July 28th - 31st, 2015, IBS, Daejeon, Korea THz image Longitudinal Beam Dynamics (Phase Space, Synchrotron Oscillation, Wakefields, and Longitudinal Parameters) Yujong Kim Accelerator R&D Team Radiation Equipment Research Division Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Korea yjkim@isu.edu / yjkim@kaeri.re.kr, http://www2.cose.isu.edu/~yjkim KAERI-2015-029 Outline Acknowledgements & Download Web Site Phase Space, Phase Slip Factor, and Transition Energy Below Transition, Above Transition, and Phase Stability Beam Acceleration, RF System, and RF Cavity Phase Oscillation Equation and Synchrotron Oscillation Frequency Equation of Small Phase Oscillations Wakefield, Beam Instabilities, and Large Phase Oscillation Bucket, Area of Bucket, Bucket Height, and Bunch Heights Maximum Momentum Acceptance of a Bucket Normalized Longitudinal Emittance Textbook: An Introduction to the Physics of Particle Accelerators by Mario Conte Other Reference: Accelerator Physics by S. Y. Lee Particle Accelerator Physics by H. Wiedemann 2 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Acknowledgements Y. Kim gives his sincere thanks to KoPAS2015 Organizing Committee and KAERI supervisors for their allowance of this tutorial, and also to following friends, references, and former & current supervisors: PAL & POSTECH: Prof. W. Namkung, Prof. I. S. Ko, Prof. M. H. Cho, Prof. M. H. Yoon, and Prof. J. Y. Huang SPring-8: Prof. T. Shintake (now at OIST) KEK: Prof. K. Yokoya and Prof. H. Matsumoto PSI: Dr. S. Reiche, Dr. M. Pedrozzi, Dr. H. Braun, and Dr. T. Garvey, DESY: Dr. K. Floettmann, Dr. S. Schreiber, Director R. Brinkmann, Prof. J. Rossbach APS: Dr. M. Borland, Dr. Y. Chae, and Prof. Kwang-Je Kim LANL: Dr. B. Carlsten Indiana University: Prof. S. Y. Lee INFN: Dr. M. Ferrario Jefferson Lab: Dr. A. Hutton, Dr. H. Areti, and Dr. S. Benson Duke University: Prof. Y. Wu Idaho State University & Idaho Accelerator Center: Prof. D. Wells RTX: Mr. Pikad Buaphad, Dr. K. B. Song, Dr. H. D. Park, and Mr. S. Y. Ryu IBS: Prof. Sunchan Jeong, Dr. D. Jeon, Mr. C. H. Park, and Miss. J. Cho 3 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Download Website Yujong Kim's Lecture Notes on Basic Accelerator Physics Magnets and Transverse Motion in Accelerators RF System and Longitudinal Motion in Accelerators Advanced Accelerator Physics Tutorial for XFEL Projects Accelerator Beam Diagnostics Linux Basic for Physicists can be downloaded from: http://www2.cose.isu.edu/~yjkim/course/ Contact: yjkim@isu.edu / yjkim@kaeri.re.kr 4 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Beam Phase Space The transverse phase space is described with the beam position and angle, (x, x') and (y, y') x' y' x y beam diameter = full width beam size ~ 6σx for Gaussian beam Similarly, the longitudinal phase space is described with the beam longitudinal position and energy (or time and energy spread, or phase and momentum) (z, E), (dz, dE), (dz = -cdt, dE/E = dp/p), (dt, dE/E=dp/p), and (d = rfdt, dp/p) dp/p dE/E tail tail dz head dt head full width bunch length ~ 6σz for Gaussian beam http://www.slac.stanford.edu 5 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Slip Factor and Transition Energy Up to now, we ignored the effects of the RF electric field on the motion of charged particles, which supplies an acceleration by Lorentz force and gives a motion in longitudinal phase space (∆z - ∆p/p) (∆t - ∆p/p), or (∆ϕ - ∆p/p) → synchrotron oscillation. RF bucket : stable region where particles can be grouped or bunched. continuous acceleration in an RF cavity motion of positive bunches in a TESLA type SRF cavity 180 deg. later Courtesy of Fermilab 6 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Slip Factor and Transition Energy The angular frequency ω of a particle circulating in a synchrotron with a circumference L and a revolution time τ. Differentiating ln(ω) → Define phase slip factor tr note that many other books define tr differently. For tr= 0, there is a transition in longitudinal phase space → ∆p/p phase jumping from ϕs to π - ϕs below transition for positron ∆z ≈ -c tr tr 0 ∆p/p above transition for positron ∆z ≈ -c tr tr 0 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 7 Phase Slip Factor and Transition Energy Example, p of PLS storage ring = 0.00181 → γtr = (0.00181)-1/2 =23.5 → Etr ~ 12 MeV << EPLS = 2.0-2.5 GeV → PLS is always operating under the above transition condition. above transition: tr U mc 2 U tr tr mc 2 note that p is large for weak focusing below transition: tr U mc 2 U tr tr mc 2 8 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Stability - Below Transition Let's assume that circulating charge particles go through an RF cavity in the ring. Synchronous particle can cross an RF cavity in perfect synchronism, while all other particles will cross the RF cavity with different arrival times or phases with respect to the RF oscillation (arriving earlier or later with respect to the synchronous particle). For below transition, tr tr 0 This means that a higher energy particle (dp > 0) arrives earlier (dτ < 0) at the RF cavity in next turn. → acceleration for positive charge To get stable oscillations under the below transition, the RF slope of should be positive and synchronous RF phase should be between 0 < ϕs < π/2 for a positive charged particle. head tail → lower energy particle (head) will get a higher energy later (stable oscillation). acceleration for negative charge 9 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Stability - Above Transition Let's assume that circulating charges particles go through an RF cavity in the ring. Synchronous particle can cross an RF cavity in perfect synchronism, while all other particles will cross the RF cavity with different arrival times or phases with respect to the RF oscillation (arriving earlier or later with respect to the synchronous particle). For above transition, tr tr 0 This means that a higher energy particle (dp > 0) arrives later (dτ > 0) at the RF cavity in next turn. → acceleration for positive charge To get stable oscillations under the above transition, the RF slope of should be negative and synchronous RF phase should be between π/2 < ϕs < π for a positive charged particle. head tail → lower energy particle (tail) will get a higher energy later (stable oscillation). acceleration for negative charge 10 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Acceleration - DC Accelerator Electrostatic (DC) Accelerator with a battery + Electrostatic (DC) Accelerator with multiple batteries to get a higher beam energy. But there is also a limitation in this method due to the arc between two electrodes. 11 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Acceleration - Traveling Wave (TW) Accelerator To avoid any arc between two electrodes, and to get a much higher beam energy gain, we use an Alternating Current (AC) type accelerator → RF Accelerator. To get the best acceleration, we need a good synchronization between charged beams and RF wave (phase velocity of electromagnetic wave = velocity of electron beams). → Principle of Traveling Wave (TW) Accelerator, whose position of electromagnetic wave is continuously moving. > c without discs ~ c with discs 2π/4 mode TW structure 12 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Acceleration - Traveling Wave (TW) Accelerator TW accelerator SiC RF Dummy Load for TW accelerator a higher RF power loss & a higher energy along structure larger iris smaller iris for phase & gradient controls C-band TW accelerator 13 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Acceleration - Traveling Wave (TW) Accelerator IAC S-band TW accelerator 14 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Energy Gain of TW Accelerator 150 m long 2.5 GeV S-band linac @ Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) in Korea Forty four 3 m long S-band linac structures were installed at PAL in 1992. 2π/3 mode Traveling Wave (TW) structure about 55 + 2×0.5 cells for 2 m about 84 + 2 0.5 cells for 3 m shunt impedance ~ 55 MΩ/m Q0 = 11000-13000 attenuation parameter ~ 0.42 for 2 m = ω/2vgQL filling time ~ 0.6 µs for 2 m = L/vg gradient ~ 25 MV/m @ 50 MW, 3 m ~ 6.9 MV/m @ 3.0 MW, 2 m ~ 8.8 MV/m @ 5.0 MW, 2 m Vgain(MV ) Pin Rsh L(1 exp(2 ) ~ 35 mm G Vgain / L (MV/m ) Pin RF input power (MW) Rsh average shunt impdeance per length (M/m) L lengthof structure (m) velectron v RF, phase k attenuation parameter v g d dk Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 15 Beam Acceleration - Standing Wave Accelerator In case of Standing Wave (SW) accelerator, there are two electromagnetic waves (forward and backward) as shown below. Therefore, one stationary standing wave (black line at bottom-left figure) can be generated. Beams can be accelerated by this standing wave at π phase advance as shown right figures. two opposite waves node one stationary standing wave http://www.wikipedia.org 16 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Coupling Cells in Standing Wave Accelerator Varian Linac 17 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Beam Acceleration - Standing Wave Accelerator SW accelerators have a much higher shunt impedance than TW accelerator. Shunt impedance of S-band SW = 80 MΩ/m (effective acceleration → rings uses this) Shunt impedance of S-band TW = 55 MΩ/m Varian Medical Linac SW cavity 18 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Beam Acceleration - Standing Wave Accelerator In case of Standing Wave (SW) accelerator, we do not need any output coupler. But we need a circulator to protect klystron from reflected RF power. Energy gain of π mode Side-Coupled SW linac without attenuation: Vgain(MV ) Pin Rsh L 19 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI RF Frequency, Microwave / Radar Bands Radio Frequency (RF) is a rate of oscillation of electromagnetic waves in the range of about 30 kHz to 300 GHz. Frequency Ranges of Microwaves = 300 MHz to 300 GHz. Frequency Range 216 — 450 MHz 1 — 2 GHz 2 — 4 GHz 4 — 8 GHz 8 — 12 GHz 12 — 18 GHz 18 — 26.5 GHz 26.5 — 40 GHz 30 — 50 GHz 40 — 60 GHz 50 — 75 GHz 60 — 90 GHz 75 — 110 GHz 90 — 140 GHz 110 — 170 GHz 110 — 300 GHz Microwave / Radar Bands P-Band L-Band S-Band C-Band X-Band Ku-Band K-Band Ka-Band Q-Band U-Band V-Band E-Band W-Band F-Band D-Band mm-Band IEEE US Bands 30 - 300 kHz : LF-band 300 - 3000 kHz : MF-band 3 - 30 MHz : HF-band 30 - 300 MHz : VHF-band 300 - 1000 MHz : UHF-band Bands for RF Accelerators Standard American Frequency UHF or P-Band : 357 MHz L-band : 1428 MHz S-band : 2856 MHz C-band : 5712 MHz X-band : 11424 MHz 20 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI RF Distribution of Linac - IU ALPHA Linac RF input of klystrons comes from RF driver ~ 200 W The pulsed HV for the klystron gun comes from a modulator. Each RF source has its own RF amplitude & phase controller. phase shifter & attenuator 5W 25 W 10 mW 2856 MHz Oscillator 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W Trigger + Delay 3.0 MW Thermionic RF Gun 5.5 MW 5.5 MW 5.5 MW 5.5 MW 2 m Standard TW linac structures Layout of RF distribution of IU CEEM ALPHA Phase-II Linac Option-IV 21 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI RF Driver for Varian Linac front panel of RF driver 2856.0881 MHz power meter status LED RF frequency, modes AFC sensitivity adjustments fRF ~ 2856 MHz total output ~ 360 W max output for klystron ~ 200 W pulse length ~ 12 s water temperature ~ 40 deg back panel of RF driver control & tuning max 200 W RF output Type N connector ext servo trigger in water outlet output moniter remote prog water inlet operation hour counter 22 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Modulator and Klystron for RF Linac Modulator is a pulsed high voltage (HV) power supply for the klystron gun. PFN charging DC HV power supply Pulse Forming Network (PFN) L: series C: parallel THYRATRON trigger signal Klystron & Modulator of APS Linac - Prof. M. H. Cho 23 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Modulator and Klystron for RF Linac modulator is a pulsed high voltage power supply (U0) for the klystron gun (applying cathode and anode). klystron is an RF power amplifier. (several hundred W RF input several or tens MW) Pulse Forming Network (PFN) In a klystron, the velocity modulation of electron beam is converted to the density modulation. The electron beam power is converted to RF power at the output cavity. More cavities can improve bunching and klystron efficiency. Solenoids are needed to focusing beam along cavities. pulsed HV solenoids RF driver ~ 180 W PLS 80 MW klystron + 200 MW modulator ~ a few or tens MW http://www.wikipedia.org 24 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Modulator Pulse - Duke University Modulator 3 PFN Tank of Modulator 3 - before upgrade Non-uniform and short HV pulse in modulator 3 makes a long energy tail. Before PFN upgrade capacitance = 10 nF, inductance = 0.63 H flat HV pulse width < 1.0 s 25 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Modulator Pulse - Duke University Modulator 3 Uniform and longer HV pulse in modulator 3 will reduce energy spread. After PFN upgrade capacitance = 50 nF, inductance = 2.15 H flat HV pulse width < 3.5 s 26 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Modulator Pulse - Duke University Modulator 3 After the upgrade, a broken capacitor destoryed uniformity and length of HV pulse! After PFN upgrade due to a broken capacitor - repaired later. capacitance = 50 nF, inductance = 2.15 H flat HV pulse width < 3.5 s 27 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Resonance Frequency of an RF Cavity If a charged beam crosses an RF cavity at t, then an acceleration by the RF cavity is Gdcos(2frft + ϕ0), where G is gradient of the cavity, d is length of the cavity, ϕ0 is the initial RF phase, frf (~ f 010) is RF frequency. In this case, the longitudinal electric field Ez and resonance angular frequency mnp of the TMmnp mode is given by d 2R Here, xmn is the nth solution of Jm, Jm(xmn) = 0, and p is 0, 1, 2, ... . For the lowest TM010 mode, the resonance frequency f010 and EM fields of the cavity is given by f 010 d ~ v c 2.405 0 2 R 2 rf / 2 c rf / 2 for mode SWRF cavity Note that m,n,p are the number of nodes of the mode in the , r, z direction. See Resonant Cavities in J.D. Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics. Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 28 Resonant Acceleration In a long term, there is a net acceleration only if the charged beam is synchronized with an electromagnetic wave at a SW RF cavity in a storage ring. All other un-synchronized waves will sometimes accelerate, and sometimes decelerate the beam, which gives no net acceleration in time average. Under following conditions, a synchronous particle crosses an RF gap or cavity at t = 0, when the RF phase is ϕs, and the voltage across the gap is Vsinϕs: 1. there is only one accelerating gap of length g, located at s = 0. 2. the accelerating gap is much shorter than the distance traveled by the beam during one RF period Trf. g rf g v Trf v rf c 3. the rf angular frequency ωrf is an integer multiple of the 2R angular revolution frequency ωs. Here h is the harmonic number or bucket number in a storage ring. rf h s f rf hf s c rf hc s s hrf fc c 2.405 2 R 29 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Harmonic Number, Buckets & Circumference Meaning of the harmonic number or bucket number h in a storage ring. ring circumference = λs length of one RF bucket = λrf ring circumference = multiple integer (= h) of the RF bucket Example, PLS storage ring frf = 500.087 MHz λrf = 2.99792458×108 m/s / 500.087 MHz = 0.5994806064 m in length (~ 2 ns in time) harmonic number = 468 = number of RF cycling in circumference circumference = 468× 0.5994806064 m ~ 280.556923 m rf h s f rf hf s s h rf buckets = 468 bucket length ~ 0.6 m ~ 2.0 ns revolution time ~ 468×2.0 ns ~ 936 ns revolution frequency ~ 500 MHz / 468 ~ 1.068 MHz ring circumference ~ 468 × 0.6 m 30 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Energy Gain per Revolution At the RF cavity, synchronous particle gets an energy gain per revolution: The effective electric field along the ring can be given by Here, L is circumference of the synchronous particle's orbit. By using Fourier expansion of -function: The effective electric field can be given re-written as velocity of synchronous particle: rf h s sin( ) sin cos cos sin cavity @ s =0, nL 31 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Energy Gain per Revolution Energy gain of synchronous particle per revolution: Passing time at s can be written for synchronous and generic particles: Here note that generic particle has a time lag or deviation t w.r.t the synchronous particle. If we assume that the longitudinal oscillation (= synchrotron oscillation in ring) frequency is much slower than the revolution frequency (typically s ~ s/ 100). Then, let's perform time average of the electric field over one revolution to get effective field seen by a generic particle whose a time lag is t (assume ts → 0 @ s = 0). energy gain per turn : q<V>=qL<E(t)> 32 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Oscillation Equation Relationship between physical parameters of a generic particle and a synchronous particle with subscript s are given as: here because a higher frequency has a shorter revolution period. To get a net acceleration at an RF cavity, the synchronous particle must arrive at the cavity with the same RF phase → If the RF phase of the synchronous particle at the cavity is ϕs, and the RF phase of the generic particle at the cavity is ϕ, then the relative RF phase difference between two particle is given: Energy gain of the generic particle per turn is given by → 33 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Oscillation Equation Energy gain of the synchronous particle per turn is given by Then, the energy deviation of the generic particle from that of the synchronous particle at the beginning of the n-th turn is given by: After the n-th turn, the deviation will be: : deviation between turns : deviation between particles for slowing varying oscillation about Us 34 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Oscillation Equation Defining a new variable W: W Again after assuming that the oscillation is slow, after one revolution, change of phase between two particles ( ) after one turn : d s rf t rf t dt 35 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Oscillation Equation d s rf (t ) rf t dt A Here t means the difference in the arrival time at the cavity of two particles. Due to a slow oscillation, its change after one revolution (t →τ) is given by: t t s p tr B p From A & B, we can find a time derivate of for slow varying oscillation (τ ~ τs): rf d rf (t ) dt s s p tr rf p s 1 p p rf2 tr 1 U s tr rf2 tr p 2U p rf rf From chapter 1, 36 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Oscillation Equation If we use U ~ Us & definition of W at page 33 → 1 U 1 U rf2 tr d 2 2 rf tr rf tr 2 2 2U dt U U rf rf s s U rf2 tr W 2U rf s If we apply time derivation → 37 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Phase Oscillation Equation If we assume a small oscillation in → And if we define synchrotron oscillation frequency s : - U s mc 2 Synchrotron Oscillation Equation for a Small Oscillation Synchrotron Tune is defined as: 38 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Synchrotron Oscillation in the Storage Ring re 4 E4 3 ( mc 2 )3 Beam energy is lost due to the synchrotron radiation loss. UT , BM RF system (RF cavity) compensates the energy loss in the ring. Longitudinal focusing electric field from RF cavity generates a longitudinal motion, synchrotron oscillation around the synchronous particle. RF Cavity Synchrotron Oscillation for E > ET 39 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Beam Instability & Wakefields Up to now, we assumed that the amplitude of RF phase oscillation is small. But generally, its amplitude becomes large if there is the longitudinal beam instability in the storage ring. Interaction of Charged Beams & Discontinuous Surroundings Moving Charged Beams Fields from Beams Response of Surroundings Fields from Surroundings Response of Beams Change of following beam energy Specially, beam instabilities are generated when beams interact with higher order modes (HOMs) of RF cavity. 40 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Wakefields - Type Filling & Decay Time of EM fields in RF Cavity is very long, 2QL r Time domain – Wakefields – High Q RF Cavity : Long range wakefields Coupled Bunch Mode Beam Instabilities – Vacuum Components : Short range wakefields Single Bunch Beam Instabilities Frequency domain – Impedance – High Q RF Cavity : Narrow band Impedance – Vacuum Components : Broad band Impedance 41 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Narrow band & Broad band Impedances Longitudinal narrowband impedance due to the RF cavity and broadband impedance due to the vacuum chamber can be described by an equivalent r RLC resonance circuit. Z (ωbeam ) || l Rsh beam 1 iQ(beam r r beam ) lower upper → unstable where beam is circulating beam frequency, Accelerator Physics - Prof. S. Y. Lee Q and Rsh is the quality factor and the shunt impedance at the resonance frequency r of HOMs, respectively. Impedance is inductive at the lower side beam r (Im[Z||] 0) Impedance is capacitive at the upper side beam r (Im[Z||] 0) at E > ET Stronger Longitudinal focusing Bunch length compression Higher peak current Higher wakefields Harmful longitudinal CBMI’s 42 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Coupled Bunch Mode Beam Instability (CBMI) Coupling of successive bunches through RF cavities or chamber Phase difference between evenly adjacent coupled bunches = 2πn M Long range wakefields will be generated due to the interaction between the first short charged bunch and HOMs of the RF Cavity Following second short bunch is received the first bunch induced wakefields Energy deviation (RF Cavity supplied normal E + wakefields supplied E) of the second bunch is generated Energy deviation will be increased after a few turns Coupled Bunch Mode Instabilities Sidebands & CB Mode Oscillations. V V0e t / , 2QL / r 43 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI CBMIs - Time Domain Oscillations Period of Azimuthal Mode Oscillations = One Synchrotron Period A) B) C) Dipole Mode m=1 Quadpole Mode m=2 Sextupole Mode Octupole Mode m=3 m=4 A) Mountain-range display for one synchrotron period (2 kHz 0.5 ms) B) Superimposed C) Phase Space (-E/E ) Oscillations, Time Step = m s 44 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI CBMIs - Frequency Domain Sidebands Under CBMIs, Circulating Beam induced Spectrum Frequency fbeam → fp,n,m SideBand frequencies f p,n,m p M n m s f 0 p f RF n f 0 m f s (unstable @ above transition) At above transition ( th , f RF 5 f 0 ) Kicker Central frequency f c p f RF ( p 1 2 ) f RF 2 f c p 1 4 f RF * exciting frequencies 1 f RF 2 f 0 m f s * damping frequencies 2 f RF 3 f 0 m f s 45 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI PLS Status - HOMs of RF cavities HOMs of the PLS RF cavities which generate CBMIs. fHOM [MHz] n 758.6 1301.1 1707.0 1870.1 826.4 831.2 1072.4 241 279 194 125 161 158 400 HOM Qo TM011 37,000 TM020 112,000 TM013 34,000 TM030 34,000 TM110V 56,000 TM110H 56,000 TM111V 40,000 Direction Longitudinal Longitudinal Longitudinal Longitudinal Vertical Horizontal Vertical If fbeam = fp,n,m is close to fHOM, resonance or CBMIs are occurred. We can avoid CBMIs somewhat by optimizing cavity temperature to satisfy f p,n,m f HOM . 47 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI PLS Status - Sidebands of CBMIs Several CBMI sidebands of harmful HOMs The beam current is 203.0 mA, and the energy is 2.04 GeV. Temperature of four RF cavities are 40.8oC, 46.8oC, 45.6oC, 36.9oC, respectively. Due to these modes, the normal operation current is about 170 mA @ 2.04 (2.5) GeV. 48 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI The block diagram of the PLS LFS 49 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI The Racks for the PLS LFS Master Oscillator DSP Farm 50 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI DSP Farm - VXI & VME Crates VXI Crate VME Crate 51 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Racks for PLS LFS 52 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI PLS LFS Kicker – 3D Geometry Single Ridge Wavequide Overloaded RF cavity for PLS LFS Kicker Y. Kim et al, IEEE Trans. on NS, 47, No, 2, 2000 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 53 PLS LFS Kicker – Kicking E field Distribution HFSS Simulation Result Y. Kim et al, IEEE Trans. on NS, 47, No, 2, 2000 54 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 420 mm Fabricated PLS LFS Kicker Cavity 100 mm RF cavity for PLS LFS Kicker Y. Kim et al, IEEE Trans. on NS, 47, No, 2, 2000 55 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Longitudinal Large Oscillation & Bucket To get synchrotron oscillation equation, up to now, we assumed that the amplitude of RF phase oscillation is small. But generally, its amplitude becomes large if there are longitudinal beam instabilities in the storage ring. Followings are the longitudinal phase oscillation when there are longitudinal beam instabilities in the PLS storage ring. LFS On 237.0 mA, 2.04 GeV 70 dB damped Small Amplitude Oscillation (less than 0.03 deg@RF) No harmful CBMI LFS Off 180.1 mA, 2.04 GeV Large Amplitude Oscillation (~ 6.0 deg@RF) Strong CBMI due to 1707.0 MHz HOM (TM013) Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 56 Commissioning Results of the PLS LFS Pseudo-spectrum Beam spectrum without revolution harmonics LFS turn on 237.0 mA, 2.04 GeV 70 dB damped No harmful CBMI LFS turn off 180.1 mA, 2.04 GeV Large amplitude motion Strong CBMI due to 1707.0 MHz HOM (TM013) 57 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Commissioning Results of the PLS LFS Grow/Damp Process It is possible to measure the feedback damping time by grow/damp process. 153.1 mA, 2.04 GeV Two natural grow/damp modes, n = 125 (1870.1 MHz), 194 (1707.0 MHz) CBMI growth time = 5.42 ms, 4.53 ms feedback damping time ~ 2.0 ms 58 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Layout of Duke Longitudinal Feedback System Y. Kim, W. Wu, et al., PAC2007 59 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Assembled Components of Duke LFS October, 2007 January, 2008 60 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI HOM damped RF Cavity for Duke LFS Kicker type : two waveguide overloaded RF Cavity kicker bandwidth : fRF/2 ~ 90 MHz central frequency ~ 938 MHz for (5+1/4)* fRF maximum shunt impedance ~ 1600 61 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI HOM damped RF Cavity for Duke LFS Kicker Key Members of Duke LFS Project Team Yujong Kim = Project Leader (Concepts and Component Selection, Kicker Design Advisor) Wenzhong Wu (Prof. Ying Wu's Ph.D. Course Student) = HFSS Simulation of Kicker Matthew Busch = Mechanical Design of Kicker Cavity Prof. Ying Wu = General Accelerator Physics Related Advisor Wenzhong Wu - Ph.D. Student, Physics Department, Duke University Wenzhong, Y. Kim, et al., PAC2009 62 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Commissioning Results of Duke LFS Damping of all CBMIs at 574 MeV, 50 mA, with 64 full bucket filling - done feedback damping time ~ 2.8 ms Wenzhong, Y. Kim, et al., PAC2009 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 63 Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket More details on beam instabilities & beam feedback system will be studied during 2011 Fall semester or 2012 Spring semester. → Y. Kim wants to find a good student who can work for the beam instability & beam feedback systems for the Jefferson Lab MEIC project. Let's study more analytical things on large longitudinal beam oscillation & bucket from now on. 64 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket From the general phase oscillation equation (see page No. 27), we can rewrite the phase oscillation for a large oscillation: Even though we can not solve the equation above exactly, we can convert it to a first order equation by using followings (see next page too): 65 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket d (2 ) 2 d After an integration, the equation above becomes: Here ϕ → ϕ0 at t = 0. 66 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket We can find a similar large amplitude oscillation from a pendulum. http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~shawn/LCS-tutorial/motivation.html Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 67 Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket Stable Large Pendulum Oscillation within the Separatrix http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~shawn/LCS-tutorial/motivation.html Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 68 Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket Unstable Pendulum Oscillation at the outside of Separatrix until it loose its Energy. http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~shawn/LCS-tutorial/motivation.html Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 69 Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket 0 trajectory moving to right 0 trajectory moving to left By using a simple computer program, for a given ϕs, we can plot equation above for a phase space ( , ), ( , ), or (ϕ, W) because following relation is satisfied: 2 tr rf s 2 W Us Stable Fixed Point (SFP) yellow region = RF bucket Separatrix below transition Stationary RF Bucket (largest bucket size) Unstable Fixed Point (UFP) Here closed curve show the stable trajectories where charge particles oscillate about an equilibrium synchronous RF phase, ϕs, and the open curves are unstable trajectories. 70 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket 0 trajectory moving to right 0 trajectory moving to left By using a simple computer program, for a given ϕs, we can plot equation above for a phase space ( , ), ( , ), or (ϕ, W) because following relation is satisfied: 2 tr rf s 2 W Us Stable Fixed Point (SFP) yellow region = RF bucket Separatrix below transition Accelerating RF Bucket (reduced bucket size) Unstable Fixed Point (UFP) ϕs RF bucket = closed curves within separatrix showing the stable trajectories. Charge particles oscillate about the synchronous RF phase, ϕs in the RF bucket. 71 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket 0 trajectory moving to right 0 trajectory moving to left By using a simple computer program, for a given ϕs, we can plot equation above for a phase space ( , ), ( , ), or (ϕ, W) because following relation is satisfied: 2 tr rf s 2 W Stable Fixed Point (SFP) Us Separatrix yellow region = RF bucket below transition Accelerating RF Bucket (more reduced bucket size) Unstable Fixed Point (UFP) ϕs RF bucket = closed curves within separatrix showing the stable trajectories. Charge particles oscillate about the synchronous RF phase, ϕs in the RF bucket. 72 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Large Longitudinal Beam Oscillation & Bucket 0 trajectory moving to right 0 trajectory moving to left 1 s 0 & 0 0 unstableoscillation 2 0 1 s & 0 0 stable oscillation ϕ2 can be found by inserting 0 s , 0 0, 2 , 0 → RF buckets are stable phase regions, which repeat every 2π. ϕ2 bucket No. i - 1 below transition ϕ1 bucket No. i ϕs bucket No. i + 1 π - ϕs 73 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Stationary & Accelerating RF Buckets To get a positive synchrotron frequency For accelerating bucket in below transition ηtr > 0, 0 < ϕs < π/2 For accelerating bucket in above transition ηtr < 0, π/2 < ϕs < π accelerating bucket with sinϕs≠0 ϕs jumping at transition energy stationary bucket with sinϕs=0 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 74 Beam Acceleration & Deceleration To give an acceleration for a positive charged particle, the synchronous RF phase should be located at π/2 < ϕs < π (above transition) or 0 < ϕs < π/2 (below transition). To give a deceleration for a positive charged particle (= an acceleration for a negative charged particle), the synchronous RF phase should be located at -π < ϕs < -π/2 (above transition) or -π/2 < ϕs < 0 (below transition). → a mirror symmetry around π to have the positive synchrotron frequency (s > 0). qV > 0 & Us > 0 for acceleration acceleration for positron acceleration for electron H. Widemann, Particle Accelerator Physics Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 75 Bucket Area, Bucket & Bunch Heights To capture injected particle in a storage ring, we need a stationary bucket because it has the largest bucket size. Let's calculate the bucket area, bucket height, and bunch height of the stationary bucket analytically. stable area = bucket area max energy spread → bucket height Separatrix below transition Stationary RF Bucket (largest bucket size) max phase amplitude → bunch height below transition Accelerating RF Bucket (more reduced bucket size) 76 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Bucket Area, Bucket & Bunch Heights Lets' calculate the bucket area, bucket height, and bunch height of the stationary bucket analytically. There is no acceleration of the synchronous particle in the stationary bucket. no acceleration (qVsinϕs = 0) of the synchronous particle if ϕs = 0 (below transition) or π (above transition) stable phase oscillation of particles in stationary bucket (ϕs = 0) in below transition (E < Etr) 77 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Bucket Area, Bucket & Bunch Heights In the stationary bucket (ϕs = 0), the first order phase oscillation equation (see page No. 55) can be simplified: Here, ϕ0 → ϕm where particle trajectory crosses the axis on the phase space plot at ( , ). The equation of separatrix can be found by putting ϕm = π. The synchronous frequency for the stationary bucket: under below transition bunch within a stationary bucket 78 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Bucket Area, Bucket & Bunch Heights If we re-write it by using W and s W s 2 s -1 2 ( L/v ) under below transition bunch within a stationary bucket Here L is circumference of ring. After combining with separatrix equation & ϕs = 0 : 79 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Bucket Area, Bucket & Bunch Heights Then, area of stationary bucket (ϕs = 0), under below transition is Abk L 8 c qVU s 2h3 tr ϕm = π for saparatrix = maximum bucket size under below transition bunch within a stationary bucket Then, the first order phase oscillation for the stationary bucket (see pages No. 67 & 68) 2c 2h3tr 16 2(cos cos m ) W W L U s qV Abk Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 80 Bucket Area, Bucket & Bunch Heights bucket height @ ϕ = 0 & ϕm = π If we use a relation: bunch height @ ϕ = 0 & ϕm = ϕm 2c 2h3 tr 16 2(cos cos m ) W W L U s qV Abk W Abk 2(cos cos m ) 16 under below transition bunch within a stationary bucket From the longitudinal phase space (ϕ, W), we can find the height of the bucket Wbk by putting ϕ = 0 & ϕm = π in L c qVU s 2h3 tr In addition, the height of the bunch Wb for general ϕm can be obtained by putting ϕ = 0 & ϕm = ϕm in Wb Wbk 81 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Maximum Momentum Acceptance of a Bucket For the synchrotron oscillation with a small amplitude, the solution of the phase oscillation can be given by: bucket height @ ϕ = 0 & ϕm = π bunch height @ ϕ = 0 & ϕm = ϕm under below transition bunch within a stationary bucket Here ψ0 is the initial phase of the oscillation at t = 0, and φm is the amplitude of the phase oscillation (= ϕm in previous pages). By reminding relations of the energy oscillation, the energy oscillation and its oscillation amplitude Wm can be written by: 82 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Maximum Momentum Acceptance of a Bucket Therefore, we can find energy oscillation W and Wm if we know φm (= ϕm). For a small phase oscillation in a strong ring with a circumference of L and harmonic number h, φm, satisfies a following relation: hlb m m 2 m : 2 hlb : L bucket L ring Here lb is the bunch length. one bucket in a ring 83 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Maximum Momentum Acceptance of a Bucket By reminding a relation between momentum deviation and energy deviation (see page No. 25): Then, for a bunch with a momentum spread of W → Wb, U → Us From the bucket height, bunch height, and φm, L c Abk L 8 c qVU s 2h3 tr m 2 m hlb L Wb qVU s Wb 2U s p hlb sin m m p 2 L 2h3 tr rf sin sin 2 2 hlb / L 1 sin m 0 ,Wb 0 84 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Maximum Momentum Acceptance of a Bucket Then, by using rf h s h 2 s h 2 L/ c and the gap voltage of an RF cavity, V can be written by: Therefore, for a given energy deviation (p/p), the gap voltage should be higher to get a shorter bunch length lb. In this case, a simple scaling relation can be given by: V → 0 gives a infinite bunch length → bunch diffusion. When φm becomes π, bunch size becomes its maximum (= bucket). Then, the maximum acceptable momentum of a bucket can be given by: higher V gives a higher momentum acceptance. 85 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Longitudinal Normalized Emittance Similar to the conserved normalized transverse emittance, there is a conserved beam parameter in the longitudinal phase space: longitudinal normalized emittance (see Conte's book page No. 107-108 & 155-156). For at least one cycle of the synchrotron oscillation, the Poincaré-Cartan Integral Invariant can be given by: For a small oscillation, IL = invariant, which is related with the longitudinal normalized emittance. Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 86 Longitudinal Normalized Emittance IL = invariant, which is related with the longitudinal normalized emittance. E,u × z = normalized longitudinal emittance = invariant E,u : rms uncorrelated energy spread (= slice energy spread) z : rms bunch length Generally, the longitudinal normalized emittance is conserved well even during bunch length compression. (E,u × z)before BC ≈ (E,u × z)after BC exceptional case : when CSR & ISR, and wakefields are strong. SCSS Bunch Compressor shows the conservation of longitudinal normalized emittance. 87 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Longitudinal Normalized Emittance Uncorrelated energy deviation dEu,i can be obtained by polynomial fitting. dEu ,i dEc ,i FIT[dE ] dzdz i FIT[dE ] a1 a2dz a3dz 2 a4dz 3 a5dz 4 ..... [After BC : dEc,i] [After BC : FIT[dE]] 88 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI Longitudinal Normalized Emittance Uncorrelated energy spread E,u is increased in BC (about 5 ~ 10 times). Increase of SCSS Phase-I Stage : about 4.6 times (from 5.42E-5 to 2.50E-4). Increase of SCSS Phase-II Stage : about 10.2 times (from 5.75E-5 to 5.84E-4). What is source of this increase ? → mainly due to reduced bunch length (E,u × z)before BC ≈ (E,u × z)after BC [After X-band Linac : dEu,i] [After BC : dEu,i] [BC for the SCSS Phase-I Stage] 89 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 4th Alternative ILC BC - Long. Emittance Q=3.2 nC e-beam Initial parameters E = 5.0 GeV = 0.13% (small !) 1/10.0 z = 6.0 mm z = 6.00 mm 600 m nx= 8.0 m, ny= 0.020 m 1/4.0 150 m 4 FODO Cells Damping Ring SACC12 SACC34 650 MHz 650 MHz 14.0 MV/m -66.5 deg ACC1 BC1 SACC5-13 SBC2 ACC2 ACC3 1300 650 MHz MHz 26.3 MV/m 163.0 deg E = 5.244 GeV 6.7 (14) MV/m ~ 1.81% -27.7 deg R56 ~ 302 mm = 5.3 deg E = 6.4 (7.6) GeV ~ 1.55% R56 ~ 30.3 mm = 1.41 deg Up to main Linac with ELEGANT under CSR, ISR, and geometric short-range wakefields. but without space charge Y. Kim @ Snowmass2005 ILC workshop Final parameters E = 6.4 (7.6) GeV Here SACC5-13 are eight 650 MHz subharmonic modules with = 1.55% 12 cavities, and four 90 deg FODO cells is used in SACC5-13 z = 150 m modules. SACC5-13 can be replaceable with normal 1300 MHz TESLA modules. nx= 8.28 m, ny= 0.020 m 90 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 4th Alternative ILC BC – Long. Emittance 01AUG05 Version Y. Kim @ Snowmass2005 ILC workshop Nonlinearity was compensated by 1300 MHz TESLA module (ACC1) z = 6.00 mm z = 150 m At BC2, we can compress further because we have good linearity in dz-dE 91 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 4th Alternative ILC BC – Long. Emittance 01AUG05 Version A B , E,u ~ 2.55 MeV (RMS) zoom in Y. Kim @ Snowmass2005 ILC workshop RMS value through region A gives total (or projected) rms energy spread, E (or its relative RMS energy spread ). In our case, initial total rms relative energy spread = 0.13%. RMS value through region B gives uncorrelated (or slice) rms energy spread E,u. In our case, peak-to-peak momentum change in region B is about 30 (=9800-9770). If we change its unit to MeV, it is 30*0.511 ~ 15.3 MeV. Since RMS value is about six times smaller than peak-to-peak one, its RMS value E,u is about 2.55 MeV. Please note that E,u × z should be constant during bunch compression to conserve the longitudinal emittance. But unfortunately, many persons misunderstand that δ × z (or E × z ) should be constant (wrong concept). Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 92 4th Alternative ILC BC – Long. Emittance 01AUG05 Version A B , E,u ~ 98.4 MeV (RMS) zoom in Y. Kim @ Snowmass2005 ILC workshop After BC2, longitudinal phase space is rotated about 90 deg such as shown in left plot. In this special case, total rms energy spread, E (or ) is very close to uncorrelated (or slice) rms energy spread E,u (or ,u). after BC2, peak-to-peak momentum change in region B is about 1155 (=13005-11850). If we change its unit to MeV, it is 1155*0.511 ~ 590.2 MeV. Since RMS value is about six times smaller than peak-to-peak one, its RMS value E,u is about 98.4 MeV. Therefore is relative RMS uncorrelated energy spread ,u ~ 98.4 /6400 ~ 0.0154 or 1.54%, which is slightly smaller than our total relative RMS energy spread = 1.55% after BC2. 93 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI 4th Alternative ILC BC – Long. Emittance At SACC1 (=before BC1), E,u × z = 6.0 mm*2.55 MeV ~ 15.3 mm.MeV After BC2, E,u × z = 0.150 mm*98.4 MeV ~ 14.8 mm.MeV Since (E,u × z)SACC1 ~ (E,u × z)BC2, the longitudinal emittance is well conserved during bunch compression. Small difference is due to the short-range wakefield in modules, CSR and ISR effects in BC. Therefore there is no special problem in the longitudinal emittance conservation in the 4th alternative ILC bunch compressor. Y. Kim @ Snowmass2005 ILC workshop 94 Yujong Kim @ Advanced Radiation Technology Laboratory - KAERI