This area of the Transfer Equivalency Report (TER) shows the institution attended. Each institution will appear on a separate report. 23 Aug 2011 13:30 Student......: Acad Programs: TRANSFER EQUIVALENCY REPORT 0123456 Ms. Jane F. Doe UNDC Two transfer courses counting toward one Whitman course; the extra credits are transferred as general degree credit. This transfer course was a direct equivalent to a Whitman course. It appears with the Whitman course title information (ANTH-102), but the number of credits awarded depends on the credits earned at the other institution. For example, ANTH-102 is usually worth 4 credits at Whitman, but here it only transfers for 3 credits because that is what it was worth at Averycool Community College. This course fits into a specific department, but is not equivalent to a specific Whitman course. If the department listed offers a major or minor, this course could count toward those requirements. This course was worth more credits at Averycool Community College (4 credits) than it is at Whitman (3 credits), so it transfers for the direct equivalent (MATH-125), plus one additional credit of Quantitative Analysis. – – – – – – – – TRANSFER – – – Course Title Credits ------------- --------------------------- -------ENGL 101 English Composition I 3.00 ENGL 102 English Composition II 3.00 Equiv. Description.......: Restrict to Acad Programs: Gr -A A- – – – – – – – – – – – EQUIVALENT – – – – – – – End Dt -------06/01/11 06/01/11 Course/ GR/ Subject/Crs Lvl Dept Credits Type Acad Lvl ---------------- ----- ------- ---- -------ENGL-110 4.00 T UG TRAN-TF.OC 2.00 T UG Status ----------TR TR 4.00 B+ 06/01/11 TRAN-TF.CP 4.00 T UG TR ANTH 205 Cultural Anthropology Equiv. Description.......: Restrict to Acad Programs: 3.00 A 06/01/11 ANTH-102 3.00 T UG TR ECON 201 Microeconomics Equiv. Description.......: Restrict to Acad Programs: 3.00 A 06/01/11 ECON-101 3.00 T UG TR PE 111N Beginning Fencing Equiv. Description.......: Restrict to Acad Programs: 1.00 A 06/01/11 SSRA-TFA.OC 1.00 T UG TR ENGL 175 Intro to Literature– online Equiv. Description.......: Restrict to Acad Programs: 3.00 B- 06/01/11 TRAN-TF.HU 3.00 T UG TR MATH 105 4.00 B+ 06/01/11 MATH-125 TRAN-TF.QU 3.00 T 1.00 T UG UG TR TR 2.00 CR 06/01/11 TRAN-TF.OC 2.00 T UG TR Equiv. Description.......: Restrict to Acad Programs: “Elective” credit may be awarded when courses from a college on the quarter system are transferred. Whitman uses a 2:3 ratio to convert this credit into semester credits (3 quarter credits = 2 semester credits). Whitman does not round up for any extra 1/3 or 2/3 fractions, BUT, these extra fractions are added together at the end and may appear as Elective credit (again, rounding down if the total is not an integer). ELECTIVE Elective Equiv. Description.......: Restrict to Acad Programs: ======== 26.00 Transfer Credit Total for Ms. Jane F. Doe ======== 26.00 Equiv Transfer Credit How to Read the “Course/Subject/Crs Lvl” Column: There are up to three parts to the listing: TRAN-TF.OC 1 2 3 Part 1: Department - if it is the direct equivalent of a Whitman course, the appropriate course is listed ex: PHIL-117, ENGL-110 - if it fits into a particular department (appropriate for major credit), but is not equivalent to a specific course, the department is listed, along with the distribution area ex: SPAN-TF.HU, MATH-TF.QU - if it does not fit into a particular department, or is not accepted for major credit by that department, the course is listed as other transfer credit, with a distribution designation ex: TRAN-TF.OC, TRAN-TF.SCL Part 2: Type of Transfer Credit - if it is general academic transfer credit (or from an Approved Off-Campus Study program), the middle section is “TF” ex: ECON-TF.SO, TRAN-TF.OC - if the credits are from a Partner Off-Campus Study program (formerly called “Affiliated”), the middle section is “AF” ex: TRAN-AF.HU, POL-AF.SO - if the credits count as activity credits (music ensembles, theatre productions, sports & dance classes, etc.), the middle section is “TFA” ex: SSRA-TFA.OC, MUS-TFA.FI Part 3: Distribution - Alternative Voices: AL ex: TRAN-TF.AL - Cultural Pluralism: CP ex: ANTH-AF.CP - Social Sciences: SO ex: HIST-TF.SO - Humanities: HU ex: ENGL-TF.HU - Fine Arts: FI ex: ARTS-AF.FI – – CTSJ 145 Collegiate Sexualities Equiv. Description.......: Restrict to Acad Programs: Calculus I 1 Institution: Averycool Community College – – Page - Science: SC - Science with a Lab: SCL ex: PHYS-TF.SC ex: ASTR-AF.SCL - Quantitative Analysis: QU ex: MATH-TF.QU - Other Credit: OC ex: TRAN-TF.OC