89 ALL 1975 MINUTES OTHER TRUSTEES RECORDS Executive Board April 14, April 14, 1975 Minutes 1975 l RECOMMENDATIONS APPOINTMENTS for ACADEMIC AND PROMOTIONS for the period from January 24, 1975 to March 20, 1975 Engineering designation The of Dr. John G. Brainerd as Emeritus University Professor of Electrical Engineering, at the time of his retirement, effective July 1, 1975. The designation of Dr. Carl C. Chambers as Emeritus University Professor of Engineering, at the time of his retirement, effective July 1, 1975. The designation of Dr. Reinout P. Kroon as Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering, at the time of his retirement, effective July 1, 1975. The designation of Dr. Cornelius Professorof Electrical Engineering, effective July 1, 1975. N. Weygandt as Emeritus at the time of his retirement, Appointments Professor The appointment of Dr. Norman I. Badler as Assistant of Computer and Information Science, for three years effective September 1, 1974 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1974). (born 1948, Calif.; B.A. (highest honors), 1970, Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara; M. SC., 1971, Ph.D., 1974, Univ. of Toronto) The appointment of Dr. Mark Beran as Adjunct Professor of Applied Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, for three years effective September 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; without tenure). (B.S., 1952, MIT; MS., 1953, Ph.D., 1955, Harvard; Group Leader of Math Group, RCA, 1955-56; Physicist, Air Force Cambridge Res. Center, 1956-59; Physicist, Technical Operations, Inc., 1959-61; Prof., Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Pa., 1961-74; Prof. Engineering Sci., Tel Aviv Univ., 1974- ) The appointment of Dr. Maurice A. Brull as Adjunct Professor of Applied Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering and September 1, 1974 Applied Mechanics, for three years effective (partial affiliation, without salary; without tenure). (born 1925, France (U.S. citizen) B. SC., 1949, M. SC., 1950, Prof., Univ. of Colorado; Ph.D., Univ. of Mich., 1952; Assistant Univ. of Mich., 1952-55; Head, Structure Res. Group, Bell Aircraft Corp, 1955-56; Project Engineer, General Electric, 1956-57; Assoc. Prof., 1957-59, Prof., 1959-71, Univ. of Pa.; Prof., TelAviv Univ., 1971- ) The appointment of Dr. Elizabeth B. Dussan V. as Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1974). (born 1946; B.E., State Univ. of N.Y., Stony Brook, 1367; Ph.D,, Johns Hopkins, 1972; Res. Assoc., Univ. of Minnesota, 1972-74) The appointment of Dr. Harold Kwart as Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering, College of Engineering and Applied Science, for one year effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; without tenure). (Ph.D., Harvard, 1947; Res. Assoc., Harvard, 1947-49; Assistant Prof., Bryn Mawr, 1949-51; Prof., Univ. of Delaware, 1951- ) Executive Board April 14, 1975 ENGlNEERING (continued) Appointments (continued) The appointment of Dr. Stephen W. Smoliar as Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Sciences, for the period from September 1, 1973 to June 30, 1977 (full affiliation, full salary: period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1973), Technion, 1971-73; (S.B., 1967, Ph.D. , -1971, MIT; Lecturer, Visiting Assistant Prof., Univ. of Pa., 1973-74) Secondary Appointment A second secondary appointment, for Dr. Edward D. Crandall as Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, with voting rights). Home department is Physiology, School of Medicine. Reappointment The reappointment of Dr. Noam Lior as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, for three years effective July 1, 1976 period of qualification for (full affiliation, full salary; tenure accrual began July 1, 1973). Promotions The promotion, in a secondary appointment, of Dr. Steven C. Batterman to Professor of Bioengineering, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, with voting rights). Home department is Mechanical Engineering, The promotion, in a secondary appointment, of Dr. David Graves to Associate Professor of Bioengineering, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, with. voting rights). Home department is Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. The promotion of Dr. Fred Haber to Professor of Systems Engineering, effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; has tenure). The promotion of Dr. Octavio M. Salati to Professor Engineering, effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, has tenure). of Electrical full salary; --Leave of Absence A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Alan L. Myers, Professor of Chemical Engineering, for academic year 1975-76 with up to one-half salary and continuation of benefits. (to work on thermochemical methods for hydrogen production at Technische Hochschule in Darmstadt) FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES The designation of Dr. Hui-Lin Li as the first John Bartram of Botany and Horticulture, effective July 1, 1974. Professor Appointment The appointment of Dr. Michael Friedman as Assistant Professor of Philosophy, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual begins July 1975). (born 1947, Mass.; B.A., Queens, 1969; Ph.D., Princeton, 1972; Assistant Prof., Harvard, 1972-1975) Reappointments of Dr. Mllton Merker as Research Assistant The reappointment Professor of Astronomy, for one year effective July 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 5, 1969). This is a terminal reappointment. 1, Executive Board April 14, 1975 -3- FACULTY OF ARTS A?? SCIENCES (continued) Reappointments (continued) The reappointment of of Physics, for one full salary; period July 1, 1970). This Dr. Howard Weisberg as Assistant Professor 1, 1975 (full affiliation of qualification for tenure accrual began is a terminal reappointment. year effective July Leaves of Absence A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Roger Allen, Associate Professor of Oriental Studies, for the academic year 1975-76, with of benefits. up to one-half salary and continuation (rework and prepare for publication first yr. Arabic textbook; to read widely in specialist field of literature) A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Alan N. Epstein, Professor of Biology, for the academic year 1975-76 with up to one-half salary and continuation of benefits. (to continue studies at Cambridge Univ. on how the hormone angiotensin affects the brain to mobilize thirst) The scholarly leave of absence granted to Dr. Robert M. Hartwell, Associate Professor of History, for the Fall term 1971-72, is postponed at his request. The scholarly leave of absence granted to Dr. Igor Kopytoff, Associate Professor of Anthropology, is extended to include the academic year 1975-76, without salary, benefits to continue. The scholarly leave of absence granted to Dr. Erle V. Leichty, Professor of Assyriology, for the academic year 1974-75 has been cancelled without prejudice, at his request. A scholarly ieave of absence for Dr. Albert Pepitone, Professor of Psychology, for the Spring term 1976 with up to full salary and continuation of benefits (to continue a cross-cultural research program bearing on human reactions to normative violations including the allocations of sanctions) l A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Robert T. Powers, Associate Professor of Mathematics, for the academic year 1975-76 with up to one-half salary and continuation of benefits. (to continue research at Univ. of Calif., Berkeley in the area of unbounded derivations of uniformly hyperfinite algebras with particular attention to application to statistical mechanics) A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Karl Shell, Professor of Economics, for the Fall term 1973 with up to full salary and continuation of benefits. (research project on theory of optimal taxation with costly administration and the theory of markets) A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Ake Sjoberg, Clark Research Professor of Assyriology, for the academic year 1975-76 with up to one-half salary and continuation of benefits. (research on a Sumerian dictionary) A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Etienne van de Walle, Professor of Demography in Sociology, for the Spring term 1976, without salary, but with continuation of benefits. (research and writing at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Wash.) A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Ingrid L. Waldron, Associate Professor of Biology, for the academic year 1975-76 with up to one-half salary and continuation of benefits. (to pursue studies of development of sex differences in coronaryprone behavior patterns at Boston Univ. in fall term and continue experiments at Penn during spring semester) 92 Executive Board April 14, 1975 -4FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (continued) Leaves of Absence (continued) A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Harvey D. Winston, Associate Professor of Psychology, for the academic year 1975-76 with up to one-half salary and continuation of benefits or an alternative arrangement for the Sprlng term 1976 with up to full salary and continuation of benefits. (to do research and writing on continuing study on schizotypy and schizophrenia and to further investigation in the area of sports psychology) A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Martin B. Wolfe, Professor of History, for the Fall term 1975 with up to full salary and continuation of benefits. (to prepare a study on the utility of European economic history for the history of public welfare) Resignations Dr. Michael G. Allingham, effective June 30, 1975. Associate Professor of Economics, Dr. Laurence J. Silberstein, Moritz and Josephine Berg Assistant Professor of Religious Thought, effective July 1, 1975, Amendment to Previous Action The appointment of Dr. Raymond Davis, Jr. of Astronomy, should be amended --to read: from the University. Corrections to Previous as Adjunct with partial Professor salary Actions The appointment of Dr. Barbara Kirchenblatt-Gimblett as Associate Professor of Folklore and Folklife should be corrected to read: full affiliation, partial salary, --with full University paid benefits. Dr. James C.P. Liang has accepted appointment as Assistant Professor of Oriental Studies, should be corrected to read: for three years effective July 1, 1971 Period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1971. LAW --Leave of Absence A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. George L. Haskins, Algernon Sydney Biddle Professor of Law, for the Fall term 1975, without salary; benefits to be continued at his expense. (working on Volume II of the Supreme Court History under the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise) Amendment to Previous Action The appointment of Mr. Henry B. Hansmann as Assistant Professor of Law, effective July 1, 1975, should be amended --to read: partial salary for 1975-76. SOCIAL WORK Reappointment The reappointment of Louis Carter as Assistant Professor of Social Work, for one year effective July 1, 1976 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1971). 93 Executive Board April 14, 1975 - 5SOCIAL WORK(continued) --Leave of Absence A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. John S. Morgan, Professor of Social Administration, for the period from July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976, with up to one-half salary and continuation of benefits. (continue studies on the analysis of data received about international welfare planning and policy and work into social impact of multinational growth in developing countries) Wharton Appointments The appointment of Dr. Thomas W. Dunfee as Associate Professor of Business Law, effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; with tenure). (born 1941; A.B., Marshall Univ., 1963; J.D. 1946, L.L.M., 1969, N.Y.U.; Assistant Prof. Business Law, Ill. State Univ., 1968-70: Assistant Prof. Business Law, Assistant Prof. Business Prof. Business Ohio State, Law, Indiana Univ., Law, Ohio State, 1972-75) 1970-72; Visiting Summer 1972; Assoc. as Assistant Professor of The appointment of Dr. John R. Rossiter Marketing, for one year effective July 1, i974 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1974). (born Australia; B.S. (Honors), Univ. of Western Australia, 1965; M.S., UCLA, 1967; Ph.D., Univ. of Pa. 1974; Res. Assistant, Univ. of Pa., 1972-74; Researcher with Associates for Res. in Behavior, Phila., 1967-71) Secondary Appointment A secondary appointment for Dr. Robert A. Zelten, Assistant Professorof Insurance, as Assistant Professor, Health Care Systems Unit, for the period from January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975 (partial affiliation, with voting rights). Reappointments The reappointment of Dr. Richard H. Heiberger as Assistant Professorof Statistics and Operations Research for three years effective July 1, 1976 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1973): The reappointment of Dr. Richard Herring as Assistant Professor Finance, for three years effective July 1, 1976 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1973). of of Dr. Jeffrey Jaffe as Assistant Professor of Finance, for three years effective July 1, 1976 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 2, 1973). The reappointment The reappointment of Dr. James R. Morris as Assistant Professor Finance, for two years effective July 1, 1976 (full affiliation, full salary: period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1972). The reappointment of Dr. John R. Rossiter as Assistant Professor of Marketing, for three years effective July 1, 1985 (fall for tenure affiliation, full salary; period of qualification accrual began July 1r 1974). The reappointment of Dr. Joseph D. Vinso as Assistant Professor of Finance, for three years effective July 1, 1976 (full affiliation full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1973) of 94 Board Executive April 14, 1975 -6WHARTON(continued) Resignations Dr. Francis E. Brown, Professor effective June 30, 1975, Correction to Previous of Marketing and Statistics, Action The appointment of Dr. Susan M. Wachter as Assistant Professor of Finance, should be corrected to read: for four years effective July 1, 1974 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1974). Dental Medicine Reappointments The reappointment of Dr. Jeffrey S. Ingber as Assistant of Form and Function of the Masticatory System, School Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual July 1, 1972). Tenure review date is the academic year Professor of Dental affiliation, began 1977-78. The reappointment of Dr. Warren Rudner as Assistant Professor of Endodontics, School of Dental Medicine, for three years retroactively from July 1, 1973 (partial affiliation, partial salary: status in this appointment). not in tenure probationary The reappointment of Dr. Gerald S. Weintraub as Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1974 and change to a ten year Clinical probationary period (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1970). New tenure review date is academic year 1978-79. Promotions The promotion of Dr. George Isaacson from Associate to Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, partial salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). (born 1930, N.Y.; D.D.S., Temple, 1954: Air Force, 1954-56; Lecturer, Albert Einstein, 1957-60; Instructor, 1962-67, Assoc. 1967-74, Univ. of Pa.) The promotion of Dr. Malcolm A. Lynch to Professor of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, effective January 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; has tenure). The promotion of Dr. Morton Melman from Associate to Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, partial salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). (born 1923, Pa,; D.D.S., Univ. of Pa., 1944; U.S. Army, 1943-47; Jefferson Hospital Dental Clinic, Staff, 1947-59; Children's Hospital, Phila. Dental Clinic Sr. Staff Dentist, 1948-60: Albert Einstein, 1973; Instructor, 1964-67, Assoc., 1967-74) The promotion of Dr. Ford M. Sophocles from Associate to Assistant Professor of Form and Function of the Masticatory System, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, partial salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). (born 1924, Cyprus (U.S. citizen); D.D.S.) Univ. of Pa., 1951: Assistant Instructor, 1951, Instructor, 1952-61, Assoc., 1970-74, Univ. of Pa.) 95 Executive Board April 14, 1975 -7DENTAL MEDICINE (continued) Leaves of Absence A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Vernon J. Brightman, Professor of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, for the period from July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976, with up to one-half salary from University deficit budget and continuation of benefits. (research on disordered oral sensation and atypical facial pain at N.Y. State Vet. College, Ithica) A scholarly leave of absence for Dr. Anthony A. Vito, Professor of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, for the period from July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976; with up to one-half of twelve month salary from University deficit budget and continuation of benefits. (course work in areas of Operations Research, Management and Economics and course in Clinical Pharmacology--both at Penn) Amendments to Previous Actions The appointment of Dr. Harvey L. Freedman as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pathology, School of Dental Medicine, should be amended without salary. --to read: The appointment of Dr. Lester Luntz as Assistant Professor of Pathology, School of Dental Medicine, should be amended --to read: without salary. Correction to Previous Action The promotion of Dr. Louis Rose from Associate to Assistant Professor of Periodontics, School of Dental Medicine, should be corrected to read: period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1972. Miscellaneous Change to a ten year Clinical probationary period for Dr. Austin Robbins, Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1969). New tenure review date is academic year 1977-78. Change to a ten year Clinical probationary period for Dr. George J. Shelly, Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine (full affiliation, full salary: period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1969). New tenure review date is academic year 1977-70. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE The designation of Dr. William H. Erb as Emeritus Professor Surgery, School of Medicine, at the time of his retirement, effective July 1, 1975. of The designation of Dr. Julian Johnson as Emeritus Professor Surgery, School of Medicine, at the time of his retirement, effective July 1, 1975. of The designation of Dr. M.H. Samitz as Emeritus Professor of Dermatology, School of Medicine, at the time of his retirement, effective July 1, 1975. Appointments The appointment of Dr. James S. Comaish as Visiting Professor of Dermatology, School of Medicine, for the period from April 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975 (partial affiliation, partial salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). Executive Board April 14, 1975 SCHCOL of MEDICINE (continued) Appointments (continued) The appointment of Dr. Dominic A. DeLaurentis as Professor of Surgery, School of Medicine, effective November 1, 1974 (full affiliation, full salary from Pennsylvania Hospital without obligation on the part of the University to continue salary beyond the expiration of salary support and benefits from Pennsylvania Hospital; tenure of academic rank while serving as Chief of Surgery at the Pennsylvania Hospital). (born 1925, Italy (U.S. citizen); B.S. (with honors) St. Joseph's, 1949; M.D. (with honors), Temple, 1953; Internship: Abington Memorial Hospital, 1953-54; Residency: Temple, 1954-58; Instructor, 1958-62, Assoc., 1962-63, Assistant Prof., 1963-66, Assoc. Prof., 1966-71, Temple; Assoc. Prof., 1971-74, Prof. 1974, Hahnemann) The appointment of Dr. Edward Francis Foulks as Associate Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for the period from January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1974). Tenure review date is academic year 1976-77. (born 1937, Mich.; B.A., Univ. of Mich., 1958; M.D.C.M., McGill, 1962; Intern: Cook County Hospital, 1962-64; Residency: Eastern Penna. Psych. Inst., 1964-68; Res. Assistant Prof. Psychiatry, Med. College of Penna., 1968-69; Res. Assoc., Univ. of Alaska, 1969-70; Lecturer Anthropology, Univ. of Pa., 1970-71; Assistant Prof., 1970-72; Assoc. Prof., 1973-74, Hahnemann Med. College) The appointment of Dr. Jonathan C. Howard as Visiting Assistant Professor of Pathology, School of Medicine, for one year effective September 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, partial salary; without tenure). (born 1943, United Kingdom; B.A.., 1964,, Ph.D., 1969, Oxford; Member Scientific Staff, Univ. of Oxford, 1968-73: Weir Jr. Res. Fellowship, Univ. College, 1970-73; Postdoc. Fellowship and Fulbright Scholarship, 1971-72, Visiting Assistant Prof., 1973, Univ. of Pa.; Sr. Scientific Officer, Agricultural Res. Council Inst. of Animal Physiol., Cambridge, 1973) The appointment of Dr. George G. McDonald as Assistant Professor of Biophysics, School of Medicine, for four years effective July 1, 1973 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1973 with a seven year probationary period). Tenure review date will be June 30, 1979. (born 1944, Ill.: B.S., Loyola Univ., 1962-66; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1966-70; Postdoctoral Fellow, Johnson Res. Foundation, Univ. of Pa., 1970-73) The appointment of Dr. Jose Oscar Morales as Assistant Clinical Professor of Radiology, School of Medicine, for three years effective January 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The appointment of Dr. Frank L. Murphy as Assistant Professor of Anesthesia, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1974 with a ten year Clinical probationary period). Tenure review date will be academic year 1982-83. (born 1943, Mo.; B.A., 1965, M.D., 1969, Harvard; Surgery: 1969-70, Residency: 1971, Univ. of Colorado; 1971-72, Univ. of Pa.; Fellowship, 1973) The appointment of Dr. Michael J. O'Conner as Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (full affiliation, full salary: period of qualification for texture accrual began July 1, 1974 with a seven year probationary period). Tenure review date will be June 30, 1980. (born 1941, Pa.; BSEE, 1963, M.D., 1967, Univ. of Pa.: Intern, 1967-68, Resident, 1968-70, Univ. of Pa.; Lieutenant Commander, NIH, 1970-72; Neurosurgery Resident, HUP, 1972-74) 97 Executive Board SCHOOL April 14, 1975 OF MEDICINE (continued) Appointments (continued) The appointment of Dr. Paula M. Orkand as Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Assistant Professor of Anatomy in Medicine, School of Medicine, for the period from September 1, 1974 to June 30, 1977 (partial affiliation, partial salary from the Department of Home department is Anatomy. Medicine; without tenure). (born 1938, Minnesota; B.S. Univ. of Minnesota, 1960; Ph.D., Univ. of London, 1964; Res. Fellow, 1964-67, Instructor, 1967-68, Harvard; Assistant Prof., UCLA, 1968-74) The appointment of Dr. William F. Rintelmann as Professor of Audiology in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Human Communication, School of Medicine, effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; with tenure). (born 1930, Ill.; B.S., Arizona, 1952; M.A., 1957, Ph.D., 1960, Indiana Univ.; Postdoc., 1961-63, Assistant Prof., 1963-66, Northwestern: Assoc. Prof., 1966-70, Prof. 1970-75, Mich. State) The appointment of Dr. Harold L. Rutenberg as Associate Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine while serving as Chief of the Cardiology Division of the Department of Medicine at the Pennsylvania Hospital, effective for the period from January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1979 (full affiliation, full salary from Pennsylvania Hospital paid through the Accounts Receivable Budget, without obligation on the part of the University of Pennsylvania to continue salary beyond the expiration of salary support and benefits from the Pennsylvania Hospital; without tenure). Tenure review date will be academic year 1977-78. (born 1934, Pa.: B.A., Univ. of Pa., 1956; M.D., Temple, 1960; Intern, Einstein, 1960-61; Resident, Temple, 1963-65; NIH Fellowship, Temple, 1965-67; Instructor, 1967-70, Assistant Prof., 1970-74, Assoc. Prof., 1974-75, Temple) The appointment of Dr. Joseph A. Simaan as Visiting Associate Professor of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, for the period from September 1, 1974 to August 31, 1975 (partial affiliation, full salary; without tenure). (born 1932, Lebanon; B.A., 1954, M.D., 1958, American Univ. of Beirut; Residency: 1963-64, Instructor, 1960-63, Assistant Prof., 1963-67, Assoc. Prof., 1967Fellow , American Univ. of Beirut; in Pharm., State Univ. N.Y., 1964-65) The appointment of Dr. Thomas J. Spackman as Associate Professor of Radiology, School of Medicine, effective July 1, 1974 (full affiliation, full salary; tenure of academic rank with no obligation on the part of the University to provide salary or benefits other than that provided by Children's Hospital or beyond termination of support from Children's Hospital). (born 1937, Ill.; B.A., DePauw Univ., 1959; M.D,, Western Reserve, 1964; Intern: 1964-65, Assistant Resident: 1965-66, Fellow, Diagnostic Radiology, 1966-68, Fellow, Clinical Res. Training Unit, 1968-69, Assistant Prof., 1969-74, Yale Univ.) The appointment of Dr. John Stuart Willens as Assistant Clinical Professor of Anesthesia, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; without tenure). (born 1939, Mich.; B.S., Wayne State, 1961; M.D., St. Louis Univ., 1965; Internship: 1965-66, St. Louis City Hospital; Resident: 196667, Mass. General; Res. Fellow, Harvard, 1967-68; Assistant Resident, Mass. General, 1968-69; Chief Resident, Mass. General, 1969; U.S. Navy, 1970-72; Director, Anesthesia, Paoli Memorial Hospital, 1973-74) 98 Executive Board April 14, 1975 -10SCHOOLOF MEDICINE (continued) Reappointments The reappointment of Dr. Elias Abrutyn as Assistant Professor of School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, Medicine, 1975 (full affiliation, without salary; one year of tenure accrual earned for the period July 1, 1970 to June 30, 1971; period of qualification for tenure accrual recommenced July 1, 1972 with a ten year Clinical probationary period). Tenure review date is academic year 1979-50, The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Edward H. Bedrossian from Associate Professor of Ophthalmology to Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of Dr. Ronald J. Bolognese as Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School. of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of Dr. Anna-Marie Chirico as Assistant of Medicine, School of Medicine, for one year effective 1974 (full affiliation, full salary; has tenure). Professor July 1, The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Stephen L. Corson from Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology to Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Benjamin Dickstein from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of Dr. Donald H. Gilden as Assistant Professor of Neurology, School of Medicine, for three years retroactively from July 1, 1974 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1971 with a seven year probationary period). Tenure review date is academic year 1976-77. Clinical The reappointment of Dr. Robert Maxwell Glass as Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. George R. Green Professor of Clinical Medicine to Assistant Clinical from Assistant Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Eugene A. Hildreth Medicine to Clinical Professor of from Professor of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Lois H. Johnson from Assistant Professor to Assistant Research Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). 99 Executive Board April 14, 1975 -11SCHOOL OFMEDICINE (continued) Reappointments (continued) The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Henry F. Lee from Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics to Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary: not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment (beyond retirement age) of Dr. Arthur Linksz as Lecturer in Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, for one year without salary; effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. E. Wayne Marshall from Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine to Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of Dr. Ronald R. Minor as Assistant Professor Professor of Pathoof Anatomy, School of Medicine and Assistant biology, School of Veterinary Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary partly from University sources and partly from grant sources, without obligation on the part of the University to continue salary beyond termination of that support; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1972 with a seven year probationary period). Tenure review date is academic year 1977-78. Home department is Anatomy, School of Medicine (without voting rights in Pathobiology, secondary appointment). The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Robert D. Mulberger from Associate Professor of Ophthalmology to Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthamology, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary: not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Gaylord W. Ojers from Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology to Assistant Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). of Dr. Samuel M. Peacock, Jr. as Adjunct The reappointment Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years retroactively from July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. William Phillips to Assistant Clinical from Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years retroactively from July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of Dr. B.D.N. Rao as Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, School of Medicine, for the period retroactively from December 1, 1974 to November 30, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary: not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). Professor The reappointment of Dr. John P. Rapp as Assistant Comparative Pathology, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; in tenure probationary status in this appointment). of not The reappointment of Dr. Alfred S. Roberts, Jr. as Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years retroactively from July 1, 1973 (partial afffliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment), 100 Executive Board April 14, 1975 SCHOOL OFMEDICINE (continued) (continued) Reappointments The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Alexander Rush from Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine to Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of Dr. Larry Stein as Adjunct Professor of School of Medicine, for three years from July 1, 1973 (partial affiliation, without tenure probationary status in this appointment); Psychology in Psychiatry, retroactively salary; not in The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. T. Ramsey Thorp from Assistant Professor of Opthalmology to Assistant Clinical Professor of Opthalmology, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; status in this appointment). not in tenure probationary The reappointment of and change in Vucicevic from Assistant Professor Clinical Professor of Opthalmology, three years effective July 1, 1975 salary; not in tenure probationary title for Dr. Zarko M. of Opthalmology to Assistant School of Medicine, for (partial affiliation, partial status in this appointment). The reappointment of and change in title for Dr. Howard P. Wood from Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry to Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years retroactively from July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The reappointment of Dr. Alexander Yanovski as Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years retroactively from July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). Promotions The promotion of Dr. Doris A. Chernik from Associate to Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary statue in this appointment). Has accrued four years toward tenure for the period from September 14, 1970 to June 30, 1974. (born 1934, Calif. ; B.A., 1966, M.A., 1967, Calif. State Univ., Ph.D., Univ of Texas, 1970; Director of Sleep Lab., 1970-73, Assoc. Psychiatry, 1973-75, Univ. of Pa.) The promotion of Dr. Anna-Marie Chirico to Associate Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; has tenure). The promotion of Dr. Ronald F. Coburn to Professor of Physiology, School of Medicine, effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; has tenure) and a secondary appointment, as Professor of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; with voting rights). Home department is Physiology. The promotion of Dr. Lee Combrinck-Graham from Associate to Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). (born 1941, Mass.; A.B., Radcliffe, 1963; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1968; Intern, 1968-69, Resident, 1969-71, Univ. of Pa.; Fellow ship in Child Psychiatry, Child Guidance Clinic, 1971-73; Instructor, 1973-74, Assoc., 1974-75, Univ. of Pa.) 101 Executive Board April 14, 1975 -13SCHOOLOF MEDICINE (continued) Promotions (continued) The promotion of Dr. Lee Herschel Cooperman to Professor of Anesthesia, School of Medicine, effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; has tenure). from Clinical The promotion of Dr. Kenneth J. DeBenedictis Associate to Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). (born 1936, Pa.: B.S., Notre Dame, 1958; M.D., Jefferson, 1962; U.S.A.F., 1963-65; Resident, Mercy Catholic Med., 1965-67; Fellowship, HUP, 1968-70; Clinical Assoc. in Med., Univ. of Pa., 1970-75) The promotion of Dr. Herbert Diamond to Associate Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation with academic rank contingent upon conMental,Health Consortium; current appointment at West Philadelphia full salary from funds paid to the University by West Philadelphia Mental Health Consortium or other external sources, without obligation on the part of the University to continue salary and benefits in the absence of these funds, The promotion of Dr. Max Leonard Fogel to Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). The promotion of Dr. Robert L. Honish from Clinical Associate in Medicine to Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for three years retroactively from July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary Has accrued two years toward tenure status in this appointment). for the period from July 1, 1971 to June 30, 1973. (born 1939, N,J.; B.S., Trinity College, 1961; M.D., Tufts, 1965; Intern, Cooper Hospital, 1966; Resident, Penna. Hospital, 1965-70; Assoc., 1971-73, Clinical Assoc., 1973-74, Univ. of Pa.) The promotion of Dr. Philip Littman from Associate to Assistant Professor of Radiology, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1974 with a seven year probationary period). Tenure review date is academic year 1979-80. (born 1941, Wash. D.C.; B.A., Stanford, 1962; M.D., Univ. of Md., 1968; Internship: 1968-69, Assistant Resident, 1969-70, USPHS Hospital, Balt.: Resident, 1971-72, Clinicai Fellow, 1972-73, Univ. of Pa.; Resident, Mass. General Hospital, 1973-74; Assoc., 1974-75, Univ. of Pa.) The promotion of and change in home department and salary status Biophysics, for Dr. Avraham Mayevsky from Research Associate in Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry (partial affiliation, partial salary) to Adjunct Research Assistant Professor of Neurology, School of Medicine, for the period from September 1, 1974 to June 30, 1977 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). (born 1940, Israel; B. SC., 1964, M. SC., 1966, Hebrew Univ.: Ph.D., Weizmann Inst. of Science, 1972; Postdoc. Fellow, Johnson Foundation, 1972-73, Res. Assoc., Neurol., 1973-74, Univ. of Pa.) 102 Executive Board April 14, 1975 -14SCHOOLOF MEDICINE (continued) Promotions (continued) The promotion of Dr. Sheila Murphey from Associate to Assistant Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary without obligation on the part of the University of Pennsylvania to continue salary beyond the termination of support from PGH contract funds; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1974 with a ten year Clinical probationary Tenure review date is academic year 1982-83. period). 1965; M.D. (born 1943, Pa.; A.B., Chestnut Hill College, 1970-72, Woman's Med. College, 1969; Intern, 1969-70, Intern, Mount Sinai; Fellowship, 1972-74, Associate, 1974-75, Univ. of Pa.) The promotion of Dr. William G. Negendank, III from Associate to Assistant Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, without salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1974 with a ten year Clinical probationary period). Tenure review date is academic year 1982-83. (born 1940, Dela,; B.A., Univ. of Delaware, 1965; M.D., Jefferson, 1969; Intern, 1969-70, Assistant Resident, 1970-71, Sr. Resident, 1971-72, Fellow, 1972-74, Assoc., 1974-75, Univ. of Pa.) The promotion of Dr. Joseph E. Pappano, Jr. from Clinical Associate to Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). (born 1935, Pa.; B.A., La Salle, 1957; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1961; Intern, Penna. Hospital, 1961-62; Resident, Bryn Mawr, 1962-64; Fellowship, HUP, 1964-66; U.S. Army, 1966-68; Assoc., Univ. of Pa., 1969-75) The promotion of Dr. Harry Salem to Adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; without tenure). The promotion of Dr. Alexander Scriabine to Adjunct Associate School of Medicine, for three years Professor of Pharmacology, effective July 1, 1974 (partial affiliation, without salary; without tenure). The promotion of Dr. Edith S. Sheppard from Associate to Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, status in this without salary; not in tenure probationary appointment). (born 1920, Pa.; B.A., Barnard, 1941; M.D., N.Y.U., 1944; Intern, Bellevue, 1944-45; Intern, Albert Einstein, 1945; Hospital, 1945-46; Resident, Resident, Phila. Psychiatric Bellevue Hospital, 1946-47; Resident, Veterans Training Program, 1947-49; Assoc. in Psychiatry, Univ. of Pa., 1958-75) The promotion of Dr. Melvin Singer from Associate to Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). (born 1937, Pa.; B.S., Univ. of Pa., 1958; M.D., Hahnemann, 1962; Intern, PGH, 1962-63; Resident, Inst. of Pa. Hospital, 1963-66; Family Studies Section, NIMH, 1966-68; Assoc., Univ. of Pa., 1968-75) 103 Executive Board April 14, 1975; -15SCHOOLOF MEDICINE (continued) Promotions (continued) The promotion of Dr. Rudolf N. Staroscik from Associate to Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery and Community Medicine, School of Medicine for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, partial salary from the Department of Surgery, no salary from the Department of Community Medicine; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). Home department is Surgery. (born 1940, Pa.; B.A., Princeton, 1961; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1965; Univ. of Pa., 1965-66; Resident: Univ. of Pa., 1966-67; Intern: Clinical Assoc., NIH, 1967-69; Resident: Univ. of Pa., 1969-71; Children's Hospital, 1971-73; Assoc. in Surgery and Community Med., Univ. of Pa., 1973-75) The promotion of Dr. Lee W. Yudin from Associate in Psychology in Psychiatry to Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, School of Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). (born 1937, N.Y.; B.B.A., City College of N.Y., 1958; M.S., 1962, Ph.D., 1964, Univ. of Mass.; Instructor, 1965-71, Assoc., 1971-75, Univ. of Pa.) Miscellaneous A change in status for Dr. Harry C. Bishop, Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery, School of Medicine to fully affiliated with indefinite tenure of academic rank; fully salaried from funds paid to the University by Surgical Associates of Children’s Hospital retroactive to October 1, 1974, without obligation on the part of the University to continue salary and benefits in the absence of these funds. A change in status for Dr. Stanley M.K. Chung, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, School of Medicine to full affiliated; fully salaried partly from funds paid to the University by Surgical Associates of Children's Hospital for the period from October 1, 1974 to June 30, 1976, without obligation on the part of the University to continue the portion of salary by Surgical Associates in the absence and benefits contributed of these funds. Tenure review date is academic year 1975-76. Change in salary status for Dr. L. Thomas Coleman, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, from partial affiliation, partial salary to partial affiliation, without salary, effective January 1, 1975 (not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). A change in status for Dr. John W. Duckett, Associate Professor of Urology, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine to fully affiliated with indefinite tenure of academic rank; fully salaried from funds paid to the University by Surgical Associates of Children's Hospital and other external sources retroactive to October 1, 1974, without obligation on the part of the University to continue salary and benefits in the absence of these funds. A change in status for Dr. R. Bruce Filmer, Assistant Professor of Urology, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine to fully affiliated, fully salaried from funds paid to the University by Surgical Associates of Children's Hospital, for the period from November 1, 1974 to June 30, 1977, without obligation on the part of the University to continue salary and benefits in the absence of these funds; tenure review date is academic year 1979-80, SECRETARY 104 Executive Board April 14, 1975 SCHOOL OFMEDICINE (continued) Miscellaneous (continued) A change in status for Dr. C. Everett Koop, Professor of Pediatric Surgery, School of Medicine to fully affiliated with indefinite tenure; fully salaried partly from funds paid to the University by Surgical Associates of Children’s Hospital retroon the part of active to October 1, 1974, without obligation the University to continue the portion of salary and benefits contributed by Surgical Associates in the absence of these funds. Change in tenure status for Dr. Philip G. Mechanick, Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, from tenure limited to the availability of funds from outside sources to full tenure effective January 1, 1975. A change in status for Dr. Louise Schnaufer, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine to fully affiliated, full salaried from funds paid to the University by Surgical Associates of Children’s Hospital, for the period from October 1, 1974 to June 30, 1977, without obligation on the part of the University to continue salary and benefits in the absence of these funds; tenure review date is academic year 1976-77. for Dr. Maurice N. Srouji, Associate ProSurgery, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine to fully affiliated with indefinite tenure of academic rank; fully salaried from funds paid to the University by Surgical Associates of Children's Hospital and other external sources retroactive to October 1, 1974, without obligation on the part of the University to continue salary and benefits in the absence of these funds. A change in status fessor of Pediatric A change in status for Dr. Sylvan E. Stool, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Otolaryngology, School of Medicine to fully affiliated with indefinite tenure of academic rank; fully salaried from funds paid to the University by Surgical Associates of Children’s Hospital retroactive to October 1, 1974, without obligation on the part of the University to continue salary and benefits in the absence of these funds; home’ department is Pediatrics. Change in affiliation, salary status ) tenure status and academic title for Dr. Rosalind Y. Ting from Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics (partial affiliation, partial salary, not accruing tenure) to Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine for the period from February 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual period). began July 1, 1974 with a ten year Clinical probationary Tenure review date is academic year 1982-83. to employ beyond retirement age and change in title for Dr. Sidney Weiss from Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology to Assistant Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, for one year effective July 1, 1975 (partial affiliation, without salary; not in tenure probationary status in this appointment). Permission --Leave of Absence Change in place of leave of absence for Dr. Alfred M. Bongiovanni, of Ife in Ile-Ife, Nigeria Professor of Pediatrics to University instead of Project Hope. 105 Executive Board April 14, 1975 -17SCHOOL OFMEDICINE (continued) Resignations Dr. Paul J. Beisswenger, effective May 1, 1975. Assistant Dr. Joan Celebre, Assistant cology, School of Medicine, Professor Professor effective of Medicine, of Obstetrics and GyneFebruary 28, 1975. Dr. Lawrence W. Davis, Associate Professor of Radiology, School of Medicine, effective July 1, 1975. Dr. Jay S. DeVore, Assistant Professor of Anesthesia and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, effective April 30, 1975. Corrections to Previous Actions The secondary appointment of Dr. Robert L. Barchi as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, should be corrected -to read: without voting rights in the Department of Biochemistry. The leave of absence (for employment elsewhere) for Dr. Aaron Freedman, Professor of Medicine, should be corrected --to read: 1975. --for the period from February 16, i971 to June 30, The promotion of Dr. Harvey M. Shapiro to Assistant Professor of Anesthesia, School of Medicine, should be corrected --to read: effective retroactively from January 1, 1973. Amendment to Previous Action The promotion of Dr. Fredrick Kayne to Associate Professor of Physical Biochemistry, should be amended to read: full salary dependent upon RCDA grant support. SCHOOL OFNURSING Promotions The promotion of Ms. Ann Adomanis from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Nursing, Graduate Division, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1972). Tenure review date is academic year 1977-78. (R.N., 1968, Saint Frances Hospital Sch. of Nursing; BAN., 1970, M.S.N., 1972, Univ. of Pa.; Instructor, 1972-74, Univ. of Pa.) The promotion of Ms. Beatrice Hunsberger from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Nursing, Undergraduate Division, for one year effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1970). Tenure review date is academic year 1975-76. (R.N.) Methodist Hospital, 1944; B.S.N. Ed., 1957, M.S.N., 1970, Univ. of Pa.; Staff Nurse, Methodist Hospital, 1944-45; Army Nurse Corps, 1945-46; Penna. Hospital, 1946-47; Methodist Hospital: Staff Nurse, 1947-48, Head Nurse, 1948-51, Supervisor and Instructor, 1951-60; Penna. Hospital: Head Nurse, 1960-63, Supervisor, 1963-65; Community Nursing Service, Collingwood, N.J., 1965-68; Instructor, Univ. of Pa., 1970-75) The promotion of Ms. Margaret Keen from Instructor to Professor of Nursing, Graduate Division, for one year July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of for tenure accrual began July 1, 1972). Tenure review academic year 1977-78. (born 1934; B.S.N., Univ. of N.M., 1966; M.S.N., Univ. Instructor, Univ. of Pa., 1972-75) Assistant effective qualification date is of Pa., 1972; 106 Executive Board April 14, 1975 -18- SCHOOL OF_NURSING(continued) Promotions (continued) The promotion of Ms. Marcy Kershner from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Nursing, Undergraduate Division, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1972). Tenure review date is academic year 1977-78. (born 1933, Pa.; B.S., Wittenberg, 1960; MS., Drexel, 1972; Instructor, Univ. of Pa., 1972-75) The promotion of Ms. Joy Lawrence from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Nursing, Undergraduate Division, for one year effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1970). Tenure review date is academic year 1975-76. (B.S.N., Niagara Univ., 1955; M.S.N., Univ. of Pa., 1970: Rochester Health Dept., 1955-57; St. Clare's Hospital, N.Y.C., 1957-58; N.Y.C. Health Dept., 1953-64; Marion Co. Health & Hospital Corp., Indianopolis, 1965-67; Marple-Newtown Schools, 1966; Instructor, Univ. of Pa., 1970-75) The promotion of Ms. Mary Ann Miller from Associate to Assistant Professor of Nursing, Undergraduate Division, for one year effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1970). Tenure review date is academic year 1975-76. (B.S.N., Carlow College, 1963; M.S.N., Univ. of Pa., 1970; Instructor, Univ. of Pa., 1970-75) SCHOOL OF VETERINARYMEDICINE Secondary Appointment A secondary appointment for Dr. H. Ralph Schumacher, Associate Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, as Associate Professor of of Comparative Medicine, Department of Clinical Studies, School 1975 Veterinary Medicine, for three years effective January 1, (partial affiliation, without voting rights). Home department is Medicine, School of Medicine. Promotion The promotion of Dr. G. Frederick Fregin from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, for three years effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary: period of qualification for tenure accrual began July 1, 1970 with a ten year Clinical probationary period). Tenure review date will be academic year 1978-79. (born 1937, Ohio: B.S., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1960: V.M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1964; Assistant Instructor in Cardiology, 1964-65, Instructor in Med., 1970-75, Univ. of Pa.) Leave of Absence -- The scholarly leave of absence granted to Dr. W.T. Weber, Associate Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathobiology, School of VeterinaryMedicine, for the period from September 1, 1973 to August 31, 1974, is canceled at his request. 107 Executive Board April 14, 1975 -19ADDENDUM The designation of Dr. Richard L. Solomon as the first James M. Skinner, Jr. Professor of Science, effective April 15, 1975 The appointment of Leonard B. Meyer as Benjamin Franklin of Music, effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full with tenure). Professor salary; The appointment of Dr. Leo Steinberg as Benjamin Franklin Professor of the History of Art, effective July 1, 1975 (full affiliation, full salary; with tenure). (born 1920, U.S.S.R. (U.S. citizen); Ph.D., N.Y.U., 1961, Prof., 1961Chairman Music Dept., 1961-70, Phyllis Fay Horton Prof. Humanities, 1972, Univ. of Chicago; Ernest Block Prof. Music, Berkeley, 1371)