International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3340-3346 © Research India Publications. Analysis of Control Scheme for Unified Power Quality Conditioner to Improve the Power Quality in Distribution System N. C. Kotaiah Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. Dr. K. Chandra Sekhar Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. Abstract In this paper, a novel design of UPQC is proposed which consists of two phase fast d-q frame theory for shunt active filter. The performance of UPQC is analyzed with the proposed d-q frame theory. During this analysis the series converter of UPQC controls the supply voltage and keeps the load voltage within the traditional worth, whereas the shunt converter of UPQC with the proposed Id-q control scheme takes the control of the current supply and makes the input current within eligibly small harmonic content. With the proposed Id-q control strategy, the UPQC can compensate harmonic currents and the reactive power of the load in addition to the grid voltage distortion. This device has no harmonic interference between harmonic producing non linear load and harmonic sensitive load that are connected to the common bus. The operation of a UPQC with the Id-q control technique under harmonic and reactive loads along with grid voltage sag is investigated with Matlab/Simulink analysis. Keywords: unified power quality conditioner (UPQC); Instantaneous d-q theory; harmonic currents; reactive power; voltage distortion Introduction The usage of power quality conditioners within the distribution system network has more demand in the past years with the steady increase of harmonic loads and non-linear loads which draws the reactive power from the grid. This current drawn by harmonic load encompasses a high harmonic content, distorting the voltage at the utility grid and consequently distorts the operation of sensitive loads. By employing a unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) [1]–[2], the power quality improves with the regulated voltage for the sensitive loads, with low harmonic distortion and draws the sinusoidal currents from the utility grid, although the grid voltage and the load current have harmonic contents. The UPQC consists of two active filters, the series active filter (SAF) and the shunt or parallel active filter (PAF) [3], [4].The PAF is typically controlled as a non-sinusoidal current supply, that is accountable for compensating the harmonic current of the load, whereas the SAF is controlled as a distorted voltage supply, that is accountable for compensating the grid voltage. Each of them has an effective reference value with harmonic contents, and typically these reference values may be obtained through advanced strategies [4], [5]. Some works show an to each shunt and series active filters that uses sinusoidal references without extracting much harmonic contents, so as to decrease the complexness of the reference generation of the UPQC [7]. Diverse topologies has been proposed in literature for UPQCs in single-phase configurations, i.e. two IGBT half bridges [8] or multilevel topologies [9], but this paper focus on the commonly employed general structure depicted in figure 1. Though many control techniques and strategies had developed, still performance of UPQC is in contradictions, and therefore became primarily motivation for this paper. Power Quality (PQ) mainly deals with issues like maintaining a fixed voltage at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) for various distribution voltage levels irrespective of voltage fluctuations, maintaining near unity power factor power drawn from the supply, blocking of voltage and current unbalance from passing upwards from various distribution levels, reduction of voltage and current harmonics in the system [12-13]. Present paper mainly focused on instantaneous active and reactive currents (Id–Iq) control strategy for shunt active filter control, which is prominent one. The performance of the shunt active filter under non-linear loading conditions is analyzed. To validate current observations, extensive simulations are carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK and the results are analyzed and presented. UPQC and Control Strategy Unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) happens to be the majority widespread power conditioning equipment that can ease both voltage and current quality problems [3, 4].By using a unified power quality conditioner (UPQC), it is likely to certify a regulated voltage for the loads with little harmonic distortion. The proposed UPQC topology block diagram was shown in figure 1. The UPQC consists of two dynamic filters, the series active filter (SAF) and the shunt or parallel active filter (PAF). The PAF is regularly controlled as a non sinusoidal current source, which is responsible for compensating the harmonic current of the load, whereas the SAF is controlled as a non sinusoidal voltage source, which is accountable for compensating the grid voltage. But its 3340 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3340-3346 © Research India Publications. consequent control gives it incomparable attribute in terms of collective responsibility and condensed VA rating as compared to entity dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) [8,10] or active power filter (APF) [6,9]. A UPQC consists of voltage source inverters connected in cascade. Inverter 1 (Series Inverter SE) is associated in series with the inward utility supply through a low pass filter and a voltage injecting transformer. Inverter 2 (Shunt Inverter SH) is linked in parallel with the sensitive load, whose power quality wants to be rigorously maintained. The key function of SH is to supply necessary VAR support to the load, and to restrain the load current harmonics from flowing in the direction of the utility and it is operated in current controlled mode. SE is liable for compensating the shortage in voltage quality of the incoming supply, such that the load end voltage remains insensible to the distinction of utility supply. The UPQC considered in this paper have identical power circuit configuration, but as the control strategies are unlike , the individual loading of SH and SE varies and on the whole rating of the UPQC fluctuates, which is the thrust of this paper and is clarified in the succeeding sections. The SE needs to be connected to the supply side through a series injection transformer and a low pass filter (LPF), to eradicate the high switching frequency ripple of the inverter. The filter may insert some phase shift, which could be load dependent, but appropriate feedback control is to be designed to dynamically regulate the shift, which is depicted in the control section. The active power flow through the UPQC initiates from the utility, as it is the only source of active power. But the reactive power and load harmonic currents are shared between the SH and loads first and foremost. Therefore, SH offers harmonic separation to the utility and SE may also allocate some VAR depending upon the control, which is expressed in the consequent section. Rs LS Vsb Rs LS Vsc Rs LS Vsa V isa t PCC Vdvra ila Vla N isb Vdvrb isc Vlb Vdvrc Vlc Rla ilb Rlb ilc Rlc Cse Lse Rsw Cse Lse Rsw Cse Cf Cf Cf Lf Lf Lf Figure 2: Basic architecture of three-phase - four wire shunt active filter. The transformation from α – β – zero frame to d–q –0 frame is given by π0 π0 1 0 0 1 ο¨ο±ο©ο [ππ ] = [0 πππ π π πππ ] [ππΌ ] π£πΌπ½ ππ 0 −π πππ πππ π ππ½ If the d axis is within the direction of the voltage space vector and the zero-sequence part is invariant, the transformation is given by ππ ππΌ [π ] = πΎ [π ] (2) π½ π π£πΌ π£π½ 1 πΎ= [ (3) π£πΌ ] π£πΌπ½ −π£π½ π£ π£ πΌ π½ 1 πΎ= [ ] (4) π£ 2 −π£π½ 2 πΌ +π£ √π£ πΌ π½ Where the transformation matrix K, satisfies βπΎβ = 1 ππππΎ −1 = πΎ π Lla Llb n Llc Linear load isn is set by the angle θ with respect to the α-β frame utilized in the p-q theory. iln Lse Each current component (Id, Iq) has an average value or dc component and an oscillating value or ac component Rnl Rsw Saa Sbb Scc Vdbus S’aa S’bb Sa Cdc S’a Sb Sc Rf Rf S’b S’ c Rf Lnl Non linear load S’cc ifn Figure 1: Block diagram of the proposed UPQC topology Shunt Converter with I d-q Controller The block diagram of power system with basic shunt active filter is given in figure 2 and the control circuit is shown in figure 3. The block diagram representing how the harmonic currents are injected and their transformation was represented in figure 4. By using instantaneous active and reactive currents Id-q control technique reference current can be obtained through the non linear load. Calculations follow like the instantaneous power theory, but direct axis and quadrature load currents are often obtained from equation (1). Two stage transformations provide the relation between the stationary and rotating system with active and reactive current methodology. The transformation angle ‘θ’ is key to all or any voltage harmonics and unbalanced voltages; as a result dθ/dt might not be constant. The system d-q (d- direct axis, q-quadrature axis) ππ = πΜ π + πΜπ ππ = πΜ π + πΜπ (5) The compensating strategy (for harmonic reduction and reactive power compensation) assumes that the supply should deliver the average of the direct axis element of the load current. The reference supply current is ππ ππππ = πΜ Μ Μ Μ ; πΏπ ππ ππππ = ππ 0πππ (6) In this methodology, the current magnitude changes its axes and p-q formulation is performed on the instant active Id and instant reactive Iq parts. If the d axis has fixed direction which is in the direction of voltage spaces vector v and the zerosequence element of current remains in-variant, the I d-q methodology is also expressed as follows: π£πΌ ππ 1 [ππ ] = [−π£π½ π£πΌπ½ π0 0 3341 π£π½ π£πΌ 0 0 ππΏπΌ 0 ] [ππΏπ½ ] π£πΌπ½ ππΏ0 (7) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3340-3346 © Research India Publications. AC Mains Shunt Converter with I d-q Controller il is Non-Linear Load V1,V2,V3 ic Figure 5 shows the basic block diagram of series controlled UPQC. Series controller equations: il1, il2, il3 L Vdref Vdact V1,V2,V3 Vdact PI Vdref sinwt VLoad coswt sinwt PWM generator Gate pulse for series converter coswt PLL ic1*, ic2*, ic3* Park Transformation dq- 123 icq* abc d,q Park Transformation 123- dq and harmonic current injection ic1, ic2, ic3 d,q PI abc VLoad Voltage Source Inverter icd* Figure 5: Block Diagram of series Controlled UPQC ilq nh ilq nh iq1h+=0 iq1h+ Vdc DC voltage Controller 1 ππ 2 [ ππ ] = √ 0 3 ππ 1 [√2 Vdc* Figure 3: Shunt converter Id-q control circuit. In this strategy, the supply should deliver the constant term of the direct-axis of the load (for harmonic compensation and power issue correction). The reference supply current is calculated as follows: ππ π = πΜ Μ Μ Μ (8) πΏπ ; ππ π = ππ π = 0 ππΏπ = π£πΌ ππΏπΌ +π£π½ ππΏπ½ π£πΌπ½ ππΏπΌπ½ = ππΏπΌπ½ π£πΌπ½ ) =( ππ ππΏπΌπ½ 2 +π£ 2 √π£πΌ π½ ) 2 1 2 1 √2 √2 [ πππ π€π‘ −π πππ€π‘ ] π π πππ€π‘ ππ ] [ π] πππ π€π‘ ππ (13) Parameter Value Source Voltage 320 V Source Impedance (0.1+j0.28) β¦ DC Link Capacitance 3000µF Load resistance 150 β¦ Load Inductance 30mH Interfacing Inductor 8.98nH (10) ππ The subscript “dc” suggests that the mean value of the expression inside the parentheses. Since the reference supply current must be sinusoidal and in phase with the voltage at the PCC (and does not have any zero-sequence component), it will be calculated (in α-β-0 coordinate) by multiplying theta of equation by a unit vector within the direction of PCC voltage space vector (excluding the zero sequence components): π£πΌ 1 π£ ππ πππ = Μ Μ Μ Μ ππΏπ [ π½] (11) π£πΌπ½ 0 ππ πΌπππ π£πΌ ππΏπΌπ½ 1 [ππ π½πππ ] = ( ) [π£π½ ] (12) π£ π£πΌπ½ ππ πΌπ½ 0 ππ 0πππ 2 −√3 Table 1: System Parameters The dc component of the above equation will be ππΏπ = ( Μ Μ Μ Μ −1 2 √3 MATLAB/SIMULINK Analysis (9) 2 +π£ 2 √π£πΌ π½ −1 Case i: Harmonics and Reactive power compensation with Id-q Controlled Shunt UPQC Figure 6 shows the Simulink model of shunt UPQC controller which provides reactive power compensation and eliminates harmonics. Figure 7 shows the Simulink model of instantaneous d-q controller. Vdc Vdc* PI id1h+ ila,ilb,ilc id Butter Worth Low pass filter iq Butter Worth Low pass filter Park Transformation Abc-dq id1h+ idnh iq1h+ iqnh icd* icq* Figure 6: Simulink model of power system network with Harmonics and Reactive power compensation with Shunt connected UPQC. iq1h+=0 Figure 4: Transformation and injection of harmonic current. 3342 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3340-3346 © Research India Publications. Figure 8 represents the source voltage, source currents, load current and compensating currents from converter. At the point of common coupling (PCC) in the source side, while connecting any load, these connected loads at the PCC draw non-linear currents and voltages. So by placing a converter the source currents and voltages are compensated. Figure 7: Simulink model of the I d-q controller. Figure 9: Total Harmonic Distortion of Load Current shows 30.39%. These shunt compensating devices induces compensating currents to PCC. Thus total harmonic distortion at the PCC is reduced which can be observed from figure 9 and figure 10. Figure 10 indicates that the source THD is just 3.05% when compared to load THD of 30.39% in figure 9. With this the source currents and source voltages are not distorted by large amount and the power factor can be improved. Figure 10: Total Harmonic Distortion of Source Current shows 3.05%. Figure 11: Source Voltage and Source Current with Id-q controlled Shunt Converter. Figure 8: Simulated output wave form of Source voltage, Source current, Load current and Shunt Converter current. Figure 11 shows the source current and voltage not much differed in their phases when the shunt compensation is used. 3343 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3340-3346 © Research India Publications. Case ii: Voltage Sag compensation with Series Converter Figure 12: Simulink model of power system network with Voltage Sag compensation with Series connected UPQC. The power system disturbances can also be reduced by using series compensation. The Simulink model of power system network with series compensation was shown in figure 12. These series compensation devices induce voltages at the point of coupling. These induced voltages along with source voltage with sag and load voltage was shown in figure 13. The sag occurs from 0.2 sec to 0.34 sec. During this time the source voltage reduces and simultaneously the compensating voltage is been injected by series compensator at the same time. Thus maintaining the voltage at nominal values of voltage can be observed from figure 13. Case iii: Harmonics, Reactive power and Voltage Compensation with both Series and shunt converter based UPQC. Shunt active filters induces compensating currents at PCC and series filters injects voltage at PCC. Effectively reduction in the power system disturbances are done using the combination of both shunt and series active filters inducing both compensating currents and a voltage respectively which is shown in figure 15. Figure 14: Simulink model of power system network with Harmonics, Reactive power and Voltage sag compensation with Shunt and Series connected UPQC. Figure 13: Simulated output wave form of Source Voltage with sag, Series converter injected voltage and load voltage (pu values). Here in this paper, while using the combination of series and shunt converters, the sag is observed from 0.2 sec to 0.34 sec. during this period of operation, the source voltage gets reduced and source current increases. The load currents will be nonlinear. Now the shunt compensation device induces compensating negative currents to compensate the voltage sag during this period of operation. When using the combination of shunt and series filters, the source voltage, source current, load current and the compensating currents were shown in figure 15. Also the source voltage, load voltage along with the injected compensating voltage was shown in figure 16. At the same time the series compensation device induces voltage during the sag period maintaining the voltage within normal value which can be observed from figure 16 that during the sag period, the source voltage reduces below normal value and the compensation voltages are been injected at the same time when sag is observed in the power system, thus maintaining the load voltage within nominal range which is acceptable. 3344 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3340-3346 © Research India Publications. Figure 16: Simulated output wave form of Source Voltage, Series converter injected voltage and load voltage under both harmonic load and voltage distortion. Conclusion Figure 15: Simulated output wave forms of Source voltage, Source current, Load current and Shunt converter injected current. The novel control scheme is proposed in the shunt converter of UPQC. The Id-q control has the capability to compensate voltage sags and current harmonics at the load. In Id-q technique, angle θ is calculated directly from main voltages and does not depend on frequency. Thus large harmonic problems with non linear loads and distorted voltage magnitudes are also avoided. In addition to the DC link voltage, the voltage of UPQC has been regulated with a steady-state error free system. The proposed method is validated through MATLAB simulation and simulation study shows that the source current with UPQC maintains sinusoidal without harmonics. 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