Water & Wastewater Standards INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS I. GENERAL JEA has issued new standard drawings to be used on new projects effective immediately. The drawings include changes to reflect comments by JEA, engineers and contractors. Some of the processes have been revised to reduce the number of drawings required for a review submittal. A summary of these new standards and their benefits are as follows: I.1. II. LIST OF STANDARD DRAWINGS AND UPDATES II.1. III. Major Items: I.1.1. New attributed borders modified to read from the right side. I.1.2. Updated all water and wastewater detail plates, are now in two individual drawing files allowing the engineer to easily select which plates to use for their specific application. I.1.3. Design guide for pump stations has site plan and elevation that the engineer can modify for their specific application. I.1.4. Pump station electrical shop drawing package. I.1.5. New .ctb files for plotting: I.1.5.1. “JEA Standard.ctb” for full size drawings I.1.5.2. “JEA Standard Half Size.ctb” for half size drawings Standard Title Blocks and Miscellaneous II.1.1. Cover Sheet; To be modified by engineer for specific project II.1.2. Title Block – Plans, Notes and Details; To be modified by engineer for specific project II.1.3. General Notes, Legend and Sheet Index; To be modified by engineer for specific project II.1.4. Title Block – Plan; To be modified by engineer for specific project II.1.5. Title Block – Profiles; To be modified by engineer for specific project WATER AND RECLAIMED MAIN DETAILS III.1. Five 24”x36” Standard Sheets of most common plates to be made a part of the drawing set by reference only. III.1.1. Do not include in review or construction sets. III.1.2. Available at jea.com for contractor to print and have on job site. III.1.3. Engineer shall verify these details are sufficient for construction. III.2. Remaining plates for engineer’s use on specific projects. Revised: January 1, 2015 Revised By: KGL Approved By: CFS INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS I. 2. - Page 1 of 4 Water & Wastewater Standards IV. V. WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILS IV.1. Five 24”x36” Standard Sheets of most common plates to be made a part of the drawing set by reference only. IV.1.1. Do not include in review or construction sets. IV.1.2. Available at jea.com for contractor to print and have on job site. IV.1.3. Engineer shall verify these details are sufficient for construction. IV.2. Remaining plates for engineer’s use on specific projects. SUBMERSIBLE WASTEWATER PUMP STATIONS Site Specific Sheets – To be modified by the Design Engineer to develop site specific plan. Engineer may submit as few as two sheets if no additional details are required; Plan and Section with site plan and Landscape Plan. Engineers shall modify the site plan and tables to their specific site. V.1. Class 1 Duplex Pump Station – Plan and Section V.2. Class 2 Duplex Pump Station with Pony Pump– Plan and Section V.3. Class 2 Duplex Pump Station with Generator – Plan and Section V.4. Triplex Pump Station – Plan and Section V.5. Landscape Plan V.6. Standard Details V.6.1. Do not include in review or construction sets. V.6.2. Available at jea.com for contractor to print and have on job site. V.6.3. Engineer shall verify these details are sufficient for construction. V.7. Electrical Shop Drawing Package Contractor shall download drawing package for their application, modify as necessary and submit to JEA for review. VI. RECLAIMED WATER DELIVERY STATION Site Specific Sheet - To be modified by the Design Engineer to develop site specific plan. Engineer may submit as few as one sheet if no additional details are required. Engineers shall modify the site plan and tables to their specific site. VI.1. Piping Layout Plan VI.2. Standard Details VI.2.1. Do not include in review or construction sets. VI.2.2. Available at jea.com for contractor to print and have on job site. VI.2.3. Engineer shall verify these details are sufficient for construction. VI.3. Electrical Shop Drawing Package Contractor shall download drawing package for their application, modify as necessary and submit to JEA for review. Revised: January 1, 2015 Revised By: KGL Approved By: CFS INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS I. 2. - Page 2 of 4 Water & Wastewater Standards VII. ROADWAY DETAILS AND SWPPP VII.1. These are provided solely as a convenience to the Design Engineer. Four 24”x36” sheets of details that can be used to develop the final plan set for permitting and construction. VII.1.1. Do not include in review sets. VII.1.2. Engineer shall verify these details are sufficient for construction. VII.1.3. Delete details that are not applicable to the project or jurisdiction. VIII. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PLANS VIII.1. These are provided solely as a convenience to the Design Engineer. Three 24”x36” sheets that can be used to develop the final plan set for permitting and construction. VIII.1.1. Do not include in review sets. VIII.1.2. FDOT MOT Index sheets are available as image files on jea.com. VIII.1.3. Engineer shall verify these details are sufficient for construction. VIII.1.4. Delete details and notes that are not applicable to the project or jurisdiction. IX. PLAN SUBMITTAL The following notes, at a minimum, shall be included on all plan submittals. Any deviation from the standards shall be requested by the Developer’s Engineer and shall be approved, in writing, by JEA:. IX.1. All water, reclaimed water and sanitary wastewater work shall be constructed in accordance with the latest JEA Water and Wastewater Standards Manual, all applicable local and state regulatory rules & regulations and other applicable JEA rules. IX.2. All water, reclaimed water and sanitary wastewater construction shall be provided by a contractor qualified as required under the current Florida Statute or by an underground utility contractor, licensed under the provisions of Chapter 489 FS. IX.3. The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining City or County Right-Of-Way (R/W) permits for work in the City R/W, County R/W or a FDOT permit for work in the FDOT R/W. IX.4. The contractor shall contact the JEA field inspector and schedule a "Pre-Construction Meeting" 48 hours prior to initiating the JEA water and wastewater utility work, including all utility main taps by the constructor. IX.5. JEA water and wastewater tap fees, JEA water and wastewater capacity fees and JEA meter fees shall be paid prior to the water meter installation. Water meters will not be installed prior to receipt of required acceptance (transfer of ownership) documents which may include the issuance of a regulatory clearance letter (COC) for the water and wastewater improvements, completion and approval of Final Inspection and approved as-built drawings. IX.6. Final connection to the JEA system may be contingent upon the construction, dedication and final acceptance (transfer of ownership/maintenance) of the JEA off-site utilities. IX.7. The minimum horizontal and vertical separation requirements for the water, reclaimed water and wastewater improvements shall conform to the latest JEA and FDEP rules. The minimum horizontal Revised: January 1, 2015 Revised By: KGL Approved By: CFS INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS I. 2. - Page 3 of 4 Water & Wastewater Standards separation requirements between the proposed water and wastewater utilities and ponds or structures shall conform to the latest JEA Water and Wastewater Standards Manual. IX.8. Water and wastewater pipes shall be constructed with a minimum 30" cover in unpaved areas and a minimum of 36" cover in paved areas. The maximum cover for utilities utilizing Horizontal Directional Drill methods shall comply with the latest JEA Water and Wastewater Standards Manual. IX.9. Water and wastewater pressure mains and services shall pass a JEA pressure and leakage test at 150 psi for 2 hours. In addition, water mains shall be disinfected and pass a bacteriological analysis. All tests shall conform to JEA and FDEP rules and regulations and AWWA C-651. The JEA Inspector shall be notified 48 hours (min) prior to performing these tests. No final connection(s) to existing potable water mains shall be made until the new main is pressure tested, disinfected, and cleared for service. IX.10. In the areas where solvent contamination is found in the trench, work shall be stopped and the proper regulatory authorities notified. A revised construction plan shall be approved by JEA and FDEP which complies with all regulatory rules. The revised construction plan for the JEA water main system including water service lines may involve galvanized or ductile iron pipe with special solvent resistant (fluorocarbon type) gaskets which extend 100 feet beyond the contaminated areas. IX.11. The contractor shall minimize service interruptions to existing JEA water and wastewater customers. If JEA approves a service interruption, then the contractor will be responsible for notifying the affected customers in accordance with the latest JEA rules. IX.12. Residential services using reclaimed water for irrigation must have a JEA approved backflow preventer installed on each potable water service prior to the installation of a JEA reclaimed water meter. The installation of a backflow preventer shall be in accordance with the JEA Rules and Regulations for Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Services, appendix B, Cross Connection Control Policy. IX.13. For developments utilizing reclaimed water, a JEA approved reclaimed water signage plan shall be implemented prior to the installation of the reclaimed water meters. Revised: January 1, 2015 Revised By: KGL Approved By: CFS INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS I. 2. - Page 4 of 4