Winter 2014 - South County Hospital

Winter 2014
Con t e n t s
Message from the
South County Hospital Only Hospital in RI
to Earn “A” Safety Rating
Men’s Health Night..............3
Special Thanks to Donors.....4
South County Welcomes
Distinguished Oncologist
and Hematologist................16
Oncology Nurse Navigator
Supports, Guides Patients
Through Treatment.............16
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South County Hospital
401 782-8000
VNS Home Health Services
401 782-0500
South County Quality Care
401 789-8443
South County Surgical Supply
401 783-1850
For the third consecutive quarter, South
County Hospital has received an “A” Hospital
Safety Score from The Leapfrog Group. It was
the only hospital in Rhode Island to earn an
“A” rating.
The Leapfrog Group is a voluntary
program with a mission to recognize and
reward organizations that demonstrate “big
leaps in health care safety, quality and customer
value.” It is considered the gold standard for
comparing hospitals’ performance nationally
on the benchmark standards for safety, quality,
and efficiency, which is why an A rating is so
meaningful. As Lou Giancola, South County
Hospital President and CEO, stated, “Safety is
paramount at South County Hospital and we
strive every day to meet nationally recognized
standards. We are very pleased to learn of our
A rating from Leapfrog.”
A hospital’s Safety Score is one piece of
information prospective patients should be
sure to use when planning a hospital stay,
according to the Leapfrog Group. When there
is a choice, healthcare consumers should use
only hospitals that receive an “A” Safety
Score. Healthcare leaders agree. As Giancola
noted, “This is an important recognition of
our proven record of high quality care.”
“Safety is paramount at South
County Hospital and we strive
every day to meet nationally
recognized standards.”
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
To Your Health
Why South County Hospital is
Considering a Partnership
Louis R. Giancola
President & CEO
South County Hospital Healthcare System
“The only thing that is constant is change.”
Those words, attributed to Heraclitus, a
Greek philosopher who lived in 500 BC,
have been used by others over the
centuries and may reflect the only rule
that remains constant. Healthcare, while considered by some
to be as fixed as the earth’s axis, is subject to this principle, too.
And lately, the pace of change has been more rapid than ever.
Even if you don’t work in healthcare, you are no doubt
aware that for the last few years the healthcare environment
in this country has been experiencing a series of seismic shifts.
Access to care, reimbursement for care, and delivery of care
are all undergoing enormous change. The goals behind all
this—improving the health of the American population while
lowering costs—are worthy ones but the steps to get there are
turning the traditional way of doing things on its head. The
pressures being created by these forces are challenging the very
existence of some providers, including hospitals, doctors, and
healthcare systems.
Here at South County Hospital Healthcare System
(SCHHS), we are not immune to these forces. For that reason,
the SCHHS Board of Trustees has been vigilant to the threats
these changes may pose to your community hospital and has
been closely monitoring their potential impact. The Trustees,
as you know, are charged with ensuring that South County
Hospital and the other entities of our system (VNS Home
Health Services, South County Quality Care, and South
County Surgical Supply) are able to continue to provide the
breadth and quality of services needed (and expected) by the
communities we serve.
The subject is complex but even a condensed introduction
to it will give you an understanding of the challenges we face.
To stem cost increases, government and commercial insurance
carriers are significantly reforming the way healthcare provid-
ers are paid, moving from “fee for service” reimbursement to
one that shifts risk from the insurer to the provider by paying
a flat fee per month based on the number of “lives” for which
a provider is responsible. This is referred to as risk contracting
or population health. In this model, the provider is incented
to improve its population’s health while also lowering overall
cost—the only way to retain a portion of the flat fee. The size
of the population we serve, our limited geographic reach, and
our relatively small operating budget would make it difficult for
us to benefit from these new payment arrangements on our own.
In addition, insurance carriers are using co-pays to
influence consumer decision-making. For example, one reform
limits the providers available under a given health plan, often
referred to as narrow networks. This model can “penalize”
subscribers with higher co-pays if they go to providers outside
the network. Such changes are being introduced gradually
in Rhode Island, but are already widespread in other states,
including Massachusetts. As a relatively small independent
hospital—South County Hospital is, in fact, the last
independent hospital in the state—this new trend could shut
us out as a choice for a significant number of Rhode Islanders
limited by insurance coverage to use only a larger system’s
network of providers.
Rhode Island healthcare is dominated by two major
healthcare systems, each with four hospitals: Lifespan, which
has an annual operating budget of $1.7 Billion, and Care New
England, which has an annual operating budget of $1.0 Billion.
These systems, with broad geographic reach, large numbers
of affiliated physicians, and ready access to capital are better
able to adapt to these reforms because of their scale. The size
of these systems allows viability in the changing environment,
particularly with the deteriorating reimbursement model, one
reason all the other community hospitals in Rhode Island have
chosen to join larger systems.
The SCHHS Board of Trustees and the Senior Leadership
concluded that these changes do and will continue to present
significant challenges for a small, independent system like ours,
and they responded proactively. After careful deliberation, the
Board authorized a subcommittee to reach out to four larger
healthcare systems to determine their interest in partnering
with us: Care New England; Lawrence + Memorial (in nearby
CT); Lifespan; and Southcoast (in nearby MA). Over the
past year, we have had a continuing dialogue with Care New
England, Lifespan, and Southcoast to determine whether a
continued on page 3
South County Hospital Healthcare System Board of Trustees
Eve T. Keenan, R.N., Ed.D.
M. Beverly Swan, Ph.D.,
Vice Chairperson
Dennis F. Lynch, Secretary
Joseph F. Matthews, Treasurer
Louis R. Giancola, President
& CEO, Ex-Officio
Ted Almon
Irwin M. Birnbaum, Esq.
Kathleen A. Cassin, M.D.
Stephanie Chafee, R.N., M.B.A.
Edward M. Cimilluca
Duncan H. Cocroft
Richard DelSesto, M.D.
James L. Farrell
Doris M. Manganaro, Honorary Member
Robert C. Panoff
Lisa S. Rameaka, M.D., Vice President
of the Medical Staff, Ex-Officio
William H. Sabina, M.D.,
F.A.C.E.P., President of
the Medical Staff, Ex-Officio
Henry D. Sharpe III
Meg Sisco, Chairperson, VNS
Board of Trustees, Ex-Officio
Donna D. Vanderbeck
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Winter 2014
Why South County Hospital is
Considering a Partnership
continued from page 2
relationship with them would enhance our ability to provide
excellent service to our community. In particular, we want to
find a partner that has the same commitment to quality and
SCHHS’s patient-centered culture, and that is prepared to
support the level and breadth of services we currently offer.
I say the Board acted “proactively” because SCHHS is
in all-around excellent health. We are number one for patient
satisfaction in the state, and have been for nearly four years.
Our quality has been recognized by the Joint Commission,
by the Leapfrog Group—we were the only hospital in Rhode
Island to receive an A Rating—and by Consumer Reports,
which ranked us number one in the state for patient safety.
We have also had positive bottom lines for three years
running, which recently resulted in Moody’s Investor Services
upgrading its bond rating, a rarity in today’s healthcare market.
In a nutshell, we are recognized as providing top quality care
and, even with continual investments in technology and
people, we are in the black.
Despite our successes, the Board is acutely aware of the
many challenges on the horizon. No one knows how long it
will take for these changes to take full effect, or how extensive
the results will be, but to fail to acknowledge them now would
be irresponsible. In December 2013, the Board delivered a detailed request to each of the three systems, outlining the terms
it desires related to Investments, Commitments and Governance Structure, and asked for a response by February 1, 2014.
Briefly, the requested Investments and Commitments
will demonstrate the larger system’s ability and interest in
maintaining and growing SCHHS’s services. The Governance
Structure will show the larger system’s willingness to maintain a
local governing body that will provide meaningful input on the
operations of SCHHS as part of the larger system. Assuming that
we receive a proposal consistent with the spirit of our request,
the Board anticipates entering into exclusive discussions with
one of the three systems this spring.
As we anticipate this new phase in our partnership
exploration, we wanted to bring you up to date and solicit your
feedback as well as any concerns you may have. We are entrusted
with guiding this important community asset on your behalf
and want to make sure we have your support. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you have comments or suggestions.
South County Hospital Healthcare System has been
blessed by the generosity of our community over the years.
You are an integral part of the care we provide. We always use
the Winter issue of this newsletter to publicly thank you and
recognize your support of our services. As we continue our
discussions regarding partnership, I want to assure you that all
donations will continue to be used strictly for South County
services. Even if we were to partner with a larger system, this
would not—and legally cannot—change. Again, thank you for
your support, now and in the future.
I hope 2013 was a healthy and fulfilling year for you, and
that your New Year is off to a good start. Wishing you all the
best in 2014,
6th annual Men’s Health Night
Thursday, March 6, 2014
The Towers, Ocean Rd, Narragansett
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
ATTN Men! An evening just for you, dedicated to helping you
better understand how to improve and safeguard your health.
Informative and—as hard as this may be to believe—fun!
• Presentations from four distinguished medical experts
• In-depth information on what every man should know
about: cancer, heart health, how to avoid joint and muscle
injuries, and how to deal with stress and depression
• Extensive Q & A opportunity
• Great refreshments—pizza buffet!
• Amazing Raffle Prizes including a flat screen TV!
MC / Keynote Speaker: Kevin Robinson, ESPN Commentator,
former BMX competitor and national champion. Photo credits: left,
Gonyo Media; right, Rob Walsh.
This event is FREE, but seating is limited. To ensure your space,
register at or by calling 401 788-3869.
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
The generosity of our many supporters is something for which I, the trustees, medical staff, staff, and
volunteers are very grateful. As we do every winter, we dedicate most of the pages of this newsletter to
sharing their names with you. We’re proud to recognize their support publicly because without their
dedication to the fiscal health of South County Hospital we could not fulfill our mission to “enrich the
quality of life” of the community we serve.
Louis R. Giancola, President & CEO
South County Hospital Circle of Care
Thanks to the support of our Circle of Care donors, South County Hospital can maintain the tradition of excellence
that has become our hallmark. We are profoundly grateful to the generous individuals, businesses and foundations
listed below that have helped us fulfill our commitment to continual quality improvement. These gifts reflect contributions of $1,000 or more to our Annual Fund from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.
Gifts of $10,000 and above
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Black
The Champlin Foundations
Considine Family
Mr. Eric Harrah
Hazard Family Foundation
Dr. Thomas J. Keenan and Dr. Eve T. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Latham
The Rhode Island Foundation
Richard A. Catallozzi/Roberts Health Centre
The Roddy-Holden Foundation, Inc.
Edward J. & Virginia M. Routhier Foundation
Mrs. Rosalyn K. Sinclair
South County Hospital Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. Guadolupe E. Torres USN, Retired
Wakefield Concert Band
Gregory and Claire Wilcox Family Foundation
XRA Medical Imaging
1 Anonymous Donor
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Dr. and Mrs. Humayun Gazder
The Gloria Gemma Foundation
Dr. Frederick Godley and
Mr. Edward A. Allsop
Dr. Kathleen Carney Godley
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Almon
and Mrs. James F. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Anderson
and Edward Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Aronow
Mr. and Mrs. A. Roger Guillemette
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Aukerman
Mr. John J. Haxton
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baker
Mrs. Fredericka W. A. Hazard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Beagle
Richard and Carole Higginbotham
Mrs. Helen F. Behrens
Ms. Mathilda M. Hills
Mrs. Constance P. Benoit
Mr. and Mrs. John Howland
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin M. Birnbaum
Mr. Peter S. Innis
Mr. and Mrs. William Bivona
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Jarrett
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Blackerby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kalberer
Mrs. Nancy W. Blydenburgh
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Bolster II Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bowen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Kohlsaat
Mr. Raymond B. Langton and
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bowers
Ms. Jane A. Nash
Neil and Lisa Brandon
Camilla W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Breen
Mrs. Robert Leeson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brown
Mrs. Christopher H. Little
David J. Broza, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Burman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Macy III
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mahoney
Ms. Virginia P. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Marzilli
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Cashion
Mr. Edmund M. Mauro, Jr. and
Kathleen A. Cassin, MD
Ms. Karen Adams Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. John Cervieri, Jr.
and Mrs. Edward M. Mazze
Mr. Robert R. Chace
Alexander A. McBurney and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Chambers
Donna Lindemann
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cianciolo
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan H. Cocroft
and Mrs. Benjamin W. McCleary
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Coghlin
Kathleen M. Menard
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Costello
H. Meyer, Jr.
Bud and Maureen Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Miller III
Ms. Joanne M. Daly and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Milot
Mr. Guy Millick
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Misto, Jr.
Ms. Lori Delfosse
Ms. Donna Neville and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. DiColo
Mr. Joseph DeAngelis
Dimeo Construction Company
England Institute
Mrs. Wayne G. Douglas
Ms. Pamela Dumas
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. M. Robert O’Neill
Dr. Steven R. Fera and
Mr. Joseph L. Orlando and
Dr. Kathe Jaret
Ms. Diane C. Fournaris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Fortier
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Frost III
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Pickell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fuller
Van and Marie Radoccia
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Gardiner
Mr. and Mrs. H. Milton Read, Jr.
Sandi and Randy Gardner/
Gardner Woodwrights, Ltd.
Gifts of $5,000-$9,999
Gifts of $1,000-$2,499
Carousel Industries of North America
The Honorable Lincoln D. Chafee
and Mrs. Stephanie D. Chafee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hagen
Mr. Anthony J. Rose, Jr.
Sharpe Family Foundation/
Julie and Henry Sharpe III
Sharpe Family Foundation/
Henry and Peggy Sharpe
Ms. Holly L. Smith
The Straetz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Wardle
1 Anonymous Donor
Gifts of $2,500-$4,999
Dr. Frederick Browne and
Dr. Marya Chaisson
C/W Design Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Cimilluca
Czeech Asset Management, L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Ambra
Mr. Rodney Dernavich and
Mrs. Patricia M.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Farrell
Mr. Christopher Gaffney and
Ms. Karen Kames
Mr. Louis R. Giancola and
Dr. Pamela C. High
Ms. Laura H. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Hogberg
Capt. Carl I. Hoyer USN, Retired
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kalen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Kermes
Mr. Dennis F. Lynch and
Ms. Joyce G. Perschy
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Murray
Rob and Janice Panoff
Point Judith Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood T. Small
Vigneron Memorial Fund
Mr. Don Vivenzio
Winter 2014
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts V. Reed
Mr. Peter V. R. Rhein and
Mr. Brent Cliveden
Mr. W. Bruce Rollins
Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw Rost
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rowbotham
Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Rubenstein
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Sabina
Mrs. Anne L. Scrivani
Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Shippee
Mrs. Jane W. Skogley
Mr. Samuel B. Slade and
Ms. Susan Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Smythe
Mr. Richard A. Soderberg
Mrs. Penelope A. C. Stitt
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Stone
Mrs. Margaret T. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Swain
M. Beverly Swan, Ph.D.
Bob and Tricia Thavenius
Ms. Jacquelyn H. Tracy
University Pathologists, LLC
Donna and John Vanderbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Wheaton C. Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Verrecchia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Vuono
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wadensten
Dr. and Mrs. Barry M. Wepman
Dr. Eric G. Widmer and
Dr. Meera S. Viswanathan
The Winter Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Wyman
2 Anonymous Donors
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Annual Donors to South County Hospital
Our sincerest thanks to all of our contributors
for your generous donations in 2013.
Gifts of $500-$999
Alex and Ani
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Ashford
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Butcher, Jr.
Mr. Edward B. Carter
Mr. Murray G. Cordin
Ms. Gayle A. Corrigan
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart V. Demirs
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Dillingham
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. DiMario
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Flewwellin
Frontier Capital Management
Company, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Abner J. Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gates III
Gill Fishman Design
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis V. Givan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Porter J. Goss
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Gray
Ms. Lumina Greenway
Mr. John A. Henderson
Miss Edith J. Johnston
Dr. J. Paul Jones, Carolyn M. Jones
and Virginia L. Jones Fund
Mrs. Virginia Kenney
Dr. Joan M. Lausier
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. B. Lindh
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Long
Mrs. Jane L. MacIntyre
Mr. Domenic J. Mainelli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Matthews
The McGillivray Family
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Millones
Diane Paggioli, MD
Mr. Richard S. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. John Picerne
The Prospero Group, LLC
Mr. Leslie Rhoades
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Roberts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Russell
Silver Branch Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simoes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Smith
Mr. Henry B. Spencer and
Ms. Nicky Cass
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stevens
The Honorable and
Mrs. Ernest C. Torres
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Triedman
Walsh and Associates, Inc.
Mrs. Patricia E. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Waugh
Mr. Joseph M. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis
Ms. Heidi G. Winslow
1 Anonymous Donor
Gifts of $100-$499
Affordable Shredding, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Aitkenhead
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen, Sr.
Ms. Marybeth G. Almeida
Mr. John Armstrong
Ms. Susan L. Aylward
Mr. Alfred Barbery, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Babich
Baldwin Publishing
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Baran
Ms. Marianne M. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Barusso
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bates
Ms. Phyllis L. Bedard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Belanger
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Bell
Belmont Market
Benny’s Inc.
Ms. Edith S. Bingham
Ms. Louise F. Blodget
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bouchard
Mr. John Brannigan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Breslin, Jr.
Ms. Cheryl A. Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Briggs
Mrs. Barbara S. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. Bucci, Jr.
Ms. Judith Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Burns
Raymond A. Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Campbell
Ms. Vanessa Campos
Captain’s Cove Condo Association
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Carey
Ms. Susan Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Carroll
Mr. Andrew Cary
Dr. and Mrs. Jaime E. Chamorro
Ms. Anna Chinigo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Choquette
Christopher & Regan Insurance, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cicchitelli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Clark
Classy Cooks of Marco Island
Dorothy Ann Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cohen
Mr. Russell L. Cohen
Lawrence and Myrna Cole
Mr. Clarkson A. Collins and
Ms. Mary C. Cummings
Compass Seafood, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Conrad
Dr. and Mrs. Spiros M. Constantinides
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cope
Dr. and Mrs. Domenic A. Coppolino
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Corrao
Ms. Wendy H. Crandall
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Crawford
Mr. Gary A. Cruickshank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Curtis
Ms. Margaret P. Davis
Ms. Martha Day and Mr. C. N. Hetzner
Mr. and Mrs. Clement A. DeLucia, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Deluise
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Denelle
Ms. Gina M. DeVecchis
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Dickinson
Mr. Christopher F. DiMaio II
Mrs. Dolores P. DiPrete
Ms. Frances M. Dolan
Kathleen A. Doolittle, NPP
Ms. Joanne M. Drag
Helen Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Falcone
Fancy Pants Event Planning
Ms. Cynthia E. Field
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Fournier
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Francis
Mrs. Phoebe Ann Freeman
Mr. Kevin Friel
Mr. Leonard L. Friel III
Mrs. Mary Jane Friel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Friel
Mr. Michael T. Friel
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Friel III
Ms. Mary Friel-Levcowich
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gabrilowitz
Ms. Yolanda Gardner
Gates Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Geisser
General Federation of Women’s Club
of Rhode Island
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gerrior
Ms. Margaret A. Gloria
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Gommermann
Ms. Elizabeth P. Gordon
Ms. Laura Gould and Family
Mr. Richard T. Gramlich
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Grebstein
Ms. Sandra R. Greenwood
Mr. James Griffin
Robert and Rosanne Griffin
Mrs. Elizabeth Gullason
Mr. William F. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Heiser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Henn, Jr.
Mr. Bruce W. Hennemuth
Mr. Ronald M. Hey
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Howarth
Ms. Phyllis H. Hull
Ms. Janet W. Innis
Diana Norton Jackson and
Leland Jackson
Mr. Matt Jahansouz
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Judd
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kanakry
Ms. Barbara Kazmierczak
Mrs. Margaret F. Kelley
Mr. Ray Keogh
Mr. David A. King
Mr. Paul Knott and
Ms. Melanie Timberlake
Dr. and Mrs. Milton K. Krantz
Gerald and Sylvia Krausse
Ms. Maria C. Landona
Mr. and Mrs. Carey W. Lankford
Ms. Katharine Larsen
Ledyard Lions Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lieberman
Local 2877 - Council 94, AFSCME,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace N. MacLeod
Mr. Anthony Maione and
Ms. Dori Gerhardt
Mr. and Mrs. George V. Malgieri
Ms. Marilyn J. Malina
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Marrinan III
Ruth E. Martin
Mrs. Lois A. Mathieu
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mathieu
Ms. Judith Matteson
Mrs. Winifred E. Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. McGarrahan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. McMahon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. David McNab
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. McWilliams
Mended Hearts South County
Merit Mechanical, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrant V. Merrill
Mr. Gerald A. Miele
Mr. Rick Moffitt
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Winter 2014
Mr. and Mrs. David Monaghan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Moore
Ms. Mary Ann Moore
Mr. Robert E. Morel
Ms. Nancy J. Mowbray
Ms. Roberta D. Mueller
Ms. Roberta J. Mulholland
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Muller
Dr. James J. Murdocco and
Reverend Sandra Haines-Murdocco
Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Murphy, Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn M. Nally
Mr. Paul L. Nash
Mr. Norman Neville
Ms. Debra Neville-Palmer and
Mr. Randall Palmer
Newport Grand, LLC
Ms. Judith B. Nichipor
Northup’s Service Center, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Oberle
Mr. David J. O’Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. James W. O’Neill
Mr. Russell W. Osborne
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Packer
Ms. Victoria H. Partyka
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peabody III
Peace Dale Congregational Church
Circle of Prayer
The Peck School
Mr. Paul Pelletier
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Carl G. Peterson
Mrs. Sylvia S. Petrie
Ms. Louise Petrocelli
Phil’s Grille
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Piscitelli
Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. Podedworny
Ms. Nancy A. Potter
Ms. Leah Prata
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rakauskas
Dr. Lisa Rameaka and
Mr. Jason Rameaka
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Raposa
Ms. Cindy Raymond
Col. and Mrs. John D. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Redmond
Mr. Philip G. Reilly
Rizzo Financial Services LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Robinson III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Robison
Mr. Jonathan W. Rose
Mr. Eric Rose
William and Sandra Rosen
Mrs. Virginia M. Rosie
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ruscito
Dr. and Mrs. Francis X. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Ryan
Ms. Betty Salomon
Ms. Anne C. Sammis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schelleng
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Schmitt
Ms. Maureen Shanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner L. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Shunney
Mr. George L. Silva
Mario and Patricia Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Silvia
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Simeone
Mr. and Mrs. William L. E. Sinkler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Skwirz
Mr. Harry K. Sleicher
Ms. Janice E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Somers
Albert E. and Stella J. Soper
Mr. Kenneth P. Soscia
South County Orthopedics &
Physical Therapy, Inc.
South County Radiation Therapy
South County Steel, Inc.
Anne C. Spearman
Dan Sprague
Mr. Anthony A. Steere, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Prentice K. Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent H. Sullivan
Mrs. Claire M. Sweet
Ms. Bailey W. Symington
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Tammaro
Mr. and Mrs. Constantin Toloudis
Mrs. Carolyn C. Traxler
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Troob
Ms. Linda D. Tucker and
Mr. Richard Hodgson
Ms. Gerry S. Tyler
UI Company
Uncas Manufacturing Company
Mr. George A. Vaughn
Mr. Norman Vegiard
Mr. and Mrs. Ghasi R. Verma
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wallace II
Ms. Mary Ellen Walsh
Ms. Cecelia R. Weigold
Mr. and Mrs. Niels West
W. H. Holland Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart L. Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wilcox
Mrs. Glenna Wilson
Mark and Reiko Wimbush
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Wisehart
Cmdr. E. Robert Wiseman
Mrs. Joan G. Wood
Ms. Eleanor M. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Woodhead
Dr. Leonard R. Worthen
Mrs. Deanna D. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Wright
Ted and Barbara Wright
Mr. William B. Wright
13 Anonymous Donors
Gifts up to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Abruzzese
Mr. David A. Adelman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Alpert
Ms. Deborah Amato
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. Amoruso
Brenna Anderson, MD
Mr. Charles Arsenault and
Ms. Doris Dery
Mr. and Mrs. Suran Asadoorian
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Asay, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Ashton
Ms. Heidi S. Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Austin
Douglas Badger
Mrs. Carmen J. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Baker
Mr. Robert A. Ballinger
Mrs. Hope F. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Barker
Ms. Marietta Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Barrett
Ms. Nancy K. Beals and
Ms. Ann P. Beals
Ms. Louis Beattie
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard L. Beauvais, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bell, Sr.
Ms. Emilie Benoit
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Benton
Mrs. Robin Berard
Ms. Edna Bernier
Ms. Edith L. Blane
Mr. and Mrs. Randall A. Blankenship
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Bock
Ms. Cornelia Borelli
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bridge, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bridgman
Broad Rock Middle School
Mrs. Dorothy F. Brown
Ms. Patricia A. Brown
Mrs. Angela P. Brunetti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Burgess
Regina and Richard F. Burke
Ms. Kathleen A. Burleson
Henry and Jane Burr
Dr. George Burton and
Dr. Barbara Burton
Mrs. Mary L. Butler
Anna P. Campagnone
Mrs. Ann Campanella
Mrs. Frances L. Cardillo
Ms. Diana B. Carl
Mrs. Mary F. Carmody
Mr. and Ms. Leo Carroll
Mr. John G. Casey
Ms. Sandra K. Cavanagh
Ms. Beverly A. Celeberto
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice P. Chamberland
Gerard and Susan Charbonneau
Ms. Carolyn H. Chirnside
Mrs. Margaret M. Coleman
Mr. Roland Comire
Ms. Barbara S. Connell
Constance Connery-Smayda
Mrs. Florence M. Corrente
Mrs. Patricia M. Cotter
Ms. Ann L. Cournoyer
Ms. Jean D. Crane
Ms. Gwladys C. Crooks
Mrs. Alda Crouchley
Victor and Edith D’Alfonso
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dalpe
Ms. Catherine L. Daniele
Mr. Warren W. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. David J. De Sousa
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Delmonico
Mr. Frank Delmonico
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Denis
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph L. DiPippo
Mr. Richard M. Divver
Mrs. E. Millicent Dobelstein
Charles and Elaine Donnelly
Mrs. Marilyn M. Dornberg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drag
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Dubuc
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne K. Durfee
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Dursin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Dyer
Eastward Look Property
Owner’s Association
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Annual Donors (cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Edwards, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ellis
Mr. Richard A. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Faella
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Fain
Mr. Edward V. Famiglietti
Mr. Harold J. Fargo
Ms. Marilyn Favali
Ms. Barbara Fay
Mr. Raymond J. Fenton
Ms. Helen M. Ferrucci
Mr. Arthur C. Fischer
Mr. Joseph E. Fischgrund
Ms. Gladys M. Fisher
David and Linda Fishman
Charles and Barbaralee Fiske
Ms. Loralee M. Flood
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Follett
Miss Barbara A. Fontaine
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Fortune
Leo and Agnes Fox
Ms. Lucy Fraioli
Mr. Michael K. Francis
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Freeman
Mrs. Joan P. French
Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Fusco
Mr. Brian Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Garfinkel
Mr. Anthony Giarrusso
Ms. Nancy E. Giblin
Ms. Linda S. Gibson
Mrs. Florence Giebler
Mr. Seth K. Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Giguere
Mr. Paul R. Gilgun
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gombeyski
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Goodman
John and Barbara Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Rick P. Grante
Dirmid and Janet Murchie Gray
Ms. Mary L. Greboval
Lt. Comdr. Robert and
Catherine Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Gross
Ms. Evelyn M. Haley
Ms. Gloria Halligan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hamling
Mary J. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins
Mr. Robert E. Hayes
Ms. Carolyn E. Hazard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hazlehurst
Ms. Judith D. Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Helma
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Henneberry, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Hennessey
Ms. Mary B. Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hickey
Mr. Lyle M. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill
Ms. Elsie H. Hirst
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hoey
Mr. Howard R. Holt
Mr. James A. Hopkins
Mr. Harold Horvat
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe D. Hosley
Ms. Karen S. Hostetler
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Howe
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Husband
Mrs. Betty Huston
Mr. Selden D. Illick
Indian Run Villagers Club
Mrs. Catherine L. Jacob
Mr. Ian M. Jaffe
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Jamison, Jr.
Ms. Rita M. Jaso
Ms. Caroline H. Jenckes
Mr. David Joaquin
Dr. Shelly L. Johnson and
Mr. Peter F. Neronha
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Johnson
Ms. Becky Jordan
Mr. Michael Jubin
Professor and Mrs. Lawrence Juda
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kavanagh, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Keenan
Mr. Robert W. Kenyon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. King
Dr. Louis J. Kirschenbaum and
Dr. Susan S. Kirschenbaum
Ms. Patricia Klein
Mr. Mark J. Kleniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Knowlton
Ms. Susan H. Koelb
Ms. Dorothy A. Kraines
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lafond, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy B. Lagor
Mr. and Mrs. Odd Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Lavallee
Mr. John F. Law
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Colin J. Lazauski
Dorothy and Edgar C. Leduc
Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Leete
Ms. Gabriel Lengyel
Ms. Lois A. Lepak
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Lepine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. LevcowichPleasant Acres Florists
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lindstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Listro
Ms. Vivian Lombardi
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Lombardo
Ms. Joyce S. London
Ms. Bernice Lott
Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Lubin
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lundgren
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Lynch
Mr. Paul Lynch, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lytle, Jr.
Ms. Jean A. Machado
Ms. Adelaide Marsocci
Ms. Theresa L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Masterson
Ms. Marilyn Mattera
Mrs. Nancy L. Mattera
Ms. Jane H. Maxson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Maynard
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. McCooey
Mr. Brian J. McGinnis and
Ms. Linda Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. McGreen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. McKiel
Mr. and Mrs. James A. McLoughlin
Ms. Barbara Meister
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Menas
Jean R. Miller, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Miller, Jr.
Ms. Marcia M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miltimore
Mrs. V. Mion
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Moffett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Moffitt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mollica
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Moran
Ms. Rita Moretti
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Morrison
Attorney and
Mrs. Domenic A. Mosca, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy III
Ms. Ellen M. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Nathaniel
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nee
Fred and Muriel Nelson
Mrs. Katherine B. Nelson
Ms. Pamela Neville
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nolan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Brien
Ms. Deborah O’Brien-Mercer
Ms. Eleanor L. Oddo
Ms. Maureen O’Gorman
Ms. Irene B. Olson
Mr. John Oltedale
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. O’Malley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Oster
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Packer
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Palm
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Palmer
Ronald J. Panciera, Sr.
Larry and Barbara Paquette
Mr. Peter L. Paquin
Ms. Patricia Parker
Mr. Hasmukh M. Patel
Beth Paulson
Miss Mary E. Pea
Ms. Catherine W. Pearson
Audrey L. Pease
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Peck, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Peirce
Ms. Jill B. Pelletier
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Petrucci
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Plymesser
Mr. Gerry Poirier
Mr. and Ms. George Pollitt
Ms. Ellen P. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Powers
Mrs. Eunice K. Pratt
Ms. Linda C. Putetti
Ms. Josephine Rafanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramaker
Ms. Jean Rayack
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Readyhough
Mr. Nazare J. Rebello
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Redmond, Sr.
George and Thelma Remington
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Reynolds
Mrs. Hope H. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robinson
Mrs. Betty I. Rogan
Ms. Gloria A. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rose
Mr. James B. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Rothstein
Brian and Cindy Roy
Mrs. Mary Ruisi
Mr. and Ms. Charles F. Rupprecht
Mrs. Anne Salvadore
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Sammons
Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Sardelli
Sayer Regan & Thayer, LLP
Mr. Jerrome A. Schaffran
Mr. and Mrs. John Schalhoub
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Schwab
Mr. Gilbert Scott, Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Selwyn
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Senecal
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Winter 2014
Ms. Mary L. Sevigny
Mr. Felix M. Sexton
Ms. Johanna Shaghalian
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sherman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sidelinger
Mr. and Mrs. Shim Silverstein
Mrs. Anna M. Silvestri
Mr. and Mrs. Noel F. Simpson
Ms. Eleanor Skenyon
Ms. Catherine Sloan-Gallagher
Ms. Stacy L. Snow
Ms. Bamby L. Soscia
Mrs. Lucy Southwick
Mrs. Irene M. Spencer*
Mr. James Sperber
Lynda and Kenneth St. Amour
David and Paula Stamp
Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Stedman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stiepock
Ms. Mary Anne Sumner
Ms. Nancy M. Sweeney and Family
Mr. Raymond J. Sweet
Ms. Regina A. Sweet-Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman W. Sykes
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Tassielli
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Taylor
Mr. Donald D. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Taylor
Harry and Marcia Tenney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tenori
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Terrana
Mr. and Ms. Frances A. Thayer
Ms. Camella L. Thomas
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Joseph D. Trehy, Jr.
Mrs. Marie M. Trivelli
Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Trudeau
University Otolaryngology Head
and Neck Surgery, Inc.
Mr. Edward J. Vallette
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Valois
Renee Van Couyghen
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Victoria
Ms. Dorothea S. Vieira
Village at Wordens PondHomeowners Association, Inc.
Ms. Carolyn L. Vivenzio
Mrs. Rebecca M. Wade
Wakefield Liquors
Wakefield Pediatrics, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Waldron
Mr. Quentin M. Walsh
Mr. Ralph A. Warburton
Ms. Joyce R. West
Richard D. West, USN, Retired
Ms. Ella M. Whaley
Ms. Margaret M. Whaley
Ms. Jane M. Wheatley
Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Wheeler
Mr. and Ms. Bruce J. Whitehouse
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Whitford
John T. Whitford II
Mr. and Mrs. Brett A. Whitney
Ms. Judith Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Woodmansee
Mrs. Grace M. Woodward
Ms. Jean Worthington
Ms. Janice E. Wright
Ms. Mary E. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. J. Vernon Wyman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Yarnall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Zalabowski, Sr.
Mr. David G. Zartarian
Bill and Nancy Zembruski
Ms. Rosemary Zienowicz
48 Anonymous Donors
* deceased
The following estates established trust funds
to provide ongoing support to the Hospital.
The following individuals included the
Hospital in their estate plans.
Miss Mary A. Carpenter
Estate of Arthur S. Grasso
Mildred A. Jodat Trust
Dr. William D. Metz
Barbara L. Tate Estate
We have made every effort to be accurate
with our recognition. If we have inadvertently
omitted, or misspelled your name, please accept
our apologies and notify us at 401 788-1492
or by email at
Emilie Luiza Borda Charitable Fund
Clark-Lyon Fund
T. DeCoppett Residuary Trust
James A. & Elizabeth K. Fletcher Fund
E. H. Fobes Charitable Trust
John T. & Nellie T. Gardner Trust
A.G. Hazard Beneficient Fund
Dr. J. Paul Jones, Carolyn M. Jones
and Virginia L. Jones Fund
Marian S. & Frederic T. McAuslan
Endowment Fund
Arthur M. Potter Trust
Daniel Sherman Trust
E. Thompson Trust/Louis F. Bell Fund
Attmore A. Tucker Memorial Fund
H. A. & L. M. Walsh TR Scholarship FD
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VNS Home Health Services
We would like to thank our VNS donors for their outstanding support.
These gifts reflect donations to VNS from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.
Gifts of $1,000 and above
Ashaway Line & Twine Mfg. Co.
Mr. Anthony W. DiLorenzo
Ms. Laura H. Harris
Rob and Janice Panoff
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Siravo, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wardle
Gifts of $500-$999
Ashaway Antiques
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Fortier
Ms. Patrice S. Kane
Dr. Thomas J. Keenan and
Dr. Eve T. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Kermes
Mr. William B. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Stone
Gifts of $100-$499
Ms. Carol J. Allard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Biegner
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Bolster II
Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Campbell
Mr. Arthur E. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan H. Cocroft
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Cotter
and Family
Ms. Wendy H. Crandall
Mr. Steven J. Crandall
Mrs. Caleb Davis
Ms. Trina L. Dykstra
Mrs. Mary S. Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Gardiner
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Goodman
Mrs. Phyllis M. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Hogberg
Ms. Phyllis H. Hull
Mr. Frederick K. Kampfe
Mr. David A. King
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Kortick
Ms. Leslie B. Littlejohn
Mr. and Mrs. David Mack
Ms. Lena Novo
Mr. Joseph R. Paolino
Mr. Thomas Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Roberts, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia M. Rosie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schelleng
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner L. Sherman
Mr. Robert F. Strain
Mrs. Claire M. Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Taber
Ms. Darlene Towne
Ms. Linda D. Tucker and
Mr. Richard Hodgson
Mrs. Paula Viau-Hann and
Mr. David W. Hann
Mr. Don Vivenzio
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wallace II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weisbord
Mr. Frank M. White
Mrs. Glenna Wilson
Dr. Leonard R. Worthen
Gifts up to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Abruzzese
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Aitkenhead
Ms. Dianne E. Algiere
American Marketing Association
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arruda, Jr.
Mrs. Elisabeth Aschman
Ms. Elizabeth A. Bate
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Beagle
Ms. Bertha Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Beno
Ms. Edna Bernier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Blake
Ms. Edith L. Blane
Mr. and Mrs. Randall A. Blankenship
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton H. Bliss
Mrs. Barbara S. Brown
Mrs. Margaret R. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Burton
Ms. Marianne Cairns
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond N. Carr
Mrs. Marie A. Champion
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Cimilluca
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Clark
Dorothy Ann Coffin
Martha Colombini
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Corr
Mrs. Florence M. Corrente
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Delmonico
Mr. and Mrs. Clement A. DeLucia, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Deluise
Ms. Doris Denker
Mr. Rodney Dernavich and
Mrs. Patricia M. Williams-Dernavich
Ms. Marjorie H. Duerr
Mrs. Charlotte Eckel
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Eckel, Jr.
Mrs. Janice M. Eldred
Ms. Joy G. Emery
Ms. Kerrie Fisette
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Winter 2014
Ms. Gladys M. Fisher
Mrs. Joan P. French
Ms. Christine P. Fuller
Ms. Barbara J. Gadrow
Ms. Linda Gagne
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Garfinkel
Ms. R. Genevieve Geaber
Mr. Anthony Giarrusso
Mr. Paul R. Gilgun
Ms. Helen F. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Hearne
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hickey
Mr. Walter J. Hines
Mr. Kenneth V. Hoffman
Ms. Pamela J. Holley
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Johnson
Mr. David B. Joslin
Ms. Adele S. Kane
Ms. Kelly A. Kavanagh and Family
Ms. Ann M. Keegan
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Keenan
Mrs. Patricia A. Kinney
Mrs. Jeanne L. Kirk
Ms. Irene Kowerko
Mr. David P. Krekorian
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Lager, Jr.
Mr. Geoffrey B. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Leduc, Sr.
Mrs. Camilla W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Lenda
Ms. Sarah C. Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. Macnie
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Macomber
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Masson
Mr. and Mrs. Merton L. Matthews
Ms. Anne M. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. McDavitt, Sr.
Ms. Helen McDermott
Mr. Richard T. McGannon
Mr. Brian J. McGinnis and
Ms. Linda Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. A. David McNab
Mrs. Antonetta Merlino
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Moffett
Mr. Donald D. Montgomery
Dr. James J. Murdocco and
Reverend Sandra Haines-Murdocco
Mrs. Helen B. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Nichols
Mrs. Elizabeth A. O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Peirce
Herb Perluck
Mrs. Gloria V. Petrosky
Piccerelli, Gilstein & Company, LLP
Ms. Elinor V. Pinkham
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Rand
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Ranucci
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Rathbone
Ms. Jean Rayack
Mr. Faust A. Ritarossi, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chelsey R. Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rose
Brian and Cindy Roy
Ms. Betty Salomon
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Scott
Mrs. Anne L. Scrivani
Ms. Susan Shanley-Szala
Mrs. Janice F. Sieburth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Simas
Mr. and Mrs. Noel F. Simpson
Ms. Christine M. Skog
Mr. Harold E. Smith*
Lynda and Kenneth St. Amour
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Swain
Mr. Raymond J. Sweet
Harry and Marcia Tenney
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Ugone
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Van Amersfoort
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vigliotti
Mrs. June I. Webster
John T. Whitford II
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis
Mrs. Joan G. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Woodmansee
Mrs. Deanna D. Wright
We have made every effort to be accurate
with our recognition. If we have inadvertently
omitted, or misspelled your name, please accept
our apologies and notify us at 401 788-1492
or by email at
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Special Events
We are profoundly grateful for the participation of individuals, local businesses and corporate sponsors who are listed on the following
pages. Thanks to their generous support, our four fundraising events in 2013 raised just over $316,000 in net proceeds. We appreciate
their investment in helping us provide quality healthcare to this community. If you would like to become a sponsor, contact Special
Events Coordinator, Nicole Manfredo at 401 788-1610 or
Frances McGillivray Honor/Memorial Tribute Campaign Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Frances McGillivray Honor/Memorial Tribute Campaign
inaugural reception on June 20, 2013 celebrated the lives of
those whose loved ones made a donation in their memory or
honor. The 2013 campaign was dedicated in memory of Len
Friel, a former cardiopulmonary rehabilitation patient and
president of the Mended Hearts support group. The program
featured a speaking program and a special memorial
presentation with the McGillivray and Friel families (shown
here). The campaign raised $35,000 to benefit South County
Grand Sponsor
Legacy Sponsors
Alert Ambulance Service, Inc.
Belmont Market
DeWAL Industries, Inc.
Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island
Narragansett Lions Club
Scallop Shell Nursing &
Rehabilitation Center
South County Cardiology
South County Orthopedics &
Physical Therapy, Inc.
Heritage Sponsors
Big Fitness
Centreville Bank
Tribute Sponsors
A Quick Tire Service of Wakefield, Inc.
AAA Southern New England
Mr. Anthony J. DeMario, Jr.
Valenti’s Subaru of Westerly
Wakefield Mall Associates
Washington Trust
Alex and Ani
Hospital’s Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Wellness and
Fitness Center with a purchase of a new EKG machine. To
make a $50 gift or more in your loved one’s memory or honor
while helping us reach our 2014 goal of $40,000 for a new
telemetry management system, please contact Terra Emery
at 401 788-1492 or Nicole Manfredo at 401 788-1610.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. Amoruso
Ms. Susan L. Aylward
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Babich
Ms. Marianne M. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Beagle
Mr. and Mrs. William Bivona
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Bolster II
Mr. John Brannigan
Broad Rock Middle School
Mrs. Dorothy F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. Bucci, Jr.
Ms. Judith Burns
Dr. George Burton and Dr. Barbara Burton
Mr. Edward B. Carter
Ms. Sandra K. Cavanagh
Mrs. Lois A. Christy
Mr. James J. Cimino
Mrs. Dorothy A. Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Cooper
Dr. and Mrs. Domenic A. Coppolino
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Corrao
Mrs. Florence M. Corrente
Ms. Wendy H. Crandall and
Mr. Chris D’Aguanno
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Crawford
Mr. Gary A. Cruickshank
Mr. and Mrs. Clement A. DeLucia, Jr.
Ms. Gina M. DeVecchis
Mr. Christopher F. DiMaio II
Mrs. Dolores P. DiPrete
Ms. Frances M. Dolan
Save the Date for 2014
Thursday, June 12th
Mrs. Mary S. Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Fain
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Falcone
Mr. Clifford D. Fantel
Mr. Harold J. Fargo
Mr. Joseph E. Fischgrund
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Follett
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Forte
Mrs. Phoebe Ann Freeman
Mr. Kevin Friel
Mr. Leonard L. Friel III
Mrs. Mary Jane Friel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Friel
Mr. Michael T. Friel
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Friel III
Ms. Mary Friel-Levcowich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gates III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Geisser
Mr. Louis R. Giancola and
Dr. Pamela C. High
Mr. Seth K. Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Gommermann
Ms. Lumina Greenway
Ms. Sandra R. Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Harrison
Ms. Carolyn E. Hazard
Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Heffernan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Heiser
Mr. Ronald M. Hey
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hickey
Mr. Kenneth V. Hoffman
Ms. Phyllis H. Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Jamison, Jr.
Miss Edith J. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kanes
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Kermes
Mr. David A. King
Ms. Susan H. Koelb
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy B. Lagor
Ms. Maria C. Landona
Dr. Joan M. Lausier
Ledyard Lions Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Listro
Ms. Joyce S. London
Mr. Dennis F. Lynch and
Ms. Joyce G. Perschy
Ms. Adelaide Marsocci
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Marzilli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Masterson
Mrs. Lois A. Mathieu
Mrs. Winifred E. Mayo
Dr. Alexander A. McBurney and
Mrs. Donna Lindemann
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. McCooey
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. McGarrahan
The McGillivray Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. McMahon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. David McNab
Mended Hearts South County
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miltimore
Mr. Rick Moffitt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mollica
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mueller
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Winter 2014
Dr. James J. Murdocco and Reverend
Sandra Haines-Murdocco
Mrs. Carolyn M. Nally
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nee
Ms. Donna Neville and
Mr. Joseph DeAngelis
Mr. Norman Neville
Ms. Pamela Neville
Ms. Debra Neville-Palmer and
Mr. Randall Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. James W. O’Neill
Peace Dale Congregational Church
Circle of Prayer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Peirce
Mr. Paul Pelletier
Mrs. Sylvia S. Petrie
Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. Podedworny
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Raposa
Mr. Philip G. Reilly
Mr. W. Bruce Rollins
Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw Rost
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ruscito
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Russell
Mrs. Angela Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schiedler
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Senecal
Ms. Johanna Shaghalian
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Shunney
Mr. George L. Silva
Mrs. Anna M. Silvestri
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Simeone
Mr. and Mrs. Noel F. Simpson
Ms. Janice E. Smith
Ms. Bamby L. Soscia
Mr. Kenneth P. Soscia
Mrs. Penelope A. C. Stitt
M. Beverly Swan, Ph.D.
Mr. Raymond J. Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Sweitzer
Ms. Camella L. Thomas
Ms. Jacquelyn H. Tracy
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Troob
Ms. Linda D. Tucker and
Mr. Richard Hodgson
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Van Amersfoort
Mr. and Mrs. Ghasi R. Verma
Mrs. Rebecca M. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wagner
Walsh and Associates, Inc.
Ms. Mary Ellen Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. Barry M. Wepman
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart L. Whiting and
Friends from SCH Cardiac Rehab Unit
The Winter Family Foundation
Dr. Leonard R. Worthen
Mrs. Deanna D. Wright
Mr. William B. Wright
Special Thanks
Schartner Farms
Southern RI Newspapers
VNS Golf Tournament Monday, July 8, 2013
South County Hospital welcomed foursome sponsor Medline Industries
and Bobby Bradley, former first round draft pick of the Pittsburgh
Pirates and long drive entertainer for Charity Golf International, to the
annual golf tournament at Shelter Harbor Golf Club which raised over
$26,000 for VNS Home Health Services.
Grand Sponsor
Reception Sponsor
Professional Planning Group
Refreshment Sponsor
Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman, LLP
Putting Green Sponsors
Dunn’s Corners Chiropractic Center
Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island
Med Tech Ambulance Service
Wakefield Pediatrics, LLC
W. H. Holland Electric, Inc.
Gold Foursome Sponsors
Beacon Mutual Insurance Company
RBS Citizens
Claflin Company
Andrew J. Dowd, MD
Lou Giancola
Laura Harris
Johnson & Wales University
Medical Bureau/ROI
Joseph M. Romanello, MS, MD
West Bay Orthopaedic Associates, Inc.
Westerly Community Credit Union
Tee Sponsors
136 Express Printing & Copy Center
Affordable Shredding, Inc.
Belmont Market
Centreville Bank
D’Ambra Construction Co, Inc.
Anthony J. DeMario, Jr.
Engineered Security Systems, Inc.
Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island
Ken and Sue Kermes
Marc One Coin Co. Inc.
Martone Service Company
Pier Cleaners, Inc.
Van and Marie Radoccia
Ragtime Cleaning
RE/Max Flagship
Rotha Contracting Company, Inc.
Ruggieri Brothers, Inc.
South County Sand & Gravel
South Shore Center
Thundermist Health Center
W. B. Mason
Washington Trust
Yankee Travel
Affordable Shredding, Inc.
Mr. John Bowen
Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman, LLP
Claflin Company
Ms. Jill D’Abrosca
Dunn’s Corners Chiropractic Center
Lou Giancola
Ms. Colleen Higgins
Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island
Mr. Peter Johnson
Ms. Debbie Marsocci
Med Tech Ambulance Service
Medical Bureau/ROI
Merit Mechanical, Inc.
Mr. Paul Mooney
Mr. Mark Murphy
Ms. Donna Neville
Northup’s Service Center, Inc.
Professional Planning Group
Mr. David Reed
Joseph M. Romanello, MS, MD
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Rosati
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schelleng
Mr. Brian Spero
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Treanor
Wakefield Pediatrics, LLC
Walsh and Associates, Inc.
West Bay Orthopaedic Associates, Inc.
Mr. Brian York
In-Kind Donations
Agawam Hunt
Charlestown Chamber of Commerce
Charlestown Wine & Spirits
Ms. Jill D’Abrosca
Dave’s Marketplace
Jamestown Fish
Jamestown Golf Club
Laurel Lane Golf Course, Inc.
Manfredo’s Gym
Metacomet Country Club
Red Star Worldwide
Roch’s Fresh Foods
RocJo Productions
The Savory Grape Wine Shop
Semolina Pasta Shop
Thank you so much for being such wonderful friends of VNS Home Health Services. Your support of this golf
tournament throughout the years has been instrumental in building our capacity to care for our community with
unparalleled excellence—continuously expanding our services and the number of patients in our care. You have
helped us provide home healthcare services that mirror South County Hospital’s status as the #1 Hospital in
Rhode Island for patient satisfaction, offering a continuum of care that is second to none.
As of 2014, we have streamlined our philanthropic events calendar. The Invitational will now support all
Hospital programs, including all those offered through VNS Home Health Services, and will become South
County Hospital’s one signature golf event.
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Annual Gala & Auction
Friday, September 20, 2013
Media Sponsors
South County Orthopedics &
Physical Therapy, Inc.
21st Century Oncology/South County
Radiation Therapy
XRA Medical Imaging
Entertainment Sponsors
ATW Companies
Carousel Industries of North America
Centreville Bank
Scallop Shell Nursing &
Rehabilitation Center
Sodexo Health Care Services
Auction Sponsors
E. W. Burman, Inc.
C/W Design Group, Inc.
Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman, LLP
Claflin Company
Dimeo Construction Company
Mr. Christopher Gaffney and
Ms. Karen Kames
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Renehan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ryan
Ms. Frances M. Alexakos and
Mr. Britt Bell
James V. Aukerman & Associates LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Beagle
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin M. Birnbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Bolster II
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Butcher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Cimilluca
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Coghlin
Drs. J. Russell and Celeste Corcoran
Ms. Joanne M. Daly and
Mr. Guy Millick
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Farrell
Dr. Steven R. Fera and Dr. Kathe Jaret
Frontier Capital Management
Company, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Humayun Gazder
Gentiva Hospice
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Husband
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Knag
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Latham
Lila Delman Real Estate, Ltd
Diane Paggioli, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Panoff
Rhode Island Carpenters Local Union 94
Roberts Health Centre
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Schwarzbach
Mr. Marc Verga
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Weisbord
Registration Sponsors
Citizens Bank of Rhode Island
Dr. Frederick Godley and
Dr. Kathleen Carney Godley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Hogberg
Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island
Medical Bureau/ROI
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Bell
W. H. Holland Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Butcher, Jr.
Kathleen A. Cassin, MD
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Smythe
Kathleen A. Doolittle, NPP
AAA Southern New England
Lou Giancola
Ed and Karen Mauro
Gill Fishman Design
M. Beverly Swan, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Husband
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rowbotham
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rakauskas
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. McGreen
Mr. Eric Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Healey
Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Kermes
Dr. and Mrs. Francis X. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Ambra
Silver Branch Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kenny
South County Hospital Healthcare
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thavenius
System Board of Trustees
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Boss
The Prospero Group, LLC
Mr. Dennis F. Lynch and
Ms. Linda D. Tucker and
Ms. Joyce G. Perschy
Mr. Richard Hodgson
Mr. Henry H. Meyer, Jr.
Walsh and Associates, Inc.
Mrs. Rosalyn K. Sinclair
In-Kind Donations
Mrs. Susan S. Lovejoy
AAA Southern New England
Ms. Laura H. Harris
A-Airline Express Limousine and
Nixon Peabody LLP
Car Service
Partridge, Snow & Hahn LLP
Team Health East
Angell Fine Arts
Washington Trust
Arturo Joe’s Italian Grill
The Winter Family Foundation
The Atlantic Inn
Urology Associates, Inc.
The 2013 Gala was so very FAB! BeatleMagic, the ultimate Beatles tribute
band channeled the Fab Four and magic ensued—the event raised over
$223,000 for South County Hospital.
Bad Luck and Trouble
Bartending By Dennis, Inc.
Basil’s Restaurant
Beachline Computer Services
Belmont Market
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Bolster II
Cafe Nuovo
Cat Country 98.1 FM/Hall
Centreville Bank
Chophouse Grill
Clark Farms Garden Center
Classic Cruises of Newport
Coast Guard House Restaurant
Mr. Kellen Cooney
Culinary Connections
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Ambra
Deep Eddy Vodka
Ms. Melanie Delman and
Mr. Tom Denniston
Digs Design Company
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. DiPrete
Dr. David M. Dooley and
Rev. Lynn Baker-Dooley
Dutch Harbor Boat Yard
East Coast Outdoor Living, LLC
East Greenwich Photo & Studio
Flint Audio Video
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Frost III
Geaber’s Liquors
George’s of Galilee
Mr. George Germon and
Ms. Johanne Killeen
Ms. Isabel Goff
Ms. Laura H. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hayden
Inn on the Beach - Pass-A-Grille
International Tennis Hall of Fame
J. Hilburn
Jerry’s Paint & Hardware Company
Mr. Matt Kearns
Dr. Thomas J. Keenan and
Dr. Eve T. Keenan
Kramer Portraits, New York
La Gondola
Law Office of Marcia J. Boyd
Lawrence Builders
Liliana’s Italian Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Little
Luke Foundation
Mariner Grille
Matunuck Oyster Bar
Meadow Brook Inn
Newport Restaurant Group
Newportant Studios
Ocean Essence Spa
Omni Providence Hotel
On the Outs Productions
The Picnic Basket
Pier Liquors, Inc.
Pizzaria Mezzo
Plum Point Bistro
Pranzi Catering
The Preservation Society of
Newport County
Providence Performing Arts Center
Quidnesset Country Club
Ryan Center/Global Spectrum
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Sabina
Ms. Anne C. Sammis
Thank you for your support of South County Hospital’s Annual Gala
& Auction throughout the years—it has been essential in sustaining our
mission of providing the very best healthcare for our community.
The Gala will be on hiatus in 2014 as we re-imagine our annual calendar
of philanthropic events and fundraising efforts.
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
Winter 2014
In-Kind Donations (cont.)
Mr. Stephen Bonzagni and
Ms. Paula Santos
Semolina Pasta Shop
Shelter Harbor Inn
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Silverstein
Simpatico Jamestown
Smashing Photo Booth
Sons of Liberty Spirits Company
Spa Mosaic
Spain Restaurant
Spring House Hotel
Sweenor’s Chocolates
The Right Click
The Weekapaug Inn
Mr. Anthony Tomaselli
Trattoria Romana South
Umbrella Factory Gardens
University of Rhode Island
School of Music
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Vranka
W. H. Holland Electric, Inc.
Wakefield Music
Weedweavers of Wakefield
Wickford Appliance & Lighting
Wickford Package Store
Yard FX Lawncare, LLC.
The following individuals and businesses contributed to
our special appeal that evening to help fund the cost of
bringing Smart Pump technology to South County Hospital.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Bolster II
Dr. Frederick Browne and
Dr. Marya Chaisson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Burman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Carroll
Ms. Joanne M. Daly and
Mr. Guy Millick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Ambra
Ms. Lori Delfosse
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. DiMario
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frost
Sandi and Randy Gardner/
Gardner Woodwrights, Ltd.
Mr. Louis R. Giancola and
Dr. Pamela C. High
Dr. Thomas J. Keenan and
Dr. Eve T. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Latham
Mr. Dennis F. Lynch and
Ms. Joyce G. Perschy
Ed and Karen Mauro
Ms. Donna Neville and
Mr. Joseph DeAngelis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Panoff
Ms. Leah Prata
Roberts Health Centre
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Sabina
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Silvia
Ms. Holly L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wadensten
Mr. Joseph M. Welch
Gregory and Claire Wilcox
Family Foundation
The Winter Family Foundation
The Invitational
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Exclusive Grand Sponsor
Between the Greens Sponsor
Home & Hospice Care of
Rhode Island
History was made at this year’s Invitational Golf Tournament. For the
first time since the tournament’s inception, there was a tie for first place.
Congratulations to Professional Planning Group AND Rotha Contracting!
Save the Date for 2014
Wednesday, October 1st
Foursome Sponsors
Alert Ambulance Service, Inc.
The Bradford Group
E. W. Burman, Inc.
Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman, LLP
Citizens Bank of Rhode Island
Claflin Company
HealthNET Systems
Consulting, Inc.
Heritage Environmental
Services Inc.
Medsource Inc.
Mercer Health & Benefits
Rotha Contracting Company, Inc.
Sodexo Facilities Solutions
Transamerica Retirement Solutions
Washington Trust
Westerly Community Credit Union
Point Judith Country Club
In-Kind Donations
Dave’s Market
Lou Giancola
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544
your Health Matters
Your Health Matters is a free quarterly
publication produced as a community
service of South County Hospital Healthcare
System. To be added to our mailing list,
please call us at 401 788-1492.
South County Hospital Healthcare System
100 Kenyon Avenue
Wakefield, RI 02879
This publication is for general information
only and is not intended to replace the
advice of your doctor or other healthcare
provider. Articles published in Your Health
Matters reflect the views of those quoted and
do not necessarily represent the opinions
of all healthcare providers associated with
South County Hospital Healthcare System.
© 2014 South County Hospital Healthcare System
Martha W. Murphy, Editor-in-Chief,
South County Welcomes Distinguished Oncologist/Hematologist
Dr. Gerald Colvin pleased to return to Rhode Island
In October 2013, Dr. Gerald A.
Colvin joined South County
Oncology & Hematology, a practice
founded in 1983 and headed by
Dr. James Smythe.
While Dr. Colvin comes to
Rhode Island most recently from
New York, many here already know
him; he was an Associate Professor
of Medicine at Brown University for
many years, and was affiliated with oncology and hematology
programs at both Roger Williams Medical Center and Rhode
Island Hospital. He served as a research program director
for the Division of Hematology/Oncology at RI Hospital
and Site Director of the National Marrow Donor Program at
Roger Williams.
Board certified in Hematology, Oncology, and Internal
Medicine, Dr. Colvin has received more than a dozen honors
and awards over the years, including the American Medical
Association Physician’s Recognition Award. He has contributed
to more than 60 original research articles, and participated in
a number of important experimental clinical protocols. He is
passionate about his work and caring for his patients.
Dr. Colvin is accepting new patients. For an appointment
or consultation call 401 783-6670.
Oncology Nurse Navigator Supports, Guides Patients Through Treatment
Oncology Nurse Navigator
Leah Arsenault, RN, OCN
“It’s said that when a person is
diagnosed with cancer, he or she is
faced with close to 100 decisions,”
Leah Arsenault, oncology nurse
navigator for South County
Hospital, observed recently.
“That’s a lot to ask of a person
who is overwhelmed and scared.
I want to take away some of that
confusion and fear.”
As a certified oncology nurse
and clinical leader of Infusion Therapy, Arsenault brings 15
years of experience working with cancer patients and a wealth
of knowledge to her role.
As Oncology Nurse Navigator, Arsenault is there to
assist with appointments, coordinating care among the various
cancer specialists, and facilitating communications with
physicians. She serves as a continuous point of contact for
the patient and family throughout the entire cancer care
experience, all the while educating and supporting the patient
in decisions about treatments, recovery, and rehabilitation.
Patients can be referred to Arsenault by their primary care
physicians or other provider immediately upon diagnosis. For
more information, call Arsenault at 401 783-6670 or email her
South County Hospital Healthcare System 401 782-8000 Physician Finder: 401 783-5544