to give an approximate transfer function for the whole system. From this model a PID controller and pre-filter could be created. 6.2 Stability Firstly in the analysis of a control system it is important to investigate the system’s stability. A stable system can be defined as a system with a bounded (limited) system response[13]. Therefore the system has to be stable to give a response within certain limits to a bounded input or disturbance. The stability of the system was investigated by implementing Test 1 and setting up the tolerance band as the limits for the response to stay within. Referring to section the velocity voltage set while the reading is within the tolerance is set to zero. However if the velocity voltage isn’t set to a particular value and allowed to remain at the same voltage as it was outside the tolerance band the response can be seen in fig 6.1. Page 44_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Fig 6.1:Stable Response to Bounded Inputs In the load graph the load has to remain within the tolerance and soon as it goes outside the tolerance the direction of the changes bringing the load back within the tolerance again. The result on the graph proves that the response of the system can stay within limits and therefore the system is stable. 6.3 Overshoot and Noise Page 45_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Fig 6.2: The Front Panel showing the Overshoot and Noise in the System The figure 6.2 above shows the overshoot and the noise experienced in the system. The noise in the system is due to the transducers and the high frequency noise from the motor and gearbox. The noise in the readings is due to the transducers experiencing the noise from the motor and gearbox when rotating and any hysteresis in the gearbox. Another reason could be that the shafts are over-designed and the strain values that the strain gauges of the torque load cell measure are too small to give a good signal to noise separation.[3] Page 46_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Fig 6.3: Transient Response to Step Input For second or higher order systems the transient response to a step input is as above. ζ is the damping ratio which determines the speed of response. If this value is low then the system responds very fast and the rise time is small, but the overshoot is large. If the system is damped then the rise time is smaller but a more accurate response is created and the overshoot is less. By putting a PID controller into the system the overshoot can be changed, along with the rise time and settling time to get the best response possible. Page 47_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 6.4 Creating a System Transfer Function A control system is an interconnection of components forming a system configuration that will provide a desired system response[13]. Each component in the system can be considered as a block with an input which has usually been amplified or changed to a different property to give an output. The block contains a transfer function which tries to characterise the physical elements of the mechanical or electrical component. Fig.6.4 and 6.5 show the block diagram for the torque and load systems from the motors to the application of the torque and tension to the specimen. These are both open loop control systems and so represent the system in the set up mode. Some of these variables can’t be obtained from relatively simple studies of this system. The inertia due to mass and the friction in the dynamic components in the system are difficult to evaluate. For this reason it will only be demonstrated how the transfer functions for the motor and gearbox could be calculated. Fig. 6.4: Load Motor Block Diagram Fig 6.5: Torque Motor Block Diagram The transfer function for a three phase AC servo motor is derived as follows:[2] Page 48_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Fig 6.6: Servo Motor The motor torque can be written as: T = K mVa − Fmω m where Km is the motor torque constant in Nm/V Fm is the motor viscous friction in Nm/rad/sec However Fm can be gotten from the slope of the torque-speed curves at constant Va and Km is the change in torque per unit change in control voltage Va at constant speed. The graphs of both motors are shown in the equipment section. dω m T = K mVa − Fmω m = ( J m + J L ) + FLω m dt where JL is the load inertia Jm is the motor inertia FL is load viscous friction dω m + ( Fm + FL )ω m dt Using the Laplace Transforms the transfer function for the motor is Km ω m ( s) F = V a ( s ) 1 + sτ m where F= FL + Fm τ m = J/F the mechanical time constant of the system J = JL + Jm ⇒ K mVa = ( J m + J L ) Transfer function for the gearbox is derived as follows:[2] Page 49_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Fig 6.7: Gearbox (gear train) Tm = J1θ&& + F1θ& + T1 for shaft 1 and 2 T = J θ&& + F θ& + T 2 2 2 L If R1 and R2 are radii of the gears then the linear distance travelled by each gear is R1θ1 = R2θ 2 identical and θ1 N1 = θ 2 N2 as the number of teeth on each gear being proportional to the gear radius. If there is no power loss on the gear train then T1θ 1 = T2θ 2 T1 θ 1 N 1 θ&& θ& N = = differentiating 1 = 1 = 1 & & & T2 θ 2 N 2 θ2 θ2 N2 N2 N andθ&&2 = 2 θ&&1 N1 N1 From the shaft equations and substituting for T1 and T2 N TL = 2 (Tm − J 1θ&& − F1θ&1 ) − J 2θ&&2 − F2θ&2 N1 ⇒ T2 = T1 ⇒ TL = N2 (Tm − J 1θ&& − F1θ&1 − J 2θ&&1 − F2θ&1 ) N1 The Laplace Transform gives the following transfer function N2 Tm ( s ) − TL ( s ) N N1 = 2 {( J 1 + J 2 ) s 2 + ( F1 + F2 ) s} θ ( s) N1 6.5 Creating a System Model Page 50_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine To model the system an approximate transfer function is created. The procedure for creating this is dealt with below using Matlab. Matlab is a computer package that can analysis and simulate systems that are given in the form of transfer function. Matlab can send an input to a system, which it models using a transfer function, and simulate the output of the system. However it can also calculate an approximate transfer function of a system given the inputs and outputs of the actual system. This is what is required for this system. So for the torque motor system in the machine, the inputs and outputs were recorded as in fig 6.10. ‘Vin’ is the voltage input and ‘Aout’ is the angle of twist. Using the code in fig. 6.8 Matlab gave the transfer function below. The line ‘nn = [2 2 1];’ the user decides what values are entered here. The first 2 represents the order of the denominator and 2 the numerator plus 1 and 1 is the difference between numerator and denominator. These values were decided from the transfer function of the motor and gearbox. The real inputs and outputs and the model inputs and outputs are shown here. These numbers were decided by trial and error and the most accurate result was given by the number chosen. By looking at the transfer functions of the motor and gearbox however a good estimate can be made. This code will output a discrete time and continuous transfer function. However it is the discrete time function that most accurately represents the system as the system updates more than 10 times a second. z=[aout,vin]; nn=[2 2 1]; th=arx(z,nn); [nummod,denmod]=th2tf(th); sys=tf(nummod,denmod,1.65) sysc=d2c(sys,'zoh') Fig 6.8 Least Squares Code Page 51_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine The transfer functions obtained were Transfer function: 6.759 z ---------------------z^2 - 1.137 z + 0.1387 Sampling time: 1.65 Transfer function: 3.245 s + 5.695 ----------------------s^2 + 1.197 s + 0.00165 Fig 6.9: Transfer Functions from Matlab When the discrete transfer function was used to model the system a step input of 1 and 2 volts were inputted to the system and the system’s simulation gave the results in figure 6.10 on the next page Page 52_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine vin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aout result1 0 0.44195 6.9293 15.7755 24.9164 32.1412 38.0384 46.8846 54.4041 62.0709 69.7376 77.1089 84.6284 92.2951 99.8146 106.744 114.558 122.078 129.744 136.968 144.931 152.745 159.821 167.783 175.155 181.79 189.309 197.123 204.642 211.719 219.09 226.904 234.424 241.206 248.136 254.918 263.174 271.873 279.687 287.059 294.283 300.033 0 0 6.759 14.444 22.2443 30.0474 37.8376 45.6128 53.3727 61.1173 68.8465 76.5605 84.2593 91.9429 99.6113 107.2646 114.9027 122.5258 130.1338 137.7268 145.3049 152.8679 160.416 167.9492 175.4676 182.9711 190.4598 197.9337 205.3928 212.8372 220.2669 227.682 235.0824 242.4682 249.8394 257.1961 264.5382 271.8658 279.179 286.4778 293.7621 301.032 vin1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 aout1 0.14732 0.44195 17.1023 33.1733 47.9167 63.2503 78.141 93.6219 108.071 123.404 138.296 154.219 169.257 183.411 198.892 212.604 227.642 242.238 256.098 273.2 288.239 300.033 result1.1 0 0 13.518 28.888 44.4887 60.0949 75.6753 91.2256 106.7454 122.2345 137.693 153.1211 168.5186 183.8858 199.2226 214.5291 229.8055 245.0516 260.2677 275.4537 290.6097 305.7358 Fig 6.10: Actual versus Model System Response Page 53_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 6.6 Creating a PID Controller and Filter One of the ways to design this PID controller is to use the ITAE criterion for a step input [13]. From the ITAE table and the transfer function for the system the PID controller can be calculated and its performance maximised by choosing appropriate values for the settling time and damping ratio. A pre-filter can then be designed using the ITAE method again and placed in the system as in fig. 6.11 below. This should considerably reduce the overshoot in the actual system and eliminate a lot of the noise in the signals form the transducers. input output PreFilter PID Controller Approximation Model feedback Fig 6.11: PID Control and Filter in System Page 54_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine CHAPTER SEVEN TESTING & RESULTS Page 55_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 7.1 Introduction For the results section the four tests were carried out on a steel specimen held in the grippers. For each test a random value was chosen for the constant parameter and the load or torque was increased for a short period of time until it became clear how the test was performing. 7.2 Test 1 The load was kept constant at 10kN and a torque voltage of 0.2V was applied. The torque voltage was applied and then held so as not to break the specimen. The torque reading shot up and then settled down and then load momentarily came below its low limit and then moved back up within the tolerance band again. As the torque is applied the load decreases all the time therefore the load motor is constantly applying more load to keep the load constant. The load could stay within a tolerance band of 0.5kN, which is 0.25kN above or below the specified constant load. Any tolerance lower than this and the motor was doing too much work to keep the load within its limits mainly due to noise and disturbance that the load cell was experiencing. The graphs for this test are shown in fig. 7.1. The output file for this test is in fig. 7.2. This the section of the output file for the major increase in the torque that can be viewed on the above torque graph. On the load graph and from the output file it can be seen that the load remained inside its tolerance as the torque increased initially. Eventually the load dropped outside the tolerance before the load motor brought the load back up within the tolerance. Page 56_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Fig. 7.1:The Graphs of Test 1 Load 10.157 10.157 9.668 10.157 10.218 10.035 9.668 9.545 9.607 8.811 10.157 LVDT 8.315 8.315 8.315 8.322 8.322 8.544 8.315 8.315 8.315 8.315 8.303 Torque 9.148 5.489 33.277 51.231 57.292 66.555 67.698 37.051 31.562 29.161 32.934 Angle 105.176 108.252 110.889 113.965 116.602 119.385 121.875 121.289 120.41 120.557 120.703 Total Time 103.58 104.58 105.585 106.58 107.585 108.585 109.585 110.585 111.58 112.59 113.585 Loop time 0.053 0.053 0.058 0.053 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.052 0.062 0.057 Fig. 7.2: Section of Output for Test 1 Page 57_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 7.3 Test 2 The torque was kept constant at 35Nm and a load of 0.2kN was applied sparingly so as not to break the specimen prematurely. This test didn’t work all that well at all. There was too much noise in the readings to keep the torque within a reasonable tolerance. The smallest tolerance achievable was 8Nm. 7.4 Test 3 This test was by far the most accurate. The linear displacement was kept constant at 5mm and a torque of 0.1Nm was applied. As the torque increased and load began decreasing but the axial displacement remained constant. The linear displacement could be kept to within a tolerance band of 0.1mm. The graphs of test 3 are shown below in fig. 7.3 and the relevant section of the output file is shown in fig. 7.4. Fig 7.3:The Graphs of Test 3 Page 58_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Load 21.049 20.131 19.091 17.867 16.827 15.909 15.113 14.196 13.461 12.911 12.238 11.748 11.197 10.708 10.28 10.341 10.586 10.402 10.402 10.463 10.402 10.769 10.463 10.524 10.463 10.463 6.853 6.792 LVDT 5.008 5.015 5.015 5.015 5.027 5.021 5.034 5.027 5.027 5.034 5.034 5.034 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.046 5.04 5.046 5.046 5.046 5.046 5.046 5.046 5.046 5.053 4.977 4.958 Torque 52.26 55.119 63.81 69.299 73.531 72.501 76.847 76.046 77.076 79.02 77.762 78.562 79.591 79.363 77.419 47.801 41.625 37.852 36.251 34.993 31.905 28.703 27.102 36.937 35.45 35.336 40.482 36.594 Angle Total Time Loop Time 106.055 190.51 0.058 108.398 191.505 0.053 111.182 192.505 0.053 114.404 193.505 0.053 117.627 194.505 0.053 120.41 195.505 0.053 123.34 196.505 0.053 126.123 197.505 0.053 129.492 198.505 0.053 132.422 199.505 0.053 135.205 200.505 0.053 137.549 201.505 0.053 140.479 202.505 0.053 143.408 203.51 0.058 146.777 204.51 0.058 145.459 205.51 0.058 144.873 206.505 0.053 145.02 207.505 0.053 144.434 208.51 0.058 144.434 209.505 0.053 144.434 210.51 0.057 144.287 211.505 0.052 144.434 212.51 0.057 144.434 213.51 0.057 144.434 214.51 0.058 144.434 215.51 0.058 144.58 216.505 0.053 144.434 217.51 0.058 Fig. 7.4: Section of Output File of Test 3 7.5 Test 4 This test did not work well either due to the slow reaction of the torque motor. Also the frequent inability of the torque motor to turn in the counter clockwise direction even with a high velocity voltage applied made it very difficult to carry out this test. Page 59_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine CHAPTER EIGHT DISCUSSION 8.1 Problems with Equipment Page 60_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine The open loop system that was in place was to be updated or created into a closed loop system. However there were some serious problems with the equipment in place. There wasn’t sufficient money or time to rebuild any part of the machine, so the equipment had to do. To begin with, the torque motor and gearbox unit makes a lot of noise which effects the transducer readings. A greater problem was the fact that it takes over 6.5 volts in a counter clockwise direction. In the counter clockwise direction 0-3 volts turns the motor clockwise, 3-6.5 volts does nothing and 6.5-10 volts turns it counter clockwise. This leaves a small scale to work with in this direction. Other problems with the equipment was that the angular position transducer has only a 300 degree electronic angle, which means there is effectively a blind spot of 60 degrees. This however does not effect the results, as the blind spot should never be reached in testing. The torque load cell is positioned too close to the motor and gearbox units as the extensive noise of these components greatly disturb the torque readings. All of the transducers experience noise but the torque load cell is by far the worst affected. The torque load cell is positioned too far from the specimen to accurately read the torque felt by the specimen. The torque load cell is situated on the top of the torsion shaft and below the square drive. The reading is from the torque that the specimen feels, therefore the assumption is made that the same torque is transferred to the torque-tension shaft through the square drive and to the torque load cell. This however is not the case. The torque exerted on the specimen when the motor is on, is different than the torque exerted when the motor is off. 8.2 Problems with Software Page 61_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine The shortest loop time is 60 milli-seconds which may not be fast enough to read in the values from the transducers as they change to move within a certain tolerance and can cause an overshoot effect. The PC can be very slow at times and doesn’t respond. This could happen while testing and could cause equipment damage or destroy a complete experiment. 8.3 Problems with Safety As already stated the PC sometimes being slow is a safety issue but a bigger one is the fact that there is no emergency stop button on the machine. One should be positioned so as it is accessible particularly to the user sitting at the PC. Another safety issue, more to do with the conservation of equipment, is that the LVDT has a rather small stroke in comparison to how far the cross-head can travel. There is already a margin of safety in the set up of the LVDT of 5mm but this then restricts the range at which it can operate. If the cross head is lowered any more than the height at which a specimen can enter the gripper the LVDT can be can experience the full force of the cross head and load motor. 8.4 Improvements Page 62_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine In the chapter on testing only the test 1 and 3 could function with a certain degree of accuracy. These two tests are dependant on the control of the load motor and also the torque motor but only in one direction. Tests 2 and 4 are dependant on the control of the torque motor in both directions. Here is where the major problems lie in the system. Before any further more important testing is carried out on the machine it would be advised to replace the existing motor and gearbox unit or repair it. When further testing is carried out and the values of the constant and varying parameters are decided then the tests can become more accurate. Additional tolerance ranges can easily be set up if there are large variations on the constant parameters. Different velocity voltages are set depending on how far the reading is outside it’s limits. Using the test carried out on test 1 in section 7.2 when the constant load was 10kN as an example. If the reading is within +/- 4kN the motor moves at a 0.7V velocity input and if the reading is outside this range the motor moves at a 1V velocity input. This is designed so as the load moves within the tolerance band faster which becomes important when the torque is applied. Conclusions and Recommendations Page 63_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine The initial system was controlled by input voltages to both motors set on the front panel. The system now in place has the capabilities to control four essential parameters in the investigation of elastic plastic behaviour of rods under torque and tension. The accuracy of this control can be improved relatively easily once the equipment is performing efficiently. This project has shown how well two out of the four tests can be carried out using this closed loop system. Unfortunately due to problems outlined in Chapter 8 there were some major problems with the equipment that prevented the complete testing of this system. However the complete system is in place and I am confident that as soon as these problems are rectified all four tests will work with sufficient accuracy for testing specimens. The accuracy and performance of the complete system can be improved using PID control and filters but the entire system has to be understood fully and an accurate model created. I would recommend that a complete control systems analysis should be carried out on the system to validate the machine and any test results obtained. I would also recommend that all the parameters that can be entered into the machine should be accurately controlled. This would allow the user to enter a ramp input torque or load rather than a motor velocity voltage. References Page 64_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 1. Abu Rayham Mohammed Ali “Plastic Yielding Characteristics of a Rod Under Successively Applied Torsion and Tension Loading” a DCU PhD. Thesis 1995. 2. Nagrath, I.J. and Gopal, M. “Control Systems Engineering 2nd Edition” 1986 3. Chesmond, C. J. “Control Systems Technology”, Senior Lecturer in Control Engineering Queensland Institute of Technology 1982. 4. RDP Technical Manual for Modular 600 System 5. RDP Technical Manual for Two Channel DC Amplifier Module Type 611 6. RDP Technical Manual for Dual Transducer Amplifier Module Type 621 7. National Instruments DAQ AT-AO-6/10 User Manual 8. National Instruments DAQ AT-MIO/AI E Series User Manual 9. Labview Quick Start Guide 10. Labview User Manual 11. Labview Function and VI Reference Manual 12. Labview Help File 13. Dorf, Richard C. and Bishop, Robert H. “Modern Control Systems” 1998 14. Sen,P.C. “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics” Page 65_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 15. Bruton, Jennifer “Notes on Model Simulation for Mechatronic Degree Course” Page 66_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine APPENDIX 1 LABVIEW PROGRAM Page 67_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine APPENDIX 2 PRESENTATION Page 68_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Closed Loop Control of Torque-Tension Machine by Sean Tobin Supervised by Dr. Paul Young Page 69_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Introduction In industry it is important for designers and structural engineers to know the capabilities of materials they are working with to reduce large factors of safety and maximise load to weight ratios. Particularly important in the design of aircraft, missiles and space applications. This machine can apply torque and tension to a specimen separately and simultaneously. Designed to carry out experiments to investigate the elastic-plastic response of pre-stressed rods when subjected to additional applied parameters (torque or axial load). The 4 tests are: Keeping load constant vary the torque applied Keeping torque constant vary the axial load applied Keeping axial displacement constant vary the torque applied Keeping the angle of twist constant vary the axial load applied Method Of Approach Page 70_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Understanding of machine Set Up of Equipment Calibration of Transducers & Amplifier Set Up of Closed Loop Control Design Each Test Show and record all data from tests Investigate any Improvements to the System Page 71_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Machine Control Panel PC Apply tension & torque to specimen Labview Control Board Motor Controllers Amplifiers Transducers Motors & Grippers Page 72_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Calibration Torque cal Load cell calibration 6 4.5 y = 0.0427x y = 0.0798x 4 5 3.5 Volts 3 4 Volts 2.5 2 1.5 3 2 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 20 40 60 0 50 Force kN angle cal 10 100 150 torque Nm LVDT calibration y = 0.0437x - 3.1421 15 8 y = 0.7698x - 14.591 10 volts volts 6 4 2 5 0 0 10 20 30 -5 0 0 50 100 150 -2 200 250 300 -10 angle deg axial displacement mm Page 73_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine 40 Page 74_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine Load 10.157 10.157 9.668 10.157 10.218 10.035 9.668 9.545 9.607 8.811 10.157 10.202 10.141 10.141 10.141 10.141 10.141 10.202 10.186 9.362 9.423 9.362 9.362 10.035 10.218 10.218 10.218 10.218 10.218 LVDT 8.315 8.315 8.315 8.322 8.322 8.544 8.315 8.315 8.315 8.315 8.303 8.296 8.296 8.303 8.303 8.296 8.303 8.29 8.296 8.309 8.315 8.315 8.315 8.303 8.303 8.296 8.303 8.303 8.417 Torque 9.148 5.489 33.277 51.231 57.292 66.555 67.698 37.051 31.562 29.161 32.934 27.903 28.131 29.618 28.36 29.504 29.046 29.389 29.161 32.934 31.219 41.511 41.397 43.112 29.961 29.504 29.389 29.161 28.932 Angle 105.176 108.252 110.889 113.965 116.602 119.385 121.875 121.289 120.41 120.557 120.703 120.41 120.41 120.41 120.703 120.41 120.557 120.41 120.557 120.41 120.557 120.557 120.557 120.557 121.875 120.557 122.314 120.557 120.557 Total Time 103.58 104.58 105.585 106.58 107.585 108.585 109.585 110.585 111.58 112.59 113.585 114.585 115.58 116.585 117.585 118.58 119.585 120.58 121.59 122.587 123.585 124.585 125.585 126.58 127.58 128.58 129.58 130.585 131.585 Loop time 0.053 0.053 0.058 0.053 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.052 0.062 0.057 0.057 0.052 0.058 0.058 0.053 0.058 0.053 0.063 0.06 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.058 0.058 Page 75_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine input output PreFilter PID Controller Approximation Model feedback Page 76_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine What has been achieved? A Closed Loop Control system has been created taking readings from the machine to feedback the application of toque and tension to the specimen. And Torque tension, axial displacement and angle of twist can now be controlled while applying force or torque. Page 77_______________________________________Closed Loop Control of a Torque-Tension Machine