2014 Speakers and Topics ~ Maui, Hawaii

2014 Speakers and Topics ~ Maui, Hawaii
JACK ADAMS, CFSP has almost 50 years of funeral service experience, embalming in excess of 20,000 bodies. In
addition to representing The Dodge Company in Northern Illinois, he is a member of Dodge’s embalming research
staff, author of many embalming articles that appear in The Dodge Magazine, an Embalming Lab Instructor at Worsham
College, and a very popular technical presenter.
Turning Challenges Into Opportunities - No embalmer has encountered every possible challenging case, but Jack
probably comes close. By way of photos of challenging cases he’s embalmed and restored, Jack will share some of his
experiences. Cases will range from accident victims, edematous and/or emaciated bodies, bodies with gangrene, and lots
This is Why We Embalm - Jack will share some of his most difficult and rewarding embalming & restoration cases. As he’s said many
times, the hugs from the family make all those hours worth it!
TOM BUIST has been a licensed funeral director and embalmer for over 30 years. He holds a certification in eye
enucleation and corneal excisions. Tom worked for York Great Lakes as a sales representative, lecturer, and trainer before
joining The Dodge Company as a sales representative in Michigan.
What Would YOU Do? - Similar to the reality TV show “What Would You Do?”, this seminar will present small groups
with real life funeral service situations and have them figure out what they think should happen. Speakers not involved in
this session will divide up and we hope to have 1 at each table.
What Worked, What Didn’t? - This is the follow up to What Would YOU Do? A member of each small group will present what
was decided to the whole group, followed by the moderator telling us all what really happened. The strong international presence in Maui
always makes this session even more interesting!
Prep Room Essentials - Tom’s cell phone rang early one Saturday morning - never a good sign (says Tom). “Tom, I think we have a
problem, no, a big problem!” He gave his assessment of the case, what products to use and waited for a thank you, but was met with
silence on the line. Then the news came in an odd tone from the embalmer: “I do not have most of the stuff you talked about.” Do you
have all the essentials in your prep room to tackle any case which comes your way? Tom will help you put together a shopping list of
items which every prep room should keep on hand.
Questions? Email us at: seminars@dodgeco.com or
Call 800-443-6343 - Ask for Adrienn, Kristin, or Debbie.
2014 Speakers and Topics ~ Maui, Hawaii
KIM COLLISON, MSA M.T. (ASCP) is Manager of the Immunology, Flow Cytometry, Cytogenetics and Molecular
Diagnostics Laboratories for the Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids,
Michigan. Spectrum Health System consists of 9 hospitals in Western Michigan including a large trauma center, a heart
transplant center and the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. Kim holds a master’s degree in Health Care Administration and
bachelor’s degrees in Biology and Clinical Laboratory Science.
As the World Turns...An Infectious Disease Update - Kim will cover all of the usual diseases like Hepatitis, TB, CJD, as
well as drug resistant bacteria, the recent pertussis outbreak, influenza, Hepatitis C and the epidemic of it among baby boomers.
We’ll hope there’s nothing new and interesting to cover, but if there is, you’ll hear about it here!
TIM COLLISON, CFSP is a licensed funeral director and embalmer in the State of Michigan. In addition to holding
the position of Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Dodge, he participates in the company’s Research and Product
Development Program, is a regular presenter at the Dodge Seminars, and has authored series of articles on embalming
cosmetology in The Dodge Magazine.
Safety Tips for the Prep Room - Kim & Tim will take a look at what the ideal prep room should have—ventilation,
safety equipment, disinfectants, good instruments, and well-trained employees. This is the most important room in the
funeral home and should be given a great deal of time and attention.
VERNIE FOUNTAIN, CFSP is a licensed embalmer and began his career in funeral service in 1965. In 1990 he
founded Fountain National Academy (FNA) to provide quality, specialized training for licensed embalmers. For several
years Vernie served as Chief Death Investigator and Forensic Autopsy Assistant for the Boone County, Missouri Medical
Examiners Office, which gave him experience in forensic death investigation. Currently, in addition to operating Fountain
National Academy, Vernie is called upon by attorneys to serve as expert witness in embalming-related civil lawsuits. He
also works as a licensed private investigator in Missouri.
Our True Expertise ~ Embalming and Reconstructive Surgery - In this 3 hour session, Vernie will focus on quality embalming and
restoration - both required so that family and friends can view the deceased. That is the embalmer’s true expertise! In addition to
presenting many specific embalming and restoration tips, he will present techniques he uses to restore head trauma cases where the skull
has been crushed. And in cases where viewing won’t be possible such as severely decomposed or severely charred bodies, Vernie will
share his 35 step method used to process and prepare those remains with the focus on eliminating problems with leakage and odor.
Questions? Email us at: seminars@dodgeco.com or
Call 800-443-6343 - Ask for Adrienn, Kristin, or Debbie.
2014 Speakers and Topics ~ Maui, Hawaii
MATTHEW HALL, MBIE, MEAE, has been with Dodge 24 years and is the Sales Manager for Dodge UK. He is
an experienced embalmer with over 20,000 cases under his belt. As well as being a qualified embalmer he is also a
qualified autopsy technician. In addition to all that, he is a mortuary manager and a first responder for
a Disaster Team which has taken him to many parts of the world.
KATHY HALL, MBIE, MEAE, grew up in a family funeral business and is an accomplished
embalmer who now runs her own trade service with over 16,000 cases to her name. She too is a first
responder for a Disaster Team and has worked in many parts of the world. Kathy is a consultant educator/
demonstrator for Dodge and along with Matthew who represents Dodge throughout Europe.
Cultural Challenges of Disaster Deployment - The challenges, in many cases, start with getting to the disaster site in the first place.
Once you’re there, what are your working conditions, is there running water, do the local people or authorities want you there, can you
speak the language? The male vs. female perspectives are very different and Matthew and Kathy will paint us a picture of the cultural
challenges involved with disaster deployment.
The Reality of Disaster Deployment - This session will cover more of the practical side of working a disaster and photos will be very
graphic. Among the many topics Matthew and Kathy will talk about will be preparation or disposal of remains, sorting through personal
effects, DNA sampling, and repatriation. The goal of these programs will be to dispel some of the myths associated with this work and
promote a better understanding within funeral service. Do you have what it takes to be on a disaster team?
STEVEN LABRASH, CFSP, works at the University of Hawaii as the Director of the Willed Body
Program. Steven’s passion has always been preservation and as an anatomical embalmer and plastinator he enjoys the
opportunity to improve the science of preservation. Steven is a faculty member with the John A. Burns School of
Medicine in a tenor track position as a Junior Specialist Professor. Steven is a member of the American Association of
Clinical Anatomist (AACA) and the International Society for Plastination (ISP).
Will Plastination Play a Roll in Funeral Services of the future? - Plastination is a method for the preservation of
anatomical specimens currently being used for teaching and research purposes. There is speculation that this
preservation technique could one day be offered by mortuaries, potentially changing the concept of the modern funeral service.
Long-Term Embalming - A case study of “Claire”, is a long-term embalming demonstration to train Hawaiian embalmers. The
surprise ending makes for a happy story and a testimonial for knowing how to embalm for the unforeseen circumstances.
Questions? Email us at: seminars@dodgeco.com or
Call 800-443-6343 - Ask for Adrienn, Kristin, or Debbie.
2014 Speakers and Topics ~ Maui, Hawaii
LARRY STUART, JR. is President of Crematory Manufacturing & Service, Inc., a leading manufacturer of technologically
advanced cremation equipment. CMS sets the industry standard as the foremost provider of crematory manufacturing,
repair, maintenance and service. Larry is a graduate of Kent State University and is a former member on the Board of
Directors of the Cremation Association of North America, and former Editor in Chief of The Cremationist magazine,
published by CANA. Larry is also a Cremation Coach for the International Cemetery Cremation and Funeral Association
(ICCFA) as well as an instructor for the Cremationist Apprenticeship Program at the Canadian College of Funeral
Service. Larry is also a member of the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) Exhibitor Advisory
Committee. Larry has spoken at numerous industry events and has conducted Crematory Operator Training classes across North
America with a mission to advance the safety and awareness of cremation facilities, their employees and trade clients in an effort to more
positively impact, affect and influence our community and our environment.
The Science Behind Cremation, Parts 1 & 2 - Larry will review the basics of combustion and discuss why perfect combustion isn’t
possible with human bodies. By the end of the presentations, you’ll know more about the chemical reactions that occur in the primary
and secondary chambers of modern cremation units, and how the design of the unit directly affects those chemical reactions. Do you
know what the chemical components of cremated remains are, or how the process works on a molecular level? If not, you will by the
end of part 2!
KARL WENZEL, CFSP, MBIE is the Coordinator of Technical Education and Training for The Dodge Company as of
September 2013. Karl worked for the Arbor Group (largest funeral service chain in Canada) for 6 years as their Manager of
Decedent Care and Preparational Development. Karl has been a licensed embalmer since 1997 and is licensed in Ontario,
Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Karl is the Fountain National Academy Canadian Ambassador.
Seeing is Believing - An intriguing look into the idiom “Seeing is Believing” and how it affects the long-term memory
picture we create for the families we serve. Test your comfort zone by challenging yourself when presented with organ
donation, severe hospital cases, tragic violent deaths and long-term illness, all of which can alter the human appearance. The embalmer
must present a recognizable, identifiable and presentable decedent to the family they serve so that they will believe what they’re seeing!
Shipping Remains By Air - Karl will demonstrate how to almost guarantee that the body you ship will arrive in the same condition it
was in when leaving your care. Embalming and restorative procedures, as well as proper ways to secure a body in a shipping container,
will be shown and discussed.
Questions? Email us at: seminars@dodgeco.com or
Call 800-443-6343 - Ask for Adrienn, Kristin, or Debbie.