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Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Physical Science – GRADE 8
Unit: Energy in our Life
Science Inquiry
All Wired Up!
Subject Area: Physical Science
Grade: 8
Standards (Content and Characteristics):
S8P5. Students will recognize characteristics of gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major kinds
of forces acting in nature.
b. Demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel circuits and how they transfer
S8CS1. Students will explore the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in
science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works.
a. Understand the importance of and keep honest, clear, and accurate records in science.
b. Understand that hypotheses can be valuable even if they turn out not to be completely accurate.
S8CS2. Students will use standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and field
a. Follow correct procedures for use of scientific apparatus.
b. Demonstrate appropriate techniques in all laboratory situations.
Enduring Understandings:
Series and parallel circuits can be used to control the amount of electric energy produced.
Electric forces arise from the presence of an unbalance in electric charge.
An electric circuit allows electrons to flow from a negative pole (excess electrons) to a positive
pole (deficient in electrons).
Transformation of energy usually releases some energy typically in the form of heat.
Essential Question:
How are electric circuits wired?
Have students do the following to check prior knowledge and understanding.
Modified from M.R. Abraham, “Inquiry and the Learning Cycle Approach,” Chapter 4, Chemists Guide to Effective
Teaching, Prentice Hall, 2005
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Physical Science y GRADE 8 y Energy in our Life
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Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Physical Science – GRADE 8
Draw a diagram of a circuit that will light a bulb, given an electric wire, a battery cell and a bulb.
Draw a diagram of a series circuit with 2 bulbs.
Draw a diagram of a parallel circuit with 2 bulbs.
Identify an advantage of a series circuit.
Identify an advantage of a parallel circuit.
Outcome/ Performance
Students will understand the requirements of making an electrical
Students will be able to build a working series circuit and parallel
Students will be able to describe how both types of circuits work.
Students will be able to describe the advantages and disadvantages
of parallel and series circuits.
Students will understand that electrical energy can be converted to
heat, light, sound and motion.
Students will wire a shoebox house with series and parallel circuits
to operate lights and other resistors that are controlled by switches.
Write a concept
statement…How would
you formulate an expert
These activities should focus on experimenting and exploring
electric circuits. Students should approach the activities like
engineers and inventors. Students should make predictions, share
predictions, and discuss and make a new prediction. There should
also be a general class discussion/presentation after each question to
clarify the material. The following activities should be done in
groups of two.
• Remind students that objects can get hot when electricity
flows through them due to friction.
• Be careful with the glass light bulbs.
• Do not use leaky batteries.
• Have the teacher use the wire strippers when it is necessary.
Activity 1 Circuits:
Give students an AA battery and a cut-apart strand of Christmas
light bulbs.
Challenge students to light the bulb as many ways as they can.
How can you make a complete circuit that will light a bulb?
Is electricity flowing through the whole circuit? How do you know?
In order to have a complete circuit, what do you need?
Does the temperature of the wire, battery or bulb change?
Modified from M.R. Abraham, “Inquiry and the Learning Cycle Approach,” Chapter 4, Chemists Guide to Effective
Teaching, Prentice Hall, 2005
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Physical Science – GRADE 8
Explain that electrons are flowing and if the circuit is broken the
flow is stopped. Discuss that an electric force is created by a
presence of unbalanced charge flowing from a negative pole (excess
electrons) to a positive pole (deficient electrons). Discuss the loss of
some energy as heat.
Activity 2 Switches:
Why are switches important?
How can you turn the current off and on in an electric circuit?
Give students a battery, a cut-apart Christmas light, a switch and
extra wire.
Have students use the switch to turn the light off and on in the
Have students show and explain what they did to include the switch
in the circuit.
Activity 3 Series and Parallel Circuits:
Give students two batteries, two cut-apart Christmas bulbs and extra
Can you build a circuit where if one bulb is removed, then the other
bulb will go out?
Can you build a circuit where if one bulb is removed, then the other
bulb will stay lit?
Does the brightness of the bulbs change in the two circuits? If so,
Can you trace the path of the current in the circuits?
Have students draw diagrams that trace the path of the current in
each circuit. (Correct symbols and schematics for drawing a circuit
could be taught here.)
Have the students label the diagrams appropriately as series and
parallel circuits.
Have the students compare and contrast the two types of circuits.
Activity 4 Transformation of Electrical Energy:
Explain that electricity can be used for other tasks in addition to
lighting light bulbs. Electrical energy can be transformed not only to
light energy but also to heat energy (curling irons), sound energy
(door alarms), mechanical energy (ceiling fans), etc.
Give students a buzzer to add to the circuits they built in activity 3.
Modified from M.R. Abraham, “Inquiry and the Learning Cycle Approach,” Chapter 4, Chemists Guide to Effective
Teaching, Prentice Hall, 2005
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Physical Science – GRADE 8
Which of the two circuits is most appropriate for wiring a buzzer?
Would you want the lights to go out when the buzzer sounded?
Write a concept
statement /
question…What kind of
situation would cause
this concept to become
apparent in students’
Final Concept Activity:
Supply students with the materials from the earlier activities and a
shoebox, tape, markers, construction paper, and small motors.
Ask students to design, construct, decorate and wire a shoebox that
represents one room of a house in this activity.
The room should have at least one of the following:
- a series circuit
- a parallel circuit
- switch
- light
- a resistor (buzzer, motor, etc. are optional)
Students could be challenged to have an alarm sound when the door
opens, a ceiling fan in the room with a light, fan that can run on
more than one speed, light bulb with more than one type of
Later, have students share their houses by discussing how the
electrical energy is being transferred and transformed throughout the
house. They should also include in their discussions wiring choices,
resistor arrangements, and energy flow.
Identify necessary data
data would demonstrate
the mastery of the
concept by ALL students
in the classroom?
A circuit is a closed loop through which an electrical current can
A closed circuit is complete and works.
Switches are used to control a circuit.
In a series circuit there is only one path of electricity. All the items
are arranged in a row one after the other. Adding bulbs will result
in all bulbs dimming because they share the electricity. Adding
batteries will make all bulbs brighter. If one bulb goes out the
circuit is broken and all bulbs go out.
In a parallel circuit there is more than one path of electricity. Adding
bulbs does not dim the lights, adding more batteries will not brighten
the lights and if one bulb goes out the others stay on.
Electrical energy can be transformed into heat energy, sound energy,
light energy, and mechanical energy.
Houses are wired using a combination of circuit types and switches.
Modified from M.R. Abraham, “Inquiry and the Learning Cycle Approach,” Chapter 4, Chemists Guide to Effective
Teaching, Prentice Hall, 2005
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Physical Science – GRADE 8
Write procedures that
will cause students to
organize data…Test a
procedure using known
List sample procedural statements that students may use to organize
their data.
Students could:
Create a lab journal of the data obtained through inquiry as they
complete the activities.
Draw schematics of the series and parallel circuits.
Draw schematics of the wiring used in the shoebox house.
If technology is available, use Physics Simulator to complete
activities 1-5 as well. This website allows students to virtually
create the circuits and shows the schematics. It would also extend
learning by experimenting with voltmeters and ammeters.
Write questions or
activities to use or apply
the concept (represent,
model, visualize, or
design new
Can you identify ways in which electricity is used in your house?
What kind of energy is the electrical energy being transformed to, in
each example?
Can you name a real world example of something that is wired in
parallel? How do you know?
Can you name a real world example of something that is wired in
series? Why?
The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits
This website has 5 sections
1. What makes circuits work?
2. Conductors and insulators
3. All about switches
4. Changing circuits
5. Circuit diagrams
Each section offers useful information and an interactive quiz.
This is another site that reviews electrical energy.
Incorporate energy balls for added fun.
The ball looks like a ping pong ball, but it flashes red and makes a
sound when the 2 small metal pieces on the bottom are connected so
that electricity can flow. It is great for demonstrating circuits.
Modified from M.R. Abraham, “Inquiry and the Learning Cycle Approach,” Chapter 4, Chemists Guide to Effective
Teaching, Prentice Hall, 2005
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Physical Science – GRADE 8
United Streaming video, Junior Electrician: Our Electric World
This video illustrates the uses of electricity and discusses sources of
electrical production.
Instructional Tasks
Accommodations for
ELL Students
Consider placement with a non-ELL lab partner before the class
begins. Consider extended time for labs that require extensive
Supply the student(s) with a diagram (or diagrams in activity 4) of a
light circuit that does work and one that does not as a handout to be
attached into their lab journals. Label the parts of the circuit with
essential vocabulary. Provide a word bank of any other essential
vocabulary. Have the drawing look as much like the actual
materials provided as possible. Have students copy the drawing that
does work using the given supplies. Encourage observing other
students before attempting. Check and provide feedback once or
twice during assembly. After assembly, encourage students to write
simple steps into their lab journals describing the assembly of their
circuit using vocabulary /language of the GPS given on the handout.
For activity 4, consider assembly of a two light bulb circuit/series
only instead of both a two and three light bulb circuit/series.
Supply the student(s) with diagrams of circuits/switches that include
a few of the materials to be added. Select for the diagrams the
materials that provide the most dramatic difference (the most and the
least) in the form of a handout to be included into the lab journal.
Include a word bank of any other essential vocabulary. Have the
drawings look as much like the actual materials given as possible.
Encourage observation of successful groups before asking the
student to assembly the circuits depicted in the drawings provided.
Check and provide feedback. Following assembly, encourage
students to write simple steps into their journals describing the
assembly of the circuits and how the materials affect the circuits into
their journals.
If a student is required to participate in front of peers as a class
activity, be sure that the student will be successful in their responses.
Instructional Tasks
Accommodations for
Students with
Students with attention/organizational difficulties could feel
overwhelmed with the size of the task involved. Teacher may
consider providing a detailed checklist with completion of each step
of each activity confirmed with teacher signature. The signature
process supplies an opportunity for comprehension checks as well.
The assembly of a circuit may be challenging to students with
processing deficits. Consider placement with a lab partner before
Modified from M.R. Abraham, “Inquiry and the Learning Cycle Approach,” Chapter 4, Chemists Guide to Effective
Teaching, Prentice Hall, 2005
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Physical Science – GRADE 8
the class begins. Consider extended time for any lab write ups that
require extensive writing and allow for typed write-ups.
Students with fine motor deficits and deficits for details may find the
drawing assignment challenging. Teacher should consider an
alternative of handing out unlabeled examples of each required
drawing and have the student attach these into their lab journals.
Students would complete research from books or Internet to label
drawings provided.
Unorganized students (specifically executive functioning disorder)
may need graphic organizer handouts to add to their lab journals
ahead of time for organizing predictions, experiments, and recording
data for multiple variables. For students that are not progressing
through the activities at a sufficient rate, consider limiting the
number of materials to be tested.
Be sensitive to learners who need time to absorb material. If a
student is required to participate in front of peers as a class activity
be sure that the student will be successful in their responses.
Instructional Tasks
Accommodations for
Gifted Students
Have students investigate the work of Nikola Tesla. Note that some
consider him to be a genius while others consider him to be too
much of an eccentric to really be historically significant. Based on
information available at PBS's informative site Tesla-Master of
Lightning site ( ) or Wolfram's site
( ) have
students create a multimedia presentation demonstrating how Tesla's
work has either impeded or increased the world's understanding and
use of electricity and magnetism. Note that Edison, a contemporary
of Tesla became one of Tesla's greatest rivals. Students might also
explore electricity and magnetism in order to decide which
individual, Tesla or Edison had the best ideas for inventing with
electricity and magnetism.
Consider allowing students to use Lego Robotics Labs to
demonstrate the application of electricity and magnetism concepts
rather than other activities if students already familiar with the
Modified from M.R. Abraham, “Inquiry and the Learning Cycle Approach,” Chapter 4, Chemists Guide to Effective
Teaching, Prentice Hall, 2005
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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