Links to Physical Science Electric Circuits

Links to Physical Science
Electric Circuits
Lesson 1: Thinking About Electricity and Its Properties
Notebook Writing: Pre-Unit Assessment (Teacher’s Guide, Unit Investigations p.3). Students
brainstorm and write about what they know about electricity and what they would like to learn.
Students will probably be surprised at how much they already know about the uses of electricity.
By the end of this lesson, they will have a better sense of what they would like to know about how
electricity works.
Lesson 2: What Electricity Can Do
Notebook Writing:
Prompt: “What would life be like without electricity? What would people have to do for light? How
would they accomplish chores such as washing clothes and cleaning the house? How else would
life be different?” (See Extension 1, TG Unit Investigations p.5)
Key Elements That Indicate Understanding
This activity is designed to provide a baseline against which to evaluate student progress as they
work through the Electric Circuit Unit.
Lesson 3: A Closer Look at Circuit
Notebook Writing: Prediction for Battery-Bulb-Connectors Arrangement and Explanation (TG Unit
Investigations p.19). Hand out Activity Sheet 1. Review directions. Make sure students
understand what they are supposed to do: to predict whether the bulb will light by writing “on” or
“off” under each drawing. Assure students that they will not be graded on their “guesses.” Instead,
they are to use the predictions as a way to learn. You might emphasize that this is the way
scientists work.
Key Elements That Indicate Understanding
Your observations of students as they tried to check their predictions will give you specific
information about their understanding of electric circuits, their ability to tackle new problems, and
their learning styles.
Lesson 4: What Is Inside a Light Bulb?
Math: “Electric Meter Mystery” helps students to make real-life connections and use math skills
for measuring in kilowatt-hours.
Submitted by Elsa Harridge and Leigh Slimp-Virgo – June, 2007
Lesson 4: What Is Inside a Light Bulb?
Notebook Writing: Constructed Response A, “Simple Complete and Incomplete Circuits”
(Embedded Assessment Package p.5)
• Use the materials in the bag to construct both a complete and incomplete circuit. (You do
not need to use all of the materials in the bag. Just use what you need.)
• Make a drawing of both circuits in your science notebook. Be sure to label each circuit
(complete, incomplete) and all the parts.
• Describe the differences between the two circuits you have drawn.
Key Elements that Indicate Understanding
• A drawing of a complete circuit, with label (“complete circuit”). All parts recognizable and
labeled (battery, bulb, wire). The drawing reflects a circuit that would actually work.
• A drawing of an incomplete circuit, with label (“incomplete circuit”). All parts recognizable
and labeled (battery, bulb, wire). The drawing reflects a circuit that would not actually
work, because it is incomplete.
Note: Drawings are of actual batteries, bulbs, and wires. Symbols have not yet been introduced.
There are multiple ways students can construct a complete and an incomplete circuit. Some of
these appear on pages 13 and 22 of the Teacher’s Guide.
• A description of the difference between the two circuits. The description should address
the importance of the placement of the materials to enable the bulb to lights. The
response might also describe the need for a continuous path for the electricity to flow. (A
complete circuit will have appropriate connections so that electricity can flow in a
continuous path. There needs to be connections from one end of the battery (positive or
negative) to one part of the bulb (metal base of soldered tip) and then from the other part
of the bulb (soldered tip or metal base) back to the other end of the battery (negative or
positive). If multiple batteries are used, it is important that the two batteries be arranged
so that the positive end of one battery is connected to the negative end of the other
battery, not positive end to positive end.)
Note: It is not necessary that students use sophisticated language to describe the parts of battery
(positive end, negative end) and the light bulb (metal base, soldered tip). They may use kid
language, such as ‘bump’ end and ‘flat’ end for battery and ‘side’ and ‘tip’ for the metal part of the
light bulb.
Teacher’s Directions (Embedded Assessment Package p.63-66)
Samples of Student Work (Embedded Assessment Package p.67-70)
Blackline Masters (Embedded Assessment Package p.71-73)
Lesson 4: What Is Inside a Light Bulb?
Math: “Discoveries in Using Electric” Timeline of Electric and Magnetic Power (Electric and
Magnetic Power Leveled Reader p.22) provides an opportunity to help students make real-life
connections and the use of math skills applied to periods of time.
Submitted by Elsa Harridge and Leigh Slimp-Virgo – June, 2007
Lesson 6: What’s Wrong with the Circuit?
Notebook Writing:
Prompt: “Write about problem-solving and troubleshooting techniques that you might use in every
day life.” (See extension 2, TG Unit Investigation p.36)
Key Elements that Indicate Understanding
Students should understand that problem-solving and troubleshooting are used frequently in
every day life by students and adults. Suggest that students write a brief account of the strategies
that are used in their science notebooks. Check to see if what strategies have been used by the
students and suggest step-by-step strategies that they might want to try.
Lesson 7: Conductors and Insulators
Notebook Writing: Prediction Chart for Conductors and Insulators
Students will be using their circuit tested to test their set of assorted materials. Emphasize the
importance of recording the things that don’t cause the bulb to light, as well as those that do.
Key Elements that Indicate Understanding
Students will be listing the results of their circuit testing. Expect a few contradictory results. These
provide an excellent opportunity to encourage students to resolve their differences by doing more
experiments. If possible, a student might do an experiment to resolve the disagreement. Students
should be encouraged to use content vocabulary “insulator” and “conductor” to describe their
Lesson 8: Making a Filament
Notebook Writing: Constructed Response B Tracing the Path of the Complete Circuit (Embedded
Assessment Package p.66)
• Make a drawing of a complete circuit showing a battery, wires, and a light bulb.
• Using a highlighter, trace the path of the electric current as it travels through the closed
circuit. Be very clear when showing the complete path the electric current follows.
Key Elements that Indicate Understanding
• A drawing of a complete circuit. All parts recognizable and/or labeled (battery, bulb, wire).
The drawing reflects a circuit that would actually work.
Note: Drawings are of actual batteries, bulbs, and wires. Symbols have not yet been introduced.
There are multiple ways students can construct a complete circuit. Accept all reasonable
• The path of the electric current is shown with highlighter. Students must highlight the
complete path. They should show that the current passes from one end of the battery,
through the wire to one contact point on the bulb (side of base or tip of base). Then the
current flow continues through the support wire, through the filament, through the other
support wire and out the other contact point on the bulb (tip of base or side of base). The
current continues to flow through the wire to the other side of the battery and then
through the battery. The circuit is then complete. The path passes through the filament
and through the battery.
Note: It is really important for students to understand that the current flows both through the
battery and through the light bulb (up one support wire through the filament and back down the
other support wire).
Teacher’s Directions (Embedded Assessment Package p.74-77)
Samples of Student Work (Embedded Assessment Package p.78-81))
Blackline Masters (Embedded Assessment Package p.82-84)
Submitted by Elsa Harridge and Leigh Slimp-Virgo – June, 2007
Lesson 9: Hidden Circuits
Math: Question and Answer Boards with math concepts can be constructed. (See extension 2 TG
Unit Investigations p.51). Students will devise a list of math questions and answers and randomly
place them on their boards. Students will need to place metal brad fasteners next to each
question or answer. Wires are then connected between the correctly corresponding questions
and answers. Students will use a circuit tester to determine which answer goes with which
question. When they connect the wires of their circuit tester to the correct two brad fasteners, the
light will go on.
Lesson 10: Deciphering a Secret Language
Notebook Writing: Constructed Response C Making Circuit Diagrams with Symbols (Embedded
Assessment Package p.76)
• Use the materials provided to construct a complete circuit (materials found in the kit).
Remember, you do not need to use all of the materials in the bag. Just use what you
• Draw a circuit diagram of the circuit you built using the electrician’s code. Your diagram
must show all of the electrical components and how they are connected.
• Include a legend identifying the symbols for the electrical components.
Key Elements that Indicate Understanding
• A diagram of a complete circuit. The diagram reflects a circuit that would actually work.
Note: A drawing of actual batteries, bulbs, and wires is not an acceptable response, as this
constructed response is probing for evidence of understanding of the use of the electrician’s
• All components are recognizable because of the use of accurate symbols and a complete
Teacher’s Directions (Embedded Assessment Package p.85-87)
Samples of Student Work (Embedded Assessment Package p.88-91)
Blackline Masters (Embedded Assessment Package p.92-94)
Submitted by Elsa Harridge and Leigh Slimp-Virgo – June, 2007
Lesson 12: Learning About Switches
Notebook Writing: Constructed Response D Inventing a Different Switch (Embedded Assessment
Package p.87)
• Use the materials provided by your teacher to make a different switch to use in a circuit.
Make a circuit to demonstrate that your switch works.
• Demonstrate to your teacher that the switch works in your circuit.
• Make a labeled drawing of the switch in your science notebook. Be sure to tell the
materials you used.
• Explain in writing why your switch works.
Key Elements that Indicate Understanding
• A labeled drawing of the switch.
Note: Some students may choose to draw their entire circuit. This is acceptable, but not required.
If students use the electrician’s code for their circuit they must also include a labeled drawing of
the switch.
• An explanation of why the switch works that addresses the understanding of the correct
type of material(s) to use in a switch (conductors) and the idea that current is interrupted
when the switch is open and current is able to flow through the circuit when the switch is
Teacher’s Directions (Embedded Assessment Package p.95-98)
Samples of Student Work (Embedded Assessment Package p.99-100)
Blackline Masters (Embedded Assessment Package p.101-103)
Lesson 14: Working with a Diode
Activity: Making Simple Electronic Devices
Store-bought kits can be used as a learning center option or an at-home project. Students will be
working with a variety of electronic device kits that are available at hobby, science, and teacher
supply stores. See TG Unit Investigation, extension 2, p.75)
Lesson 16: Wiring a House
Performance Assessment
Embedded Performance Task tab: House Wiring
Embedded Assessment Package Guide, Task User’s Guide p.11-20
Embedded Assessment Package Guide, Rubrics p.21-23
Embedded Assessment Package Guide, Samples of Student Work p.24-38
Embedded Assessment Package Guide, Blackline Masters p.39-42
Lesson 17: Post-Unit Assessment
Additional Assessment Activities
Assessment 1 (TG Student Assessment tab p.20)
Assessment 2 (TG Student Assessment tab p.21)
Assessment 3 (TG Student Assessment tab p.22-25)
Submitted by Elsa Harridge and Leigh Slimp-Virgo – June, 2007
Submitted by Elsa Harridge and Leigh Slimp-Virgo – June, 2007