PESIT-Bangalore South Campus Hosur Road, (1K.M. Before Electronic City), Bangalore – 560 100 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCHEME AND SOLUTION - I INTERNAL TEST Subject : Sub. Code : Name of the faculty : KINEMATICS OF MACHINES 10ME44 Azharuddin Kazi Semester:IV Section:B Q.No 1 Marks Define the Following a) Machine b) Mechanism c) Structure d) Link e) Degrees of freedom. Machine---- Defined as a mechanism or combination of mechanisms which apart from imparting motion to the parts also transmits and modifies the available mechanical energy in some kind of desired work Kinematics---- Deals with the relative motion of diff parts of mechanism without considering the forces to know the displacement, Velocity and acceleration of a part of a mechanism Link----- it is a resistant body that constitutes a part of a machine connecting other parts which have motion relative to it. 10 Q2 Find the D.O.F, of the following mechanisms shown below. N=7, L=2, P2=0 P1= N+ (L-1) = 8 F = 3(N-1)-2P1-P2 F = 2 Mechanism with constrained motion N=5, L=1, P2=1 P1= N+ (L-1) = 5 F = 3(N-1)-2P1-P2 F = 1 Mechanism with constrained motion N=7, L=2, P2=1 P1= N+ (L-1) = 8 F = 3(N-1)-2P1-P2 F = 1 Mechanism with constrained motion 10 Q3 With a neat sketch explain the working of With worth Quick return Mechanism. This mechanism is made of a driving crank and of a driven slider crank. In the considered configuration, the fixed pivot of the driven crank is located on the outside of the circle on which the end of the driving crank moves. This leads to an alternated motion of the slider crank. The configuration where this pivot is located inside the circle on which the end of the driving crank moves is considered in The angular speed of the driven crank is variable. The duration of the motion for its part corresponding to the blue arc is shorter than the one related to the red arc. This is why this device is named quick return mechanism, which was used in crank shapers, with the slow part or the stroke being used for the working time of the tool and the quick part for the non-productive time 10 Q-4 With a neat sketch explain the working of Crank and slotted lever mechanism. 10 Q.No Q5 Marks With a neat sketch explain the working of Pentograph A pantograph (Greek roots παντ- "all, every" and γραφ- "to write", from their original use for copying writing) is a mechanical linkage connected in a manner based on parallelograms so that the movement of one pen, in tracing an image, produces identical movements in a second pen. If a line drawing is traced by the first point, an identical, enlarged, or miniaturized copy will be drawn by a pen fixed to the other. Using the same principle, different kinds of pantographs are used for other forms of duplication in areas such as sculpture, minting, engraving and milling. Because of the shape of the original device, a pantograph also refers to a kind of structure that can compress or extend like an accordion, forming a characteristic rhomboidal pattern. This can be found in extension arms for wall-mounted mirrors, temporary fences, scissor lifts, and other scissor mechanisms such as the pantograph used in electric locomotives and trams 10 Q.No Q-6 Marks Derive an expression for fundamental equation of correct stearing. 10 Q.No Q7 (A) Marks Explain working of Elliptical trammel with neat sketch 10 Q.No Q-8 Marks With a neat sketch wxplain the working of Drag link quick return mechanism. 10