ISSN 2348–2370 Vol.07,Issue.02, February-2015, Pages:0200-0206 Analysis of Matrix Converter Based UPFC M. NAGA RAJU1, S. MUNI RAJA2 1 Associate professor, P.B.R.Visvodaya Institute of Science and Technology, Kavali, AP, India. 2 PG Scholar, P.B.R.Visvodaya Institute of Science and Technology, Kavali, India. Abstract: This paper present a Matrix Converter (MC) based Unified Power Flow Control (UPFC). Matrix converter directly converts power AC to AC without DC energy storage link. The absence of DC energy storage link causes decreases volume and cost. Based on sliding mode control technique the theriotcal principle of direct power control established for a matrix converter working as a UPFC dynamic model having the input filter. MC based UPFC directly control the shunt side reactive power and series side active & reactive power by selecting appropriate matrix converter switching states gives steady state error tracking zero, steady state and dynamic response are good, response time fast, presenting faultless steady-state and dynamic response. Keywords: Direct Power Control (DPC), Matrix Converter (MC), Unified Power-Flow Controller, Space Vector Modulation (SVM), Sliding Mode Control Technique. I. INTRODUCTION In last few decades, power demand increases abnormally it will raises power quality and stability problems. In order to achieve power quality and stability we have several FACTS devices. UPFC is the one of the powerful and versatile FACTS device for power flow in long transmission line [5-8]. In the last few years, electricity market deregulation, together with rising economic, environmental, and social concerns, has increased the difficulty to burn fossil fuels, and to obtain new licenses to build transmission lines (rights-of-way) and high-power facilities. This situation started the development of decentralized electricity generation (using renewable energy resources) [1]. Unified power-flow controllers (UPFC) allow the operation of power transmission networks near their maximum ratings, by enforcing power flow through well-defined lines [2-4]. These days, UPFCs are one of the most versatile and powerful flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS) devices.[5]-[8] The conventional UPFC results from the mixture of a STATCOM (static synchronous compensator) & a SSSC (static synchronous series compensator) that shares a common dc capacitor link[9]. The survival of a dc capacitor bank originates additional losses, decreases the converter lifetime, and increases its weight, cost, and volume. In the last few decades, an increasing attention in new converter types, capable of performing the same functions but with reduced storage needs, has arisen [10]. These converters are capable of performing the same ac/ac conversion, allowing bidirectional power flow, guaranteeing close to sinusoidal input and output currents, voltages with variable amplitude, and adjustable power factor. These minimum energy storage ac/ac converters have the capability to agree to independent reactive control on the UPFC shunt and series converter sides, while guaranteeing that the active power exchanged on the UPFC series connection is always supplied/absorbed by the shunt connection. In the last few years, direct power control techniques have been used in many power applications, due to their cleanness and good performance. In this paper, a matrix converter- based UPFC is planned, using a direct power control approach (DPC-MC) based on an MC-UPFC dynamic model. In order to design UPFCs, presenting healthy behavior to parameter variations and to disturbances, the proposed DPC-MC control method, is based on sliding mode-control techniques, allowing the realtime selection of sufficient matrix vectors to control input and output electrical power. Sliding mode-based DPC-MC controllers can guarantee zero steady-state errors and no overshoots, good tracking performance, and fast dynamic responses, while being simpler to execute and requiring less processing power, when compared to proportional-integral (PI) linear controllers obtained from linear active and reactive power models of UPFC using a modified Venturini high-frequency PWM modulator[11]. II. DIRECT POWER CONTROL (DPC) Direct Power control (DPC) has become an interesting control approach of grid-connected converters because it provides the maximum dynamic capability available in the system. This non-linear control approach is defined as a direct control technique because it chooses the best suited converter’s voltage vector without any modulation technique [5]. The basic control configuration of DPC has been shown in Fig.1 Where two cascaded control loops are described; an internal active and reactive power regulation loop and an external control loop which establishes the DClink voltage requirements. The inner loop evaluates directly active and reactive power tracking requirements, approaching the state of the system toward the reference values. This section will develop two DPC control strategies for the 2L-VSI and 3L-NPC VSI. Copyright @ 2015 IJATIR. All rights reserved. M.NAGA RAJU, S.MUNI RAJA (6) (7) SP (ep , t) > 0, then the P (ep , t) value ought to be decrease it describes that it has negative time derivative. Fig.1. Direct power conversion. A. Power Control The power control computes immediate active and reactive-power values. The definition of instantaneous power is still a source of argument between researchers. Among the theories that have been successively planned over the last years, this work retains the ―original‖ threewire system’s definition. This way, immediate active and reactive power is defined as follows: (1) Here vα-β and iα-β are the line voltage and current in static αβ coordinates high and mighty power conservation in Clark’s transformations. It is possible also to represent immediate active and reactive power using Park’s transformations where vd-q and id-q, are the line voltage and current in the rotating dq reference frame. From the computation point of view, Clark’s transformation uses easy linear relations whereas Park’s transformation exploits trigonometric functions and requires to known the grid phase location [7]. III. SPACE VECTOR MODULATION A. Line Active and Reactive Power Sliding Surfaces The line power flow in DPC controllers are derived from sliding mode control theory. P = Real power Q = Reactive power ep = Active power error eq = Reactive power error Pref = Actual transmitted active power Qref = Actual transmitted reactive power (2) (3) According to sliding surfaces Sp, (ep,t), & Sq, (eq,t), must be proportional to above errors. (4) (5) Kp & Kq = proportional gains these are choose appropriate switching frequency. B. Line Active and Reactive Power Direct Switching Laws Based on ep, eq we select matrix converter switching states. So control speed is high. Likewise SP (ep , t) < 0 , then. P (ep , t) > 0. 1. If SP (ep , t) > 0 => P (ep , t) < 0 => P < Pref , then choose a vector appropriate to increase P. 2. If, SP (ep , t) < 0 => P (ep , t) > 0 => P > Pref , then choose a vector appropriate to decrease P. 3. If, SP (ep , t) = 0 then choose a vector which does not considerably change the active power. The same process should be applied to the reactive power error. To decide a vector, from (4) and (12), and taking into consideration Pref and in Vd steady state, the following can be written: (8) From (7), considering Vd and Pref constant, if Sp (ep,t)>0, then it must be P (ep , t) < 0. From (8), if Kp Vd is positive, then > 0, meaning that P must rise. From the equivalent model in coordinates presented in (1), if the chosen vector has, VLd > VR0d – L2Iq + R2Id , then , > 0 , the selected vector being suitable to boost the active power (reaching condition). Reactive power Qref & Vd in steady state (9) From (9), if, SQ (eQ , t) > 0, then, Q (eQ , t) < 0 , which still implies, meaning that Q must rise. Also, from kQVd( ) < 0 which signify that if kQVd is positive, then must be negative as shown in Fig.2. Considering the current dynamics written in coordinates then, to make sure the reaching condition, the chosen vector must have VLq < VR0q + L2Id + R2Iq to guarantee, meaning the voltage vector has a component suitable to boost the reactive power. To ease vector selection (Table I), sliding surfaces SP (ep , t) and SQ (eQ , t) should be changed to αβ coordinates. In this DPC control system we using table I. In this table group I have six vectors which are not used because they require extra algorithms to calculate these vectors. And group III used for near zero errors. We using only group II having 18 vector combinations. In order to organize the errors ep & eq we using two hysteresis comparator each having three levels International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research Volume.07, IssueNo.02, February-2015, Pages: 0200-0206 Analysis of Matrix Converter Based UPFC such as -1, 0, &1.In this system 9 output voltage error By using above table I based on error combinations the combination are derived. Totally 18 error combinations are system generate corresponding output. Calculation for the used remaining eight active and reactive power error combinations Table II is obtained by generalize the table I. Based on control laws the P, Q controllers were calculated but not dependent on system parameter. TABLE II: Vectors Selection for Different Error StateSpace Vectors Combinations Fig. 2. (a) Sector for input voltages. (b) State space vector selection for output voltage for corresponding input voltage. TABLE I: Output Voltage/Input Current State-Space Vectors And Switching Combinations C. Direct Control of Matrix Converters Input Reactive Power In this system UPFC can be compensate reactive power at the matrix converter input. Sliding surface SQi (eQi ,t) is give reactive power error. Reactive power error e Qi =Qiref - Qi & its first-order time derivative (10) To get a suitable switching frequency, KQi has been chosen, levels (-1 and +1) levels chosen by using one hysteresis comparator. To complete a stability condition (11) From (11), it is seen that the control input, the iq matrix input current, must have sufficient amplitude to impose the sign of Q (eQ , t) . Supposing that there is enough amplitude, (10) and (11) are used to create the criteria (12) to choose the adequate matrix input current vector that imposes the needed sign of the matrix input-phase current related to the output-phase currents by If, Qi (eQi , t) > 0 => Qi (eQi , t) < 0 then select vector with current iq < 0 to Boost Qi. If SQi (eQi , t) < 0 => Qi (eQi , t) > 0 then select vector with current iq > 0 reduce Qi . The sliding mode is reached when vectors useful to the converter have the necessary iq current for satisfy amplitude condition of stability. Corresponding input currents also produce error combinations. So we construct table III for simplicity as shown in Fig.3. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research Volume.07, IssueNo.02, February-2015, Pages: 0200-0206 M.NAGA RAJU, S.MUNI RAJA In this model Where Vs = Sending end sinusoidal voltage Vr = Receiving end sinusoidal voltage Gs = Sending end generator GR = Receiving end generator ZL = Load impedance L2 = Series inductance R2 = Series Resistance In the second diagram represents 3- Φ equivalent circuit matrix UPFC transmission model as shown in Fig.4. Vc = Controllable voltage source VR0 = Load bus voltage Fig.3. (a) Sector allocation for Output currents (b) statespace vectors for input currents. Let consider symmetrical and balanced 3- Φ system and apply KCL to the equivalent circuit as shown in Fig.5. Then Considering the previous example, with the input voltage we get AC line currents in dq coordinates. at sector Vi1 and sliding surfaces signals Sα(ep,t)>0and S( eQi,t) <0 both vectors +9 or -7 would be appropriate to organize the line reactive & active powers errors. For vector +9 gives to •SQi(eQi,t) >0 . For vector -7 originates •SQi(eQi,t) <0. For vector +9 Reactive power sliding surface = SQi(eQi,t) selected as CQi =-1. For vector -7 SQi(eQi,t) is selected as CQi= +1. If the active & reactive power errors are zero then the group III is selected. (12) TABLE III: State-Space Vectors Selection, For Input Voltages Located At Sector Vi1 Fig. 5. 3-Φ equivalent circuit of the matrix UPFC and transmission line. (13) (14) And also get active and reactive power sending end generator side in dq coordinates. (15) IV. PROPOSED SYSTEMS A. General Architecture Let VRod and Vsd = Vd , Vsq= 0 (16) (17) From the equation 4 & 5 we derived Active and reactive powers Pref, Qref Active and reactive currents Idref, Iqref/. Fig.4. Transmission network with matrix converter UPFC as shown in diagram. B. Matrix Converter Output Voltage and Input Current Vectors In this diagram having UPFC system having 3-phase Transformers having windings Ta, Tb, Tc respectively & having nine bidirectional switches. Each having turned ON & turn OFF capability. The system wants one filter to establish smooth input currents as shown in Fig.6. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research Volume.07, IssueNo.02, February-2015, Pages: 0200-0206 Analysis of Matrix Converter Based UPFC From the above analysis 27 possible switches patterns is there. The possible combinations lie in between alpha, beta co-ordinates. In this DPC-MC approaches select any one of these 27 vectors at any Any instant. C. Implementation of the DPC-MC as UPFC Fig.6. Transmission network with matrix converter UPFC. If we neglecting the damping resistance effect. Then we get equations. Fig.7. Control scheme circuit. (18) Where Vid = Input voltage in d-component Viq = Input voltage in q-component. Iid = Input current in d-component Iiq = Input current in q-component Vd = Matrix converter voltage in d-component Vq = Matrix converter voltage in q-component Id = Matrix converter current in d-component Iq = Matrix converter current in q-component Skj = Matrix converter bidirectional switches Skj = 1 for switch closed Skj = 0 for switch open From the above block diagram represents it can seen that control Active &Reactive Power possible only sending end generator side & currents is essential to calculate as shown in Fig.7. Sα(ep, t) and Sβ(eQ, t). In order to control the MC input reactive power require current in input for calculation SQi(eQi, t) and results as shown in Figs.8 to 15. At any time the matrix converter choose appropriate vector selection from table II and II. (19) The MC topological constraint imply kj = 1. Relationship between load voltages and input voltages. (20) Relationship between load currents and input currents, using the transpose of matrix S (21) Fig.8. Matlab/Simulink diagram for MC based UPFC employ SVM technique. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research Volume.07, IssueNo.02, February-2015, Pages: 0200-0206 M.NAGA RAJU, S.MUNI RAJA Fig.12. Reactive Shunt power response with UPFC. Fig. 9. Matlab/Simulink diagram for MC. Fig.13. Total harmonic distortion for MC based UPFC. Fig.10. Matlab/Simulink diagram for MC based UPFC control circuit. Fig.11. Active and reactive series power responses for P&Q step (change in Pref =0.4 p.u& change in Qref =0.2 p.u) with UPFC. Fig.14. Active and reactive power response for model without UPFC. Fig.15. Total harmonic distortion for transmission line without UPFC. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research Volume.07, IssueNo.02, February-2015, Pages: 0200-0206 Analysis of Matrix Converter Based UPFC [10] R. Strzelecki, A. Noculak, H. Tunia, and K. Sozanski, V. CONCLUSION Based on sliding mode control technique this thesis ―UPFC with matrix converter,‖ presented at the EPE Conf., derived advanced nonlinear direct power controllers, for Graz, Austria, Sep. 2001. matrix converters linked to power transmission lines as [11] J. Monteiro, J. Silva, S. Pinto, and J. Palma, ―Unified UPFCs. By using the proposed direct power control the power flow controllers without DC bus: Designing thesis presented simulation results shows that active and controllers for the matrix converter solution,‖ presented at reactive power flow can be gainfully controlled. End results the Int. Conf. Electrical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, display steady-state errors zero, no cross-coupling, 2005. inconsiderateness to non modeled dynamics and quick response times, thus confirm the expected presentation of the existing nonlinear DPC attitude. PI linear active and reactive power controllers compared to obtain DPC-MC results using a modified Venturini high-frequency PWM modulator. Apart from of showing a suitable dynamic response, the PI performance is inferior when compared to direct power control. In addition, modulator and PI controllers take longer times to compute. Obtain results display that DPC is a strong nonlinear control contestant for line active and reactive power flow. It ensures transmissionline power control in addition to sending end reactive power or power factor control. VI. REFERENCES [1] N. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS— Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press/Wiley, 2000. [2] L. 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