BlueScope Steel - 33kV Network Protection

BlueScope Steel
33kV Network Protection Upgrade
Supply of 33kV Protection and Control Panels for BlueScope Steel’s
Project No. 2 Blower Substation in Port Kembla, NSW.
Project Type
33 kV network protection upgrade, featuring:
• incomer panel
• transformer panel
• tie feeder panel
• bus coupler panel
• dual transformer panel
• generator transformer panel
• X low impedance busbar panel
• Y high impendance busbar panel.
Port Kembla, New South Wales
Customer Benefits:
• Uniformity across 33kV substations
• Training on MiCOM Relays and their
Schneider Electric is working with BlueScope Steel to upgrade the
33kV network protection systems of the Project No.2 Blower Substation
at Port Kembla in New South Wales.
The decision to upgrade the existing network came after a power supply
failure. Factors leading to the decision to upgrade included the age of the
existing equipment, the large variety of equipment and types of protection
between the substations.
The upgrade project began in 2006 with Areva T&D, five years before
Areva D became part of the Schneider Electric business. The initial
project saw the upgrade of 33kV protection and control panels for the
Oxygen Plant Substation, while similar projects at the Blower B Substation
and the HSM Outdoor Yard have also been completed. The Project No.2
Blower Substation is the latest project to be undertaken in the upgrade.
Make the most of your energy
BlueScope Steel, Port Kembla, New South Wales
The solution
Schneider Electric received an order from
BlueScope Steel to supply 17 of the 33kV
protection and control panels for the Project
No. 2 Blower Substation (165). The 17 panels
comprise of one incomer panel, three tie
feeder panels, eight transformer panels, one
bus coupler panel, one ‘X’ scheme buszone
panel, one ‘Y’ scheme buszone panel, one dual
transformer feeder panel and one generator
transformer feeder panel.
The relays contained in the six different types of
panels are:
• incomer panel: MiCOM P742, P541, P123
and GE L90
• tie feeder panel: MiCOM P742, P541, P123
and MHOR04
• bus coupler panel: MiCOM P742, P123
• transformer panel: MiCOM P631, P742, P123
• ‘Y’ buszone panel: MFAC34, MVTP31
• ‘X’ buszone panel: MiCOM P741
ual transformer feeders panel: MiCOM P633,
P742, P123
enerator transformer feeder panel:
P742, P123.
The MiCOM P740 numerical low impedance
busbar scheme provides complete protection
for all types of voltage busbar configurations.
It introduces a unique combination of security,
speed and sensitivity; including a typical
operating time of 15ms, making it one of the
fastest in its class.
a switch onto fault (SOTF) situation, check
zone scheme to prevent false tripping during
discrepancy in the plant status, and dead zone
protection for the blind spot between the CB and
associated CT, CB failure protection.
Support and training
When the initial Oxygen Plant Substation
was commissioned in 2007, in-depth training
on all relays was provided for the customer.
Subsequently, over a period of approximately
two months; site assistance such as relay
testing, scheme checks, and wiring checks
were provided, assisting the customer to carry
out the pre-commissioning of the panels until
they were ready be put into service.
With three successful network protection upgrade
projects under its belt, Schneider Electric is
looking forward to the successful completion of
the No. 2 Blower Substation project.
This ongoing project represents an effective
collaboration with the customer, design and
pre-commissioning performed successfully and
to the satisfaction of the customer. The project
also demonstrated a close working relationship
with other Schneider Electric business units.
This collaboration enabled Schneider Electric
to quickly ramp up the project team delivery
capability, as and when required.
The No. 2 Blower Substation (33kV I65) is a
double bus system. One peripheral unit (PU)
is assigned to each feeder and two PUs are
assigned to the bus coupler. When the bus
coupler is closed, the topology algorithm
creates a virtual zone that surrounds the circuit
breaker with bus coupler current transformers
as its limits. If a fault were to occur in the
virtual zone, the P740 scheme would initiate a
simultaneous trip of both main zones, including
the bus coupler breaker.
Other important features of the P740 busbar
scheme include circuitry fault detection to provide
the blocking of busbar protection, manual CB
closing input to prevent a false tripping during
Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty Ltd 78 Waterloo Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia. Tel: 1300 369 233 Fax: 1300 369 288
© 2011 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved.
MiCOM P740 benefits