f R-694 Scat No. i^a4;if^^>^: Total No. of Pa.cs : 2 B . E . (Mechanical) (Semester VIIII)) Exa'ffiiffl'^ti. ExatWffl'^tion, December - 2014 : e r- V A U T O M O B I L E E N G I N E E R I N G (Elective - I) Sub. Code : 47984 Day and Date : Wednesday, 10 - 12 - 2014 xo i u i , - . . Xotal Marks : 100 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ,.>vo Attempt any three questions from each section. Draw neat sketches wherever necessary. Figures to (he right indicate full marks. Make suitable assumptions if neccssar>' and slate it clearly. Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed. SECTION - I Ql) a) b) Q2) a) b) i"h Explain with neat diagram, front engine rear wheel drive and write its advantages and disadvantages. |8| Draw the layout of the automobile vehicle in general showing important components. Explain any two of them. [8] Draw layout and explain in detail principle, construction, working, advantages, limitations and applications of electric vehicles. |8| A motor vehicle weighs 7900N and its engine develops 14.5kW at 2500rpm. At this engine speed the road speed of the car on the top gear is 63km/hr. Bottom gear reduction is 3.5:1 and the efficiency of transmission is 87% on top and 80% on bottom gear. The diameter of tyres is 0.762m and the projected front area of the vehicle is 1.105m\ The coefficient of air resistance is 0.0314. Where R=KAV-, where R is resistance in N, K is coefficientof resistance, A is frontal area in m^ V is speed in km/hr. Road resistance is 0.023W, N. calculate: [8| i) Speed of the car on bottom gear ii) The tractive force available at the wheels on top and bottom gear. iii) The tractive force at the wheels required to start up the car on the level and attain a speed of 49km/hr, in 10 sec. (Average air resistance may be taken as half, the maximum and accelerating force to vanish at 49km/hr speed.) RT,0 R-694 Q3) a) b) Write classification of clutches. Explain single plate automobfle clutch. [8] Draw a neat diagram of differential and explain its constmction, principle and working. [8] Q4) Write short notes on a;7y ?/7ree of the following : a) Fuel cells b) Synchromesh gearbox c) Overdrive d) Centrifugal clutch [18] ^ . SECTION - II Q5) a) b) Q6) a) b) Q7) a) , b) Explain following terms : {8j. i) Casterangle ^ -^v--r^ • ii) Camber angle "' . iii) King pin inclination =^N,. iv) Toe-in and toe-out Write the different types of steering gear boxes and explain any two of .> them with neat sketch. [8] What are the functions of braking system? Explain with neat diagram hydraulic brake system. [8] Explain with a neat diagram the air suspension system. [8] Draw and explain three wheeler layout. [8] Explain with a neat diagram principle and working of automobile lightening system. ^ ^ [8] Q8) Write short notes on any three of the following : a) Power steering. ^ .; . ^ b) Electric horn. ^ c) Shock absorber. ? d) Disc brake. e) Three wheeler layout. -2- [18] -: ^atyasahebKorelnstfti/teu tngineencg and Technoioo • Scat No. " Total No. of Pages : 3 B . E . (Mechanical) (Part - I I ) (Semester - V I I I ) Examination, December - 2014 E N T E R P R I S E R E S O U R C E PLANNING (Elective - IV) " Sub. Code : 49424 Day and Date iMonday, 01 - 12 - 2014 Total Marks : 100 Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) Students should solve any three questions from each section. Figures to right indicate marks. SECTION - I Ql) a) Define Enterprise. Explain difference between current and traditional approaches regarding enterprises. [8] b) What arc the advantages to an i n d u s t r y r e s u l t i n g from ERP implementation? [8] Q2) a) Define Enterprise Resource Planning ( E I ^ ) . Explain evolution of ERP. [8] b) - . Q3) a) b) Explain w.r.t. ERP: i) MRP ii) B i l l of l^aterial (BOM) iii) MRPfl [8] Enlist various modules comprised in ERP package. Explain with a detailed example and flow diagram the role o f each module in ERP implementation, [10] • Explain Just in Time (JIT) and Kanban system for effective ERP. [6] R-84 Q4) Short Notes: (Any three) a) , b) [18| Supply Chain Management (SCM) RoleofCAD/CAMinERP c) Product / Production Data Management (PDM) d) Distribution Requirement Planning (DRI^) c) Quality and Material management module o f ERP package S E C T I O N - II Q5) a) ERP implementation is beneficial to both manufacturer (company) and customer. Comment. [10] b) Explain the failure / risk factors o f an ERP implementation in detail. [8] Q6) a) Explain the role o f consultants, vendors and users in ERP Package selection. [8] b) W h a t arc d i f f e r e n t phases o f ERP i m p l e m e n t a t i o n ? W h y package e v a l u a t i o n / selection process is most i m p o r t a n t phase o f ERP implementation? What are the key factors for evaluating ERP software? • |8| Q7) a) What is the importance o f ERP Team training at various implementation stages? [8| b) Explain w.r.t. ERP implementation: i) Pre - evaluation screening if) Project planning -2- 18] R-84 Q8) a) Enlist various ERP packages available in market. Explain any one in detail with its advantages and applications. b) [8] Explain with a case study ERP implementation in any manufacturing company. [8] -3- Scat No. *^rananaoar. ftst KoJ.Ha?otal No. ol'Pages : 3 B . E . (Mechanical) (Part -1) (Semester - V I I ) (Revised) Examination, December - 2014 FINITE E L E M E N T ANALYSIS ^ Sub. Code: 47981 Day and Date : Monday, 15 -12 - 2014 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) f'^ Total Marks : 100 Attempt any three Questions from each section. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) 4) Assume if necessary suitable data and state them clearly. Draw neat hibcled sketch wherever necessary. 5) Use of non-programmable calculators is permissible. SECTION - I Ql) a) Explain general steps of FEM using a simple 1-D element for thermal analysis of heat conduction through a composite wall. [S] b) Explain with suitable examples simplification of a model using symmetry. ^ [8] Q2) Analyse the axially loaded stepped bar shown in figure below. Use the finite element method (element and global matrix) to predict the nodal displacements I/,, and at the nodes 2, 3 and 4, and the support reaction R at the fixed node \{u~ 0). The cross sectional areas are 50 mm^ ,20mm^ and lOmml the lengths of steps are 10mm each and the modulus of elasticity is 200GPa.[16| / / Nodes: 1,2,3,4 Elements: 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 / = SON Q3) a) 'Calculate the shape fiinctions for the following triangular element. And hence find the temperature at the point (2,2) if the nodal temperatures of the element are 0 , = 20°C, 0^^100'^Cand 0^.-15O°C. [8| R-696 "3 j(8,2) b) What are higher order (quadratic, cubic, etc.) elements? Sketch their shape functions (interpolation polynomials). [8J Q4) Write short notes on: (any three) : 1181 a) Principle of minimum potential energy b) Node and element numbering c) Least square method d) Basic element shapes and behaviour e) Boundary value problems S E C T I O N - 11 Q5) a) State the steps involved to mode! a mechanical element (e.g., a bracket), perform a static analysis and view results using commercial FEA software. [8] b) The following differential equation is available for a physical phenomenon. d'y/dx" + 50 = 0, 0<x<\0 . ' h;..' . The trial function is y=ax{\0-x). The boundary conditions are y(f„^0 and y(io)~0 ^\nd the value of the parameter 'a' by sub-domain method over the range 0<;c< 10. [8] -2- r R-696 Q6) a) A viscous, incompressible and fliUy developed fluid flow between two parallel plates shown in figure below. Demark the portion of the fluid with velocity boundary conditions that you would model to save computational efforts. Also, state typical pressure boundary conditions at the inlet and outlet. [8] - Inlet - . - Mia-plane Outlet Fluid flow between two parallel plates b) Explain how size and number of elements in FE mesh are related and their effect on the solution accuracy. [8] Q7) a) Explain simplex, complex and multiplex elements with suitable example and indicate size of element stiffness matrix and load vector in each case. (8j b) What are interpolation functions? State continuity conditions at inter-element nodes. |8| Q8) Write short notes on: (any three) : a) Preprocessing b) Coordinate transformation c) Natural coordinate system d) Isoparametric elements e) Bandwidth and its significance [18] ^aiyasaheb Koie Insiiiute ^ Engineering und Techpotog-. Warananaaar, Otst. Kolhao.i R-78 Total No. of Pages: 4 Seat No. B. E . (Mechanical) (Semester - VIII) Examination, November - 2014 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Sub. Code: 49418 Day and Date : Thursday, 27 -11 - 2014 Total Marks : 100 Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions: 1) Attempt any three questions from each section. 2) Figures to the right indicates full marks. 3) Draw sketches wherever required. 4) Assume suitable data, if required & mention clearly the same. SECTION - I Ql) a) Define Industrial Engineering, explaining atleast five activities o f industrial engineering. [6] b) Describe different strategies to meet non u n i f o r m demand. (6] c) W h i c h are various activities o f production control. [6] Describe various cost i n v o l v e d i n inventory control. [8] Q2) a) b) I f parts are produced at 50 units per day. Demand is 5000 units per year. I f set-up cost is Rs. 100/- and inventory carrying cost is Rs. 10 per yean There are 300 w o r k i n g days i n year. [8] Calculate: Q3) a) b) i) Economic lot size. ii) Total cost. iii) Time required to produce one batch. iv) Number o f batches. ^ Describe parameters to decide location o f plant. [8| F r o m f o l l o w i n g data, forecast the demand o f August and September. Assume ( a ) smoothing constant = 0.5 [8] Month Jan Feb March April May June July Demand 10 11 14 17 16 19 22 X 1000 RTO. ^' R-78 Q4) a) b) Explain various tools and techniques o f plant layout. [8J A project is composed o f activities whose time estimate is given below. Refer sketch o f network. 1^1 Calculate: i) Expected duration and variance o f each activity. ii) Critical path and expected project duration. iii) Standard deviation. iv) Probability o f completing project in 25 days. (Refer normal distribution chart) Activity Optimistic Most-likely Pessimistic Time (days) time (day) time days. 1-2 2 2 8 1-3 3 6 15 1-4 2 5 8 2-5 2 5 14 3-6 5 8 11 5-6 2 5 14 4-7 4 4 10 6-8 2 2 2 7-8 3 6 15 8-9 2 5 8 -2- R-78 S E C T I O N - II Q5) Q6) Q7) a) E x p l a i n concept o f productivity and it's objectives. [9] b) Describe how value analysis improves productivity. [8] a) Construct t w o banded process chart for putting refill i n ball pen. [8] b) What are therbligs. Give any five therbligs w i t h it's symbols. [8] a) What are characteristics o f good wages system. [8] b) The element data o f machining operation is given below. [8] Rating Frequency 0.90 90 1 2 0.40 80 1 3 3.20 100 1 4 12.40 80 Xo 5 10.00 80 1 6 6 100 1 7 15 80 Xoo Element Observed No time (min) 1 I f relaxation allowance 1 2 % and contingency allowance 3 % , Calculate standard time and production output i n 8 hour shift. Q8) a) What are benefits o f merit rating also compare j o b evalution and merit rating. b) [9] W o r k e r p r o d u c e d 240 assemblies i n a w e e k o f 4 0 h o u r s , h a v i n g performance rating o f 120. Study shows w o r k e r was w o r k i n g 8 0 % o f time. I f allowances are 1 0 % o f normal time. Calculate: i) N o r m a l time. ii) Standard time. -31 [8] Normal Distribution Q — CO .00 + C O .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .5080 .5478 .5120 .5517 .5160 .5557 .5199 .5239 .5636 .5279 .5319 .5714 .5359 .5871 .5910 .5948 .0 .1 .5000 .5040 .5398 .2 .3 4. .5793 .5438 .5832 .6179 .6554 .6217 .6255 .6628 .6293 .6664 .6331 .6700 .6368 .6737 .6406 .6772 .6443 .6591 .5 .6915 .6950 .6985 .7019 .7054 .7088 .6 .7 .8 ;9 7257 .7291 .7324 .7357 .7389 .7580 .7881 .8159 .7611 .7910 .8186 .7642 .7939 .7673 .7967 .8212 1.0 1.1 .8413 .8643 .8438 .8461 1.2 1.3 .8849 .8665 .6869 .9032 1.4 .9192 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 .9332 .9452 .9554 .9641 1.9 .9713 .9719 2.0 2.1 .9772 .9621 2.2 2.3 .9661 .9778 9826 .9864 .9693 .9918 .9896 .9920 2.4 Z .6103 .5753 .6141 .6808 .6480 .6844 .6517 .6879 .7123 .7157 .7090 .7224 .7422 .7454 .7486 .7517 .7549 .7704 .7734 .7764 .7794 .7823 .7852 .8238 .7995 .8264 .8023 .8289 .8015 .8315 .8078 .8340 .8106 .8365 .8133 .8389 .8465 .8708 .8907 .8508 .8531 .8554 .8577 .8599 .8621 .8686 .8888 .8729 .8925 .8749 .8944 .8770 .8962 .8790 .8960 .8810 .8997 .8830 .9015 .9049 .9066 .9082 .9099 .9115 .9131 .9147 .9162 .9177 .9207 .9222 .9236 .9215 .9265 .9279 .9292 .9306 .9319 .9345 .9357 .9382 .9495 .9505 .9406 .9515 .9418 .9525 .9429 .9535 .9441 .9474 .9370 .9434 .9394 ,9463 .9564 .9649 .9573 .9656 .9726 .9582 .9664 .9599 .9678 .9744 .9608 .9686 .9616 .9693 .9625 .9699 .9633 .9732 .9591 .9671 .9738 .9750 .9756 .9761 .9706 .9767 .9783 .9788 .9834 .9793 .9834 .9796 .9638 .9803 .9842 .9808 .9846 .9812 .9850 .9817 .9857 .9871 .9875 .9904 .9927 .9878 .9881 .9884 .9887 .9890 .9906 .9929 .9909 .9931 .9911 .9913 .9934 .9916 .9945 .9959 .9946 .9948 .9949 .9962 .9972 .9951 .9961 .9971 .9963 .9973 .9952 .9964 .9979 .9979 .9980 .9981 .9965 .9986 .9986 .9830 .9868 .9896 .9922 .9901 .9925 .5596 .5987 .6026 .5675 .6064 .9932 .9545 .9936 2.5 .9938 .9940 .9941 .9943 2.6' 2.7 .9953 .9965 .9974 .9955 .9966 .9975 .9956 .9967 .9976 .9957 .9968 .9977 .9969 .9977 .9960 .9970 .9978 .9981 .9982 .9982 .9983 .9984 .9984 .9985 3.0 .9987 .9987 .9987 .9988 .9988 .9969 .9969 .9989 .9990 .9990 3.1 .9990 .9991 .9991 .9994 .9995 .9997 .9994 .9993 .9995 .9993 .9993 .9995 .9997 .9992 .9994 .9992 .9993 .9995. .9997 .9992 .9994 .9992 3.2 3.3 3.4 .9991 .9994 .9996 .9997 .9996 .9997 .9996 .9097 .9996 .9997 2.8 2.9 .9995 .9996 .9997 .9996 .9997 .9974 .9995 .9997 .9998 ^rananagar, Qtsi Kolhaou S£at No. Total No. of Pages : 2 B . E . (Mechanical Engineering) (Semester - V I I ) Examination, December - 2014 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT DESIGN (Elective - II) Sub. Code : 47988 Day and Date : Friday, 12-12 - 2014 Total Marks : 100 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Instructions : 1) Answer three questions from each section in a single answer book. 2) Figure to the Right Indicates full marks to the questions. 3) Assume any data If necessary and state it clearly, Draw sketches wherever Necessary. SECTION -1 Ql) a) Explain development of quality aspect in product design with suitable example. [8] b) What is the process for product plarming? How product specifications are set? [8] Q2) a) What do you mean by robust design of product? How cost of product is Determined? Explain with suitable example. [8] b) Q3) a) b) Differentiate between creativity and innovation. [8] " Form Follows the Function". Discuss with suitable example. [8] Select the material for following component with reasoning; [8] i) Non stick pan ii) L M V Dashboard. iii) Dental grinder. iv) Heat and corrosion resistance roof material. RTO, R - 1344 Q4) Write short notes on (Any three) a) Brainstorming. b) Design for environment. c) Market research. d) Product data management. e) Value engineering. [IS] ^ SECTION - I I Q5) a) Discuss ergonomic design consideration in the design of centre lathe.[8] b) What do you mean by anthropometry? How it helps to solve man machine Relationship. [8] Q6) a) Distinguish between analog and digital display in context with electrical Equipment. [8] b) Q7) a) b) Discuss ergonomics in industry for safety. [8] Explain health and safety consideration in a chemical industry. [8] Discuss the importance of Balance, shape. Size, Continuity in a domestic product with suitable example. [8] Q8) Write short notes on (any three) a) Work station design. b) Ergonomics in automated system. c) Concept generation. d) Concurrent engineering. e) Psychology and mechanics of seeing. ooo [18] 3 R-77 Total No. of Pages: 4 Seat No. B. E. (Mech.) (Part - IV) (Semester- VHl) Examination, rai November- 2014 MECHATRONICS (Revised) Sub. Code: 49417 Day and Date : Wednesday, 26 - 11 - 2014 Total Marks : 100 Time : 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) Answer any three questions from each section. 2) Figures to right indicate full marks. 3) Assume if necessary suitable data and state them clearly. 4) Draw neat labeled diagram wherever necessary. 5) Use of non programmable calculators is permissible. SECTION - I Ql) a) What do you mean by mechatronic measurement systems? Give details about open and close Loop system. [8] b) In multidisciplinary scenario how microcontroller can be used in modem devices/machines. Explain this concept in detail with suitable block diagram. • ..-T [8] Q2) a) b) Q3) a) b) Differentiate clearly between transducers and sensors. Explain the concept of filters in signal conditioning. Explainarchitectureof8051 microcontroller. [8] _ [8] [8] Write an assembly program either for 8085 micro processor or 8051 micro Controller to perform addition o f two 8 bit numbers and store the result. Use general Purpose registers to store data and result. [8] R-77 Q4) Write short notes on (Any Three) : a) Digital to Analog conversion. b) OP - A M P as integrator. c) LVDT. d) D flip-flop. [18] SECTION - II Q5) a) Explain with block diagram PLC system and its following components. [8] i) Input module ii) CPU iii) Output module iv) Memory b) What are the advantages and disadvantages o f PLC. [4] c) Draw ladder diagram o f N A N D gate. [4] Q6) a) Following are the sequence o f tasks or steps involved in simple press process shown in the. Figure - develop ladder diagram for same. Press arm [8] R-77 [18] Q4) Write short notes on (Any Three) : a) Digital to Analog conversion. b) OP - A M P as integrator. c) LVDT. d) D flip-flop. SECTION - n Q5) a) Explain with block diagram PLC system and its following components. [8] i) Input module ii) CPU iii) Output module iv) Memory b) What are the advantages and disadvantages o f PLC. [4] c) Draw ladder diagram o f N A N D gate. [4] Q6) a) Following are the sequence o f tasks or steps involved in simple press process shown in the. Figure - develop ladder diagram for same. [8] Press arm "^^^^^1^^:^/ W9 -2- Slop Sian Ons cycie mode Coniinuous rriode Mi R-77 b) i) The operator presses the start switch to start the machine, or the stop switch to stop the machine. ii) The machine checks for the part, i f the part is present, process continues. I f not, the conveyor moves until the part is present. iii) Part is locked in the place with clamp. iv) The press stamps the part. v) The clamp is unlocked, finished piece is moved out o f the press. vi) The process stops i f the machine is in one cycle mode, or continues i f continuous mode is selected. A bi-directional movable arm is shown in figure; develop the ladder diagram to control it as per the conditions given below[8] Moving arm < _ ^ — Signal for clockwise rotation Signal for coimteiclockwisc rotation Both start and stop switches are push buttons. When system is turned ON, the motor should rotate continuously, alternating between counter clockwise and clockwise directions, as the movable armtouches two limit switches RLS andLLS. -3- Q7) a) b) Discuss machine tool control terminology. A control application has following requirementsi) Pressing push button starts pump A . ^ After 20 minutes pump A should be off. iii) After delay o f 10 seconds another pump B should start. iv) Pump B should stop after running for 20 minutes v) Two pumps should never run simultaneously. Draw PLC ladder logic to control above operation, Q8) Write short notes on (any three) a) Majority circuit in PLC. b) Input/output modules o f PLC. c) Master control relay (MCR). d) Latching / unlatching Concept in PLC with ladder diagram. e) Timers used in PLC. (D0®® Engiiieerina end Technotoq. Scat No. •^v'arananacar DiS! R KDlh^.L^, - 692 , Total No. of Pages: 3 t r B . E . (Mechanical) (Revised) (Part - I ) (Semester - V I I ) Examination, December - 2014 MECHANICAL SYSTEM DESIGN - Sub. Code : 47980 Day and Date : Monday, 08 -12 - 2014 Total Marks : 100 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Instructions: 1) " Solve any three questions from each section. 2) Figures to right indicates full marlu to the question. 3) Answer to both the sections must be written in single answer book, 4) Draw neat labelled sketch wherever neccssar}' and use of prograniablc calculator is allowed. 5) Assume any data if necessarj' and state it clearly. SECTION - I Ql) a) b) What are the different types of control devices? Explain the Ergonomic considerations in the design of the displays. [8] What is modeling? What are the different types of modeling? [8] Q2) a) Discuss different methods of increasing pressure capacity of thick cylinders. [8] b) With neat sketches, compare the distribution of principal stresses in thin and thick cylinders. [8] Q3) a) A seamless pipe of inner diameter 80mm and made of plain carbon steel 15C8 (S^,=240 N/mm') supplies a fluid under 120 bar pressure to the single acting hydraulic cylinder of inner diameter 400 mm and made of gray cast iron FG450. The factor safety based on yield strength and ultimate tensile strength are 3 and 5 respectively. Determine the outer diameters of the pipe and the cylinder. [8] >. i fs>i RT.O R - 692 b) Q4) a) b) . A multi-plate clutch is used to transmit 12 KW power at 1400 rpm. The inner and outer diameters of contacting surfaces are 70 mm and 100 mm respectively. The coefficient of friction and the permissible intensity of pressure for the lining are 0.12 and 0.38 N/mm" respectively. Detennine; [10] i) The number of pressure plates and friction plates ii) The axial force required to transmit the power iii) The actual average pressure And iv) The actual maximum pressure intensity after wear. . ' With neat sketch explain the construction of cone clutches. [8] What are different types of stresses are acting on cylindrical pressure vessel shell under combined loading? [8] g5) Write Short Notes on Any Three of the following : a) Cone clutch b) Vessel supports c) Aspects of aesthetic design d) Different types of modeling e) Friction materials. :;T --r. "- [16| -^- ^ : :- •• SECTION - II Q6) a) Give a comparison between nomial distribution and standard distribution curve. Give a note on Weibull distribution curve. [8| b) Classify conveyors and explain with neat sketch flat belt conveyor. [8] Q7) a) Prove that the minimum difference between number of teeth on adjacent gears in a change gear block of multi-speed gear box must be at least four. [8| b) What are the different objectives of material handling system? How will you classify material handling equipments? [8| -2- r^. R - 692 Q8) a) A multi speed gear box is to be designed for a headstock of a turret lathe foe nine spindle speeds ranging from 60 rpm to 2880 rpm. I f the gear box is driven by 5KW, 1140 rpm electric motor ; 5 " i) Draw the speed ray diagram ii) Draw the gearing diagram iii) Determine the number of teeth on gears Assume same module for all gears. [12 b) Explain the method of optimum design with Lagrange multipliers through an example. [6| Q9) a) An inclined belt conveyor having belt inclination of 15" is used for conveying the bulk material having specific weight of 15000 N/mm\e belt width is 1000mm while belt speed is 1.75 m/s. If the tlowability factor ' k ' for the belt is 2 . 5 x l 0 ' \e the capacity of the conveyor. [8] b) Explain the following terms used in statistical analysis of the engineering problems: |8| : i) Mean ii) Variance iii) Standard deviation iv) Standard variable '' . QlOj'Wnte Short Notes on Any Three of the following : a) Selection of belt from manufacturer's catalogue. b) Compound ray diagram. c) Optimization of structure diagram. d) Types of conveyors. e) Population, sample and random variables. -j--- •. [16] ^ iatyasaheb Kore Insmuu Engineering and Technoiot R-80 Total No. of Pages : 4 Scat No. B.E. (Mechanical) (Semester - VTII) Examination, November - 2014 PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT (Elective - III) (Revised) Sub. Code: 49420 Day and Date : Saturday, 29 -11 - 2014 Total Marks : 100 Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions: 1) 2) 3) 4) Attempt any three questions from Section I and Section II each. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Make suitable assumptions if necessary and state them clearly. Draw neat sketches and flow diagrams wherever necessary. SECTION - I Ql) a) How production department is related to other functional areas of business? List the conflicting areas between production and marketing and their resolution. [8] b) Explain with examples the following strategic options for operations [8] ; i) Process technology ii) Capacity. • ' ^ Q2) a) Explain how a company develops its new product strategies. Describe the steps with a flow chart the process of new product development process. [10] b) The past data regarding the sales of special purpose machines is given below. Using the data, fit the regression line and estimate the sales for next two years. [6] Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 45 49 52 56 62 Sales (in lakhs Rs.) 35 40 47 RT.O. R-80 Q3) a) b) ifc. Explain with a diagram the product-process matrix. Wliat is its significance in process design. [6]. A company manufactures a product whose demand is a function of manufacturing cost. The information regarding demand pattern, available production capacities during regulartime, overtime and other details are given. Formulate the problem as a Transportation model to determine the Optimum production levels and means of production for the four periods. ^ [10] Forecasted demand Period 2 3 4 1000 2000 1200 1 Demand (units) 700 Available Production Capacity Period Regulartime Overtime Subcontracting 1 900 350 600 2 1000 350 600 3 1100 350 600 4 700 350 600 Initial inventory : 200 units Final inventory : 150 units R.T. Production cost : Rs. 125 / unit Subcontracting cost: Rs. 175 / unit Overtime cost: Rs. 150 / unit Inventory cost/unit/period: Rs. 25 -2- R-80 Q4) Write sliort notes (any three): ^ [ 3 x 6 = 18] a) Use of BER in Machine Selection. b) n job 3 machine sequencing problem. c) Elements ofPPC. d) Product Development Process. ' e) Capacity Strategies. SECTION - II Q5) a) Explain the following w.r.t. SCM (any two): i) Supply chain strategies. ii) Manufacturing supply chain. iii) Supply chain activities. [6] m b) Distinguish between JIT and Lean manufacturing give the steps in implementation of JIT. How the performance of JIT is measured. [10] Q6) a) What is the significance of OEE in Total Productive maintenance. Explain with an example, computation of OEE. [8] b) The following mortality rates have been observed for a certain type of light bulbs. Month 1 2 3 4 5 10 25 50 80 100 Percentage Failing by month end -3- R-80 There are 1000 bulbs in use and it costs Rs. 10 to replace an individual bulb which has burnt out. I f all bulbs were replaced simultaneously, it would cost Rs. 2.5 per bulb. It is proposed to replace all the bulbs at fixed intervals and individually those which fail between intervals. What would be the optimal policy of replacement. [8] Q7) a) Derive an expression for single stage manufacturing model as a function of machining speed. [10] b) Compute the internal rate of return for a project given the following cash flows. [6] Period . 0 1 2 3 4 Cash Flows -5,00,000 10,000 25,000 1,00,000 1,25,000 Q8) Write short notes on (Any three): £ 5 6 1,50,000 2,00,000 [ 3 x 6 = 18] a) TPM stages. b) Replacement of items with increasing cost with time. c) Six big losses. d) Elasticity of demand. e) Production function and factors of Production. f) ISO quants. : v.-:- -4- B.E, (Mechanical) (Semester-VIII) (Revised) Examination, November - 2014 POWER ENGINEERING Sub. Code : 49419 " Day and Date : Friday, 28 -11 - 2014 Total Marks : 100 Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) Solve any three questions from each section. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Assume additional data if necessary and state it clearly giving reasons. Bl 5) Make suitable assumptions, if necessary and state it clearly, giving reasons. 6) Use of logtables, non-programmable calculator, is allowed. SECTION - I Ql) a) Write in detail, resources and the development of power in India. [8] b) Discuss clearly the Indian Electricity Grid code. [8] Explain with neat sketch, Pump storage power plant. [8] Q2) a) b) Write in detail with neat sketch, compressed A i r storage power plant. [8] Q3) a) Differentiate clearly between peak load plants and Base load plants. [8] b) A power plant has the following annual factors, load factor = 70%, Capacity factor = 50%, Use factor = 60% Maximum demand is 20 MW. Find: i) Annual energy production. ii) Reserve Capacity over and above peak load. 'iii) Hours during which, plant is not in service per year [8] R-79 Q4) Write short notes on the following: a) Fuel Cells. b) Issues in Power plants. c) Present power position in Maharashtra. [18] '^-^ SECTION - II Q5) a) b) Q6) a) b) Q7) a) b) Explain with neat sketch, dissolved oxygen analyser [8] Write in detail with neat sketch, Co^ measurement. [8] Write in detail superconducting magnetic energy storage. [8] Discuss in detail with neat sketch, Ultracapacitors. [8] Write in detail, pollution due to Nuclear power plants and their effects on ecology. [8J Explain in detail maintenance procedures of thermal power plant. Q8) Write short notes on the following: • [18] a) Nuclear Radiation detector. b) National and International protocols on pollution control, c) p H measurement. 0®®® -2- [8] >- ^^-s^ .^ U b R A K i latyasaheb Kore Insmutc .; Engineering and Technoiog vVarananscsr Osr Kginen'j Seat No. R " 691 Total No. of Pages : 4 B . E . (Mechanical) (Revised) (Part -1) (Semester - V I I ) Examination, December - 2014 R E F R I G E R A T I O N AND A I R C O N D I T I O N I N G Sub. Code : 47979 Day and Date : Friday, 05 - 12 - 2014 Total Marks : 100 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Instructions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) • Ql) Attempt any three questions from each section. t???^? Figures to the right indicates full marks. Use same answer books for the t>vo sections. Neat diagrams/charts must be drawn wherever necessary. Use of steam tables, refrigerants/psychromctric charts/tables are allowed. Make suitable assumptions if required and state them clearly. SECTION - I a) Describe Electrolux Refrigeration System. How does the use of water differ in the. [9] i) aqua-ammonia system and. ii) lithium bromide water system. b) Draw schematic diagram of a two stage compression system with flash gas removal and flash gas intercooling and explain it with the help of P-h diagram. " ^ [7] Q2) a) How the refrigerants are classified? Explain the procedure to derive ASHRAE designation. [7] What is secondary refrigerants? Where it is used? Explain its importance. [5] Which refrigerants are used in commercial ice plants and why? [4] b) c) Q3) a) b) Why the protection devices are provided for compressors? Explain the operation of high and low pressure cutouts with suitable examples. 18] With the help of block diagram explain the working of Linde system.[8] R-691 Q4) An Ammonia refrigeration system used in ice plant operates between evaporator temperature o f - 2 0 ° C and condensing temperature of 30°C. It produces 20 tons of ice per day from water of 24°C to ice at -1°C. Using standard vapour compression cycle determine a) Capacity b) Mass flow of refrigerant c) Temperature at outlet of compressor d) Work done e) Cop f) Ideal cop g) Bore and stroke of the single cylinder compressor L / D = 1.25, Tl^ = 0.85,N= 1000 rpm. h) Mass flow of refrigerant if refrigerant is subcooled by 10°C before entering into the expansion valve Take CP^ = 4.187 kJ/kg. K for refrigerant NH3. [16] ^ Cp^ = 4.6 KJ/Kg.K and Cp = 2.8 KJ/Kg.K Q5) Write Notes on Any Three of the following : a) Reverse Brayton cycle. b) Effect of ozone depletion and global warming. c) Cryogenic engineering & its applications. d) Vortex tube refrigeration. e) Insulation materials used in refrigeration systems. [18] SECTION - I I Q6) a) Define effective temperature scale used in comfort chart. Discuss the factors affecting the thermal balance between the human body and environment. [8| b) Discuss the importance of ventilation. How does it effect load on air conditioning system. [8] -2- R - 691 Q7) a) Enumerate the essential components of the air distribution system and state their functions. [7] b) Define equivalent diameter, equivalent length in duct sizing and prove that nl/5 D = 1.265 (ab)^ (a + b) Where a and b are the two sides of the duct. D is the diameter of circular duct. |9] Q8) a) With the help of schematic diagram, explain the working of Air washer. Show the range of psychrometric processes on psychrometric chart. [7] b) Atmospheric air of 35^*0 DBT, 60% RH having pressure of 1.03 bar is supplied to an air conditioned space af^er removing 0.0042 kg of moisture at 2 2 X DBT. Find the. |9] i) specific humidity ii) Relative humidity iii) DPT iv) Vapour pressure. ^ Q9) a) How the energy conservation can be achieved in air conditioning systems? [4] b) An air conditioning system is designed for theatre when the following data is available. Inside design conditions = 21°C DBT, 53% RH, outdoor conditions = 35°C DBT 26''C NBT minimum temperature of air supplied to room = 17°C DBT, Total infilteration air = 400 mVhr, Total amount of freshair supplied = 1600 m^/lir, sensible heat load= 15.43 kw, latent heat load = 5.38 kw. find the following 112] i) amount of the air delivered to the room in m^/hr. ii) Percentage of recirculated air iii) Refrigeration load on the coils in tonnes of refrigeration iv) Dew point temp of the cooling coil v) by pass factor. -3- R-691 gy^jWrite notes on any three of the following : a) Energy requirements of central air conditioning system. b) GSHF & ESHF. c) Methods of duct design. d) Package type air conditioners. e) Air distribution norms. -4- [18