Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) for Improved Power Quality Shuki Wolfus, Alex Friedman, Yasha Nikulshin, Eli Perel & Yosi Yeshurun Institute of Superconductivity, Department of Physics Bar-Ilan University 1 Energy in Coils Ø Circulating current in a coil generates magnetic field, B Ø The energy stored in space is proportional to B2 If the coil is superconducting, its current doesn’t decay The coil becomes an energy storing device 1 2 E = LI 2 2 High-Power Capability Power capability of the SMES depends on its discharge rate Limitations: Ø Switching voltage and efficiency Ø Winding insulation / coil breakdown dI V =L dt 3 SMES Power Density Energy and power densities 10 5 10 4 1000 100 10 SMES Dielectric capacitor Mass specific power (kW/kg) Comparison to other energy storage technologies 1 Ragone chart: Performance comparison of storing devices Batteries Super capacitor 0,1 Flywheel Batteries 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000 Mass specific energy (Wh/kg) P. Tixador, ESAS 2011 9 P. Tixador Institut Néel, G2Elab 2011 ESAS Summer school 4 Performances SMES application SMES Applications 5 10 SMES 10 1 Super capacitors 0,1 Batteries Discharging time 100 Dielectric capacitors 1000 Batteries 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000 Mass specific energy (Wh/kg) Hours Pumped hydro CAES Metal-air Flow batteries batteries High energy NaS batteries supercaps Lead-acid batteries Ni-Cd batteries Long dura. flywh. 4 10 Li-ion batteries P. Tixador, ESAS 2011 Minutes High power flywheels Seconds 1 kW High power supercaps SMES 100 kW 100 MW Power SMES main advantage is in the high-power short-time regime 2011 ESAS P. Tixador Institut Néel, G2Elab Summer school Performances Ideal for handling power quality issues 5 to this PQ Survey project proved that the samples and models are large and good enough to conclude that the variation explained by the model is not due to chance and that the relationship between the model and the dependent variable - annual PQ costs is very strong. The charts in Figure 1 present the cost extrapolations of wastage caused by the range of PQ phenomena throughout the sectors investigated in EU-25: PQ cost is characterized by disturbance type (absolute value in € bln and % value of total cost) and cost components. PQ Cost to EU Economy Figure 1: Extrapolation of PQ cost to EU economy in LPQI surveyed sectors Dips and short interruptions Long interruptions Harmonics Surges and transients Flicker unbalance earthing and EMC 85 PQ cost in bln € Labor WIP Process slowdown Equipment Other cost 90 86,5 REMARKS Standard error of estimation: industry +/-5% based on regression only and +/- 2,54% variance corrected services +/-12,93%, +/-11,91% respectively Banks excluded 80 70 64 63,6 60 53,4 51,2 50 37,9 44,6 41,3 PQ cost in EU >150 bln € 40 36 30 20 4,6 4,1 0,2 Industry 6,4 1,5 1,8 1,1 2,1 Services 0 10 4,2 1,3 1,4 2,9 0 Total J. Manston & R. Targosz European Power Quality Survey Report, 2008 Industry 7 3,3 0,9 2 0,4 0,1 Services 3 2,2 Total 6 European Power Quality Survey Report Industries sensitive to PQ disturbances Figure 10: LPQI survey, PQ disturbance frequency, dips, interruptions, surges and transients These are annualised data giving the frequency of disturbances per sector. In this figure J. Manston & R. Targosz European Powercompany Quality Survey Report, one metals claiming short 2008 interruptions every day has been filtered to avoid distorting the overall picture. 7 Technology Challenges Magnet topologies Ø Magnetic Design (field intensity, stored energy, coil configuration,I stray fields, foot print…) Ø Cryostat and magnet cooling (conduction vs. liquid cooling, heat flow, heat drain, maintenance…) Ø Superconductor (wire development, AC losses, quench protection, stabilization…) Ø Power electronics Solenoid (logic, switching, components, losses, algorithm, control…) Toroid 8 BIU’s HTS SMES (Old) Ministry of National Infrastructure - Israel Electric Company (IEC) Main achievements: Ø World’s first LN2 cooled operating HTS SMES 3phase, 400 V, 1 kJ, 20 kW Ø Special geometry Iron core increased energy gain reduced self field Ø Novel converter circuit Simultaneous charge & discharge increased device power 9 BIU’s New SMES Features Ø 1MJ, 1MW Ø Solenoid design with field shielding Ø New, state-of-the-art MgB2 superconducting wires Ø Conduction cooling at 10K 10 BIU’s New SMES 500$ 400$ V$corrected$ 300$ Reference$ 200$ V$Interrupted$ 100$ 0$ 0$ 0.005$ 0.01$ 0.015$ 0.02$ 0.025$ 0.03$ !100$ !200$ !300$ !400$ !500$ 11 Worldwide SMES Projects - China 1-MJ/0.5-MVA SMES that incorporates Bi-2223 wire. Baiyan substation in Gansu Province since 2011 12 A. Wolsky, “A roadmap to future use of HTS by the power sector”, 2012 Chubu Electric - Japan 19MJ/10-MVA SMES that incorporates NbTi wire. 2007 13 Brookhaven, ABB, SuperPower & Huston Univ. - USA 1.7MJ/10-kVA SMES for military micro-grids . 2015 14 le Energy Sources Using Hydrogen and SMES Michael Sander and Rainer Gehring Hybrid SMES - The Futuristic Vision proposed that comerconducting Magincrease of the conts like wind or solar balancing demands ven days. LH2 with candidate for large ad or supply fluctuthe losses related to o the response times part more steadily be needed. Here a uctors (HTS) is prod in the LH2 bath. s for the SMES are simulations on the ent plant types are temperature superts. Fig. 1. M. Concept of the LIQHYSMES Hybrid Plant consisting of three major Sander and R. Gehing, IEEE TRANS. ON APPL. SUPERCON., 21, 1362 (2011) parts: the Electrochemical Energy Storage (EES), the Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) and the Power Conversion & Control Unit (PCC). 15