Stephanie J. Richards, PhD 305 Oak Park Circle Tullahoma, TN 37388 (931)461-8992 h (931)434-2682 cell email: EDUCATION: 2001 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration. GPA 3.9. Dissertation title, “Student Perceptions of Violence: An Exploratory Field Study”. 1994 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Master of Education with major in Educational Administration. GPA 4.0. 1990 Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi. Bachelor of Arts with a major in English and a minor in history. GPA 3.3. 1993-present Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi, and University of Alaska, Juneau, Alaska – approximately 36 additional hours of coursework in Education with most being focused on math literacy, reading literacy and writing across the curriculum. 3.97 GPA EXPERIENCE: 2005 – present Assistant Professor, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, Tennessee. * Taught the following courses: EDPY 3300 Evaluation and Guidance SPED 3000 Teaching Persons with Disabilities in the Regular Classroom CUED 4150 Middle School Curriculum CUED 4850 Workshop in Education CUED 4850 Middle School ELED 3150 Teaching of Mathematics ELED 3140 Teaching of Social Studies ELED 4140 Science for Elementary Teachers FOED 3800 Field Experience in Education ELED 4870 Student Teaching I ELED 4880 Student Teaching II * Served the University in the following ways: Member of the Parent Advisory Committee of Tullahoma High School Interfaced with 128 different teachers in 22 different elementary, middle, and high schools working in four counties during practicum and student teaching. Consulted with former students in long term substituting assignments to help with classroom management ideas in still other schools in surrounding counties. Acted as a constant liaison in community that knows little of 2+2 program to spread information in daily interactions with people through church, doctors and other groups with whom I interact. Presented information about Tennessee Tech University’s 2+2 Program, Motlow County Campus, Main Campus at the Shelbyville Rotary Club Meeting on March 22, 2007 * Presented in the following venues: Tn Association for Middle Schools, Gatlinburg, 2006 – “Scared of School” Tn Association of Middle Schools, Memphis, 2007 – “Developing Empathy through Teamwork” National Rural Educators’ Association Conference, Oklahoma City, Ok, 2007 – “Teaching Empathy and Building Community: A Rural Perspective” Tennessee Association for Middle Schools, Brentwood, 2008 - “Do You See What I See?” “Simple Science Experiments” Motlow College Campus, April 21, 2008. TTU IRA Literacy Council, Cookeville High School, Cookeville, TN, June, 2008. “Camilla Cream and Tiger Ann Can! But How?” Southern Regional IRA Conference, Nashville, TN, December 8, 2008. “Camilla Cream and Tiger Ann Can! But How?” “Simple Science Experiments” Motlow College Campus, April 28, 2009. TTU IRA Literacy Council, Cookeville High School, Cookeville, TN, June 11, 2009. “Using Literature to Deter Bullying” Tennessee Council for the Social Studies, Memphis, TN, March 11-12, 2010. “Virtual Field Trips” TTU/TECTA RSCC-Oak Ridge Winter Conference, Oak Ridge, TN, February 12, 2010. “Bullying in the Elementary School” TTU/TECTA RSCC-Oak Ridge Winter Conference, Oak Ridge, TN, February 12, 2010. “Bringing Social Studies to Life!” TTU IRA Literacy Council, Cookeville High School, Cookeville, TN, June 3, 2010. “Cyberbullying” TTU IRA Literacy Council, Cookeville High School, Cookeville, TN, June 3, 2010. “Good grief, it’s grammar!” Tn Association for Middle Schools, Sevierville, TN, June 16, 2010. “Developing Empathy through Teamwork” Tn Association for Middle Schools, Sevierville, TN, June 16, 2010. “Bringing Social Studies to Life!” National Rural Educators Association Conference, Branson, MO, Oct 16 “Cyberbullying” * Participated in conferences, classes, and other professional development Tennessee Math Teachers Association Conference, Brentwood, Tennessee 2005 – took my class and gained reimbursement through the Dean’s office for all students Tennessee Association for Middle Schools, Gatlinburg, 2006 Qualitative Research Methods Class – Fall, 2006 taught by Dr. Larimore National Middle Schools Association Conference, Nashville, 2006 Tennessee State Math Conference, Knoxville, 2007 – took 2/3 of my Math methods class National Rural Educators Association Conference– Oklahoma City, 2007 National Science Teachers Association, Regional Conference – Birmingham, Dec 2007– attended with 19 of 21 students in Science methods class * Research Interests Bullying in or out of schools, effectively developing practices to target bullying behaviors, empathy building, teambuilding in school systems, needs of student teachers in becoming more effective teachers SERVICE Active in the Tullahoma community at Covenant Presbyterian Church and at First Baptist Church. Academic Auditor for TBR programs Task force looking at alternatives to INSL master’s/specialist’s degree programs 121 different teachers (8 new teachers this year) in 28 different schools = lots of TTU presence in the Tullahoma area! Continue to establish firm relationships with educators in local schools Beginning relationship with new district through a formal contract with TTU. (in the works) Consulted on Alaska Native culture with Holland America Education and with local social studies teachers. Conducted professional development workshop for TTC Hartsville instructors, April 28, 2010 “Teaching and Learning Styles” ACTIVITIES: Tennessee Association of Middle Schools, Board Member National Middle Schools Association, Member American Association of Curriculum and Development, Member Middle Tennessee Math Teachers Tennessee Math Teachers Association, Member National Rural Education Association, Member Tennessee Council for the Social Studies, Member Student Teacher Education Association, Motlow Chapter, Co-Chair American Association of University Women TTU International Reading Association TN International Reading Association American Association of School Administrators, Member (former) Alaska Association of School Administrators, Member (former) South East Regional Resource Center, Board Member – 2004-05 (former) San Luis Valley Jr High/Middle School Principals’ Organization, President - 1999, 2000, 2001 San Luis Valley High School Principals’ Group, Member and Co-Founder (former) Senate Bill 94 Committee, Board Member (former) Colorado Online Consortium Advisory Board, Member (former) National Association for Secondary School Principals, Member (former) Colorado Association of School Executives, Member (former) Colorado Council of Teachers of Math, Member (former) Colorado Council of International Reading Association, Member (former) Alaska Association of Secondary School Principals, Member (former) Alaska Council of School Administrators, Member (former) GRANTS: 2010 QEP Grant - $2500 Capitol Improvement Project Major Maintenance Grant - $598,000 Northwest Cruise Ship Tutorial Grant -$11,000 Fund for Colorado’s Future, after school and summer program – SASA, yr 1 - $79,600 Fund for Colorado’s Future, after school and summer program – SASA, yr 2 & 3 - $100,000 Quantum Learning Professional Development Grant, $10,000 Service Learning Curriculum Planning Grant, $1,000 Service Learning Curriculum Implementation Grant, $17,325 Wolf Creek Grant, Verbal Judo Professional Development, $2,000 Wolf Creek Grant, Colorado Outward Bound School, Teamwork, $2,000 Wolf Creek Grant, Step Up to Writing Professional Development, $2,000 American Lung Association, Education Awareness Grant, $300 HONORS: Guest of Colorado Governor Bill Owens, State of the State Address, 2001 (recognized for developing a successful after school program for middle school students) Governor’s Award for Distinguished Improvement, Jr High School, 2001 (received award for greatest possible improvement of state test scores from one year to the next) Governor’s Award for Distinguished Improvement, High School, 2001 (received award for greatest possible improvement of state test scores from one year to the next) 2004 – 2005 Superintendent/Principal, Yakutat School District, Yakutat, Alaska. * * * * * * 2003 – 2004 * * * Initiated Capitol Improvement Project Major Maintenance Grant for $598 K to re-roof Elementary School and remediate mold problem. Negotiated Head Start food service contract. Oversaw renovation of high school and construction of new ADA compliant bathrooms. Partnered successfully with law enforcement to use surveillance equipment in reducing vandalism and break-ins on campus. Updated Strategic Plan and Board Policies. Supervised District Technology Plan Re-write. K-12 Principal, Yakutat School District, Yakutat, Alaska. Originated “No Trouble No Tardies” positive incentive program. Stabilized academic and work environment. Acted as Athletic Director and Career and Technical Coordinator * * * * * * 1997 – 2003 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Prepared reports to ensure district received appropriate funding relative to grants. Participated in Indian Education Parent Committee and Healthy Community Coalition. Created opportunities for college credit for teachers during professional development. Wrote successful proposal to Northwest Cruise Lines for $11,000 for an athletic tutorial program. Implemented K-8 Direct Instruction Reading program. Presented at Alaska State Student Government Conference on “Student Fundraising” in Yakutat, Alaska Jr/Sr High School Principal, Sierra Grande Jr/Sr High School, Blanca, Colorado. Initiated development of 14 extracurricular academic and athletic programs. Established three vocational education programs. Wrote job descriptions and secured funding. Developed 23 new curricular courses for the high school and middle school. Fostered learning environment for teachers by bringing 15 research based professional development programs and sustaining them over time. Reduced discipline problems by 66% within first year. Lead the district in earning accreditation through the North Central Association. Forged relationships with local colleges enhancing concurrent education programs so students could graduate with a junior college certificate or enter college with credit already completed. Created “Caught Being Good” Program. Turned losing high school athletic programs into winning programs. Maintained positive relationships with the media and community. Instituted cross curricular interdisciplinary units once a year across grade levels. Collaboratively worked with teachers and students to create profitable fundraisers. Prevented litigation by being proactive on legal matters. Improved nationally standardized Terra Nova Achievement test scores from an average growth gain of 3 months per year to 1.3 years for each year and sustained the average for the last 5 years. Established databases to track student growth on standards. Lead junior high and high school to receive highest score possible, “Significant Improvement”, of five scores possible the first year of improvement scores on State Accountability Reports. Wrote, received, and administered budget of $179,600 grant from the Fund for Colorado’s Future enabling creation of Significant After School Activities (SASA) and summer program for middle school students. Presented to Sierra Grande School Board on “Trends in Student Achievement within Sierra Grande School District over the Past Twelve Years”, 2001 Presented to Governor’s Office, State of Colorado, on “Trends in Student Achievement within Sierra Grande School District over the Past Twelve Years” plus additional information, 2002 Secured 9 grants totaling over $ 214,000 dollars providing professional development, after school and summer programming, education awareness campaigns, curricular offerings, and teambuilding activities. Worked extensively in idea formation, budget monitoring, personnel, curriculum implementation, and professional development on other grants within district. 1996 – 1997 Assistant Principal, Sierra Grande School, K-12, Blanca, Colorado. Assisted with all activities, including student discipline, teacher evaluation, and extracurriculars. Created Friday School as an alternative to out of school suspension. Implemented and chaperoned positive incentive field trips for students who maintained good behavior, attendance, passing grades, and timeliness. Acted as liaison between community and school on Accountability Committee. 1993 - 1996 Research assistant in department of Educational Leadership and Research, (full scholarship and stipend), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Presented paper “To Market, To Market: Looking at Using Market Research in Public Education” at 1995 Southwest Educational Research Association Conference, Dallas, Texas. 1990 – 1993 English Teacher, Jackson Public Schools, Jackson, Mississippi. Taught advanced, regular, and remedial levels in large inner-city school. Co-chaired Senior Enrichment Program. Helped organize and implement study program for Functional Literacy Examination resulting in most improved scores in the district. Volunteered and assisted with varsity soccer and tennis programs. Represented Provine at the Advanced Placement Institute. 1988 – 1989 Summer Counselor at YWCA, Jackson, Mississippi. Planned and lead activities for elementary and middle school children. 1987 Summer Volunteer, House of Neighborly Service, San Antonio, Texas. Played games and lead activities with underprivileged children and tutored Nicaraguan physician in English. REFERENCES: Mr. Robert Rael Superintendent (retired) Sierra Grande School District Dr. Lana Clauss Associate Professor Tennessee Tech University Dr. Johnny Purvis Professor Univ of Central Arkansas 231Shadow Wood Drive Alamosa, CO Cell (719) 480-3568 Hm (719) 589-5502 P.O. Box 5072 Cookeville, TN 38505 Wk (931) 372-3181 Cell (931)265-4226 3104 Dogwood Trail Conway, AR 72032 Wk (501) 450-5258 Hm (501) 327-5188 Mrs. Charle Coffey Director of Academic Services Motlow State Community College P.O. 8500 Lynchburg, TN 37352 Wk (931)393-1696 Ms. Brenda Cannon Director of Community Relations Motlow State Community College P.O. Box 8500 Lynchburg, TN 37353 Wk (931) 393-1548