PINELLAS PLANNING COUNCIL AGENDA MEMORANDUM AGENDA ITEM: MEETING DATE: March18.2009 SUBTECT: Consistency Report:StatusReportandFollow-UpActions RECOMMENDATION: CouncilReceiveandDiscussasDeemedAppropriate (InformationOnly - No ActionRequired) I BACKGROUND in their role as the At their meetingon April 3, 2007,the Board of County Commissioners, CountywidePlanning Authority (CPA), adoptedthe resolution approvingthe report entitled Reviewof Local GovernmentFuture Land UsePlans and Land DevelopmentRegulationsfor Consistencywith the Countywide Rules (Consistency Report). The Consistency Report identified the amendmentsto be madeto the local governments'comprehensiveplans (plans) and land developmentregulations(codes) in order to addressinconsistencieswith the were bestaddressed CountywideRules.The Reportalsoconcludedthat someinconsistencies provides review of the status of a by amendmentsto the Countywide Rules. This memo amendments madeto the CountywideRulesandthe localjurisdictions'plansandcodes. il. COUNTYWIDE RALES CONSISTENCY AMENDMENTS On February 17,2009, the CPA adoptedOrdinanceNo. 09-9, amendingthe Countywide Rules to addressa number of consistencyissues.One of the amendmentsto the Rules requires the Council staff to provide the local governments with a copy of any amendmentsto the Rules, with suggestedmodificationsto the local plans and codesthat may be appropriate,if any, to be performed within one year, to maintain consistencywith the Rules.By March 11,2009,the Council staff will have forwardedcopiesof the adopted ordinanceto each of the local jurisdictions with a summary of the matters addressedin the ordinance. Two consistencyissues,considerationof a coastalstorm areaconceptand amendmentsto the density/intensity averaging regulations, were set aside during this last amendment process.The Council staff will, over the next few months, addressboth of these issues PINELLAS PLANNING COUNCIL ACTION: COUNTYWIDE PLANNING AUTHORI TY AC TION: SUBIECft Consistency Report:StatusReportandFollow-UpActions with the Council relative to your direction to consider any further amendment of the Rules. NI. COUNTYWIDE RULES DOCUMENT TO BE UPDATED Currently, the printed copy of the Countywide Rules includes amendments adopted through March 19,2007. This current copy of the Rules doesnot include the consistency amendments adopted last month, or the content of the following four (4) ordinances adoptedafter March 19,2007: Ordinance 07-50, providing for alternative density and intensity standardsfor temporarylodging use,adoptedOctober 16,2007 Ordinance 08-43, amending traffic generation characteristictrip rates, adopted August26,2008 Ordinance 08-81, addressingthe requirements for submission and review of developmentagreementsprovided by local jurisdictions as part of a plan map amendment,adoptedDecember19, 2008 . Ordinance09-3, amendingthe Preservation(P) CountywidePlan Map categoryand establishing the Resource Management Overlay (RMO) Plan Map category, adoptedJanuary29,2009 The Council staff anticipatesprinting and distributing updated copies of the Countywide Rulesto includethe five (5) ordinancesby the end of June2009. U. CONSISTENCY PROCESSRESPONSE BY THE LOCAL JURISIDICTIONS After the ConsistencyReport was adopted,the Council staff met with local government staff members,and some electedofficials, to review the ConsistencyReport findings and to agreeupon the actionsrequiredto bring the local jurisdictions' plans and/orcodesinto consistencywith the Rules. After the meetingswith each of the local jurisdictions, the Council staff mailed them lefferssummarizingthe plan and/orcode issuesto be addressed, as was agreedupon during the meetings. To date, twenty-one (21) of the local jurisdictions have provided draft, proposed andlor adoptedplan and/or code amendmentsintended to resolve ConsistencyReport issues. Many of the local jurisdictions proposed to addressthe plan issuesthrough the State Department of Community Affairs Evaluation and Appraisal Report- (EAR-) based comprehensiveplan amendmentprocess.Not all local jurisdictions have yet completed this process.The Council staff is currently reviewing severalEAR-basedcomprehensive plan amendmentpackages.The Council staff reviews these plan amendmentsboth for SUBJEC?1 Consistency Report:StatusReportandFollow-UpActions consistencywith the Rules,pursuantto Division 3.3 of the Rules,as well as for resolution of the ConsistencyReport issues. Three (3) local jurisdictions have resolvedall of the consistencyissuesidentified in their plans andlor codes.In the months ahead,after additionaljurisdictions resolve all of their consistencyissues,the Council staff will ask the Pinellas Planning Council (PPC) and Countywide Planning Authority (CPA) to begin issuing updated Determinations of Consistency. 11 CONCLASION With the adoption of the consistencyamendmentsto the Countywide Rules, and to help expeditethe resolution of the outstandingConsistencyReport issues,the Council staff anticipatesmailing customized letters to the twenty-two (22) local jurisdictions with consistencyissuesyet to be reconciled.The letterswill provide the following: o Identificationof the plan andlor code issuesremainingto be resolved o Recommendedtime frame for resolutionof the issues o Offers to assistwith drafting plan and/or code amendmentordinancesneededto resolveconsistencyissues The Council staff anticipatescompletionof the individual lettersto be mailed to the local jurisdictionsby the end of April 2009.