Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 Review Extension of the biotic ligand model of acute toxicity to a physiologically-based model of the survival time of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to silver夞 Paul R. Paquina,*, Viktoria Zoltayb, Richard P. Winfieldc, Kuen Benjamin Wua, Rooni Mathewa, Robert C. Santored, Dominic M. Di Toroa,e a HydroQual Inc., 1 Lethbridge Plaza, Mahwah, NJ 07430, USA b Environmental Resources Management, Boston, MA, USA c USEPA, Region 2, New York, NY, USA d HydroQual Inc., 4914 West Genesee Street, Suite 119, Camillus, NY 13031, USA e Environmental Engineering Department, Manhattan College, 4513 Manhattan College Parkway, Bronx, NY 10471, USA Received 3 January 2002; received in revised form 12 June 2002; accepted 20 June 2002 Abstract Chemical speciation controls the bioavailability and toxicity of metals in aquatic systems and regulatory agencies are recognizing this as they develop updated water quality criteria (WQC) for metals. The factors that affect bioavailability may be quantitatively evaluated with the biotic ligand model (BLM). Within the context of the BLM framework, the ‘biotic ligand’ is the site where metal binding results in the manifestation of a toxic effect. While the BLM does account for the speciation and complexation of dissolved metal in solution, and competition among the free metal ion and other cations for binding sites at the biotic ligand, it does not explicitly consider either the physiological effects of metals on aquatic organisms, or the direct effect of water chemistry parameters such as pH, Ca2qand Naq on the physiological state of the organism. Here, a physiologically-based model of survival time is described. In addition to incorporating the effects of water chemistry on metal availability to the organism, via the BLM, it also considers the interaction of water chemistry on the physiological condition of the organism, independent of its effect on metal availability. At the same time it explicitly considers the degree of interaction of these factors with the organism and how this affects the rate at which cumulative damage occurs. An example application of the model to toxicity data for rainbow trout exposed to silver is presented to illustrate how this framework may be used to predict survival time for alternative exposure durations. The sodium balance model (SBM) that is described herein, a specific application of a more generic ion balance model (IBM) framework, adds a new physiological dimension to the previously developed BLM. As such it also necessarily adds another layer of complexity to this already useful predictive framework. While the demonstrated capability of the SBM to predict effects in relation to exposure duration is a useful feature of this mechanistically-based framework, it is envisioned that, with suitable refinements, it may also have utility in other areas of toxicological and regulatory interest. Such areas include the analysis of time variable exposure conditions, residual after-effects of exposure to metals, acclimation, chronic toxicity and species and genus sensitivity. Each of these is of potential utility to longerterm ongoing efforts to develop and refine WQC for metals. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Toxicity; Silver; Metals; Rainbow trout; Fish physiology; Ionoregulation; Osmoregulation; Biotic ligand model; Ion balance model; Sodium balance model 夞 This paper is the outcome of discussions on the Biotic Ligand Model held during the November 2001 SETAC Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD, USA. *Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-201-529-5151; fax: q1-201-529-5728. E-mail address: (P.R. Paquin). 1532-0456/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 5 3 2 - 0 4 5 6 Ž 0 2 . 0 0 1 0 5 - 9 306 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 1. Introduction Although water quality criteria (WQC) for metals have been expressed in terms of empirically derived relationships with hardness for several decades, other water quality characteristics that also affect the toxicity of metals have been overlooked in this regard (European Commission, 1996; USEPA, 1999). This was because the previously available test data were both limited in extent, with regard to the range of water quality parameters and concentrations of interest, and difficult to interpret, given the complexity of the chemical and biological interactions that were reflected in these data. The development of a clear understanding of how water quality characteristics affect metal availability and toxicity to aquatic life has been steadily advancing over the past three decades. These advances have clearly been linked to the development and use of chemical equilibrium models and improvements in analytical techniques, as both of these have provided ways to evaluate the forms of the metal species that are present. Here, as an introduction to the results to be presented subsequently, some of the key advances that have taken place in this regard are discussed. A somewhat more detailed synopsis of these important early developments is presented elsewhere in this issue (Paquin et al., 2002), while Campbell (1995) offers the interested reader a much more detailed and comprehensive review of this subject. Zitko et al. (1973) reported one of the earliest demonstrations of the mitigating effect of organic matter on the toxicity of metals to fish and of the importance of the free metal ion rather than the total dissolved metal in assessing the potential for effects. Zitko (1976) also showed that competition of the hardness cations with the free metal ion, for binding at the site of action of toxicity, also mitigated toxicity. During this same time period Pagenkopf et al. (1974) provided an early example of the utility of chemical equilibrium modeling as a way to explain the effect of water chemistry on metal availability and toxicity to aquatic life. Numerous investigators extended these early results to further elucidate how water chemistry affects metal toxicity (e.g. Sunda and Guillard, 1976; Sunda and Lewis, 1978; Anderson and Morel, 1978; Sunda et al., 1978; Sunda and Gillespie, 1979; Allen et al., 1980; LeBlanc et al., 1984), and it was experiments such as these that served as the foundation for Morel’s elegant description of the free ion activity model (FIAM) (Morel, 1983). Of particular relevance to the investigations herein, Morel suggested that the degree of effect would be directly related to the concentration of the reactive metal species (the free metal ion and possibly others) that interact at the site of action of toxicity. It will be seen that this concept has been incorporated in the toxicity model to be presented. Although somewhat less well known than FIAM, the gill site interaction model (GSIM) of metal toxicity was proposed by Pagenkopf (1983) at about the same time that Morel first described FIAM. In contrast to Morel’s description of FIAM, which was somewhat conceptual in nature, Pagenkopf actually used the GSIM, also a chemical equilibrium-based approach, to interpret toxicity data and to account for the effects of both inorganic complexation and competing cations on metal toxicity. This was done for both individual metals and for metal mixtures. While these early models were of great value in providing a technically sound basis for establishing meaningful effect levels for metals, they were never embraced by regulatory agencies as a way to develop improved WQC. The reasons for this are not entirely obvious. However, it may have been due, at least in part, to the perceived complexity of the underlying chemistry models. They were viewed by some as being too complicated, too conceptually abstract, to be applied by someone who had not received formal training in this developing area of expertise. It was nearly 10 years later when Playle et al. demonstrated that cation competition and complexation did in fact reduce metal interaction at the site of action of toxicity. They measured the degree to which these protective mechanisms actually reduce metal accumulation at the fish gill, the proximate site of action of toxicity for a variety of metals (i.e. for Cu, Cd and Ag; see Playle et al., 1992, 1993a; Janes and Playle, 1995). Further, they used these measurements, to calibrate a chemical equilibrium model that could then be used to predict gill metal accumulation over a range of water chemistry characteristics (Playle et al., 1993b; Janes and Playle, 1995). The demonstration of this capability was an important advance, because it is the degree of metal accumulation at the site of action of toxicity that was believed to P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 307 Fig. 1. Simplified representation showing the relationship between the BLM for silver (left side) and the SBM for a freshwater fish (right side). The biotic ligand is the point of intersection of these models. In addition to considering the effect of water chemistry on metal accumulation at the biotic ligand, the SBM also considers other effects of water chemistry on branchial ionoregulation, the circulatory system and other fluid compartments of the fish, and the overall rates of uptake and loss of sodium from the fish. be the most direct and meaningful indication of the degree of exposure of the organism to the metal, and of the potential for effects. Moreover, these metal accumulation measurements, which showed the mitigating effect of cation competition and complexation on metal accumulation levels, provided a tangible demonstration of what had previously been viewed as an intriguing if not readily observable phenomenon. An important detail that remained to be figured out, and one that needed to be addressed if these models were ultimately be of use to regulatory agencies, was how to relate the level of metal accumulation at the site of action of toxicity to an effect. This had been discussed in the original description of FIAM by Morel (1983), but a quantitative link between level of accumulation and effect was not offered. It would also be useful if the results could be expressed in terms of the dissolved metal concentration (including the free metal ion plus organic and inorganic metal complexes), rather than free ion or gill metal concentrations, since this is the measurement that WQC are based upon and it is typically made in conjunction with environmental monitoring programs. These needs were recognized by academic and industry scientists and by regulators alike (Bergman and Dorward-King, 1997). It was MacRae et al. who first demonstrated a clear relationship between metal accumulation level and effects, showing that the degree of organism response, rainbow trout mortality in this instance, was directly related to the level of accumulation at the site of action of copper toxicity, the gill (MacRae, 1994; MacRae et al., 1999). Several models were also proposed as a way to predict dissolved metal effect levels over a range of water quality characteristics (Allen and Hansen, 1996; Erickson et al., 1996). Subsequently, Di Toro et al. (USEPA, 1999; Di Toro et al., 2000, 2001) proposed the biotic ligand model (BLM) of the acute toxicity of metals, a model which integrated several of the previously described approaches into a unified framework. The BLM provided a way to link metal accumulation to effects, and at the same time, it related this accumulation level to the dissolved metal concentration as well. The BLM is a chemical equilibrium modelbased framework in which three important subsets of reactions are represented. These include reactions of the metal with the important organic, inorganic and biotic ligands that are present (left side of Fig. 1). With regard to the latter, the binding sites at the site of action of toxicity, where the metal interacts with the organism and exerts a toxic effect, are represented as a ‘biotic ligand’, and this is the basis for the model’s name. In the case of fish, the gill is made up of a suite of negatively charged proteins to which cations can bind, and the biotic ligand represents a physiologically active subset of these gill sites. The BLM of acute toxicity computes the metal accumulation 308 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 level associated with the biotic ligand, under specified water chemistry characteristics, and it is the dissolved metal concentration in the water that is associated with the metal:biotic ligand lethal accumulation level at 50% mortality (i.e. the LA50) that is the predicted dissolved metal LC50. The LA50 is assumed to be constant, regardless of the water quality characteristics (Meyer et al., 1999), even though the LC50 may vary. The version of the BLM employed herein is based on the Chemical Equilibrium in Soils and Solutions model, CHESS (Santore and Driscoll, 1995), which includes a standard set of metal–inorganic matter reactions. It also incorporates the formulation for metal–organic matter interactions that is represented in the Windermere Humic Aqueous Model, WHAM, Model V (Tipping, 1994). The metal– biotic ligand (Me:BL) interactions follow the approach of Playle et al. (Playle et al., 1992, 1993a,b; Janes and Playle, 1995), who characterized silver:gill interactions over a range of water chemistry conditions. The biotic ligand is represented as if it were a dissolved ligand, having a characteristic binding site density and conditional stability constants for each of the dissolved chemical species with which it reacts. Paquin et al. described a silver BLM for acute toxicity that was applied to both fish (rainbow trout and fathead minnow) and invertebrates (Paquin et al., 1999). McGeer et al. (2000), using a version of the BLM that was based on MINEQLq, one with a less complex representation of metal–organic matter interactions, developed an alternative BLM calibration for rainbow trout. Their analysis emphasized the mechanistic underpinnings of the model. That is, they highlighted the reason for the relationship between gill silver accumulation and toxicity, the inhibition of branchial sodium- and potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity (Naq yKq-ATPase activity, or NKA activity as used hereafter). This enzymatic activity is required in order for the active uptake of sodium and other ions by freshwater organisms to proceed. NKA is primarily, but not entirely, found in the mitochondria-rich chloride cells that populate the gills of fish and the ionoregulatory epithelia of other aquatic organisms, generally. It is the interaction of silver and some other metals with this enzymatic process that disrupts the ionoregulatory capabilities of aquatic organisms, an effect that may have lethal consequences (Wood et al., 1996; Morgan et al., 1997; Webb and Wood, 1998; Bury et al., 1999a,b; Wood et al., 1999). McGeer et al. (2000) employed a previously evaluated ‘gill binding constant’ for Ag:NKA (Wood et al., 1999). They also evaluated other binding constants for important cationic-NKA reactions (using Bury et al., 1999a,b; Galvez and Wood, 1997 data). They found that with these mechanistically-based estimates of binding constants they were able to develop a model that predicted the acute toxicity of silver to rainbow trout. Interestingly, the Ag–NKA binding constant they evaluated on this basis was similar in magnitude (within a factor of 2) to the biotic ligand binding constant that was previously evaluated by Paquin et al. (1999) by calibration of the BLM to gill accumulation and toxicity data (log KAg–Gills7.3 vs. 7.6). This suggests that the use of toxicity data in the direct calibration of the BLM is a reasonable basis for model development. Given the impracticality of routinely measuring metal accumulation at the biotic ligand, not only for rainbow trout, but for much smaller invertebrates such as D. magna as well, this was a fortuitous result. The BLM of acute toxicity for silver, as described by Paquin et al. (1999), is adopted for use herein. It is now widely accepted that the site of action of the acute toxicity of some metals (e.g. cadmium, copper, silver, zinc and others), to freshwater fish, is the gill. It is the binding of such metals to physiologically active sites that interferes with the essential ionoregulatory processes of the branchial epithelium. The result is the impaired ability of fish to regulate internal ion levels (e.g. McDonald et al., 1989; Wood, 1992; Wood et al., 1996, 1999). Ionoregulatory disturbances were originally shown to be the direct physiological cause of acutely toxic effects that result from exposure to acidic pH levels (Milligan and Wood, 1982; McDonald, 1983a,b) and it is now known that elevated levels of some metals, including copper, silver and others have similar effects. With regard to the effects of pH, copper and silver, the decrease in levels of plasma sodium and of other ions that results from these disturbances initiates a well characterized cascading sequence of events that ultimately causes cardiovascular collapse and death (Milligan and Wood, 1982; McDonald, 1983b; Wood, 1989 for effects of pH; also Wilson and Taylor, 1993a; Taylor et al., 1996 for copper, Wood et al., 1996; Hogstrand and Wood, 1998 for silver). It has been found that, regardless of either the P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 specific stressor (pH, Ag or Cu) or the duration of exposure, an approximate 30% decrease in plasma sodium levels is associated with lethal conditions for fish (McDonald et al., 1980; Wood, 1989; Wood et al., 1996; Webb and Wood, 1998; Hogstrand and Wood, 1998; Grosell et al., 2000). While it is recognized that death is not a result of this loss of sodium alone, and that association of a 30% decrease with death is at best an approximation, this depletion in plasma sodium levels serves as a convenient end-point for modeling purposes. It follows that if the degree of inhibition of sodium uptake and the rate of plasma sodium depletion that occurs in response to exposure to a metal could be predicted, it should be possible to predict the changes in plasma sodium over time and hence the survival time of the organism. Of course, the capability to predict plasma sodium levels has not been required for purposes of the numerous applications of the BLM that have been described to date. The effect on plasma sodium losses, or any other effect that contributes to metal toxicity, is only implicitly represented in the model. That is, as long as the effect is associated with a fixed period of time, and the corresponding biotic ligand accumulation level is known for the exposure duration of interest (typically 96 h for fish or 48 h for invertebrates), it is sufficient to predict the dissolved metal concentration associated with the LA50 value to predict the LC50 value for that exposure duration. The initial motivation for considering the kinetics of sodium uptake and efflux of fish in further detail in regard to the BLM was the desire to extend the applicability of the BLM framework, developed to predict acute metal toxicity, to one that could provide a quantitative framework for use in understanding the mechanisms and dynamics of both shorter-term pulse exposures and longer-term chronic exposures. The rationale was that if a fixed decrease in plasma sodium (i.e. 30%) results in death after 96 h, then exposure to higher or lower levels of a metal that affects sodium regulation would lead to a similar effect, but over shorter or longer time scales, respectively. It was recognized that the development of a truly predictive model of plasma sodium levels would require a fairly detailed representation of the important ionoregulatory processes. Fortunately, the scientific literature pertaining to ionoregulatory processes is extensive, dating back at least as far as the pioneering work of Smith (1930), 309 Keys (1931), Keys and Wilmer (1932), Krogh (1938, 1939), and others during the 1920s and 1930s, when the chloride cell was identified and its role in ionoregulation was first recognized. These early results were the first of many that have shown the importance of the ambient water chemistry, including pH and the concentrations of 2q Naq, Cly, HCOy , to the ionoregulatory 3 and Ca needs and capabilities of aquatic life. While it is not possible to review herein all of the important contributions that have been made in this area since these early years, a brief review of some of the highlights is provided elsewhere in this volume (Paquin et al., 2002). Here, attention will focus on more contemporary results that have a direct bearing on the sodium balance model (SBM) framework described herein, an ion-specific implementation of a more generic ion balance model (IBM) framework. The SBM structure and formulation, including the manner in which it makes use of the previously developed BLM, are described next. While the SBM is a physiologically-based model, it will be seen that it differs from conventional physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models, models which are typically intended for use in simulating the internal translocation, distribution and ultimate disposition of the stressor chemical. Rather, it is the internal distribution of sodium, one of the important ions that are affected by the metal stressor, that is simulated. The model will be used to predict the time course of plasma sodium levels and survival times, from less than 1 h to more than 1 week, for alternative conditions where rainbow trout are exposed to silver. The analysis will show that in the context of the SBM, the previously developed BLM framework of acute metal toxicity may be extended to different exposure durations, from short duration pulse exposures to longer-term exposures of 1 week or more, with the potential for applicability to longer-term chronic exposures as well. It will be seen that, while the SBM and the more general IBM approach have not yet achieved the initial objective of providing a quantitative framework for understanding chronic toxicity due to metals, incorporation of further refinements into the model framework may ultimately make it suitable for use in this regard. At the same time, the concluding discussion will show that there are a number of other important areas of toxicological and regulatory interest, including the prediction of effects resulting from time variable exposure to 310 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 metals, species sensitivity and others, where the SBM may also be of practical utility. More generally, it is envisioned that the approach may also have much broader utility, as the specialized application for sodium that is described herein is adapted for use in the context of the considerably more generalized IBM framework, a framework that would be of use in the study of a wide variety of physiological and toxicological processes. 2. Description of the sodium balance model framework A fundamental premise of the BLM of acute toxicity is that, regardless of the site-specific water chemistry and the magnitude of the 96-h LC50, which vary markedly with water chemistry, the LC50 is associated with a fixed level of accumulation at the biotic ligand (i.e. the LA50 is constant). For example, the 96-h LA50 for rainbow trout has been estimated to be 17 nmolAgygram wet weight of gill (17 nmolygw; Paquin et al., 1999), and when the predicted Ag accumulation level equals this amount, the dissolved Ag concentration should correspond to the LC50, regardless of the other characteristics of the exposure water. It should be understood that, in the strictest sense, the LA50 is not simply the total accumulation of metal at the gill, but more specifically, it is intended to be the metal associated with the physiologically active sites that affect the processes of interest, iono- and osmoregulation. Thus, measurement of gill metal accumulation does not necessarily provide a direct measure of the quantity of interest, although they may be related, and perhaps proportional to each other. As indicated previously on the left side of Fig. 1, in the context of the BLM, Ca2q, Naq and Hq are simply viewed as competing cations with respect to the binding of silver at the biotic ligand. However, in the context of the SBM, it is recognized that there are other more direct effects of these cations on the organism itself, effects that are important even in the absence of exposure to a metal such as silver. In this regard, the subsequent discussion will focus on the interactions of these cations at the gill, as they pertain to the physiological status of the organism, including both ionoregulatory and, to a lesser degree, osmoregulatory processes (Fig. 1). In fact, for purposes of this description of the SBM, the BLM itself will be described only briefly and the focus will shift from the ‘chemistry-based side’ of the biotic ligand, shown to the left, to the ‘physiology-based side’ of the biotic ligand, shown to the right. This is an area that has previously received only limited attention in the context of the BLM. Specifically, as its name implies, the SBM will consider a mass balance of sodium around the organism itself. The mass balance will provide a way to evaluate the changes in sodium that occur over time in response to the chemistry of the water, including the concentration of silver, the metal of interest herein. Although it is expected that many of the conceptual ideas to be presented will generally apply not only to fish, but to essentially all other forms of aquatic life (Potts and Parry, 1964; Potts, 1994), of particular interest here are rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The right side of Fig. 1 illustrates the principal routes of uptake and loss of sodium in freshwater fish generally and rainbow trout in particular. The important fluxes include the energy-requiring active sodium uptake or influx at the gill (Ji), passive diffusive loss or efflux at the gill (Je), and renal excretion (Jr), urinary losses associated with the filtration of blood by the kidney. Although these renal losses are of relatively minor importance in the overall sodium balance, representing on the order of 10% or less of the uptake rate of sodium at the gill (Wood, 1989; Curtis and Wood, 1991; Wood, 1992), they are of sufficient magnitude to be included in the model. Similar conclusions have been drawn for some invertebrates as well. At the same time, inclusion of renal losses serves to maintain a more general modeling framework for analysis purposes. Although other sources and sinks of sodium could readily be incorporated into the analysis, including uptake from drinking water (important in marine fish), transfer across the skin and dietary intake, they will be neglected for purposes of the analyses to be presented herein. With regard to the dietary source, while not important in short-term acute toxicity studies where the fish are not fed, such as the studies to be analyzed subsequently, it may in fact be important in longerterm chronic toxicity studies. The reason is that dietary sodium intake may account for approximately 25% of the total sodium intake during chronic exposures and during periods of ionoregulatory stress, fish may quite literally eat their way out of trouble (D’Cruz and Wood, 1998). P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 2.1. Effect of water chemistry on ionoregulation The mechanisms of uptake and efflux that affect the whole body transfer of ions, especially transfers at the gill, have been studied extensively and will not be gone into in detail here (see Hoar and Randall, 1984; Wood and Shuttleworth, 1995, for detailed descriptions). Rather, we will focus on the principal factors that affect the more limited subject of the sodium balance for fish. A fundamental underlying principle in this regard is that under normal, long-term average conditions, when the ambient water quality characteristics are relatively uniform over time, the rates of active sodium uptake and the sum of passive diffusion losses plus renal losses of sodium are in balance. The result is that the overall net uptake rate of sodium by the fish is approximately zero and a nearly constant plasma sodium level is maintained. Three of the cations that are included in various versions of the BLM as competing cations, ones which reduce metal availability to the organism by competing with it for binding at the site of action of toxicity, are Hq, Ca2q and Naq. Although not the only ions of importance with regard to ionoregulation by aquatic life, generally, these same three cations are also of significant physiological importance to aquatic life with regard to Naq regulation. It is for this reason that they need to be considered in the context of the SBM. Additionally, it is also necessary to understand the effect of the metal stressor itself, how it relates to the uptake and efflux of sodium to complete the description. While it will not be possible here to outline all that is known in regard to these interactions, the essence of these interactions as they are currently incorporated in the SBM will be described. 2.1.1. Direct effects of pH on ionoregulation The pH of the ambient water, while not one of the controlling variables with regard to the datasets to be presented subsequently, is still important in a more general sense and so it will be discussed briefly here in regard to how it affects sodium transport. The balance of sodium is affected by pH in several ways. First, in a process that remains somewhat controversial among scientists today, it is commonly believed that Naq is taken up by aquatic organisms in exchange for Hq (alternatively or along with NHq 4 as well) via a mechanism that is often referred to as the ‘proton-pump’ 311 hypothesis (Krogh, 1938; Kirschner, 1979; Potts, 1994). This process allows the organism to maintain acidybase homeostasis in its internal fluids and to satisfy the requirement of electro-neutrality. As a consequence of the fact that this exchange occurs, the pH of the external water (i.e. the external concentration of Hq) will affect the diffusion gradient of Hq between the ambient water and the blood. This is expected to have a significant effect on the magnitude of the Hq efflux, and hence the Naq influx, to which it is tied. (It is noteworthy to consider in this regard that Kirschner (1988), working with isolated frog skin, has shown that the apparent saturation of Naq influx described subsequently is caused by the limiting efflux of the Hq counterion.) A second important effect of pH is that acidic pH conditions can also lead to an increase in gill permeability or leakiness, thereby increasing diffusive losses of sodium and other ions from the gill (Milligan and Wood, 1982; McDonald, 1983a,b). Because pH levels in the tests to be considered were circumneutral and relatively constant, neither of these interactions will be considered further. However, they should be recognized as being of potential importance in some situations, considered at least in a qualitative sense when attempting to interpret experimental data, and as being areas where future model development refinements would be of use. Given the present limitations in understanding of the precise mechanism of how this occurs, the details of how to formulate this process remain to be worked out (Potts, 1994; Perry, 1997). Finally, Playle and Wood (1989a,b, 1991) in working with aluminum, have demonstrated the importance of considering the shift in pH of the inspired water, which occurs in the gill boundary, on Al speciation in the gill micro-environment. This effect on pH may also warrant further refinement in future implementations of the BLM and related models. 2.1.2. Direct effects of calcium on ionoregulation As in the case of Hq, the calcium ion, Ca2q, is also included in the BLM as a cation that competes with the trace metal of concern for binding at the biotic ligand. However, Ca2q also has another, more direct effect on the physiology of the fish. Specifically, it has a direct effect on the ionic permeability of the gill, that is, on the leakiness of the gill in regard to the diffusive transfer of ions. Simply, the paracellular junctions at the gill are composed of a calcareous material, and it is 312 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 Fig. 2. An example of the sodium uptake kinetics for rainbow trout and the manner in which sodium uptake is inhibited by silver (data from Morgan et al., 1997). Note how JM, the maximum uptake rate, is inhibited, rather than KM, the half saturation constant. the tightness of these junctions, a characteristic that controls the rate of diffusive transfer of neutral species and charged ionic species through them, that is affected by the concentration of Ca2q in the external water. This in turn has a direct effect on the rate of loss of ions such as sodium by fish (i.e. it has an effect on Je). The effect of Ca2q on gill permeability will therefore be considered in the analyses below. 2.1.3. Direct effects of sodium on ionoregulation Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the concentration of sodium in the external water needs to be considered. As with Hq and Ca2q, Naq has previously been considered in the BLM with regard to cationic competition between it and the ionic form of the metal of interest for binding at the biotic ligand. Hence the more sodium that is present, the lower the degree of interaction of the metal at the biotic ligand, and the level of toxicity is thereby reduced. However, even in the absence of the metal being present, the concentration of sodium in the external water is known to have a direct effect on the ability of the organism to take up and regulate internal sodium levels. This effect of sodium is illustrated quite clearly by the data of Fig. 2 (Morgan et al., 1997). As shown here by the filled dots and upper solid curve, the uptake of sodium from the external water conforms to a Michaelis–Menten relationship (Michaelis and Menten, 1913): JisJMwCwyŽCwqKM.x (1) where Ji is the sodium influx rate, adjusted for the concentration of sodium, Cw, in the ambient water, JM is the maximum sodium uptake rate and KM is the half saturation concentration for sodium uptake (the concentration of sodium in the external water where the uptake is 50% of JM). The analysis of these data yielded values of the Michaelis–Menten kinetic parameters ("S.E.M.) of JMs14.7"2.90 mmolykg of fish wet weight per day (mmolykgw y d) and KMs0.257"0.090 mM. Of particular interest with regard to these results is that, over a range of representative naturally occurring sodium levels, a decrease in the external sodium concentration is associated with a decrease in the sodium uptake rate. As an example, based on these data, rainbow trout exposed to an external sodium concentration of 0.50 mM will take up sodium at 8.4 mmoly kgw yd. However, if the sodium in the external water is decreased to approximately 0.15 mM, the uptake rate will be reduced by about a factor of 2. The resulting imbalance is similar in degree to that P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 which, if caused by a metal, could result in significant adverse effects to the organism. Although internal systemic compensatory responses would be stimulated by these conditions, over the short-term at least, a fish that was subjected to these conditions would be placed at a distinct ionoregulatory disadvantage at this reduced sodium level, particularly if this happened in association with exposure to a metal that adversely affects ionoregulation. This difference highlights why it is important to consider the effect of the concentration of sodium in the external water on the Naq uptake process itself, not just the effect of metal accumulation at the site of action of toxicity on sodium uptake, or of the competitive effect of Naq on accumulation of the metal at the site of action. 2.1.4. Direct effects of metal concentration on ionoregulation The BLM of acute toxicity, as previously proposed for silver, copper, zinc and other metals, provides a way to predict the dissolved metal concentration that will be associated with a fixed effect, such as lethality, given the water quality characteristics for the site of interest. A fundamental premise of the BLM is that the metal accumulation at the site of action of toxicity that is associated with the fixed effect is always the same. Further, it is implicitly assumed that the rate at which the damage to the organism accumulates, and hence the time that is required for the resulting effect to be manifested, is also fixed. That is, the predictions are associated with a fixed exposure duration. All that is required to predict an LC50 for a given set of water quality characteristics and a fixed exposure duration is that the end-point of interest be related to a fixed LA50. However, if the objective is to evaluate the effect levels of a metal for different exposure durations, or for a situation where the metal concentration or other water quality characteristics vary over time, in both magnitude and duration, then a more fundamental representation of the underlying processes is required. That is, it becomes necessary to understand and be able to define the details of the oneway ion fluxes. This is because the degree of the impairment (e.g. the degree of inhibition of the sodium uptake rate in the case of copper and silver) will vary as the time for the end-point to be manifested varies. What is required in this instance is a way to evaluate the one-way fluxes 313 such that it is possible to keep track of the cumulative damage to the organism. As discussed previously, the lethality that results from elevated levels of metals such as silver and copper is related to, at least in part, the inhibition of the sodium uptake process. The upper set of data presented previously on Fig. 2, which showed the effect of external sodium levels on sodium uptake, are compared to a second set of results obtained at 2 mgyl silver to illustrate how exposure to silver interferes with the kinetics of this uptake process (dashed curve, unfilled data points). As shown, when 2 mgyl of silver is added to the water for 48 h, the curve defining the sodium uptake kinetics is reduced in magnitude to approximately 50% of the upper curve, which was obtained in the absence of silver. Analysis of these data yields a value of JMs9.55"3.02 mmolykgw yd that was significantly lower than the value for the control, while the value of KMs 0.328"0.126 mM did not differ significantly from the control (Morgan et al., 1997). The interpretation of these results by Morgan et al. was that the addition of silver reduces the capacity, and hence the maximum uptake rate, of the transport system, but not the affinity of the carrier, for sodium. For the example of Fig. 2, 2 mgyl of silver resulted in approximately a 50% inhibition of JM. It is important to recognize that a decrease in JM is directly reflected in Ji, which varies also with the sodium concentration in the water, via Eq. (1), as this relationship will be incorporated in the computations to be presented. The inhibition of JM is understood to be related to accumulation of silver at the biotic ligand, or more specifically, its interaction with NKA. Although the level of silver accumulation at the fish gill is a measurable quantity, and while it may be related to the level of accumulation at the actual biotic ligand, a direct measurement of the latter (i.e. the level of BL:Ag) is not readily made. This is in part because the principal cells of the gill that are involved in sodium transport, the mitochondria-rich chloride cells where much of the NKA resides (most cells contain some NKA), represent only a small fraction (-10%) of the total number of gill cells (Perry, 1997). Silver may bind to sites associated with any of these cells, regardless of whether or not they are of physiological significance. In view of this, establishment of a definitive relationship between the degree of inhibition of sodium uptake (i.e. a decrease in Ji 314 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 at a given wNaqx occurs via a decrease in JM) and the level of Ag–NKA accumulation is difficult to achieve on the basis of analytical measurements. Even so, the available evidence indicates that they are related in a dose-dependent manner and that this inhibition occurs rapidly yet is also reversible (e.g. Morgan et al., 1997; Bury et al., 1999a; Hussain et al., 1994). In view of these results the inhibition of JM will be expressed in terms of a sigmoidal dose–response relationship given by: w(ln(BL:Ag)yln(EC50)) ybx ∂ JU MsJMyµ1qe (2) Here, JM* is the inhibited maximum sodium uptake rate and the EC50 (nmolygw) for sodium uptake inhibition and b, the slope of the dose– response, will be evaluated by calibration to plasma sodium time series data in conjunction with the BLM-predicted BL:Ag (nmolygw) concentration that is associated with each of the experimental treatments. Note that the version of the Ag BLM that was used to predict the BL:Ag concentrations in the analyses described herein (Paquin et al., 1999) is in the process of being refined by ongoing calibration efforts with recently obtained data. As such, the emphasis here is directed to the utility of the general approach and IBM framework that are proposed, more than on use of a particular version of the BLM or SBM that is employed herein, as the latter are fully expected to continue to evolve and improve over time. 2.2. Structure and formulation of the ion balance model for sodium The proposed model framework is viewed as being generally applicable, with the incorporation of appropriate modifications, to both fresh and marine waters, and to both fish and invertebrates. While these other applications would require the inclusion of the appropriate source and sink terms for sodium uptake (e.g. uptake within the gut and representation of the gastro-intestinal tract as an additional site of action of toxicity), and recognition that the diffusive fluxes and active transport terms may reverse direction, the conceptual approach should be valid. However, efforts to date have focused on the development of a framework for use with fish, rainbow trout in particular, in a freshwater setting. The model is formulated in terms of the controlling mass balance equations for sodium about the fluid compartment volumes that are represented. These differential equations are solved numerically for the purpose of evaluating the effects of changes in relevant model variables on the concentrations of the respective internal sodium pools over time. This section describes the model structure and the governing equations. For ease of reference and comparison, the notation and units that are used, as well as the parameter values assigned in the modeling analyses of the three main datasets to be discussed, are summarized in Table 1. 2.2.1. Representation of the internal fluid compartments Of interest is the regulation of levels of dissolved ions, sodium in particular, in the internal fluid compartments of a fish. There are a number of ways to configure these compartments and to represent the exchanges that take place between them (e.g. Nichols, 1987 describes six variations). The conceptual representation employed herein consists of four distinct fluid compartments (Fig. 3). The vascular system is represented in terms of a primary and secondary system, consistent with relatively recent observations of the vascular system of the glass catfish (Steffenson and Lomholt, 1992; Fig. 3a). Additionally, interstitial and intracellular fluid compartments are also considered, consistent with the conventional manner in which the fluid volumes in fish are reported (e.g. Holmes and Donaldson, 1969; Olson, 1992). The structure of these interacting fluid compartments and the mass transfers of sodium that are considered in the model are illustrated on Fig. 3b. The physiological representation is as follows. The gill is the organ that is primarily responsible for ionoregulation. The branchial epithelium of the gill, consists of relatively large chloride cells that control the active uptake of sodium from the water. The paracellular junctions between the cells of the gill are where mass transfer of sodium by passive diffusion occurs (i.e. net diffusive losses in fresh water and net gains in salt water). Although somewhat of an oversimplification, NKA is primarily located at the basolateral or plasma side of the chloride cell, and it is inhibition of NKA activity by silver that leads to a decrease in the active uptake of sodium from the water and an imbalance in whole body sodium fluxes. This leads to a net rate of loss of sodium from the fish and subsequent declines of internal levels of sodium. Fig. 3b illustrates how the gill is positioned in relation to the principal fluid compartments of a Table 1 Notation and parameter values used in IBM for sodium Parameter symbol Units Indicator dilution studies Plasma Na simulations Survival time simulations Maximum Na uptake rate Maximum Na uptake rate adjusted for Ag inhibition of JM 0 NA 12.0 *** 12.0 *** Ji mmolykgw yd Active Na uptake rate sJM f NasJMw(Cw y(CwqKM)x NA *** *** KM mM Half saturation constant for Na uptake at gill w f NasCw y(CwqKM)x 0 0.040 0.050 Je Jr mmolykgw yd mmolykgw yd Passive Na gill efflux Passive Na renal efflux NA NA *** *** *** *** Primary intravascular fluid volume, IVFV1 0.023 0.023 0.023 Fluid compartment volumes lykgw V1 lykgw Secondary intravascular fluid volume, IVFV2 0.048 0.048 0.048 VIS VIC VEC VNa lykgw lykgw lykgw lykgw Interstitial fluid volume, ISFV Intracellular fluid volume, ICFV Extracellular fluid volume, ECFV Sodium space (sexchangeable Na poolyC1) 0.099 Nil 0.170 NA 0.099 0.160 0.170 0.330 0.099 0.160 0.170 0.330 External water Na concentration Na concentration initial condition, Ci(ts0), in compartment i 0 (100%) 0.040 137–139 0.050 140 Inter-compartmental Na concentration difference Primary vascular system plasma Na concentration Secondary vascular system plasma Na concentration Interstitial fluid volume Na concentration Intracellular fluid volume Na concentration *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Fluid compartment sodium concentrations Cw mM Cic mM CiyCj mM C1 mM C2 mM CIS mM CIC mM 315 V2 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 Sodium uptake kinetic parameters mmolykgw yd JM mmolykgw yd JM* Description 316 Table 1 (Continued) Units Description Indicator dilution studies Plasma Na simulations Survival time simulations Permeability coefficients PGo PG lykgwyd lykgwyd Gill permeability of control fish Gill permeability of treatment (exposed) fish, PGs f PGPGo 0.036 *** 0.0388–0.0394 *** 0.0386 *** f PG – NA NA *** A – NA NA 3.09=10y4 (or 4.54) B – NA NA 2.05 C – Gill permeability factor; f PGsawAgqxbwCa2qxc Lead coefficient in expression for f PG for Ag in mgyl (or mM) units Exponent for wAgqxb in expression for f PG, Agq (units depend on a) Exponent for wCa2qxc in expression for f PG, Ca2q in mM NA NA y0.22 Pij lykgwyd P1,IS lykgwyd 0.10 0.10 0.10 P2,IS lykgwyd 0.10 0.10 0.10 PIS,IC lykgwyd 0 0.10 0.10 Pr lykgwyd NA a a Q12 lykgwyd 0.159 0.159 0.159 IPC lykgwyd Primary to secondary plasma skimming flow rate Inter-compartmental permeability coefficient (i.e. Pi,j) Dissolved silver in exposure water Biotic ligand silver, calculated with the BLM BL:Ag associated with the 50% Slope of dose–response curve for JM inhibitions f (BL:Ag) effect level 0.0 ;3.2 ;100 NA 0–12 NA NA 15.8 0.278 Ca tests: 30.9–32.1 Cl tests: 6.83–32.1 15.8 0.278 Sodium uptake inhibition dose–response parameters Ag mgyl BL:Ag nmolygw EC50 b nmolygw Inter-compartmental permeability coefficient for compartments i and j Permeability between primary vascular system and ISFV Permeability between secondary vascular system and ISFV Permeability between ISFV and ICFV Renal loss rate permeability; set to achieve Jrs10% of JIN a, Set to achieve Jrs0.1Ji; ***, calculated by model; NA, not applicable. P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 Parameter symbol P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 317 Fig. 3. Representation of fluid compartments in the SBM. (a) Schematic diagram of a section of the arterial system, showing primary and secondary arteries (adapted from Steffenson and Lomholt, 1992). This is the basis for the 2-compartment representation of the intravascular fluid volumes (IVFV1 and IVFV2 , or V1 and V2 ) that is incorporated in the model. (b) Representation of fluid compartment volumes in fish, including the IVFVs, the ISFV and the ICFV. The magnitude of the exchange of sodium between compartments i and j (indicated by arrows) is defined by the product of the permeability, Pij and the inter-compartmental differences in concentrations, Ciy Cj. The gill permeability is PG and the concentration of Naq in the water is Cw. (A complete summary of the notation and units is provided in Table 1). fish, as configured in the model. The ambient water, which is in direct contact with the outer surface of the branchial epithelium, is shown to the left of the gill. The external water contains Naq, Hq and Ca2q. Beyond the role that each of these cations serves with regard to metal speciation and accumulation at the biotic ligand, as represented in the BLM (Di Toro et al., 1999, 2001; Paquin et al., 1999; McGeer et al., 2000; Santore et al., 2001), they also exert more direct physiological effects upon the ionoregulatory capabilities of the organism itself. As discussed previously, Naq uptake is affected by the concentration of Naq in the water via a Michaelis relationship, while the sodium efflux is affected to a lesser degree by the ambient sodium concentration via its effect on the concentration gradient that sets passive diffusion losses. Also, because Naq is exchanged for Hq, to maintain electro-neutrality, pH is also expected to affect Naq uptake as well. Finally, since passive diffusion of Naq occurs via the paracellular junctions of the gill, and Ca2q affects the permeability of these junctions, Ca2q has a direct effect on ionoregulation as well. Given their effects upon ionoregulation then, it follows that these constituents and the manner in which they affect ionoregulatory processes should generally be considered in performing an ion balance for an organism. Here, we will consider the effects of Naq and Ca2q, but will neglect the effect of pH, given that the data to be analyzed reflect relatively constant pH levels over time and across treatment levels. The total body water of a typical fish is equal to approximately 70% of its wet weight, or approximately 0.70 lykgw (700 mlykgw). As shown, this water is distributed among the three principal fluid compartments of interest, the intravascular fluid volume (IVFV, consisting of a primary and secondary system), the interstitial fluid volume (ISFV) and the intracellular fluid volume (ICFV). IBM analyses of published datasets, to be present- 318 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 ed subsequently, have provided estimates of these three fluid volumes of 71, 99 and 530 mlykgw of the total body water, respectively. As the blood flows through the gill, it is separated from the external water by the branchial epithelium and, upon leaving the gill and circulating through the rest of the body, it is separated from the interstitial fluid by the arterial wall. The interstitial fluid is in turn separated from the intracellular fluid by the plasma membrane. The blood is filtered by the kidney (not shown) prior to returning to the gill. The primary and secondary systems flow in parallel and are connected by capillary-sized vessels called the arterial anastomoses (Vogel, 1985). The flow of plasma passing through these vessels is referred to as the plasma skimming flow rate, in part because it removes very few red blood cells from the primary system. This leads to a volume fraction of RBCs, or hematocrit, of only approximately 1% in the secondary system, compared to 25% or more in the primary system. With regard to sodium mass transfers, the model is structured as follows. Transfer of sodium is allowed to occur across each of the interfaces mentioned above, the gill epithelium, the arterial wall and the plasma membrane. As discussed previously, the active uptake of sodium from the water that occurs at the gill takes place primarily via the chloride cells and conforms to Michaelis kinetics. Passive loss of sodium from the primary system occurs via diffusion across the paracellular junctions of the gill, from the higher plasma sodium concentration, C1, to the lower ambient freshwater sodium concentration, Cw (the transfer is in the reverse direction in salt water). The most general form of the model includes a transfer of sodium between the primary and secondary arterial systems at a rate corresponding to the plasma skimming flow rate (Q12), between each of these plasma volumes (V1 and V2) and the ISFV (VIS), and between the ISFV and the ICFV (VIC). The sodium concentrations in the ISFV and ICFV are CIS and CIC, respectively. Finally, loss of sodium may also occur via renal excretion as blood in the primary system is filtered by the kidney (not shown), prior to its return to the gill. The main differences between this representation and the 2pool model presented by Nichols (1987) is that here, losses occur from the primary compartment of a 2-compartment plasma system, rather than from the interstitial fluid, and also, the IBM includes an intracellular fluid compartment. 2.2.2. Model formulation The model is described in terms of the differential equations that govern the mass balance of sodium about each of the four internal fluid compartments. The equation for each compartment includes terms for the relevant mass transfers of sodium described above. The formulation proceeds as follows, beginning with the primary system: Rate of change of mass of Na in V1 sV1dC1ydtsJiyJe"J12"J1,ISyJr (3) where Ji and Je are the sodium influx and efflux rates, respectively, J12 is the rate of sodium mass transfer between the primary and secondary systems, J1,IS the rate between the primary system and ISFV, and Jr represents renal excretion. Note that the units for volume (V1 in this equation), in this and in subsequent equations, are liters fluid per unit whole body wet weight, such that the units of each term are mmol Naykgw yd. Expressing each of these mass transfers in terms of the more fundamental model parameters: Cw yPGŽC1yCw. CwqKM qQ12ŽC2yC1. qP1,ISŽCISyC1.yPrC1 U V1dC1ydtsJM (4) The first term on the right represents the Michaelis expression for the active uptake of sodium from the external water, where JM* is the maximum or carrier-saturated uptake rate (mmoly kg wet weight of fishyday, or mmolykgw yd), corrected for inhibition due to exposure to the metal, KM is the half saturation concentration for Naq uptake from water and Cw is the concentration of Naq in the external water. Consistent concentration units are used throughout. The inhibited maximum uptake rate, JM* is calculated from Eq. (2), as described previously, where the EC50 and b will be evaluated by calibration of the model to plasma sodium time series data using the BLMpredicted BL:Ag concentrations for each of the experimental treatment conditions. If warranted for other metals such as copper, KM could be modified as well, though this would require a more complicated model calibration procedure. The second term of Eq. (4) represents the diffusive exchange of sodium between the blood and the ambient water. This exchange is proportional to the product of a gill permeability coefficient, PG (lykgw yd) and the difference in the P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 concentrations of sodium between the primary plasma volume and the ambient water, C1yCw. The value of the gill permeability coefficient is adjusted to account for the effect of calcium and free silver in the external water as follows: PGsfPGPGo (5) where PGo is the baseline (i.e. pre-exposure) gill permeability and f PG is a gill permeability adjustment factor. The latter, f PG, modifies the baseline gill permeability to account for the adverse effect of high free silver levels on gill permeability, as well as the protective effect of Ca2q under these same conditions of elevated concentrations of free silver. PGo is evaluated by assuming that plasma sodium levels should be in approximate equilibrium with the uptake and loss rates during preexposure conditions. That is, Eq. (4) is evaluated at steady state such that dC1 ydts0 and C1s constant. It follows that C1sC2sCIS and, as a result of this, that the third and fourth terms on the right side of Eq. (4) are both equal to 0. Finally, if renal losses are 10% of Ji then, by difference, passive diffusion losses from the gill will be 90% of Ji. Thus, under steady state conditions Eq. (4) simplifies to the following: 0.9Jis0.9JMwCwyŽKMqCw.xsPGoŽC1yCw. (6) It is emphasized that Eq. (6) applies to baseline, pre-exposure equilibrium conditions. Solving for PGo: PGos0.9JMfNayŽC1yCw. (7) where fNasCwyŽKMqCw. (8) It remains to assign values to JM and C1 and, because all of the remaining variables on the right side of Eq. (7) are known, the evaluation of PGo is direct. The gill permeability adjustment factor in Eq. (5) is expressed as: fPGsawAgqxbywCa2qxc (9) The form of this relationship is such that f PG decreases as the free silver concentration, Agq, decreases or as calcium increases for positive values of b and c (i.e. c)0 with wCa2qx in the denominator). That is, the permeability (PGs f PGPGo) will decrease with increasing Ca2q such that diffusive losses of Naq are also reduced with increasing Ca2q. For the model application 319 described herein, a, b and c are evaluated on the basis of the survival time test data to be analyzed subsequently. As such, this expression is only intended for use in the analyses presented herein and is applicable when the free silver is greater than approximately 35 mgyl, the estimated threshold for physical damage to the gill to occur. That is, the relationship is intended to account for the effect of exposure to very high experimental treatment levels of free silver (in the range of approximately 35–90 mgyl Agq), levels that could potentially result in structural damage to the gill and an overall marked increase in gill permeability. As applied herein, Eq. (9) is not used to account for changes in permeability at more representative, much lower ambient environmental levels of silver where physical damage to the gill is not expected to occur. Returning to Eq. (4), the third term represents the volumetric exchange of plasma between the primary and secondary systems via the plasma skimming flow, Q12, with the mass transfer rate proportional to the difference in concentrations, C2yC1. As represented here, it has the same units as the permeability coefficients (lykgw yd), with the notation changed from P to Q to distinguish between these two different processes (i.e. a diffusive flux vs. a volumetric flow or bulk fluid exchange rate). The fourth term in the mass balance of sodium about the plasma volume represents the diffusive exchange of sodium between the primary IVFV and the ISFV. Again, as in the case of exchange with the ambient water, this term is also represented as the product of a permeability coefficient, P1,IS, times the difference in sodium concentration between the interstitial fluid compartment and the primary plasma fluid compartment, CISyC1. Here, P1,IS is a calibration parameter and C1 and CIS are computed by the model. The remaining term on the right side of Eq. (4), PrC1, represents renal losses of sodium. Renal filtration controls the magnitude of the loss of sodium by urinary excretion, a complex process. The manner in which exposure to metals affects kidney function is not readily defined. Hence, this process will not be characterized in detail in the context of the model to be presented. Rather, for the analyses to be presented herein, the term for the overall loss or sodium via renal excretion will be represented quite simply as the product of a permeability coefficient times the primary system 320 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 plasma sodium concentration. This approach should be sufficient, given that renal losses are typically low in comparison to diffusive losses of sodium at the gill. Renal losses are not measured in most toxicity studies. Thus, in the absence of more detailed information about the magnitude of renal losses, the renal permeability coefficient, Pr, will be set to result in renal losses of 10% of the pre-exposure gill sodium influx (i.e. 10% of Ji as calculated with Eq. (1)), for the analyses to be presented herein. Finally, while the model includes the capability to reduce renal losses with decreasing C1, this option has not been invoked for the analyses to be described. Although mass balance equations are also required for the remaining fluid compartments, they are relatively simple in form. The mass balance equation for the secondary vascular system is as follows: V2dC2ydtsyQ12ŽC2yC1.qP2,ISŽCISyC2. (10) The first term is opposite in sign to the corresponding term for the primary system and is simply the plasma skimming exchange term between the primary and secondary systems, while the second term represents diffusive exchange between the secondary system and the ISFV. Next, for the interstitial fluid compartment: VISdCISydtsyP1,ISŽCISyC1. yP2,ISŽCISyC2. qPIS,ICŽCICyCIS. (11) As shown, the sodium mass balance about the interstitial compartment, VIS, is controlled by the relative magnitudes of the diffusive exchanges of sodium between it and both of the intravascular compartments, V1 and V2, as well as the intracellular compartment, VIC. The first and second terms on the right side of Eq. (11), primary intravascularand secondary intravascular-interstitial sodium exchange, are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign, to the corresponding terms of Eqs. (4) and (10), respectively (i.e. a gain of sodium by one of these compartments is a loss by the other). The third term, interstitial-intracellular sodium exchange, is similarly represented as the product of a permeability coefficient, PIS,IC, times the effective sodium concentration difference between these two compartments, CICyCIS. Finally, the sodium mass balance in the intracellular compartment, VIC, is controlled by the magnitude of the diffusive exchange of sodium between it and the interstitial compartment, VIS. Again, the exchange term is of the same form as in mass balance Eq. (11) for VIS, but opposite in sign. VICdCICydtsyPIS,ICŽCICyCIS. (12) Note that it is assumed for modeling purposes that the magnitudes of the net diffusive fluxes between the water and the plasma, and between the other fluid volumes as well, are proportional to the differences in concentration between the respective volumes, and that concentrations of sodium are uniform throughout the organism under equilibrium conditions. The latter assumption is clearly an oversimplification, as the compartmental concentrations of sodium are not actually uniform under normal homeostatic conditions (Krogh, 1939; Holmes and Donaldson, 1969). The requisite ionic balances are maintained in the presence of these concentration differences by the establishment of a Donnan equilibrium condition that depends not only upon the sodium concentrations, but the concentrations of the other organic and inorganic constituents in the internal fluids as well (Krogh, 1939; Potts and Parry, 1964; Potts, 1984). However, as a practical matter, the assumption of uniformity in sodium concentration under equilibrium conditions is a simplification that provides an expedient representation of what would otherwise be an intractable situation, while use of the sodium space as the total fluid volume ensures that the size of the exchangeable sodium pool will be reasonable. At the same time it will be seen that this representation provides an adequate first approximation that is suitable for preliminary assessment purposes. All that remains then is to numerically integrate the controlling differential equations (Eqs. (4), (10)–(12)) and solve for the compartmental sodium concentrations over time. 3. Model application and results When fish are exposed to elevated levels of silver, an immediate result is the disruption of their ability to regulate internal levels of sodium. When this occurs, there is an imbalance in the rates of uptake and efflux of sodium, resulting in a net rate of loss of plasma sodium. This is an important physiological response, as a cumulative loss of plasma sodium of approximately 30% has been associated with lethality (McDonald, et al., 1980; Wood, 1989; Wood et al., 1996; Webb and P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 Wood, 1998; Grosell et al., 2000). Further, the higher the rate of loss of sodium, the sooner it will be for this critical level to be achieved, and the shorter the survival time. The objective of the model then is to predict the levels of sodium in the individual fluid compartments over time, keeping track of primary system plasma sodium levels until such time as a 30% loss occurs, this time being the predicted survival time. To apply the model, it is necessary to first evaluate the volumes of the fluid compartments of interest, the rates of exchange between these compartments, and the size of the total exchangeable sodium pool that serves as a buffer for sodium losses from the considerably smaller plasma sodium pool in the primary vascular system. The model is calibrated by relating the degree of inhibition of sodium uptake to the predicted biotic ligand silver concentration, such that the predicted decreases in plasma sodium levels are consistent with measured results. At that point it is suitable for use in simulating plasma sodium levels over time, and given the critical plasma sodium level associated with lethality, predicting survival time. 3.1. Analysis of fluid compartment volumes The first step then is to evaluate the fluid compartment volumes. While much information is available in this regard, the results tend to vary with the method of measurement. Holmes and Donaldson (1969) provide a comprehensive but somewhat early review of methods of measurements and results, while Olson (1992) provides a more recent and updated review, one which focuses more on the vascular system. The whole body fluid volume is readily determined from whole body wet and dry weight measurements, and is typically in the range of 70–75% of the whole body wet weight (i.e. 0.70–0.75 lykg wet weight, or lykgw), for most fish. With regard to the volumes of the individual compartments, the measurement method in most common use is the indicator dilution technique. This method involves use of any of a number of different tracers, with each having its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Use of the indicator dilution technique to estimate volumes of the individual compartments simply involves the injection of a known volume and concentration of a tracer into the blood, subsequent sampling to determine the resulting concentration, and calculation of the relevant vol- 321 ume of interest by a simple dilution calculation. Because some tracers remain in the vascular system (e.g. radiolabeled red blood cells or Evans blue dye) while others are considered to diffuse throughout the extracellular fluid compartment (e.g. inulin), use of an appropriate tracer provides a way to estimate the volume of either of these compartments. The ICFV may be determined by the difference between whole body water and the ECFV. The disadvantage of the preceding approach is that the concentrations of the tracer in the blood will change over time, as exchange with the interstitial fluid occurs gradually, rather than instantaneously. Hence, the time of sampling becomes an important consideration, with decreasing plasma concentrations measured with increasing time, thereby leading to increasing estimates of apparent dilution and fluid volume over time. This problem accounts for much of the variation in reported fluid compartment volumes (Steffenson and Lomholt, 1992). A kinetic modeling approach will therefore be used to overcome this difficulty. That is, the SBM equations described previously, with active uptake set to zero, will be calibrated to time series data of plasma tracer concentrations. The data to be analyzed are from two studies with rainbow trout. The first set of data was previously analyzed by Nichols (1987), using a variety of one, two and three fluid compartment representations, leading in one case to estimates of the blood volume of 0.042 lykgw and of the extracellular fluid volume of approximately 0.17 lykgw. The second set of data was reported and analyzed by Steffenson and Lomholt (1992), using equations representing a 2-compartment vascular system, with primary and secondary volumes of 0.023 and 0.048 lykgw. Results of the kinetic analyses of the two fluid compartment tracer datasets that are considered are summarized on Fig. 4. The originally reported results that were in terms of concentration have been normalized to the percentage of the initial dose to facilitate making a comparison on a consistent scale. The filled triangles represent the results of Nichols (1987) and the open squares the results of Steffenson and Lomholt (1992). As shown, either set of data may be reasonably well reproduced with an independent set of parameter values (upper and lower dashed lines). However, because there is no clear basis for accounting for the differences between these two sets of results, 322 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 Fig. 4. Analysis of rainbow trout plasma tracer data with the four-compartment model. The data are from two different studies (Nichols, 1987; Steffenson and Lomholt, 1992). Although the model may be fit to either set of data independently (dashed lines), a compromise fit (solid line) is used to estimate fluid volumes to be used in subsequent simulations of sodium losses from rainbow trout (V1s0.023 lykg, V2s0.048 lykg, VISs0.099 lykg, PGs0.036 lykgwyd, P1,ISsP2,ISs0.08 lykgwyd, Q12s0.159 lykgwyd). an intermediate fit of the data has been adopted. Hence the computational results corresponding to the solid line are used to fit the pooled data. Model parameter values used to achieve these results are as follows: V1s0.023 lykgw, V2s0.048 lykgw, VISs0.099 lykgw, Q12s0.159 lykgw yd, P1,ISs P2,ISs0.10 lykgw yd and PGs0.036 lykgw yd. Note that the estimated volumes of the primary and secondary vascular system compartments have been assigned to be consistent with the estimates made by Steffenson and Lomholt while the extracellular fluid volume corresponds to the estimate made by Nichols (0.17 lykgw). The non-zero gill permeability reflects an overall loss of the tracer from the primary system. The loss rate has been applied to the primary system only, consistent with the manner in which the SBM is formulated, but in contrast to the approach of Steffenson and Lomholt, who applied a loss rate to both the primary and secondary systems. Because the time scale of this study was approximately 24 h, and the expectation was that the tracers would not move into the ICFV, at least over this time scale, transfer into this compartment was neglected for the purpose of fitting these data. While it is acknowledged that this analysis does not lead to the determination of a unique set of model param- eter values that will fit these data, the results do provide a reasonable overall representation of the data. Similar studies, if carried out in the future, could reduce the number of degrees of freedom in this type of analysis if determinations were made of the loss of the tracer to the water during the test and of the residual whole body tracer level at the end of the test. It remains to determine the ICFV. Initially, the whole body fluid volume for rainbow trout was set equal to 70% (700 mlykg wet weight), consistent with much of the data that have been reported (Holmes and Donaldson, 1969), and the ICFV determined by difference. However, this approach leads to an unreasonably high value for the exchangeable sodium pool. That is, if the plasma sodium concentration is assumed to be 150 mM, and it is assumed to be uniform throughout the internal fluid compartments, then the exchangeable sodium pool is 105 mmolykgw (150 mMyl=0.70 lykgw). This may be compared to estimates of exchangeable sodium that are more typically in the range of 40–50 mmolykgw (Wood and Randall, 1973; Wood and McDonald, 1982; Wood, 1992). The main reason for this discrepancy is likely to be that the intracellular sodium levels, which are associated with a large percentage of P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 whole body fluids, are known to be significantly less than the plasma sodium levels (Olson, 1992), with the gradient maintained by a Donnan equilibrium condition. An alternative approach is therefore followed to overcome this inconsistency. It is assumed that the sodium space, VNa, corresponds to the exchangeable sodium pool divided by the plasma sodium concentration: 50 mmolykgw y150 mMyls0.33 lykgw. (The sodium space is the fluid volume that would be associated with the exchangeable sodium pool of 50 mmolykgw if the sodium contained in this volume was uniformly distributed at a concentration equal to that of the plasma sodium concentration.) The difference between this estimate of the sodium space and the ECFV that was determined from the kinetic analyses described above (VECsV1qV2qVISs0.17 ly kgw) is assigned to an effective interacting ICFV (i.e. VICsVNayVECs0.33y0.17s0.16 lykgw). The volume of the sodium space used here is consistent with estimates of the radiosodium space of 0.34 lykgw made by Wood and Randall (1973). While the interpretation of the ECFV used above is consistent with that of Nichols (1987), the interpretation that the difference is associated with the intracellular compartment is inconsistent with the interpretation of Wood and Randall (1973). An alternative interpretation is that the exchangeable sodium pool (0.33 lykgw) represents the sodium associated with the extracellular fluid volume in its entirety. In this case, 0.17 lykgw would correspond to the more readily exchangeable, richly perfused tissues (a fast pool) and the remainder of 0.16 lykgw would be associated with the extracellular fluid in the less accessible, less highly perfused tissues (a slow pool). The equations and computational approach are independent of the physiological interpretation that is preferred. 3.2. Analysis of plasma sodium data While the preceding estimates of the fluid compartment volumes are not considered to be definitive, the important consideration is whether or not this representation can serve as a reasonable basis for predicting the kinetics of plasma sodium losses over time. As a first test of this capability, the model will be applied to a dataset where the rainbow trout were exposed to 3.2 mgyl of silver, while chloride was varied, and plasma sodium levels of the fish were monitored over the ensuing 48 h (McGeer and Wood, 1998). The variation of 323 chloride levels is important, as chloride forms silver chloro-complexes, primarily AgCl, and this form of silver has been shown to markedly reduce the bioavailability of silver to rainbow trout (Bury et al., 1999a,b). In the context of the silver BLM, at a fixed dissolved silver concentration, when the chloride concentration is low, silver availability is high, and the predicted BL:Ag will be high. Then, as the chloride level increases, silver availability decreases, resulting in a decrease in BL:Ag. Recall it is a premise of the SBM that the response by the organism to exposure to silver, in this case the inhibition of the active uptake of sodium from the water, will be directly related to the concentration of BL:Ag. Hence the degree of response by the fish should reflect this change in BL:Ag. What is required then is to establish this relationship that is expressed in the form of Eq. (2). This analysis is summarized next. The equations presented previously that describe the sodium balance of a freshwater fish will be solved numerically to simulate the plasma sodium results. To do so, it is necessary to assign values to a number of model inputs. The values of these inputs are listed in Table 1 under the heading ‘Plasma sodium simulations’. First, the Michaelis parameters that define active sodium uptake kinetics are required. Initial assignments were JMs0.5 mmolykgw yhs12 mmolykgw yd and KMs0.04 mM for sodium. The value for JM is a typical value for rainbow trout, and is consistent with the uninhibited sodium uptake curve shown previously on Fig. 2. The half saturation constant is not readily defined, a priori, but it is known that it will vary with acclimation conditions. McDonald and Rogano (1986) present results which indicate, qualitatively at least, that the KM for sodium and chloride will vary in rough accordance with the Na and Cl concentration of the acclimation water, such that the basal ion-transport rate is maintained (i.e. for JM constant, if KMsCw, then Ji is always 50% of JM). Bury et al. (1999a) also provide data to indicate this is a reasonable first approximation. The sodium KM was therefore set equal to the sodium concentration of the acclimation water, 0.04 mM, which is the same concentration as was used in the toxicity tests to be analyzed. Next, recalling that the overall balance of sodium includes renal losses, the parameter controlling this process was set to achieve a loss 10% of the uninhibited sodium influx rate, a representative value (Wood, 1989; Curtis and Wood, 1991; 324 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 Fig. 5. Plasma sodium time series data (" standard error) are shown for rainbow trout control fish (Ags0) and fish exposed to 3.2 mgyl of dissolved Ag, as Cly varies (data: McGeer and Wood, 1998). Results are shown for (a) control fish, Cly s0.014 mM, BL:Ags 0 and Ags0, followed in order of decreasing chloride and increasing predicted biotic ligand silver: (b) Clys1.44 mM, BL:Ags3.4 nmolygw; (c) Clys0.538 mM, BL:Ags6.4 nmolygw; (d) Cly s0.292 mM, BL:Ags8.3 nmolygw ; (e) Clys0.115 mM, BL:Ags 10.3 nmolygw; and (f) Clys0.014 mM, BL:Ags12 nmolygw . The upper horizontal solid reference line represents the presumed constant sodium concentration in the absence of exposure to silver. The other four lines, in order of lowest to highest lines, show the predicted sodium concentrations in the IVFV1 (the lowest solid line, to be compared to the plasma sodium data), IVFV2 , the ISFV and the ICFV. Wood, 1992). Finally, it is necessary to define the gill permeability, which is estimated by assuming steady state applies under pre-toxicity test conditions, and evaluating PGo from Eq. (7) and PG from Eq. (5), as described previously. (If JM and C1 have not been measured, they would need to be assigned on the basis of representative values.) For the plasma sodium and survival time analyses to be presented herein, it is assumed that JMs0.5 mmolykgw yhs12 mmolykgw yd; KMsCws0.04 or 0.05 mmolyl (such that f Nas0.5); Jrs10% of Jis f NaJM (10% of pre-toxicity test sodium influx rate). Based on these assumptions, it follows that PGos0.0378 lykgw yd. It remains to specify a relationship between the degree of inhibition of the active uptake rate of sodium, JM, and the BL:Ag concentration, as this sets the magnitude of the term representing the active uptake rate of sodium in Eq. (4). The BL:Ag is first evaluated with the previously developed silver BLM (Paquin et al., 1999) with the toxicity test water chemistry specified as inputs for each of the treatments. The parameters of the dose–response curve, the EC50 for uptake inhibition, and b, which characterizes the slope of the response, are adjusted by calibration to the observed response in plasma sodium data. The results of the SBM simulation analysis are compared to the rainbow trout plasma sodium data on Fig. 5 and the dose–response curve that is used to achieve this fit of the plasma data is shown on Fig. 6. The plasma sodium time series data ("standard error) are shown for the controls (Ags0) on Fig. 5a. Some unexplained variability P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 325 Fig. 6. Does response curve for percent inhibition of JM as a function of BLM-predicted BL:Ag. Dose–response curve parameters of EC50s15.8 nmolygw and bs0.278 are based on calibration of the 4-compartment SBM to the plasma sodium data of Fig. 5. Points indicated along the curve correspond to the estimates of BLM-predicted BL:Ag for conditions of the three silver datasets analyzed with the SBM: m, McGeer and Wood, 1998 (Fig. 5); e, Galvez and Wood, 1997, chloride treatments (Fig. 8), and q, Galvez and Wood, 1997, calcium treatments (Fig. 9; shown here as overlapping points at BL-Ag;30 nmolygw and ;95% inhibition; they also coincide with some of the low chloride treatment results, e). is evident, as control fish plasma sodium levels would be expected to remain approximately constant over the 48-h test duration. These changes are likely to be within the range of normal physiological variation, and may also reflect sampling and analytical variability. With regard to the model results, the solid line, the initial condition is set equal to the average concentration over the test duration, and it remains constant in time. This is because the gill permeability was evaluated such that the uptake and loss terms were in equilibrium, and because the BL:Ags0, there is no inhibition of sodium uptake for the control fish. Fig. 5b through Fig. 5f present comparisons of model results to the plasma sodium data for the remaining 3.2 mgyl dissolved Ag treatments, shown in order of decreasing levels of chloride, from 1440 to 14 mM and increasing levels of predicted BL:Ag (3.4–12 nmolygw; see caption for values for each treatment). At the highest chloride level (1440 mM; Fig. 5b), the predicted BL:Ags3.4 nmolygw, resulting in less than 1% uptake inhibition for the response curve of Fig. 6. Thus, the decrease in plasma sodium concentration relative to the initial condition (set to the average of the initial and 1-h measurements) is negligible over the 48-h test duration, well within the limits of the measured plasma sodium levels. As chloride levels are progressively decreased in the remaining treatments (Fig. 5c–f), a clear pattern of increasingly severe plasma sodium losses (i.e. decreasing plasma sodium concentration) is evident in the data. Because the predicted BL:Ag also increases with decreasing chloride levels, resulting in an increasing degree of inhibition of sodium uptake, the model results follow the same trend as the data, with progressively higher losses of sodium over time as chloride levels decrease. Note that there are five lines, corresponding to predicted concentrations in each of the four compartments plus an initial condition reference line, are displayed on each panel, although the different lines are only discernible on Fig. 5c–f. In each case, the lowest solid line curve represents the predicted primary system plasma sodium result, and is the curve that should be compared to the data. The next higher three curves, in order of the lowest to the highest, show the predicted sodium results for the secondary vascular system, the ISFV, and the ICFV, respectively. (The upper horizontal line is 326 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 shown as a point of reference, indicating the initial plasma sodium level that would persist in the absence of any inhibition of active uptake.) The fit of the plasma sodium data of Fig. 5 was achieved by assigning the IPCs a value of 0.1 lykgw yd in all cases. As a general rule, the lower line, representing the computed primary system plasma sodium level, reproduces the measured trends in plasma sodium quite well. Sodium levels in the remaining compartments tend to track the concentrations in the primary system rather closely when the rate of decrease occurs slowly (Fig. 5c and d), but lag progressively further behind as the rate of loss increases (Fig. 5e and f). The reason for this to occur, as accounted for in the context of the SBM described here, is that the fluxes between compartments limit the rate of exchange of sodium between compartments. Thus, when plasma sodium losses occur quickly, equilibration with the other compartments must necessarily lag behind. The degree of this lag is related to the value of the permeability coefficients that have been evaluated. The values of the permeability coefficients are necessarily approximate due to limitations of the types of data that were used to perform the evaluation. The results of Fig. 5 demonstrate the ability of the IBM for sodium to predict plasma sodium levels over time. This is an important capability, because it is a simple matter for computations such as those presented on Fig. 5 to be extended in time until the critical plasma sodium concentration associated with lethality is reached, with that time being the predicted survival time. Further, an important benefit of this initial analysis of plasma sodium levels is that it provides an estimate of the relationship between the BLM-calculated BL:Ag and the percent inhibition of active sodium uptake. The resulting dose–response relationship is shown on Fig. 6. The EC50 for inhibition of JM is 15.8 nmolygw and the slope of the dose–response curve, b, is 0.278. The filled triangles indicated on this curve correspond to the calculated BL:Ag levels associated with the 5 silver treatments shown on Fig. 5. Note that for the range of BL:Ag levels considered, 3.4–12 nmolygw, the percent inhibition of JM ranges from approximately 1% to somewhat less than 30%. As will be discussed subsequently, these results have significant implications with regard to the longer-term effects to be expected. 3.3. Analysis of survival time data The preceding analysis of plasma sodium levels served as a basis for estimating the parameters of dose–response curve of Fig. 6. The other two sets of plot symbols indicated on the curve of Fig. 6 correspond to the percent inhibition that is associated with the BL:Ag levels that are predicted for the treatment conditions of the two survival time datasets that are to be analyzed next (Galvez and Wood, 1997). In these experiments, rainbow trout were exposed to approximately 100 mgyl of silver (nominal) and either Ca2q, added as either CaSO4 or Ca(NO3)2, or Cly, added as KCl of NaCl, were varied from 50 to 5000 mM. The 50% survival time, the ET50, was the end-point in these experiments. While the concentration of silver that was used in these tests was considerably in excess of an environmentally relevant exposure level (Campbell et al., 2001), the results are quite useful because the additions of either calcium or chloride resulted in a wide range of median survival times, from less than 1 h to )7 days, the duration of the test. The cluster of q signs at BL:Ag)30 are associated with the calcium dataset, and indicate that active sodium uptake is predicted to be almost completely suppressed for all of the treatments in this set of data, with little variation across treatment levels. Conversely for the chloride dataset, the BL:Ag and hence the predicted inhibition of the active uptake of sodium varies over a much wider range (open diamond plot symbols), from approximately 5% inhibition to 95% inhibition. This range of results highlights the importance of Ag complexation by chloride as a means of mitigating the availability and toxicity of silver to rainbow trout. As a preface to a discussion of the next set of results it is useful to first consider what should be expected when nearly 100% inhibition of active uptake of sodium occurs, as is predicted for the calcium experiments. It is readily shown from simple mass balance calculations that a 30% loss of the exchangeable sodium pool of 50 mmoly kgw (i.e. a loss of 15 mmolykgw) would require approximately 2.5 days at a net efflux of 6 mmoly kgw yds0.25 mmolykgw yh (at JMs12 mmoly kgw yd and f Nas0.5). All other things equal, this would be the shortest survival time to be expected. However, it turns out that this time estimate is actually much longer than the range of survival times that were observed in the calcium treatment P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 experiments to be reviewed next (-1 h to approximately 9 h) and in the lower chloride treatments as well (-1 day at up to 500 mM of either NaCl or KCl). If it is assumed that the permeability of the exchange surfaces with the primary system are too low for the other compartments to deliver sodium at a fast enough rate to offset the loss from the primary system, which contains only 7% of the exchangeable sodium pool, then the survival time could be reduced to as little as approximately 4 h (i.e. a loss of 30% of 3.5 mmolykgw, or about 1 mmolykgw is required). This is in much closer agreement with the shortest reported survival time of approximately 0.75 h, but still about a factor of 5 too long. It appears that the reason for the discrepancy is that the foregoing calculations do not consider the likelihood of an increase in gill permeability, a result of physical damage to the gill during short-term pulse exposures to high concentrations of metals, much like the effects that have been observed for low pH conditions where order of magnitude or greater increases in permeability were estimated to have occurred (Packer and Dunson, 1970, 1972; McDonald et al., 1983). A plausible mechanism for the increase in gill permeability is that damage to the gill occurs as a result of displacement of calcium from the calcareous material that comprises the paracellular junctions between cells of the gill epithelium. It is this intercellular cement that maintains the physical integrity of the gill. This effect has been seen previously to occur under acidic conditions, where the calcium is titrated from the gill by protons (Milligan and Wood, 1982; McDonald, 1983a,b) and could reasonably be expected as a mechanism for the deterioration of the gill epithelium by metals as well. The increase in permeability is caused by a decrease in the depth of the paracellular junctions as the calcareous intercellular cement is titrated away (McDonald et al., 1991). Here, it is assumed that the calcareous material deteriorates as a result of displacement of calcium by free silver, while increasing the level of Ca2q tends to reverse the direction of this displacementtype of reaction. Alternatively, adding chloride reduces the free silver, resulting in a similar beneficial effect, but for a different reason. Note that this reaction should not be interpreted as an equilibrium reaction, as this is probably not the case, at least under conditions of a pulse exposure. Rather, there would be expected to be a progressive deterioration of the gill, until such time as the 327 organism is able to adapt during conditions that are less extreme, or until mortality occurs. It is this line of reasoning that leads to the form of the relationship described above (Eq. (9)) which will be applied to adjust for changes in permeability when Agq is greater than approximately 35 mgyl. Note that the effect of chloride on gill permeability is indirectly accounted for in this relationship via its effect on the free silver concentration. Fig. 7 shows how this approach is applied with the survival time data for the calcium treatments. The open and filled triangles represent results for calcium additions in the form of Ca(NO3)2 and CaSO4, respectively. The model is used in the same way as in the analysis of the plasma sodium data, using the same dose–response curve (Fig. 6), in conjunction with the BL:Ag estimated with the BLM, to predict the degree of inhibition of JM for each set of test conditions. Plasma sodium concentrations are then computed over time, until a 30% decrease occurs. The time at which this occurs is the estimated ET50 for survival time. Because the model does not incorporate any mechanism for distinguishing between the effects of the two added anions, either chemically or physiologically, only one line is shown for the model results. The model results are consistent with the survival time data, which also fail to display any systematic variation with regard to the form in which the Ca was added. Both measured and predicted survival times increase from approximately 1 h to slightly more than 8 h over the range of calcium treatment levels tested. Consistent with the preceding analysis of gill permeability coefficients, the gill permeability has been increased by a factor of approximately 5.6 at the lowest calcium levels, and by about a factor of slightly more than 2 at the highest Ca levels. This is achieved via Eq. (9) with as3.09=10y4 for Agq in units of mgyl (4.54 if mM units), bs2.05 and csy0.22 (Ca2q in mM units). Finally, consider the effect of increasing the chloride concentration on survival. The results are summarized on Fig. 8, where the scale of the yaxis is increased by 20-fold relative to Fig. 7 (the results for the calcium treatments). As shown, addition of up to 5 mM chloride (as either KCl or NaCl), the same increase in molar concentration as for calcium, increases the survival time ET50 from less than 1 h to approximately 7 days or longer. For KCl additions (m), the model (solid line) predicts a median survival time of approxi- 328 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 Fig. 7. Comparison of predicted (solid line) with measured ET50 for rainbow trout exposed to ;100 ugyl silver and variable treatments of CaSO4 (m) or Ca(NO3)2 (D). Results obtained with sodium JM s12 mmolykgw yd and KM s0.05 mM, PGo s0.0386 lykgwyd, PP,ISs PIS,ICs0.1 lykgwyd. (Data: Galvez and Wood, 1997). Fig. 8. Comparison of predicted with measured median survival times for rainbow trout exposed to ;100 ugyl silver and variable levels of KCl (datasm and modelssolid line) and NaCl (datasD and modelsdashed line). The data point for the high NaCl treatment (5 mM) is plotted at the 7-day test duration (≠), but actually exceeded 7 dayss168 h (i.e.-50% mortality was observed thru the 7 day test duration) while the model predicts the fish will survive. (The model predicts survival at KCl);2 mM and at NaCl);1 mM). Model parameter values are same as for calcium treatments of Fig. 8. (Data: Galvez and Wood, 1997). P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 mately 1 h at the lowest chloride level, 0.5–3 days at the intermediate chloride levels, and for an indefinite period of time at the highest chloride level, with all but the result at the highest chloride treatment in good agreement with the data. The discrepancy at the highest treatment level could be eliminated if the gill permeability of the control fish was increased by somewhat less than a factor of 2, a difference expected to be within the limits of experimental variability and the uncertainty of the equilibrium assumptions used to evaluate control fish gill permeability. With regard to the NaCl treatments (n), the predicted BL:Ag levels are similar to the predicted levels when KCl is added. However, in conformity with the data, the model predicts an increase in survival time in comparison to the KCl treatments when the chloride is added as NaCl. The reason is that there is an increase in Ji when Naq is added in association with the chloride, due to the fact that the uptake rate of sodium is related to the sodium concentration in the external water via the Michaelis formulation (Eq. (1)). For the highest NaCl addition, the ET50 value was reported to be greater than approximately 7 days, the value indicated on the graph, because less than 50% mortality was observed over the 7-day duration of the experiment. The model result is consistent with this observation, predicting rainbow trout survival for this set of treatment conditions. As with all of the calcium results, chloride treatments of less than 1 mM led to survival times of -2 days, less than could occur even with 100% inhibition of sodium uptake. The preceding analysis of gill permeability coefficients indicated that the permeability apparently increased at free silver levels in excess of approximately 37.5 mgyl. As such, the explanation of survival times of less than 2 days is attributed to this factor. As discussed previously, the effect of Agq on gill permeability was represented via Eq. (9), with PG returned to baseline conditions when Agq is less than 37.5 mgyl. By adopting this approach the model was able to predict survival times over the range of test conditions in the chloride experiments. 329 roughly classified as chemistry-based models (Roy and Campbell, 1995), bioaccumulation-based models (Mancini, 1983; Connolly, 1985; McCarty, 1987; McCarty et al., 1993; Meyer et al., 1995; Marr et al., 1998), physiologically-based models (Szumski and Barton, 1983), and combinations and variations thereof (Breck, 1988; Verhaar et al., 1999). Here, a generalized physiologicallybased modeling framework is presented that may be used to evaluate the survival time of aquatic organisms exposed to metals. It is applied in the analysis of data for rainbow trout exposed to silver. The model framework is similar in some ways to a PBPK model, but not entirely. While the model is founded upon a physiologically-based, 4-compartment representation of a fish, and it includes accumulation of the metal at the site of action of toxicity, it differs from a conventional PBPK model in that it does not compute the internal distribution and ultimate disposition of the stressor, in this case silver, over time. Rather, the concentration of silver at the site of action, as calculated using the previously developed BLM, is used to evaluate the degree of effect of silver on the mechanisms of toxicity, inhibition of the active uptake of sodium and, at sufficiently high levels, on the passive diffusive losses. It then accounts for the subsequent impact of these changes in uptake and loss of sodium by keeping track of the cumulative damage to the fish, as manifested by loss of sodium from the internal fluid compartments. Survival time corresponds to the time when the cumulative effect is a fixed degree of loss of sodium, taken here to be 30%, from the primary vascular system. It is expected that the capability to perform this type of evaluation, to assess cumulative damage to the organism over time, will offer regulatory agencies an improved basis for explicitly considering magnitude, duration and frequency of occurrence when developing updated WQC for metals. Subject to further refinement, it may also be useful in extrapolating from acute to chronic effect levels, and in other areas as well, as described below. 4. Discussion 4.1. Analysis of indicator dilution and plasma sodium data Numerous models have been proposed over the last 20 years for use in predicting the survival times of aquatic organisms exposed to either metals or organic chemicals. These models may be The analyses of the tracer data and the plasma sodium data were performed, in part, to evaluate the sizes of the four fluid compartment volumes and the rates of exchanges between them. It was 330 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 possible to achieve a reasonable fit of both types of data using fluid compartment volumes that are generally consistent with compartmental volumes that have been reported in the literature (Figs. 4 and 5). The inter-compartmental permeability coefficients, or IPCs, were evaluated concurrently with the fluid volumes for the indicator dilution tracer data and were preliminarily set at 0.08 lykgw yd. The same fluid volumes were used in the analysis of the plasma sodium dataset (Fig. 5) and an effort was made to fit this dataset by adjusting the IPCs independent of the values that had been used for the tracer studies. The model is fairly sensitive to these coefficients because an increase or decrease in the IPCs results in a corresponding increase or decrease in the rate of plasma sodium loss as well. The reason is that use of relatively high IPCs results in an effective increase in the plasma sodium pool that is available to buffer losses of sodium from the primary system, while a decrease has the converse effect. As it turns out, the data were not of sufficient detail to justify the independent evaluation of each of the different IPCs (P1,IS, P2,IS and PIS,IC) and a value of 0.1 lykgw yd was assigned in all cases. There was not any a priori reason to expect that the IPCs that were evaluated for the indicator dilution studies performed with inulin and the plasma sodium studies would have the same values. Rather, it would have been reasonable to expect that the permeability coefficients for sodium would be considerably higher than for the tracers that were used in the indicator dilution studies (McDonald, personal communication). However, it was decided that the slight difference between the values of the coefficients that were initially assigned based on calibration to the measured concentration data (0.08 vs. 0.10 lykgw yd) could not be justified on the basis of the fit of the data by the model that was achieved. It was therefore decided to assign a consistent value of Pijs0.1 lykgw yd for both sets of data. It is emphasized that although the model was able to fit both types of data with a single set of permeability coefficients, this should not be interpreted to be an indication that the values of these coefficients did not in fact differ significantly. Rather, it is more likely an indication of the limited discriminatory power of the model with regard to the interpretation of these data, as well as the practical limitations associated with what are otherwise judged to be excellent and relatively detailed datasets. Together, the fluid compartment volumes and permeability coefficients are important model parameters, as they control the response time of the plasma sodium pool when active uptake is reduced andyor permeability increases as a result of physical damage to the gill. However, the analysis of the 24-h tracer dataset was judged to be of limited use in evaluating what is, ostensibly, the ICFV, as well as the rate of interaction between this compartment and the remainder of the fluid volume, the ECFV. The plasma sodium results indicate that at PIS,ICs0.1 lykgw yd, the rate of exchange between the extracellular and intracellular fluid compartments was not rapid, as the calculated decrease in concentration in this compartment, even in the most extreme test case, was always less than 5% over the 48-h test duration (Fig. 5f). While it is not entirely clear that the model should include interaction with the ICFV, there is some precedent for structuring the model in this way. Investigations of the effect of low environmental pH on rainbow trout provide evidence of there being a significant contribution by the ICFV to total body ion losses, including sodium losses (McDonald and Wood, 1981). These losses of ions, which initially occur from the blood, lead to the establishment of osmotic and ionic gradients that induce shifts of both fluid and ions between the ECFV and ICFV (McDonald and Wood, 1981; Milligan and Wood, 1982). Because it is well known that both acidic conditions and exposure to metals, such as silver and copper, result in loss of ions from the blood, it is reasonable to expect that the ICFV would respond in a similar manner in either case, regardless of the underlying cause of the ion depletion (i.e. exposure to low pH conditions or to metals). An alternative interpretation of the fluid compartments considered herein is that they correspond to a 2-compartment vascular system exchanging with a 2-compartment ISFV, while the ICFV is a non-interacting volume. The ISFV in this case would correspond to a 2-compartment sodium pool consisting of richly perfused tissues that are readily accessible for exchange, a ‘fast pool’, and tissues that are less well perfused, a ‘slow pool’. As configured herein, the slow pool is connected to the vascular system via the fast pool (i.e. the 2 pools are connected in series). There are a number of alternative configurations of the fluid compartments that could reasonably P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 be considered. The simplest would be to consider a single, completely mixed, fluid volume. This approach was used in the early stages of model development and it was found to be necessary to increase the effective volume of the fluid compartment, as survival time increased, to achieve consistency in response times between model and data. (The version of the model described herein may be set up in this way by the appropriate assignment of inputs.) Another approach would be to allow both of the extravascular fluid volumes to exchange directly with the vascular system, with the exchange rates between the blood and the fast and slow pools controlled by varying the respective permeability coefficients. Another variation would be to have the tissues associated with the fast pool exchange with the primary vascular system and those of the slow pool exchange with the secondary vascular system. The model would need to be modified slightly to represent these latter configurations. It is not clear if these distinctions would lead to a material change in the ability of the model to reproduce the observed results, but they could potentially lead to an improved physiological representation of the fish. It is expected that the continued use of this model, including model sensitivity analyses in conjunction with analysis of results of suitably designed experiments, will lead to an improved understanding of how best to proceed. Recently, another excellent source of information on tissue fluid volumes in fish has been identified (Bushnell et al., 1998). This study provides very detailed information on fluid volumes for a wide variety of tissues. Of particular interest was their evaluation of the volume of the secondary vascular system, and its rate of exchange with other compartments, both of which were found to be of much less importance than the results reported by Steffenson and Lomholt (1992). Further consideration of these results will be warranted in conjunction with future applications of the IBM. 4.2. Analysis of survival time data The survival time data analyzed herein serve as an excellent basis for model development because the water chemistry of the test waters reflected a wide range of conditions that resulted in a correspondingly wide range of effects. Median survival times ranged from less than 1 h to longer than 1 week. While having its advantages, to some degree 331 the wide range of organism responses was also problematic, as it resulted in the need to introduce additional model parameters to represent each of the mechanisms of toxicity that are reflected in the data. The discussion that follows will be ordered in accordance with the different time scales considered by the model, beginning with the shorterterm pulse exposure results followed by the intermediate range effects. The potential for applicability of a refined version of this model framework to the analysis of chronic effect conditions, conditions not fully reflected in the data that have been analyzed herein, will also be discussed. 4.2.1. Short-term pulse exposures Two sets of experimental results were analyzed in which lethality occurred on time scales of about an hour to a few days. To achieve the rapid onset of lethality, it was necessary to invoke an assumption that there is physical damage to the gill, leading to an increase in gill permeability and an accelerated rate of losses due to passive diffusion from the blood. Based on studies at low pH, it has been found that the Naq efflux increases progressively as pH decreases (McDonald, 1983a,b). It can be increased markedly, by more than 10-fold, at pH 4 (Packer and Dunson, 1970). With influx essentially eliminated at this pH, the sodium efflux resulted in a rate of loss of Naq from the body of approximately 10% per hour. At pH 3, the rate of Naq efflux increased to 50% per hour and rapidly resulted in death (Packer and Dunson, 1972). The mechanism of this increase in efflux has been attributed to an increase in permeability caused by low pH titration of the calcium-based intercellular cement-like material that the tight junctions of the branchial epithelium are made of. This effect appears to be similar to what happened in the low calcium and low chloride datasets analyzed previously, where it was necessary to increase gill permeability by as much as about a factor of 6 to account for the short survival time that was observed. Packer and Dunson (1970, 1972) provided some of the earliest demonstrations that exposure of brook trout to low pH conditions inhibits sodium uptake and that it is the rate of loss of sodium, rather than the total amount that is lost, that correlates best with survival time. Similar effects have been reported by others (McDonald, 1983b; Wood, 1989). Packer and Dunson (1972) hypothesized that ‘extremely rapid rates of loss may 332 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 deplete plasma Na to a greater extent than if the rate is slower and the loss comes from a greater proportion of the total Na pool.’ This was concluded from the observation that when the rate of branchial sodium loss and mortality was accelerated the whole body Na loss was reduced. (Overall losses of sodium by brook trout were well in excess of 30% in these early studies.) A similar statement may be made about the SBM. That is, if the loss of sodium occurs relatively slowly, then sodium levels in all of the compartments will decrease at nearly the same rate, and the whole body sodium loss will approach 30% at the time of death. Conversely, if sodium is lost quickly from the primary system, then the decrease of sodium in the other compartments will lag behind the concentrations in the primary system and less sodium will be lost, on a whole body basis, at the time of death. The criterion that has been used here of a 30% loss of plasma sodium at the time of death is employed as a first approximation, and could be refined if justified on the basis of a more thorough review of the available data. It should also be recognized that use of a 30% decrease in the plasma sodium level is somewhat of an oversimplification, as it is the overall disruption of ionoregulation that actually leads to adverse effects to the organism. These effects include changes in the osmolality of the blood, shifts in fluid volumes and an ensuing and well-documented cascade of events that culminates in cardiovascular collapse and death (Milligan and Wood, 1982; McDonald, 1983b; Wood, 1989 for effects of pH; also Wilson and Taylor, 1993a; Taylor et al., 1996 for copper, Wood et al., 1996; Hogstrand and Wood, 1998 for silver). Sodium has been used herein as a convenient biomarker, a surrogate for the overall effect on ionoregulation that triggers this ill-fated sequence of events. The effect of calcium on gill permeability, a competitive interaction with silver at the gill paracellular junctions, is not to be confused with the competitive interaction that is represented in the BLM of acute toxicity. The competitive interaction in the BLM represents competition at the biotic ligand and is related to the inhibition of NKA activity, rather than an effect on permeability. At more realistic levels of dissolved silver of approximately 6–8 mgyl, Janes and Playle (1995) have shown that calcium is ineffective at competing with silver for interaction at the biotic ligand at calcium levels as high as 10 mM. Here, even though the dissolved silver concentration is much higher, there is evidently a significant benefit associated with increasing the calcium from 0.05 to 5 mM, as survival time increases by about an order of magnitude. The model results described herein have emphasized the role of Ca2q in the model, both with respect to its role as a competing cation (in the BLM), as well as its effect on gill permeability (in the IBM). However, Schwartz and Playle (2001) have recently reported results that support the inclusion of Mg2q in the BLM for silver as a competing cation as well, with its role generally viewed as being lesser in importance than that of Ca2q. The reason for this lesser role may be related to the fact that Ca2q has the added effect on gill permeability through its ability to stabilize the gill structure, which is comprised of a calcareous material. In any case, the competitive effect of even calcium tends to be of less importance than it appears to be for other metals (Hogstrand et al., 1996). This reduced benefit is accounted for, in the context of the Ag BLM, by the relatively high affinity of Ag in comparison to that of other metals for binding to the biotic ligand. 4.2.2. Intermediate-term exposures As indicated by the short survival times reported by Galvez and Wood (1997), these data appear to have reflected conditions where gill permeability was elevated due to the high silver concentration. The exception to this appears to have been in the intermediate to high chloride level experiments where survival times exceeded approximately 2 days. Speciation calculations indicate that the free silver was less than approximately 35–40 mgyl in the experiments where survival times were greater than approximately 2 days and greater than this when the survival time was substantially less than 2 days. Since ambient levels of silver are typically much less than this (Campbell et al., 2001), it is unlikely that physical damage to the gills of fish will occur under normal field conditions. The model provided a reasonable prediction of survival times at a chloride level of 1 mM, but overpredicted survival at 5 mM. The reason for this in the high KCl treatment may have been that the gill permeability of the control fish was apparently less than the exposed fish. In the high NaCl treatment, both model and data indicated the EC50 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 would not occur within the time limits of the experiment. 4.2.3. Acclimation and chronic toxicity One of the motivating factors that led to the development of the SBM was the idea that it might help to better understand, and ultimately to be better able to predict, the effects that result from longer-term chronic exposure to metals. It had been shown that the rate of response of plasma sodium levels to exposure to silver decreased as the concentration of available silver decreased (Fig. 5; McGeer and Wood, 1998). At about the same time, there were also data that showed that at silver levels of 0.5–2 mgyl rainbow trout may eventually recover from an initial loss of sodium, with the recovery taking place over a time scale of approximately 28 days (Galvez et al., 1998). There is a suggestion of this same response in the data of Fig. 5c and d where, between the time of the 24- and 48-h measurements, qualitatively at least if not statistically significantly, there appears to be either a leveling off or slight increase in the plasma sodium level. Although the appearance of acclimation was a positive finding, other results from even longer-term studies have shown that reduced survival may still be observed over a longer period of approximately 18 months, at still lower silver concentrations of 0.2 mgyl (Davies et al., 1978). One explanation for why the rainbow trout in these longer-term experiments apparently did not fully acclimate is that it may be necessary for the metal exposure level to first exceed a threshold level that causes a detectable morphological disturbance (McDonald and Wood, 1993). It is plausible that the very low exposure levels used in these well-controlled tests precluded this condition. It follows that under conditions of a more natural setting, short-term periods where concentrations are elevated above the average concentration might be beneficial in that they may stimulate the physiological changes that lead to acclimation over the long term. Returning to the model, the initial line of reasoning was that at very low silver concentrations, the organism response to a loss of plasma sodium would still occur, but at a very slow rate. Given sufficient time, the critical plasma sodium level would eventually be reached and mortality would occur. What was needed then was for the model to be able to relate the exposure level to the degree of inhibition of active sodium uptake, and hence 333 to the net rate of loss of sodium, and to then use this relationship to predict the response of plasma sodium levels to chronic low-level exposures. The model was developed and, within reasonable limits, it has been shown to be able to achieve these objectives with a reasonable level of success. Interestingly, however, it does not respond in the manner that had been originally envisioned by the developers of this model. Rather, it does what a fish does. That is, if the degree of inhibition is low, in the range of 5–10%, then plasma sodium begins to decrease slowly, but eventually it will stabilize at a new steady state condition. This is exactly the situation that is illustrated by both the model and data shown on Fig. 5c and d. The simple explanation for this is as follows. Under normal conditions, influx and efflux are in balance and the plasma sodium level is constant. If they were not in balance, there would be a net rate of gain or loss of sodium, and plasma sodium levels would change. (Renal losses need to be considered as well, but they are a relatively minor part of the overall balance and will be neglected for discussion purposes, as the general concept remains the same in any case.) If the sodium influx rate now decreases by 10% due to exposure to silver, then efflux exceeds influx and plasma sodium levels will begin to decline. But the efflux is to a very good approximation proportional to the plasma sodium level, so once the plasma sodium concentration decreases by 10% influx and efflux are again in balance, though at a new equilibrium plasma sodium concentration, and the decline of plasma sodium levels is arrested. The data of Fig. 5c and d illustrate that this in fact occurs, and while the model is useful in explaining why this occurs, in hindsight, this result seems obvious. An interesting consequence to this line of reasoning is that if 30% loss of plasma sodium is required for death to occur, then at least 30% inhibition of active uptake is required for lethality, in the absence of damage to the gill that might increase the gill permeability. Note that for the high chloride tests, the model correctly predicted survival in the NaCl treatment, the reason being that only approximately 5% inhibition of JM was predicted. Similarly, only 10% inhibition was predicted in the high KCl treatment, so survival was predicted in this case as well, even though half of the fish were somewhat uncooperative in this regard. Another limitation of the model, besides failure to be accurate in all instances, is that while 334 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 the model predicts a leveling off at a new equilibrium concentration, the fish will not necessarily do the same. A variety of acclimatory responses may intercede, leading to longer-term recovery in the most favorable of circumstances. For example, McDonald (1983b) has shown that at low rates of Naq loss there is an enhanced opportunity for hormonal adjustments to take effect, reducing gill permeability and increasing active uptake of sodium, leading to an improved chance of survival. The results of Zadunaisky (1997) suggest that the shorter-term response is stimulated by the initial change in plasma osmolality while the longer-term response is more likely related to the release of cortisone by the fish. What exactly happened in the case of Davies’ early experiments is at this point unclear. However, the results of more recent long-term data suggest that water chemistry will continue to be an important factor in assessing silver availability and longterm effects (Davies, 1997). Further, ongoing studies that are directed at gaining an improved understanding of these early results will hopefully shed some light on this matter. Initial results with fathead minnow have indicated that losses of sodium continue to be an important biomarker of adverse effects leading to death (Stubblefield et al., 2000). In this regard, the SBM highlights the importance of chemistry not only to metal bioavailability, but to the physiological status of the organism itself, especially with regard to its ability to regulate internal levels of sodium, chloride, and perhaps other ions as well. 4.3. Other considerations While the capability to predict effects associated with alternative exposure durations is a useful feature of this model, it also has applicability to other aspects that are of toxicological interest as well. That is, this same framework should also be useful in the interpretation and analysis of time variable exposures, residual effects following exposure to metals, potential effects of chloride and other ions, and species and genus sensitivity. It may also have implications to consider for toxicity models that have been proposed for other types of chemical stressors. 4.3.1. Time variable exposure and residual aftereffects The inhibition of NKA activity that results from exposure to silver has been observed to occur in a dose-dependent manner (Hussain et al., 1994; Morgan et al., 1997). Further, the inhibition of branchial Naq and Cly influxes occurs almost immediately upon exposure, while the effect on the corresponding effluxes is much less (Morgan et al., 1997). The speed of the response is consistent with the reported rapid inhibition of NKA by both silver and mercury (Anner et al., 1992; Hussain et al., 1994). Further, Hussain et al. (1994), working in vitro, showed that the inhibition of NKA activity is both rapid and reversible, while Morgan et al. (1997) showed that when the concentration of silver was returned to background levels after 48 h of exposure at 2 mgyl, the sodium influx and net flux were almost immediately returned to control values. Collectively these results, especially the idea that NKA inhibition is rapid and reversible, provide a basis for simulating the effects of time variable exposures. That is, all that is required is to reinitialize the plasma sodium concentration and the associated sodium fluxes each time the silver concentration or other water quality characteristics change, recompute BL:Ag and Ji, and continue to calculate the plasma sodium concentration over time until either the critical plasma sodium level associated with lethality occurs, or recovery occurs. Fig. 9 illustrates use of the model to simulate time variable effects. The situation is quite simple. The simulation begins with a pre-exposure period (t-0), during which time influx and efflux are in equilibrium and plasma sodium levels remain constant. This is followed by a 12-h exposure to the metal (0-t-12 h), and then a return to preexposure conditions (beginning at ts12 h). The computations assume that NKA inhibition occurs both rapidly and reversibly, such that active sodium uptake recovers immediately when exposure to the metal is ended. Active sodium uptake is inhibited at the start of the exposure, and hence a period of net loss ensues and plasma sodium decreases. At ts12 h the exposure to silver is removed, active uptake returns to normal and, as indicted by the upper dashed line, the model predicts a recovery of plasma sodium levels over time, in the direction of pre-exposure levels. For the second case (lower curve) it is assumed that the exposure concentration is high enough to result in both inhibition of active sodium uptake plus physical damage to the gill. The gill damage is manifested in terms of an increase in gill permeability such that PG)PGo. In this case, once the exposure is removed after 12 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 335 Fig. 9. Illustrative model results that show how delayed effects may occur even after exposure to a metal is eliminated. The computations assume that active sodium uptake recovers immediately, while the increased gill permeability, resulting from physical damage to the gill due caused by a short-term pulse exposure, does not recover immediately, once the metal exposure is eliminated. The upper line shows model prediction in the absence of gill damage, with plasma sodium beginning to return to pre-exposure levels. The lower line shows how plasma sodium levels may continue to decrease even with uptake returned to normal, because the permeability of the damaged gill remains elevated. Lethality ensues at 30% depletion, some time after the exposure was eliminated. h, active uptake returns to normal, but the efflux remains elevated. As a result, sodium losses continue over time, although at a slower rate than during the exposure period (the lower curve at t)12, where influx is returned to normal). With plasma sodium levels continuing to decline, lethality ensues at the point of 30% depletion of plasma sodium, approximately 12 h after the exposure was eliminated. Note that these short duration simulations do not reflect the possible mitigating effects that longer-term acclimation may have, such as changes in chloride cell density, active uptake rate, or reduced gill permeability. Such changes may have important implications, but they have not yet been incorporated in the model. 4.3.2. Effect of chloride As noted previously, exposure to some metals, including silver and copper, may inhibit not only sodium uptake but chloride uptake as well (Wilson and Taylor, 1993a; Morgan et al., 1997). Thus, it is of interest to speculate about the potential effect of the ambient chloride concentration on metal effect levels. In the case of Agq, Cly reduces its toxicity by forming the relatively non-bioavailable AgCl complex, concurrently reducing the level of Agq and hence its degree of interaction at the biotic ligand. For copper, this would not be an important factor because Cu2q does not form a strong chloro-complex. Aside from its effect on speciation, it seems reasonable to speculate that chloride may have further effects, in the case of either metal. Consider that active chloride uptake occurs in much the same way as active sodium uptake, conforming to saturation kinetics and having a characteristic maximum uptake rate and half saturation concentration for chloride in the ambient water (Goss and Wood, 1990a,b). Also, since it is the loss of ions from the blood via passive diffusion that causes osmoregulatory disruption, leading to shifts in fluids between internal compartments, ultimately leading to cardiovascular collapse and death, it would be expected that both sodium and chloride would play a similar roll. If so, it follows that anything, which affects chloride regulation, will have a bearing on the response of the organism. Because relatively high chloride levels in the ambient water will facilitate the active uptake of chloride, this would be expected to reduce the rate of any net loss rate of chloride that occurs when active uptake has been inhibited or, under relatively extreme conditions, where efflux has increased 336 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 due to an increase in gill permeability. This effect should occur not only for silver but for copper as well. In fact, recent test results with Daphnia sp. have shown that the Cu LC50 values did in fact increase with an increase in chloride levels in the test water (Rodriguez et al., 2001). Another effect of increasing the chloride level in the ambient water would be to reduce the concentration gradient between the blood and water and hence diffusive losses. This would normally be expected to be a relatively slight effect in freshwater settings, however, because ambient chloride levels remain low, typically in the range of 0.05–5 mM (approximately 2–200 mgyl), in comparison to plasma chloride levels of approximately 150 mM (5250 mgyl). However, Lewis and Lewis (1971), in tests with channel catfish and golden shiner, showed that increasing the concentration of NaCl in the ambient water to levels approaching the osmolality of the blood, actually mitigated the adverse effects of exposure to Cu. While both sodium and chloride levels were increased in this case, it was necessary that they be increased to levels well in excess of where active uptake is saturated in order to prevent effects. It follows that at this level of Naq and Cly in the ambient, the diffusive losses would be markedly reduced, thereby mitigating what would otherwise be the expected acute effects of exposure to copper. Several other examples have been reported where elevated levels of sodium in the ambient water affected the diffusive flux of ions between the water and plasma. Wilson and Taylor (1993b) showed how plasma sodium levels of rainbow trout exposed to copper in saltwater increased (the direction of the diffusion gradient is reversed in saltwater) until internal and external levels of sodium were about equal. Packer and Dunson, in low pH exposures, also showed how elevated sodium levels extended survival time from 2 to 8 h, though death eventually ensued, probably as a result of losses of other ions. It is expected that elevated external chloride levels would have a similar beneficial effect, at least in regard to reducing diffusive losses from the blood. Chloride uptake could be readily incorporated into the IBM model framework. If warranted, ionspecific gill permeability coefficients (Potts, 1984) could also be included. Potts (1984) presents the equations that describe the fluxes associated with these electrochemical gradients, should further refinement be needed. 4.3.3. Species sensitivity The reason for differences in species sensitivity to various chemical stressors, including metals, is not well known. McDonald et al., in an effort to understand why these differences exist for fish, conducted a study of the differences in gill morphology of freshwater fish in relation to their sensitivity to low pH conditions (McDonald et al., 1991). On the basis of parallel studies with banded sunfish, yellow perch, smallmouth bass, rainbow trout and common shiner (listed in order of lowest to highest sensitivity to pH and spanning the limits of resistance to pH effects among freshwater teleosts), they concluded that acid tolerance is not correlated with some of the basic physical dimensions of the gills (surface area, thickness or blood– water diffusion distance) or with the degree of mucous formation on the surface (i.e. the ‘degree of mucification of the surface’). However, they found that it may be correlated to the chloride cell density and the branchial ion-transport activity. They interpreted this to indicate that sensitivity to low pH is related to the intrinsic ion-permeability of the gills, which is related to the depth of the tight junctions between adjacent gill pavement cells. The observation of McDonald et al. (1991) that the chloride cell density increased with increasing sensitivity may at first seem counterintuitive, since a high transport capacity would seem to be a positive attribute. This is in fact a reasonable result if viewed from a different perspective. That is, the tendency for the more sensitive fish species to possess higher chloride cell densities is due to the fact that their gill epithelium is relatively permeable (i.e. ‘leaky’). This in turn requires that they possess a relatively high chloride cell density and an associated high JM to increase their ionic uptake capacity, a necessity for maintaining homeostasis with regard to the ionic composition of their intracellular fluids. Incorporation of the key physiological features of sodium uptake and efflux in the SBM makes it well suited for the analysis of species sensitivity in a way that considers the preceding mechanisms. A thought experiment will be used to illustrate how these characteristics would explain species sensitivity in the context of the SBM. First, in order to maintain simplicity without loss of generality, neglect renal losses. Next, consider two fish species that have the same plasma sodium concentration, but one has a low sodium influx P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 rate and the other a relatively high influx rate (e.g. Jis4 and 8 mmolykgw yd). Consistent with the need to maintain intracellular homeostasis, it can be estimated from Eq. (7) that the gill permeability must be higher (i.e. the gill is ‘iono-leakier’) for the species with the higher uptake rate. More directly, the effluxes for the two species will be 4 and 8 mmolykgw yd, equal to the respective influxes, for equilibrium conditions to be maintained with respect to plasma sodium. If it is assumed that the differences in sodium uptake rates vary in accordance with NKA activity, and that exposure to silver in the same test chamber will result in the same biotic ligand concentration for each fish species (the biotic ligand and binding constant are the same in each case), then the percent inhibition of sodium uptake will also be the same (Fig. 6). Assuming 75% inhibition occurs for this example, then the net loss of sodium will be JiyJes2y 8sy6 mmolykgw yd in the one case and JiyJes 1y4sy3 mmolykgw yd in the other case. All other things equal, the fish with the higher net rate of loss will lose 30% of its exchangeable sodium (7.5 mmolykgw if the exchangeable pool is 50 mmolykgw) in 1.25 days while the less sensitive fish with the lower rate of loss will survive for 2.5 days. Alternatively, it is readily shown that only 37.5% inhibition is required for a survival time of 2.5 days for the more sensitive species, the one with the higher efflux rate, so the LC50 would be lower as well, given the same exposure water characteristics. It should be understood that there is somewhat of a ‘chicken or the egg’ conundrum here, as it is not perfectly clear what is the more fundamental parameter that leads to an organism being sensitive to exposure to metals, the high uptake rate or the high loss rate of sodium and other ions. While a high uptake rate in combination with a fixed exchangeable sodium pool is associated with a faster response time when an organism is stressed than is a slow uptake rate, it is not clear that it is the uptake rate per se that is causally related to the response time. Rather, the capability to efficiently take up sodium at a relatively high rate is more likely to be an asset, a capability that has developed, perhaps evolved, from the need to overcome the high rate of loss of sodium associated with a leaky branchial epithelium. Further, considering that this is an energy demanding process, it is not an energetically advantageous process that an organism would be likely to carry out, 337 except out of necessity. The efflux rate is more logically expected to be the cause of a short response time, as once the uptake is reduced or entirely eliminated, it is the efflux alone that controls how quickly the steady state sodium pool will decrease in concentration. Regardless of what logic and intuition might offer in answering this problem, the insight provided by the mathematical solution to the problem is that it is the efflux rate of sodium that controls the response time, rather than the influx rate. The ratio of the uptake to efflux rates will control the magnitude of the steady state plasma sodium concentration, but only the efflux rate, including both passive losses at the gill and renal losses, will control the response time of the organism to exhibit effects due to inhibition of the active uptake system. At the same time, perhaps there are some inherent metabolic advantages to a high sodium uptake rate, perhaps related to the need to maintain acid–base homeostasis in conjunction with high metabolic needs. If so, there may be a compensatory advantage, an underlying need for some organisms to possess a higher efflux rate of sodium than others. Recent investigations suggest that this need may derive from energetic requirements that are related to organism size (Bianchini et al., 2002; Grosell et al., 2002). The effect of size on sodium uptake rate could be added to the model via a simple regression equation that relates sodium uptake rate to size, or by simply estimating the uptake rate independent of the model and setting the appropriate value as a model input. Finally, it is of interest to consider a comprehensive summary of data on osmo-conformers and osmo-regulators that has been compiled by Mantel and Farmer (1983). In view of the results that have been presented above, review of these data begs the question of whether or not osmo-conformers, aquatic organisms who’s plasma osmolality tends to vary with the ambient, would tend to have a reduced sensitivity to metals, since the low concentration gradient would reduce the efflux and hence the rate of change in plasma composition that arises from diffusive losses or gains. 5. Summary The model described herein provides a unique basis for considering the effects of metals on ionoregulation by aquatic organisms. Though developed for fish exposed to silver, the same type 338 P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 of framework should be readily adaptable to other types of organisms, including invertebrates, and to other metals as well. Of course, an understanding of the underlying physiological mechanisms would be a pre-requisite to the successful application of the model. At the same time use of this type of model should help to elucidate the significance of these underlying mechanisms. By incorporating a direct link to the BLM of the acute toxicity of metals, the SBM extends the utility of this approach in a number of ways. While the focus of the BLM is on the chemical interactions of water quality characteristics on metal availability and toxicity, the SBM adds an additional dimension, focusing on the physiological interactions of water quality characteristics with the organism itself. With regard to calcium, Playle et al. showed that it was not protective of gill Ag accumulation, a result that is consistent with toxicity data that show that Ca2q (and hardness generally) does not effectively compete against silver to mitigate the inhibition of sodium uptake that is caused by silver. Here, we see that at high silver concentrations, where physical damage to the gill is believed to have occurred, Ca2q appears to be protective in a different way, by maintaining the integrity of the gill structure, specifically the calcareous paracellular junctions. An equimolar concentration of Cly is even more protective than Ca2q at the elevated silver levels considered herein, not only because it reduces free silver, thereby reducing the inhibition of active sodium uptake, but because the decrease in free silver is also protective of the physical integrity of the gill. Comparison of the results of experiments with additions of KCl compared to NaCl shows that Naq is also beneficial to the organism. In the context of the BLM this benefit is a competitive one, resulting in reduced inhibition of sodium uptake kinetics, while in the SBM, there are two additional benefits of increased levels of sodium in the external water. These are the enhanced uptake of sodium via the carrier-mediated uptake system and, to a lesser degree, a decrease in diffusive losses due to a decrease in the plasma– water concentration gradient that controls diffusive losses. Finally, while the mechanism is not currently included in the model, the conceptual framework suggests, by analogy to sodium, that elevated chloride levels may have additional physiological benefits to aquatic organisms. That is, an increase in the level of chloride would be expected to facilitate chloride uptake via the carrier-mediated uptake system and, to a limited degree in the studies considered herein, it would also decrease the blood–water concentration gradient of chloride, thereby reducing diffusive losses of chloride. One of the interesting insights that the SBM offers is that two very different dissolved LC50 values can have the same time to death and the critical accumulation level at the biotic ligand, need not be uniquely defined. This finding is counter to one of the underlying premises of the BLM that the LA50 value associated with a fixed effect is invariant. The reason this may occur is that there are other non-stressor related water quality characteristics (e.g. the Naq concentration in the water) which may affect the ability of the organism to survive through a direct effect of a metal on the physiological status of the organism (e.g. Naq uptake kinetics), without necessarily interacting with the metal at the site of action of toxicity. To date, although such effects have been successfully subsumed within the guise of the chemical interactions incorporated in the BLM, they are in fact significant physiological interactions that may, as an alternative, be treated explicitly within the context of the SBM. While adding to the complexity of the overall analysis, by considering these interactions in this manner the potential utility of the BLM is enhanced. While to some degree the conditions of the experiments that were analyzed herein made it possible to distinguish between the chemical and physiologically processes that concurrently affect metal availability and biological effects, this distinction was not totally unambiguous. Among the things that will be needed in the future will be experiments that are designed to clearly differentiate between those effects that are chemical in nature, as are currently represented in the BLM (e.g. competition of Ca2q or Naq with the metal at the biotic ligand), and those that are more physiological in nature, as exemplified in the SBM (e.g. effects of Ca2q on permeability and Naq on uptake kinetics). The chemical factors serve to reduce metal availability and provide a first line of defense for the organism, one that prevents the manifestation of effects in the first place, while the physiological factors alter the sensitivity of the organism to the adverse effects of elevated concentrations of metals, when they are manifested. In the interim, the BLM of acute toxicity subsumes P.R. Paquin et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002) 305–343 these concurrent chemical and physiological processes and related effects into the chemical interactions that are represented in the model. The fact that it does this may account for some of the residual uncertainty in BLM predictions, uncertainty that will ultimately be able to be reduced, or as a minimum better understood, by further consideration of the physiological interactions that take place. It will also be of utmost importance in the future to gain an improved understanding of the processes that are involved in acclimation of the test organisms, both in the laboratory and the field, and to introduce these processes into the model framework. This will be of particular utility in helping to understand chronic effects that result from longterm, low-level exposures to metals. While not currently included in the model framework described herein, it is envisioned that the effects of pH on Naq uptake, and HCO3y on Cly uptake are additional refinements that will enhance the applicability of the model and serve to further elucidate the importance of the interactions of the many chemical and physiological processes of importance. Incorporation of osmoregulatory processes that control internal fluid transfers may also be of use. The demonstrated capability of the IBMySBM framework to predict survival time under alternative exposure conditions is a useful feature of this physiologically-based framework. However, perhaps of even greater importance is its potential future utility as a framework for analyzing the effects of time variable exposure conditions, residual after-effects of exposure to metals, acclimation, chronic toxicity and species and genus sensitivity. The development of a predictive model that includes each of these capabilities will require further refinements and a concerted, collaborative effort by chemists, physiologists toxicologists and modelers alike. However, this type of model should be of great value to regulatory agencies that need to consider species sensitivity distributions for acute and chronic toxicity, and the magnitude, frequency and duration of exceedances in developing refined WQC for metals. These same features will also provide the risk manager with an improved tool for use in making risk management decisions with respect to the assessment of the expected effects of metals in aquatic settings. 339 Acknowledgments This work was completed with the financial support of the Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY and the International Imaging Industry Association, Harrison, NY. The helpful comments, support and assistance of Mr Joseph Gorsuch of Eastman Kodak Company and two anonymous reviewers are also gratefully acknowledged. References Allen, H.E., Hall, R.H., Brisbin, T.D., 1980. Metal speciation, effects on aquatic toxicity. Environ. Sci. Technol. 14, 441. Allen, H.E., Hansen, D.L., 1996. The importance of trace metal speciation to water quality criteria. Water Environ. Res. 68, 42–54. Anderson, D.M., Morel, F.M.M., March 1978. Copper sensitivity of Gonyaulax tamarensis. Limnol. Oceanogr. 23, 283–295. Anner, B.M., Moosmayer, M., Imesch, E., 1992. 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