3250 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 63, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2014 Transmit Antenna Selection for Interference Management in Cognitive Relay Networks Phee Lep Yeoh, Member, IEEE, Maged Elkashlan, Member, IEEE, Trung Q. Duong, Senior Member, IEEE, Nan Yang, Member, IEEE, and Daniel Benevides da Costa, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—We propose transmit antenna selection (TAS) in decode-and-forward (DF) relaying as an effective approach to reduce the interference in underlay spectrum sharing networks with multiple primary users (PUs) and multiple antennas at the secondary users (SUs). We compare two distinct protocols: 1) TAS with receiver maximal-ratio combining (TAS/MRC) and 2) TAS with receiver selection combining (TAS/SC). For each protocol, we derive new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic outage probability with independent Nakagami-m fading in the primary and secondary networks. Our results are valid for two scenarios related to the maximum SU transmit power, i.e., P, and the peak PU interference temperature, i.e., Q. When P is proportional to Q, our results confirm that TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying achieve the same full diversity gain. As such, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) advantage of TAS/MRC relaying relative to TAS/SC relaying is characterized as a simple ratio of their respective SNR gains. When P is independent of Q, we find that an outage floor is obtained in the large P regime where the SU transmit power is constrained by a fixed value of Q. This outage floor is accurately characterized by our exact and asymptotic results. Index Terms—Cognitive radio, relays, spectrum sharing. I. I NTRODUCTION C OGNITIVE relaying is an exciting application to increase spectrum utilization and extend the reach of the secondary network [1]. The underlying idea is to introduce network cooperation in opportunistic spectrum access in order to aid the transmission between secondary users (SUs) over large network areas [2], [3]. In doing so, cognitive relaying is applied, from a power perspective, to address fundamental constraints on the transmit power at the secondary network while keeping the interference power at the primary network (or the so-called interference temperature) to a minimum [4], [5]. The challenge is how to effectively manage the transmit power relative to Manuscript received November 28, 2012; revised April 29, 2013 and August 12, 2013; accepted December 27, 2013. Date of publication January 9, 2014; date of current version September 11, 2014. This work was presented in part at the IEEE International Communications Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. The review of this paper was coordinated by Dr. C. Ibars. P. L. Yeoh is with the University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia (e-mail: phee.yeoh@unimelb.edu.au). M. Elkashlan is with Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS, U.K. (e-mail: maged.elkashlan@qmul.ac.uk). T. Q. Duong was with Blekinge Institute of Technology, 371 41 Karlskrona, Sweden. He is currently with the Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, U.K. (e-mail: trung.q.duong@qub.ac.uk). N. Yang is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia (e-mail: nan.yang@unsw.edu.au). D. B. da Costa is with the Federal University of Ceara (UFC), 62010-560 Sobral, Brazil (e-mail: danielbcosta@ieee.org). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2014.2298387 the interference power in large-scale cognitive relay networks (CRNs) with multiple primary users (PUs). Underlay spectrum sharing is a common class of CRNs in which the secondary network may access the primary licensed spectrum provided that the primary network performance is not compromised. To do so, the interference at the PUs due to the SU transmit power must be managed under a maximum interference temperature to guarantee reliable communication in the primary network. In this respect, a wealth of existing literature has considered single antennas in the secondary network (see, e.g., [6]–[11] and the citations therein). Among them, the exact outage probability of CRNs was derived in [6] for decode-and-forward (DF) relaying in Rayleigh fading. Further insights into the diversity gain of CRNs were presented in [7] for DF relaying and amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. The more general case of DF relaying in Nakagami-m fading was analyzed in [8]. Considering AF relaying in Rayleigh fading, the exact outage probability was examined in [9]. It was shown in [9] that CRNs offer a lower outage probability relative to their direct transmission counterpart when the relay is placed between the source and the destination. In [10], AF relaying was found to achieve a full diversity gain when the SU transmit power is managed according to the peak interference temperature at the PU. More recently, in [11], the impact of multiple PUs on the outage probability was addressed. To do so, the SU transmit power was adapted to comply with the added interference constraints related to the multiple PUs. Here, we view CRNs from the viewpoint of multiple antennas in the secondary network. The findings in this direction are instructional due to the prominence of multiple antennas in future cognitive networks [12]–[17]. We note that the outage probability is positively impacted by the transmit power and negatively impacted by the interference temperature. As such, the interplay between transmit power with multiple antennas in the secondary network and interference temperature with multiple users in the primary network is not intuitively obvious. Recent papers have considered cognitive relaying with multiple antennas from various perspectives, including relay precoding design [14], green energy harvesting [15], superposition coding [16], and game theory [17]. In this paper, we propose transmit antenna selection (TAS) in DF relaying as an effective interference management design in underlay spectrum sharing networks. We consider large-scale CRNs where the coverage of the multiple-antenna secondary network is much larger than that of the single-antenna primary network [18], [19]. As such, the multiple-antenna SUs may opportunistically access the licensed spectrum of small-coverage 0018-9545 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. YEOH et al.: TAS FOR INTERFERENCE MANAGEMENT IN COGNITIVE RELAY NETWORKS single-antenna PUs [20], [21]. We seek to answer fundamental questions surrounding the joint impact of two key power constraints, namely, 1) maximum transmit power at the SUs, i.e., P, and 2) peak interference temperature at the PUs, i.e., Q. To address these constraints, we derive new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic outage probability with an arbitrary number of users in the primary network and an arbitrary number of antennas in the secondary network. The purpose is to showcase a unified comparative analysis of two multiple-antenna relaying protocols, namely, TAS with receive maximal-ratio combining (TAS/MRC) relaying and TAS with receive selection combining (TAS/SC) relaying. In TAS/MRC relaying, the strongest antenna at the source and the relay is selected for transmission, and all the receive antennas at the relay and the destination are combined with MRC. This results in a low-complexity transceiver design with low-feedback overheads in the secondary network. In TAS/SC relaying, the strongest transmit–receive antenna pairs are jointly selected at the source, relay, and destination. This further reduces the number of active radio-frequency (RF) chains in the secondary network. We note that selecting the strongest transmit antenna at the source and the relay is optimal for the secondary network since it fully exploits multiantenna diversity and maximizes the instantaneous SNR at the relay and the destination. From an interference perspective, the strongest transmit antenna in the secondary network corresponds to a random transmit antenna in the primary network. As such, the interference does not increase with the number of antennas in the secondary network. Capitalizing on our closed-form expressions, new conceptual insights are drawn. For the scenario where P is proportional to Q, we confirm that TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying achieve the same maximum diversity gain. As such, we can further characterize the performance gap between the two relaying protocols as a concise ratio of their signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gains. We also highlight that the diversity–multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying is independent of the primary network and entirely dependent on the secondary network. For the scenario where P is independent of Q, we find that an outage floor is obtained in the large P regime when the SU transmit power is constrained by a fixed value of Q. We also demonstrate that the threshold SNR for the outage floor increases with Q. In each case, the outage floor is accurately characterized by our exact and asymptotic results. II. S YSTEM AND C HANNEL M ODELS Consider the CRN in Fig. 1 where the secondary network is allowed to reuse the spectrum band licensed to the primary network. The primary network comprises L PUs equipped with a single antenna. The secondary network consists of a secondary source (S), a secondary relay (R), and a secondary destination (D), equipped with NS , NR , and ND antennas, respectively. We consider the scenario where R is activated based on the quality and/or presence of the direct link. This is a realistic scenario in cognitive underlay spectrum sharing, where the transmit power at S is usually severely restricted, and therefore, R assists in extending the range of the secondary network. 3251 Fig. 1. CRN with multiple PUs and multiple antennas in the secondary network. Let G1 denote the NS × NR channels from the source to the relay with channel coefficients g1ij , i ∈ {1, . . . NS }, j ∈ {1, . . . , NR }; G2 denote the NR × ND channels from the relay to the destination with channel coefficients g2jk , j ∈ {1, . . . NR }, k ∈ {1, . . . , ND }; H1 denote the NS × L channels from the source to the PUs with channel coefficients h1il , i ∈ {1, . . . NS }, l ∈ {1, . . . , L}; and H2 denote the NR × L channels from the relay to the PUs with channel coefficients h2jl , j ∈ {1, . . . NR }, l ∈ {1, . . . , L}. The channel coefficients in G1 , G2 , H1 , and H2 follow a Nakagami-m distribution with fading parameters mg1 , mg2 , mh1 , mh2 , and channel powers Ωg1 , Ωg2 , Ωh1 , Ωh2 , respectively. In the following, · is the Euclidean norm, | · | is the absolute value, and E[·] is the expectation. In such an underlay spectrum sharing network, the interference power at the PUs originating from the SUs must not exceed a predetermined threshold level. The transmit powers at S and R are constrained according to [22] Q (1) PS = min P, |h1i∗ |2 Q PR = min P, (2) |h2j ∗ |2 respectively, where P is the maximum SU transmit power, and Q is the peak PU interference temperature. We denote |h1i∗ | = maxl {|h1i∗ l |} as the largest channel coefficient from the selected transmit antenna at S to the L PUs and |h2j ∗ | = maxl {|h2j ∗ l |} as the largest channel coefficient from the selected transmit antenna at R to the L PUs. Channel state information (CSI) of |h1i∗ l | and |h2j ∗ l | is assumed to be known at S and R, respectively. A. TAS/MRC Relaying In the source-to-relay link, a single transmit antenna is selected at the source, and all the receive antennas at the relay are combined using MRC. In the relay-to-destination link, a single transmit antenna is selected at the relay, and all the receive antennas at the destination are combined using MRC. The instantaneous end-to-end SNR for TAS/MRC in DF relaying is given as γD = min(γ̃1 , γ̃2 ) (3) 3252 where IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 63, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2014 g1i∗ 2 γ Q 2 ∗ γ̃1 = min g1i γ P , |h1i∗ |2 2 g 2j ∗ γ Q γ̃2 = min g2j ∗ 2 γ P , . |h2j ∗ |2 A. TAS/MRC Relaying (4) (5) In (4) and (5), we define γ P = (P/N0 ) and γ Q = (Q/N0 ), where N0 represents the noise variance. We also define g1i∗ = maxi {[g1i1 , . . . , g1iNR ]} as the largest channel vector between the source and the relay and g2j ∗ = maxj {[g2j1 , . . . , g2jND ]} as the largest channel vector between the relay and the destination. In each link, we assume that the CSI is estimated at the secondary receiver using pilot symbols sent by the secondary transmitter. In the source-torelay link, S transmits pilot symbols, and R feeds back the index of the strongest transmit antenna to S. In the relay-todestination link, R broadcasts pilot symbols, and D feeds back the index of the strongest transmit antenna to R. As such, S and R only need the index of the strongest transmit antenna to perform the transmission. Pout,TAS/MRC = Fγ̃1 (γ) + Fγ̃2 (γ) − Fγ̃1 (γ)Fγ̃2 (γ) In this protocol, a single antenna pair with the highest received SNR is selected in the source-to-relay link and the relay-to-destination link. The instantaneous end-to-end SNR of TAS/SC in DF relaying is given as γD = min(γ̂1 , γ̂2 ) |g1i∗ j ∗ |2 γ Q γ̂1 = min |g1i∗ j ∗ |2 γ P , |h1i∗ |2 |g2j ∗ k∗ |2 γ Q 2 γ̂2 = min |g2j ∗ k∗ | γ P , . |h2j ∗ |2 (6) (7) (8) In (7) and (8), we define |g1i∗ j ∗ | = maxi,j |g1ij | as the largest channel coefficient between the source and the relay, and |g2j ∗ k∗ | = maxj,k |g2jk | as the largest channel coefficient between the relay and the destination. As in TAS/MRC relaying, CSI is estimated in each link at the secondary receiver using pilot symbols sent by the secondary transmitter. Fγ̃1 (γ) 1−e −γ γQ Pout = Pr{γD ≤ γth } = FγD (γth ) (9) where FγD (γth ) is the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of γD . In the sequel, we derive new analytical expressions for the outage probability with TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying. 1− N R −1 r=0 + NS N L−1 R −1 l=0 n=0 r=1 − γ e Ωg1 γ P γ r r! (Ωg1 γ P )r N S nr−1 nr−1 1 nr −nr+1 L − 1 nr =0 nr l r! NR −1 (−1)l+n Lγ r=1 nr NR −1 × Ωh1 (Ωg1 γ Q ) r=1 nr −1−NR −1 nr r=1 l+1 nγ × + Ωh1 Ωg1 γ Q N R −1 (l + 1)γ Q nγ ×Γ 1+ nr , + Ωh1 γ P Ωg1 γ P r=1 NS n Fγ̃2 (γ) = 1−e −γ γQ P Ωh2 L 1− N D −1 r=0 + NR N L−1 D −1 − γ e Ωg2 γ P γ r r! (Ωg2 γ P )r (12) N R nr−1 nr−1 1 nr −nr+1 L − 1 nr =0 nr r! ND −1 (−1)l+n Lγ r=1 nr ND −1 × Ωh2 (Ωg2 γ Q ) r=1 nr −1−ND −1 nr r=1 l+1 nγ × + Ωh2 Ωg2 γ Q N D −1 (l + 1)γ Q nγ ×Γ 1+ nr , + . Ωh2 γ P Ωg2 γ P r=1 NR Here, we seek to address the impact of the maximum transmit power P and the peak interference temperature Q on the outage probability of CRNs with multiple antennas. Our results are valid for the two scenarios that P is proportional to Q and that P is independent of Q. The CRN is considered to be in outage when the instantaneous end-to-end SNR falls below a minimum threshold γth . As such, the outage probability is L P Ωh1 l=0 n=0 r=1 III. E XACT O UTAGE P ROBABILITY (11) where = B. TAS/SC Relaying where Here, we present a new closed-form expression for the exact outage probability of TAS/MRC relaying in the following theorem. Theorem 1: The exact outage probability of CRNs with TAS/MRC relaying is given in (10), shown at the bottom of the next page. Proof: See Appendix A. Note that our result in Theorem 1 consists of easyto-evaluate finite summations of the gamma function Γ(·) [23, eq. (8.310.1)] and the upper incomplete gamma function Γ(·, ·) [23, eq. (8.350.2)]. Corollary 1: Based on Theorem 1, the exact outage probability of TAS/MRC relaying for Rayleigh fading is given by l n (13) Proof: The result directly follows by setting mg1 = mg2 = mh1 = mh2 = 1 in (10). TAS/SC Relaying: Next, we present a new closed-form expression for the exact outage probability of TAS/SC relaying in the following theorem. YEOH et al.: TAS FOR INTERFERENCE MANAGEMENT IN COGNITIVE RELAY NETWORKS Theorem 2: The exact outage probability of CRNs with TAS/ SC relaying is given in (14), shown at the bottom of the next page. Proof: See Appendix B. Comparing our expressions in Theorem 1 and Theorem 2, the main difference lies in the limits of the summations and the statistics of the channel coefficients. Corollary 2: Based on Theorem 2, the exact outage probability of TAS/SC relaying in Rayleigh fading is given by Pout,TAS/SC = Fγ̂1 (γ) + Fγ̂2 (γ) − Fγ̂1 (γ)Fγ̂2 (γ) where N S N R γ − Fγ̂1 (γ) = 1 − e Ωg1 γ P + L−1 S NR N 1−e −γ + × l P Ωh1 l=0 n=0 = 1 − ⎝1 − Fg1i∗ 2 (16) F|h1i∗ |2 γQ γP − NS L−1 NS L − 1 L(−1)n+l n=0 l=0 ⎤ n l mh1 −1 ⎣ lp−1 × ⎝1 − Fg2i∗ 2 ⎡ γ γP F|h2i∗ |2 γQ γP − NR L−1 NR L − 1 L(−1)n+l n=0 l=0 ⎤ n l mh2 −1 lp lp−1 1 lp −lp+1 mh p=1 2 ⎦ lp p! Ωh2 p=1 lp =0 mg N −1 mg2 ND −1 nr−1 nr−1 1 nr −nr+1 γmg r=12 D nr 2 × nr r! Ωg2 γ Q r=1 nr =0 mh2 −1 N −1 m g2 D −mh2 − nr − lp p=1 r=1 (l + 1)mh2 nγmg2 × + Ω Ωg2 γ Q ⎞⎞ ⎛ h2 mh2 −1 mg2 ND −1 (l + 1)m γ nγm h g Q 2 2 ⎠⎠ × Γ ⎝ mh 2 + nr + lp , + Ωh2 γ P Ωg2 γ P r=1 p=1 mh2 −1 × ⎣ lp−1 m h1 Ω h1 m h 1 Γ (mh1 ) lp lp−1 1 lp −lp+1 mh p=1 1 ⎦ lp p! Ωh1 p=1 lp =0 mg N −1 mg1 NR −1 nr−1 nr−1 1 nr −nr+1 γmg r=11 R nr 1 × nr r! Ωg1 γ Q r=1 nr =0 h1 −1 −mh1 − mg1 NR −1 nr −m lp p=1 r=1 (l + 1)mh1 nγmg1 × + Ω Ωg1 γ Q ⎞⎞ ⎛ h1 mh1 −1 mg1 NR −1 (l + 1)m γ nγm h g Q 1 1 ⎠⎠ × Γ ⎝ mh 1 + nr + lp , + Ω γ Ω γ h g P P 1 1 r=1 p=1 mh1 −1 × ⎛ ⎡ γ γP n=0 Here, we apply our exact closed-form expressions to present a unified comparative analysis of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying. The comparison is based on our new asymptotic expressions, which we derive for the two relaying protocols at high-SNR operating regions. Similar to our exact expressions, we note that our asymptotic results encompass the two scenarios that P is proportional to Q and that P is independent of Q. A natural question arises as to what are the underlying network parameters that determine the SNR difference between TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying. The comparison is examined from three perspectives: diversity gain, SNR gain, and diversity–multiplexing tradeoff. (−1)l+n L l IV. A SYMPTOTIC O UTAGE P ROBABILITY (−1)l+n L Pout,TAS/MRC ⎛ n Proof: The result is obtained by setting mg1 = mg2 = mh1 = mh2 = 1 in (14). (15) Ωh1 −1 (l+1)γ Q − Ω γ + Ω nγγ l+1 nγ g1 P h1 P × + e Ωh1 Ωg1 γ Q L γQ N R N D −γ Ω − Ω γγ 1 − e P h2 Fγ̂2 (γ) = 1 − e g2 P NR ND L−1 Ωh2 −1 (l+1)γ Q − Ω γ + Ω nγγ l+1 nγ g2 P h2 P + e . (17) Ωh2 Ωg2 γ Q l=0 NS NR L−1 n L−1 R ND N L γQ 3253 m h2 Ω h2 m h 2 Γ (mh2 ) (10) 3254 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 63, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2014 A. TAS/MRC Relaying B. TAS/SC Relaying Here, we present the asymptotic outage probability of TAS/MRC relaying in the following theorem. Theorem 3: The asymptotic outage probability of TAS/MRC relaying in (10) as γ P → ∞ is derived as Next, we present the asymptotic outage probability of TAS/SC relaying in the following theorem. Theorem 4: The asymptotic outage probability of TAS/SC relaying in (14) as γ P → ∞ is derived as ∞ Pout,TAS/MRC ⎧ m g1 NS NR ⎪ ⎪ α1 γγth ⎪ ⎪ P ⎪ m g 1 N S N R ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ γ ⎪ , ⎪ + β1 γth ⎪ Q ⎪ ⎪ m N N ⎪ g2 R D ⎪ ⎨ α2 γth γP = m g 2 N R N D ⎪ γth ⎪ + β , ⎪ 2 γQ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ m g 1 N S N R ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ (α1 +α2 ) γγth ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ P mg1 NS NR ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ + (β1 +β2 ) γth , γ ∞ Pout,TAS/SC ⎧ m g1 NS NR ⎪ ⎪ κ1 γγth ⎪ ⎪ P ⎪ m g 1 N S N R ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ γ ⎪ , ⎪ + λ1 γth ⎪ Q ⎪ ⎪ m N N ⎪ g2 R D ⎪ ⎨ κ2 γth γP = m g 2 N R N D ⎪ γth ⎪ + λ , ⎪ 2 γQ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ m g 1 N S N R ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ (κ1 +κ2 ) γγth ⎪ ⎪ P ⎪ ⎪ m g 1 N S N R ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ + (λ1 +λ2 ) γth , γ mg 1 NS NR < mg 2 NR ND mg 1 NS NR > mg 2 NR ND mg 1 N S N R = m g 2 N R N D Q Q mg 1 N S N R < m g 2 N R N D mg 1 NS NR > m g 2 NR ND mg 1 N S N R = m g 2 N R N D (18) (23) where α1 , β1 , α2 , and β2 are given as in (19)–(22), shown at the bottom of the next page. Proof: See Appendix C. where κ1 , λ1 , κ2 , and λ2 are given as in (24)–(27), shown at the bottom of the next page. Proof: See Appendix D. Pout,TAS/SC ⎛ = 1 − ⎝1 − F|g1i∗ j ∗ |2 ⎛ γ γP F|h1i∗ |2 γQ γP − N S NR L−1 k=0 l=0 NS N R k m h 1 (−1)k+l L mh1 Ω h1 L−1 l Γ(mh1 ) ⎤ h1 −1 m lp −lp+1 lp p=1 m l 1 p−1 h1 ⎣ ⎦ × lp p! Ωh1 p=1 l =0 ⎡p ⎤ mg −1 mg1 −1 kj−1 kj−1 1 kj −kj+1 γmg j=11 kj 1 ⎣ ⎦ × kj j! Ωg1 γ Q j=1 kj =0 mg1 −1 h1 −1 −mh1 − m lp − kj p=1 j=1 (l + 1)mh1 kγmg1 × + Ω Ωg1 γ Q ⎞⎞ ⎛ h1 mh1 −1 mg1 −1 (l + 1)m γ kγm h1 Q g1 ⎠⎠ × Γ ⎝ mh 1 + lp + kj , + Ω γ Ω γ h g P P 1 1 p=1 j=1 mh1 −1 ⎡ lp−1 × ⎝1 − F|g2i∗ j ∗ |2 γ γP F|h2i∗ |2 γQ γP − N R ND L−1 k=0 l=0 NR N D k m h2 m h2 k+l L − 1 (−1) L Ωh2 l Γ (mh2 ) ⎤ h2 −1 m lp −lp+1 lp p=1 m l 1 p−1 h 2 ⎣ ⎦ × lp p! Ωh2 p=1 l =0 ⎡p ⎤ mg −1 mg2 −1 kj−1 kj−1 1 kj −kj+1 γmg j=12 kj 2 ⎣ ⎦ × k j! Ω γ j g Q 2 j=1 kj =0 mh −1 −mh2 − p=12 lp − mg2 −1 kj j=1 (l + 1)mh2 kγmg2 × + Ω Ωg2 γ Q ⎞⎞ ⎛ h2 mh2 −1 mg2 −1 (l + 1)m γ kγm h g Q 2 2 ⎠⎠ × Γ ⎝ mh 2 + lp + kj , + Ωh2 γ P Ωg2 γ P p=1 j=1 mh2 −1 ⎡ lp−1 (14) YEOH et al.: TAS FOR INTERFERENCE MANAGEMENT IN COGNITIVE RELAY NETWORKS Based on Theorem 3 and Theorem 4, we present the following fundamental comparisons of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying. Specifically, we focus on the scenario where P is directly proportional to Q according to γ P = μγ Q , where μ is a positive constant [24]. α1 = β1 = m g 1 N S N R m g1 Ωg1 l=0 L−1 L(−1)l l p=1 lp =0 α2 = β2 = m g 2 N R N D L−1 l=0 l L(−1)l p=1 lp =0 mh2 −1 p=1 κ1 = λ1 = L−1 l=0 L(−1) l l κ2 = λ2 = l=0 p=1 m g 2 N R N D L−1 l ⎛ L(−1)l mg2 Ωh2 mh2 Ωg2 m g 2 N R N D (l + 1)−mh2 −mg2 NR ND − mh2 −1 p=1 lp (22) (24) mh1 −1 lp−1 lp−1 1 lp −lp+1 lp =0 lp p! mh1 −1 lp , mg1 Ωh1 mh1 Ωg1 m g 1 N S N R (l + 1)−mh1 −mg1 NS NR − mh1 −1 p=1 lp ⎞ Q(l + 1)mh1 ⎠ PΩh1 (25) ⎞L Qm Γ mh2 , PΩhh2 2 ⎠ ⎝1 − Γ (mh2 ) ⎛ (Γ (mg2 + 1))NR ND L−1 lp ⎞ Q(l + 1)mh2 ⎠ lp , PΩh2 p=1 m g2 Ωg2 p=1 ⎞L Qm Γ mh1 , PΩhh1 1 ⎠ ⎝1 − Γ (mh1 ) × Γ ⎝ m h 1 + mg 1 NS NR + p! lp Γ (mh1 ) (Γ (mg1 + 1))NS NR ⎛ mh1 −1 ⎛ (Γ (mg1 + 1))NS NR L−1 (l + 1)−mh1 −mg1 NS NR − (21) mh2 −1 lp−1 lp−1 1 lp −lp+1 m g 1 N S N R m g 1 N S N R (20) Γ (mh2 ) (Γ (mg2 ND + 1))NR ⎛ m g1 Ωg1 NS mg1 Ωh1 mh1 Ωg1 ⎞L Qm Γ mh2 , PΩhh2 2 ⎠ ⎝1 − Γ (mh2 ) × Γ ⎝ m h 2 + mg 2 NR ND + ⎛ (Γ (mg2 ND + 1))NR L−1 p! lp ⎞ Q(l + 1)mh1 ⎠ lp , PΩh1 mh1 −1 p=1 m g2 Ωg2 (28) (19) mh1 −1 lp−1 lp−1 1 lp −lp+1 × Γ ⎝ m h 1 + mg 1 NS NR + GD = min (mg1 NS NR , mg2 NR ND ) . ⎞L Qm Γ mh1 , PΩhh1 1 ⎠ ⎝1 − Γ (mh1 ) Γ (mh1 ) (Γ (mg1 NR + 1)) ⎛ Corollary 3: The diversity gain of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying is given by ⎛ (Γ (mg1 NR + 1))NS L−1 3255 mh2 −1 lp−1 lp−1 1 lp −lp+1 p=1 lp =0 lp Γ (mh2 ) (Γ (mg2 + 1)) × Γ ⎝ m h 2 + mg 2 NR ND + mh2 −1 p=1 p! NR ND ⎞ Q(l + 1)mh2 ⎠ lp , PΩh2 (26) mg2 Ωh2 mh2 Ωg2 m g 2 N R N D (l + 1)−mh2 −mg2 NR ND − mh2 −1 p=1 lp (27) 3256 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 63, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2014 Proof: The proof follows by reexpressing the asymp∞ = totic outage probability in (18) and (23) according to Pout −GD , where GA is the SNR gain, and GD is the diversity (GA γ P ) gain. The main insight to be taken from Corollary 3 is that TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying achieves the same diversity gain at high-SNR operating regions. Corollary 4: The SNR gap between TAS/MRC and TAS/SC is given by GA,TAS/MRC GA,TAS/SC ⎧ 10 ⎪ mg1 NR log10 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ Γ(mg1 NR +1) ⎪ ⎪ × dB, ⎪ N ⎪ Γ(mg1 +1) R ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 10 ⎪ ⎨ m N log10 g2 D = Γ(mg2 ND +1) ⎪ ⎪ × dB, N ⎪ ⎪ Γ(mg2 +1) D ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 10 ⎪ ⎪ mg1 NS NR log10 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ × κ1 +κ2 +λ1 +λ2 dB, α1 +α2 +β1 +β2 mg 1 N S N R < m g 2 N R N D mg1 NS NR > mg2 NR ND mg1 NS NR = mg2 NR ND . (29) Proof: The proof follows by extracting the SNR gains GA,TAS/MRC from (18) and GA,TAS/SC from (23) according ∞ = (GA γ P )−GD . The SNR gap between TAS/MRC and to Pout TAS/SC relaying is the ratio of their respective SNR gains as ΔGA = 10 log10 (GA,TAS/MRC /GA,TAS/SC ) dB. We observe from Corollary 4 that the SNR gap between TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying is independent of the primary network. Corollary 5: The DMT of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying is given by d(r̂) = min (mg1 NS NR , mg2 NR ND ) × (1 − 2r̂) (30) where r̂ is the normalized spectral efficiency with respect to the channel capacity. Proof: We evaluate the DMT of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying according to − log Pout (r̂, γ P ) γ P →∞ log γ P d(r̂) = lim (31) where r̂ = R/ log2 (1 + γ P ) is the normalized spectral efficiency with respect to the channel capacity, and R = (1/2) log2 (1 + γth ) is the spectral efficiency in bits/s/Hz with pre-log factor due to the half-duplex operation at the relay. Reexpressing (18) and (23) in terms of r̂ and substituting the resulting expressions into (31) yields the same expression for TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying given by d(r̂) = lim min (mg1 NS NR , mg2 NR ND ) γ P →∞ log (1 + γ P )2r̂ − 1 × 1− . log γ P Applying L’Hôpital’s rule to (32) yields the DMT in (30). (32) Fig. 2. CRN with TAS/SC and TAS/MRC relaying, where P is proportional to Q. We set Q = P, L = 3, NS = ND = 2, mh1 = mh2 = 3, and mg1 = mg2 = 1. From Corollary 5, we can see that when the normalized spectral efficiency r̂ → 0, the maximum diversity order of min(mg1 NS NR , mg2 NR ND ) is achieved. When d(r̂) → 0, the maximum normalized spectral efficiency is r̂ = (1/2). Furthermore, we see that the DMT is entirely dependent on the secondary network and is independent of the primary network. V. N UMERICAL E XAMPLES Numerical examples are provided to highlight the impact of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying on the outage probability of CRNs. We consider large-scale underlay spectrum sharing networks with multiple PUs and multiple antennas at the SUs. In the examples, we assume that the fading in the secondary network is more severe than the fading between the SUs and the PUs. This is a realistic assumption in large-scale networks where the SUs are widely distributed and in close proximity to the PUs. As such, we set the channel powers to Ωh1 = Ωh2 = 5 and Ωg1 = Ωg2 = 2. We set the outage threshold SNR as γth = 10 dB. We first consider the scenario where P = Q in Figs. 2–5. In Fig. 2, we compare the exact outage probability of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying from (10) and (14), respectively. We see that the exact analytical curves are well validated by the simulation points. We also plot the asymptotic curves for TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying from (18) and (23), respectively. It is important to note that our asymptotic results correctly predict the behavior of the outage probability at high-SNR operating regions. The plots confirm the observation in Corollary 3 that TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying achieve the same diversity gain. We further note that the SNR gap between TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying increases with NR . In Fig. 3, we consider the impact of the PUs on the outage probability of TAS/MRC relaying. As expected, the outage probability increases with L. This increase can be easily evaluated using our asymptotic expression in (18). We also observe that the diversity gain remains unchanged with L. YEOH et al.: TAS FOR INTERFERENCE MANAGEMENT IN COGNITIVE RELAY NETWORKS Fig. 3. CRN with TAS/MRC relaying, where P is proportional to Q. We set Q = P, NR = 2, NS = ND = 1, mh1 = mh2 = 3, and mg1 = mg2 = 2. Fig. 4. CRN with TAS/SC relaying, where P is proportional to Q. We set Q = P, L = 3, NS = ND = 2, NR = 1, and mh1 = mh2 = 2. Fig. 5. CRN with TAS/MRC relaying, where P is proportional to Q. We set Q = P, L = 3, NS = NR = ND = 2, and mg1 = mg2 = 1. 3257 Fig. 6. CRN with TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying, where P is independent of Q. We set Q = 30 dB, L = 2, NS = ND = 1, mh1 = mh2 = 3, and mg1 = mg2 = 1. Fig. 7. CRN with TAS/MRC relaying, where P is independent of Q. We set Q = 30 dB, NS = ND = 2, NR = 1, mh1 = mh2 = 3, and mg1 = mg2 = 1. In Figs. 4 and 5, we consider the impact of the fading severity on the outage probability of TAS/SC and TAS/MRC relaying, respectively. We see in Fig. 4 that increasing mg1 and mg2 brings a prominent increase in the diversity gain. By contrast, increasing mh1 and mh2 has no impact on the diversity gain, as shown in Fig. 5. This serves as a validation to Corollary 5 that the diversity gain is entirely dependent on the secondary network and independent of the primary network. Next, in Figs. 6–9, we consider the scenario where P is independent of Q. We note that in both figures, the asymptotic curves accurately predict the exact outage probability at high SNRs. In Fig. 6, we compare the outage probability of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying. The plots show that the outage probability initially decreases with increasing γ P . However, an outage floor is obtained when γ P is large. This is due to the fact that the transmit power at the secondary source and secondary relay are constrained by the fixed peak interference temperature. 3258 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 63, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2014 VI. C ONCLUSION Fig. 8. CRN with TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying, where P is independent of Q. We set Q = 30 dB, L = 3, NS = ND = 2, NR = 1, mh1 = mh2 = 1, and mg1 = mg2 = 1, 2. We have proposed TAS with DF relaying in underlay spectrum sharing networks with multiple PUs. For such networks, we derived new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic outage probability with arbitrary L PUs and NS , NR , and ND antennas at the secondary source, relay, and destination users, respectively. In the secondary network, we have presented a comparative analysis of TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying. Our results are valid for general Nakagami-m fading with distinct fading parameters in the primary and secondary networks. Based on our new analytical expressions, important design insights are reached into the relationship between the maximum SU transmit power, i.e., P, and the peak interference temperature, i.e., Q. When P is independent of Q, we find that a full diversity gain of GD = min(mg1 NS NR , mg2 NR ND ) is attained for both TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying. When P is independent of Q, an outage floor is displayed in the large P regime where the SU transmit power is constraint by a fixed value of Q. This outage floor is accurately characterized by our exact and asymptotic results. Interestingly, we highlight that the threshold SNR at which the outage floor occurs increases with increasing Q. A PPENDIX A P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1 Based on (3) and (9), the outage probability of TAS/MRC is derived according to Pout = 1 − (1 − Fγ̃1 (γ)) (1 − Fγ̃2 (γ)) Fig. 9. CRN with TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying, where P is independent of Q. We set L = 3, NS = ND = 2, NR = 1, mh1 = mh2 = 3, and mg1 = mg2 = 1. As such, no further improvement in the outage probability is attained. The same outage floor is observed in Fig. 7, as the number of PUs is varied from L = 1 to 3. As expected, the outage probability increases with increasing L. In Fig. 8, we examine the impact of increasing the fading parameters mg1 and mg2 on the outage probability with fixed Q. Similar to Fig. 4, we observe a prominent decrease in the outage probability due to the increase in the diversity gain. However, we clearly see that the diversity gain is lost in the large γ P regime due to the constraint on the SU transmit power imposed by the fixed Q. Finally, in Fig. 7, we consider the impact of different fixed values of Q on the outage probability. Interestingly, we note that the threshold SNR for γ P at which the outage floor occurs increases with increasing value of Q. This is due to the fact that relaxing the peak interference temperature constraint for the primary network yields a lower outage floor for the secondary network. (33) where Fγ̃1 (γ) is the cdf of γ̃1 in (4), and Fγ̃2 (γ) is the cdf of γ̃2 in (5). The cdf of γ̃1 is derived as γQ γ 2 2 & |h1i∗ | ≤ Fγ̃1 (γ) = Pr g1i∗ ≤ γP γP !" # I1 γQ g1i∗ 2 γ 2 ∗ + Pr ≤ & |h | ≥ . (34) 1i |h1i∗ |2 γQ γP !" # I2 The first term I1 is evaluated as γQ γ F|h1i∗ |2 I1 = Fg1i∗ 2 γP γP (35) where Fg1i∗ 2 (·) is the cdf of g1i∗ 2 , and F|h1i∗ |2 (·) is the cdf of |h1i∗ |2 . The cdf of g1i∗ 2 is given by ⎞NS ⎛ m g1 r mg1 NR −1 mg x 1 Ω −x g1 ⎠ Fg1i∗ 2 (x) = ⎝1 − e Ωg1 (36) r! r=0 where the channel gains in g1i∗ follow a Gamma distribution with Nakagami-m fading parameter mg1 and channel power Ωg1 . The cdf of |h1i∗ |2 can be written as p ⎞ L ⎛ m mh1 −1 mh x Ωhh1 −x Ω 1 1 h1 ⎠ F|h1i∗ |2 (x) = ⎝1 − e (37) p! p=0 YEOH et al.: TAS FOR INTERFERENCE MANAGEMENT IN COGNITIVE RELAY NETWORKS where |h1i∗ |2 follows a Gamma distribution with Nakagami-m fading parameter mh1 and channel power Ωh1 . The second term I2 is evaluated as $∞ I2 = f|h1i∗ |2 (y)Fg1i∗ 2 γQ yγ γQ dy where Fg1i∗ 2 (·) is given in (36), and f|h1i∗ |2 (·) is the probability density function (pdf) of |h1i∗ |2 given by m h1 −x mh 1 xmh1 −1 e Ωh1 Γ (mh1 ) ⎞ mh1 p L−1 mh1 −1 mh x 1 Ω h1 −x ⎠ × ⎝1 − e Ωh1 . p! p=0 mh 1 f|h1i∗ |2 (x) = L Ωh1 ⎛ (39) × r=1 γmg1 × Ωg1 γ Q nr−1 1 nr −nr+1 nr r! nr =0 N −1 r=1 (l+1)mh1 γ Q nγmg1 + Ωh1 γ P Ωg1 γ P γ γP F|h1i∗ |2 γQ γP . (40) In (40), we expand the power sum according to a N −1 an−1 N −1 xn an−1 1 an −an+1 N −1 a = x n=1 n n! a n! n n=0 n=1 an =0 (41) when N > 1, and aN = 0. The resulting integral is solved by applying [23, 3.351.2]. The cdf of γ̃2 is derived based on (38) and (40) by carefully substituting the parameters for the sourceto-relay link with their relay-to-destination counterparts (i.e., mh1 → mh2 , mg1 → mg2 , Ωh1 → Ωh2 , Ωg1 → Ωg2 , NS → NR , and NR → ND ). Substituting the resulting expressions for Fγ̃1 (γ) and Fγ̃2 (γ) into (33) yields the closed-form outage probability for TAS/MRC relaying in (10). (44) and F|h1i∗ |2 (·) is given in (37). The I4 term is evaluated as $∞ yγ f|h1i∗ |2 (y)F|g1i∗ j ∗ |2 I4 = dy γQ = where F|g1i∗ j ∗ |2 (·) is the cdf of |g1i∗ j ∗ |2 given by ⎞NS NR ⎛ m g1 r mg1 −1 mg x 1 Ωg1 −x ⎠ F|g1i∗ j ∗ |2 (x) = ⎝1 − e Ωg1 (45) r! r=0 γP nr p=1 The I3 term is evaluated as γQ h1 −1 −mh1−mg1 NR −1 nr−m lp p=1 r=1 (l+1)mh1 nγmg1 × + Ωh1 Ωg1 γ Q mh1−1 mg1 NR −1 ×Γ mh1 + nr + lp , r=1 (42) where Fγ̂1 (γ) is the cdf of γ̂1 in (7), and Fγ̂2 (γ) is the cdf of γ̂2 in (8). The cdf of γ̂1 is derived as γ γ Fγ̂1 (γ) = Pr |g1i∗ j ∗ |2 ≤ , |h1i∗ |2 ≤ Q γP γP !" # I3 γQ |g1i∗ j ∗ |2 γ 2 ∗ + Pr ≤ , |h1i | ≥ . (43) |h1i∗ |2 γQ γP !" # I3 = F|g1i∗ j ∗ |2 lp =0 Pout = 1 − (1 − Fγ̂1 (γth )) (1 − Fγ̂2 (γth )) I4 Substituting (36) and (39) into (38) results in m h 1 mh NS L−1 NS L − 1L(−1)n+l Ωh 1 1 I2 = n l Γ(m ) h 1 n=0 l=0 ⎡ ⎤ mh −1 mh1 −1 lp−1 lp−1 1 lp −lp+1 mh p=11 lp 1 ⎣ ⎦ × lp p! Ωh1 p=1 mg1 NR −1 nr−1 A PPENDIX B P ROOF OF T HEOREM 2 Based on (6) and (9), the outage probability of TAS/SC is derived according to (38) γP 3259 N S NR L−1 (−1)k+l L m h1 Ω h1 m h 1 NS N R L−1 k l Γ (mh1 ) k=0 l=0 ⎡ ⎤ h1 −1 mh1 −1 lp−1 m lp −lp+1 lp lp−1 p=1 m 1 h 1 ⎣ ⎦ × lp p! Ωh1 p=1 ⎡lp =0 ⎤ mg1 −1 kj−1 kj−1 1 kj −kj+1 ⎣ ⎦ × k j! j j=1 kj =0 mg1 −1 kj j=1 γmg1 × Ωg1 γ Q mg1−1 h1−1 −mh1−m lp− kj p=1 j=1 (l+1)mh1 kγmg1 × + Ωh1 Ωg1 γ Q mh1 −1 mg1 −1 × Γ mh 1 + lp + kj , p=1 j=1 (l + 1)mh1 γ Q kγmg1 + Ωh1 γ P Ωg1 γ P (46) where f|h1i∗ |2 (·) is given in (39), and F|g1i∗ j ∗ |2 (·) is given in (45). The cdf of γ̂2 is obtained from (44) and (46) by substituting the source-to-relay link parameters with their relayto-destination counterparts (i.e., mh1 → mh2 , mg1 → mg2 , Ωh1 → Ωh2 , Ωg1 → Ωg2 , NS → NR , and NR → ND ). Substituting the expressions for Fγ̂1 (γ) and Fγ̂2 (γ) into (42) results in our new closed-form expression for the outage probability of TAS/SC relaying in (14). 3260 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 63, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2014 A PPENDIX C P ROOF OF T HEOREM 3 matical manipulation, results in our new asymptotic expression for the outage probability of TAS/MRC relaying in (18). To derive the asymptotic outage probability of TAS/MRC relaying, we first present the first-order expansion of Fg1i∗ 2 (x) as x → 0 given by m g1 m g1 NS NR x Ωg1 x→0 Fg1i∗ 2 (x) = . (47) (Γ (mg1 NR + 1))NS We consider that the interference temperature at the PUs is fixed and independent of the SU transmit power. As such, the firstorder expansion of Fγ̃1 (γ) in (34) as γ P → ∞ is derived as Fγ̃∞1 (γ) = I1 + I2 (48) where I1 in (35) as γ P → ∞ results in m g 1 N S N R ⎛ I1 γ P →∞ = m g1 γ Ωg1 γ P (Γ (mg1 NR + 1))NS ⎞L Qm Γ mh1 , PΩhh1 1 ⎠ . ⎝1 − Γ (mh1 ) (49) Next, we consider I2 as γ P → ∞ and perform a change of variables y = (tQ/P) in (38), which results in tQ tγ Q dt F|g1i∗ j ∗ |2 P γP P 1 L−1 L(−1)l γ P →∞ L − 1 = l Γ (mh1 ) (Γ (mg1 NR + 1))NS l=0 ⎡ ⎤ mh1 −1 lp−1 lp−1 1 lp −lP +1 ⎣ ⎦ × l p! p p=1 lp =0 mh1 −1 γ Q mh1 mh1 + p=1 lp γmg1 mg1 NS NR × γ P Ωh1 Ωg1 γ P Q(l+1) mh $∞ mh1 −1 1 −t P Ωh 1 dt. × tmg1 NS NR + p=1 lp +mh1 −1 e $∞ I2 = f|h1i∗ |2 1 (50) We solve the integral according to [23, 3.351/2], which results in L−1 L(−1)l γ P →∞ L − 1 I2 = l Γ (mh1 ) (Γ (mg1 NR + 1))NS l=0 ⎡ ⎤ mh1 −1 lp−1 lp−1 1 lp −lP +1 ⎣ ⎦ × lp p! p=1 lp =0 m g 1 N S N R mg1 Ωh1 γ × mh1 Ωg1 γ Q mh1 −1 × (l + 1)−mg1 NS NR − p=1 lp −mh1 mh1 −1 × Γ mg 1 NS NR + lp + mh 1 , p=1 Q(l + 1)mh1 PΩh1 . (51) The first-order expansion of Fγ̃2 (γ) as γ P → ∞ is derived following the same steps as above, which, after some mathe- A PPENDIX D P ROOF OF T HEOREM 4 To derive the asymptotic outage probability of TAS/SC relaying, we first present the asymptotic expansion of F|g1i∗ j ∗ |2 (x) as x → 0 given by m g1 m g1 NS NR x Ω g1 x→0 . (52) F|g1i∗ j ∗ |2 (x) = (Γ (mg1 + 1))NS NR Next, we derive the first-order expansion of Fγ̂1 (·) in (43) as γ P → ∞. As such, I3 in (44) results in ⎞L ⎛ Qmh1 m g1 γ m g1 NS NR Γ m , h1 PΩh Ωg1 γ P γ →∞ 1 ⎠ ⎝1 − I3 P= NS NR Γ (mh1 ) (Γ (mg1 + 1)) (53) and I4 in (46) yields L−1 L(−1)l γ P →∞ L − 1 I4 = l Γ (mh1 ) (Γ (mg1 + 1))NS NR l=0 ⎡ ⎤ mh1 −1 lp−1 lp−1 1 lp −lp+1 ⎣ ⎦ × lp p! p=1 lp =0 m g 1 N S N R mg1 Ωh1 γ × mh1 Ωg1 γ Q mh1 −1 × (l+ 1)−mh1 −mg1 NS NR − p=1 lp × Γ mh 1 + mg 1 NS NR mh1 −1 + p=1 Q(l + 1)mh1 lp , PΩh1 . (54) The first-order expansion of Fγ̂2 (γ) as γ P → ∞ is derived in the same fashion as (53) and (54). Finally, the first-order expansion of Pout,TAS/SC is presented in (23) by considering the joint impacts of Fγ̂1 (γ) and Fγ̂2 (γ) on the outage probability. R EFERENCES [1] J. Mietzner, L. Lampe, and R. Schober, “Distributed transmit power allocation for multihop cognitive-radio systems,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 5187–5201, Oct. 2009. [2] L. Musavian, S. Aïssa, and S. Lambotharan, “Effective capacity for interference and delay constrained cognitive radio relay channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1698–1707, May 2010. [3] D. Chen, H. Ji, and V. C. Leung, “Distributed best-relay selection for improving TCP performance over cognitive radio networks: A cross-layer design approach,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 315– 322, Feb. 2012. [4] A. Alshamrani, X. S. Shen, and L.-L. Xie, “QoS provisioning for heterogeneous services in cooperative cognitive radio networks,” IEEE J. Sel. 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His research interests include heterogeneous networks, large-scale multiple-input–multiple-output, cooperative communications, and cognitive networks. Dr. Yeoh received the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, the University of Sydney Postgraduate Award, the Norman I Price Scholarship, and the CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarship. 3261 Maged Elkashlan (M’06) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, in 2006. From 2006 to 2007, he was with the Laboratory for Advanced Networking, University of British Columbia. From 2007 to 2011, he was with the Wireless and Networking Technologies Laboratory, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Sydney, Australia. During this time, he held an adjunct appointment with the University of Technology Sydney. In 2011, he joined the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, London, U.K., as an Assistant Professor. He also holds visiting faculty appointments with the University of New South Wales, Sydney, and the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China. His research interests include communication theory, wireless communications, and statistical signal processing for distributed data processing, large-scale multipleinput multiple-output, millimeter-wave communications, cognitive radio, and network security. Dr. Elkashlan currently serves as an Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS, the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V EHICULAR T ECHNOLOGY, and the IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS. He also serves as the Lead Guest Editor for the Special Issue on “Green Media: The Future of Wireless Multimedia Networks” of the IEEE W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS M AGAZINE, the Lead Guest Editor for the Special Issue on “Millimeter Wave Communications for 5G” of the IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS M AGAZINE, and a Guest Editor for the Special Issue on “Location Awareness for Radios and Networks” of the IEEE J OURNAL ON S ELECTED A REAS IN C OMMUNICA TIONS . He received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring) in 2013 and the Exemplary Reviewer Certificate of the IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS in 2012. Trung Q. Duong (S’05–M’12–SM’13) received the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications systems from the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Karlskrona, Sweden, in 2012. He continued working at the BTH as a Project Manager. In 2013, he joined Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, U.K., as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor). He held a visiting position with the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, NY, USA, and Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, in 2009 and 2011, respectively. His current research interests include cooperative communications, cognitive radio networks, physical-layer security, massive multiple-input multiple-output, cross-layer design, millimeter-wave communications, and localization for radios and networks. Dr. Duong has been a Technical Program Committee Chair for several IEEE international conferences and workshops, including the most recent IEEE GLOBECOM13 Workshop on Trusted Communications with Physical Layer Security. He currently serves as an Editor for the IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS and the Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, the Lead Guest Editor for the Special Issue on “Secure Physical Layer Communications” of the IET COMMUNICATIONS, a Guest Editor for the Special Issue on “Green Media: Toward Bringing the Gap between Wireless and Visual Networks” of the IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, a Guest Editor for the Special Issue on “Millimeter Wave Communications for 5G” of the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, a Guest Editor for the Special Issue on “Cooperative Cognitive Networks” of the EURASIP J OURNAL ON W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS AND N ETWORKING , and a Guest Editor for the Special Issue on “Security Challenges and Issues in Cognitive Radio Networks” of the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. He received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring) in 2013 and the Exemplary Reviewer Certificate of the IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS in 2012. 3262 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 63, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2014 Nan Yang (S’09–M’11) received the B.S. degree in electronics from China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, in 2005 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2007 and 2011, respectively. From 2008 to 2010, he was a visiting Ph.D. student with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. From 2010 to 2012, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Wireless and Networking Technologies Laboratory, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Marsfield, Australia. Since 2012, he has been with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, where he is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. His general research interests include communications theory and signal processing, with specific interests in collaborative networks, multiple-antenna systems, network security, and distributed data processing. Dr. Yang received the Exemplary Reviewer Certificate of the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS in 2012 and the Best Paper Award at the IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring) in 2013. He is currently serving as the Editor for the Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Daniel Benevides da Costa (M’09–SM’13) was born in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, in 1981. He received the B.Sc. degree in telecommunications from the Military Institute of Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2003 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in telecommunications from the University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, in 2006 and 2008, respectively. From 2008 to 2009, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with INRS-EMT, University of Quebec, Montreal, QC, Canada. At that time, he received two scholarships, namely, the Merit Scholarship Program for Foreign Students in Quebec and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Scholarship. Since 2010, he has been with the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil, where he is currently an Assistant Professor. He has authored or coauthored more than 55 papers in IEEE/IET journals and more than 45 papers in international conferences. His research interests include wireless communications, particularly channel modeling and characterization, relaying/multihop/mesh networks, cooperative systems, cognitive radio networks, tensor modeling, physical-layer security, and performance analysis/design of multiple-input–multiple-output systems. Dr. da Costa is currently an Editor of the IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS, the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V EHICULAR T ECHNOLOGY, the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, and the KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. He has also served as an Associate Technical Editor for the IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS M AGAZINE, the Lead Guest Editor for the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking in the Special Issue on “Cooperative Cognitive Networks,” and a Guest Editor for the IET Communications in the Special Issue on “Secure Physical Layer Communications.” He is currently serving as Workshop Chair of the 2nd International Conference on Computing, Management, and Telecommunications (ComManTel 2014). He is currently a Scientific Consultant of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil, and of the Brazilian Ministry of Education (CAPES). He is also a Productivity Research Fellow of CNPq. From 2010 to 2012, he was a Productivity Research Fellow of the Ceará Council of Scientific and Technological Development (FUNCAP). Currently, he is a member of the Advisory Board of FUNCAP in the area of Telecommunications. He also received three conference paper awards: one at the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications, one at the 13th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications in 2010, and another at the XXIX Brazilian Telecommunications Symposium in 2011. His Ph.D. dissertation received the Best Ph.D. Thesis in Electrical Engineering from the Brazilian Ministry of Education (CAPES) at the 2009 CAPES Thesis Contest.