Safety Corner by Lynn Hamrick, ESCO Energy Services, Electrical Risk Assessment Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment T he concept of risk assessment and mitigation is a central theme across a wide range of industries. How can risks be reliably identified, how can they be managed, under what circumstances should they be accepted or rejected and, especially, how are they likely to be interpreted or ‘perceived’ by different people? These questions arise in areas as diverse as health and lifestyle, hazardous industries, pensions and investments, transport, climate change, and environmental protection. For this article, we will provide some background on risk assessment, with particular focus on utilizing probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) to account for varying risk levels of tasks being performed. Then we will focus on how we may apply PRA in making decisions associated with electrical safety in the workplace. Background Methodologies for performing risk and reliability assessment in the early 1960s originated in the U.S. aerospace and missile programs. A risk, or reliability, calculation of some sort was performed, and the result was a very low success probability value. So disappointing was this result that NASA became discouraged from performing quantitative analyses of risk or reliability until after the Challenger mishap in 1986. In the meantime, the nuclear industry picked up PRA to assess safety, almost as a last resort, in defense of its very existence. This analytical method was gradually improved and expanded by experts in the field and has gained momentum and credibility over the past three or four decades, not only in the nuclear industry, but also in other industries like petrochemical, offshore platforms, defense, and even NASA after the Challenger incident. Because of its logical, systematic, and comprehensive approach, PRA has repeatedly proven capable of uncovering design and operation weaknesses that had escaped even some of the best deterministic safety and engineering experts. This methodology showed that it was very important to examine not only low-probability and high-consequence events, but also high-consequence scenarios which can emerge as a result of multiple high-probability influences such as adequate maintenance and the worker’s qualifications. Risk assessment is widely recognized as a systematic process for quantitatively or qualitatively describing risk. Risk is commonly described as a combination of the likelihood of an undesirable event (accident) occurring and its consequences. Another way of looking at risk is as a mathematical combination of an accident’s event probability of occurrence and the consequence of that event should it occur. Therefore, determining risk generally amounts to answering the following questions: 1. What is the hazard? 2. What is the probability that something will happen? 3. What are the consequences of the hazard? What is the hazard? The answer to the first question is a set of accident scenarios or hazards. For electrical safety in the workplace, this translates into the three known associated electrical hazards of electric shock, electric arc flash, and electric arc blast. What is the probability that something will happen? The second question requires the evaluation of the probabilities associated with these scenarios. This is a much more difficult question to answer. This involves developing a probability distribution associated with the hazards. For a PRA, answering this question involves the development of a probability of occurrence based on the task being performed and the influences of other contributing factors. A form of Summer 2010 NETA WORLD 1 task analysis should be provided for tasks to be performed. To a degree, NFPA 70E has provided an example of a task analysis with the provision of Table 130.7(C)(9), Hazard/ Risk Category Classifications and Use of Rubber Insulating Gloves and Insulated Hand Tools. Other contributing factors that come to mind for determining the probability of electrical hazards should include: • Maintenance Program • Preventive/predictive maintenance performed • Maintenance frequency • Electrical testing performed • Equipment condition • Equipment age • Equipment design • Equipment installation (i.e., per NEC, etc.) • Worker qualification • Worker skills • Worker experience • Electrical safety training • Safety program • Corporate safety culture • Voltage-rated tools and equipment • PPE requirements • Electrical hazard analysis This listing is not complete but should give you an idea of the types of things that need to be considered when developing a probability distribution for a hazard. Quantifying these probabilities is typically performed or supported by experts within the industry. What are the consequences of the hazard? The third question estimates the consequences or extent of the hazard. As an example for arc-flash hazards, this can be quantified by evaluating the incident energy, in cal/cm2, associated with an arc-flash event at a given location within a facility’s electrical infrastructure, IEEE 1584-2002, Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations. Based on an arcflash analysis, one can determine the consequences or extent of the hazard and provide safety precautions accordingly. For shock hazards, the consequence is electrocution and is more difficult to quantify. Most requirements are provided through OSHA requirements in the form of mitigation through the application of energy source controls (i.e., de-energize to eliminate the hazard) or PPE requirements based on the voltage levels. However, it is understood that the extent of the hazard is a function of the voltage level, where typically the higher the voltage, the higher the degree of shock hazard. 2 NETA WORLD Summer 2010 Incorporating PRA into Electrical Safety in the Workplace Given the background above, a question that should be asked is, can we use PRA in evaluating electrical safety hazards in the workplace and if so, how can we use PRA in developing work processes to accommodate performing electrical work on energized circuits? A foremost strength of a PRA is that it is a decision support tool. In safety applications, PRA helps managers and engineers find design and operation weaknesses in complex systems and then helps them systematically and efficiently uncover and prioritize safety improvements. The mere existence of a PRA does not guarantee that the right safety improvement decision will be made. The results must be understood and appreciated by the implementers so that the appropriate safety precautions and techniques are correctly implemented. There are many who suggest that no work should ever be performed on an energized circuit. My view is that this, although preferred, is unrealistic in today’s workplace. Some level of voltage measurement, testing, and troubleshooting will always be required to adequately maintain the complex systems encountered in the workplace. Additionally, most “best practices” in electrical maintenance include a predictive maintenance component (e.g., IR surveys, oil sampling, etc.) which is performed while the equipment is operating and energized. I feel that a combination of PRA with hazard mitigation requirements from OSHA and NFPA 70E is the solution. With the following discussion, I hope to exemplify how an approach of incorporating probabilities and task assessments into risk assessment can be provided and implemented in performing various tasks in the workplace. Let’s take the task of operating a switch with the door closed (i.e., energized but not exposed circuit) when an arc-flash analysis has calculated the arc-flash hazard as dangerous (>40 cal/cm2) when the circuit is exposed. In this case, there is no shock hazard since there is no exposure to an energized circuit. However, there is an arc-flash hazard even with no exposure to the circuit. But how do we determine the extent of the hazard with the door closed? In this case, it is not unreasonable to assume that the hazard is reduced when the door is closed. Even though a specific arc-flash hazard analysis is not provided for a switching operation with the doors closed, NFPA 70E does provide some insight into these types of operations through Table 130.7(C)(9). Some excerpts from this table are provided below for information. This table was developed such that the Hazard/Risk Category provided for exposed, energized work is representative of the analytically determined incident energy associated with the assumed conditions for the circuits. It is noted that, typically, the table enables a drop of up to two Hazard/Risk Categories when performing switching operations with the enclosure doors closed. The Hazard/ Risk Category for tasks, other than working on energized circuits, were derived through a consensus of committee members based on their experience and a thorough review of reported incidents and associated injuries. They are not analytically determined or based; however, they are consistent with the process of having experts establish a probability distribution within a PRA. This drop of two Hazard/Risk Categories represents an effective reduction in incident energies of ~ 80% (i.e., 40 to 8 cal/cm2 = 80% reduction, 25 to 4 cal/cm2 = 84% reduction, 8 to 1.2 cal/cm2 = 85% reduction). One could surmise from this observation that the arc-flash hazard associated with a switch operation with the doors closed is effectively 20% of the exposed hazard to the worker. This would suggest that if a switch has an exposed arc-flash hazard of up to 200 cal/cm2, using PPE meeting a Hazard/Risk Category of 4, or 40 cal/cm2, should be sufficient to protect the unexposed worker. NETA’s Safety Corner is a section of NETA World devoted to issues that those working in the electrical industry face on a daily basis. These articles are written by experts in the field, most of whom serve on NETA’s Safety Committee. NETA thanks these individuals for their commitment to safety and for helping to further the education of each reader with every issue of NETA World. As Operations Manager of ESCO Energy Services Company, Lynn brings over 25 years of working knowledge in design, permitting, construction, and startup of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation and controls projects as well as experience in the operation and maintenance of facilities. Lynn is a Professional Engineer, Certified Energy Manager and has a BS in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Tennessee. Correction to Winter 2009-2010 Safety with Arc-Flash Article For the electrical hazard discussed above, the reduction to 20% of the analyzed hazard is similar to the implementation of a probability of 0.20 that the hazard will occur based on a task assessment and contributing factors. Other contributing factors that could or should be incorporated into this assessment are equipment condition and design (i.e., proper maintenance, nonlouvered doors, etc.). Similarly, this type of assessment could be performed for IR surveys, which are presented in the table with a typical reduction of one Hazard/Risk Category, or insertion and removal of equipment from a live bus, which has a typical increase of one or two Hazard/Risk Categories. Although some may feel that all risks to an electrical worker should be mitigated through the use of energy source controls, PPE requirements, and special precautionary techniques, there is benefit in combining PRA-type analyses with current OSHA and NFPA 70E requirements to accommodate less hazardous work activities. All electrical tasks, as presented in NFPA 70E Table 130.7(C)(9), do not have the same level of risk. Currently with shock and arc-flash hazards, the standards assume a probability of “1” that an incident will occur, regardless of the task being performed, the equipment condition, or the experience and capabilities of the qualified worker. This inherent difference in risk levels could be accounted for through the judicious application of PRA techniques while allowing for adequate risk mitigation. NETA would like to extend its sincerest apologies for a misprinted byline in the winter 2009-2010 issue of NETA World. The Safety with ArcFlash feature article, “How do I get my technicians to adequately protect themselves from electrical hazards?”, was written by Mose Ramieh III of Power & Generation Testing, Inc. Mose Ramieh, III has over ten years of experience in the electrical power field. He is certified as a Level II Thermographer, a NICET Certified Level III Electrical Testing Technician, and a NETA Certified Level IV Technician. His expertise covers industrial and utility power systems from 480 volts to 161 kV and all controls associated with these systems. Mose has served as a member of the NETA Safety Committee since 2008. Summer 2010 NETA WORLD 3