Jou.r1:ud ur Clh\itnJ Li4.Wr , ~1ediduc & Surgery Volu1ne CJ. Nu1nl)er 6, 200 I ~lary Ann Licbc1:1. Inc. rp. JOS- J.14 Effect of NASA Ligbt-Enlitting Diode hTadiation on Wound Healing HARRY T. WHELAN. M.D..1.M ROBERT l, . SMITS. J R.• M.0 .. ' ELLEN V. fl lJCHMAN, B.S .. ' NOEL T. WHELAN, B.S., •·~ SCOIT o. T lJRNER. M.S.. ' DA vrn A. MARGOLIS. M.D.,4 VITA CEVENCNl,8 HELEN STINSON. B.S..8 RON !GNATIUS,3 TODD MARTIN. B.S••l JOAN CWIKLINSKI. M.S.. ' ALAN F. PHILIPPI. M.D.,• WILLIAM R. G RAF, Ph.0 ..6 BR IAN HODGSON , D.D.S.,4 ·' USA GOULD. M.O., Ph:D., 2 MARY KANE. B.s.,z GINA C HEN, B.S .. ' nnd JAMES CAVINESS. M.D.' ABSTRACT Objecri"e: The pur(lose of this study wns to ussess the effect' of hyperbaric oxygen (HllO) :lnd n ear-infrared light therapy on wound h ealing. Backgro1111ti Datil: Light-emitting diodes (LED), orig inally d eveloped for NASA11lant growth experiment~ in s1mceshow promise for delivering light dcetl into tissues of the body to promote wound healing a nd human !'issue growth. In this paper. we review nnd pr·cscnt our new data of' LED lrcatJnent on cells gro" ·n in culture, on ischemic ~ind dit1betic \Younds in rat nlOdels, and on acute and chronic \\lOUnds in hun1nus. M'uerinls anti Jl1erhod.s: 111 vitro and in vivo (animnl and hwnan) studjcs utilized a variel)' or L·Eo '~'ave.length, J>O"'er intensily, and energy density parameters lo begin to identify conditions for each bi· ological tissue that arc optimal for biostimulation. Res11/t<: LED produced in vitro increases of cell growth of 140-200% in mouse-derived fibroblasls, rat-der ived oskoblasts, and rat-derived skclernl muscle cells. nncl increnses in growth of 155- 17 1 % of n ormal human epitheli:l l cells. Wound siie d ecre:ised up ·to 36% in conjunc· lion with HllO in ischemic r at models. LEO produced improveme nt of greate.r than 40% in musculoskeletal training iu,jurics in Navy SEAL team members, and decreased womid healing time in crew members aboru·d a U.S. Nam.I s ubmarine. LED produ ced n 47 % reduction in pain of' children suffering fro m ora.I mucositis. Conclusion: We believe that the use of NASA LED for light U1erapy :done, and in co11jw1ction. with hyperb~ric oxy· gen, "·ill gr eatly enhan<.'c the natural " 'ound healing process, 11nd n1ore quickJy return the patient to a prein· jury/illness h.w el of activity . This \\'Ork is SU(lported and managed llirough the NASA Marshnll Space Flig ht Center-SBil{ Program. INTRODUCTION T lhal lhc USC or Ni\ SA liglll·Cntilling dioJ os {LED) for lighl H~ NllF.OTO CARE ror a pop11lt1ti(>11 wi£h chronic. wounds is n g ro,ving challenge 1h(1I require..; innovative t1pprol'1chcs. T'vo uppnliH.'hl!N thm i-p~ i fi.;(1U y nddruss 1hc idcntijiccl palho~ physiological proCe$S.t'~ in\•olveJ in woun<l b~aJing are hypcr 4 therapy alone. and in conjunction \\•ith f-U~O. \Viii _greatly en· hanc:c the n:1turnl wound healing process. ·r his \Viii save \':tJu ~ able tinlc. and r<:$OUret:s ror both patients and hcall.h care fttclJl .. tie~. FurLhe1·n1vre, i 1upro\led \\19und heali ng \Viii retluC".e the: risk of infl.!(lion for 1.hc p~ttie nl. decrc"sc 1hc n1noun1 of costJy dn:b:-.· baric o~ygen (I I BO) 1her:ipy and ltglu 1hera1>y. HllO 1hernpy is i.ngs require.d. :Lnd a1ore quickly .retur.n the patient to a prein· currcnlly Lhe ~tand::U'd Cl!' care for ischcn1ic1 hypo:cic, infcctt:d, jury/illness level of neti,•ity. and 01henvi~e slo\vly healing, 1woblen' \vouncls. \Ve believe Laser ligh t and HBO have been 'vidcly acclniJncd to D-Jp3nn1cr11s or •Neurology. and :111t1stic q1rgery. f\1cd ic:.I C<illepc:: (If \Visc1.1nsin. b·lilw:iukt:c-. \Visconsir1. '.l'Q11a11111m J),n·t~ . Im:., Ban1cv~ l d. \Vi ~unsin, 1 <IChlldrc n·.~ Hui;piml of \IJisconsin. ~1filwm1kcc , \Vi ~ons-in . .S4l11 .Qeoml Banaliou. -3tJ1 f'o.rce Service Sui)pol't Group. US~'I CR. !\1uriNtil. Ceorg.ia. li-Nnvnl S_pci:inl \V:irf1lrc Gtu\lfl T\VO, Norfl'JU.., Virginin. 7Sub1nadnc Sc1u01dr<Jn ELEVEN. S:in Die~o. Catifur.nfo. •N,\SA-f\ilru~hall Aigh rCt:m~~r. ,\lalx1m,1. 30S !')~d \Vhelnn c.t al. 30li 200 g § • c ontrol u e ,g .."' 0 4Jlcm2 100 !2i 8J/cm2 c m .c u >I? • 50 0 20ays 3 Days 4 Days FIG. t. Oro\Vlh phase spccifici1y or 3TJ fi b(Oblasts: cornbint:d \Vt)vtlenglhs: 4 J/cm2 \'Cl'8US ~ .l/c1112: 50 n1\V/cn1l, .synthe.~ is \VOi.ind healing of i.schcrnic, h ypoxic. ;\nd infected \VOtUtJs. I at1Jcl11net11 and l..:1scrs provide lo\v~cncrgy stimulation of tissues tJ1:H results in increased i:cilulnr ncdvhy duiing wound hcaling.?.J 1 1 hese aclivitie.s ioc.ludc ooll~1gen production nnd anglogene- facto r productio n (jncluding kerathlocyre gro,vth racU)r I KGF), transfol'1nlng g1'i)\Vth facto!' JTGl•I. nnd plntele1-dcrived grO\vlh sis." HBO 1hem1>y. \Vliich is ...:urr~n1 ty s1nn<lar<l 1hcrupy in tl1c 1rc.at1nent oi diabe1jc ulcers. graft f3ilures, radhuion nocrosis-. and other ische1nie \\1ounct'i, h rt~ nlso het:n shown ro bc11elici\1lly nffc<:1 1h..:se, Ho,vevcr. there arc n variCLy of instances in which ::i p~ll:icnJ \Vho may bl!ncfit from HBO is unnble or uu\Villing lo be a-cmed in a high-pressure cnvironr11ent. TI1eS;e. siturnions indudc lack or nc.ccss to -a faciJit)' equipped \\•ill1 MBO. claustrophobia. and cenain cun:enc or thro.nic n1edical co1Hlitjons 1hat would tnake HBO 1her:1py con1r.tindicaled. 111 1hcsc instances. ligbt Lhc.~rapy proviJe.s an a hcrnaLlvc (1Jr the palienL \Vound healing has Lbree phase.~: first, a subsc1·a1G is l;lid do\vn. second. cells 1wolifem1e. "nd lhir<l. 1hcn:. is rc11)0deUng or tissue. The. da1a. published so Jar suggests 1hat La.~r bio:;:thnula· tion produces it~ pritUM)' eff~t during Lhe ce.11 1>i·olifem1ion ph.ttse of 1he \V0111uJ healing ptoeC$$., It been de1no11~ 1nHt.-d that n1itochcu1tlria ore rcceptl,•e to 1nonochro1natic ue~lr-inf~irt:d liglu and lh11t IH.scr ligJu likely increases rcspiralory n1c1abillis1n of ccrtuin cclls.2.J.s Procc~~scs .such n:; Obroblast pnJlifcrntion. of i.:ollngen ::ind proc:ollogcn, gro\Vlh faclQI' IPDGF'I), nlacn,phage s~i nrol a1ion. lyn'lphocy1e ~tin1ula1ion.6 and greater rnlc of extracellular mnuix production have been re1>0ned \Vith laser li_glu 1rca1nlent_,_,.., Aninnd stu di~::- on the enhanced 'vound lu::•llng cftC:ct of laser light of lo\\'-PCl''' er dcnsily have been pcrfom1cd in tqad~. 1uicc, rats, guinea pigs, and s'vine_t~.1r. 1-luinan .-:tut.lies \vir..h laser ti.gh1 have dc1no11s1rnrt"ld gre:ltel' filllt)UUIS Of dpithclializutiOn ror W01111d 001 be efricie.nlly produced~ th!.!- Size Of \\'Onncl'i th:ll Ola}' be 1ren1ed is lin1i1.c d (due 10 l~ r pr()cJuc1inn of u bcanl of light-n fi.1ct incon~ is1c:.nt \\lith tre;Hiog. lnt,ge areo:ll), hcuc production fro1n the lnser light i1solf can ~1ctu:Uly damngc cissuc. and the pi npoin1 be~11n of laser light c:u1 d::unnge !he eye. NASA devel- ~ 0 •Control e ,g 0670nm 0 .."' ~726nm .. u c .c lll!880nm "# 2Days FIG. 2-. CIO$Ul'C and sti1nulaLiurt of skin grafl he::i l i n_g_1.~ An cxccllcn1. revic\\· of recent hu111a11 cxpe.riencc with near-iil frarcd Jighc Lhcrupy for wound bc~1 l i ng \\'US publ ished by Conlan C! al . in 1996.' l:,scrs. ho,vever, hllve $0111e inhel'e111 chartiClerisLics 1ha1 1nake their use: i1l a clinical !ieUing problc1nali1;, including liruiIUli01\~ in wavel1Jngth capabilities and be::un width. T he combined \V:J\•eleng1hs <>f 1.h e l igJu for OJ}fin1al \\10111;<.1 J1etil111g can- 3 Days 4Days GtO\Vlh ph:L~e spcciilcity 111" osr..:ohla~a~; individual \Vi1velengihs: RJ/c1nZ; 50 1nW/c111i, 307 NASA LED lrradintion nnd \Vound Healing :g c: • Q u 100 E c ontrol 0 670nm ,g 75 .."'""' ~ 728nm c: 50 li&l BBOnm <.> # 25 0 4 Hours Fl(t '.:\. 24 Mours 48 Hours ( ir'Q\Vlh 1>hase spcc.ifichy ,,f L·6 skeletal muscle cells tl'e:ued wich indh•ldunl \V:lvelcng1hs at 8 J/crnl; 50 n1W/crn2. oped LEDs 10 offer 3u el'l"ecLive ahern:uh•e LO la~ers. 1l1ese Oat.a collection :ind C~llafog_ing 10 elucid:1ie 1he absorption coet"· diCtde.c; ca.n. be cooligu1-ed LO ptoduce inuldple \Vaveleoglli.s, cai1 licieot~ <>f lhe vat ious hu1na11 lissues are currently unden\'ay by 1)1! amu\gcd .in J1tr'gt:. llm {UT>l)'S (::illO\Viilf! ll't:a-Unc:nt of hu'gt! lhe printipli: invcs1igator-. \\IO\u1d$), ;111d Jll'Odu~c nO heat It is also of i1nptJ1'UllltC tO 1101C llmL LED lighl tht rnpy bas bccll dcc111cd ;1 no11signific3nLrisk LED TN VITRO STUDIES by the r'DA: 1hus. FDA approval fo r 1he "*'of LISDs in humans rOr ligh1 therapy hns bc.-cn t1b1:1int."(]. In order to understand the effects of LEDs on cell g ro,vth and NASA LEDs sti1nuhuc Lhc basic energy processes in tl1c n1i· tod1ondl'ia (energy co1npart1nenL~> of each cell. particularly pn1liferati\'Jn, \Ve hil\'e 1neasured rndiofo.beled thyntidine incorwhen Jle,1r-i11fra1'Cd light is used IQ :1c1i\•1ue the \Vt1ve.le11gd1 sen· poration iu ~1itro in seNer:tJ cell l in e.~ 11-earcd \\•ith LED liglu ac si1i\•e c-0nmi1ue11Ls i nside (c.-hro1uophores. cy,oc l1ro 1 ne ,.~ysLe1 ns). v:irious '"'~1ve leug1hs :111d ener",gy levels. As _ptevioui;ly 1•tponed, Op1in1nl light '":1veleng1hs (proven in J)rior studies or lnser nud 31·3 fibrobla.s1s (rnouse-derived skill cells) fes-ponded ex11·e1nely LED light)'-'.il.1Hl,17.IS to speed wound healing i nrl11dc 680, \VCJI to Jnser nnd LED Jight cxposurc.s.10--i1 .?0.2l.2! Cell growlh 730, :u1d SSO 1\1n. 'T'hese wave.length.I\ can be produced accu- incri?:nsed 1 50-200~1 over unrre~11e<l conLrots. Additionally, '-"i· 1111 ~ly by l\ lt\SA LEDs, \Vhich have n bund\vidth or 15 nu1. The 11.:obh1s1$ (nu derived) h11ve bcco reponi:d 10 hnvc i 11erea.~ed dCJ>Lh of ne:ar·lnfrarcd Light pt:nc1ratir;n into human 1is,;uc h:i~ DNA sy n th csi~ :lnd in creci.~Cd cellular grO\VC.h rate 'vltCn <.~x· been uu::isurcd spcctrosi.:opici.1 lly.2J.t9 Spectra taken fro1n the j)l)SCd 10 l.n.~er lighL23 \Vith LhD treauncJll, \\le have found that \VriSt 0C;\Qr rnUSCli:~ in lhU f~H'CUnTI nnd TilUSCfC..'l. ill lhC Cf!Jf (Jr 1heKC ce l h~ dcmon~t nltcd a _gtt)\Vt l 1 -pha~c speci fi~ it y, rc~pc1nd i ng_ lh¢ leg<: lhat n10SI o f lhe pbOIOnS ::ti \\'l\\•clen,gr11s o f o nly when ci:;lls are in the g.n)\Yth phase. In these-e:<pcri1hcn1s, 630-800 n1n lr.1vc.I ;:i pproxi 1ntH~ly 23 c1l1 through 1he skin Sur- fi brob1aSl$ seeded 01 a concen1ra(i011- of 500 cells/,ven and osface {light inpul) and 111uscle. cxjting m lhL~ pho1011 dctc.ctor. lcobJasts. seeded tU u concenln1tioo of l >< l Ql c~Hs/\\'cll. \Vere 175 150 0 'e Q • control 125 <.> E 100 0670nm SOmW/cm> ,g "'c: "' "'<.>"' 75 l?.:j 728nm 40mW/cm2 50 !l11880nm 53mW/cm2 0~ 25 0 4 Hours 24 hours 48 Hours Hours of Incubation FIG. 4. LED l't:.Sf~)O~e :'!I 4 .llc1nl , 50 1n \V/c1n2 ushi.g individolll Wli\'eleng1hs or 670. 728, :ind 880 0111 (perecntag.e chaqge frorn cooltol vel');USnu1nber of houl's. of1er LED 1.ren11nen1). JOS \\'lu:hto ct .::ii. 180 160 ec: 0 0 140 • eon1ro1 120 E 100 0670nm 80 ~728nm g .."' ,,"'c: ..•' 50mW/cm2 40mW/cm' 60 (.) f8}880nm 40 53mW/cm' 20 0 4 Hours 24 hours 48 Hours Hours or lncubalion Atter LEO Fl(;, S. LED ~ponsc at SJ/cm!; 50 m\V/c1n! u1,,ins indl\ 1dual ''>3\'elengths of 670. 728. and MW nrn (fH!t"CCntuge changt< from contn>I ,.CfMI., nu1nber of hours aftcr LED crca1n1cn11. 12·\\Cll plate~ wilh a " 'CIJ SUrfUCC an.-;\ Q( ap(>nl.\ifU<!lCI)' ..a cm:. DNA ~~-nthesis. " 'as dctcnninctl ''" the 'c\.'ond, 1lurJ. nnd f0t1rth days in culture fnt both fibrobl:.ll\f"I (fi~. l) and O'! l c<>hla~u1 (f<i.g. 2). E~po~ure to LED 11r..1di;1tinn nc<:c1er.11cd 1111:. ~fO\Vlh rmc of fi bl'Qblascs nnd os1eoblas11r1 in cuhurc for 2- :l dny!\ (,;1'0\Vinp. ph:lS<"), but .sho,vc<l no sig11iflcun1 i:h:u1sc in gro\'i'lh rUIC for celli. in culture JU 4 day~ (~l1U il1n11ry 11hm.;c ). ,ax,k,'"tl Ul Th~'e tln111n1·~ i111por1:11u tleml')USt1"a1ions of c:cll·lO•cCll '-'onu1c1 lnhil>i1ic111. \\'hich occu1~ ;,, vitro one-<: eelI c11hu~) fll'l'r,nlch conflurncc:. Thi... i~ :1nu1c,gous, i11 1•;vo. 1u n hcul1hy (1r~o 1 1 is111. '''hid1 '"ill n;~cncrutc bettling tit\:.ui:-. h1u l«IOll fu1·1hcr 1;ro"·1h "·hen h1::d1ng i~con1ple1e. It is imponant 10 noh! 1h.u LED 1rcal· n\Cnl J.Cctlcr.nt~ nomial he:.:llin,g and tissue re~cnerauon " 'itlt· 1Jroduc1ng. O\'Cl'J!rowt.h or neopl3.stic,fonn:uio11. A 't'ri~ of c:..penment") bas re....~ntly bttn ccwn1,fcte!d u''"~ an L·C• n111scuh~clccal t.""Ctl line <r:u deri\ed). Thc-.c cell*> \\ere <JUI ~XJ'O'Cd to 1hc LED light at bulh coo1biLled ~;.t\ch.:n~1f\, iHld 111· dn 1dudl "a''Clcngth' (670. 728. n.nd i;KO 11111). encri:> dc:n,1'1Cl of -I and 8 J/c:rnz. anU an inh:n..,it} of j() 1n\V/c-1n!. f<ci,ulb a cell ,grll\Ylh increase of nbat.11 1401ff u\cr llli· 1re;ued con1ruls. fW1icul:i.rly tu ~ J/cm? cncrt;)'. a~ $hO\\-n in Figure 3. In at.ldiLion. c.:xpcrinle n1~ nrt no\\ co1nrtc1c wing a normul hun1an epithelial cell line seeded in 12·wcll plate~ 111 :a concen1ru1ion nf 500 cell s/,~ ell in t)« lcr tt-1 PL'S~ihly explain 1bc con1inucd. dr:un:uic res-uh;; of LEO lighl 1hcrupy in prcvcn1ing on1l 111ucoi::ilis in l'anccr pn1ieo1s. Cell g1\.1wtl1 incrcn..,cd 155% over 1Hll1\!~1t1Jd C(lUCr ol;; :1t 670 1un nnd ·I J/c1n1 cni..:rgy dcn~i1y (50 111\V/c111l pvwcr dcn~ ity), ns ~ ho\\11111 f'figu1'C 4. An incn:asc of l 7 1'l- over un1rc.n1ed cnntn)IS \\a;; ob1:.incd \\lid1 {I \\''l\·elenglh of 880 nm and 8 J/cn1: cne.rJ)' dcni-11y (!i'.\ n1W/cn1: p<>"cr den· si1y). all: shQ\\•n in figure S. Colla~en symhesi> of 1hc lfaC/\T cp11h<lml cclb wos dctcrn1incd by measuring tri1ia1cd prnl111e 1ncorpor.nKHJ using. ;i nl(Kfified method described h) Pc1crl.of,Jr.)· und D.egithnann..1.: HaCA"r epithelial c;clf, " 'C:rt: ~c."<k!d in '"o 12·v.·~ll tissuc cullure plo1C5 "ilb 600 µL DMEM c"n1.1i11111!' JO'l FBS. I<; pcni· c1U1n/1m:p<omycin. and 6 µL L-pmhnc (Z.3-' H (. The mcdi• \\'"33 free of ooncsscnti:1I :uni no 11Cid~. One plJt( \YJ.S ~ ru, the con1rol. ond the other\\'~ ue;tted \\•ith chc 1.7()..nin NASA LED 250 0 ~ 200 0 0 E 150 .. .,"' 0 .:: ,,c: 100 "' 50 0 0 Conlrol LED Fl(;, ft. HnCAT epilhcJi:1J cell coll:igtn 1»y 11l l 1 c~i11 rtl ~ .l/c1n2, .~O 111\V/1:.1111. 670 n1n. Shown ill 2.1... h •1 1 pn1li11c. incorporation. 309 NASA LEf) lrr:uliat ion :and \ Vouncl Healing 140 "' ..,vs "" 120 100 ~ 80 ..5"" 60 .5 OJ 40 * - - Conltol - - - HBO&LED - ··• ···· LED Only 20 0 0 FIG. 7. 2 6 4 Ch:1ng~ in v.·ound size in 10 Time (days) 8 aliquo1 wa:o: used 10 quruui1:ne 1otaJ pro1ein by lrichhJroacetic ~1cicl (TCA) prc~ipi l:uion . 'fhc 11recipi 1H11!.(I r>roteins 'vere collected by suction 0 1110 a glass fiber fiJter and nllo\\•ed 10 dry overnight nt roool ten1per~uure. ·n ie secQnd :lliquo1 wn,!I i nl.'.: 11bated for 90 min :tl 37°C \Vilh highly puri fied btic1t: ri~1 t colk1gcnasc dC!~nldcd ~he cnll.tgcn in the s:unplc. Tiu• rc1naining n<nlcollagcn prowin nlso uiltlcrwent TCA 1>reci1)iw1ion. The folJO\\rif1£ d:l)', StintiJh:tljon nuitf \\IIL't ::lddcd Otld the ~u1nple-S \VCre counted i 11 :1 ~cint i l b11 i on to1in1cr. Co1la~e11 cr>nltjlll \VllS dclcnninc<l by suh1ruc1i11g 1hc nonco11agen prol¢in from 1he 10w.l proteju. f igure(> sho\Y!-l that Lhe li:JCA'r epitheliaJ cells Lhat were NASA LED lTC~ttcd synLhesh~ed fnore l hHn t\vice the :unounl or col111gcn th:.111 1J1:J1 or lbc oonlrol cells. LED WOUND HEALi.NG IN RATS An ischcn1ic "'Ollnd is a wound in \Vhic.:h there is: ii lnck or oxygen 10 the \Vounll beJ due tn au obstru.;Lion of ::in.:rial blooJ C>. "' .§ flow. '!'issue ischl!n1h1 is a sig,11ilican1 cause of i mpai~d \Vound heaJing. 'vhich renders the \\'Ound 0101-e susceptible- 10 inrecLion. lcr1ding 10 chronic, nonheaHng \VOW1ds. Despite progrc.'is in "'ound healing l'ese~1r<:h . 1here is s till ve1·y linle \111de(s1:111di1lg of \vhnt cons1j1utcs a chronic \vound, p1111icul:.irly tll the moJccufar le~·el, Consequcnlly. 1here-is 1ninhnal scientific ratio11alefor 1rca1n1e111. In order to Mttdy the cffccL< of NASA LBD tcchnolo_gy :mJ liBO ther~py. we developed :i. 1nodcl Of an ische1nie \vound in nor1nal SJ>rague-D:.iwley r.11s. T\vO 1x1raJlel. I l-c1n incisions were 1nadc 2.5 cn1 apart on Lite dorsu1n of the rats. leaving the crunial nnd caudnl ends iraacr. l 'hc skill was elevulcd along 1tielcngll1 of the 03p. and t\VO punch biopsies created the: \vounds in 1he cen1er of 1he flnp. A shl!et of ~ilicone \Va~·placed bel\veen th.: skin and 1hc unc1erJying 1nu~~Je 10 :.ict as a barrier t<> \•ascul:ir growth, thus incrc:lsing the i~chcm ic insuh tQ the \vounds. The four grOUJ>.S, each cons.isling or 15 rat.;, in 1hi$ srudy include the cont1•ol (oo LED or HBOJ. H.BO only, LEIJ (880 run) \lnly, oud LED and MB() i n ccunbinarion. The·HBO \vas supplied aJ 2.4 mn·1ft)r90 nlin, and rhe LED w:i~ deliver~d 111 a nuence of4 J/cru2 and 50 1n\V/c1u:? for J4 con~"ccufrvc days. 1\ future .sludy - - c ontrol _..,___HBO Only _ .,._ _ HBO& LED ····•···· LEO Only 0.0020 ,.,. tr> ..... ~ ... i 0.0010 § () 0.0005 ~ 16 0.0025 -2' 0.0015 LL (!) 14 nu ischCJnic \Vt>uncl n10clt!J versus tin1e (days). at 8 J/c1nt. After 2..J. h of incutxu.iou in 5% CC>1 nl 37.:.c. t\VO 200-/J..I,. :1liquols of nlt..'dia \Vere ren1ovcd fn11u each well. One I£ 12 /./· f ./ '}/; ,' ,/ , , ,_.,.., ..... .,... / ....,,,,,.,.....••.•....•..•......-..:;;:;;······· ,_··· ...::: 0.0000 .,,-c.:-~---':.---~--~--~--~---l 2 4 10 12 14 0 6 8 Time (<fays) FIG. R. Ch!lnge in vascul:u· e11tlo1helial gro,vth f[!Ctt)r <VEGF) coucentralioo (µ2f1ng p1·01cin) ver!ius Li:n1e (days}. Whelan et al. 3'10 c ea. 0.12 j "' .E "' 0.08 ., 0.06 2; c: 0 e c Q) "0 c: 0 N ,;. ......~·" / ....." ../ ' , , , ---··•.•\ .... ...' ·.. -- ,, ,---/, ' -ti 0 .04 _::;,....: . -:;.~ I , .. ____ , ....... • ........ .., •.&!: I 0.02 ..... , (!) u. - + - Control -.t.- · HBO Only --e-· HBO&LEO ····•···· LEO Only 0.10 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 Tlme(days) 10 12 14 flG. 9. Chung<: in b:tsic fR>n 1bl;1$Lg.r0\\11h racto'l' (J':CP-2) eoncentr::1tion (µgllng protein) versus lime fday~). \Viii inCOfj:>Ol'i.lle the cv1nbin:tti(l11 o( three \Vavcle_ngths (670. 728, ood 880 11111) i111..he 1reaunen1 groups. The wounds \vcr..: 'roc;etl rnanually<>n days 4. 7. 10. and 14. 1"hese tracings \Vere subsequently scanned inh,1 11 cornpu 1 ~r. und 1he !>ize of 1he '''Ouuds \Vas lracked using Sign)aSc;.:.111 Pro soft\Yare. Figure 7 depicts the churtgc in \ V(}und ~it,e ovc1· Lhe course of tbc 14·day experiment. The cornbinHlion of HBO und L.EO (880 1101) proved to have t.he grea1esl effect in wound hc.alin.&in tt>nns o f Lhis qualiH:tLi ve asses~n1e1n or \\'OWld area. A 1 day 7. \\'f'unds. 1.1r tl1e H B O and L ED (880 11111) grou1>" 'ere 36% .s1nullcr than lhosc or the con1rol g.l'o up. Thnt :\ize dis~ crepancy remained by da)' I 0. T he LED (880 nm) alone :ilso speeds wound closure. On day 7, 1he LED (880 nm) trca1cd 'vounds wns 20% s:nH1rlcr thnn 1he t1)11trol wounds. By day I0. the diffe re nce bcl\vcc:n tJ1ese 1\\l() groups d ropped to 12 1»>. This '''as due 10 the fact Lhat there is n point 'vhc.n 1he \Voundi> fro 111 :'a.I I of 1hi.: grOIJ()S \viii be closed. Hence. the early differences aru the n1os1·ialportanl iu terniS of dc1cnnining 1he Qp1i1naJ efl'CcLS ora given Lteatme.nt. Tbis ..:an he seen 01day 14 (Fig, 7}, \Vhcn 1he po inL~ ureeonvcrging due LO the fact lhat lhe \vounds arc he;lJi:ng. Analysis-of the biocbcrnicol makeup <1f lhe wounds at doy.o; 0. 4, 7. :)nd 14 was pcrfO mlcd. TI1e day 0 lime 1~ i 1u \VilS dctcrn1i.ned by evaluating the punch biopsy snmpJcs fro1n rhe c)rigi- nnl surgery. 111e levels of b.a$ic fibroblast gro\vth (actor (FGF.. 2) and \'Uscuhtr 1;.ndOLheUal gn}\\flh (act.01· (VE(lFj were ELT I0 MEAN (SartAreal I • MEAN tWound area cm>\ Conlrol '1.0 121 i.0244 ELT 0 .8548 0 .7307 FLG.10. Typc. l dial>Ctic n1jcc with excj sioJ1nl skin \vound$ tre::ited \Vith co1nbined LED '"aveltJngtbs. 4 J/cn12. 50 n1W/cm2. The t>qutu\: root of \V011nd ~lrCa i'> 11~d in 1he dcpende111 variable in lheanalysis. This tr.lnsfom1:nion W'.L't needed 10 correct for noncon~ s1an1 error in 1hc. guncnll lineiir n•0<.1el. SqrtA rea could be jnrerpreted as being propc;irtian<ll 10 the radi us of n circular "'<'Ju1u.I. 311 NASA LED l rntd.h11io n nnd \Voood Flealing 140 ., 120 .5' Qi ""' ID E • Baseline 100 0ROM 80 0 "'"' c: "' "'u ~ (2J Pain 60 llSJ Girth 40 •:,!? 20 0 FJG. LJ . Ct10\t1lt11ive results or dala fro1n 11 pa1ien1~ iSEALS) sho\vin,g in1provernen1 In range of motion. pain. and s irth reported as pt:irccn1:1gech•inge fro1n chronic. uoi1nproving injured baseline afler LED treallnenl at 4 J/c1nl , 10 m\ V/cn12, de1cnnj ocd usiug ELL..'iA ( linked U1ununosorbenl as· S:ty). n u.::. ch~1 n ges Jn 1he VUGF conccn1.nuion 1hrougbou1 the J.i-·duy cxpcrimcnl can bcJ>Ccn in Pigur1: 8. The LED t880 urn) 1ucnt. \Vhcrcas 1he 1cvcl would normally dr<lp offby d:ly 1 for a LEO.only tre;ued \\'Ound, Lhe HBO effecl seizes control, causing 1he cooce1nrotion of .FOEt-2 co plate.:iu. Hence, an elev:ned FGF·2 concei1ll'ilti(>tl i~ achieve-d 1broug.hou1 the greater pan or 1he 14-day 1.re111nu:1n \Vith botl1 loLBO and LED (880 11111) therapic.s. Further unalysil't 1:ir 1he excised \Vt;1unds \Viii include 1n111rix ntc1t1Uoprotci-n:asc 2 and 9 <MMP-2 anti MJvlP·9) dctcnnimnion by El .IS1\. hisl.(llO£ exn1nilu1tio11, :ind RNA extri.H.'tion. /\ 'vound healing i1n 1>airtd type '2 tliabclic n101.1SC n1odeJ hM also been studied. /\s previously rcponcd. genetically dinbciic group cxpcrii:nccs J VEGF peak n l day 4 nu1ch J i k~ du: C<)ntrol group. Ln eon1ras1. 1hc. f:typcroxic effect of 1hc 1-113() .'t-up11rcs~e.i: tlie doy 4 peak, and instc:1J, 1bc HBO groups peak ni clay 7. The •y11ersislic effect of 1he HllO >11d LED (880 nm) can be $<en m day 4. l 'hc VEGP Jc\lc.I for 1hc gr oup rc<:ci\1ing b<>th tren.1 1nt:n1.s is markedly higher ot dny 4 than the HBO only group. T he HBO hod Lf.D ( 880 n1n) 1reat~d group also t:xp..:orience..~ the day 7 peak cha.racJcrizc:d by 1hc I IBO 1ren1n\et1L I lence. lhi!-l'C is .a ruice 1rea1ed '"ith IO\\' leve1 la~er i1·radialion den1onstr;i1cd sign1on: unifom1 rise and f:ill t<> the VEGF level in 1he eo1nbined nificnntly enhanced 'vound cJosure gl'ossly. ond hnproved u-catn1cnl group as opp(•scd 10 lhc sudd(!n i n c.:re~t:~ -seen in 1he \VOund epilhelinJii:1tion, cellular COtlleJH., £ 1':1JlUl:tliOll tissue (l)t• wntrol. LED only. and HBO only groups. Byd"y 14. the ~mo­ mulion. C\11J;1gen dl:poii1jon, iJnd <Xll!J~ sjve 11tov1isculari1;tliOn u-e:11M groups hn\1e dropped clo~er to the normaJ level than the on hisrologic:il evalu~nion.11 Jn our s1udy. lypc 2 <li:1bctic nticc LED (8~.0 nm) only Ur control l!rou11s. \Vilh l!)CCisionnl skin \VOUUds \verl! 1re.i1:ed \Vilh LEDs i1l intli v i d~ ·n1c syncr~istk cffocis of HBO 1md LED (880 nm) can nlso ual wavelengths or MO. 7"0. tmd 880 nm m 4 Jlcm' and 50 be Sf..'1!11 easily in Fi_gure 9. 1·11c paHen1 of LJ1c t:hange." in basic n1\V/c1u.!. LED ueallncnt produced incre-ascd heal ing nucs. fibroblrtst gro,\11h ractor (FGF-2) com.:en1rn1ion is ::1ir11ilar 11) 1hn1 co1npar¢d 1() surgic:::il ccuutol:->. as seen in Figure 10. .,r the VEGF dotn. Lt is clear lbOL the LED (880 m•I) dny 4 peak A repe:ued 111ens11rcs an11lysis \\1:1$ Cl)1\duc:1cc.I using n .sc11ernl is higher thun the cJny 4 pe~lk of chc conlr-OI group. 11lcse peaks linear model \vj1h S11rtArea as 1hc. dcpen1lent vnriable and Treat can be ouributcd 10 the hypoxic cJfccl or the tissue ischcrnia as the indcpendcn1vnrittble. The intcrac1i<)n elTect Dayt-Trea1is c:rea1ed in 1he surgery. 111e hypero:<ia of 1he HBO therapy has a ;~ igniJicaot (p \1alue = 0.0095). indicnling that 1.hcre is a signifi· greater effect on suppressing lhe FGF·2 c.:oncernnuioo HI d~1y 4 cruu diJTeren~e bel\Veen uenunenrs on !-Ofll e clays. l 'his test is or than the VEGF' conccntr.ilion at the same fjmc point The syn· primary interest in this si1u~Hi on. bcc:luse it shc)ws that 1bc t:rCal· crgy rJf the l\Vt) l1'eilll1\eo1s. js l!Vide111 \\then looking at the HBO n1ent.s nro effecLive for son1e pan of the rreat.n11:nL period {Fi g. :ind LED (880 am) trc;ncd group. The cunccntrntion o f PGF-2 lO). This an1dysi!'O \VU$ carried 0111using 1hc SAS s1~11is-1ic(ll.:,:ofl. :11 day ~ is signifirnnlly enhanced tiy 1hc LED (880 nm) treal· ware"package. puhJjsltcd by 1110 SAS"lns1i1u1c. lnc. 'fAULE I. PAIN l'N1·£.~s 1·rv IN Nl ucos111s PA1'11l.'4TS ls Rsuucell UY L ED T HERAf' \' J'N Cue1~K.s CoMtARED TO T HROAT (CO~'l"ROL = 1()0%) Control (thro31) Righi c h cc~ Left cheek ConlrOI SEM Rizht SEM Left SEM Da)' I Day 2 Day 3 Day4 Dny 5 D"y 6 IJa,\' 7 /Jay ,y Day 9 100 98.56 104. J JOO 67.8 1 71.2 1 100 JOO 100 86"1 6 86.82 17.8 24.5 24.3 lOO 63.79 60.93 18.9 24.1 25.9 100 51.73 53.27 JOO 5S"<i5 100 5i.48 6 1.48 58.65 21.7 12.6 22.8 17.9 17.7 11 18 15.8 :l3.2 22.9 3'1.78 81.4S 20.7 34.2 33.8 25.2 20A 24 20.6 79.78 82.32 IS. I 23.5 24.1 l I.I 312 •control (throat) 0Right cheek ~ Left cheek 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 Observation Day FJ(;. 12. De<:n:•tSc: in pain inh:nl):ily over Lime after daily treaunen.l with N1\SA LED Jiglil ti.t ()70 nff1, 4 J /<,:1n 2, 50 n1\V/ccn1.. LED WOUND HEALING lN HUMAN SUBJECTS rne11ts i n cen1i1nerers. percc111 chan£eS over tin1e i 1t nJI of the nfore1nentionecl ptu:~11ne1ers, anti nu1nbc:r of LED·Lrc<11.n1~~111s rc- Clinical LED \vound he1:lll1tg studies have bci;;.n reported pre· viously;11-u add ii ion;il llata on human Lrials arc su1nn1arized below, ?vlilitt'lry Special OpCrmiuns ;ire ch;.-irac1erizcd by ligbtly equipped, highly 1uobitc troops c.ntcdag siLuaLi(')n.~ requiring optiinaJ physical conditioning 3t ull ti1nes. \Vounds are tin obvi- qulrt:-d f"or the subje~t 1u be lit·for-full·<luly (FFD}. TI1~se in~ juries \vcre su:,tuincd I month. to I year prior to LED Lr~atn1 e n1 and h~1 d been c.hro1iic nod u1Linlproving in na1ure. See sununnry of d:1ttt in Figure 11. ln collnhoration \\lith U.S. Novy Subtnariue. Squ:1Jrnn ELEVW~. data have ah:o been rocei\'ed rrun11hl!' USS Sall Luke City' (subn'K1ri ne SSN 716 nr 1he U.S. N11vnl Pacific Flcc1). Sub~ mnrine 11 1n1 t1sph~reto< arc lc.>\V i n oxygen und high in carbon dioA· ide. whioh cur11pounds th.: nbs~n,·c of crc'v exposure 10 sun· OU$ phy,s.iC'nl risk during co111ba1 op..:nuj oo~ • •<\.ny simple nnd lighl\\' i.:.Quipmcol that prornOll$ wound he.ding ;u1d mus. cuJ1.\S~e te·1:d rch~1 hi l i 1r11ioo :ind condi1ioning has potc.otial Ineri1. r\n LED :trruy \Vilh tllrcc \Vavclcngths co111bi.necl in a single unit (670, 720. ond 880 rnn) was delivered IQ N" val Spe<:iol Worfare Group-2 (SEAJ..S) in Norfolk1 Virginiil. Trcatn1cn1 'vas 'vitJ1 4 J/~012. A d3t:1 calJecLion ~ystem ha.ii- been implen1en1e<l for tllUS· culoskcletal training j njul'ie..~ 11·~ated \Vith LJms. Data ct,llcc:tio11 i r1s 1 ru 1nc n l.~ no\v include injury J iagnusis, day from injury, range of 1110Lion n1c:1surcd \Vilh goniometer. pain iiuensi1.y scnles -r<:poncd un scnlc 1- 10, g.inb·t ircumfcrcn ti:al n1casu1-e· light. making \VOund healing .slower than on the surfitce. Repo1ts indic:ue n 50% t"nster healing of ln<:erntions in c:-rcw rnernber; cn.:aLe:d \Vilh it LED ~UTU)' \vilb three '''avclengths con1hincd in a single uni1 (670. 720. 88() nn1) com1x1red to lllt· Lre:.lled con1rol henlin_g (7 Jny~ t:Onlplrcd to npproxi1Tt(Hely 14 days. rcspcc1ivcly). Co1nple1c analysis or data is still undcl'\\lay. R ~cc i p1 of c<'.>nCrQI dflHl fr()m .subn1mincs \Vithout J..ED ;:uniys:ou board continues. rind nnotht'l' $ub111arinc reccnLl.y tJcplQycd rroJn o, "-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (days) 7 8 9 FIG. ·13, The difference bet\vcc-n LEO.rre;.11ed (1nou1h} and u111rcn1cd control ((hro3t) bc<.'011icS n1orc dnun:11jc over ti.Jue. \YiLh daiJy 1re:.1tmen1 using NASJ"\ LED ligh1ac (>70 nnl, 4 J/c1112, 50 111\V/c1ol NASA Ll!O lrr:.Hli:uion ::ind \Vound Jleulin~ U.S. N;;,·al Stati(\n-S'3.D Diego <Hl 3 6-month m1,~ion i\ cqu1~ -.1th a LED <nap-light array oo boonl. In 3ddi1ion. \\C ha'c recent!~ begun u..i~ing NASA LF.Ds 10 pru11101c hc~1hng of acute oral lcsioo.i;- in ~JiMric lculcm1;1 pacien1 .... ""'~'final life-saving effon._ lt'ukc1n1:i p;1t1<nt'\ arc ii\·cn healthy l:k>nc rnarro"'· from an HU-\-nt:Hchcd donor. Prior to chc 1n:1nS(>l:uu, che p:nlent is given u lcthol do~e of ~he11101hc:rupy In orJ..:r lu dc111r(1y his or her O\\'n canc~rous. l>onc nuuTO\v, 8\:c1111c:.c rn;u)y chcmother.tpL'Ucic dn1g~. ui.; \vcll n,s r:tJintion thcr· .11>y. )..iJI nll r11pidly dividing cc.Us indiscrin1inately, 1hu 1n11cosul linin~l'> of lhe gu~trointcstin:tl trac1 ate of1c11 d11n1t141ccl during lhc 1run1n1t.•1u. A~ 11 re.stilt tJJ' 1..hese gns1t<1in1\.•.;1innl cffcl'I-,., g1•catcr lh:1n l)Ot·lhird l)UtiC!Rl.S tre:ucd \Vilh C}'IOIU~iC dftl};\ llevclop Ulcers in !heir lllOUlhS (or.11 t11UCO~itis) anJ/Or SUf(cr fronl llOll· or ..c.a :uul diorrheu. Oral 1nucositis. Y.'hich cau:o.e, :o...:\c1'C p,1in. blecdinJ. an Increased ri.5.k for infec1ion. anJ con1pron1i-,.cd obll~ ily 1ochc" and ~wallow. is 3 $ignifican1 risk for 1hii J>Opuhuion. Cum:nt lrca1n1cn1 for mucos1us aJdre<">"lf!..' pain n1an:t.1!'c.:rncn1 and 1nft..--ction prc,-ention. The use o( agcnc~ 10 pron1C>te ck:anor.1nl!. d..:bnJc1nenL !lOd con1fo11 urc l"t'\iommcndt.."<I. nnd ptTiph)'lx1ic ru1Liviml .and :tnlifung:1I :1gcnt<. hJ\c been u'ied 1n minhn1zc infection.\. B-ec:i~ l~cr.t ha\ c bc~n "hO\\ n hl \peed hca.lin1; of oral 1nuco~i1i.;,'2S~ we h.a\'C receruly expanded 1hc wound·hcolini ubilitios of LED ligJ11 thcmpy 10 include 1h c~c on1I l e~ions. A .i J/c1n l, SO rll\V/c1nZdosc of670·n1n Jlglu fro1n LIJD~ \VO;;: np1>lied dolly 10 the c•utsidc or each pr11ie111'-,: lcfc check bi;giu. n1np on lhc day or l>ane n)llrr-Q\V u:anspl11111alion, The s1u1u!I of 1hclr or:tl u1uco!'J\, n1ou1h. und lhronl pain \vn-; a-; 1111-ce 1in1cs :1 week by l\\'O cnlibnucd dc.nutl clinlcift11', l~dl ,idc of 1he UlC'HtlJl "''" 1;ec1red Schube.n Oml Muco,ilh Incle'( (Oti.11 ). 1hc 111uoo!l.a \Vere pho1ogr.1phcd. and 11mu1h and Lhroat pain \\·ere J~\C<i~ using a 1-10 Visual .An:tlog ,cnh:.:' \Ve hJ\C Ol)W t·ornplCJcd ltcatmCOI 10 half Of OUr inlcndcd pJlicnl popuhuiun and hilvc not.iced Sblne \"t'r)' e-ncoun1gin~ tr~nd,. bu1 51a11Mial \i~n1ficancc "ill require more patient..,. 3( 1n1c:ntk:d in our currtnl ~tucJy do,;gn., \re have MSes.~"'tl lc:fl chc.-cl~ riaht chccl.. and throo1 pain in each ir.iticnt. and ha\~ nocal 1h;u 1hcrc h U() 'IOIL'tical d1ffCl'el1(."'C fil percci\•ed p:un 00 C:lfhCr ~idC or the 11101uh. cun-,.i}.t~nt with cJle e:tpected tfs.,uc pcnc1rnfio11 f2J c111) ol' LEO hsht. 1111\):JI p:ain, however. \\':t.-t c,)1b.1"1cnll) higher 1han 111ouch pain. and hecaust.':our light doe" nol cxrcncl in10 this region, \Ve hav~ u.;;cd 1hil\ priin as our C•lnlrul. Althou~h 111ou1h :111d thl'<'IJI 1xd11 were initi~1ll~ sin1iJnr, tU<Julh 1>11in 1>cnkcJ ;u ~{1% nr lhro111 pnin on doy 5 afler lrllll'! J>lfln1 unll 1routi11cc1ucn1ly 313 tioo rore~paoding our ~1udy 10 i111:ludc at k:a.\l lhrcc mun: aca· dcrnic medical ren~ in :.dJi1K>n 10 our O"'"· to be supplied v.·ilh NASA LED :lWJ.)'\ b) Qua.n1un• l)c,·ica. Inc. A muhi ...irc:trial 15 being plannc..'tf 1hn"ltlgh th< tnccm.Jtiorutl Bone ~l3rr0\\' Tra11>plont Regis<ry. RESEARCH COLLAIJORATION \\le nre nO"' invcstig;:uing ne\\I c<1llnhoru1ion~ \Villi 1hr.:- De· Rcsc::tJ'c h Projt::Ch Agenc.y (l)ARPA) ror rur- fl.ln~c. Ad\'UJlccd 1her 1n ilitary applications of NJ.\SA Ll~I) " '01111tJ hc:aling tech· nology in 1niliwy 1neclicinc. Sc\'eral uniquely 111ilitruy situ:ujon!"\ and i ndico1ions could be ttddre..,\Cd i1' the ne\l.r collal>0011ion. Tbcscjncludc bunu;, 111JUriC( fro111 chc1nical ngcnts.. r.i.. diotion. lughly infected '")"nd> (which Jr< I) pica! for the h)~ ~ienic condi1ion:. o.....~urring in 0011JeOclds). in(ectioo~;i.scs. .ind c~lcm.aJ ,,·ounds occurring in c:nv1nM1n1cn1~ \\ ilh no solar irr.tdi.atioo, lo\\' oxy~en. t\.00 high t:arbon d1u'.\:iJic fwbmarines nnd ~pacccn,·ironmc.nL~). Thednunalic n:\ul1' \t.ilh useo(nearinfrarcd NAS.-\ LED tight U.> prt,ent di~,1hc n111cosnl Jesi~ (nn1cositis) and pain in cancer patient~. uftcr hiBh--Liose chcn1olhcrapy and rudiation. suggest 1hi.: pott!ntinl lb r militory 11.':iC or OC3r.. inFr:irc:d light 10 1rea1 U.S. lroop:-. c~p()!)cd to che1nicnl and rndiOilCliVC. v.•nrfnn: nscntS in lhC ficrdlll 'f11C!>C JifC-$3\'i11,g ;ipplicu11ons require especially 11cc..:lcr:11cd \l/011nd healing. rapid rcduc.1..ion of infections, 111uJ 1>ain 1nudul;11ion. ACKNO\VLfmGM1£NTS \Ve wish to thank Karen Zeqin for o~~i:-.taJM.'.'C in rn:muscripl prcparnuon. llle LED ~Yt- \\CfC prov•ded b)' Quwllun1 DcviL-es. Inc. (Barneveld. WIJ. Wcalsogrntcfully acknowledge the Depor1mc111 of Ocfc:rue.. Afr Force M:uerfal Cmnmond. Ann~UOO• L:ib- .-orics. Davi.< Hyperlxlric Whcir.•1111}. Bniob Air~Bose. Te:<a>. for providing the hyp1:maric ch:lmbcr "'"d 1n 1hb rese=11. 'flit: hypcrbaric OX)~n 1m.1111Cfll\ ol (JUr 5ubjects "'ere performed by Estelle Woodard, C.R.T.• C.11.T. Thi' \\OrL """ >Upponod by 1be Defen"' Advonctd ll•'<C;1n:h Proj<Xts Agency NM,()() 1-01-1-&969 und the Nmionol Acrom1utics :ind Sp:1ee Ad1ninislrJtion. Marshall S1lni.-e Fligh1 CcuH:r SBlR g[:JnlS NAS8·99<.> 15 and NASS-97277, Children's Hospitnl Foundmion. the ?vtACC Fund. and Quan1u1n Dt:viocs. Inc. l'cll 10 only 53q, of rcpone<I ~mm poin by day 7 (T11blc I. Pl~· ure~ I .? und 13). The gremest difft".rence between 1hro1u and 1nou1h llain v.-as rcpo11ed on dny 7. 'vhcn. surprisinp:ly. oral rnu.. C(Ji!;tl ulceration I~ l,elicvcd 10 be \vorst in un1rea1cc.J p:uicnLt.. Addi1lon;.ill). \\Care dctennining e\tenl or ulccDrion. heal· ing n11e in 1nn1!/d.ay. anJ ~liog time in day~ (Of' 11~ J>allcnt'4. and v.e: will 001op..'U'C these values \\ilh epcdcm1olot?u.·a1 control d.11:a. A chart n:' 1t!w ls 31,:,(1 in prog:~s 10 a.~~,\ morphine ptunp UK' ;ind n.."qwre1nenb for intrJ\ cnous fttJ1ng .. in Ll'.0.. 1rea1cd p:111c11b con1p:trcd to control~. Con1act v.ilh 1hc r:DA'~ R1ch.1rd r-.cltcn or the Surgery Devices Brunch ha. . produc"'~ an avcouc for guid:utcc r-o linal d:-un coJll.-ctiun .ind f'0f\ approval t1r thi~ ccchnalogy ns ch~ stundard or 1hcrupy ror ui:acn1cn1 ol' n1ui.:o~itis. FOA fC\•ic\v of our curl'C!OI dnio and pro1ocol dC\ll;ll 1... (\Ugoing. and hrL~ already led 10 an F'DJ\ rccon1r11enda· REFERENCt,;.') 1. <"ontan. ~U.• Raplc)._ J.\V.. :uul C4bb. C.1'.1. (1996). ll1<»111nulalK>n a( wound healin-)1: by ~ -enerJ) h11t.Cr 1l'Qdl,lUIJC1. J. Oin. 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