Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2004) 26-29 September 2004, Brisbane, Australia MATRIX CONVERTER FOR ISA 42 V POWERNET VEHICLE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART II: SIMULATED PHYSICAL IMPLEMENTATION Keping You, M. F. Rahman The School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication The University of New South Wales, Australia Abstract: In this paper the feasibility of using matrix converters in (Integrated Starter/Alternator) ISA 42 V PowerNet vehicle electrical system has been solidly proved by exploring the simulated physical implementation, where simple openloop control scheme and Venturini-PWM modulation for bidirectional operations were used to reveal the potential advantages of the proposed three-phase ac dc bidirectional matrix converter. Results were presented to offer the facility in assessment of the proposed converter in term of application-merit, and were sufficient to support the proposed converter solution as a good candidate for ISA 42 V vehicle electrical system. 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this article is to provide simulated physical implementation result to verify the theoretical feasibility worked out in Part I of this paper. Vo1 Vi1 s11 Since this paper is focusing on the feasibilityverification of applying new converter to an emerging application area, it is necessary and sufficient to design, in an open-loop control scheme to achieve very basic requirement as: s21 s31 Vi 2 Vo 2 s12 s22 s32 Vi3 Vo3 s13 1) tight dc-voltage regulation in rectification with fast transient response s23 s33 2) high power factor Figure 2-1 a three-phase ac dc bidirectional matrix converter 3) sinusoidal current and voltage in inversion operation [Vo (t )] = M (t )[Vi (t )] T [ I i (t )] = M (t )[ I o (t )] 1 = M (t )1 4) bidirectional operation The behavior of torque and speed related to inversion operation has not been taken into account because a) whatever a pattern of torque and speed is needed, the requirement for the converter to generate the sinusoidal waveforms of voltage and current is always there, and (b) as far as the converter is able to produce the expected waveforms, the control of torque or speed can be implemented by a separated controller. 2 (1) where m11 (t ) m12 (t ) 1 − m11 (t ) − m12 (t ) M (t ) = m21 (t ) m22 (t ) 1 − m21 (t ) − m22 (t ) m31 (t ) m32 (t ) 1 − m31 (t ) − m32 (t ) PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION (2) The principle based on matrix converter theory [1] [3] [4] was described in the part I. The mathematic model of the three-phase ac dc bidirectional matrix converter [2] is re-presented here for reference. 1 2 Vo 1 7 1 1 ( cos(ωi t ) + cos(2ωit ) − cos(4ωi t )) + 36 36 3 3 Vi 2 2 Vo 1 2π 7 2π 1 2π 1 m12 (t ) = ( cos(ωit − ) + cos(2ωit + ) − cos(4ωit − )) + 3 36 3 36 3 3 3 Vi 2 Vi ,123 , I i ,123 , m11 (t ) = ωi , φi ,θ i T ,ω Vdc , I dc 2 Vo 7 1 1 ( zero + cos(2ωit ) − cos(4ωit )) + 36 36 3 3 Vi 2 Vo 7 2π 1 2π 1 m22 (t ) = ( zero + cos(2ωi t + ) − cos(4ωit − )) + 36 3 36 3 3 3 Vi m21 (t ) = 2 Vo 1 7 1 1 (− cos(ωit ) + cos(2ωi t ) − cos(4ωit )) + 36 36 3 3 Vi 2 2 Vo 1 2π 7 2π 1 2π 1 (− cos(ωit − ) + cos(2ωit + ) − cos(4ωit − )) + m32 (t ) = 3 36 3 36 3 3 3 Vi 2 m31 (t ) = 3 V Vo + o cos(3ωi t ) V cos(ωint ) 2 2 3 Vi1 (t ) i1 2π V [Vo (t )] = zero + o cos(3ωit ) , [Vi (t )] = Vi 2 (t ) = Vi 2 cos(ωint + ) , 3 2 3 Vi 3 (t ) 4π 3 V Vi 3 cos(ωint + ) − Vo + o cos(3ωi t ) 3 2 3 2 Vi ,123 , I i ,123 , ωi , φi , θi 3 Io cos(3ωi t + φ3ωi ) Io + I in cos(ωint + φi ) 2 2 3 I i1 (t ) 2π I + φi ) , [ I o (t )] = zero + o cos(3ωi t + φ3ωi ) , [ I i (t )] = I i 2 (t ) = I in cos(ωint + 3 2 3 I i3 (t ) 4π 3 I I in cos(ωint + + φi ) − I o + o cos(3ωi t + φ3ωi ) 3 2 2 3 , The dc quantities relates to the amplitude of corresponding phase quantities as Vo = 1 Vdc 3 (3) Io = 2 I dc 3 (4) where φi , φo Vdc , I dc (b) Figure 2-2 Simplified Block diagram of (a) complete ISA 42 V PowerNet electrical system, (b) simplified system for simulated implementation of the three-phase ac dc bidirectional matrix converter 3 POWER STAGE DESIGN AND SIMULATED PHYSICAL IMPLEMENTATION The design is illustrated on a proposed 42 V PowerNet converter for the following specification: Rated power: 6 kW (Max: 10 kW) The voltage transfer ratio is limited as Vo I i icos φi 3 = ≤ Vi I o icos φo 2 (a) dc output voltage: Vdc =42 V ac rms line-to-line voltage: 3 × 50 V, (the 3 × 415 V has also been used for reference only) (5) ac frequency range: 50 – 500 Hz (1:10) are set to zero to achieve zero input From these specifications, the amplitude of input phase voltage is current displacement. A simplified block diagram of the proposed system is shown in figure 2-2, where the figure 2-2(b), an openloop system, performance of which depends heavily on the low frequency modulation matrix is in our consideration. Without any particular controller the inherent properties of a plant can be studied directly and be revealed to an extent very close to the truth. Vi = 50 × 2 = 40.8 V 3 (6) The selection of 3 × 50 V is based on such a consideration that the line-line terminal voltage can comply with the general demand of safety standard (e.g. 50 V rms ac voltage, by IEE-60950 series), and meanwhile, can satisfy the requirement by the matrix theory – to bound the output phase voltage, i.e. 3 × Vi ≤ 2 × 50 Vo 3 ≤ Vi 2 2 (7) (8) current orientation. The superscript * denotes the desired value. Substitute equation (3) into (8), and by the specification of Vdc , the volts-value range of Vi in this consideration is 28 ≤ Vi ≤ 40.8 m11 m12 m13 m31 m32 m33 ωi (9) In brief the limit of 40.8 V is selected only for the sake of safety. If proper insulation is assumed available and applicable the amplitude of input phase voltage can be enlarged to the extent allowed by the applicable lower limit of modulation index. The 3 × 415 V is then selected as an extra reference, can be seen in figure 5-3. ωi* ωi 3.1 Switching frequency 100 kHz is selected. The consideration is that (a) it is allowed by existing commercialize microprocessor system, (b) it enables the high power density design, and (c) although it may need the aid of ZVS (Zero Voltage Switched) technique [8] physically, a simulation without ZVS does not lose the generality in term of high frequency switching performance since switching loss was kept unknown for this stage. Figure 4-1 diagram of modulator and mode selector 4.2 Pulse generator design To ease the illustration, a brief description about the related principle based on Venturini-PWM [1] [4] employed by matrix theory has to be presented before giving out the design solution. Space Vector PWM approach can also be presented but has to be ignored here for the limit length of this paper. 3.2 Input/output filters The single-stage low pass filter was placed at both input and output terminals. The filter resonant frequency is selected at 5.6 kHz which is very lower than the preset bandwidth at 25 kHz according to the existence theorem [4]. The capacitance is C =22 µ F , and inductance sij represents each switch connecting different input line denoted by subscript j to one and only one output line denoted by subscript i , mij represents the Let 36.715 µ H . The determination of the exact values is performed in several iteration, and may be further adjustable (should keep the capacitor value at a nominal one) in experimental design. corresponding switching duty ratio, i.e. the element of the low frequency modulation matrix, T is the switching period, mijT thus the width of corresponding pulse of corresponding switching cycle. 3.3 Power switches n Ideal switches with 4.5 mΩ ON resistance were used to simulate a commercially available MOSFET with 75 V, 209 A, and 4.5 mΩ ON resistance. This is reasonable since ZVS and switching loss were not in consideration for verification of the feasibility. T =constant, ∑m j =1 = 1 is the basic constraint for the ij behavior of the switching action. The event occurs under an ideal condition during a whole cycle period can be sequentially depicted as that in the lower part of figure 4-2 4 CONTROL AND MODULATOR DESIGN AND SIMULATED PHYSICAL IMPLEMENTATION where tstart , sij , k : calculation {tstart , sij ,k , mij ,k , T } n tstart , sij , k = k iT − T i∑ mih ,k An open-loop control scheme for both rectification and inversion operation was implemented in a less complex way that was proved necessary and sufficient for the verification of the theoretical feasibility. n mij : calculation h= j k : counter T : cnt tstart , sij = T − T i∑ mih h= j k iT mi 2 iT mi1 iT mi 3 iT 4.1 Modulator and mode selector (k − 1)iT The modulator was based on the instantaneous model shown in (2), where one trigonometric function, four adders, and one multiplier are used. k −1 The sign of dc current (CS) was used by the mode selector to switch the modulation between voltage and 3 k k +1 t Figure 4-2 diagram of the principle of Venturini-PWM pulse generator Synchronously rotating reference frame transformation K se [6] was used to offer the modulator the amplitude Any rectangle pulse has four elements including amplitude (Height), pulse-width, frequency, and phase (starting position/time). To generate the right switching driving signal is exactly the process of controlling the four elements according the requirement of switching operation. In most cases of PWM modulation the amplitude and frequency for a specific modulation is always keep unchanged. The pulse-width and phase consist of the two-freedom space for a PWM pulse. of ac phase quantities. So for the implementation of Venturini-PWM it is necessary to incorporate pulse-phase control technique, as shown in the upper part of figure 4-3, into the pulse generator. 5 RESULTS OF SIMULATED IMPLEMENTATION Vi ωi g i1 mi 2 gi 2 mi 3 gi 3 θi Figure 4-4 synchronization and synchronous transformation PHYSICAL Results and necessary description are given in this section. A pulse generator based on above principle then can be easily achieved by asynchronous sequential digital circuit diagram of which shown in figure4-3. mi1 K e s 5.1 Effectiveness of input/output filters The effectiveness of LC input/output filter is verified by input ac current. 40 30 mi ( n −1) g i ( n −1) min g in Current before filtering(A) 20 Figure 4-3 diagram of switching pulse generator In Figure 4-3 the pulse generator can converter a dutyratio to a fixed-height pulse with the input duty-ratio at a desired fixed frequency. The trigger is used to implement pulse-phase control. gij denotes a pulse 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 0 0.01 Time (s) 0.02 0.01 Time (s) 0.02 output. 4.3 Synchronization transformation and 40 synchronous 30 Synchronization is compulsorily needed in an openloop control scheme involving three-phase ac quantities. It is because two implications are inherently with the matrix converter theory, and they are necessary and sufficient for converting a given set of signals to a desired set of signals. They are Current after filtering (A) 20 Low frequency modulation matrix must synchronize the first input phase voltage in positive phase sequence. 10 0 -10 -20 -30 The sequence of rows/columns of low frequency modulation matrix/its transpose must restrictively be corresponding to the sequence of input signals. -40 0 Figure 5-1 ac phase current before/after filtering (rectification operation with Phase-locked loop (PLL) was used to implement the synchronization. 4 f i = 100 Hz) 5.2 Tight dc-voltage regulation in rectification operation with fast transient response current. (b) Input ac phase-current ii ,a FFT analysis, (c) FFT analysis of output dc voltage The figure 5-2 (a-c) shows a rectification operation with phase-voltage arbitrarily selected at 120 V. Besides the good performance of output voltage regulation, low frequency harmonics were effectively suppressed. Vdc 340 300 In figure 5-3 the operation under the step-changed phase voltage from 40 V to 340 V is depicted. ac voltage phase a Voltage ( V ) Current ( A ) 190 130 dc output current 100 output dc current 100 output dc voltage 42 0 -100 Voltage (V) Current ( A ) -190 dc output voltage 42 -300 -340 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.045 0.05 Figure 5-3 Rectification operation under condition of step change in amplitude of phase voltage, within 15 ms, from 40 V to 190 V and to 340 V. ac input current phase a -50 -100 5.3 Fast regulation and, fast transient response to sudden load dump ac input voltage phase a -130 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0/014 0.016 0.018 0.02 Time (s) (a) Magnitude based on "Base Peak" - Parameter 0.015 Time (s) 0 The performance of dc output voltage when load dump happens is one of the important aspects highly concerned by the 42 V PowerNet electrical systems An extreme worse case, a sudden load dump at 50 A (from 105 A to 55 A) occurred during the very first cycle of ac inputs, was simulated, and the result was shown in figure 5-4. The transient was very short and the overshoot of voltage was still less than 70 V, which is still the safety dc voltage, comparing with such a big load dump. In practice this voltage spike can be clamped by means of low cost transient voltage suppressor (TVS). 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 Order of Harmonic 14 16 18 (b) 100 80 Io, output dc current 60 40 Voltage (V) Current ( A ) Magnitude based on "Base Peak" - Parameter 0 -0.05 Vdc, output dc current 20 0 Ii, input ac current, phase a -20 -40 -0.1 -60 Vi, input ac voltage, phase a -80 -0.15 -100 -120 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Order of Harmonic 14 16 18 0.005 0.01 Time (s) 0.015 0.02 Figure 5-4 Very fast response and tight voltage regulation in an extreme worse case of load dump at a magnitude of 50 A 20 (c) A relatively light sudden load dump at 10 A is much more similar to the case in real world. Figure 5-5 shows the transient response of dc output voltage to a sudden load dump of 10 A. By the figure 5-5 (b), a much closer view of the transient period, the short spike of dc voltage is less than 46 V, marginally complying with Figure5-2 Rectification operation (a) the waveforms of ac phase voltage and current and corresponding output dc voltage and 5 the specification defined in the draft standard of 42 V vehicle electrical system.[9][10] 80 Phase Voltage ( V ) Phase Current ( A ) 60 120 105 Io, output dc current 95 Voltage ( V ) Current ( A ) 84 Vdc, output dc current 46 42 35 0 Ii, input ac current, phase a -50 Vi, input ac voltage, phase a 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 40 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 Time (s) 0 0.005 0.01 Time ( s ) 0.015 0.02 (a) (a) 1 THD, Fundamental Frequency = 500 Hz ( 0.002 s) 105 Io, output dc current 95 Voltage ( V ) Current ( A ) 84 Vdc, output dc current 46 42 35 Ii, input ac current, phase a 0 Vi, input ac voltage, phase a 0.01 0.0104 Time ( s ) (b) (a) overview, and (b) an extended view within 0.4 ms (400 1 + THD 2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 Time of Calculation (s) Invalid result in the first cycle (0 - 0.002 s) 0.010 Figure 5-6 Observation of power factor in rectification with 500 Hz three ac input by (a) input current displacement, and (b) online calculated THD From the figure 5-6 (a) the input phase waveforms V1 (t ), I1 (t ) is displayed. The phase current displacement from the phase voltage was observed around zero, then the IDF (Input Displacement Factor) was believed to be almost 1; and the on-line calculated THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) result in figure 5-6 (b) shows the THD is zero after the instant at 0.002 s, before which the rms value of the fundamental waveform was not available. 1 0.7 (b) µs ) 5.4 High power factor pf = IDF × 0.8 0 Figure 5-5 Performance of open-loop tight output voltage regulation during a 10 A load dump By 0.9 5.5 Inversion operation with satisfied Sinusoidal waveforms of current and voltage In this case a three-phase Y connected reactive load with normal phase-phase voltage at 84 Vrms, active power at 10 kW, and inductive reactive power at 1 W was used, and a dc current source was used. A normal inversion operation with a stiff current source shown in Figure 5-7 (a), in which the input ac current was bounded by dc output current, agreeing with the matrix converter theory. , the unit power factor While in real life, the batteries are not able to be ideal current sources, the magnitude of charging/discharging current is changed by the internal electro-chemical processing with respect to real time. It is possible to approximate the current-shrinking behavior during the high-current discharging period by a down-ramp was believed achieved. 6 the dc terminal voltage a lot. This, again, confirmed the tight regulation capability of the matrix converter. changing of the magnitude of current, as shown in the following figure 5-7 (b). The result was still satisfied. The overshot voltage during the initial transient period can be overcome by TVS’s available in market. 150 109 dc current 200 78 dc voltage 84 42 ac current phase a Voltage (V) Current (A) Voltage (V) Current ( A ) 150 dc voltage 42 0 -31 -44 -50 ac voltage phase a ac current -84 -120 ac voltage dc current -100 -200 0 0.01 Time (s) 150 ac current phase a 6 dc voltage 50 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 Time (s) 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.01 CONCLUSION 1) Bidirectional operation ac voltage phase a -120 0.001 The objective converter proposed in this paper offers the following distinct features: 0 -84 0 Figure 5-8 Bidirectional operation. A dc battery and resistive load at dc side, and a three-phase resistive-inductive in symmetric series connection with a Y connected three phase ac voltage-source at ac side. 200 84 -150 0.02 (a) Voltage ( V ) Current ( A ) 0 -10 dc current 2) Tight output dc voltage regulation with fast transient response -200 0.01 Time (s) 3) Unity three-phase ac input power factor 0.02 4) No low-frequency harmonics on either input or output; and (b) Figure 5-7 (a) normal inversion operation with a stiff current source (b) inversion operation with a ramp-shrink current source 5) Single-stage power conversion without intermediate energy storage 5.6 Bidirectional operation Implementing the four-quadrant switch by MOSFE the three-phase ac dc bidirectional matrix converter is a good candidate for medium-power, high voltage application. In high power application the IGBT can be used. Figure 5-8 described an example of bidirectional operation beginning from inversion ending with rectification, the pattern of which is corresponding to the process of starting-generating operation in a vehicle. Its property of high-voltage application enables the design-base of the ISA machine in a high-voltage/lowcurrent pattern, therefore, will definitely, in short term, expand the range of options for system commercialization, and in the future, will benefit the sustainability of system efficiency as the power capacity increasing. During the inversion only a normal dc voltage source, 36 V, was used for simplified procedure, and this treatment is sufficient for observing the bidirectional operation. Current sign was successfully used as the mode selector to switch the modulation matrix between voltage-source and current-source orientation. 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