I IEEETransactions on En- ' I , 1 Conversion, Vol. 6, No.4, December 1991. 573 APPLICATION OF SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETIC ENERGY STORAGE UNIT TO IMPROVE THE DAMPING OF SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR Qli-Jui Wu, Member IEEE YuanpShung Lee National Taiwan Institute of Technology Taipei, Taiwan Fu Jm University Taipei, Taiwan ABSTRACT A systematic approach is presented to design a controller for superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) unit to improve the dynamic stability of a power system. The developed scheme employs a proportional-integral @'I) controller to enhance the damping of the electromechanical mode oscillation of synchronous generators. The parameters of the proposed PI controller are determined by pole assignment method based on modal control theory. Eigenvalues analysis and nonlinear computer simulations show that SMES with the PI controller can greatly improve the damping of system under various operating conditions. (b) The superconducting coil can draw or release the power during the dynamic period. The energy stored in the coil is always under its rating. (c) Althoub the PI controller is designed at a special load condition, it can also provide good damping effect at other load conditions. (d) The stability margin can be expanded by the PI controller. (e) The PI controller is very simple in structure and easy to be implemented. Key words: SMES, PI controller, pole assignment, computer simulation Fig. 1 shows the studied system with a synchronous generator connected to the infinite bus through a transmission line and a superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) unit. Although the example system is a simple one, it is sufficient to demonstrate the damping effect of SMES [ 181. The unit with thyristor controller is located at the generator bus terminal. The nonlinear dynamic behavior of the synchronous generator is described by two axis model [ 11, where the armature transient voltage of direct axis and quadrature axis are described by 1. INTRODUCTION Power system oscillations will occur if there are system disturbances such as load change or system fault. The damping of the system must be enough such that the synchronous generators can return to steady state after disturbances 1 11. Many countermeasures have been suggested in the literatures to increase the damping such as power system stabilizers P S S ) 12-61, governor and turbine system [7], static Var compensator (SVC) [8-91, and phase shifter [ 101. Due to the rapid development in the technique of high temperature superconducting material, the application of the superconducting conductcv becomes an important h u e in the electrical engineering [11-15]. The superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) unit is designed to store electric power in the low loss superconducting magnetic coil [ 11-121. Power can be absorbed by or released from the coil according to system requirement. The SMES unit can also be applied to be a load frequency controller [ 161 and transmission line stabilizer [ 111, or increase the stability of power system [17-181. In this paper, a systematic approach is used to design a SMES unit with proportional-integra1 (PI) controller for increasing the damping of synchronous generators. The PI controller is very simple in structure and had been successfully used as a power system stabilizer [SI. The paraqeters of the PI controller are determined using modal control theory [ 191 by assigning the eigenvalues of the electromechanical mode at the prespecified position. The main results obtained in this paper are: (a) Eigenvalues analysis and computer simulation results show that the SMES unit with the proposed 'PI controller can greatly enhance the damping of Ye synchronous generator. Rotor oscillation can be qyiddy repressed down under system dis turbances. A paper recommended and approved 91 WM 132-1 EC by t h e I E E E Energy Development and Power Generation Committee of t h e IEEE Power Engineering Society f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n a t t h e IEEE/PES 1991 Winter Meeting, New York, New York, February 3-7, 1991. Manuscript submitted June 1 8 , 1990: made a v a i l a b l e f o r p r i n t i n g January 1 6 , 1991. 2. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM MODEL EFD is the field excitation voltage, and Tdo and Tho represent d-axis and q-mh transient time constant, respectively. The swing and rotor equations can be written as LI = (P, - Dgu - Pe - P ~ M ) / M ~ (3) 6 = wo(u-l) (4) where Pm, De,and M are the output power of the reheat steam turbine, damping c o e f h e n t , and moment constant. Pe = EA Id + E&Iq is the electromagnetic pow& transfered in the air gap. PSM is the stored power into the SMES. The terminal voltages which describe the relation between transmission line and generator are Eh - Ra Id - vd' = - v, sin (6- rq U) + Reid + WLeIq v q ' Eq - Ra Iq + x d Id =VmC0S(6-a)+ R e I d - W L e I d where Vt and V, represent terminal voltage of generator and infinite bus voltage, respectively. The static excitation control system is showh in Fig. 2, and the governor and reheat turbine is also shown in Fig. 3. They are all represented by the transfer functions in the S domain. Combining generator, exciter, and governor-turbine system, we can obtain a set of 10th order nonlinear differential equations, At the initial operating point the nonlinear differential equations can be linearized to get the linear differential equations [ 1I . 0885-8~/91$01.W1991 IEEE Ti'- 574 ! i i , Fig. 1 Single machine connected to infinite bus power system with SMES unit j i Y-h/Y-Y CONNECTED TRANSFORMER i ' Fig. 4 1 12-PULSE CONVERTER conduct I n g I n d u c t0 r The schematic diagram of the superconducting magnetic energy storage unit stabilizing transformer Fig. 2 1 2 2 Ld ISM^ is the initial energy in the inductor. where w x o = - Static excitation system To use the SMES as a stabilizing control unit, the terminal voltage VSM across the inductor is controlled continuousely depending on the measured speed deviation of the generator rotor. That is governor 10 Fig. 3 -eheat turbine Steam turbine and governor system All eigenvalues of the open loop system, that is without SMES, are shown in the first column of Table 1. From Table 1, the real part of the electromechanical mode is -0.073, which means that the damping of the synchronous generator is very bad. A SMES unit is used in this paper to improve the damping under system disturbances. Fig. 4 shows the configuration of the SMES unit, containing an Y-A/Y-Y connected transformer, a 12-pulse converter and a DC superconducting inductor. The converter unit is forced commutated and a is the firing angle of SCR. If a < 90", the converter works as a converter mode (charging mode). If a > 90", the converter then works as an inverter mode (discharging mode) [ 171. Real power can be absorbed from or delivered to the power system by controlling the sequential firing angle of thyristors [ 151. In order t o effectly control the power balance of the synchronous generator during dynamic period, the SMES is located at generator terminal bus [ 171. The current and voltage of superconducting inductor are related by where ISM^ is the initial current of inductor. absorbed or delivered by the SMES unit then is pSM = VSM ISM The real power (9) If VSM is positive, power is transfered from the power system to the SMES unit. While if the VSM is negative, power is released from the SMES unit. The energy stored in the superconducting inductor is where Kc is the gain of control loop, and Tdc is the delay time constant of the control device. Because of constraint of hardward implementation the voltage and current of the inductor all have upper limit and lower limit. Since the converter operates in continuous mode. the umer _ _ limit of the inductor current is set in 1.38 ISM^ (p.u.),and the lower limit is 0.31 ISM^ (p.u.).The limit of terminal voltage is i0.438 (P.u.). All the system datas of generator, exciter, governor system, and SMES unit are given in Appendix. 3. DESIGN OF A PI SMES CONTROLLER USING MODAL CONTROL THEORY [ 191 In order to enhance the electromechanical mode damping of synchronous generator, a PI SMES controller is used to control the inductor terminal voltage as shown in Fig. 5. Although many controllers can be used, the PI controller is sufficient and simplest to provide two degrees of freedom to control the electromechanical mode in Table 1 for damping the low frequency oscillation. The parameters of the PI controller can be determined by using the modal control theory. At the initial operation point, the linearized differential equations can be expressed as X=AX+BU (12) where X = [Aw, A 6 , AEFD, AVs , AEA, AE;, M r , Aph, APc, APm , AVSM 1 T is the state vector, Y = Aw is the output signal, and U = USM is the control signal. A, B, and C are all constant matrixes. Pr ,Ph ,and Pc are states of the governor and reheat turbine. Taking the Laplace transformation of eqs. (1 2) and (13), we have sX(s) = AX(s) Y(s) = c X(s) + B U(s) 575 Table 1. lo Controller I Superconductingmagnetic energy storage unit control system I The control signal from Fig. 5 can be represented by STW 1+sTw -217.8 - 41.9 -19.94 -10.23 -0.073+j9.35* -1.966 -1.742 -4.885 -0.1249 1 U(s) = H(s) Y(s) = with SMES but without PI controiier with SMES and PI controller -217.8 - 41.9 -19.94 -10.23 -0.1929ij9.38* -1.957 -1.750 -4.884 -0.1249 -38.21 -217.8 - 42.0 -18.28 -11.14 -9.1 ij9.35* -1.809*j0.3121 -4.74 1 -0.1249 -21.62 -7.642 ')Isno SMES Fig. 5 System eigenvaluesat Po = 1.O, PF = 0.85 1 I I I * electromechanical mode (Kp + .KI .- ) Y(s) S where Tw is the washout time constant and Kp and KI are the controller gains to be determined. It is easy to see that the characteristic equation of the closed loop control system is [ 191 1 - C (SI - A)-l B H(s) = 0 (17) In order to examine the control ability of the PI controller at any other load conditions, the real part of the eigenvalues of the electromechanical mode is plotted in Fig. 6 for three control schemes. The stability margins of the system without SMES and with SMES but without PI controller are Po = 1.05 p.u. and Po = 1.14 p.u. respectively. While the stability margin of the system with PI controller is above Po = 1.6 P.u.. The system stability margin is greatly enlarged by the PI controller. For any closed loop system eigenvalue A , I - C (AI - A)-l B H(A) = 0 or H(A) = [ C (AI - AT1 Bl-1 -1.1) X1 ,A2 0-7 0.5 0.3 If AI and A2 are the pair of prespecified eigenvalues for electromechanical mode, we can substitute A1 and A2 into eq. (18) and obtain a pair of linear algebra equations of Kp and KI. By solving this pair of linear algebra equations, we can easily obtam the desired values for Kp and KI. In this paper, the eigenvalues of the electromechanical mode is assigned at 0.9 1.1 1.5 1.3 a c t i v e power ( p . ~ ) II - , -6 = -9.1tj9.35 From eq. (18), the PI controller parameters can be determined. They are -184 , , 0.1 0.3 Kp = 45.99 - , 0.5 , , , , , , , , 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 , , , 1.5 a c t i v e power (p.u) KI = 376.4 a It is noted that the prespecified eigenvalues are chosen arbitrarily according to the expection of the damping of the synchronous generator. If the parameter values of the PI controller is out of a suitable range, the assigned eigenvalues must be adjusted until that the parameter values are located in the suitable range. 4. , b - t C Fig. 6 + t s without SMES with SMES but without PI controller with SMES and PI controller Real part of electromechanical mode eigenvalueunder various load conditions EIGENVALUE ANALYSIS At the initial operation condition, the system eigenvalues are given in Table 1. When the system is with SMES but without PI controller, there is little improvement in the damping of the electromechanical mode. The system with SMES but without PI controller means that the controller is replaced by an unity gain. Of course, the controller can be other types [ 161. If the PI controller designed in section 3 is presented, there is great improvement in the damping of the electromechanical mode as shown in the third column of Table 1. It is noted that the eigenvalues of this mode are actually the prespecified values. The dynamic performance of the synchronous generator can be greatly improved by the proposed PI controller. 5. COMPUTER SIMULATION In order to demostrate the damping effect of the proposed PI controller, computer simulations based on the nonlinear differential equations are taken at various load conditions. All the nonlinearities such as exciter ceiling voltage limit and voltage limit of the inductor must be considered. Two types of system disturbances are tested. Fig. 7 shows the system responses when there is a 0.01 p.u. 4 cycles load change. That is a small disturbance, and so the speed oscillation curves certify the damping characteristics of the electromechanical mode as given in Table 1. Next we examine the dynamic performances when there is a large disturbance. A 4 cycles three phase 576 7 1.0001 4 - 2 1.0001 1.0 4 1.0 Y 0.9999 30.9999 . 0.999sl . 0 . 0.9998' 2 4 time (sec) ' ___ 1.0002 . - -? - ,-_____- 1.0 - &n - 0 . 0 1 a r 0.01 0.0 -0.018 0.98 4 2 0 4 2 0 time (sec) 7(b) with SMES but without PI controller - 7 0 . 0 1 8 ~ - - - - - 0.99 time (sec) 7(a) without SMES ? - 1.02 1.01 4 time (sec) 9(a) Po = 1.0, p.f = 0.85 - -~ 1.02- 1.0001 b Fig. 7 Dynamic responses l.o~-~ 0.9999 0.9998 0 2 under small disturbance 4 0.98 1-L 2 0 time (sec) 7(c) with SMES and PI controller 1.02 1 1.01 4 1.0 3 0.99 0.98 2 4 1.0 3 0.99 0.98 4 time (sec) 0 2 4 1 time (sec) 8(a) Po = 1.O, P.f = 0.85 8(b) Po = 1.2, p.f= 0.85 - 1.02 I o . 0 1 , 8 j v 0.98 1 - - d 0 -0.018i- a d, 1.02 7- Fig. 9 Dynamic respanses under three phase short circuit with SMES but without PI controller 6 . CONCLUSION In this paper, the superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) unit with a proportional-integral (PI) controller is proposed to enchance the damping of the synchronous generator. A systematic approach based on the modal control theory is used to determine the gain values of the PI controller by shifting the electromechanical mode to the prespecified position. Eigenvalues analysis and computer simulation results show that the damping effect of the SMES with PI controller is excellent. The dynamic performance of the generator can be greatly improved and the stability margin can be expanded. Although the PI controller is design at a special load condition, it can also provide good damping effect at other load conditions. Application of the SMES t o increase the damping of the multimachine power system can be suggested for later study. The effect of reactive power input/output of the SMES can also be considered. But this needs a different system model and is currently under study. Although the BPA has built a 30 MJ unit, the commercial devices are still not currently available. The cost of a practical SMES unit is unknown, but would more expensive than other damping devices, such as PSS and SVC. The stability improvement must be an additional benefit from the SMES but not the only one, since the unit should be used for load leveling and load management. 6 Y 1.0 3 0.99 I 0.98j--- time (sec) 8(c) Po = 0.8, P.f = 0.85 Fig. 8 Dynamic responses under three phase short circuit-without SMES time (sec) 9(c) Po = 0.8, p.f = 0.85 w I 1.01 -----A 4 2 time (sec) 7. - 4 9(b) Po = 1.2, p.f = 0.85 fault is occurred at the transmission line near the infinite bus. The system responses when there is no SMES are plotted in Fig. 8 for three different load conditions. There is almost no damping at the initial load condition P = 1. At Po = 1.2, the system is unstable. Also the damping at Po"= 0.8 is not good enough. Fig. 9 shows the system responses when there is with SMES but without PI controller. The damping of the generator system is only a little improved, but at Po = 1.2, the system is still unstable. The system responses when there is with SMES and the proposed PI controller designed in the previous section are shown in Fig. 10. Several observations can be obtained from Fig. 10: The damping of the synchronous generator can be greatly improved by the SMES with PI controller. From Fig. 10(b), the stability margin is expanded by the PI controller. During the dynamic period, the SMES unit draws power from the generator output bus or releasesit to the bus. The power delivery limit is constrained by the converter voltage rating, and the size of the SMES unit. The SMES may allow the power delivery to saturate during the transient period as shown in Fig. 10, but still provide excellent damping for dynamic period. The power rating is chosen according to the size of generator and types of disturbance [201. The energy stored in the coil is always less than 6 MJ, the energy rating of the superconducting inductor. Although the PI controller is designed at a special operation point, it also can provide good damping effect at other load conditions. The controller is low sensitive to the system load. - 2 0 4 time (sec) E' E& VS USM V-k d' Vq NOMENCLATURE angular speed torque angle d-axis transient voltage q-axis transient voltage field voltage stabilizing transformer output voltage SMES controller output infinite bus voltage d-axis terminal voltage q-axis terminal voltage 0.99 ,-- 0.98 - r 2 0 6 0.0 -0.2 -0.3 0 2 -0.5 -1 2 0 4 time (sec) time (sec) 3.99 4 1 0 time (sec) -- 2 --- ’ ___.. -I 4 time (sec) a ::::k------i 3 0.99 1O(a) Po = 1.0, p.f= 0.85 a - f z!k------] 1.0 transient reactance of d-axis stator winding synchronous reactance of d-axis stator winding synchronous reactance of q-axis stator winding d-axis transient open circuit time constant q-axis transient open circuit time constant stator resistance moment constant damping constant regulator gain regulator time constant stabilizing transformer gain stabilizingtransformer time constant current of superconducting inductor voltage of superconducting inductor power transfered to SMES energy storage in SMES gain of SMES control loop time constant of control loop washout time constant 8. 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Rated Voltage 15 KV Field Current 926 A Power Factor 0.85 Xi Mg Dg T;o Ra xd Xq TAo = = = = 0.001096 1.70 1.64 5.9 s Le = 0.400 = = = = 0.245 4.74 0 0.075 s Re = 0.020 exciter KAE = 400 KF = 0.025s TAE = 0.05s TF = 1.0s governor KG = 3.5 TRH = 8 s TSM = 0 2 s TCH = 0.05s TSR = 0.1 s KRH = 0.3 SMES unit ISM^ = Ld Kc Tw 0.6495 = OS H = 1.83 = 0.125s Chi-Jui Wu (M39) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University in 1983, 1985, and 1988 respectively. Now he is an associated professor in Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Institute of Technology. His current research interests lie m dynamic control of synchronous generator, static Var compensator, power system simulator, and direct load control. ‘SMo Tdc = = 0.026s Yuang-Shung Lee was born in Taiwan, Republic of China, on January 2, 1950. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan Institute of Technology, in 1974 and 1983, respectively. Since 1986, he has been with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, Presently he is pursuing the Ph.D. degree. His current research interest is on the dynamic stability analysis and control of electrical power systems.