M a t h 152A Chapter 2,4; More Application Problems Objectives: • Finding distance, rate, and time for going in the same direction • Finding distance, rate, and time for going in towards each other • Finding distance rate, and time for going in opposite directions • Finding distance, rate, and time for going slow, then going faster • Solve mixture problems C h a p t e r 2.4 Steps for Solving Application Problems: 1. Read, throw out nonsense numbers 2. Assign a variable (What is it asking for?) 3. Write an equation 4. Solve the equation 5. Answer the question! 6. Check, does it make sense? Distance = Rate x Time Finding Distance, Rate, and Time For Going in the Same Direction Ex: Two people start walking at the same time in the same direction. One person walks 4 mph and the other person walks 6 mph. How long until they are 0.5 miles apart. «.fjijV^^(j-^ Let - P^^y^ = t^r>|f S v W ^ : \ \ t \ j c ^ Time Rate Slower t Faster t Distance ^ Equation: HiTaster's distance slower's distance total distance apart ^ " ^ ' ^ Answer: 0.25 hours = time it takes to be 0.5 miles apart Finding Distance, Rate, and Time For Going in the Same Direction and Catching Up Ex: Say you and your friend are hanging out. Your friend takes off going 55 mph down the freeway. Five minutes later, you decide to catch up with her and take off going 60 mph down the same freeway. How long does it take you to catch up to her, and how long has she been driving? Let X- = WccVt'^ 6sK\iK^c^ aa,o; Rate Time Distance Your friend X You Answer: 55 minutes = time it takes took you to catch up 1 hour = time she has been driving Finding Distance, Rate, and Time For Going Towards Each Other Ex: The distance between Gilroy and WatsonviUe is 24 miles. If you left Gilroy going 40 mph at the same time as your friend leaves WatsonviUe, going 45 mph, how long will it take to meet up? Let J - _ Time Rate you t friend t Distance Equation: ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ your distance friend's distance total distance traveled Answer: 0.28 hours (about 17 minutes)« time it takes for both to travel 24 miles You try: 1. Two cars are traveling toward each other from two cities 270 miles apart. One car is going 5 mph slower than the other. They meet up after 2 hours. How fast are they each going? Let_ Then * Rate Faster Slower X *• ?• Time ' Distance /A » — ^ ^ — — Equation: 2x .Jlx-^J^= 2iCL raster's distance slower's distance H>c-\0- vvC Answer: 70 mph = faster car's rate 65 mph = slower car's rate total distance traveled Finding Distance, Rate, and Time For Going In Opposite Directions Ex: Two cars are going in opposite directions and one car is going 10 mph slower than the other. After 1.5 hours they are 150 miles apart. How fast are they each going? „ X Let Then X " \ C . - irvi\if cars -^^rK Faster (c<'i':^f6. ^MCH Rate Time .'^"^^^ (^~\o)'ci.^ Distance A Equation: J / 2 ) c + i £ ^ = JSC Slower raster's distance Answer: 55 mph = faster car's rate 45 mph = slower car's rate X - \ ^ slower's distance ' 6 5 - \ ^ total distance traveled ' 1 j a a You try: 1. A freight train and a passenger train start from the same place and travel in opposite directions. The passenger train travels 15 mph faster than the freight train. After 2 hours, they are 278 miles apart. How fast are they each going? ^ C^¥fS)i>^pi^, Let = "iA'iYAr-^ Then V r f Ar\>V W ^ n > Xi-lO Rate Time Freight z Passenger z Distance Equation: fasler's distance slower's distance -•3C 1± Answer: 62 mph = freight train's rate 77 mph = passenger train's rate total distance traveled Solving Mixture Problems Ex: Three pounds of type A sunflower seed, which sells for $3.60 per pound, are mixed with 2 pounds of type B sunflower seeds, which sells for $4.80 per pound. What should the mixture cost per pound? Let X = (m c] \iMm p r pcmi Equation: $3.60 $4.80 + 3 pounds $x = 2 pounds 5 pounds 3(3M) .aim") = 3 pounds for $3.60each 2 pounds for S4.80 each '5 5 pounds for Sxeach ^ Answer: $4.08 per pound = cost of mixture You try: 1. A nurse mixes 3.3 quarts of a 12% saline solution and 6.7 quarts of a 9% sahne solution. What percent of saline solution will the mixture be? Let A = j.kinnt (j Equation: /4 3i, 5 " ^ i ^ quarts quartsof//%solution Sciifu + SDlufen = quarts quarts of '^1% solution / ( _ quarts iQ quartsofX %solu Answers: 10% = percent of saline solution in the 10 quart mixture fti viM^ Ex: How many ounces of 16% and 30% iodine solution should be mixed together to get 20 ounces of an iodine solution that is 25%? X Let Then Equation: = Lm(t:^ - f IMV^S i% 16% scltdicn ^ + jc ounces X ounces of 16% solution Answer: ^itytta) 30% = 20-Jc ounces 25% 20 ounces 20-x ounces of 30% solution 20 ounces of 25% solution ^2 »fo(c?CXli^J* "^M 7.14 ounces = number ofounces of 16% iodine soTuuon 12.86 ounces = number of ounces of 30% iodine solution '.I^; ~~ ' ~ You try: Grass seed A sells for $2.65 per pound and grass seed B sells for $2.80 per pound. How many pounds of each type should be used to get a 12-pound mixture that sells for $2.70 per pound? Let Then 17-x = fimh iff cycm ^mX ft Equation: + = X pounds IJ~K pounds pounds for'^ tl&'Veach fJ pounds for- * each /2- pounds ' pounds for ^ '•• each Answer: 8 pounds = the number of pounds of grass seed A, that sells for $2,65/lb 4 pounds = the number of pounds of grass seed B, that sells for $2,80/lb Ex: How many liter of an 8% sulfuric acid solution must be mixed with 6 liters of a 15 % solution to get a solution that is 12% sulfuric acid? Let X - lV\f\ C>f Then KHC = sduJiUci Equation: 8% 15% + X liters V ^ = (x+6) liters 6 liters ^ \ X liters of 8% solution \ 12% ^ 6 liters of l5%solution x+6 liters of 12% solution OH Answer: 4.5 = number of liters o f S^Tsulfuric acid solution 10.5 = number of liters of 12% sulfuric acid solution ~ — You try: 1. How many liter of a 12% sulfuric acid solution must be mixed with 2 liters of a 9% solution to get a solution that is 11% sulfuric acid? Let X - mjriM:n Then Xt/> = Equation: = + X liters X liters o£?2-% solution <,/2x liters liters of 117 ) liters solution iX* Z liters of M % solution Jfc^ =ftUy'f.22- -J(x -yS ^ ; c - J & Answer: 4 liters = number of liters of 12% sulfuric acid solutions 6 liters = number of liters of 11% sulfuric acid solution